Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.Luke 12:49
I came to cast fire upon the earth. How I wish that it was already ablaze!
by Goldy — ,
Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.Luke 12:49
I came to cast fire upon the earth. How I wish that it was already ablaze!
Burn Baby Burn!
These two quotes come together in the case of Giordano Bruno. He was burned alive by the church for daring to use his mind. Basically, he looked at the stars and realized they were all like our sun. Another sad example, out of countless others, that religion is born of madness.
When Matthew mentioned the meek, he meant rabbits. This is obvious to anyone. Even 2,000 years ago, the prophets knew exactly what would happen if you clap together two half-spheres of weapons-grade plutonium to make a critical mass. Rabbits are who’s left after you do. Oh, to be sure, some of us will be incinerated along with all you stupid humans who mucked around with plutonium in the first place. But only two of us need to survive in order to repopulate.
Calvin and Hobbes?
@3: as long as the two of you who are left are a boy rabbit and a girl rabbit. Two boy rabbits falling in love is nice and everything, but they’re not going to do a lot for rabbit repopulating.
@5 If the only thing left is two male rabbits, in short order there will be one male rabbit, because this planet isn’t big enough for two of us.
…and the two-headed rabbits shall inherit the earth.
I think this is criticism that Jesus like Donald Trump did not use a teleprompter and got off topic and maybe was shooting from the hip on at least one of these quotes.
Could also be the two authors were talking to different audiences.
Of course if there is only one boy rabbit and one girl rabbit left on Earth RR isn’t going to be able to help out as his very human wife will bring down wrath upon his head and perhaps other parts. And if the male rabbit is in Idaho and the cute female rabbit is in England that a long trip in rabbit miles. The Disney movie would be long, touching and amazing. Though it would be brought to you by the droids of Amazon. As long as Motel 6 keeps the light on for the droids of Amazon the movie will be possible. Though they may stage some parts of the movie. They could like use Virgin Air to move one of the Rabbits. Remember corporations will never die and they are ultimate in perpetual.
@3 Matthew certainly was not talking about rabbits. Though he may have considered them good eating. Small chan chance he was speaking of sheep. Most likely he is speaking of us human beings. Perhaps he is speaking of the power of Rome over the Palestinians, with the Palestinians being the meak.
The Romans certainly did not know of plutonium because they would have used it on Jeruseleum instead of the legions they sent. There would be no temple being built upon the greatest ancient architectural artifact by any Roman ruler of the area.
Plutonium lke bronze is an invention of human beings. It also does come in other shapes than half spheres. It was used as the classic bullet type weapon in the US arsenal for years. Yes it was the most dangerous weapon in the arsenal. Actually when two half spheres of weapon grade material are clapped together you get a small atomic cascade that releases a lot of radiation and kills the poor foolish physicist within hours, and the poor fool he was showing something too weeks later from radiation sickness and poisons a dozen others, and only the rabbits in the nearby laboratory. They were destroyed and their radioactive carcasses lie in a lead lined casket. Meanwhile we have not exploded any plutonium weapons in anger since Nagasaki.
Here in the US we don’t recycle our plutonium and it becomes waste while in Europe plutonium is recycled and used to produce energy in reactors designed to use what we consider a waste product or only useful for making really big bombs.
Also clearly Luke was referring to the chemical reaction called combustion. Perhaps he was referring to the internal combustion engine that is now all over the world bringing good and bad things.
A nuclear reaction has nothing to do with bringing fire it’s an entirely different thing. Has nothing to do with burning though it converts mass to energy. Entirely different from combustion a chemical process. The bible doesn’t get the science right and lets not be sloppy and pretend that it does.
After all according to the bible we have nothing to worry about if we wipe out a species as God is supposed to step and create a new fertile pair of that type of animal be it rabbits, cockroaches or humans. This has not happened since the recorded extinction of the DODO and the unrecorded extinction of many other creatures since man has walked the Earth. While God maybe biding his time so the Neanderthals have a better chance I think it’s time to grow up as humans, and treat the Bible as we treat Greek and Roman works that at one time were the holiest works in their societies. That goes for the Koran too and the Book of Mormon. Though if you all prefer to have some fun and make some profits perhaps we all should take a lesson from El Ron Hubbard and create horseass religion. We can’t do any worse, and well it could be fun when RR gets beat up by the wife because of his participation as a giant furry in the spring initiation and fertility rites.
The Meek don’t fly these, and they can deliver fire.
And it’s our tax dollars at work. I’m sure Secretary of State Kerry has gotten an earful from China and North Korea.
Remember the 1969 Cubs; Cubs fans.
@9 “It was used as the classic bullet type weapon in the US arsenal for years.”
Which are no longer in our arsenal.
Luke 21:14
I have come to kick ass and chew bubblegum and I am all out of bubblegum.