Deuteronomy 28:53
And you shall eat the fruit of your womb, the flesh of your sons and daughters, whom the LORD your God has given you, in the siege and in the distress with which your enemies shall distress you.
The Bible teaches that one’s children may be considered a means of comestible sustenance if the economy crashes due to foreign interference.
I wonder what kind of sauce would be appropriate. Perhaps a sweet roux?
@3 probably some type of sauce made with goat milk, that would be my guess.
Maybe that passage is where the Christians got their idea about eating Christ’s body and drinking his blood. Ritual sacrifice, I suppose.
My boy Muhammad may have been a bloodthirsty MO-FO, but this “eating your kids” shit is beyond that!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Leningrad in prophecy. Gotta hand it to Old Comrade Stalin, he knew how to beat a siege: After you’ve eaten all the horses, you eat each other, sorta like today’s Republican Party.
Better Stillspews:
Maybe it’s why the Donner Party engaged in cannibalism.
Better Stillspews:
Gives a whole new meaning to “baby back ribs!”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans Eating Each Other Dep’t
“Concern in the White House about President Donald Trump’s fitness for office has become so great that members of the president’s administration routinely talk about a constitutional solution, the author of an explosive new book claimed in an exclusive interview on ‘Meet The Press.'”
Meanwhile one of Trump’s staunchest defenders won’t work for him. After all, who wants a crazy boss?
” … Sen. Lindsey Graham … has no interest in taking [a] cabinet-level position in President Donald Trump’s administration …. ‘No,’ Graham … flatly stated on Sunday’s ‘Meet The Press’ when asked by Chuck Todd whether or not he would serve in Trump’s cabinet if asked.”
However, there still are people who will — maybe because they have no self-respect, or simply because they need a job to make ends meet:
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions is taking so much friendly fire these days that it’s easy to conclude he might soon be shown the Justice Department exit. … Things have gotten so bad for Sessions that his chief defenders this week were the very same Senate Democrats that had railed against his appointment last year …. ”
When you’re Jeff Sessions, and your best friends are Democrats, well … like I said, GOP cannibalism of Biblical proportions.
It’s common knowledge that Republicans eat fetuses. That’s why they hate abortion doctors. They won’t let them eat the fetuses.
Mark Adamsspews:
Should we plan for HA Bible Study or just skip to how magnificent the Philadelphia Eagles are. Maybe make it Philadelphia Eagles study for Seattle. Especially for those who think the Eagles are just a rock and roll group.
Should we pray for cold awful weather or something more Seattle like oh great blog owner, who is clearly not at all biased about his Philadelphia Eagles (the underdogs in the upcoming game)!!!! Time to celebrate Goldie, a little payback for you!!!
Mark Adamsspews:
Anyone who plays in the Wasteland knows the best mystery meat can be found in Vegas. Best with a little catchup.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 Actually I have a new story for you.
An alien spacecraft lands on the lawn outside the Washington State House. Aliens get out and proceed to the house where they kidnap all the Representatives who they take to their planet. What will they do with the Representatives shall the Republicans be sent to the Circus? Shall the Democrats be sent to the zoo? Or vice verso? Or some of each to the Circus and the zoo?
Republicans or Democrats on here are free to state whether they would be sent to the Zoo or Circus. Or their breather and sisters in the opposing party.
This notion is the fault of NPR having Jerry Seinfeld on yesterday.
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 That would be the Isis cult and all that. Maybe keeping mention of Osiris is not something you would do as you or your son didn’t do that, just a competing religion. Waiting for ISIS or OSIRIS to show here on the list. Of course you would not for giving them equal time. And a lot of Christians would agree with you.
Hey the argument over whether the Mormons are Christian or a cult made it into the news after their Prophet dies. So sorry Allah your boy is not the last real or fake prophet. Not that your son was the last prophet either, and why would you want a last prophet? Hard to keep a brand happening and new if you can’t have a new prophet. Maybe you could try a woman next time around.
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 The official story is no one was eaten in Leningrad during the great war. Also it’s still an official secret as to how many Russians died in WWII.
Mark Adamsspews:
@7 Or why “Moby Dick” was written?
