AHhhhh… I was jonzing for Bible Study. Thanks, Goldy.
BTW: Giving credit where credit is due, this judeo-christian idea of a day of rest got working folks days off from greedy capitalist pigs who were basically shamed into it.
OTOH, ironically: The current greedheads don’t give a shit about god, and their christianist teahadist shock troops / dupes are doing Jay Gould’s bidding re the other half. Stupid fucking mouthbreathers. Fuck them.
Puddybud, knowing Roger is a Dumb Rabbitspews:
Giving credit where credit is due, this judeo-christian idea of a day of rest got working folks days off from greedy capitalist pigs who were basically shamed into it.
Proves how much a dipshit zitz is. Can you identify the greedy capitalist pigs in Genesis when God created Saturday as the day of rest ya idiot?
The current greedheads don’t give a shit about god
Talking about DUMMOCRAPTS again huh zitz? The greed heads are the ones who wanna tax and spend, your party!
9. Puddybud, knowing Roger is a Dumb Rabbit spews:
Giving credit where credit is due, this judeo-christian idea of a day of rest got working folks days off from greedy capitalist pigs who were basically shamed into it.
Proves how much a dipshit zitz is. Can you identify the greedy capitalist pigs in Genesis when God created Saturday as the day of rest ya idiot?
The current greedheads don’t give a shit about god
Talking about DUMMOCRAPTS again huh zitz? The greed heads are the ones who wanna tax and spend, your party!
05/15/2011 at 5:56 pm
Boner(sic) is getting shit from Catholic Bishops for being against the teachings of the christ, which of course is how the rethuglicants and the p-dippy roll.
PS…the p-dippy knows who the anti-poor, anti-freedom, anti-worker, anti-woman, anti-family party is…he’s just hoping the voters don’t notice.
Still waiting for that comprehensive statement of values and objectives there, p-dippy. Not to mention a healthcare plan that doesn’t start with “Don’t get sick”.
Hey…p-dippy…the rapture is saturday…dibs on your stuff?
@12 “dibs on your stuff?”
Zotz sez: Teahadists are Koch suckers!spews:
@12, 13: I’m pretty sure there isn’t anything from him I’d give a shit about.
See, that’s the ticket – everyone goes up in the rapture gets to leave all their valuable possessions behind to us non-believers.
There is a point in any project where you should give it a rest – why use the 2,000 grit sandpaper when you aren’t going to be able to detect the difference in smoothness from 400 grit? I always figured the whole ” and it was good” thing was God’s way of saying; “ok, close enough.”
proud leftistspews:
13, 14
I’ve got dibs on Puddy’s certainty in face of all facts being against him. Don’t you think that would be a comforting thing to have? It certainly seems comforting to the Pud. I’d like to try it sometime.
Groups are already organizing on Face Book for post-rapture looting.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”
In that case, the Muslim week starts on Saturday, the Jewish week starts on Sunday, and the Christian week starts on Monday. We need only four more Gods to have a week starting on every day of the week!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit Riddle
Hey kiddies! It’s time for a riddle!
Question: What do Republicans and slugs have in common?
Answer: They both like beer and leave a slime trail wherever they go.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you put a dish of beer on your porch, and leave it out overnight, it’ll be full of Republicans in the morning.
21. Roger Rabbit spews:
If you put a dish of beer on your porch, and leave it out overnight, it’ll be full of Republicans in the morning.
Waste of good alcohol, if you ask me.
@ 22
Thats why you use Bud.
This translation of Genesis has unionization overtones with its implications of rest after 6 days of work.
We have these big arguments about evolution vs creationism. Yes, the bible says 7 days. Of course, the bible has been translated and it is probable that a few of the words might have been only slightly mis-translated.
So, we translated the beginning of Genesis to say “On the first day” and so on and so forth. If the word we translated as “day” really meant “era” or something similar, then we would still have the continuity of God having created the cosmos in six/seven distinct steps (whether or not you call resting a step). We would also be acknowledging that it seems likely from the evidence that the Earth and it’s environs were actually constructed in a somewhat longer period of time.
