Eating bats leads to bat shit, which makes you insane, ask any GOPer.
Don Wardspews:
I guess Bubba Clinton has taken this Biblical stricture to heart since he doesn’t eat out old bats either.
They said we couldn’t eat bacon either, so I guess this one is also “oh that’s the old rules, Jesus said we don’t follow those any more (but we still hate teh gay because reasons)”?
Selective Invectivespews:
@ #1 RR:
I wonder what it is about hunger that makes people that are starving eat anything put in front of them, even if it’s pure poison. This goes to Hunger in all it’s forms, be they nutritional, intellectual or physical. It seems as though, considering this last election, that people did exactly that.
We’re now into the the fourth, maybe the fifth generation that has been raised almost entirely on television as the primary medium of transmitting and absorbing information. This medium has absolutely no nutrition whatsoever for the intellect. It is pure pablum. I know dozens of people who have that Television on every moment they’re awake. They leave it on when doing absolutely everything: eating, housework, even when the kids are doing their homework. What this really does is isolate people. I’ve seen homes where the kids are all looking at their various screens, the parents are watching sports or something, and nobody is reading anything of any substance at all. They’re not really interacting with each other, at all. There’s no eye contact, no direct address of the person. I think this is very disturbing.
Such people are literally starving for intellectual stimulation. They’re so desperate that they’ll grasp at anything that is put in front of them like the so-called “reality” shows and naked propaganda in the form of commercial advertising. The same methods used to sell people their laundry soap and automobiles is used by political machines to sell politicians. This leads me to a thought: That it is an interesting idea that the same methods being used to sell political ideology are based on market principles. That is, create a sense of rarity of something, then present their own alternative of that something as a replacement. Thus, the money made by the people who own the source of the medium of Television is used to pay those same politicians to run for office, and maintain the program as long as they can hold onto it in the way of merely keeping people’s attention and maintaining their approval.
The Corporations control the supply, and have no apparent ethical issues whatsoever for manufacturing the need for the demand for their product.
Hungry people will eat literally anything. Even each other when things get tight enough. I think it was Jonas Salk who pointed out that “no society is more than three weeks from cannibalism.”
I submit that we’ve been cannibalizing our society for a long time now, at least since the end of World War 2. We had two generations of people who were allowed to educate themselves and run out into the world with the idea that it could be made a safer and healthier place for everybody, and actually had much of the knowledge to do so. Then that was utterly cut off. Ronald Reagan started that in California when he was Governor. But between Nixon and Reagan and Bush, the education system was cut to the bone and left completely bereft of any substance.
Corporations are not precision machine tools, they are blunt instruments. They’re the bats that people are feeding off of. Now, the election has shown that they’re willing to use that bat to do whatever they want to, even if it’s poisoning water supplies or selling people on the idea that blowing $8 thousand on the credit card on Black Friday means they’re saving a ton of money.
Members from the local high school team came out for my lynching and beat my legs with baseball bats before cutting off my toes for souvenirs.
One of their grandchildren still keeps one of my toes in a box on his mantle.
The cited scripture, in and of itself, doesn’t define whether the bats in question are small winged mammals or Louisville Sluggers. This and many other such ambiguities in what we now call the Bible have for millennia enabled zealots, opportunists and tyrants to justify whatever horrible things they’ve been doing. A comparative few have interpreted those very same scribbles as inspiration to live better lives.
Don Wardspews:
@5 Awww…
Do jokes and coarse language offend you? Should I have given you a trigger warning?
Too fucking bad.
Selective Invectivespews:
@ Goldy @ 5
Don’t even try. These are the Deplorable People.
They like being assholes. They enjoy being dickheads in public. They see a President like Trump and believe they now have the God-given right to be the nastiest, stupidest people in the country.
They’re the kids, now all grown up, who spit in their teachers coffee cups and stomped their fellow students’ sheet music into the mud after school. They’re the people that stuck push pins through the noses of paper airplanes and threw them at the geeks in the front row of their classes. They are the people who think they’re playing a funny joke by calling the cops whenever they see a black-skinned person shopping for groceries and telling the 911 operator that they’re running around waving an AR-15 around at people.
