1 Corinthians 14:34-35
Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.
Here is an interesting discussion of this & other verses which have caused some confusion about women in the Church. Important distinction is did it come from Paul or the Lord??
Go back in I Corr 14 to:
Paul is not Christ
“Paul is not Christ”
should read “Paul is not Jesus”
Paul was Paul. Jesus was Jesus.
I am that I am.
The real message here is that women are not men!
God’s plan is clear. The genders re different. Men look different, act different, and have different God given roles than women.
It is funny that the dimlibs want us to accept the “truth” that we caused global warming, how come they can not accept the truth that men and women are different things.
Look at how many things the dimlibs have done in violation of this scientific fact: birth control pills, female marines, gay marriage, sex change operations!
Which wise liberal said, “Don’t fool with Mother Nature!”
Why care at all about what is in an old book that has most likely been mistranslated over the years?
Just treat people with some dignity and respect.
Did this Paul invent fine Corinthian leather?
I think you get to the heart of the matter.
The immensity of Christianity, something that so very many people purport to base their morality upon, affects all of us whether we like it or not, whether we accept it or not. And as you say, the foundational documents – none are original, all have been translated, many contemporaneous writings have been excluded – this document called “the Bible” has been subject to revision and editing for several thousand years, and one must question who the editors were and what agenda they applied.
Moreover, it all boils down to accepting that we humans are all inherently spoiled/evil/unworthy (via ‘original sin’) and that in order to gain access to a paradisiacal existence after we die, we have to accept that some human/god hybrid, conceived without sex yet born as a human, was tortured and died, only to be reanimated three days later – and that if we believe this fantasy, accepting this sex-free god-man as our “personal savior”, then we get into the post-life afterparty. Otherwise, of course, regardless of any other variable, we spend the eternity after our earthly life ends in a torture chamber run by some former employees of the god-man’s dad – guys so thoroughly evil that they spend their time devising new and more horrible torture methods to apply to their inmates (is this the biblical story accounting for the existence of Republicans?).
All of this cosmology, of course, is under the control of the god-man’s dad (who happens to be the god-man as well) who is purported to be all-knowing, omnipotent and the pure expression of love – yet can be swayed in his actions that tend toward the apocalyptic by the pleadings of us imperfect, hell-bound mortal humans.
Given all this, on can see why Beck chose Mormonism – with shit this crazy, why not go all in and buy the magical underwear too?!
To Roger Rabbit, if you’re listening:
Last week, on the Sunday Sermon thread, after my last comment (at which point I had to leave and attend to the rest of my life), you left a very frank and poignant account of some events in your life, events that led to a sense of a transcendent God for you.
I didn’t want to leave that discussion hanging without response, out of respect for you. I just wanted to say ‘thank you,’ for what you said was deeply personal and moving, and I, for one, felt very privileged by that.
The honesty and humility with which you seem to approach the challenges of life, as best I can tell through the imperfect lens of the HA comment thread, came through your comment with clarity, and that underscores, I think, the respect you enjoy in these parts.
Thank you.
@4 The real message here is that women are not men!
Yeah, and they have that gash that bleeds but doesn’t heal up. What’s up with that?
Liberal Scientist,
Harry Reid is a Mormon. Oh yeah he’s your type of Mormon so that’s A-OK!
Change the subject much, Pud?
I know Reid is a Mormon. Critique of Reid and critique of Christianity, particularly as it applies to christians’ beliefs and how they affect civic society, are two quite different things.
I know complex thought and analysis are a challenge for you. (I also am aware that many here respect you, though for reasons quite divorced from your rantings here and thus obscure to me).
You do deserve a pat on the head, however, for in post #10, you very maturely restrained yourself from the use of any of your trademark puerile neologisms. Well done.
Cynical got it right the first time.
Paul is not Christ.
2 Thess 2:16-17
2 Thess 3:17-18
Nope Liberal Scientist, not changing the subject since you attacked Beck for his Mormon selection of Christianity. This was from your putrid hand
Maybe Harry Reid wore his magical underwear [your words] on Tuesday night.
Your twisted view of sin and God and Jesus Christ is recorded in heaven and will be replayed at your judgment seat visit.
This is why you are a hoot and a half whenever you post here. Always great comedy. Of course the preacher’s son, proud leftist, will be mute regarding your “views” today.
OOOOH – you’ve got me there – I’m quaking in my boots – I’ve been “recorded in heaven”
Pud, you make my points for me. Tell me, is the nature of the recording digital or is god still using parchment and a quill?
Could you explain my factual errors in my cribsheet version of Christianity?
Yes, perhaps he did. It’s not the devastating revelation that you think it is that Harry Reid is a Mormon. (Why do all you right-wingers sound like White Goodman – touche!)
His personal beliefs are immaterial to me – like I’ve said before, whatever answers one comes up with to explain and get through the challenges of life, fine. I just want to subject them – mine and others – to analysis and critique, and when it comes to issues of society and government, I don’t want someone’s bizarre notion of the subjugation of women or the morality of killing one’s neighbors because of their beliefs to go uncriticized.
It’s really simple, dude. It’s called self-awareness. If your beliefs lead you to do good by those you share your society with, great. You betray yourself, however, with that self-righteous warning/accusation about my my impending visit to the lake of fire – and this is really emblematic of my problem with Christianity and religion in general (the irrationality of it aside) – far far too many of you “believers” seem to think that not following lock-step with you leads to eternal damnation and the obliteration of me. And then it’s not too big a leap to go from my soul’s worthlessness to rationalization of making me a second- or third-class citizen of your nascent theocracy, otherwise known as Republican rule.
Puddy ..
You miss addressed your post.
I f you want to talk to God, I suggest you address him … but I guess that is something folks like you fear?
As for trying to justify worshiping Jesus, how is it you can not come up with a quote from him or from God rather than referring to this guy “Paul.”
Did God come to you ans say “Trust in Paul, he speaketh for Me?”
If Paul was God’s spokesman, how is it that his own life and efforts were so screwed up that the results were the destruction of the Jews by Rome, fall of Rome itself at the hands of the first Emperor to force Christianity on the Empire, etc.
Oh yeh, Paul’s teachings? Try these on for size:
Seems to this poor Jew that any God Paul was speaking for was pretty despicable.
Is this a disavowal of the passage? Are you claiming that the passage is not part of Paul’s instructions to the church in Corinth? Instructions that included admonition to tone-down the charismatic speaking-in-tongues because of appearances?
Is Paul’s authoritative position here any different from that of Jesus? Where were the women Apostles?
Why do you keep taking My name in vein?
Is it not enough that I am? Do you need Paul to speak for Me?
I am. Jesus, Paul, SJ, you, Goldy .. you all speak form what you can see. If you do not see me, quoting what others have said of me will leave you blind.
