Anyone want to see my cock? You have one, I have one. Or maybe you traded yours in for something less. You might not be able to see yours because your gut is hanging above it, but Jim Jordan’s coworkers still want to see it. Maybe it even has to be examined by a good doctor. Is there a doctor in the house? Or do you want to play doctor just for the day?
Adam didn’t mind seeing his Husband’s (Adam) cock.
It’s always good for both the Penis and the Vagina to get some fresh air. God didn’t give you body parts to be ashamed of. Besides they haven’t started making Burkas specifically for the genitalia region, yet. But with the rise of the Fascist Supreme Justices – who knows! – cock and vagina burkas could be the next #MAGA hat! – of course made right there in good ole United States of China.
I wonder if these hillbillies are ashamed (of their vote)?
Suck it up. Unemployment is down – jobs are plentiful. About time you traded in your smelly farm animals for a real job. There will be a little pain at first, but in the long run you’ll be feeding a bunch of fascist unemployed Americans, after the American government subsidizes you and the dirty coal hogs while earth burns. Maybe Bob’s horse could adjust to a soybean diet.
What a bunch of uptight bitches. What’s the beef? Your breasts are beautiful (or use to be more in than the present). Are breast implant procedures on the rise or downfall compared to penis implants? Maybe penis is becoming more popular today? We need a more conservative fascist supreme to rule out this new found freedom. I only have 4″ – can’t allow this to happen!
Maybe, like The Hump, most conservative Repukes don’t have any organs – problem solved. Nothing to be ashamed about, so nothing to hide….oh, except their phobias of the gays, blacks, and Mexicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 There’s a doctor in the house, but how good he is, I don’t know …
My boy Muhammad was kind of uptight about nudity. His followers carried it to the extreme. Now the whole religion is almost as sexually oppressed as the damn Catholics.or the Southern Baptists!
My boy Muhammad was kind of uptight about nudity. His followers carried it to the extreme. Now the whole religion is almost as sexually oppressed as the damn Catholics.or the Southern Baptists!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Allah seems to have a stutter.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit traded his in on the OR table.
Now when he talks about ‘laying pipe’, it’s a catheter insertion procedure.
Mark Adamsspews:
It is certainly a nice day to be naked here in Bellingham. Though Adam and Eve should have had a nice sun block with at least SPC 30, hopefully waterproof. Maybe a big hat. Wonder if they played volleyball. The writer of the story just yearned to get back to a hunter gatherer life style.
You too could as Marylynn Monroe said have nothing on but the radio. Many of you can share your enjoyment of nudity and your total lack of shame with friends and family with your cool phone. If only Adam and Eve had had cell phones.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The baby-hating Trump administration is threatening and bullying U.N. members to oppose breastfeeding so U.S. manufacturers can sell more baby formula.
I realize true patriots passionately oppose the evil Trump represents, but this is taking protest too far, and they need to restrain themselves. Besides, we want Trumpers to wear ID in public, so we can keep our children and dogs away from them.
I probably could get my canine acquaintances to cooperate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 I have to say, though, they should have arrested the gang member, too. Yes, Trump is a gangster. I know the kid’s only 16, but without a timely intervention, it’s only a matter of time before he’ll be voting for sociopaths. Put him in a controlled environment for his own good.
Better Stillspews:
Continue on your present path.
Roger Rabbitspews:
When even this airhead says overturning Roe v. Wade is a mistake, it probably is.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Tomi Lahren is a moron, period. She knows nothing about anything. She’s on TV because people look at her. I guess it doesn’t really matter what she says, if they’re too busy looking to do any listening, which is my guess. But in this video clip, she proves she’s not only a moron, but an unprincipled moron, too. Yes, she did say overturning Roe v. Wade would be a mistake, but for the wrong reason — she thinks it would cost Republicans the 2020 election. In other words, her opinion is not based on morality, or individual freedom, or upholding precedent, but on political expediency and opinion polls. What a twit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If McConnell is worried about potential SCOTUS nominees, that means he’s counted votes, and doesn’t have enough.
