Wish? Is this god a genie? Rub the penis and get three wishes.
Remember folks, always tip your Mohel!
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
I don’t know. It’s probably easier to just get a gun, shoot them and then claim it was an accident or you were just standing your ground.
My boy, Muhammed, intially tried to become the Jews’ next prophet, so he adopted circumcision as part of his “belief” set. Of course, the Jews of the time recognized a con artist when the saw one and laughed him out of town with his “I’m you’re next prophet” schtick. So, here’s Muhammed, laughed at by the Jews, left with nothing.
So he invented Islam to bolster his ego. He kept the circumcision part because he used it to tie his new, made-up religion to Judaism, an obviously older religion – Abraham and all that nonsense, you know.
Muhammad even went so far as the state that Moses and Jesus were Muslims, not Jews. Man, ya gotta hand it too the boy for imagination and self-promotion!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Those Biblical types were a bloodthirsty lot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 You make a lot of misspellings and typos for a god. I counted three in as many paragraphs. Aren’t you divinities supposed to be infallible?
Well, you try remembering thousands of languages and their crazy-assed rules for grammar and writing over the past 100,000 or so and see how well you do at it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Probably not very well, because I lack your divine capacity for perfection.
Well, rabbits are what they are…
Humans invented all religions as a way of explaining their world and the universe. As they went along, religion became a method of control over the population. The crowning glory of religion occurred when the religious shamans, priests, etc., managed to ally themselves with powerful warlords by way of mutual support: if a warlord adopted the particular religion of the day and insisted his people do the same, then the religious manipulator folks would declare it the “gods’ will” or some other jive. It was a very tidy relationship of thousands of years, and it still works today in many areas of the world such as Saudi Arabia.
But all that may be coming to an end.
You know, I never did get the reasoning for the Jews and Muslims dictating genital mutilation. What’s up with that?
Just leave the kids’ private parts alone, for Pete’s sake!
Ima Duncespews:
@11 Never ask for reason when it comes to religion unless you put it in the context of savages emerging from the wild. It could have been a tribe identifier. “Show us your penis” was like show me your I.D. Then you got it in the back if you tried to run. Also, injured and dead on the battlefield would have been easy pick out and save or bury. I always thought nature did a great job by protecting the head of the penis in the bush and making ease of entry possible in coitus. But we’re at war with nature, too.
Better Yetspews:
You’re right: you ARE a dunce.
Ima Duncespews:
@13 Thank you for your contribution.
Better Yetspews:
You’re welcome!
Mark Adamsspews:
All this over Paul’s little joke or bit of sarcasm.
There are several possible translations. Also none of you really hit onto what Galatians is about. That if your a Christian this whole getting circumscribed thing of the Jews isn’t at all necessary. No need for it. Of course all you guys missed your opportunity to speak up for or against female genital mutilation. Doesn’t seem to be much of a Jewish thing, but is definitely big in some areas of Islamic and traditional Africa.
Also Allah you managed to leave out the obvious that the warlord and priest was often the same person. Moses for instance. Hinduism with its 5000 year roots the priestly class is who runs commands armies and run the military. Usually it’s much more the other way. There is also the Pope who calls a Crusade to take back and protect the Christian lands in the middle east.
There is also the Mongols who did not seem to have a major religion. Eventually many adopt Islam, but they kicked Islam’s butt, and were able to be even more vicious than the followers of Mohammed, and it’s entirely possible the Golden Horde would have totally overrun the Muslims if they had not been called back. Don’t fuck with Ghenis Khan or the folks who still live in Mongolia, but they are fun to party with. Beware of fermented Yak’s milk. Stick to a half filled glass of piss!
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 Mark’s writing guide for deities. Less is more. Silence is even better. Let us appreciate the wonders of a tree for ourselves. Or the curves of a man or woman. Let us tell an insufferable religious nut or bore where to stick it, with no worry of blaspheme. Odd you deities can’t make good on your threats when it comes to blaspheme, and must depend on men to carry out your punishments.
Mark Adamsspews:
You type well for a rabbit. Even Harvey could not type.
Mark Adamsspews:
Damn I’m down to cheering for Greenbay or whoever plays the Cowboys.
Of course, this doesn’t apply to trolls posting on other people’s political blogs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 You don’t need fingers. Anybody can do it with their teeth.
Mark Adamsspews:
@22 Care to demonstrate your technique? Yeah you probably need another camera than the one built into your lap top, but I’m sure a script kitty can help you out if you can’t figure out your camera controls.
Mark Adamsspews:
@21 It’s ok the trolls don’t listen to me either. Doubt the gods and deities have adopted my writing guide nor have their minions.