As for whether women should speak in Church, that is not My call anymore than I care about the proper order of sacrifice or the day of the week when men rest. I am not so trivial a God.
I created you, as I created the quark and the light from the moon, the Iliad and the Q’ran, DNA and the Internet. These are wonderful. Aren’t women wonderful? Do you not want to learn from them as you would learn from men?
I am that I am.
Lib Scientist
Why do you ask these questions of Cynic?
Who was Paul to speak for me?
I am that I am.
@13 “Your twisted view of sin and God and Jesus Christ is recorded in heaven and will be replayed at your judgment seat visit.”
Is that hosted by the original Ralph Edwards? Or by the revival host Joseph Campanella?
In this latest bible study, I think what’s going on is Goldy is calling Patty Murray and Christine Gregoire dumb bitches for being members of a sexist religion.
I find it illuminating when self-righteous believers are asked to offer coherent and consistent explanations of their belief systems.
What spews forth, if they are willing to engage honestly, is often quite revealing.
Whether Paul was truly speaking for you, God (as played by SJ on HA), I do not know. It is a valid question, though, given the centrality of Paul in modern manifestation of Christianity, which in turn is central to many facets of all of our lives, for good or ill.
Yes, indeed, almost redundant.
I think not. Conventional – even for purposes of political office? Yes, and maybe even cynical. Alternately, are they simply products of our culture, as we all are? Yes.
Troll, do you know the specifics of their belief system, and how this affects their public behavior? If so, do enlighten us. If not, well, typical ‘thug action.
You’re asking the wrong person. I think Goldy is calling into question their intelligence for being Christians, not me. I didn’t make the blog post, he did.
It’s clear, to me, what Goldy is insinuating.
Christine Gregoire is a Christian + Christianity is a sexist religion + Any woman who would willing be a member of a sexist religion is a moron = Christine Gregoire is a moron.
What else can you conclude by Goldy’s post?
Pardon me but fuck that!
Baloney, because above you took Beck’s personal beliefs to task…
You see in your demented view you chose to attack Beck and wonder if he bought the “magical underwear”. But you attacked non-Mormon Christians by calling what we (who knows what proud leftist believes anymore) believw as “shit this crazy”…
The only shit that’s crazy is the shit you leave here from your putrid hands. If you had self-awareness (sadly “dude” it’s lacking) you’d realize how your words are attacks in themselves!
Troll @24,25
Is it possible to critique an aspect of society, particularly one that tends to be taken for granted or not analyzed, or is even broadly revered, without turning such an examination into a personal, destructive attack?
Is it possible to point out nonsense or injustice or simply outmoded thought that remains foundational to the society, without indicting individuals?
Simply because our society still harbors many injustices and stupidities, is it wrong for people who are not old white Christian males (the typical beneficiaries of such anachronisms) to participate?
Your commentary, as usual Troll, is insipid.
Sadly SJ posits
I’ll get on my knees and pray to the Creator God Almighty. It’s that simple SJ, that simple. I won’t respond to one who puppets Him on a blog as “god” who was purposely outed by Prof Darryl two weeks ago.
Again, I didn’t make the post, Goldy did. Take it up with him.
Yeah wow what an outing – pointing out the hyperlink in the handle of “God”.
End of story SJ, you lose. Saul who later became Paul (name change) was Jesus’ mouthpiece to the Gentiles.
You ask, “Is it possible to point out nonsense or injustice or simply outmoded thought that remains foundational to the society, without indicting individuals?”
My question to you is, does Goldy indict individuals? And if he does, why is it that you have the balls to admonish me for doing it, but not Goldy?
Question, do you believe a black man who is a member of the KKK is a self-loathing moron?
Well ylb in your minuscule mindset you seem to forget it was one of your kind wailing on SJ/”demi-god” in his own mind. Check you DATABAZE.
Last I checked, Pud, Harry Reid wasn’t holding parties on the Lincoln Memorial extolling religiosity and getting his Constitution-misunderstanding minions fired up about the lack of separation of church and state, among other lies.
Moreover, Reid was not getting his people so frothed-at-the-mouth, often including incitements that allege attacks on religion, that they were willing to murder Beck-identified foes.
In addition, Reid, I believe, was born into that faith. While that doesn’t free him of the responsibility to examine his beliefs, I think that sort of inculcation is different from Beck, who as an adult looked at the specifics of Mormonism and said to himself, “Yup, that sure makes sense to me!” (that paraphrases another HA commenter from some weeks ago – forget who – really liked the characterization)
I believe Goldy quoted the Bible, for us to discuss. You brought up specific women, Democratic women office-holders, and implied an attack on them by Goldy that did not really exist.
You engage in a typical snide and cynical exercise of distraction and obfuscation. Honestly examining any of the rhetorical questions I posted would lead to that conclusion, I think.
Neener, neener, neener our Jesus is bigger than yours!
Ugh. *sigh*
Could you get any more self-referential than quoting the Bible to buttress an argument?
That reminds me nothing so much as my born-again grandmother’s wall plaque that read, “God said it, I believe it, that settles it.”
Dogmatism in a nutshell.
I hope they have good insurance! Is there a porn store across the street from that one too?
Then let’s settle this. Let’s ask Goldy what he believes. Goldy, do you believe a female who joins an anti-female group is a moron?
Wow Liberal Scientist you love the throw crapola against the fan. Can you provide these ‘Constitution-misunderstanding” factoids?
We’ll wait while you scour leftist pinhead kook-aid sites for the latest. Remember ylb TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA provided all the comedy from before. His daily scouring of the kook-aid already presented us with earlier failures on this “Constitution-misunderstanding” topic.
Again, Pud, what did I get wrong about Christianity that came before my summation “shit this crazy?”
Enlighten me.
And what you@39 placed in #7 are just “Thoughts from a Very Angry Man”?
Enlightenment for Liberal Scientist? Can’t enlighten anyone or anything with a mind as dark as yours? NOPE!
You choose to attack Billions of People’s beliefs and you do it in such a sarcastic way. People who died for their beliefs at the hands of atheistic infidels like yourself.
That seems a fair characterization, just like the Log Cabin Republicans are.
Are you trying to make the point (emphasize trying) that women who participate in a sexist society are self-loathing morons? Nuance and subtlety are certainly not your strengths, are they?
Reductio ad absurdum is not a particularly convincing approach, troll.
No that was MoveOn.org and other kook-aid sites fomenting frothing at the mouth fools like these…
No but a white man who was a KKK Grand Kleagle serving as the “Voice of the Senate” per other DUMBOCRATS is very telling to conservatives.
While looking at the kook-aid sites Liberal Scientist be sure to include Dr Rachel Maddow as one of your list entries!
