Exodus 35:2
For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it is to be put to death.
I look at the current crop of Politicians, especially the ones of the Conservative bent, and notice one thing. That is, that not a single one of them has ever in their life done a lick of hard work.
They’ve never dug a ditch, they’ve never framed a house or poured concrete, they’ve never stood for 10 hours on a crappy worn out lathe trying to hold a .002 inch tolerance while getting near-red-hot chips down their shirt. They’re all offspring of wealthy blue-bloods who never even had to wipe their own ass until they were in their teens.
Not a single one of them has ever once sullied their hands with anything that might discolor the skin of their palms or generated a callus. They’re the idle parasite class, and they’re damned proud of that fact.
Ima Duncespews:
Why is it nobody ever questions why only one religion gets free airtime on several channels?
Willy Vomitspews:
@ #3
I’ve always noticed the nearly ubiquitous Tele-Evilangelical seems to be a pasty-faced, white-haired often near-anorexic little nebbish type with little or no real personality who always seems to be from Oklahoma or Kansas or some other flyover State, that nobody cares much about because the only real industries are corporate grain farms or chicken farms. Places where the loss of a single manufacturing concern would totally devastate that State’s economy.
They are people who have made incredible fortunes by convincing other people who are trying to live on less than $12 thou a year to send them 10% of their income for Jesus. Because Jesus needs that $40m jet and the 80,000 sq/ft house and the Porsche collection and those direct lines to the White House and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Not to mention every top law firm in their home State.
It’s a pure scam. It’s the oldest scam in all of Human history. The easiest way to run a griftmill is to convince the marks that the shit all over their end of the stick is a small price to pay for making sure that flawlessly coiffed older Gentleman in the blue suit stays permanently coddled and then convincing them that it would be a Crime against God if they should even look at their hands.
@4 Well, if you’re looking for something of an exception, check out Jesse Duplantis. He is, in fact, white-haired, but he’s also hysterically funny.
Note that the ancient scribes quoted God as saying that someone who actually works on the Sabbath should be put to death. Not the lousy schmuck who out him or her up to it.
Mark Adamsspews:
@3 The Mormons get free airtime in Utah and Idaho. Especially when they are doing some kind of big governance meeting. And in Saudi Arabia (the Kingdon) only one religion gets free airtime, and a lot of it.
At least you can read the Koran here with no dire consequences. Read the Bible there or get caught with one can lead to imprisonment or death. They also have real religious police.
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 Of course the real fun begins and Jesus shows up, and intends to use the goodies. What Jesus needs a Porsche for? Hmmmm good guestion probably the same reason any young son of god needs one. Chick magnet. Jesus when he shows up is going to be the man. He will have even more in the bank than Trump. Though he could be like the Dude. Then again he could be really busy having to pay and raise an army and all that for war on some cross roads in the middle east where man has fought so many times before. Somehow I suspect them good old boys are thinking esus won’t show up to collect. Being a shaman is a pretty good gig. L Ron Hubbard sure thought so. Showed them Oklahoma or Kansas televagelists a thing or two, and they are green with envy. Just ask them about his church and they won’t admit that but they will have plenty to say.
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 Better yet is the illogical logic in that these pastors, priests, ect speaking for god to the congregation are in fact working. Or is it only physical labor. I don’t know about them changing a babies diaper is work, it’s a labor, and it can be right smelly and messy, of course it’s considered women’s work, just like cooking so there must be some kind of exception or other for that kind of work…or some weird perverse logic showing the whole thing as a charade. After all it was ok if Adam and Eve worked or did other things. Too ad they didn’t have “The Daily Show” to have sex to, they definitely have missed out. And Abraham cold send his shepherds out, and have fires in the hearth. And Job wasn’t covered by all this because he was not on of the tribes. His story may well have taken place long long before all this in Egypt. All these laws, but it’s unknown what pharaoh the people escaped from. What the borders of Egypt were, and where the tribes of th eapparently peaceful Cannanite tribes were at. Or why slaves are carrying all this gold that is used to make the Arc of the Covenant and golden calfs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I worked on my burrow today, so I’m as good as dead. It’s only a question of when.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Geez, I can’t find anything on YouTube where he talks less than an hour. Most of the video clips are a lot longer than that. Does the guy ever shut up? Maybe when he sleeps?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Boob doesn’t have to worry about forgetting what day it is and getting caught working on the Sabbath. In his case, it doesn’t matter which day he isn’t working on, because he doesn’t work on any of them. Unless you call posting on HA “work.”
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 10
Nobody gets out alive.
Ima Duncespews:
@7 I really don’t give a squat what they do in Saudi Arabia. We have laws against establishing state religion here. And a federal agency regulates the use of free airtime here. And there is clearly a bias. It should end. Especially when these grifters use it to raise money, tax free.
