Watching Ben Carson tell America on Meet the Press say that he couldn’t vote for a Muslim for president because Muslim views aren’t consistent with America stands for. Unfortunately he wasn’t asked if his and the batshit crazy loon’s Seventh Day Adventist beliefs that Pope Francis is the Antichrist, the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon and that sinners should be stoned to death is consistent with what America stands for.
CHUCK TODD: Should a President’s faith matter? Should your faith matter to voters?
BEN CARSON: Well, I guess it depends on what that faith is. If it’s inconsistent with the values and principles of America, then of course it should matter. But if it fits within the realm of America and consistent with the constitution, no problem.
TODD: So do you believe that Islam is consistent with the constitution?
CARSON: No, I don’t, I do not.
TODD: So you–
CARSON: I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.
Indeed. What America needs a president who beliefs are consistent with our Constitution – that the Vatican is the seven-headed beast of Revelation, the pope the Antichrist and the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon.
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
To the klown Triple S @1…
So Sha’ria is consistent with American views Triple S? Since you disagree with Ben Carson these Sha’ria law tenets are 100% approved by Triple S!
– A Muslim cannot marry an atheist, agnostic or polytheist. So there goes your chance Triple S!
– The minimum age of marriage for females is nine, for males is twelve. Puddy is sure you agree with marrying off nine year old girls Triple S!
– A Muslim minor girl’s father or guardian may arrange the marriage of a girl, without her consent, before she reaches adulthood. Puddy is sure you agree with marrying off nine year old girls Triple S!
– An adult man cannot marry an adult woman without her consent. An adult woman requires her wali’s – father or male guardian – consent to marry. Imagine that… Triple S agrees!
– A marriage is a contract that requires the man to pay, or promise to pay some Mahr (property as brideprice) to the woman. The married woman owns this property. Of course Triple S agrees with this too! Triple S would bring goats as the brideprice!
– A man can divorce his wife any time he wants, without reason. A woman cannot divorce her husband without reason. She may file for divorce for reason, such as he is impotent, missing or biologically related to her. Triple S cheers this tenet except the biologically related one. Gotta keep it all in the family per Triple S! Even if you are impotent Triple S!
– A Muslim man can marry four Muslim women with their permission, only if he can support them financially and equally. A Muslim woman can marry only one Muslim man. Being the progressive misogynist Triple S is, this one is big on the Triple S approval list!
– The Hudud crime of apostasy for leaving Islam and becoming an atheist is another of those Triple S agrees with!
– Hudud crime of zina or illicit sex is right up there too since Triple S indulges in it all the time!
– Of course Triple S agrees with 100% honor killings especially those where the person was honorably killed for being a homosexual. An honor killing is the homicide of a member of a family by other members, due to the perpetrators’ belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family, or has violated the principles of a community or a religion, usually for reasons such as refusing to enter an arranged marriage, being in a relationship that is disapproved by their family, having sex outside marriage, becoming the victim of rape, dressing in ways which are deemed inappropriate, or engaging in homosexual relations!
Most Americans don’t know or understand the prophecies of Daniel. Seems you don’t either Triple S! In the 1830s and 1840s God gave all men in all denominations a chance to understand Daniel. Most chose to not believe those prophecies. The “prince of preachers” Charles Spurgeon understood this in the 1800s.
“It is the bounden duty of every Christian to pray against Antichrist and as to what Antichrist is no sane man ought to raise a question. If it be not the Popery in the Church of Rome, there is nothing in the world that can be called by that name. . .It wounds Christ, because it robs Christ of His glory, because it puts sacramental efficacy in the place of His atonement and lifts a piece of bread into the place of the Savior and a few drops of water into the place of the Holy Spirit and puts a mere fallible man like ourselves up as the Vicar of Christ on earth. If we pray against it, because it is against Him, we shall love the persons though we hate their errors; we shall love their souls though we loathe and detest their dogmas. And so the breath of our prayers will be sweetened because we turn our faces toward Christ when we pray.”
This will be their peril when Jesus returns Triple S.
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! DAYUM U B Weally STOOOOOOOOOOOOPID!
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
What America needs a president who beliefs are consistent with our Constitution – that the Vatican is the seven-headed beast of Revelation, the pope the Antichrist and the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon.
Exactly right Triple S. You got it right even though you possess the triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
“This will be their peril when Jesus returns”
The batshit crazy fucking loon is back and more batshit fucking insane than ever. He must have sacrificed an extra kitten or two during his SDA cult rituals last night.
Yeah, right. Freaky Seventh Day Adventist batshit crazy loons running around stoning sinners to death is consistent with America’s Constitution.
What a batshit crazy fucking loon!
“the Vatican is the seven-headed beast of Revelation, the pope the Antichrist and the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon”
“Exactly right”
Batshit fucking insane.
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
Sooooooooooooo there we have it HA DUMMOCRETINS… Triple S does believe in Sha’ria law. Goats as the brideprice… Honor killings of homosexuals… Marrying off nine year old females… Adult women can’t marry unless approved by daddy… etc. etc. etc. Two chances to say Ben is right about Sha’ria law and two chances of ABSOLUTE gibberish in #5 and #6!
Who knew? Seems many of us knew Triple S’s true persuasions!
Sux to be Triple S. That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
Ima Duncespews:
O.k., I won’t. But the poles are starting to bend and the rings are not round anymore, so technically, they aren’t rings. They are ovals. Are ovals rings? This is a question for theologians to ponder for the next one thousand years. In fact, the RepubliKKKlans should approve faith based funding to research this question. They can take the money from women’s healthcare. Who cares about that? AmIright?
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
Yeah, right. Freaky Seventh Day Adventist batshit crazy loons running around stoning sinners to death is consistent with America’s Constitution.
Where is that in any SDA tenet Triple S? That’s what your adherent friends in Sha’ria law do Triple S. You agree with Sha’ria law above Triple S. BIG TIME!
It’s amazing how Triple S can attack SDAs at length butt if any mention of undergarments is in a post Da Perfessa will delete it! Well Da Perfessa is a whackjob loon in “independent” clothes!
Of the 9 US Supreme Court Justices, 6 are Roman Catholic and 3 are Jewish.
5 of the 6 Roman Catholics were appointed by Reagan, Bush the Elder & Bush the Dumber.
Gotta luv u some Big Papa!
And frankly, as a supporter of our Sha’ria law lovin’ Kenyan Mooslem president, Obama, it is very disappointing he chose to appoint a Roman Catholic and a Jew to the Supreme Court when as Puddles well knows, he should have appointed a Moolem cleric.
“I state that Ben Carson and the batshit crazy loon both believe that “the Vatican is the seven-headed beast of Revelation, the pope the Antichrist and the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon”
The batshit crazy loon responded, “Exactly right”
The loon continues, “Sha’ria law. Goats as the brideprice… Honor killings of homosexuals… Marrying off nine year old females… Adult women can’t marry unless approved by daddy… etc. etc. etc.”
Mosaic law,
Deuteronomy 21:18-21 The stoning to death of unruly children
Leviticus 24:16 The stoning to death those who curse the name of the Lord
Numbers 15:32-36 The stoning to death of those who break the Sabbath
Deuteronomy 22:13-21 The stoning to death of a woman who is not a virgin on her wedding night
Deuteronomy 22:23-24 The stoning to death of adulterers
Exodus 31:15 Stoning to death those who work on the Sabbath.
