Deuteronomy 7
When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you- and when the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire. For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.
Mohamed couldn’t have said it any better. #MAGA
And don’t forget the Fuckites, Shitites, Assholites, Cigarites, Cigarettites, and Mother Fucktities.
That passages sounds like the god is talking about ISIS, no wait, the Taliban, no wait,…
Brought to you by a god that requires to kill in his name.
@1, you forgot the Drunkites.
The precursor of “most favored nation” status.
And yet Anthony Weiner still married Huma Abedin.
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” No matter how fine the pussy.
Weiner thwarted God’s will, and now Donald Trump is president.
Huma and Paul Ryan share something in common: they both got to drive a Wienermobile. Apparently god as a wicked sense so humor, along with being petty and vengeful.
The idea of both Abedin and Ryan being size queens…
and Doctor Dumbfuck.
Further evidence that the Syria strikes have little military utility and were mostly a PR stunt.
Yesterday, Doctor Dumbfuck bleated about “tall boys” and “bunker busters.” Hardly. The 104 cruise missiles launched on Friday are basically 1000-lb. bombs with standoff and precision guidance capabilities, and a few of them also had some penetration capability, but these are hardly “tall boys” or “bunker busters.” The only real difference between them and the conventional air-dropped bombs used in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam is that you can lob them into the target from out of range of the defender’s triple-A, and due to their accuracy, take out a target with a single bomb instead of hoping to hit something by carpeting the target area with many bombs.
Further evidence that the Syria strikes have little military utility and were mostly a PR stunt.
Yesterday, Doctor Dumbfuck bleated about “tall boys” and “bunker busters.” Hardly. The 104 cruise missiles launched on Friday are basically 1000-lb. bombs with standoff and precision guidance capabilities, and a few of them also had some penetration capability, but these are hardly “tall boys” or “bunker busters.” The only real difference between them and the conventional air-dropped bombs used in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam is that you can lob them into the target from out of range of the defender’s triple-A, and due to their accuracy, take out a target with a single bomb instead of hoping to hit something by carpeting the target area with many bombs.
That’s a considerable improvement over “dumb” bombing from airplanes, but these things are still 1,000-lb. bombs, and they don’t do any more (or less) damage that the 1,000-lb. bombs of yore.
If Assad decides to use chemical weapons, 104 bombs (roughly the load of a dozen B-17s) won’t stop him, any more than 6 or 7 Lancasters or 13 or 14 B-17s could have stopped the Holocaust.
The Holocaust didn’t end until Hitler was dead and Germany was defeated and occupied. Assad’s atrocities won’t stop until he’s overthrown and his regime is replaced. Friday’s raid amounted to about 50 tons of high explosive; we dropped 7 million tons of HE on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia and you know how that ended.
Anyone who thinks this is going to have any military effect has his head up his ass. All this did was demolish a few buildings. That’s far short of what’s required to turn the tide of a war.
My point is, it takes a lot more than a few dozen 1000-lb. bombs to bring an enemy to his knees; 75 years ago, that was just a single night’s work for one RAF bomber squadron in a war that took 6 years to win.
It has a political effect. One probably intended by the planners. That being to temporarilly deplete Syria’s ability to gas civilians long enough for the U.S. to draw down and disengage.
Probably almost any other President would have approved the operation under similar circumstances. And probably almost any other President would have sought to portray it as some sort of heroic act delivering swift and lasting justice despite the fact that it is none of those things.
Assad can and will reconstitute simple chemical weapons like these (barrels dropped from helicopters) in a matter of months, not years. And Syrian civilians will be left to suffer under ghastly violence or flee to the west.
@9 and 10:
It’s way worse than you think. Basically this strike was frantic dick waving by a shriveled dick Orange Putin Cock Gobbler who knows the walls are closing in.
He wanted something HUGE as a distraction but got stymied by Mattis. Think about that. Mad Dog Mattis is what’s left of any constraint. An additional shudder: DoD is effectively the State Department too.
Also too: according to a report in The Hill, the other side says they stopped about half (70) of our “smart” ordnance with their 70s era sams. They’re probably lying, but we can be certain our lying corpulent pustule of a presnint’ is too. So who to believe? Which is the point.
If you’re not terrified, you’re not paying attention.
See this for a missile intercept:
Throw Bolton into the mix, we should all be very scared.
@ 11
If you’re not terrified, you’re not paying attention.
Yes, because somehow our president managed to convince the leaders of Britain and France to participate in an air attack on Syria, after serving sufficient notice to the Russians that we’ll hit them, too, if they’re still around, so that he could distract from a domestic problem.
Meanwhile, the leader of Spain and a highly-placed official in NATO each announce their support for the action, immediately after it was taken.
Because of a porn star, the international community falls into lockstep behind Trump, Zotz implores us all to believe.
Zotz, you probably had trouble believing the Iraqi information minister was lying, didn’t you?