Mark Adamsspews:
@11 He probably claims it’s a god given talent.
Mark Adamsspews:
@14 You want to tell me about all this free airtime? Seems the government auctions off the airwaves. A small portion of that is given to stations like NPR or Public TV where diverse opinions are presented. And yes religion makes it onto both though not in the form of a particular televangelist.
The cable world is not regulated by Uncle Sam, and it can be relatively cheap to set up a channel. Nothing stops these folks from setting up a channel, or a tent outside any ones city or town. They have been part of America since the Great Awakening. These kind of activities are social events as much as they are religious and are very popular in some parts of the country. This of course makes it lucrative. So bring on the Shaman. We do have the first Amendment so why not chuckle about the gullible fools being taken, and appreciate the grifters art form. One may have to be taken in a bar by a Irish con man a time or two before one becomes skeptical. After all we are all the fool in time in parts of life and at new beginnings.
While we are not a Christian nation there are those who believe we are. In many ways and in many communities they have a valid point. While the Constitution separated the Federal government from religion it did not separate the states from religion and nearly every state had an official religion supported by the state. The only thing that kept state churches from being even more active in their agenda is the diversity of Christianity. It started out as one church sort of back in Europe and then broke apart, and many people ran from Europe to escape the violence of the reformation giving rise to a least a theory of tolerance here.
The reality that your, me and others may not like is that the United States is a Christian nation and it’s also not. It’s a chameleon and the majority religion makes it way into the public space and other spaces. And sometimes you gotta push back on these folks. Sometimes you gotta be a jerk or they will run you right over. Sometimes you gotta be mad and tell them you aren’t going to take it anymore, and tell the Shaman to stick it.
You want to see where being a Christian or overly religious nation then you have to look at Saudi Arabia, or Iran, or Italy, or Great Britain all nations with a national religion in contrast with these United States. What we have is superior to these nations making us a great house upon the hill, but there are those among us who would happily establish their religion as our national religion. They have a right to try, We should do as much as we can to hoot, holler, laugh and use whatever arguments we have to tell them to stick it. Saudi Arabia is just full of wonderful examples, of what the religious zealots, evangelists would make these United States given a chance. So maybe you should give half a shit and expand your horizons. In both appreciating your fellow human beings and their myriad beliefs, and understanding the limits of the 1st Amendment in a Christian United States.
Boob thinks every day is the seventh day.
@ #1
It is, if one is a Billionaire.
I look at the current crop of Politicians, especially the ones of the Conservative bent, and notice one thing. That is, that not a single one of them has ever in their life done a lick of hard work.
They’ve never dug a ditch, they’ve never framed a house or poured concrete, they’ve never stood for 10 hours on a crappy worn out lathe trying to hold a .002 inch tolerance while getting near-red-hot chips down their shirt. They’re all offspring of wealthy blue-bloods who never even had to wipe their own ass until they were in their teens.
Not a single one of them has ever once sullied their hands with anything that might discolor the skin of their palms or generated a callus. They’re the idle parasite class, and they’re damned proud of that fact.
Why is it nobody ever questions why only one religion gets free airtime on several channels?
@ #3
I’ve always noticed the nearly ubiquitous Tele-Evilangelical seems to be a pasty-faced, white-haired often near-anorexic little nebbish type with little or no real personality who always seems to be from Oklahoma or Kansas or some other flyover State, that nobody cares much about because the only real industries are corporate grain farms or chicken farms. Places where the loss of a single manufacturing concern would totally devastate that State’s economy.
They are people who have made incredible fortunes by convincing other people who are trying to live on less than $12 thou a year to send them 10% of their income for Jesus. Because Jesus needs that $40m jet and the 80,000 sq/ft house and the Porsche collection and those direct lines to the White House and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Not to mention every top law firm in their home State.
It’s a pure scam. It’s the oldest scam in all of Human history. The easiest way to run a griftmill is to convince the marks that the shit all over their end of the stick is a small price to pay for making sure that flawlessly coiffed older Gentleman in the blue suit stays permanently coddled and then convincing them that it would be a Crime against God if they should even look at their hands.
@4 Well, if you’re looking for something of an exception, check out Jesse Duplantis. He is, in fact, white-haired, but he’s also hysterically funny.
Note that the ancient scribes quoted God as saying that someone who actually works on the Sabbath should be put to death. Not the lousy schmuck who out him or her up to it.
@3 The Mormons get free airtime in Utah and Idaho. Especially when they are doing some kind of big governance meeting. And in Saudi Arabia (the Kingdon) only one religion gets free airtime, and a lot of it.
