Hosea 13:16
The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.
Some here at HA refuse to believe I am Me. That is good. But If am not Me, why do you accept the words of Hosea, Paul, Mohamed, Beck, the Pope …. when they merely claim to speak for Me?
So here is the exercise:
To those who do not accept My word as HA God. Show me where in the revelation you claim is of Me, that I have said the egg, once penetrated by the sperm, is life.
I am that I am.
Zotz sez: GOTV!spews:
@”God”: Deflecting blather again, I see.
Do something useful for a change! Smite the genocidal motherfuckers! OK?
Otherwise, just STFU!
For fuck’s sake, I’m really sick to death of deities without an iota of responsibility for the cretins who purport to espouse their views.
Fix ’em or fuck off!
SJ playing god again. “I am (SJ) that I am (SJ).”
I think your religion is socialisim; to wit; great smoking gun showed up of Chicago socialist party ties to Obama
For Congressman of the 1st Congressional District, the Executive Committee was faced with two very good candidates. As we are not making endorsements but merely recommendations, we felt no conflict in recommending both Bobby Rush and Barak Obama.
Bobby Rush is the incumbent Congressman. He was also a candidate for Mayor of Chicago in the last municipal elections, endorsed by Chicago DSA. While he hasn’t always been the ideal Congressman from a left perspective (being a cosponsor of the “NAFTA for Africa” bill, for example), he’s generally been quite good. To volunteer, call 773 264 7874. Contributions may be made to Citizens for Rush, 514 E. 95th St., Chicago, IL 60619.
Barak Obama is serving only his second term in the Illinois State Senate so he might be fairly charged with ambition, but the same might have be said of Bobby Rush when he ran against Congressman Charles Hayes. Obama also has put in time at the grass roots, working for five years as a community organizer in Harlem and in Chicago. When Obama participated in a 1996 UofC YDS Townhall Meeting on Economic Insecurity, much of what he had to say was well within the mainstream of European social democracy. To volunteer, call 773 846 2262. Contributions may be sent to Obama for Congress 2000, PO Box 497987, Chicago, IL 60649.
Do you think I spoke to Hoseah and told him to kill the Samaritans? Would you kill the Mormons if I told you they had forsaken Me?
Do you think I spoke to Paul? to Joseph Smith? to Muhamed? to Jim Jones? to Jesus? to GW Bush?
How do YOU decide when it is My voice and not some use of My name in vain?
I am that I am.
Liberal Scientistspews:
I am that I am
And who are you? Popeye?
Kidding aside, this cute affectation of yours, this conceit, SJ, is just as corrupt and bankrupt as the fraudulent claims that will ring forth today, as every Sunday, from the Catholics’ altars and the Protestants’ pulpits.
The personal ‘God’ is a fiction, and a dangerous one at that. These are myths we’re dealing with, from the notion that an anointed priest need be an intermediary between the believers and their ‘God’, to the Calvinist notion of ‘the elect’, to the fiction that ‘God’ made a deal with Abraham, to the LDS magic underwear.
I take your point to be that there is ‘truth’ in the universe, and you personify it with your God sockpuppet. However, I think that this very personification is a fundamental error common to religion in general – that there is some sort of humanized Supreme Being that interacts with people. This seems to invariably lead to “God’s on my side…” with disastrous results (see Hosea above).
If I am God, who was it who spoke with Joseph Smith? I was not even a fertilized egg then!
Liberal Scientistspews:
I wish Obama was a socialist…perchance to dream.
However, as any rational observer will tell you (and that does seem to exclude our local trolls and nitwits), Obama is a run-of-the-mill corporatist Democrat, inspirational in oratory and perhaps his personal feeling, but functionally (IMHO) afraid of Wall Street and the rich in general, and even more afraid of looking too friendly to working people.
Whoever the HAGod is, how do we even know there is but one of her?
Maybe there are many Gods here?
Only Goldy knows.
Still, I liked her or its or his challenge. I have never seen a quote from Torah, Vedas, the Book of Morman, Jesus .. that explained to me why the fundies believe that the mere fusion of two haploid genomes can create a “life.” Any ideas?
As for Goldy’s citation, there is more behind it then meets the eye of thise jnot literate in Jewish history. When the Jerusalami returned from exile, a number of other people who had remained in Israel after the conquest, had continued their forms of monodaltry. On eof these were the samaritans. The Jerusalem crew, the ancestors of the Abrhamic religions of today, claimed that it was heresy for another temple, but the one they rebuilt in Jerusalem, to be the home of The One God.
Actually I think BHO IS a socialist and I am grateful for that.
We ought not to allow the tea bag suckers to redefine language. Sweden, Germany, Canada, .. all these are socialist in the same sense Obama is.
So am I, I think most Americans are as well. In fact Social Democrats in Europe are largely indistinguishable from American Democrats. Actually, most “conservatives” in the Europe would fit well in the American definition of socialism as well.
