Exodus 35:2
For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it is to be put to death.
Death shmeath. If you want people’s attention, threaten to take away their fucking phones.
Daniel Robinsonspews:
You didn’t include verses 3-8.
3: But on the Sabbath shalt thou make holy games and merriment. Thou shalt make a ‘thing’ * from the bladder of a pig, only this part of the pig may be used. Only this thing shall be used in thy holy games.
4: Thou shalt blow with thy mouth air into the pig’s bladder so that it is large and the grip is uneven. This is a lesson to you that the toil that I set you to is hard and unfair. It is a reminder of the sin that you pay for.
5: Thou shalt mark off a place in a holy field for the use of this thing, 100 cubits wide by 200 cubits long shall be it. And thou shalt place stripes every 20 cubits.
6: And on this field shalt you place your best men from two tribes at one time, eleven from each tribe. And the best men shall struggle against each other to move the thing from one end of the holy field to the other.
7: And you shall see redemption in this struggle from the toils to which I have put you. And you shall think of these things as you toil in the fields and the moments of triumph of your best men will sustain you in dark days.
8: But woe unto he who plays with the thing while it is not round and uneven. For he who cheats at the holy struggle shall be cast out, even if he is fair in the eyes of God and has a wife of great beauty. For he is cursed by the Belicheck, the demon who sits at the right hand of Satan.
*Translator’s note: like cherubim, this word appears once in the Bible and it’s meaning is unclear. It is translated here as ‘thing’ because of usage.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
Irrelevant today – only the Gay condemnation stuff is relevant today – but you never know, if the Nazis have their way, this too could come to fruition.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
Aside from that, it is perfectly acceptable today to be a child molester and get away with, because the good people make mistakes.
Have you noticed than “put to death” appears a lot in the Bible?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 That explains the twentieth century, and the Dark Ages too.
Death? Or cake? I’d prefer cake.
Ima Duncespews:
@5 Without fear, religion would collapse like cheap patio furniture.
Mark Adamsspews:
Lord union organizers and members would like to talk to you about this particular passage. This whole work 6 days a week from dawn till dusk thing We want a 40 hour week and two days off a week. That Moses dude is a harsh task master all freaking day! What about safety! We are so freaking tired by the 7th day that death sounds like a pretty good deal. Think we will all go out and pick up sticks this coming Sunday. We plan to work in protest and how dare you threaten the working man particularly those in the red states with right to work laws with death. We welcome that to our current daily toil from dawn to dusk, so takes lord. Looking forward to death Lord. Your friends at the AFL/CIO and the tribal workers d the future workers of Canaan.
PS a little more cool water during breaks would be nice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Don’t forget three weeks of vacation and paid maternity leave.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well this is what the “right to work” and not belong to a union looks like: $7.25 an hour, and because you can’t live on that, a second job also paying $7.25 an hour, so now you’re working 60-70 hours a week with no days off and no paid vacation or sick leave, just to afford rent on a cheap flat and eat mac-and-cheese for dinner every night. Some “rights”!
I’d rather be enslaved to a union, work only 40 hours a week, with paid vacation and sick leave, and health and retirement benefits, making enough to afford a 4-bedroom, 2-bath home with two cars, an RV, and a motorcycle in the driveway.
When you crunch the numbers, union servitude beats Republican freedom every time.
Now we know why the bird in the gilded cage sings.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Why should one bird get all the gilding, when there’s enough to go around for all the birds to get gilded cages?
Why live in a gilded cage in the first place?
Politically Incorrectspews:
12, 13, 14:
Why don’t the two of you move in together and talk about bird cages all day long?
yep, the one good thing about ChikFilA is that they’re closed on Sundays.
being Baptists and all.
don’t know if they practice the “put to death”, which I guess makes them evil sinners doomed to eternal punishment.
Mark Adamsspews:
Actually this whole no work on the Sabbath has always caused me to wonder. I know the crux of it is the definition of work. Many practicing Jews take this very seriously. Still it’s been a long time since the Kingdom of Israel existed. Also this work thing didn’t apply to priests. It apparently didn’t apply to the state as there were soldiers (or do you just go with having only gentiles on the walls on the Sabbath? The whole no fires in your house on the Sabbath seems more than mildly inconvenient yet we are not talking Minnesota winter here. To some extent a day of rest seems to make since for an agrarian society, yet what of the cows and sheep. How do famers and shepherds not work on the Sabbath?