The common clay of the Earth.
Don Wardspews:
@9 And we’re the fuckers who kicked your ass on Election Day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 You never see rabbits at Black Friday events, do you? That’s why we’ll still be here after humans are extinct.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Your presidential candidate lost the popular vote by 2.2 million and counting. If I recall correctly, your party lost seats in the House and Senate, too. That’s some ass-kicking.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So, Don, let’s review. You’re pimping for the most disliked president-elect of all time. He’s a racist, bigot, misogynist, and crook. He’s an ignorant, thin-skinned, Putin admirer whose attitudes toward governing resemble Castro’s. Is this really who you want to be associated with? What does that make you?
Ima Duncespews:
You’ve got to love the “Love thy neighbor” enthusiasts.
I’m OK with not eating bats. I am also OK with not eating vultures, owls, ravens and rock badgers.
I had to google “rock badger”. Aww, they’re too cute to eat, like guinea pigs.
Almost three thousand people came out to see my lynching from a utility pole in front of the town gas station. I was stripped to the waist and beaten with tire irons for nearly an hour before I was hanged.
Caught up in the excitement, one little boy was sent to bed without supper for saying “damn” in front of his mother.
Don Wardspews:
@12 Last time I checked we are a Constitutional Republic. Don’t like it? Fucking move to Saudi Arabia. I’m sure your fellow Clinton supporters in the House of Saud would be thrilled to have a 69-year old Furry move there.
Selective Invectivespews:
@ 17
You claim that we’re a Constitutional Republic.
But you voted for a man who openly despises, and has openly professed his intention to violate the Constitution on his first day in office.
You are a liar.
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 Maybe you should have included the entire passage. While there are old storks, storks are generally associated with fertility in European mythology. The horses ass who did that line would have had to worked much harder. Though it’s a totally reasonable question as to whether Bill is getting any or if the old bat is still pissed off. You are a lucky man Bill Clinton.
Mark Adamsspews:
@17 Sorry furry stuff is only allowed on TV in Saudi Arabia for one hour like at two in the morning and probably only on Tuesdays.
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 Well why don’t you try the starvation experience. Leningrad style or the shipwreck that Moby Dick is based on for the full experience. Will you eat the mystery meat when offered? Will you be intellectually able to ascertain it is or maybe is human. If you know will you still say no. Will you offer yourself up for the dinner plate of those starving with you. Physiologically you will be at a point where you are so hungry you could claim to be legally insane and unable to tell right and wrong. You would kill for a Twinkie though it’s not going to help you much if at all.
I think your premise is suspect and that makes everything past the first paragraph suspect.
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 Reagan, Nixon and Bush have nothing to do with the education issues you bring up here. The Democratic administrations are equally guilty or innocent. Schools are predominately funded by the states and local government. So no President has anything to do with schools not having funding. Talk to your state legislators. And if you want government in local homes to get people to turn of the tv talk to your local politicians. Though I think you should be told stay the fuck out of my bedroom and stay out of my household unless your are part of it.
Go Seahawks and yes I was watching the game on TV on a channel that I get from COMCAST. So maybe you need to talk to COMCAST to put on better programming for the masses. Or you want Armed Forces Television or maybe something like the state run Cuban TV. The BBC is pretty good and so is CBC, but in both locations private channels compete. Yes it’s a wasteland but for the most part it’s an American dominated wasteland.
Mark Adamsspews:
@9 And for all that one has to remember some of them are your neighbors.
Have you seen the Deployable t-shirt? (I was deployable before…) Get one for the neighbors and keep our consumer driven economy pumped. And you can still get Jeff Foxworthy’s “You Might be a Redneck” book at Amazon.
That bit about eating bats is there because bats often carry rabies. My boy, Muhammed, when he was inventing Islam (that was after the Jews of the area wouldn’t buy his act declaring himself as their new prophet, so he thought up a new religion to sell to the Arab rubes) often used stuff from the Jews in his work of fiction, The Koran, in order to link Judaism to his new schtick. He thought it made his tripe look more serious as a religion. It worked, to some degree, but most people didn’t buy it, so he decided to use the Christian technique of conversion by military force and conquest.
