This explains why there are no Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Confucians, Shintos, Taoists, etc.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Chronicles 15:13
Chronicles in the Bible is 2 separate books Goldy.
Notice – no mention of the gays. I think the Lord Jesus Christ was gay friendly, unlike what many would lead you to believe.
“Chronicles in the Bible is 2 separate books Goldy.”
Either this statement is incorrectly stated or just conflicting. How can Chronicles be in the Bible, but yet not part of the Bible, even if in “Separate” books?
Chronicles is either in the Bible or not in the Bible. Is one of the books referred to as “Separate” not the Bible. If so, then Chronicles isn’t in the Bible. Does “Chronicles in the Bible is 2 separate books Goldy” really make sense?
Must be anything related to or closely associated with the Bible, is just bullshit nonsense.
The Bible is nothing more than a Harry Potter novel that offers spiritual guidance.
You’re trying to argue biblical semantics with an utter moron.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump’s secret defense, outlined in a letter to the special prosecutor by his lawyers, is revealed: When the president commits crimes, he’s immune from prosecution because he’s the president. His supporters will think this is the greatest legal theory since impeaching judges.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Jesus is not known to have stoned gays. That’s an evangelical contrivance.
The Bible is the most purchased and least read book in human history. It’s mostly used for decoration to impress visitors, like those framed “Home Sweet Home” brocades wife beaters hang in their kitchens.
@7 like @Will_Bunch tweeted, referencing a dictatorship. The Hump is a dictator, and just like Idi Amin, and some people, those that hate dictators, love him. Who knew that they would be so in love with a Dictator.
Today walking home from the gym I passed thru Times Square, traveling from the North. As I got closer to Times Square, roads were blocked and being heavily guarded by NYPD and several Secret Service Security Detail (American and/or Isreali Security). You could tell that more than just the ordinary security detail was being provided. I really didn’t have to get home quickly so I decided to stop and check out what was happening or why all the security – I thought maybe I would catch a glimpse of someone famous, political on non political. As I walked by, I walked in an area where several local business were closed down and somewhat of a landing area for the “famous”, but not much was happening. I decided to stop and see who I might see. Not much was happening, yet, so most if not all people passing by weren’t stopping and continuing to walk – I was one of few that was hanging out. As I stopped to watch, one of the security detail (with earpiece) walked closer to me from within the fencing and just stood maybe 10 feet from me. I was carrying a gym bag, maybe that kind of peaked his interest. From this I also sensed that the “famous” would start to pull in, and I was right, a few limos started rolling in one by one, and one or two people would get out; but nobody I recognized. Except for the 2nd or 3rd vehicle – the guy that gets out looked like Steven Mnuchin, but I wasn’t really sure. A little while later, a pretty woman gets outs of one of the limos, later I find out she was introduced as some Isreali Cabinet Member – Ministry of gym and partying (or something like that). I think her first name started with an M.
Prior to their arrivals, I asked one of NYPD’s brave what was going on. He said that there was a private party going on in one of the business and that there was a concert being held in Times Square in celebration of Isreal’s 70th year of Statehood – I guess today was also the Isreali Day Parade in NYC.
After the woman went into the private business, I decide to leave and go home, so I walk further South and I pass by the area where the concert was being held (right in the square of Times Square). I walked by and figured I would go home, but something in me wanted to know who that “famous” person was going to be, plus it was free – so I turned around after not walking more than 300 feet and went thru the security detail. I had my gym bag over my shoulder, but after seeing a dog sniffer I took it off my shoulder and held it low, to give indication to the cop that I was ready for him to check me if I were to be stopped, but he didn’t stop me. I continue to walk, and there is dog sniffer #2 so I this time as I walked closer to the dog and the cop approached me I lowered my bag more to the level of the dog’s nose so he could sniff away. Dog sniff, and cop says to me, “Thank You”. I returned the thanks and said “Thank You”. I continue to walk to the security check. Bag now has to be checked by guy with ear piece – he opens the bag and see boxing gloves in my back and says “Boxing Gloves. You should try Jiu Jitsu.” So I said, “I’ll consider that”. He lets me pass and now I am wanded without any issue.