Leviticus 20:27 The stoning to death of mediums, wizards and magicians
Deuteronomy 17:2-5 The stoning to death of those who worship a different God
“Of the 9 US Supreme Court Justices, 6 are Roman Catholic and 3 are Jewish.”
Six followers of the Antichrist and three Jesus-killers. Damn, and the Antichrist is coming to America during the “apocalypse inviting” full moon eclipse. No doubt this is more than enough to drive our End Days obsessed batshit crazy loon to new heights of batshit fucking insanity.
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
Shockingly still Triple S continues to support Sha’ria law. No condemnation which means Ben Carson is spot on!
Shockingly Triple S continues to not comprehend the difference between Jewish “laws” which Triple S spewed above were nailed to the cross and God’s laws (10 Commandments, etc.) which will stand the test of time.
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
You still don’t get it. It’s not about the people whom are Roman Catholic… it’s the Roman Catholic Church Daniel in the Bible talks about! R U as stooooooooooooopid as Triple S?
So did your hero Martin Luther Triple S and Cubscout.
So did John Wesley – founder of the Methodist church! Called him “the Man of Sin”
So did Thomas Cranmer – the Archbishop of Canterbury
So did the Scottish reformer John Knox – made a slave for his beliefs
So did the “prince of preachers” Charles Spurgeon.
So did John Calvin.
“Ben Carson: A president’s faith matters — so Muslims should be disqualified
Appearing on Meet the Press, retired neurosurgeon and GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson said that the faith of a potential president of the U.S. matters and that he couldn’t see having a Muslim president.”
But Ben Carson, he who believes that Pope Francis is the Antichrist, that the Vatican is the seven-headed beast of Revelation, that the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, that the End Days are here and that the batshit insane Ellen White was a true prophet of God, he believes that his own batshit crazy delusional faith somehow qualifies him for the presidency.
That shit doesn’t belong in the White House, it belongs in a padded cell.
It might be OK to politely ask if Schism, denying the authority of the Pontiff, under Canon Law will get this lawmaker ex-communicated or at the very least deny him communion.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Is a Muslim running? If not, why say it? Certainly not good politics, because it offends Muslim voters without gaining anything. Carson doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.
Kind of reminds me of another election in which a young senator was trying to become America’s first Catholic president but some people thought a Catholic shouldn’t be president because he’d take orders from the Pope.
They were wrong then, and Carson is wrong now.
“It’s not about the people whom are Roman Catholic… it’s the Roman Catholic Church”
And yet for Ben Carson and our batshit crazy loon, when it comes Muslims, it’s the faith AND the people. Catholics are merely stupes who are blindly following their Antichrist pope and his Whore of Babylon Church to an eternity in hell, which is something I’m sure that they will appreciate hearing about.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Maybe Carson is playing to the many Republicans who believe Obama is a Muslim, and is saying in effect that Obama shouldn’t be president? Sorry, Ben, your crowd lost those two elections. Better luck next time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Nobody is asking YOU to live in a Muslim culture, and practice its customs, but feel free any time you’re ready.
@4 He read you like a book, didn’t he?
@12 Killing homosexuals? That’s your crowd.
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
All this blathering above and still Triple S supports Sha’ria law!
Other Muslims take apostasy seriously because it’s a forcibly supported death sentence by their jihadist pals. A Catholic leaving the church is supported by death by the Pope Triple S? The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) will cut off their heads with dull knives or swords or AK-47 shoot them Triple S?
DUMB and becoming DUMBER each day!
Thanks for playing Triple S! That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is still as loony as ever in #22!
@12 Killing homosexuals? Sha’ria law early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Sux to be senile!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 These people won’t be satisfied until they establish a theocracy in our country and force everyone to attend Christian churches at gunpoint.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “All this blathering above and still Triple S supports Sha’ria law!”
That’s nothing. You support methane gas pollution. You blow it out of your ass every day.
Looks like we’ve already experienced peak Carson – sinking like a rock. Sucks to be a batshit crazy loon. Scott Walker doesn’t even register with the voters anymore. Hell, it’s so bad, he’s tied with Gilmore now and Santorum at 1% is whipping him. Apparently Koch money can’t buy everything, which is nice to know.
@27 Yeah, Carly is in 2nd place now, but she’ll sink like the rest when the public gets a good look at her. She’s an accidental nuclear war waiting to happen.
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
Triple S still supports Sha’ria law!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “If the Pope stuck to standard Christian theology, I would be the first in line.”
1. No contraception, no abortions; families with 12 children become commonplace again.
2. No divorce, ever, under any circumstances, even if he’s beating her to a bloody pulp.
3. Going to church on Sunday and cheating everyone you meet the other six days of the week.
4. Priests having forced sex with alter boys won’t be reported or prosecuted; the boys will be schooled that this behavior is normal and to keep their mouths shut about it.
5. Holy war against Muslims!
Yep, “standard Christian theology” is just what this country needs!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Will somebody please pull the plug on that broken record player?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 In that case, there’s an awful lot of Muslim imams in this country calling themselves Baptist preachers.
Ancient goat herders have so much in common with modern Republicans: absolutely no scientific curiosity.
I would totally be taking those poles off those rings, just to see what happened.
Although really, the poles would have already been taken off the rings by someone else, years ago, and therefore the rule would be, “Don’t take the rings off the poles, not after what happened to Uncle Albert”. And then curiosity would kick in again. “So, what happened to Uncle Albert?”
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
No one has pulled the plug on you early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
You are a broken record early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit of astronomical proportions!!
Yep, “standard Christian theology” is just what this country needs! This is why Protestants railed on the pope early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
So did your hero Martin Luther early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
So did John Wesley – founder of the Methodist church! Called him “the Man of Sin”
So did Thomas Cranmer – the Archbishop of Canterbury early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
So did the Scottish reformer John Knox – made a slave for his beliefs early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
So did the “prince of preachers” Charles Spurgeon early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
So did John Calvin early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
HAHAHAHAHA! It really sux to be the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Senility pours from every post!
“Kind of reminds me of another election in which a young senator was trying to become America’s first Catholic president but some people thought a Catholic shouldn’t be president because he’d take orders from the Pope.”
I somehow doubt that Ben Carson and our batshit crazy loon would consider a Catholic, someone who is a devoted follower of the Antichrist and destined to spend an eternity in the fires of hell, to be qualified for the presidency.
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
Going racist again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
Triple S keeps digging… Soon Triple S will reach China!
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
It might be OK to politely ask if Schism, denying the authority of the Pontiff, under Canon Law will get this lawmaker ex-communicated or at the very least deny him communion.
Heh. My not jumping when a batshit crazy loon barks his stupid fucking orders at me makes me a Muslim. Fuck. A few comments ago, he had me pegged as a Mormon.
Hell, Catholic, Mormon, atheist, Muslims, Jew, Episcopalian,agnostic, what’s it matter? According to God’s Prophet Ellen White and her devoted followers, Ben Carson and the batshit crazy loon, none of us will be saved when Baby Jesus comes floating down on a silver cloud. No, only Ben, the loon and the rest of the batshit crazy SDA cult will be saved. The rest of us are all going to fucking hell.
Really, doesn’t that leave Ben Carson as the only person running who is qualified to be president during these End Days as predicted by his prophet?