Hey, it worked for the Catholic Church, so Muhammad made it work for himself, too!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 I like it here, so I’m not going anywhere, and I will defend to the death your constitutional right to be a fucking moron.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, Trump says he won the popular vote. He bases this on a claim that millions of illegals voted for Hillary. With no evidence, of course.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Did anyone ever believe for a moment this liar would stop lying after winning the election?* Hey, Ward, you and your ilk own this.
* Technically, Trump hasn’t won the election yet. It’s not too late for the electors to fix this. If just 37 of Trump’s electors vote for someone else, say Romney, then the House Republicans can choose someone of their own party they trust, and I think Democrats and the rest of the country would accept any reasonable alternative to Trump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 I don’t live in Saudi Arabia, so what’s the relevance?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “So no President has anything to do with schools not having funding.”
You’re uninformed. The federal government has provided financial assistance to local public schools since the 1960s, as part of LBJ’s War on Poverty, and Obama’s 2009 stimulus included $100 billion of federal aid to local school districts, the majority of which was targeted to preventing teacher layoffs due to the recession. A president has a great deal of influence over policies and funding levels for such programs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
These four lesbians were railroaded to prison for a crime that never occurred. Now the State of Texas owes them millions of dollars in compensation.
LBJ’s War on Poverty was a failure, just as the War on Drugs has been.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Yeah, life was better without Medicare and Medicaid, Head Start, and Food Stamps. We were a better country when a fifth of us were poor, children had to support their parents in old age, you either worked or starved, and if there was no work that was too bad!
@31: don’t forget polio, diphtheria and measles. I had measles when I was two, and man, was that a blast.
Mark Adamsspews:
@28 Nope all that federal aid doesn’t make or break a schools budget, unless your talking poor districts or inner city school districts, and even then the Federal aid isn’t enough if the city declares bankruptcy, It doesn’t give any President the ability to substitute their judgement for the local school board, or the state legislature. Both of which have a lot more political over your local school than Congress or the President. Otherwise we would not have that fight over in the courts here about the legislature not properly funding schools. If what are saying then Washington state courts should be going to the Feds and Obama for the missing funds.
Eating bats leads to bat shit, which makes you insane, ask any GOPer.
I guess Bubba Clinton has taken this Biblical stricture to heart since he doesn’t eat out old bats either.
They said we couldn’t eat bacon either, so I guess this one is also “oh that’s the old rules, Jesus said we don’t follow those any more (but we still hate teh gay because reasons)”?
@ #1 RR:
I wonder what it is about hunger that makes people that are starving eat anything put in front of them, even if it’s pure poison. This goes to Hunger in all it’s forms, be they nutritional, intellectual or physical. It seems as though, considering this last election, that people did exactly that.
We’re now into the the fourth, maybe the fifth generation that has been raised almost entirely on television as the primary medium of transmitting and absorbing information. This medium has absolutely no nutrition whatsoever for the intellect. It is pure pablum. I know dozens of people who have that Television on every moment they’re awake. They leave it on when doing absolutely everything: eating, housework, even when the kids are doing their homework. What this really does is isolate people. I’ve seen homes where the kids are all looking at their various screens, the parents are watching sports or something, and nobody is reading anything of any substance at all. They’re not really interacting with each other, at all. There’s no eye contact, no direct address of the person. I think this is very disturbing.
Such people are literally starving for intellectual stimulation. They’re so desperate that they’ll grasp at anything that is put in front of them like the so-called “reality” shows and naked propaganda in the form of commercial advertising. The same methods used to sell people their laundry soap and automobiles is used by political machines to sell politicians. This leads me to a thought: That it is an interesting idea that the same methods being used to sell political ideology are based on market principles. That is, create a sense of rarity of something, then present their own alternative of that something as a replacement. Thus, the money made by the people who own the source of the medium of Television is used to pay those same politicians to run for office, and maintain the program as long as they can hold onto it in the way of merely keeping people’s attention and maintaining their approval.
The Corporations control the supply, and have no apparent ethical issues whatsoever for manufacturing the need for the demand for their product.