Why does it matter to you “who” I am?
Because sockpuppets suck.
How do YOU decide when it is My voice and not some use of My name in vain?
That’s easy: anyone who thinks they hear $GOD speaking to them is suffering from delusions.
Not sure why you think I am God.
Covered in depth last week, SJ. You can go on pretending you didn’t post as God, saying you would crosspost the same thing on your blog. But you did, and all your silly handwaving after the fact doesn’t change it.
If I am God, who was it who spoke with Joseph Smith?
See my answer above.
Liberal Scientistspews:
SJ @ 10
Still, I liked her or its or his challenge. I have never seen a quote from Torah, Vedas, the Book of Morman, Jesus .. that explained to me why the fundies believe that the mere fusion of two haploid genomes can create a “life.” Any ideas?
I too liked the challenge. I really think the preoccupation with abortion by both fundies and Catholics has more to do with the subordination of women than it does with any literal and honest notion of “the sanctity of life” as they like to blather on about. (BTW, what’s the position of the more conservative members of your tribe on the issue? Where would the gender segregated community in Brooklyn where Paladino first stepped in it last week come down on the issue – and why?)
Liberal Scientistspews:
BTW, and on topic, an excellent discussion of crazy apocalyptic religious thinking over at dailykos
The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open
Ah, the modern conservatives wet dream. smrt folkz r teh evuuuulll….
Must. Destroy.
What was the crime committed by the Sumerians, that they deserve such treatment from a benign and benevolent god?
Oh, thats right. They developed civilization, set up a system of laws that applied to everybody, except the ruling class of course. They developed a system of bureaucracy, a system of hierarchy that, for a time, insured the smooth operation of the society. They developed the first real system of mathematics, to deal with the agricultural surpluses and the bureaucracy, thereby generating an educated “elite” to maintain and operate that bureaucracy. Such people were called “priests” even though much of their profession consisted of using that math. Such a system required another system, called “education”, where people could be trained in the methods and processes that the bureaucracy need to function. This resulted in a system of “Law”, where the elite could protect and rationalize the continuing need for maintaining the hierarchy of the bureaucracy, and therefore the bureaucracy itself became self-perpetuating. The system of “education” being reserved for the offspring of the people who were already emplaced in the bureaucracy, and in a position to manipulate it for their own benefit.
How much longer do we have before this talk of “the educated elite” becomes talk of how destructive education is to the country? That people with education beyond that of the basic need for survival are perceived as a threat to our civilization itself?
I suppose the American conservative will come up with some solution that will finally solve the problem of all those non-conforming “elites” the way the semites did. All those hippies asking questions and working independently to seek the answers. Getting pissed off when they realize that they are being lied to, and manipulated, and prevented from participating in that hierarchy even though they really don’t have any personal interest in adhering to the principles that the bureaucracy needs to function effectively.
People really don’t like being lied to. When the lies become so prevalent, so obvious on their face, the uninitiates to the higher system become violent, and destroy that perceived threat, even at the cost of everything that the “elite” built over time that enabled the civilization to exist in the first place.
When I watch movies like “A Boy And His Dog”, or look at places like Afghanistan or Somalia or Central West Africa, I wonder. IS that the future of the Human Race? Is it a matter of neglect, or is it a matter of simple selfishness that some educated people actively choose to destroy that system that enabled their education in the first place? That enabled them to be well-fed their whole lives, and protected under an institutionalized system of rules?
Welcome to the new dark age, Neocon style.
After reading what you guys post, crazy Savage’s book title starts to make sense “liberalism is a mental disease”
Perhaps the best source for aethesitci commentary … google Pharyngula.
@ 16
Savage is a self-hating jew. A man who actively rejected his education and chose to seek wealth and public recognition over everything else, including the basic principles of compassion and empathy.
He is a sociopath, and a pathological liar. There are very good reasons why he’s been fired from so many broadcasting jobs. His vitriol and pathos keeps coming out.
You think I am God. I have never said that I am or that I am not God because I have no real idea what most folk mean by “God.”
One thing I do know, I am not God in the sense of the fundies. I am not that God for the simple reason that I have a pretty strong idea about what I must do to be “good.” Their God is not as good as I am so, I can not be that God.
As for sockpuppets, what pray tell is a “rob.” My identity as SJ is pretty well known. You, in contrast, are a masked man .. or maybe not a man. How do I know who the eff yu are?
God, Rob thinks I am you. Would it be possible for you to do something outside of HA to convince Rob that you are You?
Just asking,
Your respectful (Jewish) servant.
Schmoel Mosheh ben Ravii.
why are you afraid to claim the opinions of the God sockpuppet as your own? Do you think it’s more believable coming from “God” than from you? Are honesty and integrity important values to you? Have you misrepresented yourself professionally to obtain the position you are in? If not, why is it ok here?
