Now there is the distilled wisdom of an all-knowing diety.
Is this one of those things like the messages on the hot coffee lids?
Unlk Witzspews:
Another one of those “life lessons” the Old Testament is simply brimming over with.
Roger Rabbitspews:
1 – 3: You guys & gals don’t get it! This passage clearly is addressed to batshit-crazy Republicans. It means: If you eat batshit, you go crazy, so quit eating bats, because bats are full of shit, and if you eat bats, you’ll be full of shit, too. But Republicans don’t listen too well; and they sure as hell don’t do what the Bible tells them to. See, e.g., moneylending in the temple, usury, stoning adulterers, opposing daylight saving time, etc.
Zotz sez: Bats are great for thumpin' Kochsters!*spews:
*and teahadists.
Bats are made of wood and not usually considered food. So God got one right here.
However, bats are perfect “food” for rightwing fucktards. Particularly if their teeth are removed first.**
**(just kidding, bats are most “nutritious” when rectally ingested)
Of course th8is was written only ofr the Jews. If the French can find a way to cook bats, that is up to them!
Well, you’ve ruined another perfectly good dinner.
You need to be open minded. Non Jew, goyem, have divine rights to eat anything … lobsters. cockroaches, Rocky Mountain oysters, people ….
This is the basis of liberalism, the freedom to choose.
Of course one can choose to be Jewish, Hindu, Vegan, or … for that matter .. to starve to death.
It is all you choice!
this thing is gonna do some damagespews:
Deuteronomy 14:18
You must not eat bats.
bummer…I guess nancy pelosi is off the menu now.
David Aquariusspews:
This passage is posted prominently in Bachmann’s belfry.
Politically Incorrectspews:
“…opposing daylight saving time…”
Next Spring, let’s just move the clocks ahead 30 minutes and stop fucking around with it. One final adjustment, and we don’t have to worry about it anymore!
Politically Incorrectspews:
I’ve always wonderd why the Jews (and Muslims) had those religious restrictions on what was fit to eat and what wasn’t. I think it had to do with local folklore and not much scientific knowledge as to what actually caused disease back in pre-modern times. After all, Jews and Muslims eat chicken, but chickens are about the nastiest animals on the planet. Just cook the hell out of it, and it’s OK to eat, though. Maybe that’s why chicken passes muster as far as “fit to eat” goes.
Liberal Scientist thinks that concentrated power and wealth should be met with suspicion, not adorationspews:
Speaking of religious freaks…
Look what frothy little Ricky Santorum has to say.
What is really funny is what the people of Iowa have to say in the comments section. HA.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 You’re a fake! The real God doesn’t make misspellings or typos.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 I can already see how that will go …
THE REST OF US: Let’s move the clock ahead an hour.
THE REST OF US: Let’s split the difference and move it ahead 30 minutes.
THE REST OF US: Okay then, let’s split the difference and move it ahead 15 minutes.
THE REST OF US: Well, how about we split the difference and move it ahead 7 1/2 minutes?
THE REST OF US: 3.75 minutes?
THE REST OF US: Screw it, leave the clock as it is.
REPUBLICANS: Okay, we’ll split the difference with you on that.
proud leftistspews:
LS at 13, re: Rick Santorum (could a political candidate be more unlikable?):
“Congressional Directives
Call on Congress to abolish the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.”
So, the western states get no federal appellate court, just because our appellate court gets it right most of the time, and far more often than does the Supreme Court? Anyone who writes a check to Ricky should lose the right to vote.
A long time ago, i was on a computer and saw a woman starting to suck up a bat between her legs. I didn’t know that the Bible said that this was so wrong. I probably should have not watched something so sinful.
You guys have it all wrong. The passage refers to baseball bats. Which means, you should find anothor source of fiber for your diet.
Interesting that this Bible Study is almost always based on the Old Testament..God’s Law vs. the New Testament which is about God’s Grace. Let’s have some full context New Testament discussions and I would love to participate. Discussing only OT accomplishes little.
Whoopie …
I you want to discuss My word, at least the TOrah claimed was written by ME.
The Roman Bible, in contrast, was written by a bunch or Roman bureaucratic theologians.