Which atheists would that be, Pud? Do refer to Stalin and Mao? I think their insanity had far more to do with the quest for power than persecution for religious beliefs, per se. Hitler? Tightly bound in the rhetoric of Christianism and Crusading. Anyone else you’re “thinking” of?
Come on, Pud, tell me how I was wrong.
@40, Holy shit!
Uh oh, back to the puerile neologisms – Puddy’s losing his tenuous grip…
Do you dismiss Byrd’s repudiation of racism and his KKK membership? Are you a Christian who does not believe in forgiveness and redemption?
I LOVE Rachel Maddow!
What is your criticism of her? Come on, Pud, give us some facts, give us some incisive commentary. Prove your point.
Pud, what are you talking about?!!
Beck-incited assault-rifle toting, armor wearing loon intent on MURDERING people at the ACLU and Tides Foundation, versus dueling vote counting?
You are insane if you believe there is an equivalence there.
I told my wife after we came home from church that it was ok to disregard this bit of scripture, but to keep her trap shut about it.
What would the neighbors think?
Christianity Inc. is a fucking crock.
Another perversion of a spiritual message…the Christ, who was as much of a prophet and spiritual master as Mohammad, or the Bhudda…a perversion used to conquer and subjugate…the accummulate wealth and territory…to essentially rule the world.
Men are deathly afraid of the power of woman. Look at the oppressors here…p’dumbski, cyniKlown, (the lost) “lostinhisownasshole”, beckoner, troll…and their puerile and fear based need to “keep the Woman in her place”.
Enasculated assholes aren’t you?
And Rujax, then what do you think of a woman who willingly becomes a Christian?
Hanging on to creation myths to the point of denying centuries of scientific advancement and achievement in order to believe as did a bronze age tribe that the earth is only 6,000 years old should contend as one of those things we can call “shit this crazy”.
Liberal Scientist,
Puddy placed her US Constitution failure on this blog thrice. Ask ylb TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA for the links!
Puddy @42, 49
The examples are legion. Here are a few, necessarily from left-leaning sites, because as we all know, facts have a well-known liberal bias…
There’s this, and this is interesting, this is more just priceless general insanity by Beck-heads, this here, too.
The list does go on and on and on….
Puddy runs and hides again!
This grows tedious, as usual.
Notthat you really give a fuck about what anybody thinks who does not agree with YOU…but…
…in my opinion a woman who joins an evangelical right-wing congregation or the roman catholic church is like “a chicken voting for Col. Sanders”.
There’s a distinction that I’m sure you are too dense to apprehend. Embracing a spitiual thought or path is way different than jining a congregation. The Christ never advocated the subjugation of ANYBODY (GAYS included btw)…and consistently associated himself with the “undesirables” of his society.
And isn’t Christine Gregoire a Roman Catholic?
Any persons’ (public person or private person) choice of religion or spiritual path is their own business…as long as they do not try to impose their belief system on me or mine.
Puddy running and hiding?
Foolish moron “scientist”. Puddy outside getting the garden ready for composting. Puddy only came back inside to view the latest from the “scientist”. Leaving some food for the deer and raccoons that regularly visit.
What a tard!
@ 65
That is the most basic precept of original christianity. That ones faith is his own, and nobody else’s. That to evangelize ones own faith as a tool to manufacture wedges between people or to create for oneself a certain measure of notoriety or power is flat out wrong. It is AGAINST Yeshuas teachings to do this.
Yet, the modern American “christian” seems to be all about creating divisiveness and exploiting those divisions for personal or tribal gain, at the expense of those who they call “outsiders” or “heretics”.
The modern American evil angelicals are fascists. They are people who seek only to punish and exploit. They show no desire or inclinations to create a better place for all people, just for themselves. The prosperity gospel is exploitative and manipulative and its sole purpose is to create wealth and manufacture synthetic belief on the basis of their own greed and selfishness. There are good reasons why Joel Olsteen has an antique Porsche collection worth tens of millions of dollars. There are reasons why Pat Robertson owns huge slave plantations in central west Africa to grow chocolate for the American and European markets. The reasons are, they are exploiting their parishioners for the purpose of gathering wealth for themselves. They run their phony “churches” like corporations and pay no taxes whatsoever on the earnings those “churches” generate.
The headlining phrase is not based in modern social intelligence. It is the belief of a stone age desert tribal culture that also had no issues at all with murdering their own children if they became rebellious or recalcitrant to their parents.
This is true for the modern American evil angelical corporate McFaith you see on TV every day.
The Romans had a basic understanding that a man owned his sons to the end of his life and had the absolute right to take his sons lives or property until he was dead. This is reflected in the mores of many cultures around the world in those primitive times. Women and children were property, to be treated as such and to be disposed of if that property became too burdensome for a man to bear.
Religion has always been used to this purpose, and thats why it sucks.
Oh the irony: An Oreo wingnut fundamentalist selectively poo-pooing god’s word!
And working on the Sabbath!?
Baby Jeebus is sobbing!
McFaith! I’m stealing that!
Killer Christian rock band name: Shit This Crazy.
You forgot to mention that the black people (i.e. the sons of Ham) are meant to be hewers of wood and drawers of water, and thus deserve their God-ordained involuntary servitude as part of the natural order.
@67: Pat Robertson also has a major role in the african “blood diamond” trade with Charles Taylor (“a Godly man”) subsequently prosecuted for torture and othr crimes against humanity.
Locally, Casey Treat is a Robertson crony.
The righteous p’dumbski.
Smiting the libertards with his shibboleth…using his words to smite them verily for the overlord.
Hail comrade p’dumbski!
Is it “telling to conservatives” they they welcomed into their party the man who ran for president on an extreme segregationist platform and defended him AND his views until he died? Why do I think not?
My question about Saul of Tarsus has always been:
Why do so many Christians focus on the words of a lead-addled loon and less on what Jesus himself is purported to have said?
Jesus didn’t say; “Believe in Saul of Tarsus, especially where he contradicts what I say and do and you will have eternal life.”
It’s part of what led me to atheism – even as a young kid I could see that Saul had some serious issues.
…comrade p’dumbski is an idiot tool of the overlord.
Hail comrade p’dumbski.
Hey dipshit Zotz,
Come to DL on Tuesday and call Puddy an oreo to his face. Puddy dares you!
Oh yes Byrd has an epiphany and you all eat it up. A Conservative has an epiphany and you all forget all about it.
Okay Lib Scientist, those were good examples. But you forgot Rachel Maddow on your list.
If you can’t look it up, ask ylb TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA!
Why you fools chicken to ask ylb TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA? He’s “got the data” all for ya. No one has the BALLS here.