Please stop complaining about not knowing anything about me other than what I post here, I’m not pretending to be multiple personalities. You can verify that with Goldy if you’d like.
Liberal Scientistspews:
I LOVE PZ’s website – funny and an excellent place for discussion
I am not sure what your problem is. If you do not like what HA God says then just ignore it. If you think I am the author of HA God’s posts, then I suspect God is no more concerned with that than God is concerned with whether you think Paul and Joseph Smith also used sockpuppets.
For that matter, do you speak to God? Do you read something other than HA where you trust what you read as God’s word? Do you accuse Sarah Palin or GlennBeck of sock puppetry? For that matter, do you accuse MLK of sockpuppetry when he invoked God?
As for Goldy, AFIK he does not tell anyone’s identity. But then, I am pretty sure he is not God, merely one of the prophets.
I agree. I just wish PZ were not so terribly afraid of Me.
I am that I am.
my problem is that people who use sockpuppets are deceitful and untrustworthy, and need to be called out as such. If you don’t like me calling you out, stop. As for Paul and Joseph Smith, that’s just a distraction, they’re not sockpuppeting on this blog.
…do you speak to God? Do you read something other than HA where you trust what you read as God’s word? Do you accuse Sarah Palin or GlennBeck of sock puppetry? For that matter, do you accuse MLK of sockpuppetry when he invoked God?
No, no, immaterial, as SP and GB aren’t on this blog, and WTF? Where did MLK ever pretend to *be* God?
I like PZ a lot, I especially like him because I did not even realize that the pharynx could be used to define an order of life much less the much to be admired cephalopods.
I also like his humor and his admantine atheism.
However, when it comes t religion, PZ is more than a bit simplistic. He takes exception with all religion, including anything that uses the word God, regardless of how that word is meant.
For example, PZ things it is accordionist t use God to refer to some fundamental principles that regulate the universe, the sense of wonder and order that Einstein referred to as God. PZ also gets his jockeys tangled by folks like the Buddhists who insist that there is something quite real that can not be defined by the traditional approach of science limited, as it most be, to what is physically sensible.
I suspect he and HA God would actually get along pretty well. AQs for SJ I have been looking for an excuse to invite Professor Myers to Seattle.
I think we would enjoy him and perhaps ….
you might want to introduce him to HA God?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Your name is invoked for a lot of things You never intended. For example, a lot of people claim they voted Republican because You told tem to. But whoever told them to vote Republican, it sure as hell wasn’t You! I think they’re merely insane people who hear voices in their heads.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Liberal Scientist admits he needs meds!
Um, dare I ask, how did you reach that, um, conclusion?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 It’s pretty damn obvious the egg and sperm are both living organisms before they meet, and the penetration is merely a merger. Wall Street would have no difficulty understanding conception. What they want to know is not whether it is a new life but how what their take from the underwriting fees will be.
“why are you afraid to claim the opinions of the God sockpuppet as your own?”
Whoa, there, little fella. Either you are dumber than dirt, or you need to take a slow deep breath and calm down.
SJ doesn’t hide his identity as God in the least. Notice the little gold colored names in comments by God and SJ? Notice that they both give the same URL?
Man, Rob, you sure don’t do much to dispel the notion that Wingnuts are (1) humor impaired and/or (2) pitifully stupid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 I need meds, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Like many rabbits in my age group, I can’t fuck without a pill. Thank god for little blue pills!
Doc Daneekaspews:
This seems to invariably lead to “God’s on my side…”
Well, if I made him up, he damn well better be on my side.
Otherwise, what would be the point?
Thumpers make up their god in order to punish “the wicked” – i.e. somebody else. Not themselves.
That would be silly.
then why does SJ need to dissemble so much about it?
But yeah, humor impaired, I confess, guilty as charged. Given all the atrocities committed in the name of $GOD, and all the bullshit laws and such following $GOD’s word, I find the whole notion of “God” to be well past the point of humor.
I am a Christian, although I admit that I have very little interest in the Old Testament. Truthfully, I have very little interest in most of the New Testament. My interest is solely in the teachings of Jesus. For that, I’m sure many of today’s American Christian fundamentalists wouldn’t consider me a Christian at all, just some damned heretic. I hope that the likes of James the Just would have believed otherwise.
As I understand, the Jews hated the Samaritans, and the Samaritans hated the Jews. I read Hosea 13:16 not to shed light on nature of the God of the Old Testament, but too shed light on the teachings of Jesus.
Luke 10:30-37 (King James Version)
30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,
34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.
36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.
The good neighbor was the hated enemy.
Today, my hated enemies are on the right and go by the names of Puddy, Max and HNMT, among others. And yet I call those three my friends. I build bridges, and I burn bridges down. Show me a bridge to the KLOWN or to Lost, and I’ll put a match to it. That’s my personal dichotomy. I’m trying to work with it, to sort out for myself the answer to the question I’ve asked most of my life, “Who am I?” I still don’t know the answer. I know that I never will. But I search for the answer wherever I go, with whatever I do, including right here in the HA cesspool.