Hungry people will eat literally anything. Even each other when things get tight enough. I think it was Jonas Salk who pointed out that “no society is more than three weeks from cannibalism.”
I submit that we’ve been cannibalizing our society for a long time now, at least since the end of World War 2. We had two generations of people who were allowed to educate themselves and run out into the world with the idea that it could be made a safer and healthier place for everybody, and actually had much of the knowledge to do so. Then that was utterly cut off. Ronald Reagan started that in California when he was Governor. But between Nixon and Reagan and Bush, the education system was cut to the bone and left completely bereft of any substance.
Corporations are not precision machine tools, they are blunt instruments. They’re the bats that people are feeding off of. Now, the election has shown that they’re willing to use that bat to do whatever they want to, even if it’s poisoning water supplies or selling people on the idea that blowing $8 thousand on the credit card on Black Friday means they’re saving a ton of money.
@2 What the fuck is wrong with you?
Members from the local high school team came out for my lynching and beat my legs with baseball bats before cutting off my toes for souvenirs.
One of their grandchildren still keeps one of my toes in a box on his mantle.
The cited scripture, in and of itself, doesn’t define whether the bats in question are small winged mammals or Louisville Sluggers. This and many other such ambiguities in what we now call the Bible have for millennia enabled zealots, opportunists and tyrants to justify whatever horrible things they’ve been doing. A comparative few have interpreted those very same scribbles as inspiration to live better lives.
@5 Awww…
Do jokes and coarse language offend you? Should I have given you a trigger warning?
Too fucking bad.
@ Goldy @ 5
Don’t even try. These are the Deplorable People.
They like being assholes. They enjoy being dickheads in public. They see a President like Trump and believe they now have the God-given right to be the nastiest, stupidest people in the country.
They’re the kids, now all grown up, who spit in their teachers coffee cups and stomped their fellow students’ sheet music into the mud after school. They’re the people that stuck push pins through the noses of paper airplanes and threw them at the geeks in the front row of their classes. They are the people who think they’re playing a funny joke by calling the cops whenever they see a black-skinned person shopping for groceries and telling the 911 operator that they’re running around waving an AR-15 around at people.
The common clay of the Earth.
@9 And we’re the fuckers who kicked your ass on Election Day.
@4 You never see rabbits at Black Friday events, do you? That’s why we’ll still be here after humans are extinct.
@10 Your presidential candidate lost the popular vote by 2.2 million and counting. If I recall correctly, your party lost seats in the House and Senate, too. That’s some ass-kicking.
So, Don, let’s review. You’re pimping for the most disliked president-elect of all time. He’s a racist, bigot, misogynist, and crook. He’s an ignorant, thin-skinned, Putin admirer whose attitudes toward governing resemble Castro’s. Is this really who you want to be associated with? What does that make you?
You’ve got to love the “Love thy neighbor” enthusiasts.
I’m OK with not eating bats. I am also OK with not eating vultures, owls, ravens and rock badgers.
I had to google “rock badger”. Aww, they’re too cute to eat, like guinea pigs.
Almost three thousand people came out to see my lynching from a utility pole in front of the town gas station. I was stripped to the waist and beaten with tire irons for nearly an hour before I was hanged.
Caught up in the excitement, one little boy was sent to bed without supper for saying “damn” in front of his mother.
@12 Last time I checked we are a Constitutional Republic. Don’t like it? Fucking move to Saudi Arabia. I’m sure your fellow Clinton supporters in the House of Saud would be thrilled to have a 69-year old Furry move there.
@ 17
You claim that we’re a Constitutional Republic.
But you voted for a man who openly despises, and has openly professed his intention to violate the Constitution on his first day in office.
You are a liar.
@5 Maybe you should have included the entire passage. While there are old storks, storks are generally associated with fertility in European mythology. The horses ass who did that line would have had to worked much harder. Though it’s a totally reasonable question as to whether Bill is getting any or if the old bat is still pissed off. You are a lucky man Bill Clinton.
@17 Sorry furry stuff is only allowed on TV in Saudi Arabia for one hour like at two in the morning and probably only on Tuesdays.