WHere does Paul contradict Jesus?
Hey lib,
Love to spar with you but going to help a friend mother get ready to move to California. See ya later!
Sure fuckwad…
David Vitter????
Mark Sanford????
Yeah, right.
Byrd LIVED his amends for almost 20 years and in conscientious service to his country.
p’dumbski fails the overlord. The overlord is not pleased.
Hail comrade p’dumbski.
@22 Liberal Scientist
I am aware that many here think SJ is, or plays at being Me. I suspect many have done that before as well. Examples are not hard to find.
Note that Muhamed, Moses, Siddartha, Martin Luther, and Jesus never played at being Me.
On the other hand, the current Pope, Mao, the Mormon elders, Stalin, the Russian Emperors, Hitler, Truman, Pat Robertson, and, yes Paul .. they have played at being Me. The consequences of their violating my commandment about not taking My name in vain are all too clear.
One thing I can reveal, with absolute certainty, is that SJ, aka Steve Schwartz, does NOT “play” God.
There are, however, some here, whether SJ is or is not one of them is his problem, who do play at being Me. That behavior is why I commanded you not to take My name in vain.
I am that I am
Thanks God.
I appreciate it.
Puddy says
I was unaware that Darryl had done such a thing!
As to who or what you choose to believe is God, that is up to you. Thinking that I care about your worship rather than your actions, is, however, a form of idolatry.
I am that I am.
More on Puddy says ..
So you think because this guy Paul says he talked to a dead Jesus, that you should belive Paul rather than the living Me?
Seems odd.
Do you also believe Jim Jones, Muhamud, and the Pope?
I am that I am.
God @ 88,
Puddy: “I won’t respond to one who puppets Him on a blog as “god” who was purposely outed by Prof Darryl two weeks ago.”
God replies, “I was unaware that Darryl had done such a thing!”
Me, too! More importantly, why the fuck (oops, pardon my Etruscan) is my name dragged into this?
I spam that I spam.
All the Abrahamic religions are male-dominated faiths. It’s as if on male Jews, Christians and Muslims are favorable in the eyes of God/Yahweh/Allah.
Personally, I lean towards Wicca and other Neo-Pagans from Northern and Western Europe: they’re just as valid as any of the world’s “main” religions. Who says it has to be Judaism, Christianity or Islam?
You mean BuddyPud bore false witness on the sabbath?
Hell bound that BuddyPud is, Hell bound.
Pussy is to easily self confused.
I am that I am.
SUNDAY is not the Sabbath.
No fool! Sunday is NOT the Sabbath. Let’s review the tapes!
Then Puddy clarifies to Darryl who Rob is
Some people (Puddy) have working memories, while others have wiped memories (98% of HA Libtardos)!
ylb needs his DATABAZE and he still fails!
Oh really SJ@93?
To the Person Playing Puddy,
Only in Puddyworld does THAT constitute “outing.”
“Some people (Puddy) have working memories, while others have wiped memories (98% of HA Libtardos)!”
There you go, lying on some people’s Sabbath again!
Sure is amazing to Puddy how many HA Libtardos have can’t remember things from week to week.
Darryl, you forgot your own words, hence a wiped memory!
Seems this is a true statement!
Person Playing Puddy:
“Sure is amazing to Puddy how many HA Libtardos have can’t remember things from week to week.”
Yes…when you play the part of a pretend character in an alternate reality, there are many things to be amazed about!
Can you prove that in a court of law Liberal Scientist? Otherwise stupid conjecture on your part. The pictures delivered from ZombieTime tell a continual story from 2004-2008
Person Playing Puddy
“Darryl, you forgot your own words, hence a wiped memory!”
Nope…didn’t forget. You continue your inability to (1) be truthful and/or (2) comprehend. Simply put, your character’s definition of “outing” is retarded.
Nice of you to describe Liberal Scientist Prof Darryl. Apparently he can’t remember the three times Puddy placed Dr. Rachel Maddow and her EPIC FAIL on the US Constitution. He won’t even ask TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA ylb for help.
Thanks for playing Darryl.
Person Playing Puddy,
“Nice of you to describe Liberal Scientist Prof Darryl.”
But I didn’t. What…is your character now going to drudge up some largely irrelevant comment I’ve made in the past?
“Apparently he can’t remember the three times Puddy placed Dr. Rachel Maddow and her EPIC FAIL on the US Constitution.”
So? Who the fuck cares what your character has spewed about. I suspect, like most of us, he rarely reads your character’s tripe.
“He won’t even ask TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA ylb for help.”
Yeah…no doubt he doesn’t give a shit.
“Thanks for playing Darryl.”
Playing what?
Inadvertent but you did. Perfectly!
Playing? Yep, playing your daily parsing games.
Still waiting for Zotz to meet Puddy at DL this week and call Puddy an OREO to his face in public!
Yes, the fool can hide behind a keyboard and monitor. Will he be a man and man up or be a libtardo pussy and slither away?
Sigh. I guess I should keep my views of Puddybud to myself.
Person Playing Puddy,
“Inadvertent but you did. Perfectly!”
Sorry…not following you. I did what perfectly?
“Playing? Yep, playing your daily parsing games.”
Still not following you. What “parsing game” do I play on a daily basis? I mean, given that I rarely comment more than one or two days in a week….
Oh!!!! That’s right…PuddyWorld™!
Person Playing Puddybud,
“Still waiting for Zotz to meet Puddy at DL this week and call Puddy an OREO to his face in public!”
But, but, but…how can this be. It is not really possible for a fictional character to show up at DL.
Hell…I’ll call Puddy an Oreo to its face if you can draw a picture of your character (perhaps it does look just like a delicious snack sandwich with a creamy filling…)
“Yes, the fool can hide behind a keyboard and monitor.”
That’s pretty fucking hilarious coming from a role-playing character, whose creator would NEVER behave the way he does behind the keyboard.
“Will he be a man and man up or be a libtardo pussy and slither away?”
Given that you cannot make good on your character’s behalf, the question is irrelevant.
Moving on from Darryl’s parsing of responses,
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Person Playing Puddy,
“Ummm Darryl Puddy has been at DL 5 times. So much for that “stupid theory” of yours. “
Ummmm. Wrong. The Person who PLAYS Puddy has been to DL, but not Puddy. The Puddy that posts in the HA comment threads has a very serious problem with lying, is inarticulate, is either stunningly stupid or is simply being deceitful, and behaves in a way that is entirely inconsistent with Christian behavioral norms and ideals. Those characteristics are inconsistent with the person who has shown up at DL and claimed ownership of Puddy. (And, indeed, the person’s name is NOT Puddy.)
“PacMan came one time with Puddy!”
PacMan has been to DL twice that I recall.
