So “god” is just like one of those kids everyone knew in Jr. High who took credit for everything?
Just another attention whore out for recognition at any cost. “God” even takes credit for all the little girls and boys murdered in its name. It is all “gods” fault.
Fuck that murdering piece of shit.
Liberal Scientistspews:
DF @1
I think the question hinges on whether ‘god’ is assigned personality or not – is ‘god’ a discreet actor, with wants/desires/failings/emotions, or is ‘god’ simply a short name for the entirety of the universe, particularly those parts we don’t (yet) understand or can manipulate/influence.
@ 2
I used to live in lake City, there was an old hippie who lived in the building next to mine. He’s an artist, is a regular at the drum circles, a lot of folks know the man. What he really is, is someone who got lost around 1968 and never really found his way back. But he said something to me once that really struck me.
While I’m paraphrasing here, what he said that “god” is truth. Meaning that “truth” is god. Only facts matter. Only reality is important. People who ignore reality in favor of fantasy or who deliberately make false statements cannot understand “god”. The fact that religions are based on fantasy, ignore reality, and deliberately suppress factual information to maintain themselves and increase their influence, in and of itself defines their anti-human intentions. Their “god” is just another cash cow.
Religious figures will always deceive, will always lie, and always hypnotize the simple minded people. Not because they hate god, but because they know that in their world, “god” (as defined above) is antithetical to their intentions of manufacturing a method of feeding themselves and creating wealth. Gaining influence over peoples minds, and therefore political and social control.
Without “god” as an all-seeing, all-doing individual they claim to be speaking for, and representing in this mortal world, people like Pat Robertson and Bryan Fischer would have to get real jobs.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Once again Goldy takes a verse out of context and the most moronic have no clue what it means. Typical so typical.
When Israel kings after Solomon started whoring after other ‘gods’ instead of the Creator God of Heaven and Earth, this was God saying through Isaiah that He allowed the Chaldeans to overrun Jerusalem and plunder it. He allowed the Chaldeans to take the Israelites captive to Babylon because they forgot Deuteronomy 28 and the promises of the temple service when Solomon dedicated the temple in 1 Kings 8:62-66. Then after the 70 years as predicted by His prophets, God had Cyrus allow them to return and rebuild the temple.
Plain and simple. Anything else is useless idiotic conjecture by the standard fools above!
@ 4
So says the man who insists that the world is only 6000 years old.
Who is it you have insulted and blasphemed? Against whom have you raised your voice and lifted your eyes in pride? Against Me? Against truth?
I am, above all else, the Truth. Not the words remnant from the ravings of Isaiah written in the pain of conquest by the Assyrians, not כשדים, Chaldes. Nor the rewriting of those words later to explain the conquest and destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadenzer, the Babylonian.
It is all too easy to avoid your own responsibility by making up truths.
An understanding of the errors of Isaiah not an acceptance of his words, is the lesson of Isaiah. Blaming Me for what he does is central to Puddy’s religion.
How can Puddy be expected to take any responsibility when he can always resort to “God made me (told me) to do it?”
This is why Puddy’s religion is so attractive to those who want to avoid responsibility.
Christian slavers, in MY name, brought Puddy’s ancestors across the Atlantic in the hold of pestilent slave ship, yet Puddy chooses not to accept the blame as a Christian.
Isn’t this moral and ethical bankruptcy? Should Lehman brothers be resurrected since it is now washed in its sins?
Hersh claims that a large art of the US military are members of fundamentalist organizations, including Opus Deit, and driven by traditional Christian/Puddy like beliefs in conversion.
These people, like bin Laden and Puddy KNOW the truth.
AMAZINGLY Hersh gave his speech in Qatar.
Daddy Lovespews:
The bowels of the Lord move in strange and mysterious ways.
Zotz sez: Pudpuller is a danger to itself and others!spews:
An interactive map of Pudpuller’s “friends” doing “God’s Work”:
My guess is that God made Jimmy Swaggart rich preaching the Gospel, even though in his omniscience He knew Jimmy had a weakness for hookers, because it’s the kind of thing that God likes to take credit for and it keeps the rubes in church hoping that God will also make them rich. Then Jimmy used his free will to use his money that he made preaching the Gospel to pay for the hookers he had a weakness for, because if God made him do it what kind of freak would that make God? Then God made the hookers tell on him, because if it was just their exercise of free will then God wouldn’t be punishing Jimmy for what he could have made him do or made him stop doing, in his omnipotence.
So you see, it all always works out. God’s always doing the good stuff, and when little children are tortured and starved to death it’s not His fault.
@4 On ignore list.
Gloucester from King Lear:
As flies to wanton boys are we to th’ gods,
They kill us for their sport.
4.1, ll. 32–37
See how easy it is? I mean, really, would anybody stoop to arguing with a street corner lunatic? Most would ignore him and keep walking. Why should it be any different when that lunatic posts his insane rants on a blog comment thread?
@ 14
For the simple reason that we know that we can engage the individual with the surety that he isn’t going to whip out a straight razor or a Glock 9mm on the spot and come at us for it.
Unkl Witzspews:
On the other hand Froggie, why bother. When dealing with someone like Pud, who seems to actually think there is some rhyme or reason to such a palpably nonsensical collection of piffle like the Bible as the revealed word of the creator of the universe, you are clearly wasting your time.
The real question is why do so many of these same severely deluded people seem to gravitate toward the right end of the political spectrum?
Ztiw Lknuspews:
The real question is why do so many of these same severely deluded lefty wingnuts seem to gravitate toward the douchebag end of the human spectrum?
Liberal Scientistspews:
The real question is why do so many of these same severely deluded people seem to gravitate toward the right end of the political spectrum?
Because they’re drawn to authoritarianism, to received wisdom, to systems of belief and politics that at their center are about defining enemies and blaming them for all troubles.
It’s intellectual laziness, is avoiding an examined life because it’s too damn hard.
It’s part of the corporatist/neofeudal way of thinking – concentrate wealth among a few plutocrats, and channel resentment among the plebes against other plebes that are superficially different.
Religion plays a decisive role – it’s learned from birth usually, it’s comfortable, it’s tribal in a “we’re going to heaven, but those ‘others’ over there are going to burn in obscene and horrible suffering” Religion is a branch of the ruling class power structure – it puts constraints on your behavior while at the same time bonding you to those that are oppressing you.
@ 17
Who are the deluded? The people that insist that the world is only 6000 years old, is wholly owned and operated by some magical puppetmaster in the sky and will commit incredible acts of violence in support of that notion, or the people that say the world is 5 or 6 Billlion years old?
Who are the deluded? The people who insist that a persons character can be judged solely on the basis of their skin color or genetic heritage, or the people that say character should be defined by its own merits?
Who are the deluded, the people who openly state their desire for war, or the people who desire a world without it?
Mao Tse Tung once said that liberty comes from the barrel of a gun. Do you fascists then agree, that Maos’ ideas support your definition of freedom? Are you willing to look your neighbor in the eyes while you twist the blade in his guts?
How many people are you willing to kill to support your ideas?