If we change the meaning of that one word, it would explain both evolution AND creationism. And, it doesn’t seem too far fetched that the author might have meant that in the first era of time, God created the Heaven and the Earth.
An example. When an old timer speaks of “back in my day”, he is not talking about a particular day. He is talking about a period of time. It seems perfectly reasonable that this could be the same thing — and it WOULD reconcile the differences between the beliefs of evolution and creationism.
The magazine takes umbrage with Mr. Ryan’s ham-handed attempt to blame $4 gas on President Obama:
“The idea that … adding to oil firms’ costs through … regulation somehow led to the doubling of gas prices is just ridiculous … the main factors behind the oil price’s rise, as Mr Ryan well knows, are the improved performance of the world economy, which has led to increased demand, and growing instability in the Middle East, which has prompted fears about supply.
“America’s oil production has actually grown since Mr Obama took office …. Oil firms do not find America a particularly difficult place to do business; they’d much rather develop assets here than in dodgy spots like Nigeria and Russia. And even if the Interior Department had … opened new areas to drilling the moment Mr Obama took office, we would still be several years away from seeing the benefits, given the slow pace of exploration and production. Above all, with only 2% of the world’s proven oil reserves, as Mr Obama keeps repeating, extra drilling in America will only have a marginal effect on supply.”
So there. This not only debunks Rep. Ryan’s demogoguery of the pump-price issue, it also slaps down the brainless HA trolls — who know nothing about oil markets or anything else — trying to make rhetorical hay of $4 gas.
But I guess if you’re really determined to today’s pump prices on Obama you could fault him for not letting Great Depression 2.0, instigated by Republicans, to happen.
This seven day business was a pathetic attempt based on lack of scientific information, to explain and understand the world as a primitive culture saw it.
For sure there is a “life force”…but creationism taken literally is an infantile, childish and superstitious explanation of a complex process that took millenia to reach this point in time. If there is a creator of some sort…this idea of a seven day creation of the entire universe would be a real insult to the “intelligent designer”.
Why did creation tire an omnipowerful being?
Because, clearly, God isn’t omnipowerful. God’s cousin, Vinny, is the omnipowerful one.
More Sea-Tunnel nonsense.
I think these may be the most important two sentences from the recent Nelson\Nygaard report on traffic diversion from Seattle’s Alaskan Way Viaduct:
The State did model the 2015 Program (including the Elliott/Western Connector) with Toll Scenario C, but the results are not included in the SDEIS. In the model forecast including the connector, 38,000 daily trips use the tunnel… [Emphasis added]
Translation: the state itself says that in the early years, a tolled deep bore tunnel would carry only about a third as much traffic as the existing Viaduct. The remaining traffic – roughly 72,000 cars and trucks – would be diverted onto I-5 and city streets.
Of course, if you read the creation story carefully you will find that the Sun (and moon and stars) are not created until day 4 – so all previous “days” could not have actually been “days” without the sun. The whole creation story is allegorical – so the idea of seven days or even seven “eras” is unnecessary and anyone who takes this literally is missing the point.
And don’t forget about Vinny, he did a lot of the heavy lifting.
Trump’s out of the running, btw. Not that he was ever in the running.
“Soros is the epitome of evil and a far greater danger to the American people than bin Laden ever was.”
heh- Words of wisdom from the loons at (un)SP. heh- As usual, they’re over there getting their hate on. Obama is “Satanic”. No hate expressed for Bin Laden, of course. Wingnut hate at (un)SP is reserved for the man who brought Bin Laden down. And they wonder why we say that those dumbfucks hate America?
John Coaltrainspews:
Check out this image of the 1st Christian Scientist.
Well, this post certainly brought back memories, growing up in the South where “Blue Laws” were pretty universal.
What that meant was that on Sunday every store and place of employment was closed, with a few exceptions. This included gas stations, because you might need gas to get to church. Pharmacies, because you might need medicine. Restaranuts, because not everybody wanted to cook & eat at home after going to church. And all sales of alchohol in any form were prohibited on Sunday.