Mark Adamsspews:
@9 So they talk about the 25th Amendment in the White House do you expect them to be talking about something important like the Seahawks?
Why any sitting Senator would take a step down to serve on any Presidents cabinet is a mystery of American politics. Perhaps a former Senator from New York should have remained in the Senate and made a run for President in 2012. We will never know.
And Jeff Sessions maybe safe, if you want something to happen on the marijuana front (yes, I’m keeping the racist part of the drug war going there by using the word marijuana on purpose, as I could say cannabis) then talk to your congressperson. If your a justice democrat type you should throw in the part where the drug war is masochistic and racist. Or you could just say it’s wrong, and you want Congress to correct it’s mistake. Meanwhile everything is fine in the marijuana business world, until one of the US Prosecutors takes a business down, and it will happen. Won’t that be fun? Might mean Congress has to spend less time on Russia and more time keeping their voters happy.
You know Mark, you’re one strange agent. Have you ever been under the care of a psychiatrist? BTW, Muhammad was not my son, literally. He’s just another guy who came up with another schtick to promote himself and have a following. Christians decided, in one of the Councils of Nicea, that Christ was literally the”Son of God.” Christ never said he was the literal Son of God. My boy Muhammad recognized that Jesus was a fellow traveler on the carney circuit of religion and was sure to tell his cult members he was NOT my biological son at all. That goes along with the idea that one should paint or draw his image later on, after he had built up quite a following of dupes to add to his flock of useful idiots.
(As far as the LDS Church goes, my experience is that they can be wonderful folks, but their beliefs are a bit nutty.)
Red Wings.
Politically Incorrectspews:
This is one of those instances where I agree with you in regard to Jeff Sessions. It’s time for him to get out of the way of what is inevitably going to happen with legalization of cannabis. It’s time for him to go back to Alabama and retire.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Jeffrey Dahmer would’ve felt right at home in Leningrad. He wouldn’t have gone hungry, either.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 “So they talk about the 25th Amendment in the White House do you expect them to be talking about something important like the Seahawks?”
Of course not, an unstable moron with his fat finger on the Big Button is more conversation-worthy than the Seahawks.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
For “the party of Lincoln” it would seem no topic is less conversation-worthy than their own treason.
All that was new is old, again.
There are only 7 stories in the world.
That’s all I got – WTF!?
@ #2
The Bible teaches that one’s children may be considered a means of comestible sustenance if the economy crashes due to foreign interference.
I wonder what kind of sauce would be appropriate. Perhaps a sweet roux?
@3 probably some type of sauce made with goat milk, that would be my guess.
Maybe that passage is where the Christians got their idea about eating Christ’s body and drinking his blood. Ritual sacrifice, I suppose.
My boy Muhammad may have been a bloodthirsty MO-FO, but this “eating your kids” shit is beyond that!
Leningrad in prophecy. Gotta hand it to Old Comrade Stalin, he knew how to beat a siege: After you’ve eaten all the horses, you eat each other, sorta like today’s Republican Party.
Maybe it’s why the Donner Party engaged in cannibalism.
Gives a whole new meaning to “baby back ribs!”
Republicans Eating Each Other Dep’t
“Concern in the White House about President Donald Trump’s fitness for office has become so great that members of the president’s administration routinely talk about a constitutional solution, the author of an explosive new book claimed in an exclusive interview on ‘Meet The Press.'”
Meanwhile one of Trump’s staunchest defenders won’t work for him. After all, who wants a crazy boss?
” … Sen. Lindsey Graham … has no interest in taking [a] cabinet-level position in President Donald Trump’s administration …. ‘No,’ Graham … flatly stated on Sunday’s ‘Meet The Press’ when asked by Chuck Todd whether or not he would serve in Trump’s cabinet if asked.”
However, there still are people who will — maybe because they have no self-respect, or simply because they need a job to make ends meet:
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions is taking so much friendly fire these days that it’s easy to conclude he might soon be shown the Justice Department exit. … Things have gotten so bad for Sessions that his chief defenders this week were the very same Senate Democrats that had railed against his appointment last year …. ”
When you’re Jeff Sessions, and your best friends are Democrats, well … like I said, GOP cannibalism of Biblical proportions.