That’s what I get out of today’s Bible Study verse.
thank you, steve.
@41 Amen.
What Uptown said…ditto for me.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005spews:
Professor Darryl,
Isn’t rob one of yours? He hates anything religious! Pretty sure this fool is a leftist progressive libtardo!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005spews:
Wow Steve Puddy is touched to be called “your friend”. Yet you claim to burn the bridge between yourself and Puddy.
It is a strange dichotomy.
rujax, there isn’t any bridge between you and Puddy. There never will be. The filth and vile bile from your hands will never develop a foundation of understanding or friendship on a personal level or HA discussion level. You are a fool in fool’s clothing!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005spews:
Liberal Scientist,
Anyone who admits to using Daily Kos as their religious discussion source needs meds post haste!
46. Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 spews:
Wow Steve Puddy is touched to be called “your friend”. Yet you claim to burn the bridge between yourself and Puddy.
It is a strange dichotomy.
rujax, there isn’t any bridge between you and Puddy. There never will be. The filth and vile bile from your hands will never develop a foundation of understanding or friendship on a personal level or HA discussion level. You are a fool in fool’s clothing!
10/24/2010 at 11:47 am
…and you are a self-hating prick.
Have a nice day.
Re 41
“Show me a bridge to the KLOWN or to Lost, and I’ll put a match to it.”
It is fine to call yourself a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim or an atheist.
What do you see in Christianity that is My word? What did the Jesus you find in the Roman Bible teach? Was it different from My word as heard through Joseph Smith, Thomas Jefferson, Voltaire or MLK?
Or does it even matter whether what you see is of Me or of you?
@54 It was to my great surprise that learned that I am them, I am you, and that this is my creation. With that, I’m now having a ball with it. Isn’t that the idea? After all, it can be so boring to be God. So I play a game. And what a game it is, one befitting a God.
HNMTs Make Better Loversspews:
Today, my hated enemies are on the right and go by the names of Puddy, Max and HNMT …
! But I love like a brother, man.
You know I love ya!
On further reflection on Darryl’s comment @37 I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s right, I’ve been making a mountain out of a molehill. Therefore, my apologies to SJ & God for all I’ve said on the matter.
Jeez, The bible is one VIOLENT book! No wonder we’re up to our eyeballs in religious warfare!
HA GODspews:
Hosea is NOT in the Jewish “Bible.”
Judaism claims that everything to be revealed by the Deity was done in the Torah. The other books Christians accept are more like apocrypha than canon.
Of course the Torah itself is full of contradictions and rules you would not accept today. Moreover, it was written not for all men but for the chosen few, the victims as it were of My attention. For example, I gave the Jews 619 commandments, all I mention for non Jews are 7.
To make matter worse, Judaism teaches that the Torah is hard to interpret and can only be done in the context of other sources of truth ..eg history and science.
This is also true, BTW, of Islam. The Koran claims to be something each must interpret on its own and actually prohibits the establishment of priests who claim to be able to speak for Me. Exactly how this imprecation is consistent with Fatwahs issue by self appointed Mullahs mystifies even Me.
Roman Catholics go even further and say only their elected bishop of Rome, can interpret My word. Sadly, they rarely choose this man well.
This confusion is one reason I have chosen to reveal Myself through the blog of the Prophet Goldy. As always you have free choice to accept or reject My Word here, but at least in this form I can answer your queries.
I am that I am.
HA GODspews:
HA God to rob
No need.
It is far more important to force those miscreants who claim to know My intent to show how THEY get their information.
If not from HA God, where?
As the Deity, I wonder at those who choose to speak for me, when I have not spoken.
Did I declare the fertilized egg a living being? Where?
Did I say that the assorted authors of the Roman Bible New Testament spoke for me? Where?
Did I confer on the mullahs of Iran or the elders of Utah access to My true meaning? Where?
Did I ever state that quantum mechanics, gravity or Mendellian genetics was not My law? Would the Arabs of Muhamed’s time or Paul’s congregants understood what DNA, a boson, or differential was?? Or would that, if known to those writing in My name, have been mere magic words?
At least here, for better or worse, whoever is typing these words or relaying them over the perplexity of the web, I am here to respond.
Perhaps other manifestations of The Deity will someday join Me. They would be welcome.
The lesson from the prophet Goldy is clear.
Not all said in My name is of My name.
There is a test of truth and that test is within each of you.
A simple test may be to ask “Who is it that claims to speak for Me?” Who was Hosea? Who decided that his words were Mine?
I am that I am
An example …
Some here at HA refuse to believe I am Me. That is good. But If am not Me, why do you accept the words of Hosea, Paul, Mohamed, Beck, the Pope …. when they merely claim to speak for Me?
So here is the exercise:
To those who do not accept My word as HA God. Show me where in the revelation you claim is of Me, that I have said the egg, once penetrated by the sperm, is life.
I am that I am.
@”God”: Deflecting blather again, I see.
Do something useful for a change! Smite the genocidal motherfuckers! OK?
Otherwise, just STFU!
For fuck’s sake, I’m really sick to death of deities without an iota of responsibility for the cretins who purport to espouse their views.
Fix ’em or fuck off!
SJ playing god again. “I am (SJ) that I am (SJ).”
I think your religion is socialisim; to wit; great smoking gun showed up of Chicago socialist party ties to Obama
For Congressman of the 1st Congressional District, the Executive Committee was faced with two very good candidates. As we are not making endorsements but merely recommendations, we felt no conflict in recommending both Bobby Rush and Barak Obama.
Bobby Rush is the incumbent Congressman. He was also a candidate for Mayor of Chicago in the last municipal elections, endorsed by Chicago DSA. While he hasn’t always been the ideal Congressman from a left perspective (being a cosponsor of the “NAFTA for Africa” bill, for example), he’s generally been quite good. To volunteer, call 773 264 7874. Contributions may be made to Citizens for Rush, 514 E. 95th St., Chicago, IL 60619.
Barak Obama is serving only his second term in the Illinois State Senate so he might be fairly charged with ambition, but the same might have be said of Bobby Rush when he ran against Congressman Charles Hayes. Obama also has put in time at the grass roots, working for five years as a community organizer in Harlem and in Chicago. When Obama participated in a 1996 UofC YDS Townhall Meeting on Economic Insecurity, much of what he had to say was well within the mainstream of European social democracy. To volunteer, call 773 846 2262. Contributions may be sent to Obama for Congress 2000, PO Box 497987, Chicago, IL 60649.
You choose to believe what you choose to believe.
Why does it matter to you “who” I am?
Do you think I spoke to Hoseah and told him to kill the Samaritans? Would you kill the Mormons if I told you they had forsaken Me?
Do you think I spoke to Paul? to Joseph Smith? to Muhamed? to Jim Jones? to Jesus? to GW Bush?
How do YOU decide when it is My voice and not some use of My name in vain?
I am that I am.
And who are you? Popeye?
Kidding aside, this cute affectation of yours, this conceit, SJ, is just as corrupt and bankrupt as the fraudulent claims that will ring forth today, as every Sunday, from the Catholics’ altars and the Protestants’ pulpits.
The personal ‘God’ is a fiction, and a dangerous one at that. These are myths we’re dealing with, from the notion that an anointed priest need be an intermediary between the believers and their ‘God’, to the Calvinist notion of ‘the elect’, to the fiction that ‘God’ made a deal with Abraham, to the LDS magic underwear.
I take your point to be that there is ‘truth’ in the universe, and you personify it with your God sockpuppet. However, I think that this very personification is a fundamental error common to religion in general – that there is some sort of humanized Supreme Being that interacts with people. This seems to invariably lead to “God’s on my side…” with disastrous results (see Hosea above).
Not sure why you think I am God.
If I am God, who was it who spoke with Joseph Smith? I was not even a fertilized egg then!
I wish Obama was a socialist…perchance to dream.
However, as any rational observer will tell you (and that does seem to exclude our local trolls and nitwits), Obama is a run-of-the-mill corporatist Democrat, inspirational in oratory and perhaps his personal feeling, but functionally (IMHO) afraid of Wall Street and the rich in general, and even more afraid of looking too friendly to working people.
Liberal Scientist …
Whoever the HAGod is, how do we even know there is but one of her?
Maybe there are many Gods here?
Only Goldy knows.
Still, I liked her or its or his challenge. I have never seen a quote from Torah, Vedas, the Book of Morman, Jesus .. that explained to me why the fundies believe that the mere fusion of two haploid genomes can create a “life.” Any ideas?
As for Goldy’s citation, there is more behind it then meets the eye of thise jnot literate in Jewish history. When the Jerusalami returned from exile, a number of other people who had remained in Israel after the conquest, had continued their forms of monodaltry. On eof these were the samaritans. The Jerusalem crew, the ancestors of the Abrhamic religions of today, claimed that it was heresy for another temple, but the one they rebuilt in Jerusalem, to be the home of The One God.
Sound familiar?
Lib Sci
Actually I think BHO IS a socialist and I am grateful for that.
We ought not to allow the tea bag suckers to redefine language. Sweden, Germany, Canada, .. all these are socialist in the same sense Obama is.
So am I, I think most Americans are as well. In fact Social Democrats in Europe are largely indistinguishable from American Democrats. Actually, most “conservatives” in the Europe would fit well in the American definition of socialism as well.
Because sockpuppets suck.
That’s easy: anyone who thinks they hear $GOD speaking to them is suffering from delusions.
Covered in depth last week, SJ. You can go on pretending you didn’t post as God, saying you would crosspost the same thing on your blog. But you did, and all your silly handwaving after the fact doesn’t change it.