Of course, wherever there are rules, there are ways to get around them. The most obviouis was pharmacies expanding from being simple places to buy prescription drugs into all-purpose general stores complete with lunch & soda counters. They let this one slide because the pharmacists argued they couldn’t afford to stay open on Sundays if they didn’t have the extra income from the other sales. But weekend sales ended up being more than the rest of the week combined.
But then came the corner stores which sold mostly tobacco and beer. They opened the crack a bit by offering to sell milk on Sundays (who’s going to oppose getting milk for babies?). Then came the 7-11’s, which brought in the extraordinary concept of a store which was not only open on Sunday, but open past eight at night on all the other days of the week as well. Then came the early “big box” stores (K-Mart, etc.) who lobbied for changes, along with the restuarants and liquor industries. As each exception was granted, it made it easier for the next lobbying group to whine that since so many exceptions had already been granted, it was “unfair” to them to not grant them an exception also. Soon, Blue Laws were pretty much abolished.
I really don’t care whether you make it Saturday, Sunday, or Wednesday, but I remember it was actually very nice to have a day in which virtually everyone was off work, and your employer couldn’t make you work on at least one day a week.
…don’t you feel like you need to shower after going over there?
@38 Washington had similar Blue Laws.
As a Seventh-Day Adventist, our resident street corner loon believes that state Blue Laws signal the apocalypse, regardless that most of those laws have long been repealed. Oh, and America is some kind of multi-headed serpent from Revelation. More doom. heh- That’s what a fool gets for swallowing the mad ravings of a 19th Century endtimes lunatic, hook, line and sinker.
@40 Ain’t that the truth. The hate is very strong over there. It’s nearly as strong as teh stupid. And as we all know, teh stupid over there is very strong.
Speaking of rest, soon to be retired Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, had this to say about the 8th president he worked for, Barack Hussein Obama and his leadership getting bin laden:
“I worked for a lot of these guys. And this is one of the most courageous calls, decisions that I think I’ve ever seen a president make.”
The Real Fake Pudgespews:
@42 “this is one of the most courageous calls, decisions that I think I’ve ever seen a president make”
What does Robert Gates know about anything compared to me? Besides, Gates is a liar. You are all damned liars.
What tough decision? I see no tough decision here. Besides, Soros made the call, not Obama. Soros calls all the shots.
@43 The Real Fake Pudge,
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Marching chronologically backwards…
Steve@41, I guess we’ll see, eh? Remember in Revelation when the last plagues appear will you have the first one, boils or no boils?
If I am wrong nothing gained, just some lost time worshiping the Creator and His Son for the wrong reasons. IF I am right oopsie…!
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
What that meant was that on Sunday every store and place of employment was closed, with a few exceptions.
Except rhp6033@38… no where in the Bible does God say Sunday is the seventh day of the week. Saturday is the Sabbath even before a Jew appeared. So those Sunday laws are man’s illegitimate creations.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Of course, if you read the creation story carefully you will find that the Sun (and moon and stars) are not created until day 4 – so all previous “days” could not have actually been “days” without the sun.
Except correctnotright@33 if God said the evening and morning were the day and He said let their be light, couldn’t it have been generated from His Throne? Didn’t God tell Moses no man can look at His face and live? Didn’t Moses come down from being in the presence of God for 40 days and he had to veil his face because it shined so brightly?
Another fail from the big failure.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Gonna jump out of the chronological order cuz zitz hasn’t named a Biblical greed head yet. Gonna give him a chance!
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
You are as stoooooooooooopid as ever. You didn’t even check with your brother yelling loser boy.
The rapture is not Biblical. I have mentioned this probably 50 times. Of course yelling loser boy will check it out cuz he’s a databaze moron!
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Boner(sic) is getting shit from Catholic Bishops for being against the teachings of the christ, which of course is how the rethuglicants and the p-dippy roll.
And when did rujaxthedipshidheadmoron listen to Catholic Bishops before?
Let’s see the evidence
rujaxthedipshidheadmoron didn’t listen to them on Abortion Rights
rujaxthedipshidheadmoron didn’t listen to them on the war on Libya
rujaxthedipshidheadmoron didn’t listen to them on embryonic stem cell research
rujaxthedipshidheadmoron didn’t listen to them on the killing of Osama
Seems to me you are an o-fer idiot! And there are many more you didn’t listen to rujaxthedipshidheadmoron. You can find more of them just like me!