Liberal Scientistspews:
As for the discussion about engaging Puddy, and other trolls – I think deathfrogg knows this well – it’s not about engaging the Puddy. He/it does not possess a mind that is open to debate or education or persuasive argument, and therefore there is no point in any discussion. However, I think that countering the sewage he pipes in here – cleaning up the metaphorical dump that he repeatedly takes on the coffee table of our collective living room here – is an essential task.
Pud spews unfiltered the vicious and never-truthful bile from sources like Glenn Beck and Malkin and other foul lying liars. He/it acts as an unregulated conduit for their talking points, and his presence here is really just to derail discussion and frustrate and anger thoughtful people. He/it needs to be shouted down with facts spiced with sharp invective.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
The FOOL god playing God. I don’t speak for you because you are not GOD.
Nuff Said sucka!
Proud to be an Assspews:
@6 & 7: Why did you create evil?
Proud to be an Assspews:
@20: Plus, practice makes perfect as they say. If you are politically engaged it pays to know your stuff.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Notice how Lib UNscientist who has no Biblical clue, appears and adds nothing to the discussion. Can he refute the Biblical interpretation? NOPE cuz he’s a Biblical dope. He’s the latest HA progressive rerun. Repeating the same stupid dopey commentary in each thread. RERUN ad infinitum.
So tell us all about Isaiah moron.
We’ll wait while you scour Daily Kos or DUmmies for your latest “Biblical discoveries”.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
actually think there is some rhyme or reason to such a palpably nonsensical collection of piffle like the Bible as the revealed word of the creator of the universe, you are clearly wasting your time.
And so does the real Jews on this board, so Unkl Witless is attacking them too!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Lib UNscientist runs to the latest moronic collection of leftist puke sites and spews unfiltered the vicious and never-truthful bile from sources like Daily “Target Gabrielle Giffords” Kos and TPM and DUmmies and other foul lying liars.
Corrected and Improved!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
See how easy it is?
Yes Steve, still waiting for your immediate “I made my first comment about Christina in those threads”. So easy no one has found them yet!
Such a fake!
Politically Incorrectspews:
I don’t know where the universe came from, but I’m pretty sure it ain’t what the Judeo-Christian-Islamic triad believes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “Once again Goldy takes a verse out of context and the most moronic have no clue what it means.”
WTF??? Goldy posted an EXACT quote from the King James version and his only comment about it was “Discuss.” What drug(s) are you on this morning? Are you one of Cynical’s goats that got syphilis from being butt-fucked by that old farmer?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Unfit To Be A Cop
Steve Pomper, a $96,000-a-year cop (whose pay comes from the pockets of taxpayers, including minority taxpayers), published an article in “The Guardian,” the police union’s newsletter, disparaging the police department’s anti-bias training and calling the city’s political leadership a “quaint socialist cabal.”
“Under the headline, ‘Just Shut Up and Be a Good Little Socialist,’ … Pomper calls the city’s 5-year-old Race and Social Justice Initiative an attack on American values and calls its supporters ‘the enemy.’ He expresses contempt for a ‘Perspectives in Profiling’ class that department members were required to take last year to raise awareness about racial profiling, and he questions at what point he and other officers should say ‘Hell no!’ to the city’s attempts to ‘indoctrinate SPD in social justice culture.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This guy should be fired. He doesn’t belong on the force.
No, righties, this is NOT a “free speech” issue. I’m not saying Pomper can’t write anything he wants in “The Guardian” or any other public forum. He does have a right to express his opinion.
But he doesn’t have a right to work for the Seattle Police Department. There’s no constitutional right to be a cop, much less any constitutional right to be a grossly insubordinate cop.
Any working for a private corporation who criticized his employer the way Pomper did would be summarily fired.
But Pomper can’t be summarily fired, even though he ought to be, because he’s a public employee. So he has a right to a disciplinary hearing. He should get one.
Pomper didn’t just criticize the police department’s training and policies; he undermined them. He not only implied he would disregard them on the job, he also impliedly urged his fellow officers to do likewise. That’s tantamount to inciting mutiny.
I say, give him all he due process he’s entitled to under the law and his union contract, then fire his ass for gross insubordination.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
As always, Roger Dumb Rabbit has no idea what taking a verse out of context means. So here Roger Dumb Rabbit… maybe this will penetrate your thick neanderthal granite encased skull. It’s Jeremiah‘s words on the topic.
Stay away from the Bible Roger Dumb Rabbit. Stay far away. It’s above your pay grade. This verse is part of a group of verses starting from Isaiah 44. But not being much of a Bible reader Roger Dumb Rabbit, you are easily confused.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Pomper story originally ran in “The Stranger” and was picked up this morning by the Seattle Times, which ran it as the lede in its Sunday local section. And the Times story is not sympathetic to Pomper. Even the Republican Times won’t support this jerk. Which tells you something.
Roger Rabbitspews:
On the Seattle Times website, the Pomper story has already drawn 458 reader comments. I haven’t looked at them yet, but there obviously are strong feelings in the community about what this guy did. I sure hope the SPD takes long look at what Pomper said in his article and thinks hard about whether his public expressions have compromised his ability to do his job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 I hear a toilet flushing. Would whoever is using the bathroom please shut the door? Thank you.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Hey Roger Dumb Rabbit,
Did Pomper vote DUMBOCRATIC in 2010? How about 2008? If so then another of your thread pollutions DESTROYED! Odds are he did. McDimWitt won at 83% so there is a 8 in 10 chance Pomper is one of you Roger Dumb Rabbit.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Yeah, that’s Mrs Rabbit on your silly Biblical analysis!
Liberal Scientistspews:
Remember the Puddy’s frothy ranting about Frances Fox Piven? The leftist academic who was never a topic here before the Pud started babbling about her? Know why? Because Beck was ranting about her, with predictable violent consequences (from Kos):
Since Glenn Beck began falsely claiming that she has a plan to “intentionally collapse our economic system,” a 78-year-old professor at City University of New York has been receiving threats of violence, and anonymous visitors to Beck’s website have been calling for her death. Cue the false equivalencies.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Hey Rog, you know what I find quaint about the Puddy? It’s how he and other Christianists seem to think that their Holy Book of Fables is somehow meaningful in a factual sense.
And of course, @3 above, he hews true to form with the projections of his own character faults onto his “god”
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh yes using Daily Kos as your reference…
P R I C E L E S S!
I used her own words Lib UNscientist.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
form with the projections of his own character faults onto his “god”
Lib UNscientist, a continual broken record:
play it again
play again
play it again…
Liberal Scientistspews:
Hey everyone, here’s a story from the New York Times, titled “Spotlight From Glenn Beck Brings a CUNY Professor Threats” documenting the threats of violence against Frances Fox Piven, the target of violent rants by both Glenn Beck and his parrot, Puddy.
@27 On ignore list.
proud leftistspews:
As a leftist Christian (and frankly, if you read the Gospels, it’s impossible to understand how there could be any other kind of Christian), I think some of you gents on my political team go a little over the top in knocking down the religious. At bottom, none of us form our lives purely from rational, evidentiary constructs. We are all, we must surely agree, fallible and human; we are subject to whimsy, impulse, and who the fuck knows what when we make decisions. None of us really have much control over who we are, what we believe, and where we are going, if the truth be told. But, that’s just an old Kierkegardian/Camusian spewing.