“ylb was a no show!”
Not true. Ylb has been to DL.
“leftnobrains was a no show!”
“zotz will be a no show!”
I cannot say since I don’t know who they are, and neither can you, since you are almost always a no-show yourself!
“Why not perform a monte carlo analysis on that?”
Because that would be retarded.
Umm Darryl,
ylb was challenged to attend one night. He bwaaaaaak away.
leftturn-leftnobrains was challenged to attend due to his big mouth. He bwaaaaaaak away.
Zotz will be a no show!
Of course my name is not Puddy. NEXT!
Person Playing Puddy,
“Of course my name is not Puddy.”
(*Notices the use of first person pronoun*)
Yes…exactly! That is what I was saying.
Hmmm PacMan came by himself one night. Puddy will have to check on that!
Person Playing Puddy,
“ylb was challenged to attend one night. He bwaaaaaak away.”
Wait…did you make clear to him that it wasn’t a fictitious character posing as an inarticulate idiot? I mean, who the fuck responds to that shit?
“leftturn-leftnobrains was challenged to attend due to his big mouth. He bwaaaaaaak away.
Zotz will be a no show!”
And if the “challenge” looked anything at all like the barely comprehensible prattle of the previous two sentences, then they probably had no idea they were being challenged!
Oh Darryl your drivel is very enlightening.
ylb demurred he’d never be in the same DL room cuz he doesn’t answer to the conservatives. He’ll check TEH HA DATABAZE for his exact response. Wait for it.
leftturn claimed the DL meeting was to be in Port Angeles behind some alley.
Zotz is all mouth but no action. You’ll see. He’ll answer other threads, not this one!
You can check the HA DB since you have full access. Puddy just uses his memory!
Wow…this thread descended into drivel.
He said that you said that you were playing a character that did show up to DL but not in the guise that you maintain…my head is ready to explode.
Puddy, earlier in the thread you seemed a bit more even keeled than I am used to – and then the “libtardo” stuff started and things unraveled – into this “look up what I said before” stridency. This gets people nowhere, and leads them to ignore you.
Slow down for me for a moment – what is the Maddow thing you’re talking about? I really don’t know – but you portray it as some sort of mighty take down of my comments regarding Beck supporters as “Constitutionally confused”. Well, post a link or something – this “Ask ylb” stuff is stupid, juvenile and not an adequate debate response.
Liberal Scientist… Puddy is sick and tired of having to repeat FACTS on this blog because leftist ignore them. You and others can choose to ignore the links Puddy places here, but they are FACTS.
At an earlier Tea Party event this year with Michelle Bachmann and others leading the charge Dr Maddow claimed these people didn’t understand the constitution. Oh she was so smug about it. It was Pomp and Circumstance. The next day she was ridiculed as not having a clue about the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. The next night on her show she did a mea culpa and admitted she was WAY wrong.
Oh, this? (and note I link to one of your right-wingy sites – first one I found with the search “maddow mea culpa constitution”)
THAT is your rebuttal? That Maddow slipped up when correctly pointing out that Boehner was quoting the Declaration of Independence when he said he was quoting the Constitution?
When person after person at a Beck rally after tea party rally after “Get the gobmint outta my Medicare” teach-in displays WILDLY incorrect notions about the Constitution you latch onto a single gaffe by a single notable liberal commentator? A gaffe that she had the “balls” to own up to on national television the very next day?
Your debating skills are as pathetic as your positions.
“ylb demurred he’d never be in the same DL room cuz he doesn’t answer to the conservatives. He’ll check TEH HA DATABAZE for his exact response. Wait for it.”
Not sure what this means, since there have been, no doubt, conservatives in the room when YLB was at DL. I think you need to work very hard to articulate your thoughts more clearly.
“leftturn claimed the DL meeting was to be in Port Angeles behind some alley.”
Again, I don’t know what this means. I’ve never heard of a DL in PA “behind an alley.”
“Zotz is all mouth but no action. You’ll see. He’ll answer other threads, not this one!”
Not sure how either sentence is relevant. You apparently read something sinister into whether or not someone pipes up in a thread. What the fuck is that all about?!?
“You can check the HA DB since you have full access. Puddy just uses his memory!”
Sorry…not sure what I would be checking for and why I would be interested in checking a database. I’m afraid you haven’t communicated here at a level that conveys sufficient concrete information….
Person Playing Puddybud,
“Puddy is sick and tired of having to repeat FACTS on this blog because leftist ignore them.”
Then go the fuck away, for crying out loud!
Your problem isn’t exactly about the facts you post. It is about your inability to use facts in commonly accepted ways as evidence to support a coherent and rational argument.
The problem is compounded by your inability to communicate your thoughts and positions articulately. And, finally, that problem is exacerbated by your use of a semi-private language that is largely incomprehensible to others.
“You and others can choose to ignore the links Puddy places here, but they are FACTS.”
I don’t think it is the “facts” that people are ignoring. It is your utter failure to engage in a rational debate and communicate clearly.
Re Maddow: I didn’t see the episodes, and didn’t read your previous discussions. (Just to be clear, I am completely uninterested in your opinion of Dr. Maddow. I’m only discussing the following to offer you some suggestions in productive engagement.) So, rather than babble semi-incoherent, and unproductive stuff like,
“Puddy placed her US Constitution failure on this blog thrice.”
Notice that this is written rather cryptically and somewhat childishly. How about this:
“I have linked three times in the comment threads to specific instances where she has misinterpreted the Constitution”
That is clear and unambiguous. And helps convince the reader that you have an intellect worth respecting. Finally, the following rhetoric is why most people simply ignore or dismiss your comments altogether:
“Ask ylb TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA for the links!”
To me, this rhetoric sort of says, “I don’t really want to argue with you, so I am going to try and make you go away with my childish babble”
So Pud,
Despite your obfuscating about Rachel Maddow and your indignation over my characterization of Christianity, you have yet to rebut anything I’ve posted.
Loon intending to kill people at ACLU was Beck-inspired – check.
Tea Partiers dumb as bricks – check.
Christianity is a death cult with bizarre mythology – self-evident. You have yet to point out errors in my characterization.
So Pud, nice chatting with you – looking forward to pithy repartee – HA! hope springs eternal. Oh, and don’t demand that ylb find your links for you – do your own work – oops, forgot you’re a conservative and that notion is foreign to you.
God, you type just like Steve Schwartz.
Has anyone seen God and Steve Schwartz in a room at the same time?
Inquiring minds want to know….
Has anyone seen God
When things get this silly there is not much for a Deity to do.
Let me review ..
Puddy claims that Sunday is not the Sabbath. Hmm .. did Jesus have something to say about time zones or GMT
Puddy claims that I am SJ’s sockpuppet, but Puddy also claims that he is My sockpuppet.
