Exodus 21:20-21
If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.
by Goldy — ,
Man = one of the Clintons
Slave = Democrat Party
Day = Year
Works pretty well that way, too.
So long as Fuckface is in charge of the Republican Party I don’t see how they avoid these compound errors.
His basic impulses will always go there. And everyone around him will go down.
Boob’s horse is like – “Just let me not wake-up tomorrow!”
@3: Actually, the horse gets off. B00b is into it for the “full feeling” in his ass.
You gotta give B00b credit because a horse fucking B00b in the ass ain’t easy to pull off and there ain’t no reach around possible (tips hat)!
@4 my advice to BOOb would be to relax the sphincter.
@3, it probably his wife that is actually saying that.
His horse is probably thinking, “Is that all you got?”
So Old Testament believers are okay with Ramses beating the shit out of Moses as long as he doesn’t die?*
* But according to Exodus, Ramses was a fool not to finish off Moses when he had the chance.
A CNN headline says the US is moving stealth jets to South Korea.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Advice for Seattleites: If you see a double flash of bright white light don’t look at it, stay away from windows, and drop what you’re doing and take cover immediately.
@1 I’ll bet you’d cheer as the trains to Auschwitz went by, too.
@4 Boob gives “horseback riding” a whole new meaning.
@10: Very well said, master Rabbit!
“When your enemy is drowning, throw him an anvil.”
I’m normally in favor of negotiation and compromise, but this sounds like good advice for these times.
@10 Funny.
@8 yup. As soon as Mueller gets closer then BOMBS AWAY!!!!!!!
Three jackasses reflecting on what they did and two bigger jackasses who don’t even realize yet what they did.
What is left out is that this would have been on the original tablets from God to Moses. The fine print so to say, but as important as the 10 commandments, of which there were more than 10. Odd this is so similar to Hammurabi’s code and some parts are right out of the code that is written in stone.
There was a lot of fine print on those tablets that Moses then destroyed. So there is the 2nd set of Commandments that Moses wrote up on the mount. Took longer and they were different from the originals.
Of course the whole Stones from the Mountain no matter how dramatically depicted maybe just myth. Probably is as why would a people who has just escaped bondage. slavery be so insistent on having slaves and needing laws governing slavery, unless they are already part of the regions slave trade. Something Egypt was not.
The biblical story does not comport to the archeological record. Yes there were slaves in Egypt from time to time. Mostly they were prisoners of war. At the end of the reign of the Pharaohs there were more slaves in Egypt than at any other time.
You get what you vote for.
@2 Theodore Roosevelt did something new as well as a Republican President. He partially created and used the bully pulpit to take his message directly to the people. Tweeting is just a new way of extending the President’s bully pulpit. Roosevelt pissed off Republican’s and Democrats with his bully pulpit. Was everything he said on the bully pulpit true, probably not, but it was effective.
The powers of the President are greatly exaggerated, and the power is in Congress except of power the Congress has given away.
As much as you all are bitching, when it comes to governing Trump has come out much more as a centrist as far as governing. He wants wins. He wants to do things. Now if you all succeed in getting Pence into the office, there will be less tweeting but you will have a true conservative in the office.
@16 “What … would have been on the original tablets from God to Moses” is “do not lie to the FBI.”
@3 Let Boob’s horse worry about Boob or not. If you honestly think the man is mistreating the beast then do the right thing and contact the SPCA. If nothing else a New Yorker will have give them a good laugh.
@18 “Tweeting is just a new way of extending the … bully pulpit.”
Yes, but TR was so much better at using the bully pulpit than DJT.
Bombs Away!
Graham: Pentagon should move US dependents out of South Korea
@7 Exodus says a lot of things about Pharaoh. Including the lord darkening his mind over the request of “Let my people go” why didn’t god just turn his mind to delightful desert rabbits hopping happily in the desert, and frolicking, and to let the people go.
Moses smiting an Egyptian, well at least he was not an undocumented alien. of course he self deported before Pharaoh could punish him. Guess they had poor record keeping those Egyptians Guess Pharaoh had a short memory like many voters.
Of course just why did God need Moses to go to Egypt to let his people go? Could not God have done that without Moses?
I could care less about Boob’s horse. I’m sure he and the wife take care of it good, if you know what I mean. I mean slavery is a good thing – or at least Repukes think so. And I don’t know the age of the horse, but Repukes think there is nothing wrong with underage relationships. And as you know – everything is fake news, so why would anyone believe it if there was something wrong. The SPCA is not even an animal rights organization, they are just a front to those basement sex clubs.
