Holy people don’t eat roadkill. Rednecks eat roadkill. Roadkill isn’t even for dogs, it’s for crows and vultures.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans factor into this somehow.
All good advice for primitive cultures. Even today road kill is not acceptable food. Too many creepy-crawlers out there.
Elijah Dominic McDotComspews:
Here’s a link to the newly released Mike Brown video.
If Brown was a victim of Swatting by the clerks, it doesn’t change the outcome of the altercation with Wilson. But it certainly seems to more than call into question the long standing contention that Brown committed a strong-arm robbery of the store.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 Only road kill run over by the Pharaoh’s chariots. Road kill run over by Canaanite chariots is holy and should be enjoyed by the people.
Time for hillbillies to be heard! They have free speech too! Up with hillbillies! Up with gypsies! They are gods people just ask em and they will tell you so. Course that’s the only way you get to enjoy some squeezing.
Mark Adamsspews:
Pretty amazing a group of people just escaped from Pharaoh in the middle of a very inhospitable desert would be overly concerned about an animal killed by beasts. Best they get in there with their spears tell the beasts get the fuck out and claim it for the tribe whether or not they killed it proper. After all you can hook salmon up in Alaska and well some bear may claim it. So what you gonna do. Challenge a grisly. Well a certain former Governor of Alaska sure would and it doesn’t look like she has missed many meals. So be like Sarah and call this passage the bs it is.
Also notice it’s two chapters after the ten commandments. Falling under the Laws Concerning theft of animals. Guess ten rules were not enough. Of course the chapter that follows after the ten commandments is the one called Laws for Manservants. Ie slaves.
Now why would a people having escaped servitude want or need rules on keeping slaves? Seems they had a pretty big need to keep everyone in line, and these laws are pretty sophisticated. Yet not particular Egyptian. A people fleeing has enough animals to have to be concerned about theft of animals. Hmmm seems they are a rich people as well. Wonder how they were keeping all these animals fed. Guess that is where the bs about manna came from, someone realized there were some big holes in the story. It isn’t easy keeping 10,000 let alone 60,000 or more people fed let alone large herds of animals. Maybe the whole story isn’t bullshit, but it does suffer here as it cannot be true as it’s being told. Exodus and all that supplies rules for a very sophisticated society based on agriculture. So it’s not Mt. Sinai these folks are in, probably they are doing the peaceful occupation of Canaan, becoming the top dog of the many tribes, and not relying on a lot of battles. Still Jericho is a stirring story, but the truth is probably a lot more boring. Bribe your spies in, open the gate, and then get your army in the walls. Classic, still more classic and better is a peaceful takeover, all that is required is you get your guy voted, bribed, wrestled in as mayor.
Does this apply to roadkill?
Holy people don’t eat roadkill. Rednecks eat roadkill. Roadkill isn’t even for dogs, it’s for crows and vultures.
Republicans factor into this somehow.
All good advice for primitive cultures. Even today road kill is not acceptable food. Too many creepy-crawlers out there.
Here’s a link to the newly released Mike Brown video.
If Brown was a victim of Swatting by the clerks, it doesn’t change the outcome of the altercation with Wilson. But it certainly seems to more than call into question the long standing contention that Brown committed a strong-arm robbery of the store.
@1 Only road kill run over by the Pharaoh’s chariots. Road kill run over by Canaanite chariots is holy and should be enjoyed by the people.
@5 This one is for you Elijah!
Time for hillbillies to be heard! They have free speech too! Up with hillbillies! Up with gypsies! They are gods people just ask em and they will tell you so. Course that’s the only way you get to enjoy some squeezing.
Pretty amazing a group of people just escaped from Pharaoh in the middle of a very inhospitable desert would be overly concerned about an animal killed by beasts. Best they get in there with their spears tell the beasts get the fuck out and claim it for the tribe whether or not they killed it proper. After all you can hook salmon up in Alaska and well some bear may claim it. So what you gonna do. Challenge a grisly. Well a certain former Governor of Alaska sure would and it doesn’t look like she has missed many meals. So be like Sarah and call this passage the bs it is.
Also notice it’s two chapters after the ten commandments. Falling under the Laws Concerning theft of animals. Guess ten rules were not enough. Of course the chapter that follows after the ten commandments is the one called Laws for Manservants. Ie slaves.
Now why would a people having escaped servitude want or need rules on keeping slaves? Seems they had a pretty big need to keep everyone in line, and these laws are pretty sophisticated. Yet not particular Egyptian. A people fleeing has enough animals to have to be concerned about theft of animals. Hmmm seems they are a rich people as well. Wonder how they were keeping all these animals fed. Guess that is where the bs about manna came from, someone realized there were some big holes in the story. It isn’t easy keeping 10,000 let alone 60,000 or more people fed let alone large herds of animals. Maybe the whole story isn’t bullshit, but it does suffer here as it cannot be true as it’s being told. Exodus and all that supplies rules for a very sophisticated society based on agriculture. So it’s not Mt. Sinai these folks are in, probably they are doing the peaceful occupation of Canaan, becoming the top dog of the many tribes, and not relying on a lot of battles. Still Jericho is a stirring story, but the truth is probably a lot more boring. Bribe your spies in, open the gate, and then get your army in the walls. Classic, still more classic and better is a peaceful takeover, all that is required is you get your guy voted, bribed, wrestled in as mayor.