Thank you SJ. Any chain restaurant is not going to be all that different from eating at 7-11. You want quality food, personal service, and a nice atmosphere, do business with the independents. Yanni’s gets you a good sized meal, good wine, and the souvlaki is to die for.
As for the bible passage, it seems like maybe who ever wrote that must have been a reactionary, and probably would be a Republican if they were alive today. Some folks just can’t see shades of gray. It’s all or nothing, absolute or ambiguous.
Conservatives have no creativity or originality. It is all recycled hyperbole.
I saw Gene Scott once preach on this passage, the ones who were “upsetting” the Galatians was some local pagan cult one of whose rituals involved castration or some such as I recall.
Scott thought this was Paul cracking a funny.
Been a while though..
@14 Man, if Paul was cracking a funny, the guy had a dark sense of humor.
The message has more to do with Pauline/Roman anti semitism.
Anyone could worship me, but circumcision was a way of keeping the Jews distinct from the goyem.
Paul’s gimmick was that Jesus made it possible to worship the Jew’s God without removal of the foreskin. That helped the Romans demonize the Jews as stiff necked and selfish for, supposedly, not wanting to share Me.
16 – The passage is subject to much interpretation of course but it appears my recollection is sound:
More correctly, would cut themselves off. Perhaps the severest expression in Paul’s Epistles. It turns on the practice of circumcision. Paul says in effect: “These people are disturbing you by insisting on circumcision. I would that they would make thorough work of it in their own case, and, instead of merely amputating the foreskin, would castrate themselves, as heathen priests do.
If wishes were fishes, we’d all cast nets.
I thought that you were just making up stuff until I linked.
That is truly weird.
@2: The bible is full of shit like this. It’s why anyone who has actually read the bible is an atheist.
I Understand!
Jan 1st is not only my birthday, it is the Feast of the Holy Circumcision.
I recommend calamari ion olive oil and garlic as an appropriate symbol of the holiday.
What? Everybody sits around and east’s breaded and deep fried foreskins or something?
@ 4
Best Calimari in town is at Yanni’s on Greenwood.
I, Paul, promise you that Christ won’t do you any good if you get circumcised.
Why is this funny?
I never said anything about celebrating Jesus’s circumcision.
This guy Paul went around amongst you , himself circumcised, saying Jesus crucifixion made amputation of foreskins unnecessary!
Seems like he had an issue there?
One divine thought, if Christians all believe I made you in My image and if My son is Me, shouldn’t all Christian men strive to look like Me?
But, happily, I am what I am.
How can you circumcise a dickless politician? Would someone explain the mechanics of that operation to me? I’m curious.
@4 “I recommend calamari ion olive oil and garlic as an appropriate symbol of the holiday.”
Please make sure you get it at Olive Garden! I own stock in OG’s parent company.
@6 No! Say it isn’t so! (See above.)
“Olive Garden”
is an affront to my faith in Italian Food.
By the way …
If any of you goyem are looking for a gift to give a yid on Christmas
@ 11
Thank you SJ. Any chain restaurant is not going to be all that different from eating at 7-11. You want quality food, personal service, and a nice atmosphere, do business with the independents. Yanni’s gets you a good sized meal, good wine, and the souvlaki is to die for.
As for the bible passage, it seems like maybe who ever wrote that must have been a reactionary, and probably would be a Republican if they were alive today. Some folks just can’t see shades of gray. It’s all or nothing, absolute or ambiguous.
Conservatives have no creativity or originality. It is all recycled hyperbole.
I saw Gene Scott once preach on this passage, the ones who were “upsetting” the Galatians was some local pagan cult one of whose rituals involved castration or some such as I recall.
Scott thought this was Paul cracking a funny.
Been a while though..
@14 Man, if Paul was cracking a funny, the guy had a dark sense of humor.
The message has more to do with Pauline/Roman anti semitism.
Anyone could worship me, but circumcision was a way of keeping the Jews distinct from the goyem.
Paul’s gimmick was that Jesus made it possible to worship the Jew’s God without removal of the foreskin. That helped the Romans demonize the Jews as stiff necked and selfish for, supposedly, not wanting to share Me.
Obviously, I could care less.
re 4 — BAM!!!
16 – The passage is subject to much interpretation of course but it appears my recollection is sound: