Genesis 11:10-24
Two years after the flood, when Shem was one hundred, he had a son named Arpachshad. He had more children and died at the age of six hundred. This is a list of his descendants:When Arpachshad was thirty-five, he had a son named Shelah. Arpachshad had more children and died at the age of four hundred thirty-eight.
When Shelah was thirty, he had a son named Eber. Shelah had more children and died at the age of four hundred thirty-three.
When Eber was thirty-four, he had a son named Peleg. Eber had more children and died at the age of four hundred sixty-four.
When Peleg was thirty, he had a son named Reu. Peleg had more children and died at the age of two hundred thirty-nine.
When Reu was thirty-two he had a son named Serug. Reu had more children and died at the age of two hundred thirty-nine.
When Serug was thirty, he had a son named Nahor. Serug had more children and died at the age of two hundred thirty.
When Nahor was twenty-nine, he had a son named Terah. Nahor had more children and died at the age of one hundred forty-eight.
Imagine instead that after the flood Noah’s daughter Suzy, had a daughter named Rose and when Rose was 600 years old she had a daughter named Bitsy ….
Quite a different telling of the tale!
I am that I am
They used the metric system for counting years in that time. Okay the Dewey decimal system then.
My paternal grandmother, bless her, was not a well educated woman. The youngest of 11 children and the only one born in the U.S., she might have finished grade school, but certainly no more. School was tough, as she and her siblings and parents were essentially migrant farm workers, moving between various midwestern states with a calendar dictated by the crops they picked.
My grandfather was a bit better educated, having finished high school in St. Louis after having made the journey in steerage class from Trieste to New York at the age of 10, accompanied by his 15 year old brother. He did have family already here, a number of older brothers who had variously settled in St. Louis and Cleveland and Milwaukee.
Early in their marriage, my grandparents were doing well: he was a journeyman sheet metal worker, they owned a house and a car. They also ran with a fast crowd – they maintained a speakeasy where my grandmother tended bar, and my grandfather was involved in production and distribution of whiskey to others. They were apparently making a LOT of money, though the details about that time in their lives were very hard to pry out of them by us grandchildren in later years.
Well, they invested all that money in various avenues that were popular at the time – like the Stock Market. They were of course highly leveraged and owed money to various people for their house, legitimately, and to others for the various capital requirements of the ‘business’. Well, you see where this is going – the Crash of 1929 wiped them out. Gone was the money invested in stocks, gone was the house with the mortgage they couldn’t pay on anymore, gone was the legitimate construction job – because no one had a job then. Somehow the booze business – which I always thought should have been thriving – went by the wayside too.
They moved into a tiny house with one of my grandfather’s brothers and his entire family – my grandparents had my dad by that point, and one of his sisters. While we as grandchildren much later heard about the Depression in great detail, and saw its indelible effects in the way my grandparents stocked food and lived very frugally to the day they died in the 1970s, we couldn’t never, as I said, get much out of them about the wild years prior.
The point of this tale is that with this upheaval in their lives came another dramatic change – one they embraced whole-heartedly, and which would remain a focal point for their lives forever.
They found ‘God’.
Grandpa was a Catholic by heritage back in the old country, and I’m not sure about Grandma’s family – but with the loss of everything, came embrace of not just religion, oh no, but full-on ‘Born Again’, Assembly of God Pentecostalism, speaking-in-tongues and tent revivals and all.
My grandmother in particular embraced the infallibility of the ‘Word of God’, the KJV Bible, of course.
She has a lapel pin reading “God said it, I believe it, That settles it.” – This perfectly captured her worldview. The “God said it” part, of course, relied on her understanding of the Bible, and the the understanding transmitted to her by the cadre of in-person and radio preachers she followed ‘religiously’.
For her, these impossibilities like those in the Bible quote above were not impossible. She believed – much like Puddy does, it seems – in the literal truth of Noah’s Ark, and the literal creation of Adam and Eve, and in Young Earth Creationism, though I don’t think that that term was coined by the time she died in 1976 – it is what she believed. And this belief was unshakable, and certainly impervious to any influence that didn’t come from either her own reading of the Bible, or an appropriately pious preacher. The belief had to be unshakable – this was the lifeline that saved her from the maelstrom of a life upside down, that left her open to a salvation that would subsequently shape her life.
