Revelation 18:8-10
Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
Has Hanavee chosen to give a sermon today? A sermon about 91/11?
What was 9/11?
How many of you died on that day as a result of the acts of your fanatics and how many have died since in retaliation by you? Was 9/11 a calamity on the order of Hiroshima or Ruwanada?
What was destroyed that day were two very ugly buildings and a small number of people who had no guilt. The buildings have been paid for many, many times since in American lucre spent on war. The people have been paid for at least 50 to 1 by the deaths of others as innocent as the 3000 people in the towers.
Imagine if God retaliated 50:1 for the deaths in Auschwitz.
Doesn’t this make you as If I am a good God?
Doesn’t this make you ask if you are a wise people?
The mystery city of Babylon and Judgment. Atheists have your yucks about this. It is you and your worship of this world who is being prophesized about.
Oh goodness…
…self-righteous prick. Religious, delusional, authority-worshiping, mytholgizing prick. (Sorry for being redundant)
So, it’s us atheist leftists who are concerned about the poor, and social justice, and egalitarian and just distribution of wealth and resources, and about preserving the glorious and gorgeous and fecund earth who are being judged and found wanting? It’s us on the atheist fringe who value education, and discovery and science, who promote art and expression and the blossoming of the truth that resides in each of us – WE are the target of God’s wrath?!!
Fuck off, and your god, too.
@3 – Watch the use of the word prick, it excites Puppet Puddy.
is there one in your mouth or in your rear right now, gleeman?
Sunday school with Mrs. Rabbit:
Babylon will be overthrown as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah,
Isaiah 13:19;
Corinthians 4:16-18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (NIV)
Go in peace :)
Happy Sunday
Mrs. Rabbit ..
Sadly, when humans fix their eyes on what is unseen, they look away from the evil they do here.
I am that I am.
Pithiest thing you’ve said in months, god.
Not that I care, but some of your fellows may want you to spell the Appellation with a capital G as in Google, GM, George Bush, etc.
I am that I am.
I’ve always wondered why Revelations was even in the Bible. It was written by some hermit who lived in a cave in what was to become Turkey. This guy, John the Devine, was more likely writing about the demise of the Roman Empire rather than the end of the world. What’s goofy about the whole Revelations thing is that it was written 90 years after JC was crucified by the Romans. (BTW, the Jews didn’t kill Jesus: the Romans did.)
Anyway, I think Revelations was included in the “official” Bible due to the influence of the Roman Emporer Constantine. He wanted a scary finish to the offial book to help keep the riff-raff in-line and obeying the Roman authority. It just turned out, however, that the Roman authority dissolved and was replaced by the Roman Church as the big kahuna. For centuries, the Roman Church dominated Europe and pretty much got exactly what it wanted. That is, it got to be in charge and run the show for Western civilization.
The Protestant Reformation was a good thing in that it helped end the hegemony of the Roman Church. The Renaissance and the Enlightenment also helped break the dominance of the Roman Church and lead to greater freedom in the Western world.
If I were in charge of editing the Bible, I’d exclude this Revelations crap: all it does is scare the beejeepers out of everyone and give crackpots an excuse for horrendous behavior.
7. When true believers look at the unseen, they see the world that was created and realize how much we need to take care of planet earth and one another.
What is impossible with man is possible with God. Luke 18:27
I’m with you there, Mrs. Rabbit
However, I would take issue with the
which seems to imply intent and volition, which I don’t buy. All the evidence is on my side – the sun ignited following the gravitational accumulation of hydrogen and its compression to the point of fusion density. The earth and the other planets accreted around the new star, composed of iron and oxygen and lithium and carbon – all sorts of good stuff that had been forged in the hearts of previous, now dead and exploded, stars. A favorable combination of heat and light and the right orbital distance and eccentricity, of liquid water and simple organic molecules, and the ‘miracle’ of time and iteration, and *POOF* life appears and EVOLVES.
Here we are. No miracles, really, just physics and chemistry and time and chance – though these really are ‘miraculous’ in a less ecclesiastical sense – our nature, our universe is unspeakably beautiful and wondrous and eminently worthy of devotion and dedication and protection.