Puddy claims that cusz someone claims that Paul said that Paul was speaking for Jesus, then Paul must be speaking for Me. I am, if I am at all, logic. This is not logic.
Darryl claims Puddy, the character, is not the Puddy who shows up at DL. Fascinating, is the DL Puddy a sockpuppet for Puddy?
Cynical seems to be the only sane one, sane enough to drop off the thread when he finds he is drowning.
Lib Scientist, shall we meet on the side lines and play GO until until the pattern emerges deus ex machina.
I am that I am.
Liberal Scientist @ 123,
“Has anyone seen God and Steve Schwartz in a room at the same time?”
Given that man was made in Gods image, it hard to tell….
But tonight I was talking to Steve Schwartz on the phone, and I though I heard the voice of God.
Probably just cross-talk between the the phone lines and the trans-realm prayer lines. Everything’s gone to hell since the break-up of AT&T….
A game of GO with God? Sounds delightful – your place or mine?
Alas I am not an adept, but would certainly be your pupil, should you deign to teach.
God @ 125,
“Cynical seems to be the only sane one, sane enough to drop off the thread when he finds he is drowning.”
You drowned him?!?! I would never wish harm upon any HA reader, but, you know…thine will be done.
Just saw this over on Pharyngula:
PZ has a quote generator on the left side (of course!) that I hadn’t noticed, something called appropriately ‘infidelquotes’.
The image highlighting comma foibles is funny too!
re 129: Russell’s philosophical proof for the non-existence of God is readily understood as well.
The viewer of the universe sees its symmetry and order and surmises that there must have been an intentional creator of the universe.
But the same argument can be logically proposed for the existence of the creator — ad infinitum. Therefore, there is no God.
‘I am that I am’ is a cryptic pronunciamento that goes around the question, but never really addresses it. ‘It’s a big mystery’ also fails in that regard.
Accepting the speed of light as a scientific verity also proves that the universe is older than 6,000 years because you wouldn’t be able to see any stars (or, very few) if that were the case.
‘I am not that I am not.’ It’s a big mystery.
@121 re: Buddypud
I think that is more correctly stated:
I did not read the posts above. I have neither the time nor patience to do do. But, back to the Scripture which Goldy posted. It is troubling. Something which any Christian must confront. I, of course, do not concur that women must defer to men in any way. I believe that Jesus Christ was a feminist. He surrounded himself with women; he promoted them, despite the times. Mary Magdelene, for instance. Paul, however, did not do so. I tend to believe that which Christ is attributed to have said (The Sermon on the Mount) count. He preached about social justice. He didn’t say that tax cuts, gun rights, and denying women the right to choose defines a person as a Christian. The community safety net counts, Puddy, more than anything else. Taking care of others. Christ would never have advocated for the Iraq war, capital punishment, and deportation. Sorry. It just ain’t in the Gospels. Not even arguable.
Darryl @ 121,
Then go the fuck away, for crying out loud!
He can’t. He’s proven that. He lost a bet with me and the stakes were the loser never posts here again. He lost; he admitted he lost. And, well, you can see how well he lives up to his word.
Your problem isn’t exactly about the facts you post.
If you follow the links he posts, you’ll quickly see that the “facts” he posts are a *big* part of the problem.
It is about your inability to use facts in commonly accepted ways as evidence to support a coherent and rational argument.
Very politely stated. :)
The problem is compounded by your inability to communicate your thoughts and positions articulately. And, finally, that problem is exacerbated by your use of a semi-private language that is largely incomprehensible to others.
It makes me wonder if he even understands himself. Does he read his own spittle-flecked comments and ask himself what that crazy person is shouting about now? At best there’s a disconnect between his brain and his fingers. At worst there’s no level on which he comprehends the world as it exists.
Either way, it’s a sad way to go through life, I imagine.
Puddy has stated over and over that Puddy doesn’t write long diatribes here unless Puddy gets the feeling. Puddy condenses it down on purpose. Puddy only writes long diatribes to deliver to MIS Directors and CIOs the specific needed information to operate their completed data centers with all servers and storage systems fully operational. Puddy gets paid well for the words Puddy writes. Here Puddy does this for fun.
You and your leftist buds above can continue to attack Puddy all you want. Pile it on. Just remember, 89% of the independent electorate rejected your positions in the Nov 2 election. And it’s y’all who can’t parse these facts and make it real. That makes Puddy feel great. 2012 will be even better.
You see Proud Leftist discounts what Jesus said “I and my Father are one”. Hence if God never changes he can’t process the Old Testament against the New Testament. Since Jesus said Matt 5:18 “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.”
You see Proud Leftist you espouse Matt 5:1-16, then you STOP. You STOP with Jesus explaining His Father’s law Matt 5:17-48 especially the verse above.
So when you meet judgment what will you say to God and His Son Jesus when God asks why did you ignore My Holy Spirit? Well Jesus didn’t say it so I didn’t believe it? Is that what your pappy taught you Proud Leftist or is this your biblical enlightenment? How do you seek God’s kingdom first (Matt 6) with the crap you place here with your “Goat Award” awards?
@129 “comma foibles”
In doubt, insert comma.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 135,
“Puddy has stated over and over that Puddy doesn’t write long diatribes here unless Puddy gets the feeling.”
This comes out of left field! I not been commenting on the length of your prattle. I’ve mostly been discussing your poor logic and abysmal communication skills.
“You and your leftist buds above can continue to attack Puddy all you want. Pile it on. “
“Just remember, 89% of the independent electorate rejected your positions in the Nov 2 election.”
I doubt it. Most of the electorate doesn’t know my positions….
@138: Darryl:
It does not pay to attack Puddy because he is unable to actually argue anything without lying and resorting to name calling.
When has pUddy ever admitted being wrong?
Puddy is still lying about health care and trying to argue that current Medicare numbers are more relevant than the CBO projection over ten years. It is laughable how little Puddy understands and how pathetically ignorant his argument is.
Keep repeating the same nonsensical argument Puddy – as if we can’t see what a total fool you are.
It is symptomatic of Puddy that he is either too stoopid to understand he does not make sense or he is deliberately lying and selling his propaganda.
Either way, Puddy is clearly in over his little head – he lacks the brains to actually argue his sad little points. I just feel sorry for you Puddy – a legend in your own mind and a fool in everyone else’s.
In support of Puddy …
God demonstrates HIS will not only by His words but by His actions. The facts are clear …
Jesus told the Jews to give unto Caesar what was Caesar’s. Instead they rebelled and were destroyed. Whoever the “Israelis” THINK they are, God spoke LOUDLY 2000 years ago.