Impervious is the operative word here – this worldview was constructed, in a diabolic genius, to be indestructibly circular. No amount of reason, of scientific observation, of rational though could breach the walls a faith. There were no inconsistencies in believing Adam and Eve gave rise to humanity 6000 years ago, that Noah took two of everything on the planet on his Chris Craft and that the planet was entirely flooded, that Noah and his offspring lived to the incredible ages described in the passage above. (As I write this, another question arises – how did terrestrial plant survive a cataclysmic flood? Noah didn’t have greenhouses, a la “Silent Running” did he?)
Dinosaur fossils? Birth defects from consanguinity, or the source of Cain and Abel’s wives? Multiple creation accounts in ther own Bible? Jericho’s walls dated to 6000BC? All these and similar questions were the work of the Devil, trying to lead us astray.
Evolution? Impossible. The Big Bang? More devilry. Rocks independently verified to be billions of years old? God works in mysterious ways.
The point, of course, is that there are people, some complex, many more quite a bit simpler, who are perfectly willing to believe to be true what cannot be true, and the more fantastical the claim, the more they cling to such ‘truth’ as a measure of their faith, and by extension, a measure of their worthiness in their deity’s estimation.
Absolutely irrational.
And believing in evolution is rational?
Well maybe Lib UnSientist’s family did evolve from from an amoeba. I on the other hand believe in God’s power to create all things. He spoke and bang, it happened. That’s the real big bang theory!
@5 and you are the idiot of the big bang.
And believing in evolution is rational?
Believing in Evolution fits the facts of reality around us. It’s the best theory we have so far. If, in the future, we get a better one, that explains the fact better, I’ll change to that.
So when Jesus comes again what will you say Blue John?
Oh my bad please forgive me as I followed the evolutionists and didn’t believe in you!
Always delivering the best that liberals present!
That’s the point, dimwit. You fools believe in…something. Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with rational observation of the universe we live in.
Evolution does – it’s empirically valid. Simple, straightforward, humble observation followed by rational organization of the facts. Why is this so threatening? Does it have to do with the fact the evolution cannot be used to threaten anyone into submission with promises of eternal damnation and hellfire?
So when Jesus comes again what will you say Blue John?
Respectfully if god appears, that will now be the best theory that fits the facts of reality around us.
to add to this…
If god shows up, then THAT evidence will empirically valid. There will be simple, straightforward, humble observation of god walking around, doing miracles, and theories will adjust.
Ummmn, was it good for you, Jesus?
@4, LS: Awesome handle and post.
Death of Joeb
When Joeb Deckley lived, he knew he wouild one day go on to a great reward.
As a soldier in the Savior’s Army, Captain Deckley had been as successful as he had in his marriage, in having wonderful children, and in pursuing a career in the cell phone industry.
Every year, Joeb gave a tenth, every sabbath he and his entire family prayed to God, three times a week Joeb worked in soup kitchens or taught the word at his own chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Joeb led a good life and was especially pleased when politics went his way. Now he could vote for Suzy Pious and Gerard General .. fellow believers who spread the word to the polling place. They too were good people.
So, when Joeb died it was a happy event. He died on a Sabbath, surrounded by family and friends from his Church, the death was peaceful and full of hope.
But Joeb had guessed wrong.
As the good man passed through the levels of the afterlife he met Raven, Athena, Allah, Krishna, Shammai, Baal, Radha, Lairka … all but Jesus asked why Joeb, despite all his worldly rewards, Joeb had denied them?
So these Gods met. Jesus stood up for Joeb, claiming the spirit as one of His own. But, since the afterlife is a democracy, Raven, Athena, Allah, Krishna, Radha, and Larka prevailed and Joeb Deckley, the good believer, was cast down into Hades.
The End
I am that I am.
Lib Sci @4
I greatly enjoyed your comment at @4 and plan to cross post it sometime on nThe AVE as part of the SUNDAY REVELATIONS.
I hope this is OK?
Why hasn’t Jesus already come? What’s he waiting for?
Yeah, you know this guy was a god loving gun tooting Puddypud. Puddy’s friend.
You got to love them Heterosexual Family Values. I know, I know, I know Jeffrey Dalhmer was gay, so we think.
how much you wanna bet gman has some john wayne gacy paintings in his house….
Power Speaking Truth
The Sofitel is a glitzy French-themed New York hotel that caters to the power elite where luxury suites can cost $2,000 a night. For that kind of money, even the rich and powerful expect more than clean sheets; in the case of French economist, lawyer, and politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn, it also includes the maid.
Nafissatou Diallo, 32, is a lowly hotel housekeeper who supports herself by doing hard physical labor for modest wages. Her pay rate doesn’t include any compensation for allowing guests of the hotel where she works to use her body for their own gratification as if she were a pillow mint. Nor does her employer — or the laws of New York State or the United States of America — require her to.
According to one of the news reports earlier this year, “The 32-year-old woman told police that she entered Strauss-Kahn’s room at about 1pm on Saturday and he emerged from the bedroom naked, threw her down and tried to sexually assault her, NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said. She broke free and escaped the room and told hotel staff what had happened who called the police.”
Although he was initially arrested and charged with assault, Strauss-Kahn denied everything. He told the world Ms. Diallo was a liar. There were no witnesses; the case pitted the word of a powerful man against that of a powerless immigrant hourly worker.
So powerless that, as she told Newsweek magazine, “she was scared about losing her job” and when “she learned his identity, she … thought she would be killed.”
Afraid of being killed because one of Europe’s most powerful men tried to rape her.
She hasn’t been killed, but she had to endure being exploited anew — by the rancid tabloid press — as a false accuser in lurid stories designed not to reveal the truth but to sell papers to a voyeuristic audience. Stories that made the whole world think she was a liar or worse.
What kind of man is Strauss-Kahn, besides being brilliant, accomplished, rich, famous, and powerful? He was the boss of the International Monetary Fund and possibly in line to become France’s next line. But he also is a man with a reputation for a dark side that includes a taste for reckless and ostentatious living that long predates his Sofitel Hotel escapade.
“Rumours of dangerous liaisons and sexual conquests …. tastes are too luxurious to lay claim to the political left … suing a French newspaper that claimed staples of his lifestyle included luxury homes … sought-after works of art … handmade suits …. Strauss-Kahn and his wealthy wife … lived a life of luxury … the flashiness has appalled some observers.”
Now — today — Strauss-Kahn has come clean about what happened in New York.
“In his first interview since his May 14 arrest over sexual assault accusations, Strauss-Kahn told France’s TF1 television channel what happened between him and the maid, Nafissatou Diallo, ‘was not only an inappropriate relationship, but more than that, it was an error.’ Strauss-Kahn … said ‘it was a failing, a failing vis-a-vis my wife, my children and my friends but also a failing vis-a-vis the French people, who had vested their hopes for change in me. I think it was a moral failing and I am not proud of it. I regret it infinitely. I have regretted it everyday for the past four months and I think I’m not done regretting it,’ he said at the start of the 20-minute interview.
But then, as the interview progressed, he again attacked Dialla and also attacked a French writer who had accused him of trying to rape her during a 2003 interview, “again insisting ‘no act of aggression, no violence’ had taken place between the two. The writer … has maintained she and Strauss-Kahn tussled on the floor … with the politician trying to open her jeans and bra and putting his fingers in her mouth and underwear. Because a police investigation into the claims is ongoing, Strauss-Kahn said he would not say anything more about the matter. If Paris prosecutors decide to pursue the case, Strauss-Kahn could face a possible trial.”
Okay. So here’s where we are now: Something did happen in that New York hotel between Strauss-Kahn and the maid, something he now calls a “moral failing” on his part. That’s what lawyers call a “statement against interest” and it’s tantamount to admitting the maid’s accusations.
It’s good this powerful man is finally speaking some truth about what he did. But his admission is more than a little tardy. It didn’t come until after her reputation was already destroyed; it came after he was safely back in France and beyond the reach of U.S. law and prosecutors. He’s still refusing to vindicate the credibility of his other accuser, because he can still be prosecuted in France for that one. Although he’s a bit more truthful now than in the past, Strauss-Kahn is still a coward who doesn’t want to go to jail his crimes against weak and helpless victims.