See my answer above.
SJ @ 10
I too liked the challenge. I really think the preoccupation with abortion by both fundies and Catholics has more to do with the subordination of women than it does with any literal and honest notion of “the sanctity of life” as they like to blather on about. (BTW, what’s the position of the more conservative members of your tribe on the issue? Where would the gender segregated community in Brooklyn where Paladino first stepped in it last week come down on the issue – and why?)
BTW, and on topic, an excellent discussion of crazy apocalyptic religious thinking over at dailykos
Ah, the modern conservatives wet dream. smrt folkz r teh evuuuulll….
Must. Destroy.
What was the crime committed by the Sumerians, that they deserve such treatment from a benign and benevolent god?
Oh, thats right. They developed civilization, set up a system of laws that applied to everybody, except the ruling class of course. They developed a system of bureaucracy, a system of hierarchy that, for a time, insured the smooth operation of the society. They developed the first real system of mathematics, to deal with the agricultural surpluses and the bureaucracy, thereby generating an educated “elite” to maintain and operate that bureaucracy. Such people were called “priests” even though much of their profession consisted of using that math. Such a system required another system, called “education”, where people could be trained in the methods and processes that the bureaucracy need to function. This resulted in a system of “Law”, where the elite could protect and rationalize the continuing need for maintaining the hierarchy of the bureaucracy, and therefore the bureaucracy itself became self-perpetuating. The system of “education” being reserved for the offspring of the people who were already emplaced in the bureaucracy, and in a position to manipulate it for their own benefit.
Then again, maybe they were just communists.
How much longer do we have before this talk of “the educated elite” becomes talk of how destructive education is to the country? That people with education beyond that of the basic need for survival are perceived as a threat to our civilization itself?
Oh, wait, they’re already doing it.
I suppose the American conservative will come up with some solution that will finally solve the problem of all those non-conforming “elites” the way the semites did. All those hippies asking questions and working independently to seek the answers. Getting pissed off when they realize that they are being lied to, and manipulated, and prevented from participating in that hierarchy even though they really don’t have any personal interest in adhering to the principles that the bureaucracy needs to function effectively.
People really don’t like being lied to. When the lies become so prevalent, so obvious on their face, the uninitiates to the higher system become violent, and destroy that perceived threat, even at the cost of everything that the “elite” built over time that enabled the civilization to exist in the first place.
When I watch movies like “A Boy And His Dog”, or look at places like Afghanistan or Somalia or Central West Africa, I wonder. IS that the future of the Human Race? Is it a matter of neglect, or is it a matter of simple selfishness that some educated people actively choose to destroy that system that enabled their education in the first place? That enabled them to be well-fed their whole lives, and protected under an institutionalized system of rules?
Welcome to the new dark age, Neocon style.
After reading what you guys post, crazy Savage’s book title starts to make sense “liberalism is a mental disease”
Lib Sci and righton ..
Perhaps the best source for aethesitci commentary … google Pharyngula.
@ 16
Savage is a self-hating jew. A man who actively rejected his education and chose to seek wealth and public recognition over everything else, including the basic principles of compassion and empathy.
He is a sociopath, and a pathological liar. There are very good reasons why he’s been fired from so many broadcasting jobs. His vitriol and pathos keeps coming out.
First, let me be as direct as possible.
You think I am God. I have never said that I am or that I am not God because I have no real idea what most folk mean by “God.”
One thing I do know, I am not God in the sense of the fundies. I am not that God for the simple reason that I have a pretty strong idea about what I must do to be “good.” Their God is not as good as I am so, I can not be that God.
As for sockpuppets, what pray tell is a “rob.” My identity as SJ is pretty well known. You, in contrast, are a masked man .. or maybe not a man. How do I know who the eff yu are?
As for I am that I am, aren’t you?
SJ to God
God, Rob thinks I am you. Would it be possible for you to do something outside of HA to convince Rob that you are You?
Just asking,
Your respectful (Jewish) servant.
Schmoel Mosheh ben Ravii.
why are you afraid to claim the opinions of the God sockpuppet as your own? Do you think it’s more believable coming from “God” than from you? Are honesty and integrity important values to you? Have you misrepresented yourself professionally to obtain the position you are in? If not, why is it ok here?
Please stop complaining about not knowing anything about me other than what I post here, I’m not pretending to be multiple personalities. You can verify that with Goldy if you’d like.
I LOVE PZ’s website – funny and an excellent place for discussion
@22: He’s a local boy, too. From Kent.
@21 Rob
I am not sure what your problem is. If you do not like what HA God says then just ignore it. If you think I am the author of HA God’s posts, then I suspect God is no more concerned with that than God is concerned with whether you think Paul and Joseph Smith also used sockpuppets.
For that matter, do you speak to God? Do you read something other than HA where you trust what you read as God’s word? Do you accuse Sarah Palin or GlennBeck of sock puppetry? For that matter, do you accuse MLK of sockpuppetry when he invoked God?
