Leviticus 25:44-46
Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.
In honor of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, discuss.
And no, I haven’t necessarily decided to continue with Bible Study. Goldy is mysterious that way.
Aw gee Goldy, can’t ya see we’re having fun with this one? Hoisting the religious right on the petards of their biblical quotations is such a target rich environment. And how hard can it be each week to find passage from their sacred book that is absurd on its own face.
That’s a messed up bible passage.
If you take it literally, as a christian nation we can keep slaves so long as they are from Mexico or Canadian, or are pagan? So it’s ok to keep Buddhist or Agnostic slaves? Can the Catholic keep Mormon slaves if one is unsure of the one true Christian religion.
Or maybe ONLY Israelites can have slaves, but Christians cannot.
Yes, indeedy, wage theft has a long and distinguished pedigree.
There have been overlords always – sociopaths comfortable with coercion and exploitation – and they create/control the power centers – government and religion foremost among them.
It is a sign of evolution that we question the morality of such arrangements.
The Israelites and their god were WRONG. Their cultural descendants – us, essentially – bear the responsibility to see in our own heritage the unquestioned exploitation, unfairness, life-stealing arrangements we tolerate because that’s the ways it’s always been – if not per se slavery, then maldistribution of wealth and opportunity, soul-crushing wage-slavery and poverty, war – must be put an end to.
Slavery is an Abrahamic religious tenet.
This happens to be a “Jewish” verse.
Jesus himself condoned slavery, including beating slaves into submission.
Of course, the Quran and Mohammed were literally medieval in this regard.
When the Confederates said that slavery was god approved, they had 1000’s of years of history and scripture to back them up.
you just gotta love the progressive self loathing and bigotry….
Its so….progressive.
How come the bible literalists don’t like some passages of the bible brought up?
They froth over passages they use to condemn gay people, saying “It’s in the bible, we must follow the word of God”. Yet we when we show passages of the bible that say adultery is just as wrong, or that owning slaves is perfectly OK, they they say “well, we don’t follow THOSE passages.”
You just gotta love the shameless projection of Teahadist piece of shit trolls looking for a shoe.
It’s greedy right wing dumbshits who use the most undocumented labor in this country.
Sock it to the “slavemasters” first. Start with the big ones, the Smithfields, the Doles and work down to the small fry.
No need to brutalize the poor slob. He won’t come here if no one will hire him. Spending billions on fancy fences doesn’t work – it just enables executives of companies like Boeing to stuff more bonuses and stock options in their pockets.
yep…Boeing is hiring all those illegal Mexican machinists and engineers…lol
can you say sanctuary city? progressives dont want to solve the illegal alien problem – and why would they? all they see is another voting block….
jealousy of those more successful, YLB style.
10 – Pfft. Where did you learn to read?
And why do you hate your kids so much tehchickenshit?
Maybe the better name for “the piece of shit looking for a shoe” is GreedGekko.
“Greed is good”…
And your kids and their kids will foot the bill.
Hmm, sounds like a description of the Hollywood elite and their mexican gardeners…who woulda thunk.
Didn’t know Nancy Pelosi was a right wing dumbshit. We know she’s a left wing dumbshit.
KABLAMMMMMMO to that useless argument foolish one!
The sad thing is that “progressive” really doesn’t mean progress. What it means, in the political context in this country, is more and more government control and less individual freedom.
14 – Yawwwnn.. Never said anyone who leans left doesn’t occasionally obtain the services of someone who hangs at Home Depot.
Ever seen the the huge right wing political signs in farm country???
Who was among Raygun’s biggest supporters in CA for Gov? Growers, fool!
Cotton was the cause of slavery.
Nope, it was greed, pure and simple
What is wrong with this passage? It simply states the exi9wsting law in Arizona:
HB2315 Arizona Legislature.
Fairness in Employment of non nationals in Arizona
Temporary employees may be paid less than the minimum wage if they are not citizens of the United States.
If this employment is to continue under a contract, Arizona citizens may seek resident worker certificates (RSWC) from the Arizona Highway Patrol. RSWC are specific to the employee but remain the property of the employer.
RSMC may also be purchased on the open market from Arizona citizen -employers who do not need certificates they have already purchased.
Certificates, as property, may be bequeathed to your children as inherited property.
