Exodus 32:27-29
Then he said to them, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’” The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. Then Moses said, “You have been set apart to the LORD today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day.”
Exodus 20:13
Thou shalt not kill.
It’s all bullshit. The whole book is bullshit.
It seems kind of two-faced to me, to say at Chapter 20 don’t kill, and then just twelve Chapters later send your chosen people out on a killing spree. That god must’ve been a Republican.
I once asked a rabbi, priest and preacher about this. Their answer was that the commandment is “Thou shalt not murder” and that “war” is not murder. More proof, if any was needed, that this book was written by nothing more than a bunch of self serving old men.
Today’s Bible Study Moral:
Anyone who says that “god” speaks to them should be immediately confined with the criminally insane so that they are not able to harm others.
Ima Dunce ..
I dunno where you found such an ignorant rabbi, BUT the text is not about war, it is about killing dissidents and blasphemers.
Kinda sorta like ISIS or the GOP>
Alan Wat referred to The Bible as the world’s most dangerous book. I think he was right about that.
Kinda sorta like ISIS or the GOP>
Yeah right. It’s more like what DUMMOCRETINS do to DUMMOCRETINS who are against Planned Parenthood!
Or what DUMMOCRETIN did to Joe Lieberman!
Or what DUMMOCRETINS did to Zell Miller!
@7 Or what the GOP would like to do to Donald Trump …
@5 Right on Brother!
Notice how the Puffy is so sensitive to it. He knows it is true and can’t handle the Truth.
I see his beloved Buddy, fuckabee, the I don’t think the Duggar Boy did anything wrong because he’s a good Christian guy, or I don’t see what’s wrong with the Southern Bigot flag guy, is saying that the Presidentbis leading Isresl to the gas chamber.
Fight fire with fire!
The only only wishing to lead someone to the gas chambers is Fuckabee, he’d send the gays there and the abortionists there in a heart beat. I’d love to see that play with a gun and something go wrong. Kaboom!
“Thou shalt not kill” should be read as “Thou shalt not kill members of thine own tribe” because the rest of the Old Testament is pretty blood soaked.
Remember ‘shibboleth’? That was about members of northern tribes killing members of a southern tribe who had attacked neighbors of the northern tribes. The northern tribes, not wanting to be seen as being in league with the raiders from the south, waylaid the raiders at a fording cross and made them say the word ‘shibboleth’. Those that could say it correctly were allowed to pass. The ones who could not say it correctly were assumed to be from the southern tribes and were killed.
So funny watching the buttbuster grasp for straws or other things.
Huckabee? NOPE you dope!
Anyone else hear Chuck Toad’s interview with Gov. John Kasich? I distinctly heard Kasich say that as long as “illegal” immigrants attend church (among other things) they should be allowed to stay. Being the toad that he is, Chuckie boy failed to ask about people who don’t attend church.
First of all the first five books of the bible have a great deal of fiction in them. Great fiction but fiction all the same, some of that fiction is based on Babylonian stories and some Egyptian ones that were already great fiction in those days. The Bible seems to be an answer to the child asking the question as to why do we celebrate Passover and no one knowing the real reason. After all we needed Mr. Nash to create our Santa Claus.
As it is there really is no contradiction between the two here. The commandment Thou Shalt Not Kill is that you won’t go out and kill for your own ends and devices and arguable doesn’t mean you can’t defend yourself. Though when the state demands it you as a citizen can be told to go out and kill. Clearly Moses the great general is preparing his great army here that will in the future invade Canaan. The state must have an army whose members will kill. It’s even better when you can get all the members of a tribe to participate like in a good old fashion stoning as that puts blood on every ones hands, and no one is personally guilty of murder. No sin on anyone. Just make sure no one asks any well enlightening questions. Best to burn a few Joan at Arcs at the stake for god and country than have rational thinking citizens.
“I see his beloved Buddy, fuckabee…”
Huckabee and his Southern Baptists love Israel and the Jews and you don’t! Accept Jesus into your heart and you can give them some Christian love too!
“The Jews are a nervous people. Nineteen centuries of Christian love have taken a toll.” Benjamin Disraeli
But Huckabee and his Southern Baptists! So much love!
“Southern Baptists generally believe that the natural destination for humanity is eternal punishment in Hell. The religious beliefs and practices of Jews will not save them from this fate, because God has unilaterally terminated his covenants with the Jewish people.”
“Only those individuals who have trusted Jesus as Lord and Savior will attain heaven.”
Like the batshit loon says, a loving Confederate flag-waving Jesus armed with an RR-47 is gonna come floating down from heaven on a silver-lined cloud to save all of the batshit crazy loons in this world and the rest of us are totally and completely fucked, including Jews.
But Huckabee and the Southern Baptists are so full of love!
Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations said: “We’d like a little less love and a little more respect.There’s a kind of theological arrogance that pervades all of this, a certain willingness on their part to play God, and an absence of awareness that these sorts of statements throughout history are associated with coercion, hatred and violence.”
Now may the End of Days begin!
Thou shalt not kill them with kindness.
I believe that’s what the tablet originally said, but Moses chipped off a corner scraping out a dingleberry.
God is still a dick. Confused dick, but a dick nonetheless.