1 Peter 2:13-14
Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.
by Goldy — ,
LMFAO! Silly bigots need not apply.. spews:
Peter was a right winger for sure..
Right wingers live to follow orders and bark orders at those who challenge authority.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@1 I’ve been challenging human authority all my life and it got me a hole in a public park.
Michael spews:
We’re putting the jeez back in Jeezus.
Puddybud spews:
These verses are from a Biblical section where Peter exhorts all to live a Godly Life in a pagan society, something the fool ylb will NEVER understand.
God spews:
Ask yourself, when have the followers of Peter and Paul taken up the banner of revolt against an repressive regime? Chrsttianity arose as religion of obeying Caesar.
Where were the Christians in the rebellion led by bar Kochba? Was Spartacus a Christian?
Why did Constantine choose Christianity as the religion of the Roman Empire? What religion conferred divine power on the Czars and used its missionaries to subjugate Africa?
Was it an accident that the American Revolution was led by men who denied the divine authority given to George III by Peter?
Peter was a quisling.
I am that I am.
Puddybud spews:
Rambling SJ@5,
As Jesus said… in Matthew 22:21 “Ἀπόδοτε οὖν τὰ Καίσαρος Καίσαρι καὶ τὰ τοῦ Θεοῦ τῷ Θεῷ” or “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”
God spews:
Do you read Greek? These words mean. obey the government, no matter how oppressive.
These are not My words. I stand with those who seek to overturn tyrants, not those who use religion to enforce tyranny.
As for my identity, while I am sure that Steve is flattered by your image, I am that I am. Have you ever tried just clicking on my name to see where the weblink leads you?
That link may give you a better idea of Who I am.
I am that I am.
Puddybud spews:
We know… You are not God! And… You are not Jesus.
BTW how is your new granddaughter SJ?
God spews:
What do you think such words mean?
Would I teach you to accept the rule of a tyrant?
How would you feel if a Christian in Poland had preached obeisance to the totalitarian government?
SJ? I do know him, as I know you. Steve speaks well of you and hopes, someday, that you will achieve the salvation you seek.
I am sure he would welcome your interest in Ziva.
Back to My website or, if you are looking for religious gifts in My honor, for a little girl try here. or here or here or here..
LMFAO! Silly bigots need not apply.. spews:
LMAO! Puddybud lives a “godly life” by trolling HA (to the tune of nearly 30,000 comments!), by bragging about his physical attributes to his own sockpuppet!
What a fine of example of a “christian”!
I understand totally…
stonecold headless spews:
re 4 “These verses are from a Biblical section where Peter exhorts all to live a Godly Life in a pagan society, something the fool ylb will NEVER understand.”
If everyone follows Peter’s exhortation, there will be no pagan society in which to lead a Godly life. Are you sure that you know what you are talking about?
Politically Incorrect spews:
Well, I certainly hope we can un-involve ourselves in Egypt’s progress towards a more democratic and less authoritarian government. It might very well turn out that the Egyptians’ version of democracy is having the Islamic religious leaders free to enact Sharia Law in Egypt. I guess that’s a chance that the world has to take because there’s nothing we can do about it. Egypt is responsible for running Egypt, not us or anybody else!
Unkl Witz spews:
Christians have no problem accepting authoritarian rule, in fact they seek it. They have a visceral need to be told what to do, how to do it, and how to act while they are doing it.
They spend a good deal of their time pouring over the non-sense that is their Holy Scripture, looking in vain, to somehow find out what it is exhorting them to do. Failing in that, they flock like sheep to their churches on Sunday (Saturday in Pud’s case) to have someone else tell them what it all means.
These are folks who are very uncomfortable doing their own thinking.
Solomon Grundy with a stand up triple spews:
only 13 posts on the bigoted bash christians thread this week?
wow, HA is really slowing down? where is the hatred that progressives so famous for?
Unkl Witz spews:
SG @14:
How ’bout a “spirited” defense of those Christians, a thoughtful post that does someting besides name calling. Something that would make us heathens think twice before posting another biggoted comment.
But don’t bother threatening hellfire & damnation, Pud already tried that. No takers.
Unkl Witz spews:
See, that’s the prob here. None of the Christian defenders want to talk about the words of the Bible. Not too surprizing, cuz they’re a bit of a problem to defend.
But why the namecalling? How “Christian” is that??
Solomon Grundy with a stand up triple spews:
Uncle Twitz….I am neither a christian defender or attacker….and Christianity hardly needs a “defense” against simpleton racists and bigots like yourself.
I just think the(especially your) bigoted hatred by many on this site towards Christians is very……….progressive.
Its nearly as bad as the progressive hatred of the military.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@13 Look, Jesus’ program looks good on paper, but every time you humans get ahold of it, it goes to hell in a handbasket.
Unkl Witz spews:
Maybe you could point out the posts that you interpret as “hatred” Sol.
My beef with theocrats is their scripture and mythology, but I don’t “hate” them. I just think they are misguided.
doggril spews:
Both the topic verse and the one Puddy quotes point to a Biblical perspective that American “Christians” are actively taught to ignore. It’s the notion that a Christian has bigger fish to fry than to get involved in worldy issues like politics. Jesus was pretty clear about that, when you look at the context of the verse Puddy quoted. Jesus was being baited to tell his followers to not pay their taxes. That would have gotten him into some serious hot water. But if he had endorsed the Roman rule, that would have confused many of his followers who were hoping he was a military savior. He wisely threaded the needle with his response. That’s not my interpretation, but the interpretation of lots of actual scholars whose commentaries I’ve read over the years.
That’s one of countless reasons why, if Jesus showed up today, he’d get boo’d at CPAC. And it’s just one of many examples of how Americans have completely distorted the Christian message into a jingoistic, political movement that it most clearly was never intended to be.
So, when the religious jingoists tell me that I disrespect Christians, I tell them they’re wrong. I just disrespect religious jingoists.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@20 When they couldn’t get him for tax evasion they framed him on a trumped-up sedition charge. Dictators always get their way.
spyder spews:
Peter was the chickenshit one, right? Couldn’t even talk about it.
Unkl Witz spews:
Yes, Peter, the rock on which Jesus will found his church. Or so the church tells us sometime later.
carter spews:
Christians aren’t expected to follow unlawful orders, submit to tyranny or stand still when whats right becomes wrong. The Founders fought because it was defensive, and there was much talk along these lines from American pulpits at that time. Early Christians were criticized because they “served another King” but that is the chain of command.
I question where Pud gets his Greek text, and I question that Chritians would avoid revolt or avoid the defense of their country(ies), homes or neighbors.
Mr Cynicals favorite goat, Puddy, has a sore ass spews:
Goldy, now that you’ve climbed into bed with Dan Savage, I hope you are at least insisting he use a condom. You never seemed like a natural bottom to me, but, I guess, you need the money.
Slog on Dear Goldy, oh what could have been, slog on, valiant blogger, slog on, snark is paramount, slog on, support wars when you have to for snark effect, slog on….
have you seen this site-slog was inspired by it.
Savage is a do. Goldy is, sadly, a don’t.
Steve spews:
The intent of the scripture is clear. Christian Teahhadists must submit to the will of President Obama or become sinners destined to spend an eternity in Hell’s fires.