Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.Luke 12:49
I came to cast fire upon the earth. How I wish that it was already ablaze!
by Goldy — ,
Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.Luke 12:49
I came to cast fire upon the earth. How I wish that it was already ablaze!
Another Bible bash. This was one week I had hoped for better from you, Goldy. Check your email and try again. I know you can change it. And I’m sure you’ll get it right this time.
Donations for Rachel’s cause keep coming in.
So? Why does this surprise you?
Just another way of bringing y’all to Jesus side where the honey flows and your team always wins.
I am that I am
Steve @1,
I considered your request, but did not feel that it was in the spirit of HA Bible Study, or that given its spirit, HA Bible Study would be an appropriate tribute.
Just so you know, I wrote to Goldy and asked him to skip the usual set up for a Bible Bash and to simply quote Matthew 19-13-14 and put Rachel’s photo above it. I don’t know if Goldy got my email or not. I’d like to see people not comment here until Goldy changes the post or until he at least dignifies my request with a response.
If you change the post, Goldy, just delete my comments and we’ll start over again. It’ll be water under the bridge.
If this is not the place then I’d like to see you come up with one. There’s 22 days to go. Let’s shout that girl’s name from the roof-tops.
Obviously, I wrote @4 before I saw your comment.
Please make a gesture to this kid. I ask you to do a simple Rachel post and block the comment thread so none of us foul it. Then please delete my comments in this thread so we can start over.
Steve @6,
Apart from Bible Study, I don’t post at HA anymore. Darryl, Lee, or Carl are free to post whatever they want. Maybe Carl would be interested, since he’s the one contributor here who actually believes in an all-powerful sky spirit.
“since he’s the one contributor here who actually believes in an all-powerful sky spirit”
That was really pathetic of you. Like that has anything whatsoever to do with what’s happening. You obviously don’t get it.
“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”
This is inevitable; in a few more days, after what remains of the electronic money supply vanishes into the ether whence it came, everyone will be meek because no one will have any money.
Steve @8,
You’re asking an atheist to pay tribute to somebody with Bible verse. Coming from me it would be an empty gesture.
You got this one way wrong, Roger. I suspect the current “meek” won’t be so meek if these idiots don’t get their act together.
I think the best outcome now is invoking the 14th amendment. O has more than demonstrated the rationale. It even parallels the original intent, which was to insure that debt incurred from war spending by cracker idiots was repaid.
There can be no good outcome from congress. And they would do this without a single hearing, Roger. Our democratic republic is dead if this is allowed to stand.
@11 But Zotz, you missed my point, which is there isn’t any money anymore — it has all been reduced to “1”s and “0”s on hard drives — and so, because money no longer exists, no one has any money … and, as you know, a destitute man is a meek man, unless he’s an aggressive panhandler, in which case … oh, hell, I give up.
Little Rachel’s charity drive has passed its $300 goal and now stands at $733,595.
I truly hope that the meek shall inherit the earth. That’s all I have to say.
All signs indicate a meek President Obama got rolled by hard-nosed GOP negotiators.
“Though the compromise … calls for … a special deficit commission to find an additional $1.5 trillion in savings by Thanksgiving. … Democrats fear that Republicans will name six staunchly anti-tax members to the 12-person commission, ensuring it deadlocks and thereby forcing [automatic] cuts. They believe Republicans are more opposed to increased revenues than to defense cuts. …
“Overall, there is a sense of disappointment among Democrats on Capitol Hill. They feel Reid had Republicans on the ropes before President Obama caved to McConnell demands.
“The … deal could help Obama win reelection … but … is sure to anger and dispirit Obama’s progressive base. In fact, the deal is so unpopular on the left, some Democrats in Congress are wondering if it can attract enough votes to pass even if blessed by the President. If all Republicans in the Senate vote for it, they will still need 13 Democratic votes to overcome a filibuster. … The House is an even less certain prospect. ‘ … [N]one of us may be able to support it,’ Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Sunday night. Liberals’ patience might be running out ….”
@10 You’re probably long gone and won’t read this. It had nothing to do with your faith or lack of it. The little girl was a Christian. Surely, an atheist can at least acknowledge the good that came from that kids faith. It wouldn’t have been like you’re a vampire stepping into sunlight or something. Surely you know, that Goldy, Christianity isn’t all about crusades, inquisitions and wingnuts. It’s also about little girls who wish for a better world not only for themselves, but for those less fortunate than themselves. This little girl, obviously guided by her faith, showed many people of this world the way by actually doing something about it.
you actually think people like goldy give to any charity?
LMFAO..not hardly.
remember back when it was goldy who was asking for “charity” to make his fucking house payments?
the only charity he believes in is the one where he is the beneficiary. yes, the sign of a true progressive.