This is also a big deal in the New Testament as Jesus and his followers escape stoning because they were working, though they were just doing it to eat. How about entertainers and musicians they always seem to be in demand on the Sabbath…does union membership get them out of the whole death thing? Or oes calling it a gig instead of job or work get you out from under the whole death thing.
So how do Jewish people today actually abide by this? Some obviously do not. Odd how the Israeli army doesn’t like Jewish fundamentalist conscripts. Do normal Jewish people just hide in their house and pretend they didn’t use the vacuum? the washer or dryer? If there is a flood like in Austin Texas does that let you do work or do you have to wait until midnight Sunday morning?
Mark Adamsspews:
Can Jewish people go camping on the Sabbath? No collecting wood or it then not work? And no campfire? Or It ok as it’s not the hearth?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Are you a communist?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
What a bunch of crap above! Blasphemers of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! Sad, really sad!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Yet Mitt Romney claimed to have binders full of womens’ resumes for future hiring purposes and libtard left wrong media goes nutzo!
Mark Adamsspews:
@20 As the only person on the current subject who has mentioned Jesus I think you full of crap here. You cannot get around what the New Testament says and that in some cases the gospels have some logic holes. One of those logic holes and a significant issue to Jews and Christians is this whole no work on the Sabbath. You have Christ who says in some spots that he supports the laws in the Torah. Yet on this no work on Sunday he is almost stoned to death but escapes. Christians are free of the law. As a practical matter I’m puzzled how the state of Israel is supposed to function if you apply this., I don’t know how Israel could function with no one supposed to be working on the Sabbath either as an independent state or under Roman occupation. Did they just turn everything over to the gentiles and therefore need gentiles? Would a modern day Israel that abided by this need to Palestinian’s around so they can have the Sabbath and the Palestinians can work and guard the border and man the army and air force. So what happens if the modern state of Israel abides by what the bible says here? I as Mark the prophet predict the first fundamentalist Sabbath that literally follows the bible literally will be the last Sabbath the State of Israel will celebrate, as there will be only the single state of Palestine..a bloody Palestine until the streets are cleaned up anyway.
Mark Adamsspews:
No response. So try this is the lawgiver Moses under the law? Does this whole no work on the Sabbath apply to him, It does not, mush the same as it doesn’t apply to any ancient king or despot. It can’t after all he is murderer. At least according to the story.
Death shmeath. If you want people’s attention, threaten to take away their fucking phones.
You didn’t include verses 3-8.
3: But on the Sabbath shalt thou make holy games and merriment. Thou shalt make a ‘thing’ * from the bladder of a pig, only this part of the pig may be used. Only this thing shall be used in thy holy games.
4: Thou shalt blow with thy mouth air into the pig’s bladder so that it is large and the grip is uneven. This is a lesson to you that the toil that I set you to is hard and unfair. It is a reminder of the sin that you pay for.
5: Thou shalt mark off a place in a holy field for the use of this thing, 100 cubits wide by 200 cubits long shall be it. And thou shalt place stripes every 20 cubits.
6: And on this field shalt you place your best men from two tribes at one time, eleven from each tribe. And the best men shall struggle against each other to move the thing from one end of the holy field to the other.
7: And you shall see redemption in this struggle from the toils to which I have put you. And you shall think of these things as you toil in the fields and the moments of triumph of your best men will sustain you in dark days.
8: But woe unto he who plays with the thing while it is not round and uneven. For he who cheats at the holy struggle shall be cast out, even if he is fair in the eyes of God and has a wife of great beauty. For he is cursed by the Belicheck, the demon who sits at the right hand of Satan.
*Translator’s note: like cherubim, this word appears once in the Bible and it’s meaning is unclear. It is translated here as ‘thing’ because of usage.
Irrelevant today – only the Gay condemnation stuff is relevant today – but you never know, if the Nazis have their way, this too could come to fruition.
Aside from that, it is perfectly acceptable today to be a child molester and get away with, because the good people make mistakes.
Have you noticed than “put to death” appears a lot in the Bible?
@5 That explains the twentieth century, and the Dark Ages too.
Death? Or cake? I’d prefer cake.
@5 Without fear, religion would collapse like cheap patio furniture.
Lord union organizers and members would like to talk to you about this particular passage. This whole work 6 days a week from dawn till dusk thing We want a 40 hour week and two days off a week. That Moses dude is a harsh task master all freaking day! What about safety! We are so freaking tired by the 7th day that death sounds like a pretty good deal. Think we will all go out and pick up sticks this coming Sunday. We plan to work in protest and how dare you threaten the working man particularly those in the red states with right to work laws with death. We welcome that to our current daily toil from dawn to dusk, so takes lord. Looking forward to death Lord. Your friends at the AFL/CIO and the tribal workers d the future workers of Canaan.
