Deuteronomy 28:22
The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish.
by Goldy — ,
Deuteronomy 28:1 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth.
The goodness of God and His bountiful blessings from 2-14
Deuteronomy 28:15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee.
The failings of man when he ventures from God from 16 onward, hence verse 22.
Plain and simple… even morons like ylb and rujax can understand this.
Isn’t this what they call “the Truckers lament”?
Puddy ..
So are these guys “hearkening to the voice of your Lord?”
Goldy I got all that stuff just from living in the wet climate of the Northwest.
What a better world we would be in if Deuteronomy had not been added to the “Holy Bible” and the Book of Thomas had been added instead!
In case you do not think these guys are heartening, how about this fellow? or this one????
Maybe you could use your insight into the Lord’s will to tell us whether Donal Trump, Sarah Palin, and Michael Bachman should be stoned because they are heretics?
@ Passionate_Jus
The book of Thomas???
Personally, I would rather include Malcom X’s autobiography! First person accounts, esp,. when not written by ghost (holy or otherwise) are always more credible!
BTW, at least the Quran, the Torah, and the Suras claim to be first person.
In the meantime, the bizarre image of adult men prostate before the wildly berobed Pontifex Maximus of Rome strikes Me as idolatry.
I am really a pretty simple God, but I am that I am.
Yes, puddly, we understand. Your god is a loving god. Not.
How? Since you play “god” on a NW blog, what is “your” heretical criteria?
I’ll be outside attacking a very mossy yard so I’ll be back later to read your “retort”.
Since Thomas and Jesus were twins is there any chance the wisemen picked out the wrong one for the whole “son of god” gig?
I just figured they had a different definition of kink than I do.
Btw, did you mean prostrate, instead of prostate?
I like this little cut from Deuteronomy:
That miserable idiot that Puddybud voted for twice should have thought of that before starting two wars, cutting taxes on the rich and buying the votes of seniors with a new medicare benefit.
Sunday morning, coming down.
It’s a pretty good discription of what I got after eating at a truck stop on highway 15 just north of Salt Lake City.
Maribells? I’ve been there. Best chicken fried steak in Utah.
Course, that funny shaped gum they had in the mens room wasn’t all that great. No flavor.
@1 I want you to know that I’m a big Jesus fan, putz. Even though I was born a feral rabbit and grew up in a nativist culture, I really dig the stuff he said. You know, love one another, worship God instead of money, and all the other stuff Republicans fail to do. I don’t see how it’s possible to be a Christian and a Republican at the same time.
@7 I agree with you, Boss — simple is good. Humans make things too damn complicated. What does anyone need besides a comfy hole, fresh grass, and a warm place to shit? This would be a much better world if Republicans weren’t so acquisitive. What are they gonna do with all that stuff in the hereafter?
Since HA God apparently can speak for Itself, why would I want to speak for It? I suspect that HA God will answer any questions you have unless they are simply silly.
What >>I<< asked you was whether you would please tell us whether YOUR God agrees with Palin’s support for witch hunts in Africa, Graham’s claim that the Tsunami was wrought by your God because the Japanese aren’t Christians, or Bachman’s ideas about charity? After all, ALL of these claim to be speaking for YOUR GOD.
Oh, and while you are at it, given your acceptance of Deueronmy as your God’s word, do nyou think we should how stones at the idolaters in the picture?
@17 Roger Bunny
You get it!
My son Puddy’s problem is that he can not tell a nice warm hidey hole from a fox hole.
As an immortal, eternal, and immaterial essence, I am not very well qualified to help Puddy. He seems to have trouble distinguishing Me from a friend of his named Steve!
This worries me some because of other signs of Puddy’s paranoia. Did you know he thinks Google is watching him?
I do not think this is because Puddi is mentally ill. At least Puddy does know who his friends are, that is a step I welcome! maybe he is just playing games here, like his avatar and namesake?
As for his other questions, I trust in the Rabbit and would be very pleased if you could provide the pussy cat with answers from time to time. Maybe, since he does not believe I am Me, he will believe you are the rabbit.
I am that I am.
Back from yard work. There is only ONE God, creator of the heavens and earth and His Son Jesus Christ who died for our sins.
1) I can’t speak for God. That’s what you usually do on Sunday mornings “Mr Deity”. You should remember what God said about witchcraft in the Old Testament Mr Diety? Remember the witch at Endor with Saul?
2) Franklin Graham makes some interesting statements. I can’t agree that it was “wrought” by God, but Jesus did say there would be there would be perilous times in the last days per Matthew 24. I believe we are in the last days Mr Deity. So who knows. Since you love to play god on this blog maybe He told you already?
3) Didn’t read Bachmann’s ideas on charity. I go by the 10% of Malachi Chapter 3 for a generous offering and then other gifts for the needy. So if she doesn’t use Malachi as her basis then I disagree with her.
Prove it. I wanna see evidence. I wanna see the birth certificate.
So now you think Sarah Palin might be something akin to the witch of Endor? Then who is Saul? Barack Obama?
Herein lies the crux of the main problem here. You so-called “christians” have believed such nonsense for the last 2000 years, and have acted accordingly. Denuding the forests, destroying the environment, permanently contaminating water resources, wiping out whole species of animals, robbing the poor and exploiting peoples ignorance for your own personal benefit. How are these things “christian” exactly?
And what are these “charities”? Corporate megachurches? right-wing think tanks? Thinly disguised bankers trusts?
So far the whole religion thing has proven itself to be just another form of flim-flam. Many, many people have become obscenely wealthy with it. Whole corporate institutions have been built around it and have themselves become massively wealthy and powerful.
Entire civilizations have been wiped off the face of the earth because of it. It has been used to rationalize genocides, wholesale destruction of entire libraries of human knowledge, murders of individuals who have questioned it, and the deliberate destruction of some incredible architecture and spectacular artworks. It is primarily a tool or repression, violence and hatred. It is a method that the wealthy and powerful use to suppress those who would share in the fortunes of human efforts, especially their own.
How is this civilized behavior exactly?
I was just joking around about the effects of the food. I’ve been there a couple of times, it’s some good chow. LOL… So much for for being elitist, Seattle, hipsters.
Major news media, including CNN and NBC, are reporting as I type that President Obama is about to go on TV to announce bin Laden’s death. No details at this time.
President Obama will announce that Osama bin Laden has been killed in Pakistan by U.S. military action and U.S. forces have the body.
Roger Rabbit Commentary:
President Bush couldn’t catch bin Laden.
President Obama just killed him.
If you want a job done, you have to hire competent people; the Bush administration was notorious for its incompetence. Why would anyone ever vote for a Republican for any office?
It’ll be interesting to see how rightwingers spin this development. This is obviously going to give Obama’s re-election a huge boost. Eat shit, Republicans — WE GOT HIM, you didn’t.
Yep, it looks official.
The Seattle Times is reporting that he was killed in a ground operation, not by a drone, last week. So they’ve had the body for several days and we can be quite sure the Obama administration waited for rock-solid verification of the body’s identity before going public with this announcement.
So that means we can bring a whole bunch of our troops home now, right?
Hey Mommar, you’re next!
Some body better tell Puddy.
He will have some ‘splaining to do.
Of course, by tomorrow Sarah Palin will want Osama’s head brought to her so she can declare it real.
I am that I am.