I seldom, if ever, us the terms. To me, it implies a god to damn things. Since I don’t believe in “conventional” religious ideas of a god, especially one that would “damn” anything, it seems silly. More appropriate is to use the word “damn” alone. Unless you believe there is a god that would damn the hammer that smashed your thumb.
Gee Funkspews:
Well as defined below, its not whether you use the Lord’s name, its that it produces a result when you do. I think we often set the bar too high for ourselves on this one. Jesus for fuck’s sure wouldn’t want us feeling guilt over that.
Vain (vān):
2. producing no result; useless. “a vain attempt to tidy up the room” synonyms: futile, useless, pointless, to no purpose, hopeless, in vain
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
The outcome of using the Lord’s name in vain! Professors from all walks of life!
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 1 “Unless you believe there is a god that would damn the hammer that smashed your thumb.”
My personal lexicon tends toward the monosyllabic when I do that.
@ 2
“Vain (vān):
2. producing no result; useless. “a vain attempt to tidy up the room” synonyms: futile, useless, pointless, to no purpose, hopeless, in vain”
Seems to me, that this definition could be broad enough to apply to all forms of useless prayer. Such as when a hurricane comes through your city or your football team has been stocked with a bunch of overpaid bozos who are being coached by morons.
Every preacher I have ever seen on TV would rather go off to pray in a disaster, than help out with shit like rescuing people or do anything to sully their hands or muss their hair. Therefore, all prayer is useless, and all cult leaders like Ministers and Preachers and such are taking the Lords name in vain every time they open their mouths to speak.
Because all they ever really pray for is another schtick to beat their flock of stupid sheep over the head with in their efforts to fuck the little kids and make themselves rich without people noticing too much, or even being allowed to care.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@3 I got as far a 20 seconds into the video….boy! That is some scary sounding wind rushing by. It almost got me to watch the whole video. But I figured, fuck it, Global Warming is going to do much better, Godamit.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ The Schizo:
If you think I’m going to watch that bullshit 90 minute video when I need to vacuum my house and run a couple loads of laundry n shit, and accept it as evidence of anything but another demonstration of your particularly strange brand of mental illness, you are deranged.
But we know this already.
“I got as far a 20 seconds into the video….”
Then you missed the part where batshit insane Seventh Day Adventist cult members start fucking goats and sacrificing kittens.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Well then HA DUMMOCRETINS… When the whirlwind comes, you were warned! These professors are from secular universities and the corroborate the FACTS and TRUTH!
Sux to be you!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Stupid Solution Steve claimed when he put on his magic underwear he’s free to start fucking goats and sacrificing kittens.
Matt 10:28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. – That be your “god” Satan HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Downright amazing!
Willy Vomitspews:
@ The Schizo @ 8
I’m not worried. There are more pressing concerns, like paying rent, eating and figuring out how to pay for the new clutch for the Jeep.
Your Little Book of Terror doesn’t concern me in the slightest. It is something that is used for Evil much more than Good, by several orders of magnitude.
In fact, that Evil is so prevalent in the religious-extortion system, that any Good that may appear is immediately stomped out of existence by the people who control the messaging system.
After all, they can’t make themselves fabulously wealthy and fuck people’s babies without that control.
Daniel Robinsonspews:
This of course led to never saying the name of God for fear of ever using it in vain. But could they have used a surrogate word, like JWad?
Why would an omnipotent being which created all that is seen and unseen exhibit such an unseemly narcissistic streak?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
the people who control the messaging system.
And we see that the libtard heads of NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN hide the truth from the ASSes of the MASSes regarding many items!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
At the very last second, he uninvited us when we wouldn’t provide the name of our employers, and deep personal information. Why he need that? So he could do a hit piece on us! So after dedicating 4 hours to be on his show, he cancelled us because we want to protect our privacy. They try to spread hate about Trump at MSNBC, and now they try to do it to us. But we don’t play that game, we fight fire with fire!
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@8 why do they have to use the winds puns effects if it is true? The truth doesn’t need to be enhanced. Kind of like hate, the only way hate is sold is when it is sold with fear. Love prevails over hate. Usually. Unless you are Africans or Jamacins that still believe in witches and voodoo.