Certificated aliens may contribute to live and work in Arizonan only as long as their employers own their certificates a
More of Goldstein’s massive limp dicked Jewish inferiority complex on display….shocking, I know.
Get back to work sucking Dan Savage’s cock like a good bitch Goldy….
And TJ displays that Christian love for his neighbors we expect.
slavery was done away with in Christendom by around 1000 AD. Embedded in the idea of all men being ‘created in the image of God’ was equality. Thus the seeds of destruction of slavery were there despite the pro-slavery passages in the Bible. Slavery only returned to the west in the 15th century when Portuguese explorers started sugar plantations off the coast of Africa, and bought slaves from Muslim traders to work the plantations. By the 19th century it was once again killed.
Interesting to note that several Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, did not ban slavery until the 1960’s.
Now with Judeo-Chrstianity on the wane we’re seeing the rise of a system of partial slavery where you work half a day for you, and the other half for your gov’t masters.
re 6: So glad to see you so cheerfully accept the concept of slavery!
If anyone should have self-loathing, it’s you. But don’t worry, I loathe you enough for both of us — and considering your comment — I guess that’s about as healthy and conservative a thing that I could do for you.
What rot. Today, Americans work for their corporate masters. It’s like this–you sit down with your corpulent CEO boss and a dozen doughnuts. After he wolfs down eleven and most of the twelfth, he asks to his workforce, “would you like to split what is left?”
@4 Well done! The Ayn Rand types think it’s fine for Capital to organize and concentrate their bargaining power in entities called “corporations,” but it’s NOT okay for labor to organize and concentrate their bargaining power in entities called “unions.” And a batshit-insane Republican state senator in Missouri thinks unemployment benefits “enslave” the working class! (Of which he, a multimillionaire, is NOT a member and knows nothing about.) In Wisconsin, wage theft is what follows election theft. And make no mistake about it, the Cheap Labor Conservatives, who are getting more aggresive about flying Confederate flags not only from their pickup trucks but also from public buildings, want to reinvigorate the 10th amendment and repeal the 14th in order to secure for themselves and their posterity the cheapest of all cheap labor — slaves.
What the slaves of 150 years old needed more than anything else was a good union.
@9 “It’s greedy right wing dumbshits who use the most undocumented labor in this country.”
Of course it is. It was the Bush administration that turned the flood of illegals into a torrent. Did you look around you during the real estate boom? All the houses were being built by $9-an-hour Mexican laborers supervised by white guys. And how many of those contractors do you think paid taxes on the six-figure profits they made from those houses? But they’re all in some other line of work (or out of work) now, because we have so many surplus houses it’ll be 25 years before anyone builds housing again.
@10 Illegals don’t vote, dumbass.
@14 You know, puttbutt, I’m starting to believe you don’t have a fucking clue about how asinine your comments are.
@15 I’m for more government control over reckless bankers and giving them less freedom to bring down the whole economy.
So what’s the Republican stupes’ response to The Great Recession? Repeal financial reform and deregulate the bankers so they can stick it to us again!
@17 Human greed, perfidy, and avarice was the cause of cotton.
@22 “Now with Judeo-Chrstianity on the wane we’re seeing the rise of a system of partial slavery where you work half a day for you, and the other half for your gov’t masters.”
You’re up to your neck in horse apples, aren’t you? First of all, nobody pays 50% of their income to the government. NOBODY. And the more you make, the lower your tax rate. Secondly, the money you pay in taxes gets spent on — well, YOU. You’re trying to pretend that taxes simply disappear into a rathole. Well, they do when Republicans spend your taxes on $150,000-a-year mercenaries and $110-a-case Coca Cola from Halliburton. But the rest of the time, you get back airports, highways, ports, Social Security and Medicare benefits, schools, libraries, food inspection, and so on. Sorry, pal, but I benefit from my taxes and I want that stuff. If you don’t, feel free to move to a tax haven on an island where you pay no taxes and receive no government services. I hope you like living on coconuts.
# 22: “slavery was done away with in Christendom by around 1000 AD…..”
So, that whole Emancipation Proclamation (effective Jan. 1, 1863) was just an exercise in poetic license???? How about the Haiti revolution?
And the rest of your post is pretty much as easily discredited, although not as much fun to do so.
