Malachi 2:2-3
If you do not listen, and if you do not resolve to honor my name,” says the LORD Almighty, “I will send a curse on you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not resolved to honor me.“Because of you I will rebuke your descendants; I will smear on your faces the dung from your festival sacrifices, and you will be carried off with it.
This is a God with some serious self-esteem issues.
Boy, those old timers really had some major mental problems. To put this drivel in print 3000 years ago, damn!
Here’s a good illustration on how God cares about us. Imagine two dung beetles arguing over the blessing of a fresh pile of yak poop that has just been deposited on their front step. Now, travel 5000 miles away to a janitor in a New York tenement building. What’s the likelihood in him getting involved in that argument?
God could care less who has what shit.
Oh ????
Hanavi Goldstein is brilliant. On the Sunday before Easter he evokes the prophet who anticipates the later words of Jesus “Give unto Caesar what is Caesars” .. what does this mean on April 15? .. TAX DAY!
Let Me help my prophet explain:
First, who is this “Malachi?” Is he MY prophet or a public relations flack? Since I know HA followers are illiterate in Greek, let me help Μαλαχίας means messenger … in modern terms this Malachi would be a PR flack.
If, Malachi/Μαλαχίας was a flack, was he flacking for Me or for some other employer?
Again the answer is in the text and in Hanavi Gold’s choice of a date .. Tax Day. In the Hebrew, Malachi/Μαλαχίας exerts the Jews to pay their taxes, the “tithe.” Of course this was never paid to Me, why would G-d need sheckels? The tax was paid to the priests who claimed to be collecting it for me!
The greed of these priests is illustrated byt the rest nof the text. Μαλαχίας accosts the consumers of his day for the substandard sacrifices…blind, lame and sick animals offered for sacrifice because they thought nobody would notice.
Μαλαχίας tells the public that they are not giving Me all that I deserve .. not because he represents Me but because he represents those who would profit off of my name.
I am that I am.
cross posted in Sunday Revelations on The AVE.
That festival dung is some difficult shit to wash off. A big pie of that in the kisser will make you think twice about coveting your neighbor’s wife.
@4 Why the hell anyone would covet my neighbor’s wife is an unfathomable mystery. Even my neighbor doesn’t like her.
Okay, so here we go on taxes. In 2007, the latest year for which data are available, the 400 richest people in America had an average income of $345 million per year and paid an effective tax rate of 17%, down from 26% in 1992, a decrease of 9%. Over the same time, the average tax rate on all Americans declined much more modestly, from 9.9% to 9.3%, a decrease of 0.6%. These statistics leave no doubt about who has benefitted from the Republican tax cuts that put our country so deeply into debt.
“[T]he wealthy have access to much more lucrative tax breaks than people with lower incomes.”
But everyone knows that, don’t we?
And while the U.S. has a nominal corporate tax rate of 35%, no company actually pays it; the actual average tax rate on U.S. corporations is half that, if that much, and many big companies notoriously pay no taxes at all.
Palin to Union Workers: Fuck You!!!
“Sarah Palin defended Wisconsin’s governor at a tea party tax day rally Saturday, telling hundreds of supporters that his polarizing union rights law is designed to save public jobs.
“Braving snow showers and a frigid wind outside the state Capitol building, the former Alaska governor and GOP vice presidential candidate told tea partyers she’s glad to stand with Gov. Scott Walker.”
Meanwhile, as working people all across America struggle to make ends meet, Palin’s teenage daughter got paid — how much? — $262,500 for — doing what? — a TV appearance or something like that, merely by trading on her mom’s celebrity status and her own notoriety for being a teenage out-of-wedlock mother.
It’s hard to imagine how the Palins could have any empathy for working people … after all, they have no idea what it’s like to actually have to work for a living.
In other news, private ambulance companies are trying to muscle public fire departments out of the 9-1-1 business by offering to provide emergency medical response services to cities for “free.” Of course, nothing is free, and these companies “make their money primarily by billing government healthcare programs.”
You see, the privatization crowd isn’t against socialism; they simply want to replace public socialism with private socialism.
Does the bible say anything about Florida Beef?
Why do you care what Palin’s daughter makes? What business of it is yours?
I think its quite funny that a money sucking ex lawyer would care what other people are making.
Just for old times sake:
4. Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Okay kiddies, it’s time for the Roger Rabbit Quiz! This two-parter is a toughie, so put on your thinking caps, and don’t shoot from the lip!
Question #1
What percentage of the U.S. beef supply is raised west of the Mississippi River by western ranchers in western states?
a. [ ] 90%
b. [ ] 75%
c. [ ] 50%
d. [ ] 36%
e. [ ] 10%
Question #2
Which state is the U.S.’s top beef producer?
f. [ ] Texas
g. [ ] Montana
h. [ ] Colorado
i. [ ] Illinois
j. [ ] Florida
(Answers will be posted later.)
04/14/2011 AT 8:19 PM
and here Magoo rabbit blesses us with the answers:
9. Roger Rabbit spews:
@4 The correct answers are e. and j.
In short, all that taxpayer money we pour into western ranches and farms (on average, more than $2 million per ranch or farm) subsidizes a lifestyle, not food production. The western states produce very little of our food.
So why do we give those cowboy wannabes so much federal money to live in a movie-western life? Don’t we have enough movie westerns already? Because the 1,214 voters in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Colorado get 8 U.S. senators between them, the same as the tens of millions of folks living in New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Illinois.
Magoo Rabbit: “western states produce very little of our food”
and you guys want this idiot to start threads?
notice how Magoo Rabbit pretends that his Florida Beef post doesnt exist.
9-12 No data here, just hot air. I’ll reply when you actually say something.
Taxes on the rich are at an all-time low and deficits are at an all-time high. I wonder if there’s a correlation?
So Roger Dumb Rabbit…
You make all these comments over other people’s commentary. Why don’t you look up who these “rich” are and determine whom they jock strap for? Oh wait… you don’t want to know cuz it could kablammo your putrid argument. I did it for 2009, you can ask the assfacia, AKA the HA databaze keepa, who are the richest and what Puddy found before. It was truly amazing the quantity of rich peeps and how much they loved the DUMMOCRAPTS.
puddybitch never met a fact he wouldn’t run away from…Oliver Willis says “Like kryptonite to stupid.” He must’ve been talkin’ ’bout our homey.
Oliver is the hilarious antidote to the puddybitch.
The rich give more to Republicans.
But the Republicans have an even greater advantage because of the outsized contribution from the sparsely populated states in both the electoral college and the U.S. Senate.
So the Republicans have a built-in advantage – shit they can even afford to throw their money at blue dog Dems just for spite.
“All right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up.”
Baloney. Your side has ASSclowns like Soros giving millions in secretive ways.
The Forbes site says he only “gave” $285,000 to DUMMOCRAPTS. Yet we all know he gives millions to CAP and Media Matters. This Forbes map isn’t complete. That’s why Puddy uses other supplemental sites.
Good tyr ylb, coming to the Roger Dumb Rabbit’s rescue since he can’t research the simple things anymore.
More “blunt” talk from the puddybitch…LOLOL.
Notice no additional facts were added or challenged. Standard ad hominem attacks.
Whatadipshipt rujaxdipshithead is!
21 – As if right wingers and corporations don’t give much to Heritage, Cato, Hoover, Manhattan, Hudson and a score of other right wing outfits.
“in secretive ways…”
What a miserable dope…
WOW!!!! Pretty damn nasty. Thanks god I’m not the religious type.