I know the wingnuts are crazy but it hasn’t yet gotten to the point where the majority of them believe in witches and voodoo, yet.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Tyrone Harris was bailed out of jail in November on previous gun charges by Soros-funded group MORE. Tyrone Harris was arrested in November for stealing a car, stealing a gun and resisting arrest. Harris was bailed out by Molly Gott with MORE – formerly ACORN of Missouri which is funded by George Soros.
PuddyCommentary: Well well well. Wait for some useless checkmate BULLSHITTIUM!
Teabagger in Declinespews:
That’s the difference between Faux News and MSNBC. The later wants to interview credible people, the other channel doesn’t care who they put on and whatever false claims and bullshit is being said so long as it supports their position.
Take those same ladies and if they stumped for Obama, what would Fox have done?
Willy Vomitspews:
@ Schizo @ 14:
At the very last second, he uninvited us when we wouldn’t provide the name of our employers, and deep personal information.
Something ambiguous about that? If I was going to formally interview someone about their belief system or political opinion, I am sure as shit am going to check everything about the bona fides of the individual subject to that interview. Especially when taken in the context of the history of that particular paradigm.
What I mean by that is, that the so-called “Conservative” or Authoritarian set of belief systems is almost entirely founded on the selfish and luddistical point of view. It has always, without exception, disseminated deliberately false, misleading, partial and misconstrued information as a matter of common practice in promoting itself. Especially when taken in the context of Religion, not to put too fine a point on it.
Why he need that? So he could do a hit piece on us! At the very last second, he uninvited us when we wouldn’t provide the name of our employers, and deep personal information.
Yeah, when the interviewer realizes that the people that are going to be interviewed are being evasive, contradictory or circumspect about their credibility on the subject, the most likely thing for the interviewer would be to realize that the interviewee is deliberately trying to deceive that interviewer, for purposes that are unknown and possibly nefarious in nature.
Basically, it becomes obvious that the interviewee is lying or too stupid to understand the subject matter of the interview, and a credible interviewer is going to take a pass rather than endanger their credibility. Certainly an oppositional stance taken by the interviewer to establish the interviewees credibility on the subject might be taken as a “hit piece”, but when someone is full of shit, it is in fact the absolute duty and responsibility of the interviewer to illustrate that.
A good interviewer knows how to structure the line of questions to let the interviewee demonstrate that for everyone to see, all on their own.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
vomit producer,
These two women have been stumping for Trump for a little while now. Remember when checkmate went nutzo over them? No? You don’t read checkmate either?
Why should they give personal info? Would you?
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@19 if that was a condition to go on faux news, yes. If I didn’t want to provide, I wouldn’t expect them to have me on, nor later say argue that they are doing a hit piece on me. Get a job?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 I second the motion @6. Can’t you post an executive summary or something? We all have things to do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 True; we can’t be too careful nowadays, now that the entire economy consists of people trying to hustle each other.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ Schizo @ 19
“These two women have been stumping for Trump for a little while now.”
Which means exactly jack shit as to their credibility.
“Why should they give personal info?”
Would you accept the notion that they were really getting their money and talking points from ACORN, MOVE, or Barack Obama’s Presidential slush fund? What about if those talking points were from the Ku Klux Klan?
If so, what would that do to your opinion about their credibility?
Maybe it’s time to stop disputing TheFuckwad and instead study him like a captive specimen to better understand how to fleece these credulous tools. Why should sociopaths like Swaggart and Robertson have all the fun? These idiots will always be with us to some degree. Why not put their zealous gullibility to good use? We live in times uniquely situated for such purposes. Technology enables us to anonymously reach vast numbers of these individuals and trigger them. Crowd funding websites and deceptive virtual front groups are relatively easy to create and promote. I’m imagining a phony legal defense fund for fake “victims” of “The War Against Jesus” and a series of crowd funding campaigns to “aid” these “victims”. Studying The Fuckwad could help in identifying the most potent trigger issues and language.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
@25 Well, if they’ve spied on me for the government, what they learned is that I own AT&T stock.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit Economics Quiz
Why has the U.S. economic recovery been so sluggish since 2008? (Choose only one answer)
Because …
(1) Obama is a socialist.