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
Not jumping Triple S? Triple S still supports Sha’ria law! No bark… deep bite!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
Speaking of wingnuts barking orders at people,
“Carly Fiorina: Opponents must ‘prove to me’ they watched my non-existent fetus videos”
Fox News’ Chris Wallace. “There is no actual footage of the incident you just mentioned.”
“No, I don’t accept that at all,” Fiorina shot back. “I’ve seen the footage. And I find it amazing, actually, that all these supposed fact checkers in the mainstream media claim this doesn’t exist, they’re trying to attack the authenticity of the videotape, I haven’t found anyone in the mainstream media who has ever watched these things.”
“And anyone who wants to challenge me first is going to have to prove to me that they watched it.”
Cold, calculating liar or batshit fucking insane? I report, you decide.
“Sha’ria law!” “DUMMOCRETIN!”
Batshit crazy loon.
I’m confused. Is Puddybud following the gourd, or the shoe?
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 41
How about just batshit insane and too stupid to differentiate between the real world, and her own fantasies? She’s a hard-core authoritarian and the only “authority” she recognizes is her own. She is utterly incapable of telling the truth about anything because factual information doesn’t jibe with her perception of what she would prefer the world to be.
In other words, she’s a typical example of the modern American Conservative.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 43
The Schizo follows his navel. It is the only object he has ever studied with any real concentration.
Cast off the shoes. Follow the gourd!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM; pat. pend.), another church shooting; but not to worry, the NRA assures us that guns make us safer, which is why they want to put armed vigilantes in every school, church, and daycare.
Stewart Parnell is a crooked, greedy businessman. He knowingly sold tainted peanut butter, and took elaborate steps to conceal his fraud. Convicted on various felony counts, he could get life in prison. Is that too harsh? I don’t think so. His tainted peanut butter killed 9 people and sickened 714 more. Frankly, I think he deserves a firing squad.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Growing crops, raising livestock, and processing and marketing foodstuffs is a business. People do it to make money. If they screw up, we get sick or die. Can we trust them?
Our last Republican president, George W. Bush, tried to disband the federal meat inspection agency and give that money to meat companies to hire their own inspectors. In other words, police themselves. Today, Republicans are criticizing President Obama for allegedly letting the Iranians police their own compliance with the nuclear deal.
Meatpacking companies have been caught pushing sick cows and hogs through the processing line. The GOP response? Republican legislators in numerous states have passed laws making it a felony for whistleblowers to videotape and report these unsafe practices.
Why would anyone vote for these fucks? Are Republican voters trying to commit suicide, or are they all vegans? (Note: Being a vegan won’t save you from poisonous peanuts, but federal inspection might.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Carly Fiorina is a deadbeat. When she ran for the Senate in 2010, her campaign workers waited 4 years to get paid. And now she’s promising voters a balanced budget? You gotta be pretty gullible to believe anything she says.
@3 So the fact the United States government has treaties and deals with nations that have Sharia law is wrong? When Libya was a monarchy you have the rules of marriage basically correct. Kadaffi did away with these rules…seems we didn’t like the man and we consistently got his religion wrong. These are the religious laws of our good ally Saudi Arabia and a more radical version is being followed by ISIS. Yet these are not the laws or beliefs of all Muslims. Still the United States Government deals openly with governments that follow the laws you have put down here. So what are you going to do about that Puddy? And neither is Carson other than he won’t vote for a Muslim, well a lot of Americans won’t vote for a candidate who is Muslim as a lot won’t vote for a Catholic or Atheist. Even in the most lopsided election for President millions of Americans would not have voted for the person. Is Mr. Carson suggesting that members of the electoral collage could not vote for a candidate if it came out that he or she is a Muslim. That is actually possible guess they would suffer the scorn of their party after the vote.
Interesting you have to put in there that you Seven Dayers are the enlightened folk. I say bullshit to that and there are plenty of Americans who won’t vote for candidate who is a Seven Dayer.
Have a nice day.
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
@3 So the fact the United States government has treaties and deals with nations that have Sharia law is wrong?
Wow a Mark Adams train wreck. The issues Triple S brought forth was Carson claiming he could not support a Muslim presidential candidate because their ideals are not American ideals. Ever read what Keith Ellison espouses Mark Adams?
So dealing with a country that has those ideals is DIFFERENT that having those as American ideals.
R U as stooooooooooopid as Triple S Mark Adams? Please let everyone know!
“SC pastor: Kim Davis’ persecution by ‘militant homosexuals’ means the antichrist is near”
The Antichrist is near? Hell, he’s already in Cuba and will be arriving in the USA on Tuesday. Just ask the Ben Carson and the batshit crazy loon.
Mark Adamsspews:
Well I found todays verse mystifying until I got out my King James. Oh we are talking about the staves that went through the hoops of the Ark of the Covenant. The verse there suggest you can remove the staves when the arc isn’t being carried around as long as you keep them with the Ark. This makes sense as you want to keep a weapon system intact, or one always keeps the special china together. It would also seem there would have been extra sets made in case one of the staves broke, rather like having a spare tire. Not that God would ever need a spare tire, and we wouldn’t mention it if the practicalities of life got in the way of his wonderfulness.
Gold covered staves. Yet to be found…so the whole thing is probably a story or maybe it was thrown back into Mt. Doom from whence it came. Oh no nine rings for mortal men doomed to die here…so different mythology.
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
So based on #41 this is an open thread Goldy? Or as always libtards have full freedom on this blog to pollute every thread ad nauseum?
Mark Adamsspews:
Puddy I would love you to go talk personally to the King of Saudi Arabia about how wrong Sharia law is and all the laws you pointed out are alive and well in Saudi Arabia. At least as far as religious law. First part of the entertainment is if you can avoid getting strung up by the Religious police.
At least write a letter to the King of Saudi Arabia and tell him how wrong he is. Get your buddies there to do the same. Lets see if you folks can get a good old fashion diplomatic incident started when you actually act on your beliefs when you tell your representatives that according to your beliefs we should tell the House of Saud to fuck off. Put your beliefs in action as they truly believe in Allah just are you are a true believer in your bullshit. Just let me know so I can get a camera set up on chop chop square and a big tub of pop corn.
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
So based on #48 this is an open thread Goldy? Or as always libtards have full freedom on this blog to pollute every thread ad nauseum?
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Puffy I hope this sums up my thoughts, see if you can follow. FUCK YOU AND YOUR RELIGION!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 Write your complaints here [ ] and send them here _.
Mark Adamsspews:
@16 All most all good English men if full support of their King or Queen. Good English stock. No biases here, no our boy Henry the VIII was just a totally just man with a wife who only gave girl babies. What’s a King to do. Well he did it. Hurray for Henry!
It doesn’t matter what religion a president is. What matters greatly is whether she or he will uphold the laws of the land even if they clash with the “laws” of their religion. Kennedy stated clearly that he would not take orders from the Vatican. The problem with Islam, unlike that of Judaism or Christianity, is that it is a religion which demands absolute obedience to the Qu’ran. I doubt if a Muslim president could honestly make the same statement Kennedy did.
Mark Adamsspews:
@51 Puddy be careful here. I was born in Tripoli, Libya at Wheelas Air Force Base when there was one. There was a treaty with a corrupt king or at least the Black Prince was corrupt and there was also a White Prince. Food aid came into the country and was sold on the dock.
