Exodus 32:24-29
Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies. So he stood at the entrance to the camp and said, “Whoever is for the LORD, come to me.” And all the Levites rallied to him.Then he said to them, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’ ” The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. Then Moses said, “You have been set apart to the LORD today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day.”
Scripture from one Terrorist to another.
The radical Right only dislikes ISIS and Hezbollah because they are jealous of them……just like they are of gay people.
Don’t get me wrong – there is definitely a war to fight. Wars aren’t pretty. But some do it in self defense of their freedom(s) and others do it in offense out of fear and hate. RESIST!
Wars are stupid though – think of the all the bombed out buildings, and destroyed infrastructure, and scarred individuals, aside from the death(s). Maybe the best think is to actually die. “Can’t we all just get along”
Then there is war over resources, land and dominance, for continuing existence of heritage – breeders should know this best.
Good luck people.
“Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’ ””
Moses would like the good ol’s USA these days much better. No need for heavy and burdensome swords and daggers, just a few easily obtained AR-15’s and some high capacity clips and he could accomplish this in a few minutes, an hour tops, with much fewer “god squad” solders.
“Scripture from one Terrorist to another.
The radical Right only dislikes ISIS and Hezbollah because they are jealous of them……just like they are of gay people.”
Ain’t that the sad truth.
This is the bible verse folks should immediately have in mind when xtrian fucktwits like Mike Pence say god “speaks” to them.
I probably didn’t pay that much attention (I think I am a bit ADD, but anyways…), but I don’t remember being taught this kind of stuff at Catechism Class. What I think I remember is the good, kind stuff, like help the poor and The Ten Commandments.
I wonder why they didn’t teach the above kind of stuff – do you think it would have scared off a few people?
@5 “I wonder why they didn’t teach the above kind of stuff”
They do teach it. They reserve it for those that dare to think for themselves and/or start to stray.
They lull you in with all the nice “good feeling” stuff and as long as you buy into it, everything is great. Start to step out of line or show doubt, break out the fire and brimstone and a little of the “ultra violence” and that should keep you in line.
The shepherd minding the flock, in more ways than one.
Organized religion isn’t about peace, love, and understanding; it is all about dominance and control.
Ted Nugent digs this kind of shit. Except he prefers to use an assault rifle with scope and bump stock.
Clearly Assad of Syria is taking the Lord’s and Moses advice.
Was Moses a NAZi? Nope not German. Was he a fascist, hmmm hard to tell no trains to make run on time.
Democrats screwing over other Democrats.
The corporate democrats are stacking the deck. If so the wave could be smaller than expected.
@1 Either Moses is one of history’s truly great Generals in a part of the world that can be especially vicious or the bulk of the story is just a story. Thus far not a lot of archeological evidence supports the story of Moses and the Exodus.
Every year the youngest person at the table got up and asked why they do Passover. So finally some adult got with their Babylonian friends and overlords, and provided an answer to the question.
The true story of Passover could be that Uncle Mecham kept getting passed over to do the main hall at the Temple. o one liked his jokes, and his singing, Oh my. The kids all like Unlcle Mecham, and it became a tradition slightly encouraged by Uncle Mecham and then his widow, and they always had the best unleavened bread, and wonderful melons, and never seafood being too far from the coast to keep it cool.
@2 Of course the question that should be asked is why didn’t this plucky bunch go back and overthrow Pharaoh? No need to worry about the next thirty years of wondering around the desert. With M16s they would have been the Mongol Hoard of the ancient world, or maybe the story is not true. It lacks logical realistic foundations, but it’s a great story, but so is the Iliad and the Odyssey. That one at least has some basis in the real world.
@4 And you still support impeaching Trump? Or forcing him out of office using the 22nd Amendment. Well what do you do when god speaks to Pence and tells him to go for the 22nd? Do you support Trump or Pence? The lesser of two evils?
@5 Well you were not selected to be in the inner circle. That is where all the fun stuff and kinky stuff is taught. They do manage to keep much of this secret. If only you had impressed sister Sara you would have been out there on the high plains and proving yourself. You would have been welcomed into the inner circle afterwards with your mule pal. You have married the rich cute Catholic girl (oh maybe not that cute but with plenty of land) but you were true to yourself. Good choice, maybe grandma is a little disappointed in you, but you will never know the joys of holding Geronimo’s skull and drinking from it. Some will call you loser for that. Others will celebrate you. Perhaps you will come to know the true meaning of Little Big Man, though you may have problems with the three wives part. Good luck.
@6 Of course they always have a problem with those who have been on the wall. Or tell them to fly a kite and are willing to be a pirate. Or those who will sing about “Barnacle Bill the Sailor”. Fuck em. Find yourself a sweet gal or boy and be happy, Pursue happiness and give the mothers hell who don’t get it. Be a true American. Get laid. Have a drink. Fly to the moon, or go fly fishing. Fuck a beautiful man or woman and do an ugly man or woman. Don’t be like these jerks and kill your family and friends over a molten cow, (Sounds like something you will find at Thank god its Fridays, make you drunk or fat, maybe both.)
And remember it’s very important that when given a chance to piss on Gods tablets one does so. You have to be brave to do it, but a true thinking free human being male or female will piss on those tablets And god isn’t giving you gold, a pony, a sports car, and God or the Goddess did not give you life. God isn’t going to take umbrage with you pissing on the tablets it’s other human beings who will. So have a sword or M15 strapped to your side or the Third Army like Patton did when he did an old Roman tradition and pissed into the Rheine River.
@7 You don’t think he has the means to have the real thing? A fully automatic M16 or AK? Smuggled in or bought from some jar head or army puke who stole it from the armory. And the serial number is gone. Or he plays it legal and has them in his overseas estate. Which if it’s in Somalia he probably needs them.
@12 for you even to suggest, or fear us into that thinking, you must believe it yourself that Pence is more evil than Drumpf, and that in itself says that you think Drumpf is evil himself. I don’t follow everything you say (who can?), but I don’t think I’ve ever heard you criticize the present evil ones – You should come out of the closet, especially here on this liberal blog.
I guess you just prefer their evilness over others. To what extent are you willing to fall in line with another Hitler – pretty scary.
@13 “Good luck.”
Even with the all the best of luck, I don’t think I could ever figure out your gibberish. I guess I’ll just take what comes to me.
Can anyone decipher what Shortbus @14 is trying to say? I though Piddles was incomprehensible, but that post is, well, just amazing.
Most people are into pain killer drugs nowadays ~ but I guess shrooms are still alive.