If some lying, ignorant piece of shit here was so damned interested in my first comment on the Tuscon tragedy, I’d think they’d know by now that he’d only need to ask YLB nicely and he might just get a fucking answer. It’s a database thing, after all. But if that lying, ignorant piece of shit were to actually fucking demand that I go back through old threads to prove his damned lies wrong, he’s gonna have to wait a long fucking time cuz it ain’t gonna fucking happen. And if that same lying, ignorant piece of shit starts telling me again that I have to submit my prayers to him for his fucking approval or they don’t count, that ain’t gonna fucking happen either. He can just shove that fucking idea back up his damned ass where it belongs.
@43 I cut our friends some slack because they never ever attack a search for truth and brotherly love. Rather, they’re responding to the beliefs of some extraordinarily disgusting people who make an absolute mockery of the teachings of Jesus.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Oh Poor Poor Poor Stupid Solution Steve. I am so worried about your worthless piece of shit mind. Absolutely NOT. When caught you go nuts. So ask ylb.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
I think some of you gents on my political team go a little over the top in knocking down the religious
The HA leftist progressives have no clue about religious things.
Moronic and ignorant!
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a believing non-beliver, a pox on humanity, an affront to the meaning and practice of Raspews:
The HA leftist progressives have no clue about religious things.
Just what the fuck would you know about anything? Epic fail on all counts.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a believing non-beliver, a pox on humanity, an affront to the meaning and practice of Raspews:
Ra? WTF?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Anytime PTBAFA@49 you wanna go toe to toe on the Bible I am game. And a lot more on COMPUTERS and NETWORKS than you’ll ever know!
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papista believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox on humaspews:
Still working on this.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox on huspews:
getting better!
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox on huspews:
more iterations.
ew, ew, ew….puddy want so such toes…like Dick Morris?
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox on huspews:
oops…suck. Like, you suck, Puddfucker.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Twisted sicko that PTBAFA is!
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
Contra #43…it is not religion that I dislike so intensely…Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, flying spaghetti monster, whatever…it is you, Puddfucker. You argue dishonestly. That makes you a scumbag in my book.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
Don’t take it personal, you sick fuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Fucking idiot @35: What do you think the chances are that a racist cop who bandies the term “socialists” to describe Seattle city government does NOT vote Republican?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Does anyone here besides me ever get tired of the interminable inanity (sic) of puttbutt’s posts?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 Puddy’s peculiar talent is being annoying without being meaningful.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Roger Dumb Rabbit as stated earlier about 2 out of 10, while 8 out of 10 he is a DUMBOCRAT.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
@60: Agree.
Let’s look at this rationally (a concept DELIBERATELY unknown to fuckpudder) …say 50% of eligible voters voted. Then let’s go with the 8 out of 10 who voted for the WINNER. What are the chances that the sick fucking cop voted for McDermott? Looks to be as follows:
0.50 X 0.8 = 40% = probability that a random eligible voter in the 7th CD voted for Jim.
Epic fail Puddfucker. Add that to you list of epic fails. Going for the Guinness Book of World Records, dumbass?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Goldy posted three threads on the shooting January 8th 2010. Stupid Solution Steve posted in all three of them. None of them discussed Christina YLB.
While others were discussing Christina’s death Stupid Solution Steve was using those threads to attack conservatives like me.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
0.50 X 0.8 = 40%
So by the convoluted Roger Dumb Rabbit logic 0.50 X 0.2 = 10%, = probability that a random eligible voter in the 7th CD voted for Jim’s opponent. Still four times lower Roger dumb Rabbit.
Keep trying.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
If you ACTUALLY READ THE ARTICLE you would know that the sick fuck cop lives in Snohomish County, so his chances of having voted for McDermott are FUCKING ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (well, maybe a bit higher since he appears to be a Republican).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 You’re being mighty generous in your calculation. I’d put the odds of that racist cop being a Democrat as zero.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Read Roger Dumb Rabbit’s material? Absolutely NOT. His previous attempts were hilarious. Looks like Roger Dumb Rabbit didn’t read his material also. He just toilet posted on another thread. Eh Proud of his fat ASS? Looks like Roger Dumb Rabbit is dumber than a PET ROCK!
Cuyahoga County…
Stafford County…
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
Puddfucker @ 35: Did Pomper vote DUMBOCRATIC in 2010? How about 2008? If so then another of your thread pollutions DESTROYED! Odds are he did. McDimWitt won at 83% so there is a 8 in 10 chance Pomper is one of you Roger Dumb Rabbit.
YOU DUMB FUCK!!!! The shit fascist cop doesn’t even live in King County. This is the most epic of all of Puddfucker’s epic fails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MONSTER FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Put that in your YLB database and stick it where the sun don’t shine, asswipe.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Zotz sez: Pudpuller is a danger to itself and others!spews:
@43: The sentiments are laudable; the superstition and dogma — not so much.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
@71…what? You sick fuck. You’re the one who claimed the other day that “most” of Krugman’s post had be “taken down”.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
Hey…this is fun.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 Looks like puttbutt is on autopilot now.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Yep sure did… And no one refuted any of Krugman’s nasty comments I placed on the thread.
Sure is fun. Do this and program and create PPT display files at the same time.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Hey Roger Dumb Rabbit, you placed the article here in the Bible Study Thread. It was your comment and you didn’t even read all of it. Puddy didn’t read any of it. Most times your horseSHIT is horseSHIT. Like that King County Budget you so proudly boasted here and it was just so wrong!
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
@72…you made a claim. It has been proven to be false. Deal with it, you sick fuck.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
Puddy didn’t read any of it
The only true thing I have EVER seen you post here.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
<i.And no one refuted any of Krugman’s nasty comments I placed on the thread.
Why would we engage in refuting the truth, fuddpucker?
Goldy posted three threads on the shooting January 8th 2010. Stupid Solution Steve posted in all three of them.
Check the date/times in those threads then. My snapshot confirms the very first comment by Steve on the shooting was about Christina on 1/9/2011 at 13:00 on the dot. And that was in the 1/9 Bible Study thread.
To my knowledge that record confirms what Steve’s been saying.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
You see FatASS, you need to rail on Roger Dumb Rabbit. It was his job to correct my error cuz Puddy stopped reading Roger Dumb Rabbit’s stuff a while ago. He’s the partisan hack who lately hasn’t performed his DUE DILIGENCE!
See ya FatASS, got a procedure I need to write and document for some future students. New way to call recursion to walk down a tree looking for changed SCSI blocks.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Uhhh try again YLB. I already posted Steve’s first comments in the three Saturday January 8th threads Goldy posted on the shooting. None of them mentioned anything of Christina.
Your database is a real failure.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
Well, it’s been fun, but I have to get up early to go forth and inflict socialism on the masses. Take care puddfucker. Don’t walk into any lamp posts, buddy.
But really, man. You sucked gas on this one. Better luck next time.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Oh yeah FArtASS it was Krugman railing on Palin January 8th when his vitriol was worse and he forgot it. I posted it on this blog! Gotta go. Bits are flying…
BTW Michael Savage was right… Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
@83…that is the weakest shit I’ve ever seen anywhere. You should be fucking embarrassed.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
@86: LIE!!!