BTW moron, I am not a Catholic. I seem to remember yelling loser boy was one!
I guess today is a day of rest for Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
Lazy Ass Lord! Just think of how much more He could’ve done with another day of work!!!
Why did creation tire an omnipowerful being?
I wish he made naps Holy as well.
Clearly the most successful food-stamp creator in history.
And yet, on the next day of rest has been predicted to be the very last one.
@ 3
It was football season.
AHhhhh… I was jonzing for Bible Study. Thanks, Goldy.
BTW: Giving credit where credit is due, this judeo-christian idea of a day of rest got working folks days off from greedy capitalist pigs who were basically shamed into it.
OTOH, ironically: The current greedheads don’t give a shit about god, and their christianist teahadist shock troops / dupes are doing Jay Gould’s bidding re the other half. Stupid fucking mouthbreathers. Fuck them.
Proves how much a dipshit zitz is. Can you identify the greedy capitalist pigs in Genesis when God created Saturday as the day of rest ya idiot?
Talking about DUMMOCRAPTS again huh zitz? The greed heads are the ones who wanna tax and spend, your party!
Boner(sic) is getting shit from Catholic Bishops for being against the teachings of the christ, which of course is how the rethuglicants and the p-dippy roll.
PS…the p-dippy knows who the anti-poor, anti-freedom, anti-worker, anti-woman, anti-family party is…he’s just hoping the voters don’t notice.
Still waiting for that comprehensive statement of values and objectives there, p-dippy. Not to mention a healthcare plan that doesn’t start with “Don’t get sick”.
Anything in the works, asshole???
I hope the jesus can save me from the assholes like the p-dippy who imagine they follow his teachings.
Hey…p-dippy…the rapture is saturday…dibs on your stuff?
@12 “dibs on your stuff?”
@12, 13: I’m pretty sure there isn’t anything from him I’d give a shit about.
See, that’s the ticket – everyone goes up in the rapture gets to leave all their valuable possessions behind to us non-believers.
There is a point in any project where you should give it a rest – why use the 2,000 grit sandpaper when you aren’t going to be able to detect the difference in smoothness from 400 grit? I always figured the whole ” and it was good” thing was God’s way of saying; “ok, close enough.”
13, 14
I’ve got dibs on Puddy’s certainty in face of all facts being against him. Don’t you think that would be a comforting thing to have? It certainly seems comforting to the Pud. I’d like to try it sometime.
Turns out someone had a video camera at the last supper.
Groups are already organizing on Face Book for post-rapture looting.
“Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”
In that case, the Muslim week starts on Saturday, the Jewish week starts on Sunday, and the Christian week starts on Monday. We need only four more Gods to have a week starting on every day of the week!
Roger Rabbit Riddle
Hey kiddies! It’s time for a riddle!
Question: What do Republicans and slugs have in common?
Answer: They both like beer and leave a slime trail wherever they go.
If you put a dish of beer on your porch, and leave it out overnight, it’ll be full of Republicans in the morning.
Waste of good alcohol, if you ask me.
@ 22
Thats why you use Bud.
This translation of Genesis has unionization overtones with its implications of rest after 6 days of work.
What’s next? Love thy neighbor?
…isn’t that being rough on slugs?
@25 Yeah, but I hate slugs, because they slime the lettuce in my garden.
So, here’s the thing:
We have these big arguments about evolution vs creationism. Yes, the bible says 7 days. Of course, the bible has been translated and it is probable that a few of the words might have been only slightly mis-translated.
So, we translated the beginning of Genesis to say “On the first day” and so on and so forth. If the word we translated as “day” really meant “era” or something similar, then we would still have the continuity of God having created the cosmos in six/seven distinct steps (whether or not you call resting a step). We would also be acknowledging that it seems likely from the evidence that the Earth and it’s environs were actually constructed in a somewhat longer period of time.
If we change the meaning of that one word, it would explain both evolution AND creationism. And, it doesn’t seem too far fetched that the author might have meant that in the first era of time, God created the Heaven and the Earth.