My father would wave at the Kings harem and they would wave back. He was offered a 12 year old as a second wife because he was well liked. The Libyan’s asked him to stay.
How other live and have lived in distant lands is not automatically wrong or right because they follow this or that religious persuasion and have for generations. Some of these beliefs maybe wrong, but when one is in Rome one should do as the Roman’s do.
I was born there and I know I would be better treated than how we treat Mexican children who just happen to have been born here and made political pawns.
The above is made in full disclosure to point on that Puddy now has a problem as I’m by birth a Libyan. It has always followed me as a joke behind my back as being some kind of camel jockeys (who are cool in Libya and Saudi Arabia). Depending on Libyan law I have been considered a citizen with no possibility of renouncing that citizenship and not considered a citizen by birth. I don’t know what my status would be if I were to show up there today. Not that I plan to. I have been to Egypt, and Saudi Arabia and my place of birth has always put me in a different place than other foreigners who are under Sharia law and tradition treated well. I’m not a Muslim but I can probably go pray at the mosque and if invited would do so. I would enjoy the camel market. How papyrus is made and the market. I hope all people can enjoy a better life no matter their beliefs, and Libya is no longer the poorest nation on the African continent. Perhaps not enough of the riches have gone to help the people, but everyone gets to have an AK47 a machinegun or more fun arms these days. The ultimate 2nd amendment. Hopefully they will sort things out. Not a whole lot of help from the little green book these days. Or will the Egyptians who have coveted Egypt put their military in gear and roll east.
“So based on #48 this is an open thread Goldy?”
A Republican candidate breaking one of the Ten Commandments, bearing false witness before 23,000,000 Americans, has a place in the Bible Study thread. Admittedly, a Republican lies whenever they open their mouths, but that’s beside the point.
Sucks to be a batshit crazy loon.
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
Puddy I would love you to go talk personally to the King of Saudi Arabia about how wrong Sharia law is and all the laws you pointed out are alive and well in Saudi Arabia.
Are U Weally this dumb Mark Adams?
Puddybud, sees the clueless crazed cretin as a "Trump"eter and a Graham Cracker and Powell follower. Who knew?spews:
Triple S – Yes nice stretch and cover up of thread pollution. Of course Puddy expected the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit to react as it did when caught!
@63 I agree that’s pretty dumb. Why would the King of Saudi Arabia talk to you? You’re less than a nobody. His security guards would remove you from the palace grounds.
Interesting you have to put in there that you Seven Dayers are the enlightened folk. I say bullshit to that and there are plenty of Americans who won’t vote for candidate who is a Seven Dayer.
Just like they wouldn’t vote for a Mormon motor-mouth spewing insane crap.
Carson will fall by the wayside. Good riddance.
So Piddles….you are aware that conservative Catholic dioceses have denied communion to lawmakers over that issue, right?
But here’s the thing. If you are a Catholic the Pope and his teachings you are not allowed to question and remain a Catholic.
Less conservative Catholic dioceses, read San Francisco, would have a deep problem if Pelosi said she had had an abortion but are not rending garments over her position that legislating based on the one true faith goes against the Constitution.
Roger Rabbitspews:
More proof that Carly Fiorina is a dilettante who doesn’t know what she’s talking about. And a hypocrite when it comes to criticizing women’s physical appearance.
“James McLellan, a spokesman for the Irving police, told local station WFAA, ‘We attempted to question the juvenile about what it was, and he would simply only tell us that it was a clock.’ That, of course, is because it was a clock. Eventually, whoever has custody of the brain at the Irving PD must have recognized this for the Islamophobic idiocy it was. Ahmed was released. No charges will be filed.
“The fact that a bright kid — a kid with initiative, a kid who only wanted to make his teacher proud, a kid who, by all appearances, is precisely what we wish more kids would be — was hauled away in handcuffs for those very attributes ought to make us sober and reflective about the nation we have become in the years since 9/11.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Needless to say, our resident troll-idiot, Puffybutt, bought into this bullshit full bore. Pitts found the right word to describe the Islamophobes among us: Cowards who are afraid of a kid who built a clock.
Religion is just made-up bullshit.
Maybe he would have been released sooner if after the third time an Officer asked, “What is this?”
He had said, “A Chronometer.” Or “A watey-melon” or “A bag of Pork Rinds” or “A Satanic Artifact.”
Clearly they weren’t buying that it was a clock.
Teabagged to Death to Russiaspews:
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the BRAVE!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Capitalism in action; or, what happens when hedge funds get their greedy hands on lifesaving drugs; or, why an aspirin may soon cost $50.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@73 So are Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and conservative ideology.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 I have a plan. It works like this. Let “the market” set the price of vital drugs, but impose a 100% excess-profits on drug profits over and above a reasonable risk-based return, and use the proceeds to subsidize consumer purchases of drugs subject to the tax.
Back in the 1950s, the Republican administration of President Eisenhower took a similar approach to CEO salaries. Companies paid CEOs whatever they wanted, and passed the expense through the pricing chain by raising prices or pushing down wages, but incomes above a certain amount were subject to a 90% tax rate. Back then, CEOs made about 50 times what a typical worker made, but a guy with a high school diploma could get a factory job that would support a family of six kids and stay-at-home mom, and also pay for a vacation cottage and a Harley, and everyone was happy.
Now, we tax the shit out of secretaries and school janitors, give millionaires and billionaires a free ride, charge sick people $1,000 for a pill, and look at the result: A no-growth economy, a 50% divorce rate, and a nearly negative birth rate. That’s conservative Whack-O-Nomics for ya. Thank you Reagan! Not. And conservative idiots worship that guy …
Roger Rabbitspews:
So what should we do when a handful of unscrupulous greedheads hold people’s health hostage? Maybe a better way to word this question is, Where is Puddy’s vigilante mob when we truly need it?
Mark Adamsspews:
Come on write the man. Talk to power and tell the man it’s wrong that they follow Shaira law in his nation. He’s the only one who can change it. You just have to convince one man. Convince him that Sharia law is so horrible for the reasons you have said on this list.
I hope he at least points out that on alcohol and drugs his Sharia and you religion match up just fine so what is your problem, shouldn’t you convert fully as clearly his religion is correct. At least in his belief and he is the protector of the two of the holy cities. Go ahead write the man.
By the way if a majority of American’s wanted to enact Sharia law then one way or the other some or much of Sharia law would become the law of the land. A lot of Americans dance around saying the Ten Commandments are the basis of American law or some such poppy cock. They do have a point in that a lot of Americans are Christians and the ten commandments do have a bit of influence. Often more of a moral influence that occasionally gets out of hand and then gets shown the door when a judge finally reminds that there is a difference between immoral and illegal. As an American I have a right to as immoral as I desire. I can tell the preacher man to stuff, might not be a bright thing to do in certain southern states, but then thank goodness for that 2nd amendment though that holy man of god is probably toting as well. Odd that.
Mark Adamsspews:
@ 60 It’s also impossible for any Moslem to need to make such a promise. There is no Moslem equivalent of Pope. No single man heads Islam or any of the sects. None are also the head of the secular state. The promise that Kennedy made was he would not bow to the Pope in his role as President. No American especially those who represent the United States should bow to any King, Pope, Queen, Czar, President, ect of any nation of the world. No American Moslem is going to bow to the current Ayatollah Khomeni in Iran especially if they are Persian. In spite of everything the Ayatollah doesn’t have the same religious or secular significance of the Pope. If they were to be a Horses Ass though they would present the Ayatollah with his own signed copy of Soloman Rushdie’s books.
