Deuteronomy 25:11-12
If two men fight together, and the wife of one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of the one attacking him, and puts out her hand and seizes him by the genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; your eye shall not pity her.
Jewish law & customs kept inheritances distinct. Now it isn’t legal.
Now read what follows Goldy–
Deuteronomy 25:13-16
[13] Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and a small.
[14] Thou shalt not have in thine house divers measures, a great and a small.
[15] But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
[16] For all that do such things, and all that do unrighteously, are an abomination unto the Lord thy God.
Dishones behavior brings a curse on men’s property, families, and souls. Judge yourself, repent and forsake your sins, and no longer do evil things, so they aren’t condemned of the Lord.
Here are a couple other perspectives on the issue of why wives are forbidden to interfere in their husband’s fights.
One last comment on this Goldy—
I read the Bible from cover to cover out of curiosity in college. This verse stood out and I never forgot it. It is my favorite verse in the Bible, and I was wondering if you would ever post it. Thanks!
It is obviously a prohibition of polyamory and the down low. Think about it for a minute. How would she get at their genitals unless they were naked?
The men aren’t ‘fighting’, they are making out. She is trying to get in on the action. God is saying that when two men are getting it on, that it should be kept pure, and no funny business. No 3somes. God wants to see some good clean fucking.
These Bible verses are so easy to understand. I don’t see what the problem is.
@5 – Finally, someone who knows how to interpret the Bible correctly.
Dan Robinson and Mr. Cynical
Dan, is nearly correct. My intent was that a wife ought not to be jealous of her husband’s male lovers.
Be good and I will care for the rest.
When I went to Army basic training in 1969. I read three to five books a day, then they wouldn’t let me have anything but a Bible to read.
The other men thought that I was a religious nut and left me alone because I read constantly on breaks, in the mess hall, in the toilet.
I must have read that piece of pornography cover to cover at least 10 to 15 times. The New Testament wasn’t that big a problem other than the total lack of cohesion but,that Old Testament is one of the totally evil books that any religion uses that I am aware of.
The Old Testament is only exceeded by what little is recorded about the Thuggee cult in India that the British did their best to wipe out and executed whole villages in mass.
People, don’t feed the troll. Don’t feed Goldy.
Just curious, who is the narrator (ok, God) instructing to do the cutting? A fourth participant?
@1 Sounds like even back then the local Republican businessmen were cheating their customers by violating the weights and measures laws.
Nothing ever changes.
When the Pilgrims first came to America, the very first government regulations in the Colonies were weights and measures ordinances.
And crooked Republican businessmen started violating them as soon as they were enacted. They figured, what the hell, this has been going on for at least five thousand years and I’m going to Hell anyway, so I might as well steal while I’m here.
I thought that the first Pilgrim government regulation was a mandatory tithe to the church.
@2 So Carl Foreman got the script for “High Noon” all wrong? At the end of the movie, Gary Cooper was supposed to cut off Grace Kelly’s hand?
@12 I don’t see how mandatory tithes could come first. Tithing wouldn’t be profitable unless you first passed a law against shoplifting from the collection basket. And you would need another one against embezzling by the preacher guys — TV hadn’t been invented yet, so the only way those guys could enrich themselves from religion was by making off with the tithes.
Somehow I get the feeling that even a Divine Proscription against stealing from God wouldn’t stop some people.
The Seattle Times editorial board is nothing if not schizophrenic. In side-by-side editorials today, they admonish:
“Legislators in Olympia should resist all temptation … to raise taxes.”
“The state falls short of its constitutional obligation to fund education and thus public schools have grown dependent on levy funding for the basics in education, such as textbooks, librarians and structurally sound buildings. One more reason to grab those special-election ballots and check ‘yes’ on school money measures.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now how idiotic is this? The editorialists huff and puff that legislators “had better not” raise taxes, then exhort us to vote “yes” on school levies because Olympia “falls short” of its “constitutional obligation” to fund schools. The only sense I can make of that is newspapers were meant to wrap fish and garbage with, and aren’t useful for anything else.
And, oh yeah, the fishwrapper announced the happy news today on its front page that they successfully renegotiated their loans and therefore will be with us for a long, long time. I was getting worried there about how I was going to take out the garbage. Really, I was!
This is lazy blogging. So is sniping at the Seattle Times. It’s a substitute for doing real work. It’s a substitute for taking off his pajamas, putting on some clothes, going down to city hall, and doing some real gumshoe reporting.
Well Patty Murray’s got herself a challenger. Don Bonker is in the race, the poor sod.
‘Mass Casualties’ From Connecticut Power Plant Explosion
Various news media report a natural gas explosion at a new power plant under construction has killed at least 2 workers and injured perhaps as many as 250 more. The plant apparently collapsed and eyewitnesses report “bodies everywhere.”
@18 is an example of lazy blogging. Let your fingers do the typing; no mental effort in evidence.
@18 “brb, international business call”
Your Canadian supplier throws your pot over the border fence on Sundays?
@19 Isn’t the Bonk getting a bit long in the tooth for this sort of thing? He’ll turn 73 next month. And why would he want to give up his profitable consulting business for politics at his age? Does this have anything to do with his endorsement of Susan Hutchison last year?
