Matthew 5:34-37
But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
Fucking discuss.
And yes, I know that the verse means “swear” as in “swear an oath.” I swear.
But still an interesting prohibition, considering common legal practice today.
“because thou canst not make one hair white or black”
Obviously this was written before Clairol came on the scene.
Some devout Christians, from Friends (Quakers) to Jehovah’s Christians, have long affirmed their statements in Court, rather than swearing an oath by the (ultimately pagan) Anglo-Saxon custom. Devout Jews similarly are forbidden to swear an oath in G-d’s name by Torah, and orthodox Jews will affirm their statements, rather than swear.
BTW, I recommend The New Revised Standard Version as a reasonable modern English translation of the Christian Bible. The KJV is a wonderfully-written work, but at times it diverges drastically from the best original texts.
Who is I?
Matthew? Why would anyone care what some tax collector for the Romans had to say?
Is I .. Me? Not so you can tell from the text?
This seems to be little more that graffiti and hardly worth the attention of anyone serious about knowing My will.
I am that I am.
But I say unto you “This will be just a couple of day war”
Oh really?
The terminology used is “do you swear or affirm to tell the truth” blah, blah, blah.
The only exception is the Scalia rule.
Shit, #2 beat me too it. Fuck.
Blow up your TV
Throw away your paper
Move to the country
Build you a home
Plant a little garden
Eat a lot of peaches
Try to find Jesus on your own
-John Prine
Over at The-AVE, they have extended the Prophet Goldy’s tradition in the form of a regular feature, “SUNDAY REVELATIONS.”
This Sunday, I especially recommend the offering by Christian Music TV of a hymn for those who strive to remain virgins in this permissive society.
I am that I am.
@5 Funny how our wingnut friends are only in favor of Republican wars.
Republican war = good
Democratic war = bad
@9 Somehow Fundie + Virgin + Republican sounds like a bad date.
Republicans are the most un-Christian people I’ve ever met.
Repost from the Weekend thread:
Regular church attendance = obesity (Praise the Lard!)
Jesus: Opposed to the minimum wage
This is from David Barton who “uses” the bible to inveigh against Capital Gains, Estate, and the Progressive Income tax.
Of course it’s all specious bullshit (check out the comments).
Mike Huckabee follows up and says we all should be forced (at gunpoint!) to listen to David Barton’s bullshit…
Fucking cracker pieces of shit…
@8 Amen.
I just recently watch Agora it gets into the who idea of swearing allegiance to christianity. In the 4th century it was a deadly affair.
In the 14th century, it was a deadly affair if you didn’t.
Me think yawnway was still pissed about the Egyptian thang (dying hair black and gold), even unto the good news era, since hair dying dates back at least 10,000 years.
Who Wrote The Bible and Why It Matters