We should all appreciate Strauss-Kahn’s candor for what it is. But he remains a powerful man who exploits the weak and powerless in the worst possible way and then publicly destroys them if they try to protect themselves from him. An immensely powerful man has revealed some truth about himself today, but is dodging accountability for his abusive actions against weak and helpless members of society. His candor ought to be judged in that context.
puddydope @ various: Leave it to puddydope and his like-minded ilk to turn the scientific theory of evolution into a political issue. Scientists try to understand and explain the world around us by positing theories that fit empirical observations, and modifying them when necessary because of new observations. Ideologues like puddyilk, on the other hand, try to rule the world by mocking science and peddling ignorance.
Why would you assume that Puddybud is a real person?
Put another way, does the Puddybud persona imply intelligent design? Does it have a creator, an author?
Have you played with Eliza? She is a lot like Puddybud. Try playing
A good way to confuse Eliza is by playing here role back at her.
Try this with the Puddy persona, it usually works.
Try it with God here. It will not, but then God is What is.
Eliza test for Puddy
Puddy: And believing in evolution is rational?
God spoke and bang, it happened. That’s the real big bang theory!
SJ: Why do you ask if evolution is rational? Do you think being ratinal would help you?
Jesus got’s blue balls?
When your first car comes back as new, so shall Jesus.
You buy it, you break it. That is how it goes.
I am that I am
I am What am
@22 “does the Puddybud persona imply intelligent design? Does it have a creator, an author?”
You’ve got a point. I’m going to e-mail Stephen Hawking and see if he can answer it.
Hawking probably will say puddydope is a result of random collisions of particles.
Aw come on!
Whover is playing Puddy here, must be a thinking being playing a part … err ahhh like a certain pair of bunnies I know who write here?
Put another way, I believe that Puddy and God are both real,Somehow I ma nto sure Puddy shares those beliefs.
It’s amazing to see the HA leftist evolutionists with a small granular addition of a couple of leftist creationists claim evolution is proved science.
Last I checked it was called the THEORY of evolution. And it takes “faith” to ascribe to a theory since you CAN’T prove it. It’s all conjecture because there are gaping holes in the “theory”. All you have are some “so called” empirical observations and you ascribe some logical “leaps of faith” to them.
One thing that always struck me strange about this evolution theory is the population plateau. Since y’all say any species will eventually evolve to their ideal population plateau, why hasn’t man done this? Why do libtardos claim we need to limit births, castrate the stupid (Oliver Wendell Holmes), etc. If survival of the fittest is “real” then only the fittest humans would survive, ie. sports people. Yet you have these subjects for example the arschloch, lib unscientist, correctnotright, gman, ekim, and rujax and some other HA leftist ilk who are not high on the intelligence chain. Why haven’t they been culled yet per the evolution theory?
So you see all you have is an alternative theory, because you can’t accept God the Father, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit creating the universe in 6 days.
Since evolution is a theory then is there also a rational theory that God the Father, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit created the universe in 6 days?
Or is rationality important to your theory?
Puddy let me help, as I am What is.
You ask
Let Me help you …
The answer is one you already have told us, athletes and high intelligence do not select for survival.
You know that just by your own comments.
You may have trouble communicating with Puddy.
In case you have not been paying attention to Puddy, he is an unbeliever and claims You are not You.
Puddy seems to like miracles. Have you done any that he can observe .. or is it presumptuous of me to ask?
Be good.
Thanks for the heads up but, as you know, I know all.
And yes, your question was presumptuous. Sina I am What am, then all IS my miracle.
3 Reno Air Race Victims From Washington
The Seattle Times reports that 3 of the 9 people killed in this weekend’s air racing tragedy in Nevada were a former Bellingham couple and a Marysville man.
The distressed airplane crashed into a VIP seating area where members of an Oak Harbor-based aviation club had seats.
In the state’s closely watched gubernatorial race, Republican Attorney General Rob McKenna picks up 46 percent support in the poll, to Democratic U.S. Rep. Jay Inslee’s 39 percent.
On our way to a Republican govornor!
You should change your ID! Hence you talk to yourself!
All they have to do is marginalize Inslee as another of those DC Democrats, which he is!
Puddy @27 actually sounds somewhat forthright, if totally misguided.
That post is the first in a LONG time that he didn’t engage in his totally adolescent habit of calling people stupid names.
Perhaps he’s evolving?
To respond earnestly, Puddy, you’re making an error by confusing the formal and colloquial meanings of the word “theory.”