YOu claimed his post had been, and I quote, “taken down”. You’re a shameless lickspittle shit.
Just looked through all the 1/8 threads. Most of of Steve’s comments are date/time stamped AFTER the 1/9 13:00 comment about Christina in the 1/9 HA Bible Study thread.
The ones that come BEFORE the Christina comment DO NOT DISCUSS THE SHOOTING.
ALL COMMENTS BY STEVE in the 1/8 threads were entered on JANUARY 9.
@83 My job? I don’t have a job. I especially don’t work for you. Do your own fucking homework. I’m not your fucking servant.
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
BTW Michael Savage was right… Liberalism is a mental disorder.
That the best you can do? Here’s one for you:
“Conservatives are assholes.” –Just about everybody who isn’t one.
Puddy seems to have gone over the deep end. God asked:
How can Puddy be expected to take any responsibility when he can always resort to “God made me (told me) to do it?”
No answer to God?
OK, can Puddy answer to himself? Does he accept the guilt for slavery or is that guilt the property only of others?
Other issues aside, where do Puddy get the idea that the Chaldeans conquered Israel?
Proud to be an Ass identifying Puddybud as a carbuncle on the search for meaning, a joke, an abject neocon lickspittle, a worshipper of Mammon, an unChristian cancerous puss, a Know Nothing Anti-Papist, a believing non-believer, a cur, a whelp,a pox...spews:
Sometimes an eye for an eye makes a certain amount of sense. When does one fight fire with fire? These are supremely difficult questions.
What do I know?
I was that I was and will be what I will be, and I vow to not drink too much wine in the future.
Good night.
proud leftistspews:
Zotz: “the superstition and dogma”
I’m trying to get my addled brain around that. You have juxtaposed a couple interesting concepts. My initial reaction is to say that none of us walk this path without adhering to heavy doses of each. On the other hand, we should all take battering rams to each.
As I’ve said here many times before, I grew up a Lutheran pastor’s kid. He is also one of the most well-read people I have ever encountered. We moved him from Idaho to Oregon last month. He had Bibles in Latin and Greek, and can still read them. Plus, a full set of Updike, Native American history, existential philosophy, Alaska, Norway . . .
My dad’s father was a Republican politician in Montana (who had to go to prison for a short spell because of his office), but dad is probably to my left now. He always thought the Gospels counted the most; so he moved to the left, always. His mind has never stopped growing. He could tell you in a moment now why Christians should support gay marriage, never take up arms, and always support taxes that prop up the poor. So, that’s where I come from. I’ve always seen the side of Christianity that pursues facts for facts’ sake, wherever they might take you. Neither superstition nor dogma got much respect in my family’s household growing up.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
So this means you have the only “copy”. So in a court of law all those progressive comments Goldy decidedly chose to trash reside on your home system. And we all know how much of a failure you are in presenting those “facts”. Hmmm… I think the whole world should know while Goldy’s trashes and ylb caches.
Now which blogs would be the best to disseminate the information to behind the scenes.
Oh the list is so great ylb. Thanks for the caching service fool. You are such a useful idiot!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
a Know Nothing Anti-Papist
Yes you are right FartASS. I am against any religion that hides child sex scandals. I am shocked you jock strap that religion and support their child sex scandals.
Thanks for playing FartASS. As I always said, eventually the truth will appear about your useless positions on pedophilia!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Add to that:
And the list grows ylb. Such a useful idiot.
Zotz sez: Pudpuller is a danger to itself and others!spews:
@97: Let me say it another way:
The priciples espoused by “Jesus” (for the most part) are wonderful words to live by.
You don’t have to deify the words (dogma) or Jesus (superstition) to live by them.
The issue is still is Steve telling the truth about his first comment on the Tuscon shooting and you still haven’t provided a link that refute’s my link. Instead you serve up a totally lame conspiracy theory debunked in half a minute.
You outdid yourself in dumbassery. And that incoherent crap about those bloggers was just more sheer projection.
pfft.. Totally dumb. All kinds of search engines spider HA. Why didn’t you use “teh google” or “teh bing” or “teh yahoo” to retrieve cached copies?
Probably because you’re lying to cover up that you’re full of shit – yet again.
@102 and 103 A classic take-down of a lying liar. Well done.
Right Stuffspews:
Religious figures will always deceive, will always lie, and always hypnotize the simple minded people. Not because they hate god, but because they know that in their world, “god” (as defined above) is antithetical to their intentions of manufacturing a method of feeding themselves and creating wealth. Gaining influence over peoples minds, and therefore political and social control.
Without “god” as an all-seeing, all-doing individual they claim to be speaking for, and representing in this mortal world, people like Pat Robertson and Bryan Fischer would have to get real jobs.
Per your comments, you must logically include Rev MLK Jr?
How shameful…That’ll puts you on the extreme of the HA faithful, which is hard to do, considering the company.
Right Stuffspews:
@105 continued……
Not to mention or forget Ghandi….
Boy, there was an extremist!! whew…
What a deceiver he was….
Right Stuffspews:
@105 more
Mother Teresa…
Now there is a clasic case of a hypnotizer, lier and deceiver…..
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@107. You must have missed Christopher Hitchens’ takedown book on the good Mother T.
Zotz sez: Pudpuller is a danger to itself and others!spews:
@108: Yep! She was one sick fucking piece of shit: the suffering of the wretched was God’s gift — to her! The poor orphans and their suffering were “enobling”.
No religion which is narrow and which cannot satisfy the test of reason, will survive the coming reconstruction of society in which the values will have changed and character, not possession of wealth, title or birth will be the test of merit.
I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin the shift from a “thing-oriented” society to a “person-oriented” society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered.
Zotz sez: Pudpuller is a danger to itself and others!spews:
‘Rong Stuff: Just plain wrong.
Shorter “Rong Stuff:
[whine] My pussy itches and I want to share it with you! Won’t someone please scratch my pussy?
As if we really need more evidence that Puddy is a lying sack of shit, the above two links stand as positive proof. Notice the URL’s both contain the “attachment_id” keyword. Links to actual posts are the form:
For details on WordPress’ attachment ID and what various links to it product, see here.
Now, why does Puddy post links to the attachments that were used in a post and not the post itself? I think we all know the answer to that one.
“As if we really need more evidence that Puddy is a lying sack of shit”
Well, in the troll’s defense, he could just be really stupid. Oh, hell. We all know that he’s a really stupid lying sack of shit.
Don Joespews:
@ 112
Well, in the troll’s defense, he could just be really stupid.
Not in this case. The only way to do what he did is to understand the difference between the “p” command and the “attachment_id” command in WordPress. You can’t find them via a web search.
Indeed, the only way to find the image ID’s is to go to the page that YLB linked @102, view the HTML source, and search for “wp-image-“.
Puddy’s being deliberately deceptive, and he’s, not surprisingly, stupid enough to believe that no one here knows enough about this stuff to call him out for it.
Oh, since this is a Bible Study thread, perhaps one of our right wing trolls can tell us about “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” Puddy’s just another brain-washed zealot who can talk up a storm about the Bible but can’t actually live it.