@15 wow the narrator has a sexy voice…I wonder if she was ever gang banged on a pool table by the Turtle and friends.
@23 “Of course just why did God need Moses to go to Egypt to let his people go? Could not God have done that without Moses?”
I don’t know – maybe God didn’t like the blow job Moses gave him and it was his punishment.
But 23 is my lucky number!
@8 You are not in lockstep with your fellow Democrats on this one. You are first pointing out the administration is doing something in response to North Korea. You should not be mentioning anything of the sort. Seattle is a sacrificial city for the Democratic party at this time. The North Korean’s take it out and they can impeach Trump as long as it appears he was all talk.
Unfortunately the North Koreans only seem to respond to our willingness to kill North Koreans. The situation is at a point where diplomacy has failed and the only alternative is killing some North Koreans. Yet you would prefer to trade Seattle before killing any North Korean’s. I vote for killing as many North Korean’s as it takes to end this crap in the Korea’s.
As an alternative we can recognize North Korea as a nuclear state and take the following actions. I support South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan becoming nuclear powers, Or we place our nuclear weapons back into Korea. Sanctions may lead to the collapse of North Korea if China and Russia are willing to enforce them to that point, but China in particularly does not want that kind of chaos, nor do they want a Western Korea on it’s border. So now is the time to do something. I have no problem if we fly a B-52 right over the North Korean capital as that might bring them to the table, when they see what an old dog can do.
@12 Democrats should want the Republicans to pass this thing. It gives them something to point to during the upcoming Congressional elections. Something that for most of next year it will be unclear if it’s working or not. They should not celebrate a failure, as that gives the Republicans something more to put around Democratic necks in the upcoming elections.
Still as an independent this may bode well for the formation of a strong third party. Giving Americans real choice.
@14 That did not work very well for Bill Clinton.
@15 Yet if you redid the election today the result would be Trump winning the electoral collage and winning the popular vote. Sure some of these folks with buyers remorse might not vote, (and they would never vote for Clinton) but Hilliary Clinton is still even less popular than Trump than when the lection was held. That is an amazing accomplishment to be even more unpopular than Trump.
@9 You would have applauded and cheered too if you had been in NAZI Germany or NAZI occupied Poland.
@31 sounds like you are saying that you to would have been applauding.
So are you going to applaud, or are you already applauding, when today’s Nazi further rise in power and start to wipe out other human beings?
@19 Of course not. That requires something along the lines of an enlightenment that recognizes then men create law, and not God.
That particular part of the code is an abomination, but people should be wise enough to not talk to the FBI or just say no to answering questions without their attorney. Whether people realize it or not even if they are merely a witness to a bank robbery, in the FBI’s manual they are a potential suspect until cleared. So even the innocent may want to speak to the FBI with an attorney.
Man you spent too long in the prosecutors office if you are even an attorney. Even for an attorney what you are stating is clearly unprofessional conduct and unbecoming.
Shortbus isn’t just slow on the uptake.
It’s clear he suffers from some kind of basic cognitive defect that prevents him from comprehending anything that isn’t presented in a cartoon-like format involving cute and quite often falsified historical anecdotes about mythological past heroes.
Don’t know if Teddy ever committed any felonies involving a conspiracy with a foreign dictator. Not sure I care. Don’t even care that Fuckface Von Russian Puppet is addicted to sitting on the broken toilet seat in the Oval Office shitter at 4am rage tweeting at random house moms from Bogner, UK.
The point is pretending that your personal attorney somehow slipped into your bedroom and pried your sticky smartphone out of your tiny hands to send out a highly incriminating tweet is actually worse than the tweet itself. Doubling down on obstruction by forcing someone else to join in, even if they are only pretending, actually makes it worse.
The highest ranking Republican in the world cannot help but incriminate himself because it is in his basic nature. Nobody does this shit because “there is nothing to hide”. They do it precisely because there is something to hide. For once I believe the President: he fired Flynn because he knew Flynn had committed a felony when he told the FBI there was no effort to obtain and coordinate assistance from Russia. So far it’s the only thing to have come out of the stupid motherfucker’s Twitter account that makes any sense.