Now, in other quarters, this has been used in a very similar fashion to make a deeply cynical and manipulative attack on evolution and its rational proponents, aiming that attack toward those who, um, tend to have more tenuous grasps of semantics and to be constitutively hostile to ‘eggheads’ and intellectual elites, so to speak. (For example, Fox talking heads blathering toward the Tea Party)
“Evolution is only a theory – it’s not proven – other explanations, like sky-daddy, are just as valid – and He’ll send you to hell if you vote for a democRAT!” Something like that.
However, to use a well-worn retort, evolution is a theory just like gravity is a theory.
From the National Academy of Sciences:
And similarly, from the American Association for the Advancement of Science:
Have you considered the possibility of dynamism in population size? Or that humans, a relatively recent entrant on the scene, evolutionarily, has not yet reached equilibrium?
Have you considered the possibility that large and well-controlled muscles are perhaps not as evolutionarily advantageous as highly convoluted gray matter? Though I do suppose that it is typical the a rightward-leaner such as yourself would tend to focus on brute-force as opposed to finesse and intelligence.
I’ve always thought that in many ways, with the advent of human civilization and technology (clothes, effective shelter, stable access to food, etc), as well as social systems that further protect people (education, access to health care, a social ‘safety net’) that we’ve altered the ‘natural’ world in which we’ve evolved and have not had time yet to come to equilibrium. Moreover, we’re still rapidly altering our environment, for good and ill, further undermining the ability to come to steady-state.
I’ve already procreated – so evolution really doesn’t apply anymore. (Though the kidlets aren’t yet fully fledged, so I suppose there is still some selection pressure on me)
Perhaps you’re right, in that it does seem that the skills and values I’m teaching my kids – honesty, humility, earnestness, hard-work, humor – seem much less valued as compared to the get-ahead-at-any-cost, screw-your-neighbor ethos that imbues our greed-soaked culture – one that much more accurately reflects the simple-minded libertarianism/republicanism that just won’t die.
You, my friend, have the alternative theory. Moreover, your theory has absolutely no observational data to lend even a shred of rational support to such a theory.
As Blue John said above, when this god of yours shows up and makes itself observable, then we’ll have the underpinnings of a new theory – until then, Sky Daddy is merely a rather persistent myth.
(BTW, I don’t remember “His Son Jesus” being mentioned in Genesis.)
Uh oh, I guess we better ban air racing and flying vintage aircraft.
Well Lib Scientist it seems we are teaching our children the same values. Both of my sons will not be societal leeches but contributing members of American society.
Well well well the crux of the problem with Lib Scientist…
Jesus the Son created Earth. So why would Jesus talk about himself.
So all the found parchments describing His life on earth have no meaning? You discount the writings of Cornelius Tacitus? How about Thallus? You discredit Phlegon? Of course Josephus had to be wrong about Jesus Christ?
Hmmm… since the evolution theory deals with historical facts it seems dealing with Jesus through historical fact is a non sequitor eh Lib Scientist?
Oh Lib Scientist… when someone actually engages in a real discussion I’m game. But 99.95% of the HA leftist population engages in name calling in just about each entry so why even try?
Puddy …
Exactly where in thes3e documents you cite does the Deity reveal that the universe or even the earth was created in six days by Jesus?
It seems to me that the argument here is simple. For reasons of your own you reject the use of reason and the ability of humans to use science to understand reality.
Then, you have chosen to accept a set of stories as endorsed once again by humans but not based on a rational study of physics, biology, chemistry or rationality.
OK so far?
What does that mean? ..
you claim to have achieved insight through faith, not reason.
Of course no one can argue with faith.
A loon would call evolution just a theory and would state that it requires “faith” to ascribe to such a theory. Gravity is also just a theory. I wonder how much faith a loon requires to believe that, if he drops a pencil, that it will fall to the ground. Gravity. eh. It’s all just conjecture.
By the way ..
Why do you keep insisting that I am God?
How is insisting that the God of SJ is some fat Jew you have met, any different than your insisting that the NT is God?
Has God here said things you consider untrue?
Gravity. All we have are some “so called” empirical observations and we ascribe some logical “leaps of faith” to them. Obviously.
And a moron would discount the heading was not given by me. Even Darwin called it a theory!
Butt the Stupid Solution is strong in this one!
And yes, you prove each day you “evolved” from apes!