(2) Baptists don’t tithe enough.
(3) China devalued its currency.
(4) Interest rates are too high.
(5) Low wages mean low consumption.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
vomit producer exudes blatant racism in that post. Two black ladies whom earlier said they are not spoon fed by DUMMOCRETIN leaders have to be shutdown immediately. If they claim to be for Trump then they must be crazy niggers right vomit producer?
Holy Kow, there the vomit producer goes again… Bringing his KKK buddies into the discussion. Can’t a day go past without a Freudian slip into the mind of StormFront on a thread!
We all know that’s what you were thinking in #23 from your vast years of hateful name calling and morphing into different people here. You are like a zebra that can’t change it’s stripes!
Waytogo libtardo!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Crowd funding websites and deceptive virtual front groups are relatively easy to create and promote. I’m imagining a phony legal defense fund for fake “victims” of “The War Against Jesus” and a series of crowd funding campaigns to “aid” these “victims”.
Go for it… lib unscientist AKA closetforeplay
Mark Adamsspews:
@27 Henry Ford would choose 5
Mark Adamsspews:
God sits by the phone waiting for the call from the Comedy channel. Goes out and checks the mail box. Sighs because he still has not been selected for his own celebrity roast.
That whole taking the lords name in vain was satire. Apparently very good satire. As everyone thinks the Lord God is a grumpy cat while nothing could be further from the truth. He really wants to be roasted on the comedy channel. All they need to do is pray….or have the writers prayed and his answering machine is acting upagain. That Angel Michael bringing all this technology to heaven. God will just have to have a word or two with Michael….ooops there goes the caldera at Yellowstone.
Now for reality it’s really hard to wrap ones head on the fact that black holes are singularities and while they contain all the mass left over from a giant star they actually are just a point. Rather like when the big bang starts. From a space less than the size of a quarter all the future matter of the universe came out in the big bang. No god required. Pretty amazing really. Absolutely necessary as in a steady universe you can’t get to having things like hydrogen, let along all the heavier elements. All rather amazing. Again no god required. Just really big stars.
“Tenn. pastor lashes out at ‘liberal society’: Stoning gays is part of ‘the mindset of God’”
Try telling that to any Cop in Texas or New York City.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
Apparently Puffy’s most respected person, Ann Coulter, tweeted that she doesn’t care if the Donald performs abortions in the White house. The only thing she left out of her tweet was “God Damn it!”
Puffy must really be disappointed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 I figured someone would get it right if the rest of the answers were throwaways. I wouldn’t bet on Piddles to not pick a throwaway answer, though. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t bet on him for anything.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Yeah early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, Puddy ignored your simpleton quiz. Why? because it was first said by Adam Smith and later repeated by Ben Franklin! Robert Reich tried tp shove it up peoples’ ASSes! That’s why over 50% of the 22 million jobs “created” by Clinton were minimum wage jobs per the Atlantic Magazine! You can grow some marbuls and ax the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for a crazed databaze replay. Puddy realizes you’ve been give this opportunity ELEVEN times to man-up and you still haven’t grown a man-sized marbul yet. Still possessing those Wabbit sized marbuls!
Butt, Henry Ford also said this:
“Two classes of people lose money; those who are too weak to guard what they have; those who win money by trick. They both lose in the end.”
Those to weak to guard it are the inner city minority folks DUMMOCRETINS have abused since the 1960s when whom have it take by DUMMOCRETINS who win the money by trick! That’s not a throwaway… it’s the truth! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1rIDmDWSms
There you have it early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “That’s why over 50% of the 22 million jobs “created” by Clinton were minimum wage jobs per the Atlantic Magazine!”