Why would you look for My words in their writings?
the real maxspews:
I didnt know god was such a bad typist…either that or he is typing while drunk…
Why do you think I used Moses and Mohammed to transcribe my words?
Now there is the distilled wisdom of an all-knowing diety.
Is this one of those things like the messages on the hot coffee lids?
Another one of those “life lessons” the Old Testament is simply brimming over with.
1 – 3: You guys & gals don’t get it! This passage clearly is addressed to batshit-crazy Republicans. It means: If you eat batshit, you go crazy, so quit eating bats, because bats are full of shit, and if you eat bats, you’ll be full of shit, too. But Republicans don’t listen too well; and they sure as hell don’t do what the Bible tells them to. See, e.g., moneylending in the temple, usury, stoning adulterers, opposing daylight saving time, etc.
*and teahadists.
Bats are made of wood and not usually considered food. So God got one right here.
However, bats are perfect “food” for rightwing fucktards. Particularly if their teeth are removed first.**
**(just kidding, bats are most “nutritious” when rectally ingested)
Of course th8is was written only ofr the Jews. If the French can find a way to cook bats, that is up to them!
Of course, the Brits can eat anythng.
Well, you’ve ruined another perfectly good dinner.
You need to be open minded. Non Jew, goyem, have divine rights to eat anything … lobsters. cockroaches, Rocky Mountain oysters, people ….
This is the basis of liberalism, the freedom to choose.
Of course one can choose to be Jewish, Hindu, Vegan, or … for that matter .. to starve to death.
It is all you choice!
bummer…I guess nancy pelosi is off the menu now.
This passage is posted prominently in Bachmann’s belfry.
“…opposing daylight saving time…”
Next Spring, let’s just move the clocks ahead 30 minutes and stop fucking around with it. One final adjustment, and we don’t have to worry about it anymore!
I’ve always wonderd why the Jews (and Muslims) had those religious restrictions on what was fit to eat and what wasn’t. I think it had to do with local folklore and not much scientific knowledge as to what actually caused disease back in pre-modern times. After all, Jews and Muslims eat chicken, but chickens are about the nastiest animals on the planet. Just cook the hell out of it, and it’s OK to eat, though. Maybe that’s why chicken passes muster as far as “fit to eat” goes.
Speaking of religious freaks…
Look what frothy little Ricky Santorum has to say.
What is really funny is what the people of Iowa have to say in the comments section. HA.
@8 You’re a fake! The real God doesn’t make misspellings or typos.
@11 I can already see how that will go …
THE REST OF US: Let’s move the clock ahead an hour.
THE REST OF US: Let’s split the difference and move it ahead 30 minutes.
THE REST OF US: Okay then, let’s split the difference and move it ahead 15 minutes.
THE REST OF US: Well, how about we split the difference and move it ahead 7 1/2 minutes?
THE REST OF US: 3.75 minutes?
THE REST OF US: Screw it, leave the clock as it is.
REPUBLICANS: Okay, we’ll split the difference with you on that.
LS at 13, re: Rick Santorum (could a political candidate be more unlikable?):
“Congressional Directives
Call on Congress to abolish the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.”
So, the western states get no federal appellate court, just because our appellate court gets it right most of the time, and far more often than does the Supreme Court? Anyone who writes a check to Ricky should lose the right to vote.
A long time ago, i was on a computer and saw a woman starting to suck up a bat between her legs. I didn’t know that the Bible said that this was so wrong. I probably should have not watched something so sinful.
You guys have it all wrong. The passage refers to baseball bats. Which means, you should find anothor source of fiber for your diet.
Interesting that this Bible Study is almost always based on the Old Testament..God’s Law vs. the New Testament which is about God’s Grace. Let’s have some full context New Testament discussions and I would love to participate. Discussing only OT accomplishes little.
Whoopie …
I you want to discuss My word, at least the TOrah claimed was written by ME.
The Roman Bible, in contrast, was written by a bunch or Roman bureaucratic theologians.
Why would you look for My words in their writings?
I didnt know god was such a bad typist…either that or he is typing while drunk…
Why do you think I used Moses and Mohammed to transcribe my words?
Or , perhaps, you are missing important content?