Exodus 32:27-29
Then he said to them, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’” The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. Then Moses said, “You have been set apart to the LORD today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day.”
Exodus 20:13
Thou shalt not kill.
I guess i heard about original sin
I heard the dude blamed the chick
I heard the chick blamed the snake
I heard they were naked when they got busted
I heard things ain’t been the same since
The Hold Steady
Cattle And The Creeping Things
Blood cult.
That first one is probably Rick Perry’s favorite.
Whether risen ape or fallen Angel, might it not be a good idea for all of us to let go of over-indulging in our hubris? I do believe that doing so would make it easier for us to rediscover the common ground we share that once united us and allowed us to accomplish great things as a nation.
“Perhaps we cannot prevent this world from being a world in which children are tortured. But we can reduce the number of tortured children. And if you dont help us, who else in the world can help us do this?”
Albert Camus
I first heard that quotation from Bobby Kennedy during his final campaign. If you haven’t yet joined this little girl in her last campaign, just click here,
If you read the entire chapter, it’s basically Jewish Jonestown. Not only do the Levites systematically murder 3000 people, the LORD puts a plague on the rest.
When you realize that the Hebrew word translated to kill, really means murder, when you read the two verses togther you now have: “It’s not murder when God says to kill.”
Ergo, every observant Jew and Christian who believe in an inerrant Bible ought to be rounded up and detained as they are a clear and present danger to themselves and others.
I’ve always taken this to be yet another exercise in bashing those on the right. It’s what the crazy righties want to do when they read the top quote & Zotz comment @5 that worries me, not the lefties take on Thou shall not kill.
@6 Yeah, righties have a problem with us liberals because we’re not bloodthirsty enough in their eyes.
A New York Times article says some cash-strapped states and the District of Columbia are looking at internet gambling as a potential source of revenue.
Some people may see gambling as a good thing becuase it’s a “voluntary tax.” But I’ve always been bothered by government getting into the gambling business to fund public services, because gambling takes from those least able to pay — the poor who hope to improve their fortunes by throwing away what little they have in bingo games, pulltabs, lottery tickets, etc.
The Bible doesn’t support this — gambling is evil and a sin. Given that gambling exploits and hurts the poor, real Christians wouldn’t support government-sponsored gambling, especially as a means of enabling better-heeled citizens to avoid paying taxes for the public services that benefit them and their families.
I’m not sure exactly what the Bible says about gambling, or where you find it in the Bible, but maybe next Sunday Goldy could post a verse about gambling — and how on earth you reconcile state-sponsored gambling with our culture’s professed Christian values.
Of course, most of us know those values receive only lip service, and people who are loudest in proclaiming their “Christianity” often practice Christian principles the least in real life.
He is ignoble–base and treacherous, and hateful in every way. Not even imminent death can startle him into a spasm of virtue. The ruling trait of all savages is a greedy and consuming selfishness, and in our Noble Red Man it is found in its amplest development. His heart is a cesspool of falsehood, of treachery, and of low and devilish instincts. With him, gratitude is an unknown emotion; and when one does him a kindness, it is safest to keep the face toward him, lest the reward be an arrow in the back. To accept of a favor from him is to assume a debt which you can never repay to his satisfaction, though you bankrupt yourself trying. To give him a dinner when he is starving, is to precipitate the whole hungry tribe upon your hospitality, for he will go straight and fetch them, men, women, children, and dogs, and these they will huddle patiently around your door, or flatten their noses against your window, day aft er day, gazing beseechingly upon every mouthful you take, and unconsciously swallowing when you swallow! The scum of the earth! All history and honest observation will show that the Red Man is a skulking coward and a windy braggart, who strikes without warning–usually from an ambush or under cover of night, and nearly always bringing a force of about five or six to one against his enemy; kills helpless women and little children, and massacres th e men in their beds; and then brags about it as long as he lives, and his son and his grandson and great-grandson after him glorify it among the “heroic deeds of their ancestors.”
I see that the Society of Emerging Artists dedicated this weekend’s concert series at Daniel’s Recital Hall to raise funds for Rachel Beckwith’s charity drive.
Good for them!
Wishing Well International Foundation commits to raising $30,000 for Rachel’s fund.
Well, good for them too!
@9 Yep, back in the 1880s, the only thing worse than a skulking Indian was a forked-tongued white man.
The family of Grace Tam, the eleven year-old girl killed in the ice cave accident, have aske that people remember their daughter by giving to Rachel’s charity fund for clean water.
Little Rachel’s $300 charity drive should reach $1.1 million tonight.
At $20 per person, Rachel set out to buy safe drinking water for 15 poor people in developing countries by her 9th birthday.
So far, she’s raised enough money to buy safe drinking water for a city the size of Bellingham.
