While the rich stay awake and plot how to keep the laborers from being well fed.
harry coontzspews:
The rich job producer is probably worrying about how to create even more well-paying jobs for his fellow citizens.
Gee whiz, Master of the Universe, stop being such a Negative Nellie!!!
Dan Robinsonspews:
This was before God created tryptophan, which happened around 325 AD.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Most jobs are created by small businesses whose owners aren’t what most of us would call rich; today’s truly wealthy guys tend to be hedge fund managers and other asset flippers who have few if any employees and destroy more jobs than they create.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of laborers, I’ve noticed attacks on wage increases ramping up recently in investing publications and blogs I read, which suggests the rentier class is getting nervous about their ability to keep hanging onto their oversized claims on the economy’s output.
Puddybud - The ONE and Onlyspews:
The rich hedge fund managers and other asset flippers NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit?
Are we talking Nancy Pelosi/Dianne Feinstein rich? Maybe Warren Buffet/Bill Gates Rich? You know all four above are DUMMOCRETIN.
Of maybe Jeffrey Epstein rich? Oh wait a wall street pedophile. Did Puddy mention he is a DUMMOCRETIN?
Or maybe a Bernie Madoff rich? He stole from everyone! Did Puddy mention he is a DUMMOCRETIN?
Or maybe wall street DUMMOCRETIN jock strapper Raj Rajaratnam rich?
Please explain it better NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddybud - The ONE and Onlyspews:
keep hanging onto their oversized claims on the economy’s output.
Wow NoBalls IDIOT, you said something truthful for a change. Did Mrs Wabbit wipe your ASS? Obummer and BiteME’s claims of a robust economy are oversized!
Did you really mean to tell the truth for a change?
harry coontzspews:
re 7 — STFU
Myth: Being rich is not as easy as you might think.
Reality: Being rich is far more fun than you can imagine.
Myth: OK, but the rich will have a hard time in the after life, and the poor will finally get to enjoy life.
Reality: This idea is calculated to increase your patience with current injustice.
Dougnielson, above, is on the right track. The verse, one of several like the “eye of a needle” verse, is intended to distract us from inequality by creating schadenfreude for the mythical travails and pangs of conscience of the rich. My hypothesis is that a large proportion of the rich are psychopaths, driven by wealth and power, which translates into needing to harm the rest of us to prove they have power. Psychopaths are bereft of compassion, and hence sleep just fine while cheating the rest of us.
While the rich stay awake and plot how to keep the laborers from being well fed.
The rich job producer is probably worrying about how to create even more well-paying jobs for his fellow citizens.
Gee whiz, Master of the Universe, stop being such a Negative Nellie!!!
This was before God created tryptophan, which happened around 325 AD.
@2 Most jobs are created by small businesses whose owners aren’t what most of us would call rich; today’s truly wealthy guys tend to be hedge fund managers and other asset flippers who have few if any employees and destroy more jobs than they create.
Speaking of laborers, I’ve noticed attacks on wage increases ramping up recently in investing publications and blogs I read, which suggests the rentier class is getting nervous about their ability to keep hanging onto their oversized claims on the economy’s output.
The rich hedge fund managers and other asset flippers NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit?
Are we talking Nancy Pelosi/Dianne Feinstein rich? Maybe Warren Buffet/Bill Gates Rich? You know all four above are DUMMOCRETIN.
Of maybe Jeffrey Epstein rich? Oh wait a wall street pedophile. Did Puddy mention he is a DUMMOCRETIN?
Or maybe a Bernie Madoff rich? He stole from everyone! Did Puddy mention he is a DUMMOCRETIN?
Or maybe wall street DUMMOCRETIN jock strapper Raj Rajaratnam rich?
Please explain it better NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!
Wow NoBalls IDIOT, you said something truthful for a change. Did Mrs Wabbit wipe your ASS? Obummer and BiteME’s claims of a robust economy are oversized!
Did you really mean to tell the truth for a change?
re 7 — STFU
Myth: Being rich is not as easy as you might think.
Reality: Being rich is far more fun than you can imagine.
Myth: OK, but the rich will have a hard time in the after life, and the poor will finally get to enjoy life.
Reality: This idea is calculated to increase your patience with current injustice.
Dougnielson, above, is on the right track. The verse, one of several like the “eye of a needle” verse, is intended to distract us from inequality by creating schadenfreude for the mythical travails and pangs of conscience of the rich. My hypothesis is that a large proportion of the rich are psychopaths, driven by wealth and power, which translates into needing to harm the rest of us to prove they have power. Psychopaths are bereft of compassion, and hence sleep just fine while cheating the rest of us.