Deuteronomy 23:12-14
Set up a place outside the camp to be used as a toilet area. And make sure that you have a small shovel in your equipment. When you go out to the toilet area, use the shovel to dig a hole. Then, after you relieve yourself, bury the waste in the hole. You must keep your camp clean of filthy and disgusting things. The LORD is always present in your camp, ready to rescue you and give you victory over your enemies. But if he sees something disgusting in your camp, he may turn around and leave.
I think that God just demanded more infrastructure spending.
And, he’s an environmentalist – I think this puts God squarely against polluters like ASARCO, WR Grace, BP, Anaconda, and the rest of them.
Do the Republicans know about this?
And some doubt My ability to inspire wisdom?
I do this through my prophets.
Your challenge, for this new year, will be to tell my true prophets from the false ones.
I am that I am.
And some doubt My ability to inspire wisdom?
I am that I am.
I do this through my prophets.
I am that I am.
I think that God just demanded more infrastructure spending.
No, you misread Me.
The citation is intended to tell people to leave the feces outside the tent.
I am that I am.
In another words, bury the false prophets with your excreta.
Yes, leave it outside the tent, if you’re a group of a few, or even hundreds.
How do you “leave it outside the tent” if you’re a city of a million or more, or a nation? You build a sewage treatment system, and maintain it, and make sure its effluent is benign. You take infrastructure measures to make sure that the water you’re drinking is pure and clean and uncontaminated. You put in place strict measures to make sure that the stuff “left outside the tent” is not contaminating your food supply and distribution system – food inspectors and regulations on farming and food handling that are comprehensive and strict and enforced.
I think it’s not a stretch, God, to consider the products of our workshops and laboratories and mines and factories and oil wells as human waste just as much as excrement – and as such it needs to be handled appropriately – not “left in the tent.” So it seems that allowing Love Canal and Woburn and Times Beach and Deepwater Horizon and the Niger Delta to happen is quite against this admonition of yours.
Those who do not believe in Me, will suffer.
Here is a revelation:
Screw others and you will be screwed as well.
I am that I am.
In this passage god reveals himself as the shovel salesman we always knew he was.
Didn’t God say anything about using a little hand sanitizer?
They’re god’s chosen people, correct? I mean their shit doesn’t stink, right?
Couldn’t god just zap that shit away — no shovel required? Or recycle it into manna?
It speaks volumes that someone thought it especially important to codify what is to be done with excrement in a sacred tome.
I think someone was trying to sell a Honey Bucket franchise.
i.e. don’t take Puddybud camping with you.
That stuff between his ears will drive away the good spirits and attract pestilence and plagues. Not to mention suck all the oxygen out of the camp and the stink the place out.
Hey Puddybud,
Man can craft nuclear fire but can’t do this:
Only God can do that right?
“You build a sewage treatment system, and maintain it, and make sure its effluent is benign.”
Unm, sir, that would be called communism, that is government owned stuff providing economic services and a universal mandate to use it and pay for it ? This is contrary to our freedom in the free market to be free, didn’t you know the free market is written into our constitution what with the input from Hayek and others? That’s why our constitution says there can be no universal conscription into a militia, no taxes, and no public spending, those are all violations of a free market the only things allowed are a military and courts to enforce contracts. There is no mention of a sewage system in any federal or state constitution, thus they are all illegal. same with unemployment, mandatory auto insurance, social security, health care mandates, etc. They are all exactly just as illegal as a sewage system. NONE are mentioned in the constitution, right?
Oh btw, there can be no mandate to make you pay to raise your kids either, or to give them food. When you leave your child on the street and turn your back on him or her, you are “not acting.” Because you are “not giving them food” and you are “not giving them shelter” so that’s not acting. We all know that the State can’t force you to act; it can only regulate your actions. Similarly, if you are owning land and doing nothing with it and the local govt. says hey we need it for the communist sewer system, they can’t take it because you are “not acting.” And more: when they want to draft your ass to go fight the nazis, you can just stand there mute and immobile and tell them “howdy. I am not acting. The government can’t make me act when I am not acting, so you can’t draft me.”
This is the kind of neighborliness and freedom espoused by our founding fathers when they met to revise the articles of confederation. The concern was “too much government,” and as we all know their purpose in writing the constitution was to ensure that we’d have less government as that means more freedom, a bigger market, yoo hoo!
Ant and naked mole rat colonies, among other species that live communally, designate midden piles (or “toilet areas”) this way.
They Put This Guy In Command Of An Aircraft Carrier?
“The U.S. Navy is investigating a series of raunchy videos produced and shown via closed-circuit television to the crew of the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise while deployed in 2006 and 2007, apparently by current commander Capt. Owen Honors,” according to news sources.
“According to [a Viginia newspaper], the videos were made with government equipment, and some were produced when the ship was actively deployed to help war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“In the video posted on the newspaper’s website, Honors says: ‘Over the years I’ve gotten several complaints about inappropriate material during these videos. Never to me personally but, gutlessly, through other channels.’ He adds, ‘This evening, all of you bleeding hearts …why don’t just go ahead and hug yourselves for the next 20 minutes or so, because there’s a really good chance you’re gonna be offended.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m pretty sure this guy’s Navy career is over, but what the fuck? How did he get so high up the Navy ladder in the first place? P.S., I’ll bet he votes Republican.