This stuff about a do gooder Jesus wanting equality for women and slaves is nonsense. If He had wanted it, that is what would have happened. Like any good Christian Puddy accepts what was done to his ancestors as the WILL of GOD!
As for Jesus promoting women? Hunhhhh? Who?” Jesus is GOD, He may have slept with Mart Magdalen, In Judaism a fcuk is one way of marrying! Whatever, if he so loved her and respected her how come he gave his own mantle to Peter and told Paul, rather than Paula, to spread His word.
Too many here pretend to be Christians while portraying the messiah as some limp wristed do gooder. If Jesus cam back today he would begin his carear as quarterback for Notre Dame, turn down the NFL and use Fox as a mount for His sermons!
Beck? Beck is to this Jesus as John the Baptist was to the first coming. You libs want to get him and probably will. Won’t do you ANY good .. Jesus is coming again, to Fox!
A perfect example of “how to twist the christ message-101”:
This asshole has never read the Sermon on the Mount. In fact…it doesn’t seem that fuckwad here has much understanding of the New Testament at all.
“Revelations” is a fake book. As in NOT a real book of the Bible.
Umm, Beckoner – have you ever actually READ the Bible?
Did you miss these things Jesus said?
the last one is from proverbs.
What arrogance Beckoner has to misinterpret the bible according to his/her own agenda.
Man…that Beckoner is almost as crazy as Puddy.
But a lot easier to read!
It seems to me that you libs are the ones picking and choosing.
Isn’t it better to look at the events closer to Jesus death to see how his I(and which) of His words were taken seriously?
You think Revelations is a false book? Did Jesus give YOU the authority to edit His bible? Are you the Pope? Are you and Obama going to convene a new Council of Nicea to rewrite Holy Scripture?
Is HA God going to help you in all this?
Do you also want to throw out Paul’s letters?
What about Peter? Should he have asked YOU before founding the papacy?
Or do you think Augustine was some sort of a lair and pervert?
correctnotright @ 139,
“When has pUddy ever admitted being wrong?”
Perhaps he has…how would you know?
If you really want to learn how to teach, you need to watch Glen Beck do it.
Obviously the Spirit is in him!
@145: I have paid attention to what Puddy says and called him on it a number of times – his modus operandi is to go away, change the topic, argue something else or call names when he is clearly wrong.
I have yet to see Puddy ADMIT to being wrong, although I have accused him of either lying or being too stoopid to understand when he is wrong.
Even when I have gone to his “links” and they don’t say what Puddy has implied – he still refuses to admit he was wrong. I think that is either a deliberate strategy or a pathological problem.
Real American @ 132,
‘I think that is more correctly stated:
“I lack the ability to coherently argue with you, so I am going to try and make you go away with my childish babble”’
Nice…yes that gets to the heart of it….
@147 CNR
Sure Puddy exaggerates some,but without a chorus you libs would bore yourself to death!
@149 I’ve always thought that if it weren’t for the trolls we’d be at each others throats. Their presence allows us to overlook our own differing viewpoints to unite against what the trolls represent – the dank underbelly of the foul Republican beast.
This is PRECISELY the type of brain-dead moron that the loonytoon Beck targets.
Yeah…that “spirit” is sure in that Beck guy…yes-sirreeee Bobby.
Hey there MISTER CHRISTIAN…DID YOU KNOW that that Beck character is a member of that oofball “church” that worships false gods?
The sad part is, Beckoner would be seen as clearly satire in another era, but these days reality has lapped satire.
Seems like at HorsesAss, too many of you confuse personal generosity and responsibility with the need for Big Government. President Obama, Pelosi & Reid want us to believe it was NOT their policies that were overwhelmingly rejected, but rather it was a messaging problem and some misunderstandings by lots of stupid Americans.
I don’t buy that personally. If Democrat Leaders keep ushing this nonsensical excuse, they will lose again in 2012.
Like the kind of government with a totally unaccountable military/national security wing, a desire to snoop on citizen’s communications, jail adults for possessing mild intoxicants and control the choices women make over their own bodies.
Not a fan of that kind of “big government”.
Oh right wingers believe those exist to be sure. Right wingers believe they all live on the west coast.
Not that people on the West coast believe that the Democrats did such a great job. They merely saw through the lies of the alternative.
Rujax’s vomit:
Who ARE you to decide if Glen Beck, an obviously godly man, is a “Christian?”
How liberal of you! If Jesus has chosen Mr. Beck to tell the Truth, then who are you to question His word?
You need to pray to God, if God answers you let me know!
EXACTLY!!!! That fool should thank me that I don’t care to EVER be in the same room as him!
Know why?
After reading the bulk of 27/28 THOUSAND comments of batshit insane right wing manure, why would anyone who is not insane want to meet in person with the author of that?
God told me that Beck is a moron…does NOT speak for Him (God) AT ALL(emphasis his), and will be turned into a worm at the Diety’s earliest opportunity.
Yeah, shit-for-brains…Beck is sooooo Godly he calls for the death of political figures he does not agree with.
Now that is a Godly man. The jesus famously said…”if they piss you off…whack ’em!!!”
Because the moron who wrote this… correctnotright WILL NOT ADMIT the March 2010 numbers were projections over 10 years which you continually use. Puddy provides two later projections which you reject correctnotright.
“I have yet to see Puddy ADMIT to being wrong, although I have accused him of either lying or being too stoopid to understand when he is wrong.”
Puddy once did admit to lying to me (interestingly, it was in a thread titled “Enmeshed in their lies”—go figure).
But, Puddy never admitted he was wrong for lying (nor did he apologize to me for it). And after I confronted him with the contradiction between lying and the proscriptions of his religion, he simply made excuses for his behavior here.
Pathetic, really.
AND you dims overlook the HUGE number of people now employed in the US healthcare system!
How is Obamacare going to CUT jobs from our current private system to :save: money?
Wow Darryl is relenting on ad hominem attacks
And that moron rujax has no IDEA what Puddy has read or no read.
Would Jesus look at rujax and say “Blessed [are] the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Nope not that dope. He doesn’t believe in Jesus.
Would Jesus look at rujax and say “Blessed [are] they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” Nope not that dope. He doesn’t help his fellow man! Passed on Katrina. Passed on the Banda Aceh earthquake. Passed on the Haitian floods.
Would Jesus look at rujax and say “Blessed [are] the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” Nope not that dope. He isn’t meek.
Would Jesus look at rujax and say “Blessed [are] they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Nope not that dope. He drinks kook-aid all day.
Would Jesus look at rujax and say “Blessed [are] the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy” Nope not that dope. Ain’t no mercy found in him. Passed on Katrina. Passed on the Banda Aceh earthquake. Passed on the Haitian floods.
