Deuteronomy 21:10-14
When you go out to war against your enemies, and the LORD your God gives them into your hand and you take them captive, and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you desire to take her to be your wife, and you bring her home to your house, she shall shave her head and pare her nails. And she shall take off the clothes in which she was captured and shall remain in your house and lament her father and her mother a full month. After that you may go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. But if you no longer delight in her, you shall let her go where she wants. But you shall not sell her for money, nor shall you treat her as a slave, since you have humiliated her.
Yeah, fuck that bitch!
Such “family values.” No wonder Republicans spout the Bible so much, this is a dream come true for them. Humiliation and degradation of women, what ideals, such honor in men. It’s OK thought, God said we could do it.
I understand this is still common practice in Trump Country.
John Lennon wrote a song that sums it up pretty much on how the Trumpanistas view women: “Woman is the Nigger of the world.”*
In John’s own words:
*Newt Commentary: John Lennon used the word “nigger” is his song title, so in that sense, it is proper to use the word here. John Lennon was a brilliant musician and songwriter, I’m glad Yoko made him happy, however I’m not a fan of her at all.
In Old Testament times this was the only way people as ugly as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit could get laid.
It’s ironic that with his permanent ED there is now no way in which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit can get laid.
@5- You seem obsessed with Roger’s sexual function. Says more about you then him.
@5 “people as ugly as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit”
How does someone who can’t tell a rabbit from a people become a doctor? I guess anyone can get into those Caribbean medical schools. It’s obvious why they stuffed you into the basement radiology lab and didn’t let you see patients.
But it could’ve been worse. Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit they didn’t let you be a veterinarian.
Michael Flynn Jr., whose dad copped a plea to keep him out of jail, seems to be calling for physical violence against Parkland survivor David Hogg by saying his parents didn’t “smack him” enough.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t surprising. We’ve known for years that conservatives want this planet for themselves and wish everyone else was dead, starting with minorities. Their main problem with Hitler is that he didn’t finish the job. And Puddy, whether you know it or not, you’re on their shortlist.
@9 “And Puddy, whether you know it or not, you’re on their shortlist.”
And it isn’t a “Schindler’s list” that he is on.
@6 & @7
It is very creepy and disturbing how infatuated Dr. Bob is with RR’s health, and at the same time his obsession with Hillary Clinton. Add in the fact that Dr. Bob continually espouses vitriolic hate for women in general, it seem that Dr. Bob is most likely impotent himself because he has displaced anger and resentment in his own inability to satisfy women, in any way, shape, or form. That explains the allegedly “big” investment portfolio, and of course the horses to satisfy his wife.
I’m sure he made it to sunrise service for Easter, after all, he had to bring the animals to the service and to “keep up appearances.”
It all makes sense now.
@10 It’s simple, really. He doesn’t like being called a quack. Of course, I’m not calling him that. Roaches don’t quack.
All that and even after escaping from Egypt the concern the author misses the point that being a slave involves being humiliated. Or they practices a more enlightened slavery there in the wilderness. One may have to if one is depending on the slave to bring back manna from heaven, or chop wood, watch the sheep,or build the fire on the day of the Lord.
Just dawned on me that this is how ISIS operates. Rule #2, right after kill all infidels.
@4 It’s ok man Ringo got his knighthood. She was not the reason he did not get it after all this time. After all he got it for all his work as the Conductor and with Thomas the Tank Engine. He’s a cool dude and he can keep a beat.
And Yoko cannot be knighted or the equivalent. She probably thinks knights of the garter are pretty sexy.
@6 at least the horse gets a break once in a while.
“it seem that Dr. Bob is most likely impotent himself because he has displaced anger“
Hence the purchase of the horse for the wife. She either doesn’t like sex, or is too wrinkled to be even looked at, orrrrrrrr the Doctor has problems down there.
I guess I should have read the full post, as what I said was said.