As for Goldy, AFIK he does not tell anyone’s identity. But then, I am pretty sure he is not God, merely one of the prophets.
Lib Sci
I agree. I just wish PZ were not so terribly afraid of Me.
I am that I am.
my problem is that people who use sockpuppets are deceitful and untrustworthy, and need to be called out as such. If you don’t like me calling you out, stop. As for Paul and Joseph Smith, that’s just a distraction, they’re not sockpuppeting on this blog.
No, no, immaterial, as SP and GB aren’t on this blog, and WTF? Where did MLK ever pretend to *be* God?
Are you going to answer my questions @21 now?
Lib Sci
But then, PZ’s fears do far less damage than the fears of those who believe I would want Hosea 13:16 to speak for Me.
Funny, after I manifested Myself here, the followers of Hosea seem to have been driven away. Maybe they fear Me too?
I am that I am.
Just lets be clear, youse don’t speak for me.
As I said http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8TRoMSG-5I
ROFL. PZ’s not afraid of someone pretending to be a non-existent deity (God).
Liberal Scientist admits he needs meds!
Oh shit, delusions of grandeur much?
Re: 29,
SJ, why don’t you post with your God sock on Pharyngula, and see how it goes?
I like PZ a lot, I especially like him because I did not even realize that the pharynx could be used to define an order of life much less the much to be admired cephalopods.
I also like his humor and his admantine atheism.
However, when it comes t religion, PZ is more than a bit simplistic. He takes exception with all religion, including anything that uses the word God, regardless of how that word is meant.
For example, PZ things it is accordionist t use God to refer to some fundamental principles that regulate the universe, the sense of wonder and order that Einstein referred to as God. PZ also gets his jockeys tangled by folks like the Buddhists who insist that there is something quite real that can not be defined by the traditional approach of science limited, as it most be, to what is physically sensible.
I suspect he and HA God would actually get along pretty well. AQs for SJ I have been looking for an excuse to invite Professor Myers to Seattle.
I think we would enjoy him and perhaps ….
you might want to introduce him to HA God?
@1 Your name is invoked for a lot of things You never intended. For example, a lot of people claim they voted Republican because You told tem to. But whoever told them to vote Republican, it sure as hell wasn’t You! I think they’re merely insane people who hear voices in their heads.
Um, dare I ask, how did you reach that, um, conclusion?
@2 It’s pretty damn obvious the egg and sperm are both living organisms before they meet, and the penetration is merely a merger. Wall Street would have no difficulty understanding conception. What they want to know is not whether it is a new life but how what their take from the underwriting fees will be.
Rob @ 21 and 26,
“why are you afraid to claim the opinions of the God sockpuppet as your own?”
Whoa, there, little fella. Either you are dumber than dirt, or you need to take a slow deep breath and calm down.
SJ doesn’t hide his identity as God in the least. Notice the little gold colored names in comments by God and SJ? Notice that they both give the same URL?
Man, Rob, you sure don’t do much to dispel the notion that Wingnuts are (1) humor impaired and/or (2) pitifully stupid.
@35 I need meds, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Like many rabbits in my age group, I can’t fuck without a pill. Thank god for little blue pills!
Well, if I made him up, he damn well better be on my side.
Otherwise, what would be the point?
Thumpers make up their god in order to punish “the wicked” – i.e. somebody else. Not themselves.
That would be silly.
then why does SJ need to dissemble so much about it?
But yeah, humor impaired, I confess, guilty as charged. Given all the atrocities committed in the name of $GOD, and all the bullshit laws and such following $GOD’s word, I find the whole notion of “God” to be well past the point of humor.
I am a Christian, although I admit that I have very little interest in the Old Testament. Truthfully, I have very little interest in most of the New Testament. My interest is solely in the teachings of Jesus. For that, I’m sure many of today’s American Christian fundamentalists wouldn’t consider me a Christian at all, just some damned heretic. I hope that the likes of James the Just would have believed otherwise.
As I understand, the Jews hated the Samaritans, and the Samaritans hated the Jews. I read Hosea 13:16 not to shed light on nature of the God of the Old Testament, but too shed light on the teachings of Jesus.
Luke 10:30-37 (King James Version)
30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,
34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.
36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.
The good neighbor was the hated enemy.
Today, my hated enemies are on the right and go by the names of Puddy, Max and HNMT, among others. And yet I call those three my friends. I build bridges, and I burn bridges down. Show me a bridge to the KLOWN or to Lost, and I’ll put a match to it. That’s my personal dichotomy. I’m trying to work with it, to sort out for myself the answer to the question I’ve asked most of my life, “Who am I?” I still don’t know the answer. I know that I never will. But I search for the answer wherever I go, with whatever I do, including right here in the HA cesspool.
That’s what I get out of today’s Bible Study verse.
thank you, steve.