Wish? Is this god a genie? Rub the penis and get three wishes.
Remember folks, always tip your Mohel!
I don’t know. It’s probably easier to just get a gun, shoot them and then claim it was an accident or you were just standing your ground.
My boy, Muhammed, intially tried to become the Jews’ next prophet, so he adopted circumcision as part of his “belief” set. Of course, the Jews of the time recognized a con artist when the saw one and laughed him out of town with his “I’m you’re next prophet” schtick. So, here’s Muhammed, laughed at by the Jews, left with nothing.
So he invented Islam to bolster his ego. He kept the circumcision part because he used it to tie his new, made-up religion to Judaism, an obviously older religion – Abraham and all that nonsense, you know.
Muhammad even went so far as the state that Moses and Jesus were Muslims, not Jews. Man, ya gotta hand it too the boy for imagination and self-promotion!
Those Biblical types were a bloodthirsty lot.
@4 You make a lot of misspellings and typos for a god. I counted three in as many paragraphs. Aren’t you divinities supposed to be infallible?
Well, you try remembering thousands of languages and their crazy-assed rules for grammar and writing over the past 100,000 or so and see how well you do at it.
@7 Probably not very well, because I lack your divine capacity for perfection.
Well, rabbits are what they are…
Humans invented all religions as a way of explaining their world and the universe. As they went along, religion became a method of control over the population. The crowning glory of religion occurred when the religious shamans, priests, etc., managed to ally themselves with powerful warlords by way of mutual support: if a warlord adopted the particular religion of the day and insisted his people do the same, then the religious manipulator folks would declare it the “gods’ will” or some other jive. It was a very tidy relationship of thousands of years, and it still works today in many areas of the world such as Saudi Arabia.
But all that may be coming to an end.
You know, I never did get the reasoning for the Jews and Muslims dictating genital mutilation. What’s up with that?
Just leave the kids’ private parts alone, for Pete’s sake!
@11 Never ask for reason when it comes to religion unless you put it in the context of savages emerging from the wild. It could have been a tribe identifier. “Show us your penis” was like show me your I.D. Then you got it in the back if you tried to run. Also, injured and dead on the battlefield would have been easy pick out and save or bury. I always thought nature did a great job by protecting the head of the penis in the bush and making ease of entry possible in coitus. But we’re at war with nature, too.
You’re right: you ARE a dunce.
@13 Thank you for your contribution.
You’re welcome!
All this over Paul’s little joke or bit of sarcasm.
There are several possible translations. Also none of you really hit onto what Galatians is about. That if your a Christian this whole getting circumscribed thing of the Jews isn’t at all necessary. No need for it. Of course all you guys missed your opportunity to speak up for or against female genital mutilation. Doesn’t seem to be much of a Jewish thing, but is definitely big in some areas of Islamic and traditional Africa.
Also Allah you managed to leave out the obvious that the warlord and priest was often the same person. Moses for instance. Hinduism with its 5000 year roots the priestly class is who runs commands armies and run the military. Usually it’s much more the other way. There is also the Pope who calls a Crusade to take back and protect the Christian lands in the middle east.
There is also the Mongols who did not seem to have a major religion. Eventually many adopt Islam, but they kicked Islam’s butt, and were able to be even more vicious than the followers of Mohammed, and it’s entirely possible the Golden Horde would have totally overrun the Muslims if they had not been called back. Don’t fuck with Ghenis Khan or the folks who still live in Mongolia, but they are fun to party with. Beware of fermented Yak’s milk. Stick to a half filled glass of piss!
@6 Mark’s writing guide for deities. Less is more. Silence is even better. Let us appreciate the wonders of a tree for ourselves. Or the curves of a man or woman. Let us tell an insufferable religious nut or bore where to stick it, with no worry of blaspheme. Odd you deities can’t make good on your threats when it comes to blaspheme, and must depend on men to carry out your punishments.
You type well for a rabbit. Even Harvey could not type.
Damn I’m down to cheering for Greenbay or whoever plays the Cowboys.
Still the tribal savages:
@17 “Less is more. Silence is even better.”
Of course, this doesn’t apply to trolls posting on other people’s political blogs.
@18 You don’t need fingers. Anybody can do it with their teeth.
@22 Care to demonstrate your technique? Yeah you probably need another camera than the one built into your lap top, but I’m sure a script kitty can help you out if you can’t figure out your camera controls.
@21 It’s ok the trolls don’t listen to me either. Doubt the gods and deities have adopted my writing guide nor have their minions.
Nice admission on your part, some deity you are.
Man needs religion like a fish needs a bicycle.