Genesis 11:10-24
Two years after the flood, when Shem was one hundred, he had a son named Arpachshad. He had more children and died at the age of six hundred. This is a list of his descendants:When Arpachshad was thirty-five, he had a son named Shelah. Arpachshad had more children and died at the age of four hundred thirty-eight.
When Shelah was thirty, he had a son named Eber. Shelah had more children and died at the age of four hundred thirty-three.
When Eber was thirty-four, he had a son named Peleg. Eber had more children and died at the age of four hundred sixty-four.
When Peleg was thirty, he had a son named Reu. Peleg had more children and died at the age of two hundred thirty-nine.
When Reu was thirty-two he had a son named Serug. Reu had more children and died at the age of two hundred thirty-nine.
When Serug was thirty, he had a son named Nahor. Serug had more children and died at the age of two hundred thirty.
When Nahor was twenty-nine, he had a son named Terah. Nahor had more children and died at the age of one hundred forty-eight.
You can’t make this shit up.
Their stated ages are the only legal explanation for their named presence in vote tallies recorded so many decades after their births.
Man, those guys hurt ’em over at the Social Security Administration! How do you fund a retirement plan for hundreds and hundreds of years?
@ 3
Same way you fund one for only a couple of decades. Other peoples’ money.
These ages were in opossum years. Everybody had a pet opossum, in those days, that they carried on their heads. That was very swanky.
There’s probably some sort of message implied by the pattern of progressively shorter life spans with the passage of time and generations.
@ 6
Lifespans measured in years are shortening only because we’re approaching the speed of light. You can see evidence of this in Trump’s hair.
“He had a son called Sheila”. And which bathroom did Sheila use, enquiring minds would like to know.
@4 Let’s start with yours.
@6 They struck oil and invented cars.
@8 Probably the same bush on the village path that everyone else used. The one with the dying yellow leaves.
@3 You do realize whatever the accuracy that only elites (the one percent) would have had their ancestor listed. The King , Chief, Dictator, Boss, ect doesn’t have to worry about social security. That is for those little people of no importance that are not listed here like the wives who had the babies. Or perhaps one woman had all these generations of men. She would like show up generation after generation and then go back to her chapel in the cedars.
Remember this was all for people who did not have air conditioning and were in a desert.
I’m impressed that they could remember who begat whom across a bazillion generations. I can’t even remember whether my father’s father was called Alfred or Arthur.
As has been widely speculated, today on CNN Susanne Craig suggested that the NYT has a bunch more Trump tax documents to report on in the coming weeks.
This story fires on all cylinders.
It reverses Trump momentum and support among wavering Republicans and “conservative” independents. It suppresses Trump support among his core of “working class” white males. And it energizes opposition among a broad cross section of middle class class voters. There is no functional counter narrative for Trump to respond with. And it looks like it’s the October surprise that just keeps on surprising. As the NYT continues to develop the story and report on it, the story will continue to define the news cycle as far as the Republican Party is concerned. Down ticket Republicans will have to be prepared to give an opinion on the nominee and his history of never paying taxes. It puts the entire party on a damage control footing for the foreseeable future.
@15 You’re kidding, right? The “working class” folks in Drumpf’s target audience haven’t believed a word from that Commie rag for…well, years? Minutes? What difference does it make? And y’all know Ken Starr was set up in that last gig of his, don’tcha? Well, don’tcha???????
@14 It’s not that hard when they all have the same mother.
@15 Have you heard about the new nostalgia game? You try to remember things that happened the last time Trump paid taxes.
@ 11, 18
Speaking of poor memories and yellow, dying bush, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, how’s the missus?
I think it is likely the story will suppress his support among working class whites. Already this story is the defining one of the current news cycle. Even the propaganda organs of the campaign are preoccupied with it. And that will probably continue until the next debate. Trump’s core demo will be continuously exposed to this reporting. And they neither register nor turnout with regularity or consistency. Much of his core support is built on a cult of personality enthusiasm that depends at least in part on his image as a populist outsider focused on assisting working class whites. The narrative of this reporting, even the counter-narrative offered by the Trump campaign, defeats that image. And is likely therefore to dampen enthusiasm and suppress registration and turnout.
@20 I’m waiting for Progressives to demand all candidates at the Federal, State and Local level be legally required to show us their tax returns. Otherwise it’s just engaging in silliness to demand a Presidential candidate show us his or her tax returns. Incidentally just how are his tax return going to show all this income from China and Russia? Whatever corporation would have that income is going to keep that money overseas and avoiding American taxes. It’s how the rich do things you poor working American slobs. Right RR? Your overseas carrots are paying off, an you will party well when you next go to Paris and hang out with ze French Hares, and in London where you will hang out with the pygmy rabbit or coneys. Perhaps you will be more exotic and visit some of your Rhorsgobel kin.
That’s right I’m setting up Middle Earth funds for rich folk with more money than sense.