An example. When an old timer speaks of “back in my day”, he is not talking about a particular day. He is talking about a period of time. It seems perfectly reasonable that this could be the same thing — and it WOULD reconcile the differences between the beliefs of evolution and creationism.
…makes it taste shitty huh. Republicans taste shitty too tho…
Conservative Magazine Calls Rep. Paul Ryan A Liar!
Reads like a tabloid headline, doesn’t it? Is this just another case of rightwingers eating each other? Not at all!
The Economist, a U.K.-based, business-friendly, conservative news and opinion magazine said this week, “Mr Ryan is lying.”
You don’t have to take my word for it; you can read it yourself here:
The magazine takes umbrage with Mr. Ryan’s ham-handed attempt to blame $4 gas on President Obama:
“The idea that … adding to oil firms’ costs through … regulation somehow led to the doubling of gas prices is just ridiculous … the main factors behind the oil price’s rise, as Mr Ryan well knows, are the improved performance of the world economy, which has led to increased demand, and growing instability in the Middle East, which has prompted fears about supply.
“America’s oil production has actually grown since Mr Obama took office …. Oil firms do not find America a particularly difficult place to do business; they’d much rather develop assets here than in dodgy spots like Nigeria and Russia. And even if the Interior Department had … opened new areas to drilling the moment Mr Obama took office, we would still be several years away from seeing the benefits, given the slow pace of exploration and production. Above all, with only 2% of the world’s proven oil reserves, as Mr Obama keeps repeating, extra drilling in America will only have a marginal effect on supply.”
So there. This not only debunks Rep. Ryan’s demogoguery of the pump-price issue, it also slaps down the brainless HA trolls — who know nothing about oil markets or anything else — trying to make rhetorical hay of $4 gas.
But I guess if you’re really determined to today’s pump prices on Obama you could fault him for not letting Great Depression 2.0, instigated by Republicans, to happen.
This seven day business was a pathetic attempt based on lack of scientific information, to explain and understand the world as a primitive culture saw it.
For sure there is a “life force”…but creationism taken literally is an infantile, childish and superstitious explanation of a complex process that took millenia to reach this point in time. If there is a creator of some sort…this idea of a seven day creation of the entire universe would be a real insult to the “intelligent designer”.
Because, clearly, God isn’t omnipowerful. God’s cousin, Vinny, is the omnipowerful one.
More Sea-Tunnel nonsense.
Of course, if you read the creation story carefully you will find that the Sun (and moon and stars) are not created until day 4 – so all previous “days” could not have actually been “days” without the sun. The whole creation story is allegorical – so the idea of seven days or even seven “eras” is unnecessary and anyone who takes this literally is missing the point.
And don’t forget about Vinny, he did a lot of the heavy lifting.
Trump’s out of the running, btw. Not that he was ever in the running.
“Soros is the epitome of evil and a far greater danger to the American people than bin Laden ever was.”
heh- Words of wisdom from the loons at (un)SP. heh- As usual, they’re over there getting their hate on. Obama is “Satanic”. No hate expressed for Bin Laden, of course. Wingnut hate at (un)SP is reserved for the man who brought Bin Laden down. And they wonder why we say that those dumbfucks hate America?
Check out this image of the 1st Christian Scientist.
Well, this post certainly brought back memories, growing up in the South where “Blue Laws” were pretty universal.
What that meant was that on Sunday every store and place of employment was closed, with a few exceptions. This included gas stations, because you might need gas to get to church. Pharmacies, because you might need medicine. Restaranuts, because not everybody wanted to cook & eat at home after going to church. And all sales of alchohol in any form were prohibited on Sunday.
Of course, wherever there are rules, there are ways to get around them. The most obviouis was pharmacies expanding from being simple places to buy prescription drugs into all-purpose general stores complete with lunch & soda counters. They let this one slide because the pharmacists argued they couldn’t afford to stay open on Sundays if they didn’t have the extra income from the other sales. But weekend sales ended up being more than the rest of the week combined.