@21 Well TR is not known for being a poet. Twitter by it’s nature is not a venue one would want to use to negotiate TPP, the North Korean’s ect. but short pithy messages to the unwashed masses, well there it shines.
@22 I agree with Grahm on this. Korea was generally an unaccompanied tour for most of my military career, unless one was of sufficient rand, and even then a lot of GI’s did not take their dependent’s. It’s a tough assignment of dependents even if they are South Korean. The war plans of getting our people out has never been tested, this maybe a good opportunity to at least test whether in a crises it’s even possible.
You idiots really need to get to grips with this. It simply will not work anymore.
Let me put it in terms simple enough even for Shortbus:
You are not an EEEEN-DEEEE-PEN-DUNCE if you are predisposed to voting exclusively for the candidates with the (R)s after their names, even if you have to hold your nose while you do it.
We know you now. You’ve shown us who you are. You are no different than almost any other Republican voter.
@32 First I think you are wrong in your belief there. 2nd Survival trumps politics. A whole bunch of people in North Korea say I’m right on this in the way they act and what they do.
If one stumbles into a Marxist protest in London with 100,00 protesting Maggie Thatcher, one had best for the moment become one with the mob, at least until one can slip out of the mob, simple survival. As a New Yorker you should be familiar with this concept. Bet you have a Yankee’s ball cap and don’t wear your Seahawks jersey in certain neighborhoods in New York. Or expensive running shoes.
@37 I will vote for the human being I think is most capable. If we were more European I would probably vote a straight party ticket do to the system. We are not under that system, and we are in a true Federal system. Therefore there is separation between the states and Federal government. Not so much on the local to state level. Still on the local level I look for the person showing some degree of competence in being able to do the job, and then consider other factors. I will happily vote for a decent competent Democrat or Republican,. Communist. Socialist, Green, ect. I wish we had a better mix of people at the state and federal level, as that mix means we the people get the best results. When either party dominates in numbers for a long time while they maybe doing an excellent job, most likely the people are not being well represented, and democracy suffers.
@34 Just ask native Hawaiians. Or the folks in Columbia which lost the Panama province.
Despite your previous insistence that it was against the law to refuse to answer FBI questions? Which is it genius?
The part that makes it a crime to deliberately mislead a federal investigator so as to obstruct their investigation? That part?
I can’t say I’m surprised that this sort of thing is what you traitors will be bringing to defend President Russian PeePee.
“Everybody lies! It’s no big deal! It shouldn’t even be a crime, really!” I know you can’t see it. But this is the kind of shit that makes you a traitor.
@24 So you don’t know anything about the horse. When before you made an accusation. So you lied. You perjured yourself. You just lied to the FBI. Or at least given them a way to get your cooperation whether you want to cooperate with them or not. Just a silly horse joke, but those FBI agents don’t have a sense of humor.
@26 Ok so tell me more. Why would god need a blow job? Why Moses? Are you inferring God is gay? Can’t God pleasure himself? If not why? Why can’t God give God a blowjob? (No you cannot use the Trinity in your answer).
Rule of holes, Shortbus. Rule of holes.
A charge of perjury is a specific crime pertaining to sworn testimony in a legal proceeding. To their great credit, the investigative interviews conducted by the FBI in which Flynn, Kushner, McFarland, Papadapolous, Manafort, Gates, and probably Don Jr. gave false statements, are very formal affairs, timed, recorded, and preceded by lots of careful written warnings. It’s patently absurd to suggest that a guy like Flynn, or any of the rest of them “accidentally” gave materially significant false statements during those interviews.
@34 Well of course there is a the small point that it’s in the job description of the National Security Advisor that lying is part of the job. Especially to the FBI that is a rival agency. The fact the FBI had been recording the National Security Advisor is troublesome because the questioning of Flynn about information they already had was unnecessary, and just why is the FBI wiretapping the National Security Advisor? Does that mean they also wiretapped the President elect? Was this illegal wiretapping that the FBI and Mueller would like to use and are seeking a way to make the forbidden fruit edible?
@44 A skilled investigator in a two or three hour interview can easily get a person to impeach themselves, and if not that day when they call them back for additional questioning. Which is why people invoke the 5th. Which is what Flynn probably should have done. Or his attorney probably advised.
@41 It’s that part where Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job from Monica Lewinski. He lied to a Federal Investigator over something that was frankly not anyone else’s business if the BJ was censual. It makes perfect sense that he lied. Yet he was nearly removed from office over that lie.