Watching Ben Carson tell America on Meet the Press say that he couldn’t vote for a Muslim for president because Muslim views aren’t consistent with America stands for. Unfortunately he wasn’t asked if his and the batshit crazy loon’s Seventh Day Adventist beliefs that Pope Francis is the Antichrist, the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon and that sinners should be stoned to death is consistent with what America stands for.
CHUCK TODD: Should a President’s faith matter? Should your faith matter to voters?
BEN CARSON: Well, I guess it depends on what that faith is. If it’s inconsistent with the values and principles of America, then of course it should matter. But if it fits within the realm of America and consistent with the constitution, no problem.
TODD: So do you believe that Islam is consistent with the constitution?
CARSON: No, I don’t, I do not.
TODD: So you–
CARSON: I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.
Indeed. What America needs a president who beliefs are consistent with our Constitution – that the Vatican is the seven-headed beast of Revelation, the pope the Antichrist and the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon.
To the klown Triple S @1…
So Sha’ria is consistent with American views Triple S? Since you disagree with Ben Carson these Sha’ria law tenets are 100% approved by Triple S!
– A Muslim cannot marry an atheist, agnostic or polytheist. So there goes your chance Triple S!
– The minimum age of marriage for females is nine, for males is twelve. Puddy is sure you agree with marrying off nine year old girls Triple S!
– A Muslim minor girl’s father or guardian may arrange the marriage of a girl, without her consent, before she reaches adulthood. Puddy is sure you agree with marrying off nine year old girls Triple S!
– An adult man cannot marry an adult woman without her consent. An adult woman requires her wali’s – father or male guardian – consent to marry. Imagine that… Triple S agrees!
– A marriage is a contract that requires the man to pay, or promise to pay some Mahr (property as brideprice) to the woman. The married woman owns this property. Of course Triple S agrees with this too! Triple S would bring goats as the brideprice!
– A man can divorce his wife any time he wants, without reason. A woman cannot divorce her husband without reason. She may file for divorce for reason, such as he is impotent, missing or biologically related to her. Triple S cheers this tenet except the biologically related one. Gotta keep it all in the family per Triple S! Even if you are impotent Triple S!
– A Muslim man can marry four Muslim women with their permission, only if he can support them financially and equally. A Muslim woman can marry only one Muslim man. Being the progressive misogynist Triple S is, this one is big on the Triple S approval list!
– The Hudud crime of apostasy for leaving Islam and becoming an atheist is another of those Triple S agrees with!
– Hudud crime of zina or illicit sex is right up there too since Triple S indulges in it all the time!
– Of course Triple S agrees with 100% honor killings especially those where the person was honorably killed for being a homosexual. An honor killing is the homicide of a member of a family by other members, due to the perpetrators’ belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family, or has violated the principles of a community or a religion, usually for reasons such as refusing to enter an arranged marriage, being in a relationship that is disapproved by their family, having sex outside marriage, becoming the victim of rape, dressing in ways which are deemed inappropriate, or engaging in homosexual relations!
Most Americans don’t know or understand the prophecies of Daniel. Seems you don’t either Triple S! In the 1830s and 1840s God gave all men in all denominations a chance to understand Daniel. Most chose to not believe those prophecies. The “prince of preachers” Charles Spurgeon understood this in the 1800s.
This will be their peril when Jesus returns Triple S.
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! DAYUM U B Weally STOOOOOOOOOOOOPID!
What America needs a president who beliefs are consistent with our Constitution – that the Vatican is the seven-headed beast of Revelation, the pope the Antichrist and the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon.
Exactly right Triple S. You got it right even though you possess the triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
“This will be their peril when Jesus returns”
The batshit crazy fucking loon is back and more batshit fucking insane than ever. He must have sacrificed an extra kitten or two during his SDA cult rituals last night.
Yeah, right. Freaky Seventh Day Adventist batshit crazy loons running around stoning sinners to death is consistent with America’s Constitution.
What a batshit crazy fucking loon!
“the Vatican is the seven-headed beast of Revelation, the pope the Antichrist and the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon”
“Exactly right”
Batshit fucking insane.
Sooooooooooooo there we have it HA DUMMOCRETINS… Triple S does believe in Sha’ria law. Goats as the brideprice… Honor killings of homosexuals… Marrying off nine year old females… Adult women can’t marry unless approved by daddy… etc. etc. etc. Two chances to say Ben is right about Sha’ria law and two chances of ABSOLUTE gibberish in #5 and #6!
Who knew? Seems many of us knew Triple S’s true persuasions!
Sux to be Triple S. That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
O.k., I won’t. But the poles are starting to bend and the rings are not round anymore, so technically, they aren’t rings. They are ovals. Are ovals rings? This is a question for theologians to ponder for the next one thousand years. In fact, the RepubliKKKlans should approve faith based funding to research this question. They can take the money from women’s healthcare. Who cares about that? AmIright?
Yeah, right. Freaky Seventh Day Adventist batshit crazy loons running around stoning sinners to death is consistent with America’s Constitution.
Where is that in any SDA tenet Triple S? That’s what your adherent friends in Sha’ria law do Triple S. You agree with Sha’ria law above Triple S. BIG TIME!
It’s amazing how Triple S can attack SDAs at length butt if any mention of undergarments is in a post Da Perfessa will delete it! Well Da Perfessa is a whackjob loon in “independent” clothes!
Of the 9 US Supreme Court Justices, 6 are Roman Catholic and 3 are Jewish.
5 of the 6 Roman Catholics were appointed by Reagan, Bush the Elder & Bush the Dumber.
Gotta luv u some Big Papa!
And frankly, as a supporter of our Sha’ria law lovin’ Kenyan Mooslem president, Obama, it is very disappointing he chose to appoint a Roman Catholic and a Jew to the Supreme Court when as Puddles well knows, he should have appointed a Moolem cleric.
“I state that Ben Carson and the batshit crazy loon both believe that “the Vatican is the seven-headed beast of Revelation, the pope the Antichrist and the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon”
The batshit crazy loon responded, “Exactly right”
The loon continues, “Sha’ria law. Goats as the brideprice… Honor killings of homosexuals… Marrying off nine year old females… Adult women can’t marry unless approved by daddy… etc. etc. etc.”
Mosaic law,
Deuteronomy 21:18-21 The stoning to death of unruly children
Leviticus 24:16 The stoning to death those who curse the name of the Lord
Numbers 15:32-36 The stoning to death of those who break the Sabbath
Deuteronomy 22:13-21 The stoning to death of a woman who is not a virgin on her wedding night
Deuteronomy 22:23-24 The stoning to death of adulterers
Exodus 31:15 Stoning to death those who work on the Sabbath.
Leviticus 20:27 The stoning to death of mediums, wizards and magicians
Deuteronomy 17:2-5 The stoning to death of those who worship a different God
“Of the 9 US Supreme Court Justices, 6 are Roman Catholic and 3 are Jewish.”