That’s nothing! Your organ grinder monkey made such a shambles of the economy it LOST 8 million jobs which are now being replaced by part-time minimum-wage jobs! The GOP’s economic record is so bad the American people TWICE elected a Kenyan Muslim terrorist instead of voting in another Republican!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, here we are, it’s Monday morning and all you bleary-eyed commuters are sitting in bumper to bumper traffic on your way to another week of being overworked, underpaid, and yelled at by the boss! Not me. I own, not owe. What a big difference one letter makes! I saw a CNBC story today that says S&P 500 dividends may go up only 9% this year, after 3 straight years of 10%-plus raises. Hey, works for me! When was the last time you wage slaves got a 9% raise? You’re all going to be replaced by robots or software soon, anyway. Then your salary will be zero. The thing to do is leave work behind and become a useless, unproductive, bloodsucking, overpaid and undertaxed capitalist like me. We’re a capitalist country, not a worker’s paradise, figure it out! I sit here on my ass all day, typing HA comments, and I get paid for owning the companies the rest of you work for! This is such a racket it ought to be illegal, but it isn’t, and I’m just going with the flow. If I were in charge of designing the economy, I’d never create a crazy system like this one. I’d give all the wealth to the wealth creators — workers! But I have no say in it, and it is what it is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 “Those to weak to guard it …”
Why can’t any of you wingnuts can spell “too” correctly? Were u all home skoolled?
Roger Rabbitspews:
What it’s like to work in today’s low-wage, fast-paced economy. Of course, I don’t do this; I collect the dividends, plus a hefty markup on my stock every time the company gets flipped again.
For an omnipotent creator of the universe this god is certainly an insecure pick. I’m going to go out in the yard and hold my aluminum Festivus pole up to the sky, curse all forms of the local God and see if I get struck down.
@25 Yeah, really. To a far greater extent than any sane person probably wants to know.
I was taught (in three different denominations) that the real meaning of “taking the Lord’s name in vain” isn’t cussing. It’s claiming you deserve better than someone else because the Lord likes you more.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Why would one want to use the Lord’s name in vain?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
So you automatically believe them, of course. Because one thing everyone already knows, black folks are genetically incapable of telling a lie.
That’s why PMSNBC hired Al NotSoSharpton vomit producer. Never seen HA DUMMOCRETINS take on Al!
I seldom, if ever, us the terms. To me, it implies a god to damn things. Since I don’t believe in “conventional” religious ideas of a god, especially one that would “damn” anything, it seems silly. More appropriate is to use the word “damn” alone. Unless you believe there is a god that would damn the hammer that smashed your thumb.
Well as defined below, its not whether you use the Lord’s name, its that it produces a result when you do. I think we often set the bar too high for ourselves on this one. Jesus for fuck’s sure wouldn’t want us feeling guilt over that.
Vain (vān):
2. producing no result; useless. “a vain attempt to tidy up the room” synonyms: futile, useless, pointless, to no purpose, hopeless, in vain
The outcome of using the Lord’s name in vain! Professors from all walks of life!
@ 1
“Unless you believe there is a god that would damn the hammer that smashed your thumb.”
My personal lexicon tends toward the monosyllabic when I do that.
@ 2
“Vain (vān):
2. producing no result; useless. “a vain attempt to tidy up the room” synonyms: futile, useless, pointless, to no purpose, hopeless, in vain”
Seems to me, that this definition could be broad enough to apply to all forms of useless prayer. Such as when a hurricane comes through your city or your football team has been stocked with a bunch of overpaid bozos who are being coached by morons.
Every preacher I have ever seen on TV would rather go off to pray in a disaster, than help out with shit like rescuing people or do anything to sully their hands or muss their hair. Therefore, all prayer is useless, and all cult leaders like Ministers and Preachers and such are taking the Lords name in vain every time they open their mouths to speak.
Because all they ever really pray for is another schtick to beat their flock of stupid sheep over the head with in their efforts to fuck the little kids and make themselves rich without people noticing too much, or even being allowed to care.
@3 I got as far a 20 seconds into the video….boy! That is some scary sounding wind rushing by. It almost got me to watch the whole video. But I figured, fuck it, Global Warming is going to do much better, Godamit.