I think that whole mess was silly and not necessary. The investigation of President Clinton did not turn up anything. It should have run a few months and been terminated, but that is not the way of these kinds of investigations. This one has gone on since before the election and has yet to turn up one shred of evidence to support any collusion. As part of the fallout RT has to apply as a foreign agent and has had it’s credentials pulled to be a news agency at the Capitol. These are transgressions against the first amendment that are serious and damaging to the United States, and you apparently support more of the same.
@41 And you calling me a traitor is fighting words. Where and when you SOB?
Let’s be honest. You know perfectly well that at the time Flynn was sitting in his offices at Trump Tower in December of 2016 conspiring with a Russian dictatorship on behalf of then President-elect PeePee to meddle with U.S. elections, influence UN votes, and sweep aside sanctions against Russia for brutally invading a neighboring sovereign state he was nothing but a private citizen scumbag criminal with no title, no credentials, and no business doing what he was doing.
So fuck you. You aren’t doing a very good job of trolling anymore. Talk you yourself. You’ve shown yourself to be a dishonest idiot as well as a traitor.
BTW: Clinton lied in a sworn dep, not an FBI interview. You idiot traitor. You make stupid boring.
Tonight. 10pm. S. Atlantic Street, on the east side right under the DOT camera. Please waive up at the camera when you get there. For a friend.
GOP senator explains tax cuts for the rich:
” … not having the estate tax recognizes the people who are investing as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have … on booze or women or movies,” Sen. Chuck Grassley told the Des Moines Register.
@23 In which Shortbus calls the Exodus “self deportation.” I suppose you could say the same thing about all the Africans who abandoned their native villages at gunpoint to become guest workers in Confederate America, if you’re stupid enough.
@27 “I have no problem if we fly a B-52 right over the North Korean capital”
You wanna fly it? I don’t think you’ll get a B-52 crew to volunteer.
@28 We’re not as Machiavellian as you. We’re not the type of people who hope Seattle gets nuked so Trump has an excuse to obliterate North Korea. And don’t call yourself an “independent.” That’s insulting to independents. You’ve made clear where your sympathies lie.
@29 What didn’t work very well for Two-Term President Bill Clinton? Are you referring to stopping a genocide in Kosovo without incurring a single American combat casualty?
Republicans like cheap tricks, like shooting down two sitting-duck Libyan jets or tossing a platoon of Cubans out of Grenada. Their bigger wars have a tendency to get out of control because they don’t know a damn thing about military strategy. Hell, they’re having a good day if they can figure out which country the war is in.
@30 “Yet if you redid the election today the result would be Trump winning the electoral collage and winning the popular vote.”
Last I checked, the professor who called Trump’s victory is now predicting he’ll be impeached. You might try looking up his approval ratings, too, if you dare.
@31 No, I wouldn’t have. I would’ve been ambushing Nazis.
@38 Sounds like you would’ve made a good little Nazi, though. If you read up on it, you’ll likely find out that most of the people in Hitler’s death squads didn’t have a predisposition to commit mass murder. They simply felt it was the easiest thing to do in the circumstances.
@39 “I will vote for the human being I think is most capable”
Can we assume that isn’t someone who lies every time he opens his mouth, cheats on his wives, cheats everyone who does business with him, has been married three times and gone bankrupt four times, and throws a tantrum whenever someone disagrees with him?
@45 “why is the FBI wiretapping the National Security Advisor?”
They weren’t. They were wiretapping the Russian ambassador.
@46 Easy enough. If he refuses to talk, give him immunity, then haul him before a grand jury. There’s no Fifth Amendment there.
@47 “Yet he was nearly removed from office over that lie.”
I wouldn’t call 45 yays and 55 nays, when you need 67 yays, “nearly removed.” A dope like you might, though. The GOP couldn’t even get all of their own senators to vote “yay” on the perjury article.
@48 What would you suggest a Vietnam veteran say to someone who called him “unpatriotic” for not supporting an ill-advised, poorly planned, and clumsily executed war against a country that didn’t attack us and wasn’t a threat to us which ended up costing over 4,400 American soldiers their lives?
For the record, all I did was not vote for their party or candidates. I didn’t ask them to meet me under a bridge somewhere.
not sure if you are referencing the wrong post number in you reply, but @32 had nothing to do with North Korea.