@4 Well why don’t you try the starvation experience. Leningrad style or the shipwreck that Moby Dick is based on for the full experience. Will you eat the mystery meat when offered? Will you be intellectually able to ascertain it is or maybe is human. If you know will you still say no. Will you offer yourself up for the dinner plate of those starving with you. Physiologically you will be at a point where you are so hungry you could claim to be legally insane and unable to tell right and wrong. You would kill for a Twinkie though it’s not going to help you much if at all.
I think your premise is suspect and that makes everything past the first paragraph suspect.
@4 Reagan, Nixon and Bush have nothing to do with the education issues you bring up here. The Democratic administrations are equally guilty or innocent. Schools are predominately funded by the states and local government. So no President has anything to do with schools not having funding. Talk to your state legislators. And if you want government in local homes to get people to turn of the tv talk to your local politicians. Though I think you should be told stay the fuck out of my bedroom and stay out of my household unless your are part of it.
Go Seahawks and yes I was watching the game on TV on a channel that I get from COMCAST. So maybe you need to talk to COMCAST to put on better programming for the masses. Or you want Armed Forces Television or maybe something like the state run Cuban TV. The BBC is pretty good and so is CBC, but in both locations private channels compete. Yes it’s a wasteland but for the most part it’s an American dominated wasteland.
@9 And for all that one has to remember some of them are your neighbors.
Have you seen the Deployable t-shirt? (I was deployable before…) Get one for the neighbors and keep our consumer driven economy pumped. And you can still get Jeff Foxworthy’s “You Might be a Redneck” book at Amazon.
That bit about eating bats is there because bats often carry rabies. My boy, Muhammed, when he was inventing Islam (that was after the Jews of the area wouldn’t buy his act declaring himself as their new prophet, so he thought up a new religion to sell to the Arab rubes) often used stuff from the Jews in his work of fiction, The Koran, in order to link Judaism to his new schtick. He thought it made his tripe look more serious as a religion. It worked, to some degree, but most people didn’t buy it, so he decided to use the Christian technique of conversion by military force and conquest.
Hey, it worked for the Catholic Church, so Muhammad made it work for himself, too!
@17 I like it here, so I’m not going anywhere, and I will defend to the death your constitutional right to be a fucking moron.
Meanwhile, Trump says he won the popular vote. He bases this on a claim that millions of illegals voted for Hillary. With no evidence, of course.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Did anyone ever believe for a moment this liar would stop lying after winning the election?* Hey, Ward, you and your ilk own this.
* Technically, Trump hasn’t won the election yet. It’s not too late for the electors to fix this. If just 37 of Trump’s electors vote for someone else, say Romney, then the House Republicans can choose someone of their own party they trust, and I think Democrats and the rest of the country would accept any reasonable alternative to Trump.
@20 I don’t live in Saudi Arabia, so what’s the relevance?
@22 “So no President has anything to do with schools not having funding.”
You’re uninformed. The federal government has provided financial assistance to local public schools since the 1960s, as part of LBJ’s War on Poverty, and Obama’s 2009 stimulus included $100 billion of federal aid to local school districts, the majority of which was targeted to preventing teacher layoffs due to the recession. A president has a great deal of influence over policies and funding levels for such programs.
These four lesbians were railroaded to prison for a crime that never occurred. Now the State of Texas owes them millions of dollars in compensation.
LBJ’s War on Poverty was a failure, just as the War on Drugs has been.
@30 Yeah, life was better without Medicare and Medicaid, Head Start, and Food Stamps. We were a better country when a fifth of us were poor, children had to support their parents in old age, you either worked or starved, and if there was no work that was too bad!
@31: don’t forget polio, diphtheria and measles. I had measles when I was two, and man, was that a blast.
@28 Nope all that federal aid doesn’t make or break a schools budget, unless your talking poor districts or inner city school districts, and even then the Federal aid isn’t enough if the city declares bankruptcy, It doesn’t give any President the ability to substitute their judgement for the local school board, or the state legislature. Both of which have a lot more political over your local school than Congress or the President. Otherwise we would not have that fight over in the courts here about the legislature not properly funding schools. If what are saying then Washington state courts should be going to the Feds and Obama for the missing funds.