PS a little more cool water during breaks would be nice.
@9 Don’t forget three weeks of vacation and paid maternity leave.
Well this is what the “right to work” and not belong to a union looks like: $7.25 an hour, and because you can’t live on that, a second job also paying $7.25 an hour, so now you’re working 60-70 hours a week with no days off and no paid vacation or sick leave, just to afford rent on a cheap flat and eat mac-and-cheese for dinner every night. Some “rights”!
I’d rather be enslaved to a union, work only 40 hours a week, with paid vacation and sick leave, and health and retirement benefits, making enough to afford a 4-bedroom, 2-bath home with two cars, an RV, and a motorcycle in the driveway.
When you crunch the numbers, union servitude beats Republican freedom every time.
Now we know why the bird in the gilded cage sings.
@12 Why should one bird get all the gilding, when there’s enough to go around for all the birds to get gilded cages?
Why live in a gilded cage in the first place?
12, 13, 14:
Why don’t the two of you move in together and talk about bird cages all day long?
yep, the one good thing about ChikFilA is that they’re closed on Sundays.
being Baptists and all.
don’t know if they practice the “put to death”, which I guess makes them evil sinners doomed to eternal punishment.
Actually this whole no work on the Sabbath has always caused me to wonder. I know the crux of it is the definition of work. Many practicing Jews take this very seriously. Still it’s been a long time since the Kingdom of Israel existed. Also this work thing didn’t apply to priests. It apparently didn’t apply to the state as there were soldiers (or do you just go with having only gentiles on the walls on the Sabbath? The whole no fires in your house on the Sabbath seems more than mildly inconvenient yet we are not talking Minnesota winter here. To some extent a day of rest seems to make since for an agrarian society, yet what of the cows and sheep. How do famers and shepherds not work on the Sabbath?
This is also a big deal in the New Testament as Jesus and his followers escape stoning because they were working, though they were just doing it to eat. How about entertainers and musicians they always seem to be in demand on the Sabbath…does union membership get them out of the whole death thing? Or oes calling it a gig instead of job or work get you out from under the whole death thing.
So how do Jewish people today actually abide by this? Some obviously do not. Odd how the Israeli army doesn’t like Jewish fundamentalist conscripts. Do normal Jewish people just hide in their house and pretend they didn’t use the vacuum? the washer or dryer? If there is a flood like in Austin Texas does that let you do work or do you have to wait until midnight Sunday morning?
Can Jewish people go camping on the Sabbath? No collecting wood or it then not work? And no campfire? Or It ok as it’s not the hearth?
@15 Are you a communist?
What a bunch of crap above! Blasphemers of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! Sad, really sad!
Bernie Sanders writes an article about women fantasizing about being raped by three guys at once http://nypost.com/2015/05/29/b.....bout-rape/ and basically gets a pass at Meet the Depressed yesterday… http://www.mediaite.com/tv/ber.....the-press/
Bernie gets a pass from the press or full left wrong e-rag coverups! Oh my!
Yet Mitt Romney claimed to have binders full of womens’ resumes for future hiring purposes and libtard left wrong media goes nutzo!
@20 As the only person on the current subject who has mentioned Jesus I think you full of crap here. You cannot get around what the New Testament says and that in some cases the gospels have some logic holes. One of those logic holes and a significant issue to Jews and Christians is this whole no work on the Sabbath. You have Christ who says in some spots that he supports the laws in the Torah. Yet on this no work on Sunday he is almost stoned to death but escapes. Christians are free of the law. As a practical matter I’m puzzled how the state of Israel is supposed to function if you apply this., I don’t know how Israel could function with no one supposed to be working on the Sabbath either as an independent state or under Roman occupation. Did they just turn everything over to the gentiles and therefore need gentiles? Would a modern day Israel that abided by this need to Palestinian’s around so they can have the Sabbath and the Palestinians can work and guard the border and man the army and air force. So what happens if the modern state of Israel abides by what the bible says here? I as Mark the prophet predict the first fundamentalist Sabbath that literally follows the bible literally will be the last Sabbath the State of Israel will celebrate, as there will be only the single state of Palestine..a bloody Palestine until the streets are cleaned up anyway.
No response. So try this is the lawgiver Moses under the law? Does this whole no work on the Sabbath apply to him, It does not, mush the same as it doesn’t apply to any ancient king or despot. It can’t after all he is murderer. At least according to the story.