Speaking of them Injuns, the other day I came across a site that was really weird, but got me to thinking about something.
Anyways, these guys seemed to be into some kind of “Out of America” thing for whites. Whites somehow originated in America. The first brown horde to try to wipe out white race came across the Bering Straight. Of course, it was “niggers” this, “Joos”* that, and Native Americans are mongrel “Chincs”. Yeah, they didn’t strike me as liking any of those people much. Anyways, after getting their butts kicked by the horde, the white people hid out in northern Europe until they could their their big comeback.
Twenty years ago these guys probably dared not even share their thoughts, except maybe in a newsletter with zero subscribers. They would have been isolated and alone. Today they find each other on the internet toobs. They feed off of each other, deeply reinforcing the insanity. No longer isolated and alone, they feel emboldened.
The people pushing the teabagger’s buttons are no fools. They have carefully crafted their messaging such that it that ropes in not just those with the most common fears and anxieties, they reach out to the far right fringes of American society. In this way, they do indeed have a “big tent”.
Teabaggers are marks. They’re obviously being played. But to what end? I mean, really, what’s the end game here? Some Americanized right-wing dictatorship? It’s not like wingnuts show any interest in governing. Rather, they seem to enjoy the idea of ruling.
* I hadn’t run across the spelling “Joos” before. Have come mot’s not on top of this stuff?
That is the dark side of the internet. The locos who used to type unprinted letters to the editors of their local papers, now feel like they are a mass movement who have been unheard and disrespected. The crazies–Puddy, anyone?–think they are the majority. Reason just doesn’t seem to matter anymore in American politics.
I made it about three sentences into #9’s crap. Couldn’t read it.
Great short interview of the Bottle Rockets lead singer Brian Henneman on NPR.
Where is the contradiction?
I said THOU shall not kill.
I ordered this killing.
These good people were following My orders.
Are you judging them or Me?
Why judge Me? If you do not like what I do, then you do better.
I am that I am.
If I give you one of my lambs, will you make me one of your daughters?
**wink, wink, nudge, nudge.”
I saw him at the riverbank
He was breaking bread and giving thanks
With crosses made of pipes and planks
Leaned up against the nitrous tanks
He said take a hit, hold your breath, and i’ll dunk your head
Then, when you wake up again you’ll be high as hell and born again
The Hold Steady
Banging Camp
@18: @12 was quoting a contemporary racist diatribe.
Not sure what it had to do with the topic though.
@23 The comment @9 isn’t a contemporary racist diatribe, it is an unattributed quote from Mark Twain’s Noble Red Man.
Those savages should be ashamed of themselves, after all we’ve done for them! We bought their land off of them, and when we just bypassed it and took it by force, we sectioned off prime real estate just for them and gave them free housing. We introduced them to alcohol, which they seem to absolutely love. We allow them to run profitable casinos and we give them affirmative action and government perks just for being a redskin. The injuns owe the white people of this country so much, and they just spit in our face by flushing our society down the toilet by approving gay marriage. They don’t care if this country goes to Hell in a handbasket.
Typical “Indian givers” if you ask me.
Ah, yeah, I’ve got it now.
The crazies–proud leftist, everyone?
Now back to the text… The Israelites just said they would follow God. Then they build an idol. The ones who were killed were not repentent of their actions. Thou shalt not kill is killing for the human sake of killing not being put to death for disobeying God.
Great smearing of God’s word Goldy! Someday you’ll have to answer to the Creator of the Universe. What will you say then?
Typical historically chronological moron with no sense of literary understanding. U R a great example of an Obummer jockstrap!
Well Roger Dumb Rabbit let’s visit this in depth… Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia
Maryland – Internet Gambling Illegal
Governor is Martin O’Malley since 2006, a Democrat and a former mayor of Baltimore
President of the Senate since 1987 Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., (DUMMOCRAPT)
Speaker of the House of Delegates since 2003 Michael E. Busch, (DUMMOCRAPT)
Pennsylvania – Internet Gambling Illegal
Governor is is Tom Corbett (R) who took office January 18, 2011
President Pro Tem of the Senate since January 2, 2007 Joseph B. Scarnati, (R)
Speaker of the House since January 4, 2011 Sam Smith, (R) – Flipped in 2010 due to Obummernomics. DUMMOCRAPTS controlled the PA House in 2010.
West Virginia Home of Jay Rockefeller DUMMOCRAPTIC Senator – Internet Gambling Illegal
Governor Earl Ray Tomblin took over for Joe Manchin DUMMOCRAPT Senator November 15, 2010 Incumbent (DUMMOCRAPT)
Speaker of the House since January 10, 2007 Richard Thompson, (DUMMOCRAPT)
Acting President of the Senate since January 12, 2011 Jeffrey V. Kessler, (DUMMOCRAPT) took over when Tomblin became governor