But then came the corner stores which sold mostly tobacco and beer. They opened the crack a bit by offering to sell milk on Sundays (who’s going to oppose getting milk for babies?). Then came the 7-11’s, which brought in the extraordinary concept of a store which was not only open on Sunday, but open past eight at night on all the other days of the week as well. Then came the early “big box” stores (K-Mart, etc.) who lobbied for changes, along with the restuarants and liquor industries. As each exception was granted, it made it easier for the next lobbying group to whine that since so many exceptions had already been granted, it was “unfair” to them to not grant them an exception also. Soon, Blue Laws were pretty much abolished.
I really don’t care whether you make it Saturday, Sunday, or Wednesday, but I remember it was actually very nice to have a day in which virtually everyone was off work, and your employer couldn’t make you work on at least one day a week.
# 35: Dang. And just when Wiley had him nailed:
Difference between Donald Trump and a Babbling Wino
(Note: Link is to the “current” cartoon. If viewing this on subsequent days, check out the May 16th cartoon.)
…don’t you feel like you need to shower after going over there?
@38 Washington had similar Blue Laws.
As a Seventh-Day Adventist, our resident street corner loon believes that state Blue Laws signal the apocalypse, regardless that most of those laws have long been repealed. Oh, and America is some kind of multi-headed serpent from Revelation. More doom. heh- That’s what a fool gets for swallowing the mad ravings of a 19th Century endtimes lunatic, hook, line and sinker.
@40 Ain’t that the truth. The hate is very strong over there. It’s nearly as strong as teh stupid. And as we all know, teh stupid over there is very strong.
Speaking of rest, soon to be retired Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, had this to say about the 8th president he worked for, Barack Hussein Obama and his leadership getting bin laden:
@42 “this is one of the most courageous calls, decisions that I think I’ve ever seen a president make”
What does Robert Gates know about anything compared to me? Besides, Gates is a liar. You are all damned liars.
What tough decision? I see no tough decision here. Besides, Soros made the call, not Obama. Soros calls all the shots.
@43 The Real Fake Pudge,
Marching chronologically backwards…
Steve@41, I guess we’ll see, eh? Remember in Revelation when the last plagues appear will you have the first one, boils or no boils?
If I am wrong nothing gained, just some lost time worshiping the Creator and His Son for the wrong reasons. IF I am right oopsie…!
Except rhp6033@38… no where in the Bible does God say Sunday is the seventh day of the week. Saturday is the Sabbath even before a Jew appeared. So those Sunday laws are man’s illegitimate creations.
Except correctnotright@33 if God said the evening and morning were the day and He said let their be light, couldn’t it have been generated from His Throne? Didn’t God tell Moses no man can look at His face and live? Didn’t Moses come down from being in the presence of God for 40 days and he had to veil his face because it shined so brightly?
Another fail from the big failure.
Gonna jump out of the chronological order cuz zitz hasn’t named a Biblical greed head yet. Gonna give him a chance!
Really Michael@31?
Ahhh yes Roger Rabbit, but only one is correct. Go to Israel and you start the work week on Sunday.
To rujaxthedipshidheadmoron@everywhere…
You are as stoooooooooooopid as ever. You didn’t even check with your brother yelling loser boy.
The rapture is not Biblical. I have mentioned this probably 50 times. Of course yelling loser boy will check it out cuz he’s a databaze moron!
And when did rujaxthedipshidheadmoron listen to Catholic Bishops before?
Let’s see the evidence
rujaxthedipshidheadmoron didn’t listen to them on Abortion Rights
rujaxthedipshidheadmoron didn’t listen to them on the war on Libya
rujaxthedipshidheadmoron didn’t listen to them on embryonic stem cell research
rujaxthedipshidheadmoron didn’t listen to them on the killing of Osama
Seems to me you are an o-fer idiot! And there are many more you didn’t listen to rujaxthedipshidheadmoron. You can find more of them just like me!
BTW moron, I am not a Catholic. I seem to remember yelling loser boy was one!
…Jesus…you idiot, if you’re gonna trash a guy at least get what he said right.
You’re the biggest dumbass loser ever.
Went right over rujaxthedipshidheadmoron’s@53 disphithead, like a hypersonic SAM missile.
Keep staying stoooooooooooooopid. You’re the ace of moronic commentary!