Deuteronomy 28:49-51
Foreigners who speak a strange language will be sent to attack you without warning, just like an eagle swooping down. They won’t show any mercy, and they will have no respect for old people or pity for children. They will take your cattle, sheep, goats, grain, wine, and olive oil, then leave you to starve.
I hear this is the same basic, hidden language in TPP.
Are you sure this isn’t a Ted Cruz quote warning about FEMA and Jade Helm?
Damn, spot-on prediction with the British Empire. Every time the British have muscled their way into taking over management of any geographical area, they’ve done nothing but butcher people and stolen their resources. When the British became too fat, stupid and weak to maintain that, the Americans took over, pretty much on their behalf.
We’re much more efficient at butchering women, children and little old ladies. We can do it at the push of a button from 6500 miles away. The killers go home at night to their wives, husbands and children, eat a nice steak dinner, sleep well, wake up refreshed, eat a nice breakfast with the family, take a shower and go back to work all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Ready for a new day.
The Liberals of this country have always been the anti-colonials. The Conservatives have been trying to return this country to Sovereign rule ever since 1781. It’s easier to do this when the Country is at near total war, all the time. A continuously and carefully maintained “enemy” is always good for making a buck or two out of the deal which is all that America is really about anymore. They even have the perfect public-relations shtick to go along with it.
The girls wave their pop-poms and kick up their legs to show off their pretty pink panties to the troops and lead the cheer to support them. All the dirty (body) parts are scrubbed out, and then put on the Tellervision and disseminated for our entertainment, with voiceover narrative and patriotic music in the background. It makes me proud to be an American.
I hate it when foreigners take my goats. That’s just the pits.
@5 What’s even worse is getting them back again after the foreigners are done with them. The goats are never the same again. They don’t let you have a moment’s rest.
This was inevitable:
“Laura McIntyre began educating her nine children more than a decade ago inside a vacant office at an El Paso motorcycle dealership she ran with her husband and other relatives.
“Now the family is embroiled in a legal battle the Texas Supreme Court hears next week that could have broad implications on the nation’s booming home-school ranks.
“The McIntyres are accused of failing to teach their children educational basics because they were waiting to be transported to heaven with the second coming of Jesus Christ.
“At issue: Where do religious liberty and parental rights to educate one’s own children stop and obligations to ensure home-schooled students ever actually learn something begin?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Okay, let’s suppose these 9 kids aren’t raptured, run over by a bus, or otherwise prevented from going out into society someday. How will they make a living if they can’t read or do simple arithmetic? What kind of citizens and voters will they be if they know nothing about history or government? The law shouldn’t allow parents to raise ignorant kids for the same reason the law shouldn’t allow parents to kill their kids. (With this rapture crowd, that’s a possibility, too. Remember David Koresh?)
I find the McIntyre’s story very unconvincing.
Their claim that they were so convinced of the coming rapture that they considered their children’s education in basic life skills to be unimportant cannot easily be reconciled with continuing operation of a large business, and engaging in law suits over ownership of that business.
After all, which of these concerns are the more Godly, and which are the more worldly? Seems to me they were more concerned with greed than the well being of their own children.
But that won’t prevent Xtian political opportunists from exploiting their story for lots and lots of money.
Hey Fuckwad! Tithe harder!
The foreigners are called republicans. They will screw you over for corporations. the eagle swooping down is Citizens United.
What’s more likely to happen: (1) the Rapture or (2) a bunch of pillaging Belgians taking the McIntyre’s goats?
I think they’re both as likely as, say, Ben Carson being the next POTUS.
Lib the racist unscientist… The rapture is not Biblical. What this lady is doing is her own thing.
Tithing has nothing to do with things not found in Scripture! Tithing began with Abraham when he met King Melchizedek.
Good try though! Sux to be you!
Pud, how ya been, man? Living in cray-cray land, you must have lots of friends, right?
@5 @7
Seems Wisconsin v. Yoder may have a bearing on which way the Texas court may rule. Guess they may raise goats.
Could have sounded like Greek to me. So maybe it was the Greeks that were the foreigners. Remember the British only got into this area after WW I, but they didn’t invade but were managing a protectorate along with the French. As colonists go the British are to be preferred compared to the French, Belgians or Spanish.
@10 well it’s that whole separation of church and state. The lady can hold the rapture in high esteem as you 7 day Adventists hold tithing to be awfully important. And to others both points of view are absurdly funny.
Well maybe the Mcintyre kids will the America’s next musical superstars. Only with leather jackets, but not singing any of the numbers from West Side Story. Still a bunch of sweet kids with a touch of some 1970’s tv show. Joni…Chochi…the Fonze.