Zotz, Doctor Dumbfuck implores you to join him in preferring to see Syrian regugees drowning in the waters off Cyprus rather than drowning in their own mucus.
@9 So you are suggesting that the President should have followed the information in the President’s book of Secrets and various classified plans and he should have nuked Damascus or an airbase or two, because of a gas attack on his own people? The Srian civil war will end like most end with the same government in charge. Perhaps a porn star could bring peace in Syria. Or at least keep Assad busy. go Stormy Go!!! Take one for world peace.
An assassin in oh 1935 might have stopped the holocaust, still Hitler didn’t do WWII or the holocaust all by himself. They are really two different events that overlap. Having some effect on the other.
France should be taking care of this business in their former colony of course they and the British wiped their hands of the whole region and issue in 1947 after making a further mess of things by bringing about the end of the Ottoman Empire. The evil Ottoman Empire. Now we got the Turks and Russians in there and they know a thing or two about occupying and keeping the peace though they are not particularly nice about doing it.
Well Israel and Saudi Arabia are happy, and no pipeline. Yes it’s the middle east and everyone is in the fracas because of oil.
This chemical business in Syria is about political will. Fortunately the Assad regime has not intentionally or accidently gassed American troops. If that were to happen. Well. It’s though about the political will the regime to use chemical weapons against it’s own people.
It’s clear that someone has used chlorine gas in Syria. Most like the regime Still it’s a common chemical used in many industrial processes and easily produced, You can make the stuff from common table salt. Two poisons combine into salt, and life requires salt. Reality Is far more amazing than this or any other passage from the bible.
And don’t forget the armies marched with the Ark at the head. The arc as described is clearly a weapon of mass destruction, but fortunately it likely does not exist. This passage and much of this is just the normal rhetoric of Kings and rulers of this period. Not much in the archeological record exists to support what is in the passage, but a lot suggests it has more to do with the period when the book was written than the actual past. It’s myth and with all myth there is some degree of truth and fact inter mixed. Rather like the Illiad and Odyssey, but with the benefit that one cannot blasphemy the book of the lord enjoys being fact rather than the fiction it is.
Though with Syria it can be used to point out that folks in that part of the world are not nice when they go to war. Going back 4000 years armies have clashed, but the civilian population has generally not fared particularly well, with some more well trained armies the atrocities against civilians did not happen as much, but more often we have the situation where the operative word is kill everyone, until the reality that tomorrow one has to live with ones neighbors tempers this bullshit. This god is not a military genius or political leader. Though it fits well if you are the ruler of a place like North Korea. And you want to stay in power.
“Yes it’s the middle east and everyone is in the fracas because of oil.”
Oil is a secondary issue, although some like to make it primary issue.
The religions in that area just don’t mix. But the biggest problem is the Western nations carved up a historically tribal areas into countries that made sense to Western powers, but clustered rival people/cultures/tribes in newly formed countries. The discovery of huge oil reserves just exacerbate.
Trump likes walls, just build a wall, lock ’em in, and their god sort it out. After all, with the demise of the EPA in the U.S.A., clean coal and fracking will render that Middle East oil useless.
@14 yeah and England joined us in the Iraq War based on Weapons of Mass Destruction, which there turned out to be know. Not equating this to whether there are or are not chemical weapons, but what difference who went along for it for whatever reason, this was still has the purpose of distraction from Porngate and Russiagate.
@15 “So you are suggesting that the President should have followed the information in the President’s book of Secrets and various classified plans and he should have nuked Damascus or an airbase or two, because of a gas attack on his own people?”
Where did this come from? No! I didn’t remotely suggest this. Bad idea!
@16 “This chemical business in Syria is about political will.”
No, it’s about using poison gas against women and children. But I suppose we shouldn’t be so squeamish. After all, we used napalm against women and children.
And of course none of this has anything to do with some nerve agent on a door knob, and a message being sent to the Russians, rather than Teresa May turning to NATO, and making an Article 5 claim. Which could happen. Not looking likely, but one for all and all for one of NATO could come to the fore here. This would be very upsetting for Vladimir Putin. Tough it certainly undermines this narrative that Trump is a Putin puppet. Or he’s really really bad puppet.
“Tough it certainly undermines this narrative that Trump is a Putin puppet. Or he’s really really bad puppet.”
How about was?
Or it can be just one good show for everyone by BFF Putin and Drumpf. Even BFF’s have a fallout.
@21 “one for all and all for one of NATO could come to the fore here”
That’s not our policy. Haven’t you heard? Our new foreign policy is America First and to hell with our former friends and allies.
What to do with a useless degree:
Make great videos!*
* This has nothing to do with anything. I simply liked this video and decided to pass it on.
That video was priceless.
What were they thinking? Unless planning to go to grad school, they shouldn’t have been disappointed in their marketability.