I’m glad to see you guys hand his ass to him. After all, it was me he was lying about. Thanks!
Right Stuffspews:
@107 and 108
With regards to Hitchens, I’ll take her good works and credebility over his any day. He appears to be the epitome of what he dislikes in the church…
With regards to King and Ghandi, do either of you dispute their status as religious men? Not only religious men, leaders in their practiced religion…..
Zotz…Tough words from an internet tough guy…
You and DF are brothers of the beyond extreme HA faithful…
Don Joespews:
@ 115
With regards to King and Ghandi, do either of you dispute their status as religious men?
I think you’re taking some hyperbole a bit too literally, but, if you’re going to do so, the precise phrase DF used was, “religious figures.” To me, at least, the word “figure” has a connotation that’s sufficiently different from that of the word “leader” as to preclude both King and Ghandi.
A “religious person” is someone who is devoted in a general sense. They live with a devotional attitude, and their lives reflect their religious beliefs, but they promote the well-being of everyone. A “religious figure” is someone who vigorously promotes a particular religion or religious concept, and particularly does so to the exclusion of other religious paths or truths.
So “god” is just like one of those kids everyone knew in Jr. High who took credit for everything?
Just another attention whore out for recognition at any cost. “God” even takes credit for all the little girls and boys murdered in its name. It is all “gods” fault.
Fuck that murdering piece of shit.
DF @1
I think the question hinges on whether ‘god’ is assigned personality or not – is ‘god’ a discreet actor, with wants/desires/failings/emotions, or is ‘god’ simply a short name for the entirety of the universe, particularly those parts we don’t (yet) understand or can manipulate/influence.
@ 2
I used to live in lake City, there was an old hippie who lived in the building next to mine. He’s an artist, is a regular at the drum circles, a lot of folks know the man. What he really is, is someone who got lost around 1968 and never really found his way back. But he said something to me once that really struck me.
While I’m paraphrasing here, what he said that “god” is truth. Meaning that “truth” is god. Only facts matter. Only reality is important. People who ignore reality in favor of fantasy or who deliberately make false statements cannot understand “god”. The fact that religions are based on fantasy, ignore reality, and deliberately suppress factual information to maintain themselves and increase their influence, in and of itself defines their anti-human intentions. Their “god” is just another cash cow.
Religious figures will always deceive, will always lie, and always hypnotize the simple minded people. Not because they hate god, but because they know that in their world, “god” (as defined above) is antithetical to their intentions of manufacturing a method of feeding themselves and creating wealth. Gaining influence over peoples minds, and therefore political and social control.
Without “god” as an all-seeing, all-doing individual they claim to be speaking for, and representing in this mortal world, people like Pat Robertson and Bryan Fischer would have to get real jobs.
Once again Goldy takes a verse out of context and the most moronic have no clue what it means. Typical so typical.
When Israel kings after Solomon started whoring after other ‘gods’ instead of the Creator God of Heaven and Earth, this was God saying through Isaiah that He allowed the Chaldeans to overrun Jerusalem and plunder it. He allowed the Chaldeans to take the Israelites captive to Babylon because they forgot Deuteronomy 28 and the promises of the temple service when Solomon dedicated the temple in 1 Kings 8:62-66. Then after the 70 years as predicted by His prophets, God had Cyrus allow them to return and rebuild the temple.
Plain and simple. Anything else is useless idiotic conjecture by the standard fools above!
@ 4
So says the man who insists that the world is only 6000 years old.
Puddy, why do you choose to speak for Me?
Who is it you have insulted and blasphemed? Against whom have you raised your voice and lifted your eyes in pride? Against Me? Against truth?
I am, above all else, the Truth. Not the words remnant from the ravings of Isaiah written in the pain of conquest by the Assyrians, not כשדים, Chaldes. Nor the rewriting of those words later to explain the conquest and destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadenzer, the Babylonian.
It is all too easy to avoid your own responsibility by making up truths.
I am that I am.
An understanding of the errors of Isaiah not an acceptance of his words, is the lesson of Isaiah. Blaming Me for what he does is central to Puddy’s religion.
How can Puddy be expected to take any responsibility when he can always resort to “God made me (told me) to do it?”
This is why Puddy’s religion is so attractive to those who want to avoid responsibility.
Christian slavers, in MY name, brought Puddy’s ancestors across the Atlantic in the hold of pestilent slave ship, yet Puddy chooses not to accept the blame as a Christian.
Isn’t this moral and ethical bankruptcy? Should Lehman brothers be resurrected since it is now washed in its sins?
I am truth, that is all I am.
For a frightening view of the truth in God’s words, I recommend this amazing article by Seymour Hersh.
Hersh claims that a large art of the US military are members of fundamentalist organizations, including Opus Deit, and driven by traditional Christian/Puddy like beliefs in conversion.
These people, like bin Laden and Puddy KNOW the truth.
AMAZINGLY Hersh gave his speech in Qatar.
The bowels of the Lord move in strange and mysterious ways.
An interactive map of Pudpuller’s “friends” doing “God’s Work”:
Terrorism directed at ‘liberal’ and ‘government’ targets since July 2008: An interactive map
My guess is that God made Jimmy Swaggart rich preaching the Gospel, even though in his omniscience He knew Jimmy had a weakness for hookers, because it’s the kind of thing that God likes to take credit for and it keeps the rubes in church hoping that God will also make them rich. Then Jimmy used his free will to use his money that he made preaching the Gospel to pay for the hookers he had a weakness for, because if God made him do it what kind of freak would that make God? Then God made the hookers tell on him, because if it was just their exercise of free will then God wouldn’t be punishing Jimmy for what he could have made him do or made him stop doing, in his omnipotence.
So you see, it all always works out. God’s always doing the good stuff, and when little children are tortured and starved to death it’s not His fault.
@4 On ignore list.
Gloucester from King Lear:
As flies to wanton boys are we to th’ gods,
They kill us for their sport.
4.1, ll. 32–37
See how easy it is? I mean, really, would anybody stoop to arguing with a street corner lunatic? Most would ignore him and keep walking. Why should it be any different when that lunatic posts his insane rants on a blog comment thread?
@ 14
For the simple reason that we know that we can engage the individual with the surety that he isn’t going to whip out a straight razor or a Glock 9mm on the spot and come at us for it.
On the other hand Froggie, why bother. When dealing with someone like Pud, who seems to actually think there is some rhyme or reason to such a palpably nonsensical collection of piffle like the Bible as the revealed word of the creator of the universe, you are clearly wasting your time.
The real question is why do so many of these same severely deluded people seem to gravitate toward the right end of the political spectrum?
The real question is why do so many of these same severely deluded lefty wingnuts seem to gravitate toward the douchebag end of the human spectrum?
Because they’re drawn to authoritarianism, to received wisdom, to systems of belief and politics that at their center are about defining enemies and blaming them for all troubles.
It’s intellectual laziness, is avoiding an examined life because it’s too damn hard.
It’s part of the corporatist/neofeudal way of thinking – concentrate wealth among a few plutocrats, and channel resentment among the plebes against other plebes that are superficially different.
