@1 (i) Too bad you weren’t a girl, (ii) it doesn’t explicitly include trolls.
This is the reason why we need Term Limits.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@1 Two ways to look at it: 1) A warning to not sell your daughter to slavery because you won’t get her back, or 2) Sell your daughter to slavery and she forever becomes some other man’s problem
God is such a righteous prick for allowing slavery.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “God is such a righteous prick for allowing slavery.”
I think you’re accusing the wrong party. God is a liberal and wouldn’t allow such a thing. Slavery is the work of the Devil and conservatives. Satan is a conservative, and rightwing racists are his handmaidens.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@5 “I think you’re accusing the wrong party.”
I don’t think so, God/Satan, one can’t exist without the other and as a result they are both culpable in the whole paradigm to control people through the “good vs. evil” schtick.
I’m sure Shortbus and Piddles can rationalize and biblesplain it so the God is pure as the driven snow, however I think Richard Dawkins sums it up best: ” “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/23651-the-god-of-the-old-testament-is-arguably-the-most
So if God created man in his own image, the the idea the man created slavery indicated God have slavery in his own being. After all, isn’t God trying to say that man is a slave to God?
Mark Adamsspews:
Only another hour or so of pre game and what not until the game. If you are a Patriots fan you are a Putin puppet and treasonous swine. It’s in a memo that Putin is a Patriots fan. And Russia is a big enough country that the court of the IOC will allow President Putin enjoy watching Russian athletes at the Olympics. Move along no politics here folks. GO EAGLES!!! All patriots support the EAGLES!!!
Mark Adamsspews:
The truth is Man created God in his image.
Do you imagine more rioting in Philly if the win or lose
Either way something is getting lit on fire tonight.
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably…”
My goodness, that’s one hell of a statement. Nailed it.
Mark Adamsspews:
The simple fact that a people fleeing oppression or slavery would have this law, and a whole slew of laws about slavery, or indentured servitude demonstrates that the Torah contains much that is fiction, or is allegorical. The fact the bible to some degree is a brick in the foundation of western civilization is a problem, and one may do better to lean more upon the Greeks and Romans for morality, though you won’t find much comfort there, as slavery was a fact of life then, and accepted and practiced in much of the world. The Romans practiced slavery and finally gave it up, and made all citizens, a high point in human history, and god played no part.
Why would a people who escaped slavery, practice it to such a degree unless as Egyptian scholars have pointed out that they were really never enslaved in Egypt and that the Canaanite tribes were highly involved in a highly advanced slave trade in the region of what is now Israel. There is surely some truth in Exodus, but a lot to suggest it is a lot of fiction. It is ignorant of the borders of Egypt that extended far up into the Levant. Who pharaoh was. A basic fact., Odd those plagues are not in the Egyptian record, though there are individual events over thousands of years that resemble the events described in the bible, just not all at once, and yes some of the events of the Bible could be the result of the previous plague.
There is the whole golden calf issue. Where do slaves get enough gold to create such a thing, (let alone the temple ornaments) Who among the slaves described as workmen making bricks for the palaces and temples would have the skills to make a golden calf? And well where is the calf? Traces of the Exodus of hundreds of thousands of people through the wilderness for 30 years.
So yes the basis of the Judaism maybe based on a lie. Just as the basis of Christianity maybe more fiction than truth. Though a guy names Jesus was crucifies, in fact a more than a couple of Jesus were, only none were a Jesus Christ.
I do think it’s up to men and women to decide among all the parts of the Bible to decide what is good, what is evil, what is dross. One should not follow blindly. I agree with Job that one cannot possible know and understand God. He or she may not even exist, but a million years on the plains of Africa can mean that this thing called God/religion is part of being Human.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
Sounds like a DUMMOCRETIN to Puddy. Didn’t the senile idiot wabbit claim Jesus was a liberal last week? Jesus is the Son of God so if a libtard thinks God is like that then His Son has the same attributes. And every HA DUMMOCRETIN agrees with all Roger senile idiot wabbit assertions!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
Sounds like a DUMMOCRETIN to Puddy. Didn’t the senile idiot wabbit claim Jesus was a liberal last week? Jesus is the Son of God so if a libtard thinks God is like that then His Son has the same attributes. And every HA DUMMOCRETIN agrees with all Roger senile idiot wabbit assertions!
I think Goldie picks these at random. Do Scientology Goldie, or are you chicken? An Eagles fan would take on the challenge, it’s what has kept them going through the wilderness.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You can get a Super Bowl livestream on your computer by googling “NBC Sports.”
a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
So Roger Ailes was none of those. And Faux News appeals to none of that…
Ho hum..
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@11 ” this thing called God/religion is part of being Human.”
What a load of horseshit, on so many levels.