I’m an hour early but I stay even though I should get something to eat.
Long story, too long, short. Once the celebration starts it starts with a video presentation showcasing Israel; the presentation is shown on most of the large billboards surrounding Times Square. It was pretty cool and Israel looks like a beautiful place. The video was introduced by that Ministry lady. I didn’t stay more than 15-20 minutes, because I had to get home to eat and I didn’t think anyone famous was going to be there….after seeing the Ministry lady.
There was one incident – a man was peacefully protesting – he had an Ipad with the Palestinian Flag shown and he was holding it high and turning it in all directions for all to see. He was in the midst of people that were all waving the Israeli flag. Well he lasted for a few minutes and then security tossed him out.
But I just wanted to say although I thought Israel was a beautiful place I couldn’t help but feel conflicted know of the Palestinian conflict (that was prior to seeing the man protesting). The whole event seemed so Propagandish. The announcer or MC was always mentioned Israel first in name and how great it is, followed by how great the US is a friend (70 years of friendship).
The video presentation had the Hump at the wall and they cheered. It was way to Propagandish for me. And although they talked about the color and diversity of Israel, the only people there were Israelis – no African Americans, no Asian people, no Spanish people, no Italians that I could see. Didn’t look too diverse of a celebration to me….like other celebrations in this city.
But the kicker is the video had a bunch of gay pride flags splashed throughout the video. Just weird. The World is a changing, and getting crazy and weird.
If you read this whole post – well, God Bless you!
Not one person in the stage area had an American flag, just Israeli flags.
At gay pride parade I think i see American flags too. I’ll have to check in a couple of weeks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
SCOTUS has ruled 7-2 in favor of a Colorado baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, but on procedural grounds, leaving for future determination whether the First Amendment allows a religious exception to discrimination laws.
Basically, the Court said the Colorado Civil Rights Commission has to be religion-neutral in enforcing that state’s discrimination laws, and wasn’t in this case.
This explains why there are no Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Confucians, Shintos, Taoists, etc.
Chronicles 15:13
Chronicles in the Bible is 2 separate books Goldy.
Notice – no mention of the gays. I think the Lord Jesus Christ was gay friendly, unlike what many would lead you to believe.
“Chronicles in the Bible is 2 separate books Goldy.”
Either this statement is incorrectly stated or just conflicting. How can Chronicles be in the Bible, but yet not part of the Bible, even if in “Separate” books?
Chronicles is either in the Bible or not in the Bible. Is one of the books referred to as “Separate” not the Bible. If so, then Chronicles isn’t in the Bible. Does “Chronicles in the Bible is 2 separate books Goldy” really make sense?
Must be anything related to or closely associated with the Bible, is just bullshit nonsense.
The Bible is nothing more than a Harry Potter novel that offers spiritual guidance.
@2 “In the Hebrew Bible, Chronicles is a single book,”
@ #4 WTF:
You’re trying to argue biblical semantics with an utter moron.
Trump’s secret defense, outlined in a letter to the special prosecutor by his lawyers, is revealed: When the president commits crimes, he’s immune from prosecution because he’s the president. His supporters will think this is the greatest legal theory since impeaching judges.
@3 Jesus is not known to have stoned gays. That’s an evangelical contrivance.
The Bible is the most purchased and least read book in human history. It’s mostly used for decoration to impress visitors, like those framed “Home Sweet Home” brocades wife beaters hang in their kitchens.
@7 like @Will_Bunch tweeted, referencing a dictatorship. The Hump is a dictator, and just like Idi Amin, and some people, those that hate dictators, love him. Who knew that they would be so in love with a Dictator.