Good Sunday, ma’am.
god, that was deliberate, as I contest your divinity.
Now if you were claiming to be God Smith, the guy down the street, then I’d be all for capitalization.
12. :) Physics, chemistry and the miracle of life. There are no coincidences.
Signs and wonders, which are the language of God.
Good Sunday to you also :)
True believer
Today’s texts of bad liberal religion are Brilliant Disaster, by Jim Rosenberger, and Band of Bothers, by David Talbot. Both texts deconstruct the patriarchs of the latter-day liberal church of Franklin Delano Christ.
Both texts, in other words, are about Steve’s Kennedys and the heartbreak of testosterone poisoning.
Talbot’s book, actually called Brothers, demonstrates beyond doubt that our moment of maximum danger was entrusting the free world to a kid and to a kid’s kid brother.
Liberals, man. They’re either the fucking spawn or the fucking brides of fucking Satan.
(Actually wanted to go head to fuzzy head with old Fuzznuts about a book he claimed to have read, Lords of Finance, but there’s no percentage in pinning back the ears of a fuzzy little bugger whose brain is no bigger than a rabbit turd.)
@12 Yes, but where did gravity and the laws of physics come from? Where did time and space come from?
@15 Finance is entirely about percentages, dude.
P.S., it doesn’t matter how many rabbits are dead; as long as there’s one breeding pair left we’ll recolonize the world in no time!
!3 Lib Scientist
Why would anyone want to contest my divinity? For that matter, can you please tell me what I would need to know to determine that I am divine?
Or are you desirous of being Me? I have no problem with that, except that .. well I am already Me and am not sure how anyone else can be.
I am that I am.
@16 Rabbit
Same place that you and I came from.
No real mystery here other than
I am that I am.
Roger ..
Here is a thornier question,
“why is the the square root of 2 1.414?
It is because I am that I am, if not then there would be no reason to ask such questions.
That’s like saying where did blue come from, or as SJ says, why is the square root of 2 1.14…., or why is pi the way it is.
These are essential features of our universe, appreciated through observation and science, understood by our consciousness.
I’m very saddened that you seem to be making a ‘god of the gaps’ type argument.
Do I know why is the universe? No.
Do I need to invent a supernatural being to explain all that we humans do not yet understand? No.
@22, LS: It is sad, but in his defense, our beloved brother Rabbit is rational most of the time.
@2: Oogety-boogety, fuck off and die.
For a non believer you seem all to ready to assume I am a supernatural being.
How can I be anything but natural?
Remember, I am that I am. That is the definition of natural. Spinoza wrote about that .. did you take Phil 101?
As to SJ, I am certain he is merely natural. Whether SJ is Me, seems to be your problem but being natural really does not matter.
I will say that no one who has met SJ, thinks he is God, but then most folks felt that way about Jesus and he was not Me either!
As to whether YOU are natural, well ..maybe We should think on that, hmmm?
I am that I am.
So riddle me this, Rabbit dude: What percentage of Ahamed’s finance book churns the unsubtle subtext that Lord Maynard G. Krebs (or maybe it was Lord John Maynard Keynes) was magnificently right about everything?
And what percentage of Ahamed’s book actually demonstrates that Lord Keynes was indeed right about something at the right time? Before The Lord Keynes looked about him on the 7th day and saw that his work was magnificent, and rested?
Can any of the rational readers here make any sense of the logorrhetic word salad in post 26?
The only rational readers here, dude, are your token conservatives. That’s why @26 was addressed to irrational Rabbit, not to you, irrational illiberal nutbucket that you are.
And notice, dude, that irrational Rabbit at least had the sense to not hop in to an argument he couldn’t win. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool …
Irrational you, on the other hand, removed all doubt.
Bay area man’s life is saved by Rachel Beckwith kidney donation, takes up Rachel’s cause for clean water.
It’s good to see my old friend the HMNT show up. I hope all is well. heh. I’m into clean water these days.
Missed you, Brother Steve.
Clean water? I’ll drink to that. God bless you and Rachel always, all ways.