Oh, and “Politically Incorrect”, slavery pre-dates their use in the cultivation of cotton by quite a long time, especially during the bronze era when slaves where used to mine for the elements used to make bronze. Here in the U.S., slaves were even used in the rice plantations in South Carolina quite a long time before large cotton cultivation became economically feasible with the invention of the cotton gin. If you are going to try to quote history, you need to have more than a 10th grade understanding of the subject.
@29 You know, Roger Dumb Rabbit, I’m starting to believe you don’t have a fucking clue about how asinine your comments are, or how stupid you look making them. The evidence says otherwise DUMBASS!
If the puddybitch didn’t know how to lie…he’d have nothing to say.
If the bible is NOT a living document, then the Israelites can own slaves, even in the 20th century, because the bible says so and followers of the bible should be fighting for the Israelite’s God granted ability to do so.
If the bible IS a living document, open to interpretation depending on the time, what else should we not enforce because it’s not appropriate any more?
Of course rujaxdipshithead didn’t read the link. He’s too IGNORANT too!
Of course the foolish puddybitch is too busy being chased by mexican illegals who just can’t WAIT to kill his black ass to use correct grammar…anyone can understand that.
Of course the
Did rujaxdipshithead read the link or is his thumb up his ASS as always? Can rujaxdipshithead tell the world how many illegals voted?
I now have it on good authority now that our friend Puddybud is actually a caricature, created by one of the many clever regular posters here to make fun of just how ridiculous and inarticulate the Right is on so many topics. And that he has become particularly effective in the context of discussing Biblical passages.
Clearly this revelation is bolstered by his choice of denominations for Puddy, the Seventh Day Adventists. A denomination whose doctrines and dogma are absurd to the point of being comical.
My hat is off to you, whoever you are. Your creation has provided a good deal of amusement for Goldy’s fans.
@33“Secondly, the money you pay in taxes gets spent on — well, YOU. “
Sure, a portion of it does. But a large share finds its way into the pockets of DC denizens, as evidenced by the fact that Loudoun County, Maryland, a DC burb is the richest county in America. And six more of the richest 25 counties in the US are also in close proximity to DC:
“Like Loudoun, a number of the country’s wealthiest households are tightly concentrated in counties around the nation’s capital. Six of the richest counties lie on the outskirts of Washington: Fairfax County, Va., Arlington County, Va., Stafford County, Va., Prince William County, Va., Charles County, Md., and Alexandria City, Va.”
@34 You did not read my post, did you? You read one sentence, and lept to respond. Try reading it again, pal.
Enough to put cement overshoes on the puddybitch and dump the moron into the Duamish??? Is that a riddle? OHHHH!!!!…look out bro’ they’re right behind you!!!
Racist asshole.
…they voted Republican.
@41 “I now have it on good authority now that our friend Puddybud is actually a caricature, created by one of the many clever regular posters here to make fun of just how ridiculous and inarticulate the Right is on so many topics.”
Seeing as how our street corner loon and the Klynical Klown claimed several times that they knew each other through meeting at lunch a few years back, that’d mean that the Klown was also a sockpuppet of this lefty. That’d be some 40,000 or so comments between the two sockpuppets just to “make fun of just how ridiculous and inarticulate the Right is”. That’s some endeavor there. Why bother? Wingnuts are already fucking whack.
Hmm, It’ll take me some time to get used to this idea.
Steve @47:
Yeah, yeah, I know, this is a bit confusing, but here’s how I resolved it:
Think of all the wing nuts you actually know; those folks in your life who, for whatever reason; abused as a child, drugs, product of incest, whatever, have decided they are conservatives. OK? So… are any of them actually as dumb as Puddy? No, not even close. Kay?
Now think of all the Seventh Day Adventists you know (yeah, it’s a small number, but). Are any of them even half a smart as Pud? See what I mean? A lot of these folks aren’t even allowed out in public by themselves..
So here we are with someone who falls into that unlikely group of folks who is dumber than the dumbest wing-nut (and that is one dumb putah) and smarter than a Seventh Day Adventist. In short, he has to be an imposter.
48 – That is funny as hell but no as Steve said, the Klynical Klown would have to be in on the deal or even more stupid.
Absurd to the point of being comical. Yeah thats our Puddybud!