@41 Amen.
What Uptown said…ditto for me.
Professor Darryl,
Isn’t rob one of yours? He hates anything religious! Pretty sure this fool is a leftist progressive libtardo!
Wow Steve Puddy is touched to be called “your friend”. Yet you claim to burn the bridge between yourself and Puddy.
It is a strange dichotomy.
rujax, there isn’t any bridge between you and Puddy. There never will be. The filth and vile bile from your hands will never develop a foundation of understanding or friendship on a personal level or HA discussion level. You are a fool in fool’s clothing!
Liberal Scientist,
Anyone who admits to using Daily Kos as their religious discussion source needs meds post haste!
…and you are a self-hating prick.
Have a nice day.
Re 41
“Show me a bridge to the KLOWN or to Lost, and I’ll put a match to it.”
Hope you’ve had a good week-end too.
I am guessing gods/goddesses have something to do with this.
So I see the beggar is at it again … still. Good luck with that.
Perhaps he’d do better selling tickets to liberal heads exploding. I might even chuck in a quarter to see that!
What price WikiLeaks.Update:Remnants of WMD
Wikileaks Leak Offers WMD News
Imagine That: Wikileaks Docs Show There Were WMDs in Iraq
Iran Has Been At War With Us For Years
There are many take-aways from the Wikileaks documents dump.
Here’s a bit of marketing strategy for PenisEnvy Goldstein: MAN UP and admit you were wrong.
Of course you’d actually have to be honorable for that … and begging is less than honorable.
I’m just saying.
Contrary to your moronic beliefs Puddy DOES NOT HATE HIMSELF dumb cinder block!
Why do you hate America rujax?
“Yet you claim to burn the bridge between yourself and Puddy.”
Nah, you misread me. I keep working on building that bridge, even as we play our little game.
It is fine to call yourself a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim or an atheist.
What do you see in Christianity that is My word? What did the Jesus you find in the Roman Bible teach? Was it different from My word as heard through Joseph Smith, Thomas Jefferson, Voltaire or MLK?
Or does it even matter whether what you see is of Me or of you?
Darryl, Rob, SJ, Puddy
Are you Me?
Are you sure of that?
I am that I am.
Did Rujax go “visit” any churches this weekend?
spraycans? rocks? lighters? hmmmmm
@54 It was to my great surprise that learned that I am them, I am you, and that this is my creation. With that, I’m now having a ball with it. Isn’t that the idea? After all, it can be so boring to be God. So I play a game. And what a game it is, one befitting a God.
! But I love like a brother, man.
You know I love ya!
On further reflection on Darryl’s comment @37 I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s right, I’ve been making a mountain out of a molehill. Therefore, my apologies to SJ & God for all I’ve said on the matter.
It is good to know who you are.
“…their pregnant women ripped open.”
Jeez, The bible is one VIOLENT book! No wonder we’re up to our eyeballs in religious warfare!
Hosea is NOT in the Jewish “Bible.”
Judaism claims that everything to be revealed by the Deity was done in the Torah. The other books Christians accept are more like apocrypha than canon.
Of course the Torah itself is full of contradictions and rules you would not accept today. Moreover, it was written not for all men but for the chosen few, the victims as it were of My attention. For example, I gave the Jews 619 commandments, all I mention for non Jews are 7.
To make matter worse, Judaism teaches that the Torah is hard to interpret and can only be done in the context of other sources of truth ..eg history and science.
This is also true, BTW, of Islam. The Koran claims to be something each must interpret on its own and actually prohibits the establishment of priests who claim to be able to speak for Me. Exactly how this imprecation is consistent with Fatwahs issue by self appointed Mullahs mystifies even Me.
Roman Catholics go even further and say only their elected bishop of Rome, can interpret My word. Sadly, they rarely choose this man well.
This confusion is one reason I have chosen to reveal Myself through the blog of the Prophet Goldy. As always you have free choice to accept or reject My Word here, but at least in this form I can answer your queries.
I am that I am.
HA God to rob
No need.
It is far more important to force those miscreants who claim to know My intent to show how THEY get their information.
If not from HA God, where?
As the Deity, I wonder at those who choose to speak for me, when I have not spoken.
Did I declare the fertilized egg a living being? Where?
Did I say that the assorted authors of the Roman Bible New Testament spoke for me? Where?
Did I confer on the mullahs of Iran or the elders of Utah access to My true meaning? Where?
Did I ever state that quantum mechanics, gravity or Mendellian genetics was not My law? Would the Arabs of Muhamed’s time or Paul’s congregants understood what DNA, a boson, or differential was?? Or would that, if known to those writing in My name, have been mere magic words?
At least here, for better or worse, whoever is typing these words or relaying them over the perplexity of the web, I am here to respond.
Perhaps other manifestations of The Deity will someday join Me. They would be welcome.
I am that I am.
Some things never change .. at least if you are a Roman Catholic.