@ The Schizo:
If you think I’m going to watch that bullshit 90 minute video when I need to vacuum my house and run a couple loads of laundry n shit, and accept it as evidence of anything but another demonstration of your particularly strange brand of mental illness, you are deranged.
But we know this already.
“I got as far a 20 seconds into the video….”
Then you missed the part where batshit insane Seventh Day Adventist cult members start fucking goats and sacrificing kittens.
Well then HA DUMMOCRETINS… When the whirlwind comes, you were warned! These professors are from secular universities and the corroborate the FACTS and TRUTH!
Sux to be you!
Stupid Solution Steve claimed when he put on his magic underwear he’s free to start fucking goats and sacrificing kittens.
Matt 10:28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. – That be your “god” Satan HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Downright amazing!
@ The Schizo @ 8
I’m not worried. There are more pressing concerns, like paying rent, eating and figuring out how to pay for the new clutch for the Jeep.
Your Little Book of Terror doesn’t concern me in the slightest. It is something that is used for Evil much more than Good, by several orders of magnitude.
In fact, that Evil is so prevalent in the religious-extortion system, that any Good that may appear is immediately stomped out of existence by the people who control the messaging system.
After all, they can’t make themselves fabulously wealthy and fuck people’s babies without that control.
This of course led to never saying the name of God for fear of ever using it in vain. But could they have used a surrogate word, like JWad?
Why would an omnipotent being which created all that is seen and unseen exhibit such an unseemly narcissistic streak?
the people who control the messaging system.
And we see that the libtard heads of NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN hide the truth from the ASSes of the MASSes regarding many items!
So we know racism abounds with PMSNBC DUMMOCRETINS just like it abounds with HA DUMMOCRETINS http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....ond-video/
@8 why do they have to use the winds puns effects if it is true? The truth doesn’t need to be enhanced. Kind of like hate, the only way hate is sold is when it is sold with fear. Love prevails over hate. Usually. Unless you are Africans or Jamacins that still believe in witches and voodoo.
I know the wingnuts are crazy but it hasn’t yet gotten to the point where the majority of them believe in witches and voodoo, yet.
Remember that Ferguson protester shooting at police… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....ded-group/
PuddyCommentary: Well well well. Wait for some useless checkmate BULLSHITTIUM!
That’s the difference between Faux News and MSNBC. The later wants to interview credible people, the other channel doesn’t care who they put on and whatever false claims and bullshit is being said so long as it supports their position.
Take those same ladies and if they stumped for Obama, what would Fox have done?
@ Schizo @ 14:
At the very last second, he uninvited us when we wouldn’t provide the name of our employers, and deep personal information.
Something ambiguous about that? If I was going to formally interview someone about their belief system or political opinion, I am sure as shit am going to check everything about the bona fides of the individual subject to that interview. Especially when taken in the context of the history of that particular paradigm.
What I mean by that is, that the so-called “Conservative” or Authoritarian set of belief systems is almost entirely founded on the selfish and luddistical point of view. It has always, without exception, disseminated deliberately false, misleading, partial and misconstrued information as a matter of common practice in promoting itself. Especially when taken in the context of Religion, not to put too fine a point on it.
Why he need that? So he could do a hit piece on us! At the very last second, he uninvited us when we wouldn’t provide the name of our employers, and deep personal information.
Yeah, when the interviewer realizes that the people that are going to be interviewed are being evasive, contradictory or circumspect about their credibility on the subject, the most likely thing for the interviewer would be to realize that the interviewee is deliberately trying to deceive that interviewer, for purposes that are unknown and possibly nefarious in nature.
Basically, it becomes obvious that the interviewee is lying or too stupid to understand the subject matter of the interview, and a credible interviewer is going to take a pass rather than endanger their credibility. Certainly an oppositional stance taken by the interviewer to establish the interviewees credibility on the subject might be taken as a “hit piece”, but when someone is full of shit, it is in fact the absolute duty and responsibility of the interviewer to illustrate that.