“I do think it’s up to men and women to decide among all the parts of the Bible to decide what is good, what is evil, what is dross. ” A La Carte religious adherence/following, more horseshit. When people pick choose which parts are true/fiction, good/evil, what to follow, what not to follow, you end up with a bunch of pretentious hypocrites and nothing more.
So the lesson all can taken from that great institution is 1) lock up your couches and 2) keep your daughters away from the staff at MSU. Go Sparty! Maybe that can get Nasser to share a cell with Sandusky.
If Judaism is based on lies and Christianity is a fiction, then Islam is definitely out-to-lunch.
Better not mention that to any of my boy Muhammad’s people. My boy did a fine job of inventing Islam and promoting that religion, and his followers still today react violently if someone besmirches their faith. You see, Islam has an inferiority complex vis-a-vis Judaism and Christianity: Islam is the Johnny-come-latest to the monotheism party. Muslims resent the other two forms because it detracts from their faith.
I believe it was Mark Twain who said the world has the true religion – all seven of them!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Congrats, Goldy! Your Eagles won! And what a phenomenal game!
Mark Adamsspews:
@9 Philly won. It’s pretty chilly in the east. So any rioting?
Mark Adamsspews:
@18 Which is why the Enlightenment is such a cool thing. One need not go along with any of it. Why so many do in American is simply amazing, but none of the patriots foresaw the Great Awakening. At least it gave an American twist to all the religious stuff. The Mormon’s being an example of what it led to.
Mark Adamsspews:
@20 Islam is based on opportunism, plagiarism, and luck.
At least it’s fairly well documented within and without. Individuals and events are clearly actual. They left writings. Their contemporaries left records. There are some exaggerations, and that stuff about Mohammed taking to the sky to join you is a known lie. It’s known how, where and when your boy died. Then there was a fight over who would run the kingdom and church after he died, and who the winners and losers were. The world of man lives in the shadow of all those events that took place on the edges of great nations, and civilizations that would be taken down by your boy, and his ancestors. And they are still trying to achieve the greater vision of Mohammed.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@23 “The Mormon’s being an example of what it led to.” Lol and a snort of derision. Mormonism? Yeah, that is a great example. Burned/driven out of at least two cities. Just a different snake-oil spin an a story. What’s is your next example? Church of Scientology? Seventh Day Adventists? Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Why must one seek enlightenment though some religious bullshit? Can’t enlightenment be achieved through other means? I believe it can.
So what are you thinking Goldy?
Till Next Time!
@1 (i) Too bad you weren’t a girl, (ii) it doesn’t explicitly include trolls.
This is the reason why we need Term Limits.
@1 Two ways to look at it: 1) A warning to not sell your daughter to slavery because you won’t get her back, or 2) Sell your daughter to slavery and she forever becomes some other man’s problem
God is such a righteous prick for allowing slavery.
@4 “God is such a righteous prick for allowing slavery.”
I think you’re accusing the wrong party. God is a liberal and wouldn’t allow such a thing. Slavery is the work of the Devil and conservatives. Satan is a conservative, and rightwing racists are his handmaidens.
@5 “I think you’re accusing the wrong party.”
I don’t think so, God/Satan, one can’t exist without the other and as a result they are both culpable in the whole paradigm to control people through the “good vs. evil” schtick.
Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+1%3A27&version=NKJV
I’m sure Shortbus and Piddles can rationalize and biblesplain it so the God is pure as the driven snow, however I think Richard Dawkins sums it up best: ” “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/23651-the-god-of-the-old-testament-is-arguably-the-most
So if God created man in his own image, the the idea the man created slavery indicated God have slavery in his own being. After all, isn’t God trying to say that man is a slave to God?
Only another hour or so of pre game and what not until the game. If you are a Patriots fan you are a Putin puppet and treasonous swine. It’s in a memo that Putin is a Patriots fan. And Russia is a big enough country that the court of the IOC will allow President Putin enjoy watching Russian athletes at the Olympics. Move along no politics here folks. GO EAGLES!!! All patriots support the EAGLES!!!
The truth is Man created God in his image.
Do you imagine more rioting in Philly if the win or lose
Either way something is getting lit on fire tonight.
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably…”
My goodness, that’s one hell of a statement. Nailed it.
The simple fact that a people fleeing oppression or slavery would have this law, and a whole slew of laws about slavery, or indentured servitude demonstrates that the Torah contains much that is fiction, or is allegorical. The fact the bible to some degree is a brick in the foundation of western civilization is a problem, and one may do better to lean more upon the Greeks and Romans for morality, though you won’t find much comfort there, as slavery was a fact of life then, and accepted and practiced in much of the world. The Romans practiced slavery and finally gave it up, and made all citizens, a high point in human history, and god played no part.
