But she does get to look forward to being gang banged by all the men.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Happy Father’s Day to Better, Goldy, and everyone else doing the best for their children.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gender discrimination! Hire an attorney! Sue the bastards!
Sell your daughter into slavery? Where did they come up with that crap?
2nd Amendment.
What’s the connection between biblical slavery and the 2nd Amendment?
headless lucyspews:
re 7 — A certain kind of mind-set.
Maybe she’ll be freed at the end of five years instead. A girl can hope, can’t she?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Well, if she is, they’ll give her a one-sided trial on the internet in which they do all the talking and find her guilty, and then they’ll brand a red letter “S” (for slave) on her forehead before the stoning.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ye Publick Notice
Roger Rabbit is going on vacation this week, and might not post for several days. I will be back in about 10 days.
Not even if he saves to receipt?
But she does get to look forward to being gang banged by all the men.
Happy Father’s Day to Better, Goldy, and everyone else doing the best for their children.
Gender discrimination! Hire an attorney! Sue the bastards!
Sell your daughter into slavery? Where did they come up with that crap?
2nd Amendment.
What’s the connection between biblical slavery and the 2nd Amendment?
re 7 — A certain kind of mind-set.
Maybe she’ll be freed at the end of five years instead. A girl can hope, can’t she?
@10 Well, if she is, they’ll give her a one-sided trial on the internet in which they do all the talking and find her guilty, and then they’ll brand a red letter “S” (for slave) on her forehead before the stoning.
Ye Publick Notice
Roger Rabbit is going on vacation this week, and might not post for several days. I will be back in about 10 days.
Men wrote the Torah.