A good interviewer knows how to structure the line of questions to let the interviewee demonstrate that for everyone to see, all on their own.
vomit producer,
These two women have been stumping for Trump for a little while now. Remember when checkmate went nutzo over them? No? You don’t read checkmate either?
Why should they give personal info? Would you?
@19 if that was a condition to go on faux news, yes. If I didn’t want to provide, I wouldn’t expect them to have me on, nor later say argue that they are doing a hit piece on me. Get a job?
@8 I second the motion @6. Can’t you post an executive summary or something? We all have things to do.
@19 True; we can’t be too careful nowadays, now that the entire economy consists of people trying to hustle each other.
@ Schizo @ 19
“These two women have been stumping for Trump for a little while now.”
Which means exactly jack shit as to their credibility.
“Why should they give personal info?”
Would you accept the notion that they were really getting their money and talking points from ACORN, MOVE, or Barack Obama’s Presidential slush fund? What about if those talking points were from the Ku Klux Klan?
If so, what would that do to your opinion about their credibility?
Maybe it’s time to stop disputing TheFuckwad and instead study him like a captive specimen to better understand how to fleece these credulous tools. Why should sociopaths like Swaggart and Robertson have all the fun? These idiots will always be with us to some degree. Why not put their zealous gullibility to good use? We live in times uniquely situated for such purposes. Technology enables us to anonymously reach vast numbers of these individuals and trigger them. Crowd funding websites and deceptive virtual front groups are relatively easy to create and promote. I’m imagining a phony legal defense fund for fake “victims” of “The War Against Jesus” and a series of crowd funding campaigns to “aid” these “victims”. Studying The Fuckwad could help in identifying the most potent trigger issues and language.
AT&T? Really? http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08.....affic.html
@25 Well, if they’ve spied on me for the government, what they learned is that I own AT&T stock.
Roger Rabbit Economics Quiz
Why has the U.S. economic recovery been so sluggish since 2008? (Choose only one answer)
Because …
(1) Obama is a socialist.
(2) Baptists don’t tithe enough.
(3) China devalued its currency.
(4) Interest rates are too high.
(5) Low wages mean low consumption.
vomit producer exudes blatant racism in that post. Two black ladies whom earlier said they are not spoon fed by DUMMOCRETIN leaders have to be shutdown immediately. If they claim to be for Trump then they must be crazy niggers right vomit producer?
Holy Kow, there the vomit producer goes again… Bringing his KKK buddies into the discussion. Can’t a day go past without a Freudian slip into the mind of StormFront on a thread!
We all know that’s what you were thinking in #23 from your vast years of hateful name calling and morphing into different people here. You are like a zebra that can’t change it’s stripes!
Waytogo libtardo!
Crowd funding websites and deceptive virtual front groups are relatively easy to create and promote. I’m imagining a phony legal defense fund for fake “victims” of “The War Against Jesus” and a series of crowd funding campaigns to “aid” these “victims”.
Go for it… lib unscientist AKA closetforeplay
@27 Henry Ford would choose 5
God sits by the phone waiting for the call from the Comedy channel. Goes out and checks the mail box. Sighs because he still has not been selected for his own celebrity roast.
That whole taking the lords name in vain was satire. Apparently very good satire. As everyone thinks the Lord God is a grumpy cat while nothing could be further from the truth. He really wants to be roasted on the comedy channel. All they need to do is pray….or have the writers prayed and his answering machine is acting upagain. That Angel Michael bringing all this technology to heaven. God will just have to have a word or two with Michael….ooops there goes the caldera at Yellowstone.
Now for reality it’s really hard to wrap ones head on the fact that black holes are singularities and while they contain all the mass left over from a giant star they actually are just a point. Rather like when the big bang starts. From a space less than the size of a quarter all the future matter of the universe came out in the big bang. No god required. Pretty amazing really. Absolutely necessary as in a steady universe you can’t get to having things like hydrogen, let along all the heavier elements. All rather amazing. Again no god required. Just really big stars.
“Tenn. pastor lashes out at ‘liberal society’: Stoning gays is part of ‘the mindset of God’”
The batshit crazy loon agrees. He believes that killing gays by stoning them to death would be a demonstration of his moral superiority.