I can’t see Washington voters turning out a Senator with seniority and clout for a forgotten ex-congressman who would be 80 years old at the end of his first Senate term. The guy won’t live long enough to get useful seniority.
Even though this is Super Bowl Day, the Connecticut disaster obviously will dominate today’s headlines. In other, less important, news Palin indicated she’ll likely run for president in 2012. I sure hope so, and God willing, she’ll be the Republican nominee; or, even better, she won’t be the GOP nominee and will run on a third party ticket, resulting in the GOP vote being split between two candidates.
The only additional information available at this time about the Connecticut power plant disaster is that about 50 workers were in the section of the plant that collapsed and search teams are working to reach people known to be trapped under the rubble. The death toll, which currently stands at 2, undoubtedly will go higher as bodies are pulled out from under the masses of collapsed concrete and steel.
Oops, my bad. It’s state senator Don Benton that’s thrown his hat in the ring against Murray.
@27 I wondered about that.
@7 “Dan, is nearly correct.”
Who knew God had problems with grammar? (Okay, to give Him the benefit of the doubt, maybe He’s just a lousy typist).
you fucking retards!!!
Says the anti-semite!
30. manoftruth spews:
Spoken like Obam-Mao’s cruel & inhumane advisor…Rahm-arama
So does that mean that Benton is going to come out as pro-choice and pro-gay marriage?
If he’s down with the Tea Baggers then he’s no Scott Brown Republican.
Good luck with winning a state wide office while being anti-choice and having crazy Tea-Baggers showing up at your events,
Wait a minute Michael. Your king of useless commentary, ylb arschloch, called Scott Brown a tea bagger. Need to see the numerous HA Libtardo entries?
Or, you can ask the HA arschloch himself for his own words. Wait a minute…… didn’t Jon DeVore use the same term for Scott Brown? Need to see the entry?
So what is it Michael? Are you right or are Jon and the arschloch correct?
Please tell us Michael!!!
Oh Michael, please call the independents and unassociated voters tea baggers. It makes the “progressive case” so much clearer for those peeps.
Well, since Brown is pro choice, pro marriage and posed for Cosmo I don’t think he qualifies as a Tea Bagger.
Independents and unassociated voters are just that, independents and unassociated voters. Tea Baggers are people that show up at Tea Bagger events, which is a very, very, small % of the populace.
goldy, why’d you give up on Judaism. You are lucky you don’t face any penalties for doing so. I think your buds in Muslim countries who abandon Islam face death sentences
Oops, that should say pro gay marriage.
I’m betting Murray’s next election will be neck and neck in Whitman, Walla Walla, and Spokane counties and that she’ll pull out a win in at least one of them.
King County will be a blowout for Murray, of course. She might even best her 65-32% win from last time around. Pierce, SnoHo & Kitsap will be repeats of ’04, Murray by 10%-ish. Murray took Thurston by 17% last time around, but I’m betting Benton can keep it closer to a 7-10% win for Murray.
Clark went for Nethercutt by a hair last time, Benton will take it easily this time. But, I don’t know enough about the area to stick a number by that.
Bad translation. Should read “testicles,” not “genitals.” Thus, “testimony.”
Back to Deuteronomy.
The Talmud (i.e., male rabbis) explains that passage by saying that anyone who embarrasses anyone (as the wife did the husband by grabbing his genitals) must have their hands cut off also.
The bible also was written by men. Don’t blame God.
@41 sarah68
Why not blame Me?
If not Me, who would you blame?
sarah, i think i’ve met you before.
you wear granny glasses, hair pulled back, volunteer at planned parenthood and are either a freelance journalist or copy editor.
EVERY word is magical and true and unchanging. You can NOT ignore a single passage, no matter how silly it MIGHT seem in today’s culture. This is GODS word, NOT just some historic cultural artifact of what Jewish custom was 3,000 years ago. As the folks who attack gay rights remind you this is PERFECT UNCHANGING NEVER ALTERING ALWAYS TRUE…magical. This is NOT just philosophy, you must obey ALL of it at ALL times.
If not, it’s just silly stupid 3,000 year old customs and I could give a S**T how Palestinians lived 3,000 years ago and anyone who tells me I have to live under 3,000 year old Palestinian law is an idiot.
Ummm Michael, the leftist pinheads here and the libtardo MSM called Scott Brown unaffiliated voters tea baggers. Puddy wonders where Michael gets his information from. Keith Olbermann, hero of many HA libtardos used the term big time.
Why are you running away from ylb arschloch and Jon DeVore who called Scott Brown and his voters tea baggers? One of you has to be wrong. Puddy pulling for you Michael because DeVore has been wrong on many threads and well the dumb brick ylb arschloch is well a dumb brick!
re 45: “Puddybud identifies feckless ylb arschoch as a boob”
Is his head the areola?
@44 Alki
The word “Palestinian” is a Roman/English pronunciation of “Philistine.”
Whatever you think of the Torah, it was never the book of the Philistines.
As for whether anything in the Torah is the WOG, it seems to me that the postings here by God are more immediate. Perhaps anyone interested in knowing what He has to say (assuming She is not the He) might just ask Her?
Isn’t it funny that the supposedly religious Trolls take the heavily edited text of God’s word more seriously than the direct revelation they get here?