“@32 First I think you are wrong in your belief there. 2nd Survival trumps politics. A whole bunch of people in North Korea say I’m right on this in the way they act and what they do.
If one stumbles into a Marxist protest in London with 100,00 protesting Maggie Thatcher, one had best for the moment become one with the mob, at least until one can slip out of the mob, simple survival. As a New Yorker you should be familiar with this concept. Bet you have a Yankee’s ball cap and don’t wear your Seahawks jersey in certain neighborhoods in New York. Or expensive running shoes.”
you were saying to RR that he too would have applauded, which means that you too would have applauded, as also indicated above by you saying “become one with the mob”.
So I ask – if today’s Nazis rise to a mob level will you go along with them? Sounds like you would. Yes or No. I don’t need any hypothetical. Do you not have the balls to fight a mob when that mob is morally bankrupt. You being a service member put your life on the line for this country – maybe you did it just for the paycheck? But you wouldn’t put your life on the line if something immoral was happening like Auschwitz, and would just fall in line? What kind of person are you? A coward?
I will fight for my freedom – tooth and nail. The freedom to be who I want and as free as I want. And that means loving who I wish to love. And if someone gets in the way of that freedom then I am not going down without a fight. Even if I can only take one other person down with me.
No, I don’t wear any Baseball hats, jerseys, or any sports jerseys or hats. Nor do I have any expensive sneakers. I don’t fall in line with the rest of the sheep following sports or buying sneakers.
While the Republicans may look like they have the votes to pass their tax bill, I don’t think we should write off their capacity for blowing it just yet. A little more PR like Grassley’s might cause it to come apart.
My comment – “Boob’s horse is like – “Just let me not wake-up tomorrow!”
Mark (Abigail) Comment – “@3 Let Boob’s horse worry about Boob or not. If you honestly think the man is mistreating the beast then do the right thing and contact the SPCA. If nothing else a New Yorker will have give them a good laugh.
My reply – “I could care less about Boob’s horse. I’m sure he and the wife take care of it good, if you know what I mean. I mean slavery is a good thing – or at least Repukes think so. And I don’t know the age of the horse, but Repukes think there is nothing wrong with underage relationships. And as you know – everything is fake news, so why would anyone believe it if there was something wrong. The SPCA is not even an animal rights organization, they are just a front to those basement sex clubs.
His repsonse – “@24 So you don’t know anything about the horse. When before you made an accusation. So you lied. You perjured yourself. You just lied to the FBI. Or at least given them a way to get your cooperation whether you want to cooperate with them or not. Just a silly horse joke, but those FBI agents don’t have a sense of humor.”
WTF? I didn’t say Boob’s Horse said that. I said he was like. You know he had that look on his face like he was in deep thought that kind of looked like he was thinking that. I didn’t Goldy was an FBI member. How do I lie to the FBI if I wasn’t talking to an FBI member. Shouldn’t the FBI member at least tell me that he is an FBI member and anything I say can be used against me in a court of law? Maybe I should have asked the FBI member – why the long look on your face?
Buddy – you worked for the FBI too long or at least got passed up as a candidate and wanted to be an agent. Do me a favor – go interview the accused pervert in Alabama running to be a Senator.
@26 Ok so tell me more. Why would god need a blow job? Why Moses? Are you inferring God is gay? Can’t God pleasure himself? If not why? Why can’t God give God a blowjob? (No you cannot use the Trinity in your answer).
No….I’ve sucked cock before, and I know everyone here thinks I’m gay, but I’m not, I do it for a fun experience…now God probably wanted one because he woke up with a woody but he burned his hands the night before, so he said to Moses, “Moses get over here” (Oh wait were there any FBI agents present?). So Moses, says yes God. God said – I can normally give myself a blowjob but I just had braces put in, and I also burned both of my hands yesterday, could you do me a favor and wrap those luscious lips I gave around my woody. Moses – said “Yes Sir!”
And it was a shitty blowjob, not one like Jesus could have given himself, so he said go away, you are being punished.
End of story. Why do you have to make such a long big story about the first and famous blow job that God didn’t do to himself?
Trump now asserts that’s not him on the infamous “pussygrabbing” tape. It didn’t take long for that fib to get shot down.
@66 I wouldn’t trust him to interview himself.
How far will it go?
“Robert Mueller poses an existential threat to the Trump presidency.” — Newsmax boss and Trump pal Christopher Ruddy