Today walking home from the gym I passed thru Times Square, traveling from the North. As I got closer to Times Square, roads were blocked and being heavily guarded by NYPD and several Secret Service Security Detail (American and/or Isreali Security). You could tell that more than just the ordinary security detail was being provided. I really didn’t have to get home quickly so I decided to stop and check out what was happening or why all the security – I thought maybe I would catch a glimpse of someone famous, political on non political. As I walked by, I walked in an area where several local business were closed down and somewhat of a landing area for the “famous”, but not much was happening. I decided to stop and see who I might see. Not much was happening, yet, so most if not all people passing by weren’t stopping and continuing to walk – I was one of few that was hanging out. As I stopped to watch, one of the security detail (with earpiece) walked closer to me from within the fencing and just stood maybe 10 feet from me. I was carrying a gym bag, maybe that kind of peaked his interest. From this I also sensed that the “famous” would start to pull in, and I was right, a few limos started rolling in one by one, and one or two people would get out; but nobody I recognized. Except for the 2nd or 3rd vehicle – the guy that gets out looked like Steven Mnuchin, but I wasn’t really sure. A little while later, a pretty woman gets outs of one of the limos, later I find out she was introduced as some Isreali Cabinet Member – Ministry of gym and partying (or something like that). I think her first name started with an M.
Prior to their arrivals, I asked one of NYPD’s brave what was going on. He said that there was a private party going on in one of the business and that there was a concert being held in Times Square in celebration of Isreal’s 70th year of Statehood – I guess today was also the Isreali Day Parade in NYC.
After the woman went into the private business, I decide to leave and go home, so I walk further South and I pass by the area where the concert was being held (right in the square of Times Square). I walked by and figured I would go home, but something in me wanted to know who that “famous” person was going to be, plus it was free – so I turned around after not walking more than 300 feet and went thru the security detail. I had my gym bag over my shoulder, but after seeing a dog sniffer I took it off my shoulder and held it low, to give indication to the cop that I was ready for him to check me if I were to be stopped, but he didn’t stop me. I continue to walk, and there is dog sniffer #2 so I this time as I walked closer to the dog and the cop approached me I lowered my bag more to the level of the dog’s nose so he could sniff away. Dog sniff, and cop says to me, “Thank You”. I returned the thanks and said “Thank You”. I continue to walk to the security check. Bag now has to be checked by guy with ear piece – he opens the bag and see boxing gloves in my back and says “Boxing Gloves. You should try Jiu Jitsu.” So I said, “I’ll consider that”. He lets me pass and now I am wanded without any issue.
I’m an hour early but I stay even though I should get something to eat.
Long story, too long, short. Once the celebration starts it starts with a video presentation showcasing Israel; the presentation is shown on most of the large billboards surrounding Times Square. It was pretty cool and Israel looks like a beautiful place. The video was introduced by that Ministry lady. I didn’t stay more than 15-20 minutes, because I had to get home to eat and I didn’t think anyone famous was going to be there….after seeing the Ministry lady.
There was one incident – a man was peacefully protesting – he had an Ipad with the Palestinian Flag shown and he was holding it high and turning it in all directions for all to see. He was in the midst of people that were all waving the Israeli flag. Well he lasted for a few minutes and then security tossed him out.
But I just wanted to say although I thought Israel was a beautiful place I couldn’t help but feel conflicted know of the Palestinian conflict (that was prior to seeing the man protesting). The whole event seemed so Propagandish. The announcer or MC was always mentioned Israel first in name and how great it is, followed by how great the US is a friend (70 years of friendship).
The video presentation had the Hump at the wall and they cheered. It was way to Propagandish for me. And although they talked about the color and diversity of Israel, the only people there were Israelis – no African Americans, no Asian people, no Spanish people, no Italians that I could see. Didn’t look too diverse of a celebration to me….like other celebrations in this city.
But the kicker is the video had a bunch of gay pride flags splashed throughout the video. Just weird. The World is a changing, and getting crazy and weird.
If you read this whole post – well, God Bless you!
Not one person in the stage area had an American flag, just Israeli flags.
At gay pride parade I think i see American flags too. I’ll have to check in a couple of weeks.
SCOTUS has ruled 7-2 in favor of a Colorado baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, but on procedural grounds, leaving for future determination whether the First Amendment allows a religious exception to discrimination laws.
Basically, the Court said the Colorado Civil Rights Commission has to be religion-neutral in enforcing that state’s discrimination laws, and wasn’t in this case.