Exodus 32:27-29
Then he said to them, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’” The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. Then Moses said, “You have been set apart to the LORD today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day.”
#CrookedHillary can’t carry that much weight. A cane, maybe. Or, this being Bible Study, a Cain. ’cause she’s not Able to walk unassisted these days.
Sounds like Muslim radical Koran talk. But there is nothing wrong with that.
@1 yes, Glory Days are ahead after Drumpf is elected! Glory to be God. Amen.
How do you kill people with a sword that’s strapped to your side? Isn’t it a lot more easy and effective to have a sword that’s in your hand and being waved about?
@1 An unconscious Hillary is still a better president than anything you’ve got.
@4 That’s one bloodthirsty God those people had, but I guess everything was cruder and less civilized in those days. Pope Francis is gentler, so you have nothing to fear.
@6 Of course you are assuming that the events actually took place. Truth could be that it never happened. Yep folks it never literally happened the whole story was concocted by a few drunk herdsmen who happened to be Canaanite’s and the Babylonian’s embellished the story. Also in that area it would be near impossible for there to be enough sustenance for three thousand, so maybe this story got changed from one of mercy and brining an end to suffering.
Although in other current news the South Korean’s have announced they have plans of destroying the North Korean capital. Civil wars and brother against brother always are nasty affairs.
The Eagles won.
Go Seahawks!
On this, the 15th anniversary of America’s Second Pearl Harbor, let us not forget that it was Republican negligence which brought us that day of unspeakable horrors, followed by two bungled wars, one of them against the wrong country:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, “The Clinton Wars” (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Nothing is going to change until the West gets the hell out of the Middle East. Islam needs to stew in its own juice for a decade or two before young Muslims realize how fucked up their religion is and make meaningful changes.
Making America hate again…
Perhaps after the oil runs out. Yep everything was peachy keen in the days of the Ottoman Empire. Centuries of young Muslims. Hmmm seems they were happy with the religion or were apathetic.