Religion plays a decisive role – it’s learned from birth usually, it’s comfortable, it’s tribal in a “we’re going to heaven, but those ‘others’ over there are going to burn in obscene and horrible suffering” Religion is a branch of the ruling class power structure – it puts constraints on your behavior while at the same time bonding you to those that are oppressing you.
@ 17
Who are the deluded? The people that insist that the world is only 6000 years old, is wholly owned and operated by some magical puppetmaster in the sky and will commit incredible acts of violence in support of that notion, or the people that say the world is 5 or 6 Billlion years old?
Who are the deluded? The people who insist that a persons character can be judged solely on the basis of their skin color or genetic heritage, or the people that say character should be defined by its own merits?
Who are the deluded, the people who openly state their desire for war, or the people who desire a world without it?
Mao Tse Tung once said that liberty comes from the barrel of a gun. Do you fascists then agree, that Maos’ ideas support your definition of freedom? Are you willing to look your neighbor in the eyes while you twist the blade in his guts?
How many people are you willing to kill to support your ideas?
As for the discussion about engaging Puddy, and other trolls – I think deathfrogg knows this well – it’s not about engaging the Puddy. He/it does not possess a mind that is open to debate or education or persuasive argument, and therefore there is no point in any discussion. However, I think that countering the sewage he pipes in here – cleaning up the metaphorical dump that he repeatedly takes on the coffee table of our collective living room here – is an essential task.
Pud spews unfiltered the vicious and never-truthful bile from sources like Glenn Beck and Malkin and other foul lying liars. He/it acts as an unregulated conduit for their talking points, and his presence here is really just to derail discussion and frustrate and anger thoughtful people. He/it needs to be shouted down with facts spiced with sharp invective.
The FOOL god playing God. I don’t speak for you because you are not GOD.
Nuff Said sucka!
@6 & 7: Why did you create evil?
@20: Plus, practice makes perfect as they say. If you are politically engaged it pays to know your stuff.
Notice how Lib UNscientist who has no Biblical clue, appears and adds nothing to the discussion. Can he refute the Biblical interpretation? NOPE cuz he’s a Biblical dope. He’s the latest HA progressive rerun. Repeating the same stupid dopey commentary in each thread. RERUN ad infinitum.
So tell us all about Isaiah moron.
We’ll wait while you scour Daily Kos or DUmmies for your latest “Biblical discoveries”.
And so does the real Jews on this board, so Unkl Witless is attacking them too!
Corrected and Improved!
Yes Steve, still waiting for your immediate “I made my first comment about Christina in those threads”. So easy no one has found them yet!
Such a fake!
I don’t know where the universe came from, but I’m pretty sure it ain’t what the Judeo-Christian-Islamic triad believes.
@4 “Once again Goldy takes a verse out of context and the most moronic have no clue what it means.”
WTF??? Goldy posted an EXACT quote from the King James version and his only comment about it was “Discuss.” What drug(s) are you on this morning? Are you one of Cynical’s goats that got syphilis from being butt-fucked by that old farmer?
Unfit To Be A Cop
Steve Pomper, a $96,000-a-year cop (whose pay comes from the pockets of taxpayers, including minority taxpayers), published an article in “The Guardian,” the police union’s newsletter, disparaging the police department’s anti-bias training and calling the city’s political leadership a “quaint socialist cabal.”
“Under the headline, ‘Just Shut Up and Be a Good Little Socialist,’ … Pomper calls the city’s 5-year-old Race and Social Justice Initiative an attack on American values and calls its supporters ‘the enemy.’ He expresses contempt for a ‘Perspectives in Profiling’ class that department members were required to take last year to raise awareness about racial profiling, and he questions at what point he and other officers should say ‘Hell no!’ to the city’s attempts to ‘indoctrinate SPD in social justice culture.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This guy should be fired. He doesn’t belong on the force.
No, righties, this is NOT a “free speech” issue. I’m not saying Pomper can’t write anything he wants in “The Guardian” or any other public forum. He does have a right to express his opinion.
But he doesn’t have a right to work for the Seattle Police Department. There’s no constitutional right to be a cop, much less any constitutional right to be a grossly insubordinate cop.
Any working for a private corporation who criticized his employer the way Pomper did would be summarily fired.
But Pomper can’t be summarily fired, even though he ought to be, because he’s a public employee. So he has a right to a disciplinary hearing. He should get one.
Pomper didn’t just criticize the police department’s training and policies; he undermined them. He not only implied he would disregard them on the job, he also impliedly urged his fellow officers to do likewise. That’s tantamount to inciting mutiny.
I say, give him all he due process he’s entitled to under the law and his union contract, then fire his ass for gross insubordination.
As always, Roger Dumb Rabbit has no idea what taking a verse out of context means. So here Roger Dumb Rabbit… maybe this will penetrate your thick neanderthal granite encased skull. It’s Jeremiah‘s words on the topic.
Stay away from the Bible Roger Dumb Rabbit. Stay far away. It’s above your pay grade. This verse is part of a group of verses starting from Isaiah 44. But not being much of a Bible reader Roger Dumb Rabbit, you are easily confused.
The Pomper story originally ran in “The Stranger” and was picked up this morning by the Seattle Times, which ran it as the lede in its Sunday local section. And the Times story is not sympathetic to Pomper. Even the Republican Times won’t support this jerk. Which tells you something.
On the Seattle Times website, the Pomper story has already drawn 458 reader comments. I haven’t looked at them yet, but there obviously are strong feelings in the community about what this guy did. I sure hope the SPD takes long look at what Pomper said in his article and thinks hard about whether his public expressions have compromised his ability to do his job.
@31 I hear a toilet flushing. Would whoever is using the bathroom please shut the door? Thank you.
Hey Roger Dumb Rabbit,
Did Pomper vote DUMBOCRATIC in 2010? How about 2008? If so then another of your thread pollutions DESTROYED! Odds are he did. McDimWitt won at 83% so there is a 8 in 10 chance Pomper is one of you Roger Dumb Rabbit.
Yeah, that’s Mrs Rabbit on your silly Biblical analysis!
Remember the Puddy’s frothy ranting about Frances Fox Piven? The leftist academic who was never a topic here before the Pud started babbling about her? Know why? Because Beck was ranting about her, with predictable violent consequences (from Kos):
Hey Rog, you know what I find quaint about the Puddy? It’s how he and other Christianists seem to think that their Holy Book of Fables is somehow meaningful in a factual sense.
And of course, @3 above, he hews true to form with the projections of his own character faults onto his “god”
Oh yes using Daily Kos as your reference…
P R I C E L E S S!
I used her own words Lib UNscientist.
Lib UNscientist, a continual broken record:
play it again
play again
play it again…
Hey everyone, here’s a story from the New York Times, titled “Spotlight From Glenn Beck Brings a CUNY Professor Threats” documenting the threats of violence against Frances Fox Piven, the target of violent rants by both Glenn Beck and his parrot, Puddy.
@27 On ignore list.
As a leftist Christian (and frankly, if you read the Gospels, it’s impossible to understand how there could be any other kind of Christian), I think some of you gents on my political team go a little over the top in knocking down the religious. At bottom, none of us form our lives purely from rational, evidentiary constructs. We are all, we must surely agree, fallible and human; we are subject to whimsy, impulse, and who the fuck knows what when we make decisions. None of us really have much control over who we are, what we believe, and where we are going, if the truth be told. But, that’s just an old Kierkegardian/Camusian spewing.