@4 Of course it’s ok for him or for BB King to use the word nigger, but not that Nix guy there in England, but why. John and Nix are both English and their use of slang is not the same as some southerner during reconstruction. Though Mark Twain can only loosely be described as a southerner or as a Confederate sympathizer he definitely used the word as a common colloquialism to black people, that was in common usage at the time. Yet many rail against Twain and Nix, but are selective in their criticism when it comes to John, BB King and any number of rappers. At this point it’s not Southern KKK members keeping the word nigger in widespread usage.
@15 Now that a new law has passed Congress and has been signed by Trump the owner of the list could be seen as responsible for this type of comment on the list. Clearly the comment violates the lists terms of service, and clearly makes the accusation that someone is engaging in bestiality. Which is illegal under Washington state law, and is generally not condoned by polite society, and even in not so polite society. The management should remove the comment and lash the offender with spaghetti noodles. They may also choose to take no action, but then they can take no action on any comments of this type on the list at all. Which means it’s cool to support ISIS and the Taliban on the list. Or raping Bob or WTF. Of course the law Congress passed could have a chilling effect, and may even be unconstitutional, and frankly not do what it was meant to do, though Craig’s list did drop the dating adds all together. Chilling effect,
There is a Donkey wash at 7 o’clock tonight on the State Capital grounds Could also be an elephant wash if someone would supply the elephant.
Who cares about Ringo? So what? He is now Sir Richard Starkey. Good for him.
Besides, Sir Paul said Yoko didn’t break up the band:
Ringo had nothing to do with the song Lennon wrote that I referenced in @4.
The reason I don’t care for her is she has a very shrill singing voice (and not a lot of musical talent other than being a muse for John).
John did say at one time, “We [the Beatles] are more popular that Jesus.”
In the end, Lennon said it best in his song “Imagine”
@18 Awesome. Maybe now Repukes will not make those types of accusations against gay people.
@18 “Which is illegal under Washington state law, and is generally not condoned by polite society, and even in not so polite society.”
That doesn’t stop Doc and his friends.
@7 It’s rare but there are doctors who are also vets. Rather like some attorneys who are also licensed physicians. Rare but not unheard of. I’m sure if the Dr actually got his license though a medical school in the Caribbean he may also have pursued a Vet degree as backup. And why shouldn’t such establishments with their high standards issue both to the Dr. So he may well be qualified to treat rabbits as well as humans. Certainly would be saving on the vet bills on the spouse’s horses.
@21 They may not have thought through the unintended consequences of the bill, though critics tried to tell them,
@20 “And the Beat Goes on!”
John had a point about Jesus, and tonight they will show “Jeus Christ Superstar” I think on CBS with a black man as Jesus.
No church of the Beetles that I know of. At least not yet. Could be fun, maybe we could be like apostles, set up churches and do letters or blogs or something for the The Church of Beetle Mania, the Holy Beetle, Church of Beetle Bailey, The Holy Beetle Rock.”
You must care or you would not have commented on my comment.
I don’t think we should tell Yoko though.
@22 The local Grange would appreciate it if you loose that link.
That is far too much for the City of Subdued Excitement. Other than the county Prosecutor going after the local sex shops, and sellers of certain men’s magazines is the only indication there are some kinky people here in Whatcom. That and spring usually brings out the nudists in some with streakers in the park and such but it is still a bit chilly out. Might have happened yesterday as the temperatures hit 60.
@23 “Certainly would be saving on the vet bills on the spouse’s horses.”
Vets for equines are a dime a dozen, the solution is the same to all ailments for equines:
Thanks Gary!
Jesus fucking christ Mark, learn to spell the band’s name correctly: Beatles, not Beetles:
I like Ringo, wrote some great songs, but he had nothing to do with Lennon’s work @4, that is all I was commenting on.
Yoko doesn’t care what I think about her musical talents, and she is a big girl and can take the criticism if we did tell her.
“They may not have thought through the unintended consequences of the bill, though critics tried to tell them,”
Revelation for you – Repukes really don’t ever think things through. One big assumption is that they have brains.