@36 Oops, gravity. I now see you that touched on that already.
“HA leftist population engages in name calling”
A loon would never, ever call people names and should be morally indignant when called names himself. Of course a loon would never project his own failings on others. That’d be a Psych 101 thing, and we all know that a self-loathing loon would never do that.
Loons. So stupid and clueless, and yet always good for a laugh at their expense.
“Even Darwin called it a theory!”
Obviously, Newton wasn’t into theories. He was above that.
So Steve accepts he came from apes!
P R I C E L E S S !
Which branch?
I am a risen ape. The self-loathing loon thinks he’s a fallen Angel. One of the two is right and has a mountain of evidence that supports the theory of evolution. The other has nothing. Rather, he is a delusional, self-loather who pulls reality from his ass and calls it good. In other words, a loon. And nobody in their right mind takes anything a stark raving mad, self-loathing loon says seriously.
It’s disgusting that a loon so full of hatred, someone who reveled over the death of nine year-old Christina Taylor Green, who was murdered by the extremist wingnut Jared Loughner, now brandishes the name of Jesus. Yes, disgusting. Surely, this is an afront to God, Jesus and the Virgin Mary. How dare such a hater call himself a Christian! Such a person is truly destined to spend an eternity roasting in Hell’s lake of fire.
A risen ape simply turns on his or her computer. A fallen Angel loon first prays the the computer will actually turn on, you know, considering the theory of electromagnetism, the need for faith and all that. And considering gravity is just a theory and requires also faith, a fallen Angel loon will also pray that the computer, keyboard and screen don’t float away before his task is complete.
Hell, a loon couldn’t take a shit without praying to God that his turds don’t rise up and slap him in the face. Damn. It must be tough being a loon.
That statement, taken at face value, reveals such a breathtaking lack of self-awareness – stunning, truly stunning, jaw droppingly stunning – there are no words.
To SJ, regarding post #4 above: I’d be honored. I realize that I made a couple of minor dating errors that I’d like to correct – I’ll email you at theAVE, OK?
So that means that they’re not going to be hedge fund managers, or Fox talking heads, or members of the Bush clan – but rather hard-working union members?
Excellent, good for them.
I hope it doesn’t make too much mess when your head explodes.
Maybe a strict kosher diet is better for you than you think.
Sorry Puddydope, you started the name-calling right out of the gate:
Define ‘ape’.
The reason I ask, you seem to once again be confusing a colloquial with a formal scientific use for a word. Whether that’s because of merely being misinformed, or for sheer stupidity, or for some mendacious reason, I cannot tell.
‘Ape’ according to Wikipedia:
You see, we didn’t “evolve from apes” but rather we’re apes now, and our ancestors were apes for a LONG way back.
Now you use ‘ape’ as a perjorative – why is that? Do you dismiss or disrespect one of god’s great creations?
BTW, I never got an answer to a previous question, Pud – if the earth was completely inundated, how did the terrestrial plants survive?
@61. It’s not polite to point out the logic holes on some one else’s mythology.
Like mentioning that there are 900 thousand different kinds of living insects known, and even if there were only two eggs for each, and each were 1 millimeter wide, that would take a cube 1.8 kilometers side. I think that was bigger than the ark.
Maybe the ark had a lot less and they evolved to the current diversity after the flood.
“Maybe the ark had a lot less and they evolved to the current diversity after the flood.”
Um, no, they don’t evolve. It’s more like “Poof!” and they simply appear out of nowhere. That’s how poodles came about, you know? Just like all other creatures. Poof! And there they are. In fact, there’s been an incredible amout of poofing going on since the earth was created some 6,000 years ago. Of course, sometimes it’s just Poof!, and they’re gone. God does that too. I mean, where do you think the Dinos went, extinct or something? Nah, they went Poof! Gone.
To paraphrase the Standup Economist, Puddy is among that brilliant set of people who believe in Social Darwinism, but don’t believe in Darwin.
Is your math correct?
Your point about the massive number of insect species (~900000) fitting in the ark is laudable, but if we’re talking about 1800000 eggs, each a single cubic milimeter, that’s about 121 mm per side – not too big, right?
It could be. I have not done square root math in about 30 years. If it’s only a meter sized cube, then they could have all fit in the ark.