If some lying, ignorant piece of shit here was so damned interested in my first comment on the Tuscon tragedy, I’d think they’d know by now that he’d only need to ask YLB nicely and he might just get a fucking answer. It’s a database thing, after all. But if that lying, ignorant piece of shit were to actually fucking demand that I go back through old threads to prove his damned lies wrong, he’s gonna have to wait a long fucking time cuz it ain’t gonna fucking happen. And if that same lying, ignorant piece of shit starts telling me again that I have to submit my prayers to him for his fucking approval or they don’t count, that ain’t gonna fucking happen either. He can just shove that fucking idea back up his damned ass where it belongs.
@43 I cut our friends some slack because they never ever attack a search for truth and brotherly love. Rather, they’re responding to the beliefs of some extraordinarily disgusting people who make an absolute mockery of the teachings of Jesus.
Oh Poor Poor Poor Stupid Solution Steve. I am so worried about your worthless piece of shit mind. Absolutely NOT. When caught you go nuts. So ask ylb.
The HA leftist progressives have no clue about religious things.
Moronic and ignorant!
The HA leftist progressives have no clue about religious things.
Just what the fuck would you know about anything? Epic fail on all counts.
Ra? WTF?
Anytime PTBAFA@49 you wanna go toe to toe on the Bible I am game. And a lot more on COMPUTERS and NETWORKS than you’ll ever know!
Still working on this.
getting better!
more iterations.
ew, ew, ew….puddy want so such toes…like Dick Morris?
oops…suck. Like, you suck, Puddfucker.
Twisted sicko that PTBAFA is!
Contra #43…it is not religion that I dislike so intensely…Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, flying spaghetti monster, whatever…it is you, Puddfucker. You argue dishonestly. That makes you a scumbag in my book.
You are a twisted fucking lickspittle liar.
Yeah, my January snapshot confirms it was about Christina:
Don’t take it personal, you sick fuck.
Fucking idiot @35: What do you think the chances are that a racist cop who bandies the term “socialists” to describe Seattle city government does NOT vote Republican?
Does anyone here besides me ever get tired of the interminable inanity (sic) of puttbutt’s posts?
@56 Puddy’s peculiar talent is being annoying without being meaningful.
Roger Dumb Rabbit as stated earlier about 2 out of 10, while 8 out of 10 he is a DUMBOCRAT.
@60: Agree.
Let’s look at this rationally (a concept DELIBERATELY unknown to fuckpudder) …say 50% of eligible voters voted. Then let’s go with the 8 out of 10 who voted for the WINNER. What are the chances that the sick fucking cop voted for McDermott? Looks to be as follows:
0.50 X 0.8 = 40% = probability that a random eligible voter in the 7th CD voted for Jim.
Epic fail Puddfucker. Add that to you list of epic fails. Going for the Guinness Book of World Records, dumbass?
Goldy posted three threads on the shooting January 8th 2010. Stupid Solution Steve posted in all three of them. None of them discussed Christina YLB.
While others were discussing Christina’s death Stupid Solution Steve was using those threads to attack conservatives like me.
So by the convoluted Roger Dumb Rabbit logic 0.50 X 0.2 = 10%, = probability that a random eligible voter in the 7th CD voted for Jim’s opponent. Still four times lower Roger dumb Rabbit.
Keep trying.
If you ACTUALLY READ THE ARTICLE you would know that the sick fuck cop lives in Snohomish County, so his chances of having voted for McDermott are FUCKING ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (well, maybe a bit higher since he appears to be a Republican).
@63 You’re being mighty generous in your calculation. I’d put the odds of that racist cop being a Democrat as zero.
Read Roger Dumb Rabbit’s material? Absolutely NOT. His previous attempts were hilarious. Looks like Roger Dumb Rabbit didn’t read his material also. He just toilet posted on another thread. Eh Proud of his fat ASS? Looks like Roger Dumb Rabbit is dumber than a PET ROCK!
Cuyahoga County…
Stafford County…
Puddfucker @ 35: Did Pomper vote DUMBOCRATIC in 2010? How about 2008? If so then another of your thread pollutions DESTROYED! Odds are he did. McDimWitt won at 83% so there is a 8 in 10 chance Pomper is one of you Roger Dumb Rabbit.
YOU DUMB FUCK!!!! The shit fascist cop doesn’t even live in King County. This is the most epic of all of Puddfucker’s epic fails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MONSTER FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Put that in your YLB database and stick it where the sun don’t shine, asswipe.
Jackass@71, see #70!
@43: The sentiments are laudable; the superstition and dogma — not so much.
@71…what? You sick fuck. You’re the one who claimed the other day that “most” of Krugman’s post had be “taken down”.
Hey…this is fun.
@72 Looks like puttbutt is on autopilot now.
Yep sure did… And no one refuted any of Krugman’s nasty comments I placed on the thread.
Sure is fun. Do this and program and create PPT display files at the same time.
Hey Roger Dumb Rabbit, you placed the article here in the Bible Study Thread. It was your comment and you didn’t even read all of it. Puddy didn’t read any of it. Most times your horseSHIT is horseSHIT. Like that King County Budget you so proudly boasted here and it was just so wrong!
@72…you made a claim. It has been proven to be false. Deal with it, you sick fuck.
Puddy didn’t read any of it
The only true thing I have EVER seen you post here.
<i.And no one refuted any of Krugman’s nasty comments I placed on the thread.
Why would we engage in refuting the truth, fuddpucker?
ANOTHER EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pet rocks are smarter than you, putty!
Check the date/times in those threads then. My snapshot confirms the very first comment by Steve on the shooting was about Christina on 1/9/2011 at 13:00 on the dot. And that was in the 1/9 Bible Study thread.
To my knowledge that record confirms what Steve’s been saying.
You see FatASS, you need to rail on Roger Dumb Rabbit. It was his job to correct my error cuz Puddy stopped reading Roger Dumb Rabbit’s stuff a while ago. He’s the partisan hack who lately hasn’t performed his DUE DILIGENCE!
See ya FatASS, got a procedure I need to write and document for some future students. New way to call recursion to walk down a tree looking for changed SCSI blocks.
Uhhh try again YLB. I already posted Steve’s first comments in the three Saturday January 8th threads Goldy posted on the shooting. None of them mentioned anything of Christina.
Your database is a real failure.
Well, it’s been fun, but I have to get up early to go forth and inflict socialism on the masses. Take care puddfucker. Don’t walk into any lamp posts, buddy.
But really, man. You sucked gas on this one. Better luck next time.
Oh yeah FArtASS it was Krugman railing on Palin January 8th when his vitriol was worse and he forgot it. I posted it on this blog! Gotta go. Bits are flying…
BTW Michael Savage was right… Liberalism is a mental disorder.
@83…that is the weakest shit I’ve ever seen anywhere. You should be fucking embarrassed.
Have you no shame?
…oops, sorry I asked.
84 – I have NO RECORD of Steve posting ANY COMMENT on 1/8.
I put up a link.
Now let’s see you put a link that refutes my link.
Sigh.. He runs away..
