1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
Those of you who have been left behind, discuss.
I guess everyone else has been taken.
The impostor who has taken Puddybud’s handle seems to think this is “myths and fairy tales”.
Why do you doubt me?
Look at the evidence … floods in the Mississippi, Volcanoes in Iceland, Howard Camping has disappeared, , Isvestia announces limitless oil found in Russia,and we learn that Apple manipulates its customers minds!
Then too, how many are worthy of the rapture?
Now that we have had the rapture, the Good News is that the Republicans can no longer win any elections ..80% of them have been taken up! Paul Ryan, among the leaders, still on earth, is dismayed.
God @3, with all due fear and love, there is a difference between disappearing and absconding.
What a lying sack of horse manure this yelling lost boy is.
He can’t prove anything without taking a comment out of context.
This text discusses Jesus’ return. He says every eye shall see him. If there is no shout or trump of God, then it’s a secret. Since there is a trump and shout, no secret!
See ya!
@ 6
Prove it.
Well, seems there was no “trumpet call of God”. Just Donald Trump stepping in his own poo.
Sad that so many of you missed it. Those who were chosen have ascended or will have by the time it is the next sunset in Jerusalem.
There is NO waiting list!
For the rest of you,the time has come to make other plans.
I am that I am.
OK, so the verse says:
“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven”
So, he’s coming down to …where? Oh yeah, down to earth. Where is going to start the 1,000 years of peace.
So everyone who goes up to meet him will be coming right back down here with him, since he isn’t going to Heaven, he’s coming to Earth. And people are going up to meet him like you would walk towards your friend if you saw them coming to see you.
Of course this happens AFTER the anti-christ 666 war thing with opened seals and stuff.
Already did. Been placing the Bible on this blog FOREVER. Wanna see it ask yelling lost boy and he’ll find Corinthians for ya from his databaze!
Damn Spudds, you must have taken a lot of bad acid when you were a kid. You are one seriously delusional individual.
I have said this before, and I’ll say it again.
I don’t give a rats ass what that stupid little black book of yours says. That or any other. I don’t need it to live a healthy, honest lifestyle. I don’t need to be ruled by the fear of retribution from some unknown magical sky daddy. There is enough to fear right here on planet Earth. You self-identified religionists are a major aspect of the roots of that fear. It is fear you create and use to exploit people. You take their money, you take their land, you convince them that to be poor and ignored is somehow better that being healthy and safe, as long as they have some 2000 year old liberal to emulate. But you define what that emulation is, and use it to create more fear.
If you have a few hundred, or even a few thousand people taking everything, what is left for the rest of the population to live on? How does that rationalize with your particular belief systems own precepts?
Can you walk into a Congressmans office, promise $2 million in support during the next election cycle if he allows you to write the bills he presents before Congress? Can you afford to pay a man a half million dollar retainer, and $750 an hour to present your case to a Senator or a Supreme Court Justice?
Thats what the GOP is doing, and has been doing since Reagan became President. Newt Gingrich has several PACs that raise money for the GOP. As does Pat Robertson, Sarah Palin, the Koch Brothers. The Waltons. They fucking OWN law firms that specialize in that sort of work. They don’t go to law school to learn Justice, they go to learn how to work the system to their own maximum advantage. They could give a flying fuck about The United States. They see it as something to exploit, to take from. To vandalize in their efforts to acquire for themselves. They rationalize it in Faith. You fools just follow merrily along. You support it, even while the schools and libraries are shutting down. While the roads and storm sewers and water supply systems fall apart. You cheer for everything going to shit. Then when it affects you, you point fingers and scream about how Government doesn’t work.
The Bush family has made a fortune on the repeated banking and Financials crises. Neil Bush managed to abscond with over a Billion dollars when his Savings and Loan collapsed back in 86. Where do you think all that money came from? What do you think it was spent on? New car? Big House? Sure it was. But I’d bet my last nickel, that a large part of that went to lawyers and lobbyists. Professional liars. People that specialize in helping their clients weasel out of trouble.
And then they say, “We’re good Christians, we’re patriots who have sacrificed soooo much in the name of Jesus and America”.
You GOP’res are a sad, sick, nasty bunch.
Guess Puddy didn’t make the cut.
Let’s try a Libs brain test:
If you gained 7% in the stockmarket over the last year
And you:
Lost 10% in the value of the dollar
Pay for gas a $4.00 per gallon now
Pay 10% more for food, and most other commodities
Did you make 7% on your purchasing power last year?
And finally
Does Debt matter?
Then why did you stupidly say prove it deadtoad? Why do you overlook the Soros influence in media? Why are you a slave to the moronic and idiotic?
Unkl Witless,
There was no cut to make. Because the final time hasn’t happened yet but Obummer with his Middle East speech is hastening this…
We know most HA leftists fit the bold words.
Ten indicators of being obsessed with religion.
Sound like any other definition of mental illness to me.
In all fairness, we should note that the great majority of Christians condemned this guy as a whacko. Not because he believed in the rapture, as many Christians do. But because he ignored the teaching that no one knows the day or the hour except God himself, not even the angels in Heaven. They were quite upset with this guy, because they knew that once the date passed and nothing happened, it would be very difficult to discuss this with the “unbelievers”.
Unfortunately, the biggest obstacles Christians face in preaching the Gospel are, well, Christians.
David @10 raises the interesting point that the authors of the Gospels believed in a real, bodily resurrection on earth, and this idea of the spirit going to heaven is a more modern idea that isn’t in the Book.
The Gospels also give the impression that the End was very near, even back when they were writing. So I ask, how many fake apocalypses do we have to survive before people accept that History is long, the Universe is big, and we are no more special than the people we kill, the Creatures we destroy, and the Times we live in.
To me this belief in the end times is a stupid and dangerously vain idea that has caused untold waste and destruction in this life by people convinced that God is going to clean up after them soon anyway.
You know what? This weekly religion thing is gettin’ a little long in the tooth. Can’t we all just agree that religion is just made-up shit, our best guess at what (if anything) comes after death. All of them are valid, of course, and all of them are packs of lies, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Hindu,Wicca, etc.
Just do the Golden Rule and call it a day!
@20: Maybe when the last religionists are hunted down and relegated to remote desert preserves or a secured museum somewhere.
The Golden Rule only applies to beings with who you can have a rational interaction. Froggie’s post @17 nails ’em as the mentally ill fucktards — all of them — they are.
Until they are neutralized as a political force, it is our duty as rational human beings to harrass and mock them into oblivion.
Get a clue, dude: The sooner the magical thinking cum theocratic disease is eliminated from the humanity, the better for all of us — including them.
@20-21: I think the main point is that if you claim that the Bible was written by God, outside of time and everything, then the burden is on you to reconcile the stuff that is abhorrent, impossible, and contradictory.
Social conservatives want to craft public policy based on the authority of the parts of the Bible that they like, and the way they interpret them. So it’s on them to deal with what they believe that has no Biblical basis, or is contradicted or rendered abhorrent by other parts of the text.
History and science is much more interesting than the Bible makes it out to be. The universe is a much richer, vaster, and more awe-inspiring place if you can put aside anxieties about your own significance.
PI @20:
NONE of them are valid and all are a pack of lies. All seek to control human behavior through fear and misinformation. When theocrats are out of power and in the minority, they speak of pacifism and divine benevolence. When they are in power and control the weapons, they speak of God’s will. All of them are pure poison.
Can we fake the rapture a bit? Announce that True Believers will be
RupturedRaptured by1) Willing all of their worldly goods and possessions to a worthy cause. (us)
2) Jumping off a tall bridge or structure and flapping their arms real hard.