Ya know to this day Stupid Solution Steve hasn’t produced the link where he claims I reveled over Christina Taylor Green’s death. Ya know its a sad day when someone accuses you of something without proof. We’ve been waiting for the proof since I challenged him back in July. Crickets are still chirping.
Go on Stupid Solution Steve, ask the HA serial arschloch plagiarizer for ASSistance.
Go on moron! There is the perfect rhyme!
Wrong again stupido. Another epic fayle. This is the HorsesASS blog. Did I name it? No what is a horses ass? THE BUTT.
This moron is too funny!
Bottom feeding idiot. Can’t understand metaphors if they slapped him in the face!
Why did Goldy call Tim Eyman a HorsesASS? Don’t think too long as it might explode that single cell mind.
Wait for it…
No Lib Scientist you are an ape. I am a human, created in the image of God!
You can ape all you want. Remember the serial arschloch plagiarizer once said “I’d be aping”. He knew where he came from.
Oh the stupid oooozes from Stupid Solution Steve.
SJ and his “god” persona have been called out by leftists like Lib Scientist. Butt then again, being a descendent of apes, he missed the Lib Scientist entry!
Is that because your turds fall on your face with you ASS up in the air all the time Stupid Solution Steve?
Hubris much?
If you are a human, and not some transcendently obnoxious algorithm, you are indeed an ape. As a member of the superfamily hominoidae, you are in the ape section of the order Primates.
It is so very typical for the Bible-thumpers of the world to brandish their love of ‘god’ while denigrating their place in ‘his’ creation. Are you really so small, Puddy, as to think that only we humans are in the ‘image of god’ – is not the whole resplendent universe in all its glorious magnifiscence a reflection of this god of yours? Does it not diminish ‘god’ for it not to be?
The real problem here – Puddy’s “I’m made in the image of god, and you’re not”, or similarly, “god is on my side” are the sorts of tribalistic attitudes that allow the desecration of this lovely planet, that undergird slavery and concentration camps, that lead to a denial of another’s humanity and worthiness.
Seems Pud is just another bone-throwing tribal Bible-thumper, not unlike these guys.
68 – zzzZZZZZ
Aon’t deny it fool. You said,
“Butt as YOU ARE”
My emphasis. You were calling Goldy a name. He never called you shit you idiot.
He just IGNORED you at the time as anyone sane would. Poor baby.
The loon is made in God’s image? Then God must look like a self-loathing street corner loon. That’s kind of a let down.
Hmm, I wonder, if God has feet, did they, um, evolve from the need to walk? Where does God do his walking? Where does he go?
I’m just glad that the loon doesn’t claim to be of our species. That reassures me somehow, allowing me to raise my hopes for humanity. Humanity. Risen apes. All of them. Well, all except for the psychotic loon and his foul ilk. Thank, heh, God for that.
Fuckwit @ 68…
Goldy called Eyman a horses ass because…
…that’s what Eyman IS! A horses ass.
Like you.
wow…what an intelligent post from our resident broom pusher…
Please do send it to the Ave. Th best way to do this is to post a comment (all comments on the Ave are vetted) with an email address I can reply too. I will delete the comment but give you a better email you can use to reach me.
As to whether you were made in the “image” of God, first of all do you have some biblical source that says God (and you) do not look like apes?
Can you give me the citations where you learned this? Does it say what ways do you God are different from an ape?
You still have not responded to the questions. That makes me think you are an Eliza, a talk bot with pre3dictable answers.
OK, evolution is a theory. In other words a rational effort to account for the world we see,
Part of that world is DNA. But the properties of DNA imply evolution . We can test those properties in the lab. So if DNA is true and its properties allow us to use evolution to make things happen, thenhen howsit that evolution is a fact?
Or is DNA a theory too?
Back at theories, if you are not just a talkbot,
why not just say your beliefs are not rational?
There goes Lib Scientist again… projecting and claiming I said something no one, no where will find on this thread. Your arguments are so weak all the time this is the only thing left to you!
You evolutionists claim to be created through evolution from apes. I don’t! It’s that simple, even headless no time for fascists lucy could figger that out!
Okay now we have a platform to begin a rational discussion. Leave out Stupid Solution Steve and Don Joe as they are mental midgets.