Six followers of the Antichrist and three Jesus-killers. Damn, and the Antichrist is coming to America during the “apocalypse inviting” full moon eclipse. No doubt this is more than enough to drive our End Days obsessed batshit crazy loon to new heights of batshit fucking insanity.
Shockingly still Triple S continues to support Sha’ria law. No condemnation which means Ben Carson is spot on!
Shockingly Triple S continues to not comprehend the difference between Jewish “laws” which Triple S spewed above were nailed to the cross and God’s laws (10 Commandments, etc.) which will stand the test of time.
Or the Cork from the Fork.
You still don’t get it. It’s not about the people whom are Roman Catholic… it’s the Roman Catholic Church Daniel in the Bible talks about! R U as stooooooooooooopid as Triple S?
So did your hero Martin Luther Triple S and Cubscout.
Si do many of these non-Adventists Triple S and Cubscout.
So did John Wesley – founder of the Methodist church! Called him “the Man of Sin”
So did Thomas Cranmer – the Archbishop of Canterbury
So did the Scottish reformer John Knox – made a slave for his beliefs
So did the “prince of preachers” Charles Spurgeon.
So did John Calvin.
“Ben Carson: A president’s faith matters — so Muslims should be disqualified
Appearing on Meet the Press, retired neurosurgeon and GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson said that the faith of a potential president of the U.S. matters and that he couldn’t see having a Muslim president.”
But Ben Carson, he who believes that Pope Francis is the Antichrist, that the Vatican is the seven-headed beast of Revelation, that the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, that the End Days are here and that the batshit insane Ellen White was a true prophet of God, he believes that his own batshit crazy delusional faith somehow qualifies him for the presidency.
That shit doesn’t belong in the White House, it belongs in a padded cell.
slightly off topic,
Catholic lawmaker believes he doesn’t need to listen to Pope Francis
The Archdiocese of Phoenix can be reached here:
It might be OK to politely ask if Schism, denying the authority of the Pontiff, under Canon Law will get this lawmaker ex-communicated or at the very least deny him communion.
@2 Is a Muslim running? If not, why say it? Certainly not good politics, because it offends Muslim voters without gaining anything. Carson doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.
Kind of reminds me of another election in which a young senator was trying to become America’s first Catholic president but some people thought a Catholic shouldn’t be president because he’d take orders from the Pope.
They were wrong then, and Carson is wrong now.
“It’s not about the people whom are Roman Catholic… it’s the Roman Catholic Church”
And yet for Ben Carson and our batshit crazy loon, when it comes Muslims, it’s the faith AND the people. Catholics are merely stupes who are blindly following their Antichrist pope and his Whore of Babylon Church to an eternity in hell, which is something I’m sure that they will appreciate hearing about.
Maybe Carson is playing to the many Republicans who believe Obama is a Muslim, and is saying in effect that Obama shouldn’t be president? Sorry, Ben, your crowd lost those two elections. Better luck next time.
@3 Nobody is asking YOU to live in a Muslim culture, and practice its customs, but feel free any time you’re ready.
@4 He read you like a book, didn’t he?
@12 Killing homosexuals? That’s your crowd.
All this blathering above and still Triple S supports Sha’ria law!
Other Muslims take apostasy seriously because it’s a forcibly supported death sentence by their jihadist pals. A Catholic leaving the church is supported by death by the Pope Triple S? The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) will cut off their heads with dull knives or swords or AK-47 shoot them Triple S?
DUMB and becoming DUMBER each day!
Thanks for playing Triple S! That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is still as loony as ever in #22!
@12 Killing homosexuals? Sha’ria law early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Sux to be senile!
@20 These people won’t be satisfied until they establish a theocracy in our country and force everyone to attend Christian churches at gunpoint.
@23 “All this blathering above and still Triple S supports Sha’ria law!”
That’s nothing. You support methane gas pollution. You blow it out of your ass every day.
Looks like we’ve already experienced peak Carson – sinking like a rock. Sucks to be a batshit crazy loon. Scott Walker doesn’t even register with the voters anymore. Hell, it’s so bad, he’s tied with Gilmore now and Santorum at 1% is whipping him. Apparently Koch money can’t buy everything, which is nice to know.
@27 Yeah, Carly is in 2nd place now, but she’ll sink like the rest when the public gets a good look at her. She’s an accidental nuclear war waiting to happen.
Triple S still supports Sha’ria law!
@18 “If the Pope stuck to standard Christian theology, I would be the first in line.”
1. No contraception, no abortions; families with 12 children become commonplace again.
2. No divorce, ever, under any circumstances, even if he’s beating her to a bloody pulp.
3. Going to church on Sunday and cheating everyone you meet the other six days of the week.
4. Priests having forced sex with alter boys won’t be reported or prosecuted; the boys will be schooled that this behavior is normal and to keep their mouths shut about it.
5. Holy war against Muslims!
Yep, “standard Christian theology” is just what this country needs!
@29 Will somebody please pull the plug on that broken record player?
@24 In that case, there’s an awful lot of Muslim imams in this country calling themselves Baptist preachers.
Ancient goat herders have so much in common with modern Republicans: absolutely no scientific curiosity.
I would totally be taking those poles off those rings, just to see what happened.
Although really, the poles would have already been taken off the rings by someone else, years ago, and therefore the rule would be, “Don’t take the rings off the poles, not after what happened to Uncle Albert”. And then curiosity would kick in again. “So, what happened to Uncle Albert?”
No one has pulled the plug on you early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
You are a broken record early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit of astronomical proportions!!
Yep, “standard Christian theology” is just what this country needs! This is why Protestants railed on the pope early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
So did your hero Martin Luther early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Si do many of these non-Adventists early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
So did John Wesley – founder of the Methodist church! Called him “the Man of Sin”
So did Thomas Cranmer – the Archbishop of Canterbury early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
So did the Scottish reformer John Knox – made a slave for his beliefs early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
So did the “prince of preachers” Charles Spurgeon early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
So did John Calvin early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
HAHAHAHAHA! It really sux to be the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Senility pours from every post!
“Kind of reminds me of another election in which a young senator was trying to become America’s first Catholic president but some people thought a Catholic shouldn’t be president because he’d take orders from the Pope.”
I somehow doubt that Ben Carson and our batshit crazy loon would consider a Catholic, someone who is a devoted follower of the Antichrist and destined to spend an eternity in the fires of hell, to be qualified for the presidency.
Going racist again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Triple S keeps digging… Soon Triple S will reach China!
It might be OK to politely ask if Schism, denying the authority of the Pontiff, under Canon Law will get this lawmaker ex-communicated or at the very least deny him communion.
Just like Nancy Pelosi dissented on abortion and the church checkmate?
“supports Sha’ria law!”
Heh. My not jumping when a batshit crazy loon barks his stupid fucking orders at me makes me a Muslim. Fuck. A few comments ago, he had me pegged as a Mormon.
Hell, Catholic, Mormon, atheist, Muslims, Jew, Episcopalian,agnostic, what’s it matter? According to God’s Prophet Ellen White and her devoted followers, Ben Carson and the batshit crazy loon, none of us will be saved when Baby Jesus comes floating down on a silver cloud. No, only Ben, the loon and the rest of the batshit crazy SDA cult will be saved. The rest of us are all going to fucking hell.
Really, doesn’t that leave Ben Carson as the only person running who is qualified to be president during these End Days as predicted by his prophet?