It’s common knowledge that Republicans eat fetuses. That’s why they hate abortion doctors. They won’t let them eat the fetuses.
Should we plan for HA Bible Study or just skip to how magnificent the Philadelphia Eagles are. Maybe make it Philadelphia Eagles study for Seattle. Especially for those who think the Eagles are just a rock and roll group.
Should we pray for cold awful weather or something more Seattle like oh great blog owner, who is clearly not at all biased about his Philadelphia Eagles (the underdogs in the upcoming game)!!!! Time to celebrate Goldie, a little payback for you!!!
Anyone who plays in the Wasteland knows the best mystery meat can be found in Vegas. Best with a little catchup.
@1 Actually I have a new story for you.
An alien spacecraft lands on the lawn outside the Washington State House. Aliens get out and proceed to the house where they kidnap all the Representatives who they take to their planet. What will they do with the Representatives shall the Republicans be sent to the Circus? Shall the Democrats be sent to the zoo? Or vice verso? Or some of each to the Circus and the zoo?
Republicans or Democrats on here are free to state whether they would be sent to the Zoo or Circus. Or their breather and sisters in the opposing party.
This notion is the fault of NPR having Jerry Seinfeld on yesterday.
@5 That would be the Isis cult and all that. Maybe keeping mention of Osiris is not something you would do as you or your son didn’t do that, just a competing religion. Waiting for ISIS or OSIRIS to show here on the list. Of course you would not for giving them equal time. And a lot of Christians would agree with you.
Hey the argument over whether the Mormons are Christian or a cult made it into the news after their Prophet dies. So sorry Allah your boy is not the last real or fake prophet. Not that your son was the last prophet either, and why would you want a last prophet? Hard to keep a brand happening and new if you can’t have a new prophet. Maybe you could try a woman next time around.
@6 The official story is no one was eaten in Leningrad during the great war. Also it’s still an official secret as to how many Russians died in WWII.
@7 Or why “Moby Dick” was written?
@9 So they talk about the 25th Amendment in the White House do you expect them to be talking about something important like the Seahawks?
Why any sitting Senator would take a step down to serve on any Presidents cabinet is a mystery of American politics. Perhaps a former Senator from New York should have remained in the Senate and made a run for President in 2012. We will never know.
And Jeff Sessions maybe safe, if you want something to happen on the marijuana front (yes, I’m keeping the racist part of the drug war going there by using the word marijuana on purpose, as I could say cannabis) then talk to your congressperson. If your a justice democrat type you should throw in the part where the drug war is masochistic and racist. Or you could just say it’s wrong, and you want Congress to correct it’s mistake. Meanwhile everything is fine in the marijuana business world, until one of the US Prosecutors takes a business down, and it will happen. Won’t that be fun? Might mean Congress has to spend less time on Russia and more time keeping their voters happy.
Some mystery meat may go well with Dilly Dilly.
You know Mark, you’re one strange agent. Have you ever been under the care of a psychiatrist? BTW, Muhammad was not my son, literally. He’s just another guy who came up with another schtick to promote himself and have a following. Christians decided, in one of the Councils of Nicea, that Christ was literally the”Son of God.” Christ never said he was the literal Son of God. My boy Muhammad recognized that Jesus was a fellow traveler on the carney circuit of religion and was sure to tell his cult members he was NOT my biological son at all. That goes along with the idea that one should paint or draw his image later on, after he had built up quite a following of dupes to add to his flock of useful idiots.
(As far as the LDS Church goes, my experience is that they can be wonderful folks, but their beliefs are a bit nutty.)
Red Wings.
This is one of those instances where I agree with you in regard to Jeff Sessions. It’s time for him to get out of the way of what is inevitably going to happen with legalization of cannabis. It’s time for him to go back to Alabama and retire.
@15 Jeffrey Dahmer would’ve felt right at home in Leningrad. He wouldn’t have gone hungry, either.
@17 “So they talk about the 25th Amendment in the White House do you expect them to be talking about something important like the Seahawks?”
Of course not, an unstable moron with his fat finger on the Big Button is more conversation-worthy than the Seahawks.
For “the party of Lincoln” it would seem no topic is less conversation-worthy than their own treason.