@ The Schizo @ 28
“Two black ladies whom earlier said they are not spoon fed by DUMMOCRETIN leaders…”
So you automatically believe them, of course. Because one thing everyone already knows, black folks are genetically incapable of telling a lie.
Try telling that to any Cop in Texas or New York City.
Apparently Puffy’s most respected person, Ann Coulter, tweeted that she doesn’t care if the Donald performs abortions in the White house. The only thing she left out of her tweet was “God Damn it!”
Puffy must really be disappointed.
@30 I figured someone would get it right if the rest of the answers were throwaways. I wouldn’t bet on Piddles to not pick a throwaway answer, though. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t bet on him for anything.
Yeah early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, Puddy ignored your simpleton quiz. Why? because it was first said by Adam Smith and later repeated by Ben Franklin! Robert Reich tried tp shove it up peoples’ ASSes! That’s why over 50% of the 22 million jobs “created” by Clinton were minimum wage jobs per the Atlantic Magazine! You can grow some marbuls and ax the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for a crazed databaze replay. Puddy realizes you’ve been give this opportunity ELEVEN times to man-up and you still haven’t grown a man-sized marbul yet. Still possessing those Wabbit sized marbuls!
Butt, Henry Ford also said this:
“Two classes of people lose money; those who are too weak to guard what they have; those who win money by trick. They both lose in the end.”
Those to weak to guard it are the inner city minority folks DUMMOCRETINS have abused since the 1960s when whom have it take by DUMMOCRETINS who win the money by trick! That’s not a throwaway… it’s the truth! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1rIDmDWSms
There you have it early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@36 “That’s why over 50% of the 22 million jobs “created” by Clinton were minimum wage jobs per the Atlantic Magazine!”
That’s nothing! Your organ grinder monkey made such a shambles of the economy it LOST 8 million jobs which are now being replaced by part-time minimum-wage jobs! The GOP’s economic record is so bad the American people TWICE elected a Kenyan Muslim terrorist instead of voting in another Republican!
Well, here we are, it’s Monday morning and all you bleary-eyed commuters are sitting in bumper to bumper traffic on your way to another week of being overworked, underpaid, and yelled at by the boss! Not me. I own, not owe. What a big difference one letter makes! I saw a CNBC story today that says S&P 500 dividends may go up only 9% this year, after 3 straight years of 10%-plus raises. Hey, works for me! When was the last time you wage slaves got a 9% raise? You’re all going to be replaced by robots or software soon, anyway. Then your salary will be zero. The thing to do is leave work behind and become a useless, unproductive, bloodsucking, overpaid and undertaxed capitalist like me. We’re a capitalist country, not a worker’s paradise, figure it out! I sit here on my ass all day, typing HA comments, and I get paid for owning the companies the rest of you work for! This is such a racket it ought to be illegal, but it isn’t, and I’m just going with the flow. If I were in charge of designing the economy, I’d never create a crazy system like this one. I’d give all the wealth to the wealth creators — workers! But I have no say in it, and it is what it is.
@37 “Those to weak to guard it …”
Why can’t any of you wingnuts can spell “too” correctly? Were u all home skoolled?
What it’s like to work in today’s low-wage, fast-paced economy. Of course, I don’t do this; I collect the dividends, plus a hefty markup on my stock every time the company gets flipped again.
For an omnipotent creator of the universe this god is certainly an insecure pick. I’m going to go out in the yard and hold my aluminum Festivus pole up to the sky, curse all forms of the local God and see if I get struck down.
@25 Yeah, really. To a far greater extent than any sane person probably wants to know.
I was taught (in three different denominations) that the real meaning of “taking the Lord’s name in vain” isn’t cussing. It’s claiming you deserve better than someone else because the Lord likes you more.
Why would one want to use the Lord’s name in vain?
So you automatically believe them, of course. Because one thing everyone already knows, black folks are genetically incapable of telling a lie.
That’s why PMSNBC hired Al NotSoSharpton vomit producer. Never seen HA DUMMOCRETINS take on Al!