Not jumping Triple S? Triple S still supports Sha’ria law! No bark… deep bite!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
Speaking of wingnuts barking orders at people,
“Carly Fiorina: Opponents must ‘prove to me’ they watched my non-existent fetus videos”
Fox News’ Chris Wallace. “There is no actual footage of the incident you just mentioned.”
“No, I don’t accept that at all,” Fiorina shot back. “I’ve seen the footage. And I find it amazing, actually, that all these supposed fact checkers in the mainstream media claim this doesn’t exist, they’re trying to attack the authenticity of the videotape, I haven’t found anyone in the mainstream media who has ever watched these things.”
“And anyone who wants to challenge me first is going to have to prove to me that they watched it.”
Cold, calculating liar or batshit fucking insane? I report, you decide.
“Sha’ria law!” “DUMMOCRETIN!”
Batshit crazy loon.
I’m confused. Is Puddybud following the gourd, or the shoe?
@ 41
How about just batshit insane and too stupid to differentiate between the real world, and her own fantasies? She’s a hard-core authoritarian and the only “authority” she recognizes is her own. She is utterly incapable of telling the truth about anything because factual information doesn’t jibe with her perception of what she would prefer the world to be.
In other words, she’s a typical example of the modern American Conservative.
@ 43
The Schizo follows his navel. It is the only object he has ever studied with any real concentration.
Cast off the shoes. Follow the gourd!
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM; pat. pend.), another church shooting; but not to worry, the NRA assures us that guns make us safer, which is why they want to put armed vigilantes in every school, church, and daycare.
Stewart Parnell is a crooked, greedy businessman. He knowingly sold tainted peanut butter, and took elaborate steps to conceal his fraud. Convicted on various felony counts, he could get life in prison. Is that too harsh? I don’t think so. His tainted peanut butter killed 9 people and sickened 714 more. Frankly, I think he deserves a firing squad.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Growing crops, raising livestock, and processing and marketing foodstuffs is a business. People do it to make money. If they screw up, we get sick or die. Can we trust them?
Our last Republican president, George W. Bush, tried to disband the federal meat inspection agency and give that money to meat companies to hire their own inspectors. In other words, police themselves. Today, Republicans are criticizing President Obama for allegedly letting the Iranians police their own compliance with the nuclear deal.
Meatpacking companies have been caught pushing sick cows and hogs through the processing line. The GOP response? Republican legislators in numerous states have passed laws making it a felony for whistleblowers to videotape and report these unsafe practices.
Why would anyone vote for these fucks? Are Republican voters trying to commit suicide, or are they all vegans? (Note: Being a vegan won’t save you from poisonous peanuts, but federal inspection might.)
Carly Fiorina is a deadbeat. When she ran for the Senate in 2010, her campaign workers waited 4 years to get paid. And now she’s promising voters a balanced budget? You gotta be pretty gullible to believe anything she says.
@3 So the fact the United States government has treaties and deals with nations that have Sharia law is wrong? When Libya was a monarchy you have the rules of marriage basically correct. Kadaffi did away with these rules…seems we didn’t like the man and we consistently got his religion wrong. These are the religious laws of our good ally Saudi Arabia and a more radical version is being followed by ISIS. Yet these are not the laws or beliefs of all Muslims. Still the United States Government deals openly with governments that follow the laws you have put down here. So what are you going to do about that Puddy? And neither is Carson other than he won’t vote for a Muslim, well a lot of Americans won’t vote for a candidate who is Muslim as a lot won’t vote for a Catholic or Atheist. Even in the most lopsided election for President millions of Americans would not have voted for the person. Is Mr. Carson suggesting that members of the electoral collage could not vote for a candidate if it came out that he or she is a Muslim. That is actually possible guess they would suffer the scorn of their party after the vote.
Interesting you have to put in there that you Seven Dayers are the enlightened folk. I say bullshit to that and there are plenty of Americans who won’t vote for candidate who is a Seven Dayer.
Have a nice day.
@3 So the fact the United States government has treaties and deals with nations that have Sharia law is wrong?
Wow a Mark Adams train wreck. The issues Triple S brought forth was Carson claiming he could not support a Muslim presidential candidate because their ideals are not American ideals. Ever read what Keith Ellison espouses Mark Adams?
So dealing with a country that has those ideals is DIFFERENT that having those as American ideals.
R U as stooooooooooopid as Triple S Mark Adams? Please let everyone know!
“SC pastor: Kim Davis’ persecution by ‘militant homosexuals’ means the antichrist is near”
The Antichrist is near? Hell, he’s already in Cuba and will be arriving in the USA on Tuesday. Just ask the Ben Carson and the batshit crazy loon.
Well I found todays verse mystifying until I got out my King James. Oh we are talking about the staves that went through the hoops of the Ark of the Covenant. The verse there suggest you can remove the staves when the arc isn’t being carried around as long as you keep them with the Ark. This makes sense as you want to keep a weapon system intact, or one always keeps the special china together. It would also seem there would have been extra sets made in case one of the staves broke, rather like having a spare tire. Not that God would ever need a spare tire, and we wouldn’t mention it if the practicalities of life got in the way of his wonderfulness.
Gold covered staves. Yet to be found…so the whole thing is probably a story or maybe it was thrown back into Mt. Doom from whence it came. Oh no nine rings for mortal men doomed to die here…so different mythology.
So based on #41 this is an open thread Goldy? Or as always libtards have full freedom on this blog to pollute every thread ad nauseum?
Puddy I would love you to go talk personally to the King of Saudi Arabia about how wrong Sharia law is and all the laws you pointed out are alive and well in Saudi Arabia. At least as far as religious law. First part of the entertainment is if you can avoid getting strung up by the Religious police.
At least write a letter to the King of Saudi Arabia and tell him how wrong he is. Get your buddies there to do the same. Lets see if you folks can get a good old fashion diplomatic incident started when you actually act on your beliefs when you tell your representatives that according to your beliefs we should tell the House of Saud to fuck off. Put your beliefs in action as they truly believe in Allah just are you are a true believer in your bullshit. Just let me know so I can get a camera set up on chop chop square and a big tub of pop corn.
So based on #48 this is an open thread Goldy? Or as always libtards have full freedom on this blog to pollute every thread ad nauseum?
Puffy I hope this sums up my thoughts, see if you can follow. FUCK YOU AND YOUR RELIGION!
@56 Write your complaints here [ ] and send them here _.
@16 All most all good English men if full support of their King or Queen. Good English stock. No biases here, no our boy Henry the VIII was just a totally just man with a wife who only gave girl babies. What’s a King to do. Well he did it. Hurray for Henry!
It doesn’t matter what religion a president is. What matters greatly is whether she or he will uphold the laws of the land even if they clash with the “laws” of their religion. Kennedy stated clearly that he would not take orders from the Vatican. The problem with Islam, unlike that of Judaism or Christianity, is that it is a religion which demands absolute obedience to the Qu’ran. I doubt if a Muslim president could honestly make the same statement Kennedy did.
@51 Puddy be careful here. I was born in Tripoli, Libya at Wheelas Air Force Base when there was one. There was a treaty with a corrupt king or at least the Black Prince was corrupt and there was also a White Prince. Food aid came into the country and was sold on the dock.
My father would wave at the Kings harem and they would wave back. He was offered a 12 year old as a second wife because he was well liked. The Libyan’s asked him to stay.