I still remember Don Joe’s social darwinistic economic equation discussion with jon and sarah where they made him eat his pink lace panties. That was really really funny. Ask for a review in the crazed databaze!
Chronlogically monomaniacal EPIC FAYLE #11 with that crazed databaze.
No I didn’t. Still a moron since 2004. 12 attempts and 11 faylures! What will this moron attempt next. And he still hasn’t addressed the question in #12 but I’ll withhold judgment for the time being giving him another 48 hours to come clean or it will be faylure #12.
83 – You’re lying. You called Goldy a “butt” and you later admitted that spelling “but” in that way is a reference to Goldy and lefty-leaning commenters.
And you also said “no guts to answer” which is more or less calling Goldy a coward.
You were an asshole right out of the gate. You still are an asshole. You can’t hide from your nature.
Remember what Darryl recalled of meeting your sorry ass? He said, “he wasn’t an asshole”. heh. A sociopath donning his disguise for a DL.
“Okay now we have a platform to begin a rational discussion. Leave out Stupid Solution Steve and Don Joe as they are mental midgets.”
One of the markers of whether an online persona is a person or a talkbot is side stepping a question.
Seems to me that the “Puddy” may juist be a talkbot.
I’ve often thought the same thing. Back a ways, when I was first posting here, I attempted to engage ‘Puddy’ in earnest argument – which obviously ended in frustration – not over content or besting him, but rather in his/its inability to say anything of any real substance.
I thought some around here have actually met ‘Puddy’ in person – though until I do, I’ll consider it a high probability that what posts here is some sort of algorithm designed to infuriate and really, to derail others’ conversations.
Oh poor poor serial plagiarizing arschloch… he’s trying so desperately hard to put forth a hypothesis that falls flat on it’s face. Metaphors are not your strong suit mental midget. Golly maybe you can enlist some of your fellow libtardo travelers.
Wait… most ignore you!
bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
No you are the HA arschloch, all arschloch!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor… He’s all arschloch… smelly excretions 24x7x365.25
Lib Scientist, you are always putting “words” in my posts. More than 50% of the crap you post I never said or even thought about. It’s always your Mischaracterizations I have to deal with and when I do you scream bloody murder. So until you stop projecting why should I seriously give you the time of day? It’s your debate style which I return back at you!
You can’t successfully argue anything without insinuation of something never said or denigration of the opponent. Yet you are absolutely blind to it.
Then when I turn the tables on your commentary and mimic you back at yourself you cry fowl.
Cry me a river.
Why Stephen? When I attempt to try a discussion ad hominem attacks appear from the very stupid, and they were identified above!
I should ignore them? Ain’t gonna happen. When they attack I fire right back. Turning the other cheek ended September 9-15, 2005.
Lib Sci
Well I know the “real Puddy” ands he is a very much brighter guy then the talkbot here. Interestingly, Puddy cliams that the SJ God is … get this … me!
Funny thing though, I have the impression that SJ God Him/It/Herself is also a talkbot … though a somehow higher level one than Puddy since it appears hard to trick God into giving silly or defensive answers.
Of course, all this may be telling us is that SJ is the real God and that God, at least as sensed by humans is a kind of talkbot. That would make sense as the Puddybot would then just bne alower level talkbot .. sort of a sockbot?
Do note, that when faced with rational questions, the Puddy bot, like Eliza strains like a baby with colic to change the subject!
So here is my Puddy hypothesis. I know there is a real breathing burhgt person who controls the Puddy BUT I think the Puddy is a sockbot, a personna controlled by Puddy because Puddy thinks he is being clever.
The experiments to test this seem to be the same one that cause Eliza to dump her diaper. Circular questions, tunred back on Eliza or the Puddybot! Nte what happened in Puddybot’s last reply to me. Unable to deal with a circular reference back to his own statement, the bot is unable to write a logical sentence and never does respond to my question.
Not conclusive evidence but I will bet that Puddy is a bot.
Your own political side admits you are the “god” poster!
I noticed Lib Scientist never responded. I can guess why.
I NAILED IT in #88. So he appears in the 9/21 Open Thread while running away from this one!
P R I C E L E S S!
91 Puddy ..
I have no idea what you mean, but if anyone believes I am God I hope they do not expect me to solve their problems.
OTOH, your persona here id getting to look like Eliza.
Try this: Puddy, why does it matter if SJ is God?