Anyone want to see my cock? You have one, I have one. Or maybe you traded yours in for something less. You might not be able to see yours because your gut is hanging above it, but Jim Jordan’s coworkers still want to see it. Maybe it even has to be examined by a good doctor. Is there a doctor in the house? Or do you want to play doctor just for the day?
Adam didn’t mind seeing his Husband’s (Adam) cock.
It’s always good for both the Penis and the Vagina to get some fresh air. God didn’t give you body parts to be ashamed of. Besides they haven’t started making Burkas specifically for the genitalia region, yet. But with the rise of the Fascist Supreme Justices – who knows! – cock and vagina burkas could be the next #MAGA hat! – of course made right there in good ole United States of China.
I wonder if these hillbillies are ashamed (of their vote)?
Suck it up. Unemployment is down – jobs are plentiful. About time you traded in your smelly farm animals for a real job. There will be a little pain at first, but in the long run you’ll be feeding a bunch of fascist unemployed Americans, after the American government subsidizes you and the dirty coal hogs while earth burns. Maybe Bob’s horse could adjust to a soybean diet.
What a bunch of uptight bitches. What’s the beef? Your breasts are beautiful (or use to be more in than the present). Are breast implant procedures on the rise or downfall compared to penis implants? Maybe penis is becoming more popular today? We need a more conservative fascist supreme to rule out this new found freedom. I only have 4″ – can’t allow this to happen!
Maybe, like The Hump, most conservative Repukes don’t have any organs – problem solved. Nothing to be ashamed about, so nothing to hide….oh, except their phobias of the gays, blacks, and Mexicans.
@1 There’s a doctor in the house, but how good he is, I don’t know …
My boy Muhammad was kind of uptight about nudity. His followers carried it to the extreme. Now the whole religion is almost as sexually oppressed as the damn Catholics.or the Southern Baptists!
My boy Muhammad was kind of uptight about nudity. His followers carried it to the extreme. Now the whole religion is almost as sexually oppressed as the damn Catholics.or the Southern Baptists!
Allah seems to have a stutter.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit traded his in on the OR table.
Now when he talks about ‘laying pipe’, it’s a catheter insertion procedure.
It is certainly a nice day to be naked here in Bellingham. Though Adam and Eve should have had a nice sun block with at least SPC 30, hopefully waterproof. Maybe a big hat. Wonder if they played volleyball. The writer of the story just yearned to get back to a hunter gatherer life style.
You too could as Marylynn Monroe said have nothing on but the radio. Many of you can share your enjoyment of nudity and your total lack of shame with friends and family with your cool phone. If only Adam and Eve had had cell phones.
The baby-hating Trump administration is threatening and bullying U.N. members to oppose breastfeeding so U.S. manufacturers can sell more baby formula.
I realize true patriots passionately oppose the evil Trump represents, but this is taking protest too far, and they need to restrain themselves. Besides, we want Trumpers to wear ID in public, so we can keep our children and dogs away from them.
@12 I don’t know Rog – there is nothing in the Bible that says you can’t borrow a hat and toss hardened water in someone’s face.
Just keep on doing what you’re doing.
@13 When did HA become a theocracy?
@14 You mean this?
I probably could get my canine acquaintances to cooperate.
@13 I have to say, though, they should have arrested the gang member, too. Yes, Trump is a gangster. I know the kid’s only 16, but without a timely intervention, it’s only a matter of time before he’ll be voting for sociopaths. Put him in a controlled environment for his own good.
Continue on your present path.
When even this airhead says overturning Roe v. Wade is a mistake, it probably is.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Tomi Lahren is a moron, period. She knows nothing about anything. She’s on TV because people look at her. I guess it doesn’t really matter what she says, if they’re too busy looking to do any listening, which is my guess. But in this video clip, she proves she’s not only a moron, but an unprincipled moron, too. Yes, she did say overturning Roe v. Wade would be a mistake, but for the wrong reason — she thinks it would cost Republicans the 2020 election. In other words, her opinion is not based on morality, or individual freedom, or upholding precedent, but on political expediency and opinion polls. What a twit.
If McConnell is worried about potential SCOTUS nominees, that means he’s counted votes, and doesn’t have enough.