@86: LIE!!!
YOu claimed his post had been, and I quote, “taken down”. You’re a shameless lickspittle shit.
Just looked through all the 1/8 threads. Most of of Steve’s comments are date/time stamped AFTER the 1/9 13:00 comment about Christina in the 1/9 HA Bible Study thread.
The ones that come BEFORE the Christina comment DO NOT DISCUSS THE SHOOTING.
ALL COMMENTS BY STEVE in the 1/8 threads were entered on JANUARY 9.
You’re a pretty miserable SOB Puddybud.
@83 My job? I don’t have a job. I especially don’t work for you. Do your own fucking homework. I’m not your fucking servant.
BTW Michael Savage was right… Liberalism is a mental disorder.
That the best you can do? Here’s one for you:
“Conservatives are assholes.” –Just about everybody who isn’t one.
What a sad thread.
Puddy seems to have gone over the deep end. God asked:
How can Puddy be expected to take any responsibility when he can always resort to “God made me (told me) to do it?”
No answer to God?
OK, can Puddy answer to himself? Does he accept the guilt for slavery or is that guilt the property only of others?
Other issues aside, where do Puddy get the idea that the Chaldeans conquered Israel?
Sometimes an eye for an eye makes a certain amount of sense. When does one fight fire with fire? These are supremely difficult questions.
What do I know?
I was that I was and will be what I will be, and I vow to not drink too much wine in the future.
Good night.
Zotz: “the superstition and dogma”
I’m trying to get my addled brain around that. You have juxtaposed a couple interesting concepts. My initial reaction is to say that none of us walk this path without adhering to heavy doses of each. On the other hand, we should all take battering rams to each.
As I’ve said here many times before, I grew up a Lutheran pastor’s kid. He is also one of the most well-read people I have ever encountered. We moved him from Idaho to Oregon last month. He had Bibles in Latin and Greek, and can still read them. Plus, a full set of Updike, Native American history, existential philosophy, Alaska, Norway . . .
My dad’s father was a Republican politician in Montana (who had to go to prison for a short spell because of his office), but dad is probably to my left now. He always thought the Gospels counted the most; so he moved to the left, always. His mind has never stopped growing. He could tell you in a moment now why Christians should support gay marriage, never take up arms, and always support taxes that prop up the poor. So, that’s where I come from. I’ve always seen the side of Christianity that pursues facts for facts’ sake, wherever they might take you. Neither superstition nor dogma got much respect in my family’s household growing up.
Miserable SOB? Goldy wiped the comments from threads threads and Now why did he remove all that evidence of progressive thought ylb?
So this means you have the only “copy”. So in a court of law all those progressive comments Goldy decidedly chose to trash reside on your home system. And we all know how much of a failure you are in presenting those “facts”. Hmmm… I think the whole world should know while Goldy’s trashes and ylb caches.
Now which blogs would be the best to disseminate the information to behind the scenes.
Oh the list is so great ylb. Thanks for the caching service fool. You are such a useful idiot!
Yes you are right FartASS. I am against any religion that hides child sex scandals. I am shocked you jock strap that religion and support their child sex scandals.
Thanks for playing FartASS. As I always said, eventually the truth will appear about your useless positions on pedophilia!
Add to that:
And the list grows ylb. Such a useful idiot.
@97: Let me say it another way:
The priciples espoused by “Jesus” (for the most part) are wonderful words to live by.
You don’t have to deify the words (dogma) or Jesus (superstition) to live by them.
98 – Nope you dope. You’re pointing to graphics in the HA WordPress database. Here is the one THREAD in which both graphics are contained:
What a conspiracy monger you are!
The issue is still is Steve telling the truth about his first comment on the Tuscon shooting and you still haven’t provided a link that refute’s my link. Instead you serve up a totally lame conspiracy theory debunked in half a minute.
You outdid yourself in dumbassery. And that incoherent crap about those bloggers was just more sheer projection.
You’re a total tool for those liars!
pfft.. Totally dumb. All kinds of search engines spider HA. Why didn’t you use “teh google” or “teh bing” or “teh yahoo” to retrieve cached copies?
Probably because you’re lying to cover up that you’re full of shit – yet again.
@102 and 103 A classic take-down of a lying liar. Well done.
Per your comments, you must logically include Rev MLK Jr?
How shameful…That’ll puts you on the extreme of the HA faithful, which is hard to do, considering the company.
@105 continued……
Not to mention or forget Ghandi….
Boy, there was an extremist!! whew…
What a deceiver he was….
@105 more
Mother Teresa…
Now there is a clasic case of a hypnotizer, lier and deceiver…..
@107. You must have missed Christopher Hitchens’ takedown book on the good Mother T.
@108: Yep! She was one sick fucking piece of shit: the suffering of the wretched was God’s gift — to her! The poor orphans and their suffering were “enobling”.
‘Rong Stuff: Just plain wrong.
Shorter “Rong Stuff:
Goldy wiped the comments from threads threads and
As if we really need more evidence that Puddy is a lying sack of shit, the above two links stand as positive proof. Notice the URL’s both contain the “attachment_id” keyword. Links to actual posts are the form:
For details on WordPress’ attachment ID and what various links to it product, see here.
Now, why does Puddy post links to the attachments that were used in a post and not the post itself? I think we all know the answer to that one.
“As if we really need more evidence that Puddy is a lying sack of shit”
Well, in the troll’s defense, he could just be really stupid. Oh, hell. We all know that he’s a really stupid lying sack of shit.
@ 112
Well, in the troll’s defense, he could just be really stupid.
Not in this case. The only way to do what he did is to understand the difference between the “p” command and the “attachment_id” command in WordPress. You can’t find them via a web search.
Indeed, the only way to find the image ID’s is to go to the page that YLB linked @102, view the HTML source, and search for “wp-image-“.
Puddy’s being deliberately deceptive, and he’s, not surprisingly, stupid enough to believe that no one here knows enough about this stuff to call him out for it.
Oh, since this is a Bible Study thread, perhaps one of our right wing trolls can tell us about “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” Puddy’s just another brain-washed zealot who can talk up a storm about the Bible but can’t actually live it.
I’m glad to see you guys hand his ass to him. After all, it was me he was lying about. Thanks!
@107 and 108
With regards to Hitchens, I’ll take her good works and credebility over his any day. He appears to be the epitome of what he dislikes in the church…
With regards to King and Ghandi, do either of you dispute their status as religious men? Not only religious men, leaders in their practiced religion…..
Zotz…Tough words from an internet tough guy…
You and DF are brothers of the beyond extreme HA faithful…
@ 115
With regards to King and Ghandi, do either of you dispute their status as religious men?
I think you’re taking some hyperbole a bit too literally, but, if you’re going to do so, the precise phrase DF used was, “religious figures.” To me, at least, the word “figure” has a connotation that’s sufficiently different from that of the word “leader” as to preclude both King and Ghandi.
A “religious person” is someone who is devoted in a general sense. They live with a devotional attitude, and their lives reflect their religious beliefs, but they promote the well-being of everyone. A “religious figure” is someone who vigorously promotes a particular religion or religious concept, and particularly does so to the exclusion of other religious paths or truths.
God is a bad metal band?