How other live and have lived in distant lands is not automatically wrong or right because they follow this or that religious persuasion and have for generations. Some of these beliefs maybe wrong, but when one is in Rome one should do as the Roman’s do.
I was born there and I know I would be better treated than how we treat Mexican children who just happen to have been born here and made political pawns.
The above is made in full disclosure to point on that Puddy now has a problem as I’m by birth a Libyan. It has always followed me as a joke behind my back as being some kind of camel jockeys (who are cool in Libya and Saudi Arabia). Depending on Libyan law I have been considered a citizen with no possibility of renouncing that citizenship and not considered a citizen by birth. I don’t know what my status would be if I were to show up there today. Not that I plan to. I have been to Egypt, and Saudi Arabia and my place of birth has always put me in a different place than other foreigners who are under Sharia law and tradition treated well. I’m not a Muslim but I can probably go pray at the mosque and if invited would do so. I would enjoy the camel market. How papyrus is made and the market. I hope all people can enjoy a better life no matter their beliefs, and Libya is no longer the poorest nation on the African continent. Perhaps not enough of the riches have gone to help the people, but everyone gets to have an AK47 a machinegun or more fun arms these days. The ultimate 2nd amendment. Hopefully they will sort things out. Not a whole lot of help from the little green book these days. Or will the Egyptians who have coveted Egypt put their military in gear and roll east.
“So based on #48 this is an open thread Goldy?”
A Republican candidate breaking one of the Ten Commandments, bearing false witness before 23,000,000 Americans, has a place in the Bible Study thread. Admittedly, a Republican lies whenever they open their mouths, but that’s beside the point.
Sucks to be a batshit crazy loon.
Puddy I would love you to go talk personally to the King of Saudi Arabia about how wrong Sharia law is and all the laws you pointed out are alive and well in Saudi Arabia.
Are U Weally this dumb Mark Adams?
Triple S – Yes nice stretch and cover up of thread pollution. Of course Puddy expected the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit to react as it did when caught!
So…………. libtard loving Richard Dawkins… loved by libtards everywhere is wondering about Ahmed now…
Nothing but the naturally stooooooooooooopid from the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla above!
Ahhh yes, iJunk now has malware…
Wherein Donald Trump proves he’s a spineless panderer.
@63 I agree that’s pretty dumb. Why would the King of Saudi Arabia talk to you? You’re less than a nobody. His security guards would remove you from the palace grounds.
Just like they wouldn’t vote for a Mormon motor-mouth spewing insane crap.
Carson will fall by the wayside. Good riddance.
So Piddles….you are aware that conservative Catholic dioceses have denied communion to lawmakers over that issue, right?
But here’s the thing. If you are a Catholic the Pope and his teachings you are not allowed to question and remain a Catholic.
Less conservative Catholic dioceses, read San Francisco, would have a deep problem if Pelosi said she had had an abortion but are not rending garments over her position that legislating based on the one true faith goes against the Constitution.
More proof that Carly Fiorina is a dilettante who doesn’t know what she’s talking about. And a hypocrite when it comes to criticizing women’s physical appearance.
Leonard Pitts: “America’s not a brave nation”
“James McLellan, a spokesman for the Irving police, told local station WFAA, ‘We attempted to question the juvenile about what it was, and he would simply only tell us that it was a clock.’ That, of course, is because it was a clock. Eventually, whoever has custody of the brain at the Irving PD must have recognized this for the Islamophobic idiocy it was. Ahmed was released. No charges will be filed.
“The fact that a bright kid — a kid with initiative, a kid who only wanted to make his teacher proud, a kid who, by all appearances, is precisely what we wish more kids would be — was hauled away in handcuffs for those very attributes ought to make us sober and reflective about the nation we have become in the years since 9/11.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Needless to say, our resident troll-idiot, Puffybutt, bought into this bullshit full bore. Pitts found the right word to describe the Islamophobes among us: Cowards who are afraid of a kid who built a clock.
Religion is just made-up bullshit.
Maybe he would have been released sooner if after the third time an Officer asked, “What is this?”
He had said, “A Chronometer.” Or “A watey-melon” or “A bag of Pork Rinds” or “A Satanic Artifact.”
Clearly they weren’t buying that it was a clock.
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the BRAVE!
Capitalism in action; or, what happens when hedge funds get their greedy hands on lifesaving drugs; or, why an aspirin may soon cost $50.
@73 So are Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and conservative ideology.
@76 I have a plan. It works like this. Let “the market” set the price of vital drugs, but impose a 100% excess-profits on drug profits over and above a reasonable risk-based return, and use the proceeds to subsidize consumer purchases of drugs subject to the tax.
Back in the 1950s, the Republican administration of President Eisenhower took a similar approach to CEO salaries. Companies paid CEOs whatever they wanted, and passed the expense through the pricing chain by raising prices or pushing down wages, but incomes above a certain amount were subject to a 90% tax rate. Back then, CEOs made about 50 times what a typical worker made, but a guy with a high school diploma could get a factory job that would support a family of six kids and stay-at-home mom, and also pay for a vacation cottage and a Harley, and everyone was happy.
Now, we tax the shit out of secretaries and school janitors, give millionaires and billionaires a free ride, charge sick people $1,000 for a pill, and look at the result: A no-growth economy, a 50% divorce rate, and a nearly negative birth rate. That’s conservative Whack-O-Nomics for ya. Thank you Reagan! Not. And conservative idiots worship that guy …
So what should we do when a handful of unscrupulous greedheads hold people’s health hostage? Maybe a better way to word this question is, Where is Puddy’s vigilante mob when we truly need it?
Come on write the man. Talk to power and tell the man it’s wrong that they follow Shaira law in his nation. He’s the only one who can change it. You just have to convince one man. Convince him that Sharia law is so horrible for the reasons you have said on this list.
I hope he at least points out that on alcohol and drugs his Sharia and you religion match up just fine so what is your problem, shouldn’t you convert fully as clearly his religion is correct. At least in his belief and he is the protector of the two of the holy cities. Go ahead write the man.
By the way if a majority of American’s wanted to enact Sharia law then one way or the other some or much of Sharia law would become the law of the land. A lot of Americans dance around saying the Ten Commandments are the basis of American law or some such poppy cock. They do have a point in that a lot of Americans are Christians and the ten commandments do have a bit of influence. Often more of a moral influence that occasionally gets out of hand and then gets shown the door when a judge finally reminds that there is a difference between immoral and illegal. As an American I have a right to as immoral as I desire. I can tell the preacher man to stuff, might not be a bright thing to do in certain southern states, but then thank goodness for that 2nd amendment though that holy man of god is probably toting as well. Odd that.
@ 60 It’s also impossible for any Moslem to need to make such a promise. There is no Moslem equivalent of Pope. No single man heads Islam or any of the sects. None are also the head of the secular state. The promise that Kennedy made was he would not bow to the Pope in his role as President. No American especially those who represent the United States should bow to any King, Pope, Queen, Czar, President, ect of any nation of the world. No American Moslem is going to bow to the current Ayatollah Khomeni in Iran especially if they are Persian. In spite of everything the Ayatollah doesn’t have the same religious or secular significance of the Pope. If they were to be a Horses Ass though they would present the Ayatollah with his own signed copy of Soloman Rushdie’s books.