RummyLeaks Dep’t …
“Two days after WikiLeaks began publishing classified diplomatic cables, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld stepped forward to condemn the massive leak, declaring on his Twitter feed, ‘I was a co-sponsor of [the Freedom of Information Act] in 1966. There is an appropriate, lawful process for declassifying material. It’s not #Wikileaks.'”
But when Rummy wanted to make money for himself by publishing a book of memoirs, he used insider channels to bypass FOIA, according to news sources.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hypocrisy, greed, and special privilege all rolled into one … I’ll bet this guy votes Republican, too.
Finally, in other news, Republicans once again are using lies and scare tactics about “death panels” to demagogue the health care reform issue. Betcha anything they vote Republican, too.
Oops, I forgot to post the link:
Apparently my scoutmaster was God… or a prophet at the least.
Wise camping advice.
Also, what self-respecting deity wouldn’t leave a people who poop where they eat. Gross. Choose someone else.
It is interesting to note that excrement, as well as menses (last week), appear to be troll repellent.
The exception that proves the rule?
Deuteronomy and Leviticus: apparently, wingnuts that normally can’t be embarrassed, are too embarrassed to defend their own shit.
um, so to speak.
Thanks for noticing!
@7 I think what He’s trying to tell us is don’t shit where you sleep.
@12 “It speaks volumes that someone thought it especially important to codify what is to be done with excrement in a sacred tome.”
Maybe it isn’t a sacred tome. Maybe that’s all a gigantic misunderstanding. Maybe the Bible is a field manual written by a team of technical writers.
@16 I think what’s happening is the “constitutionalists” are going mainstream.
Hating On Government Workers
Business Week reprinted this flack piece masquerading as journalism from an American Enterprise Institute propagandist. Be sure not to miss the part about public-workers-are-serial-killers.
I think the God of these latter times would demand triple-ply Northern over other brands.
Also, God forgot to inform wandering Israelites to be sure and piss in the creek DOWNSTREAM from the campsite.
Tort lawyer’s “..You are owning land and doing nothing with it and the local govt says,
“Hey, we need it for the ‘communist’ sewer system.” They can’t take it because you are not ‘acting’.
What was that again?
Here’s my idea of the closest to #1 regret:
Mike is ‘rightly’ against the DBT.
Mike is ‘right’ even about surface/transit option!
The Highway department heads every which way mistaken and holding back whole truth.
The rest of us who ‘have’ figured-out
how the deep bore tunnel makes USA look dumb, please support seattle’s courageous mayor
Michael j Worthington McGinn.
Regretting your vote for Mike? Don’t.
Don’t miss the historic take-down/shake-up of WarshDOT! Hurrays for a fight of the new century! The deep bore tunnel is “Rong”.
Warsh-DOT-ians are having a hard time fessing up? The CRC troubles too, WarshDOT doing,
I’m betting.
Year 2011, WashDOT admits embarrassing mistake, fires/discontinues the services of
a number of DBT proponents and providers.
Deuteronomy? That sounds more like something from the Boy Scouts’ manual on leave-no-trace camping.
@18 Tailhook, revisited.
The Enterprise? God, is that old bucket still in service?
“But if he sees something disgusting in your camp, he may turn around and leave.”
A big steaming pile of shit and a gallon or two of stale piss is enough to turn most folks away. Probably would work on the Jehovah’s Witnesses and door-to-door sales-people, too.
It’s amazing what is found in the Jewish Torah
Roger Dumb Rabbit… Paul Krugman spoke positively of death panels in the health care bill. Need to see his ABC News commentary for the fourth time? Must be senility (lack of memory) and blindness to real facts. Puddy knows Krugman votes DUMBOCRATIC!
Puddy bets their parents vote DUMBOCRATIC.
Seems they do!
As opposed to what other version of the Torah?
The Roman?
@38: Xtrian wingnuts always try to disown the idiocy of the OT, except when they want to dis homosexuals — then it’s God’s Word, doncha’ know, also.
It gets their knickers in a twist when you point out that Jesus is competely silent on the homosexual question…
Zotz …
The Torah is NOT the “Old Testament.” The Torah is, according to Puddy’s own religion as well as orthodox judiasm, the ONLY part of the entire “bible” that is the direct revelation of God.
Makes a REAL problem for the fundies! (Except my kind, of course, since they have no interest in all that Roman add-in stuff.
I always kind of felt bad for Moses because of this and a couple of other verses.
He gets volunteered to lead a bunch of people who’ve never been camping out into the desert and then has to spend a lot of the time getting them to follow basic sanitation laws by saying “Because God said so” since they wouldn’t listen to reason.
haha. Dooteronomy.
No commie death panels. Leave the death panels where they belong, at the insurance companies!
@43 I understand this corporate death panel thing but, hey, get your own screen name!!
Was there really ever a time when people didn’t wrinkle their noses unappreciatively at the smell of human poo? Were people so droolingly stupid they needed these things spelled out for them? I kinda doubt it, personally – but, I’m sure that in cases such as this, cholera would serve as an effective cure for such drooling stupidity. Evolution in action, and all that.
By “something disgusting” he obviously meant Muslims, atheists, and gays.
And the verse before it instructs us to relieve ourselves on them.
Or something.
If god so hates poop, why do we have anuses? Unless it’s someplace for republicans to stick their heads.