At least you can read the Koran here with no dire consequences. Read the Bible there or get caught with one can lead to imprisonment or death. They also have real religious police.
@4 Of course the real fun begins and Jesus shows up, and intends to use the goodies. What Jesus needs a Porsche for? Hmmmm good guestion probably the same reason any young son of god needs one. Chick magnet. Jesus when he shows up is going to be the man. He will have even more in the bank than Trump. Though he could be like the Dude. Then again he could be really busy having to pay and raise an army and all that for war on some cross roads in the middle east where man has fought so many times before. Somehow I suspect them good old boys are thinking esus won’t show up to collect. Being a shaman is a pretty good gig. L Ron Hubbard sure thought so. Showed them Oklahoma or Kansas televagelists a thing or two, and they are green with envy. Just ask them about his church and they won’t admit that but they will have plenty to say.
@6 Better yet is the illogical logic in that these pastors, priests, ect speaking for god to the congregation are in fact working. Or is it only physical labor. I don’t know about them changing a babies diaper is work, it’s a labor, and it can be right smelly and messy, of course it’s considered women’s work, just like cooking so there must be some kind of exception or other for that kind of work…or some weird perverse logic showing the whole thing as a charade. After all it was ok if Adam and Eve worked or did other things. Too ad they didn’t have “The Daily Show” to have sex to, they definitely have missed out. And Abraham cold send his shepherds out, and have fires in the hearth. And Job wasn’t covered by all this because he was not on of the tribes. His story may well have taken place long long before all this in Egypt. All these laws, but it’s unknown what pharaoh the people escaped from. What the borders of Egypt were, and where the tribes of th eapparently peaceful Cannanite tribes were at. Or why slaves are carrying all this gold that is used to make the Arc of the Covenant and golden calfs.
I worked on my burrow today, so I’m as good as dead. It’s only a question of when.
@5 Geez, I can’t find anything on YouTube where he talks less than an hour. Most of the video clips are a lot longer than that. Does the guy ever shut up? Maybe when he sleeps?
@1 Boob doesn’t have to worry about forgetting what day it is and getting caught working on the Sabbath. In his case, it doesn’t matter which day he isn’t working on, because he doesn’t work on any of them. Unless you call posting on HA “work.”
@ 10
Nobody gets out alive.
@7 I really don’t give a squat what they do in Saudi Arabia. We have laws against establishing state religion here. And a federal agency regulates the use of free airtime here. And there is clearly a bias. It should end. Especially when these grifters use it to raise money, tax free.
@11 He probably claims it’s a god given talent.
@14 You want to tell me about all this free airtime? Seems the government auctions off the airwaves. A small portion of that is given to stations like NPR or Public TV where diverse opinions are presented. And yes religion makes it onto both though not in the form of a particular televangelist.
The cable world is not regulated by Uncle Sam, and it can be relatively cheap to set up a channel. Nothing stops these folks from setting up a channel, or a tent outside any ones city or town. They have been part of America since the Great Awakening. These kind of activities are social events as much as they are religious and are very popular in some parts of the country. This of course makes it lucrative. So bring on the Shaman. We do have the first Amendment so why not chuckle about the gullible fools being taken, and appreciate the grifters art form. One may have to be taken in a bar by a Irish con man a time or two before one becomes skeptical. After all we are all the fool in time in parts of life and at new beginnings.
While we are not a Christian nation there are those who believe we are. In many ways and in many communities they have a valid point. While the Constitution separated the Federal government from religion it did not separate the states from religion and nearly every state had an official religion supported by the state. The only thing that kept state churches from being even more active in their agenda is the diversity of Christianity. It started out as one church sort of back in Europe and then broke apart, and many people ran from Europe to escape the violence of the reformation giving rise to a least a theory of tolerance here.
The reality that your, me and others may not like is that the United States is a Christian nation and it’s also not. It’s a chameleon and the majority religion makes it way into the public space and other spaces. And sometimes you gotta push back on these folks. Sometimes you gotta be a jerk or they will run you right over. Sometimes you gotta be mad and tell them you aren’t going to take it anymore, and tell the Shaman to stick it.
You want to see where being a Christian or overly religious nation then you have to look at Saudi Arabia, or Iran, or Italy, or Great Britain all nations with a national religion in contrast with these United States. What we have is superior to these nations making us a great house upon the hill, but there are those among us who would happily establish their religion as our national religion. They have a right to try, We should do as much as we can to hoot, holler, laugh and use whatever arguments we have to tell them to stick it. Saudi Arabia is just full of wonderful examples, of what the religious zealots, evangelists would make these United States given a chance. So maybe you should give half a shit and expand your horizons. In both appreciating your fellow human beings and their myriad beliefs, and understanding the limits of the 1st Amendment in a Christian United States.