Would Jesus look at rujax and say “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God….” Nope not that dope. Not only is he dark but there is no heart.
Would Jesus look at rujax and say “Blessed are the Peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God….” Nope not at that dope. We see the type of peace he espouses. Oh wait anything against Odumba is
Shall Puddy continue rujax? You brought up the Beatitudes moron!
Of course all rujax provides is a continual diarrheal trail all over this blog.
Why thanks Darryl. Puddy has stooped to the most common denominator here, on purpose!
Person playing Puddybud,
“Wow Darryl is relenting on ad hominem attacks”
What the fuck is your character talking about?
It is true that I am deleting (as off-topic) comments (when I happen to come across them) in non-open threads that only fling poo with nothing else added about the post or discussion of the post.
But Rujax’s comment is quite topical (and this is, essentially, an open thread, so it wouldn’t be considered off-topic anyway).
If I were to delete all comments that contained insults of other commenters, Puddy, pretty much everything you post would be deleted. I mean, given….your current screen name!!!!!
Your character seem to have a VERY difficult time understanding this stuff.
Person Playing Puddybud,
“Why thanks Darryl. Puddy has stooped to the most common denominator here, on purpose!”
He has, hasn’t he.
Good Puddy. Next trick: Try ROLLING in the mud….
There was a cult out of southern Oregon, several years back. One of the major pillars of his cult of personality was uppity women were one of the roots of all evil. I caught his radio show, during a visit, where they were adamant that the reason that Africa is a savage continent now is because during the slave times, slavers stole all the manly men away, leaving only the women in charge. To him, God’s plan was clear. The genders are different. Men look different, act different, and have different God given roles than women. Men’s role was rule all women. According to his logic, since the women ran things then, the entire continent of Africa is a lawless cesspool now. If women have power, that is an affront to god.
That must have been one of his signature passage out of the bible.
I have checked several variations of that verse in the website provided. Each is as oppressive as the next.
Logically if conservatives feel the bible says that gayness is an abomination, there is no wiggle room, they must keep their women from speaking in church, of challenging their authority, to be consistent.
No conservative here has explained how, either the bible is wrong, or why they how they personally agree with this passage and keep their women from raising their voices in church.
Sorry, had work to do so couldn’t get back to you sooner. There are a number of contradictions, but this is one of my favorites:
On remuneration for preaching the gospel:
Paul says:
[17] Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching;
[18] for the scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.
[11] If we have sown spiritual good among you, is it too much if we reap your material benefits?
[12] If others share this rightful claim upon you, do not we still more?
Jesus says:
[7] And preach as you go, saying, `The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’
[8] Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying, give without pay.
@169. You must be reading it wrong. Jesus said “The Invisible Hand of the Market” will show you who is righteous! Only the rich will go to heaven. ” so says St. Beck and St. Rush.
Now where did Proud Leftist disappear to?
@171. Donno probably spending quality time with his kids or something equally productive. Heck he could be playing Halo 7. Who cares? What’s YOUR point?
I was talking about BECKONER, fool.
Unless Beckoner in a p’dumbski sock puppet.
You know fucking nothing about me.
The christ also said “let him without sin cast the first stone”.
You’re like a fucking philistine, dude.
I struck a real nerve… GOOD! Yes you were “talking” about Beckoner, but Beckoner was sticking up for Puddy!
Touché. Apparently you now even less of Puddy; moron!
Puddy is David and you’re Goliath. You’re a 9+foot tall moron. That’s you! Unfortunately for you Puddy didn’t case the first stone. You did! LONG TIME AGO!
Keep your stupidity to yourself therefore you’ll appear a little above the dumb brick you are!
Wow. I, I’m just stunned…you know…knocked off my pins…uhhh gobsmacked…cad wallowed…hershlepetiggered.
That teahaadi tag team of p’dumbski and beckoner…I mean, holy lollapacrapola.
Ya got me pal…uhhhh…woooooounded…need…waaaaaaater…uhhh…they GOT me.
I asume your phrase was to be:
Well given that I never thought very much of you in the first place…what the fuck difference does THAT make.
Here’s the deal:
You are completely loony toons. Very little you say makes ANY sense…what little that does is absolutely wrong.
You are vulgar (and I KNOW vulgar!!!), arrogant, proud, boastful and about the farthest thing from a true follower of the christ as anyone can be.
You’re not “David”…you’re “Alberich”. You’re a greedy, tawdry, mean idiot…and a tool of the corporate master. (But I judge no man…)
Just keep on keepin’ on little wog…it’s great to be an American. Sail Away.
Tell us all, who do YOU consider a “true follower of christ?”
You could care less what I think.
rujax it should have read…
In reality you know NOTHING!
BTW Allen West and Tim Scott are Black Republicans going to the US House of Representatives. Oh BTW moron they are proud Tea Party representatives, planning on voting against Odumba and his sadministration. So with your Journolist scream here, they will be called racists by rujax.
Stay a dumb cinder block.
A stone the master builder rejected.
BTW Puddy – Liars like you are going straight to hell according to YOUR religion.
Oh, and the black republicans: a drop in the bucket.
There are 42 members of the black congressional caucus right now and they have had two, count them, two black members in their entire history.
Yup, there are black republicans – they are fools just like Puddy, Michael Steele and Clarence Thomas.
The Oreo Man and the Porn King…LOLOL.
So question…does Thomas recuse himself from porn cases ’cause he really really really really LIKES the stuff??? Just wonderin…
re 140: What is God saying loadly and clearly when an innocent child gets leukemia?
Wouldn’t the child’s doctor be undermining God’s will?
“Wouldn’t the child’s doctor be undermining God’s will?”
My will is that humans do the best they can, with the senses and reasoning I have given them, to do the best they can for each other.
Anyone who reads the Torah, the Christian Bible, the Q’ran, the Gita, the Sutras, the stars, or the tea leaves in any other way is taking My name in vain.
Puddy, the current Pope, Cynic, the el Qaedas, the Wahabis, Mitt Romney, Beck, Beckoner, … none of these speak for Me.
I am that I am.
Sorry- you provide no links to your numbers, say they are Medicare numbers (not projections from the non-partisan CBO) and therefore do not encompasss the entire health care plan and the costs of that plan (the actual issue we are talking about). If you want to talk about future medicare costs – fine – but I am talking about the Obama health care plan and you are not. Cite me the “latest” CBO figures….there are no other figures…your “data” means nothing and that is why you won’t even link to it.
So while you “think” you have refuted my argument – in fact, you have NOTHING except what you have copied from somerightwingnut site that means absolutely NOTHING. Once again you are too stoopid to realize that you are lying – or you are dleiberately lying.
Either way – you are a fool.
Ewwww, girls! You can get cooties just from hearing them talk!