Why would a people who escaped slavery, practice it to such a degree unless as Egyptian scholars have pointed out that they were really never enslaved in Egypt and that the Canaanite tribes were highly involved in a highly advanced slave trade in the region of what is now Israel. There is surely some truth in Exodus, but a lot to suggest it is a lot of fiction. It is ignorant of the borders of Egypt that extended far up into the Levant. Who pharaoh was. A basic fact., Odd those plagues are not in the Egyptian record, though there are individual events over thousands of years that resemble the events described in the bible, just not all at once, and yes some of the events of the Bible could be the result of the previous plague.
There is the whole golden calf issue. Where do slaves get enough gold to create such a thing, (let alone the temple ornaments) Who among the slaves described as workmen making bricks for the palaces and temples would have the skills to make a golden calf? And well where is the calf? Traces of the Exodus of hundreds of thousands of people through the wilderness for 30 years.
So yes the basis of the Judaism maybe based on a lie. Just as the basis of Christianity maybe more fiction than truth. Though a guy names Jesus was crucifies, in fact a more than a couple of Jesus were, only none were a Jesus Christ.
I do think it’s up to men and women to decide among all the parts of the Bible to decide what is good, what is evil, what is dross. One should not follow blindly. I agree with Job that one cannot possible know and understand God. He or she may not even exist, but a million years on the plains of Africa can mean that this thing called God/religion is part of being Human.
a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
Sounds like a DUMMOCRETIN to Puddy. Didn’t the senile idiot wabbit claim Jesus was a liberal last week? Jesus is the Son of God so if a libtard thinks God is like that then His Son has the same attributes. And every HA DUMMOCRETIN agrees with all Roger senile idiot wabbit assertions!
Till Next Time!
a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
Sounds like a DUMMOCRETIN to Puddy. Didn’t the senile idiot wabbit claim Jesus was a liberal last week? Jesus is the Son of God so if a libtard thinks God is like that then His Son has the same attributes. And every HA DUMMOCRETIN agrees with all Roger senile idiot wabbit assertions!
Till Next Time!
It’s Trump… He’s a jerk!
Oh wait it’s Obummer… https://youtu.be/W7C6kH-LbpI
Wow Obummer was a real jerk!
Till Next Time!
I think Goldie picks these at random. Do Scientology Goldie, or are you chicken? An Eagles fan would take on the challenge, it’s what has kept them going through the wilderness.
You can get a Super Bowl livestream on your computer by googling “NBC Sports.”
So Roger Ailes was none of those. And Faux News appeals to none of that…
Ho hum..
@11 ” this thing called God/religion is part of being Human.”
What a load of horseshit, on so many levels.
“I do think it’s up to men and women to decide among all the parts of the Bible to decide what is good, what is evil, what is dross. ” A La Carte religious adherence/following, more horseshit. When people pick choose which parts are true/fiction, good/evil, what to follow, what not to follow, you end up with a bunch of pretentious hypocrites and nothing more.
You bet they will. They will take a page from that great bastion of higher learning, Michigan Statue University: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michigan_State_University_student_riots
So the lesson all can taken from that great institution is 1) lock up your couches and 2) keep your daughters away from the staff at MSU. Go Sparty! Maybe that can get Nasser to share a cell with Sandusky.
If Judaism is based on lies and Christianity is a fiction, then Islam is definitely out-to-lunch.
Better not mention that to any of my boy Muhammad’s people. My boy did a fine job of inventing Islam and promoting that religion, and his followers still today react violently if someone besmirches their faith. You see, Islam has an inferiority complex vis-a-vis Judaism and Christianity: Islam is the Johnny-come-latest to the monotheism party. Muslims resent the other two forms because it detracts from their faith.
I believe it was Mark Twain who said the world has the true religion – all seven of them!
Congrats, Goldy! Your Eagles won! And what a phenomenal game!
@9 Philly won. It’s pretty chilly in the east. So any rioting?
@18 Which is why the Enlightenment is such a cool thing. One need not go along with any of it. Why so many do in American is simply amazing, but none of the patriots foresaw the Great Awakening. At least it gave an American twist to all the religious stuff. The Mormon’s being an example of what it led to.
@20 Islam is based on opportunism, plagiarism, and luck.
At least it’s fairly well documented within and without. Individuals and events are clearly actual. They left writings. Their contemporaries left records. There are some exaggerations, and that stuff about Mohammed taking to the sky to join you is a known lie. It’s known how, where and when your boy died. Then there was a fight over who would run the kingdom and church after he died, and who the winners and losers were. The world of man lives in the shadow of all those events that took place on the edges of great nations, and civilizations that would be taken down by your boy, and his ancestors. And they are still trying to achieve the greater vision of Mohammed.
@23 “The Mormon’s being an example of what it led to.” Lol and a snort of derision. Mormonism? Yeah, that is a great example. Burned/driven out of at least two cities. Just a different snake-oil spin an a story. What’s is your next example? Church of Scientology? Seventh Day Adventists? Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Why must one seek enlightenment though some religious bullshit? Can’t enlightenment be achieved through other means? I believe it can.