Good question. It may have something to do with the rude and crude comments spewed by commenters. It doesn’t take more than a handful of comments before somebody starts in with them. I often just read the blog entries and skip the comments because they are so juvenile. There is a lot of information out there, and I can’t waste my time with the middle school stuff that passes as comments on this blog.
The most interesting thing about that passage is that almost all scholars believe it was a later forgery written in Paul’s name.
#3 LOL Sorry, you can’t discount the bat shit crazy stuff in the bible (and there’s TONS of it). The entire book is true, magic and the word of god. Or not. If you want to start debating that parts of it is just crazy stupid shit made up by men for political/personal/cultural reasons, then the entire thing is tossed because we’ll never agree on which parts are from “god” and which are just silly shit made up by power hungry men wanting to control everyone around them (especially the women). If the entire thing isn’t 100% magically true (which Baptists and many other lunatics belief) then it’s just a silly book of cultural traditions of people of the middle east from 2,500 years ago.
Goldy, if you have become a Christian, congrats.
If not, and you are just abusing a religion, how about spewing some lines from the Koran?
(or since they don’t preach turn the other cheek, i’m guessing you are afraid of the consequences)
Max Rockatanskyspews:
Still waiting for the Torah Study and Koran Study…
8 – I don’t think Goldy takes requests from right wing cowards.
@7 – What? Are you feeling a little abused and insulted, try being a homosexual.
“bitch, get in the kitchen and bake me a pie.”
“..the New Testament is the world’s first feminist work. The Gospels often show how, in the context of a patriarchal society, women played a very important role in the early Church. It is Mary who initiates Jesus’ miracle, and when she brings it up he dismisses her, calling her “woman”. Throughout the Gospels, whenever the men dismiss the women, it is later found out that the women were, in fact, right. After Jesus is resurrected, it is women who first find the empty tomb and, when they report this to the Apostles, they are first dismissed. In a matter of days, the Apostles, the leaders of the Church, have forgotten Jesus’ words about rebuilding the Temple, but the women remember, and accept the revelation. And it is the women, of course, who are right.”
I have not become a Christian, because I don’t believe in ghosts, and I don’t believe in Holy Ghosts.
But I find it amusing that Christians would find it abusive of me to quote scripture without comment.
Piper Scottspews:
I don’t find it abusive, just ironic.
After all, no scripture goes it that is returned void.
It is interesting, however, that you cherry pick the Bible looking for passages that, taken out of context, sound inflammatory.
I’ll wait for you to post some of the good stuff.
As an honest broker of ideas, I’m sure you’ll be doing that straight away.
The Piper
Piper ..
is this exchange in your EFF time?
If so, the bosses may want you to get a copy reader
“After all, no scripture goes it that is returned void.”
After that, if it is OK with the EFF, tell me why you think the Christian Bible has been such a source of good that your society has outshone the morality of all others?
In doing this you may want to tell us who you regard as historic figures whose actions have spoken best for the good side of Christianity?
FWIW, here are SJ’s list of great moral teacher .. some of them are even devout Christians ..
MK Gandhi
Siddartha Gautama
Saul Alinsky
Thom Jefferson
Chief Seattle
Bertrans Russel
Judea Pearl
Richard Feinman
Sam Adams
Cesar Chavez
Jimmy Carter
Yoitzhak Rabi
my wife
my mother
Tom Paine
my son
Secretary Seward
the Dalai Lama
Medecin sans Fronteirs
my daughter ……………
in no particular order and not complete.
Piper Scottspews:
That sentence should read: ““After all, no scripture goes out that is returned void.”
I have no obligation to account for my time to you or anyone. I work for a private organization.
You, on the other hand, as a public employee are subject to the Public Records Act, which means anyone who’s of a mind can get an accounting of just about everything you do.
And when you can articulate a coherent thought I’ll consider responding. But when you run off on a bizarre and incomprehensible tangent, then it’s pointless trying to communicate with you.
The Piper
If you’re offended by Goldy posting “Bible” quotes why do you come here. You know he’s going to do it every Sunday.
gimme a break, we know it does it to trash Christianity….
points to another reason our country is so divided….if the political left goes out of its way to adopt atheism or its cousin anti-Christian, you then preclude Christians who might favor some of the anti poverty platforms…from ever turning left wing political..
by trashing christians, you deeepen the divide.
Piper Scottspews:
Even if Goldy does it to get your goat, he has a Constitutional right to do it. Whatever consequences might come from his motives are in higher hands – don’t bite on his bait.
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
Old Tim (no, not you, Eyman) had it figured out. A quiet female rabbit is the best kind of female rabbit! If the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit had wanted female rabbits to talk, She would have taught them English! A female’s place is in the laundry roo
[scuffling noises]
WHACK! Oww!! WHACK! Oww!! WHACK! Owww!!
[running noises]
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 What question? Did Goldy ask a question? I don’t see a question.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Btw, if you don’t read the comments, you’re missing a lot of good information including discussions about economics, investment tips, etc. Sure, there’s a lot of crap in the comments, but it’s not all crap.
@19: No, just xtrians who believe stupid magical shit that doesn’t withstand the merest scrutiny.
There’s no fixing stupid, or living with it for that matter. That’s what the FEMA camps are for!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 You mean the manufacturer who was stamping references to Bible verses on telescopic sights he sold to the military for use on sniper rifles used to kill people, in violation of Pentagon contracting rules and Constitutional separation of church and state?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Wingnut Bible-thumpers think they’re above the law and can do anything they want. To hell with the Constitution. To hell with federal laws! To hell with the procurement contract! To hell with the rights of the soldiers using the equipment to not have someone else’s religion shoved down their throats! How, exactly, is this contractor an improvement over the Taliban? I don’t see any difference. The Taliban kills people; he makes equipment that kills people. The Taliban think their religion is the only true religion; he thinks his religion is the only true religion. The Taliban try to convert everybody; he tries to convert everybody. The more these people hate the Taliban, the more they look like the Taliban.
Piper Scottspews:
What good information? Unless I know the complete identity of the informant, I’m suspect about what he says.
How do we know you have a sous to your name?
You brag incessently about your investing prowess, but for all we know you’re a homeless vagrant who prattles on from a computer at the library.
Not a lot of crap in the comments? You are the king of crap, and you will remain so until you fully reveal who you are and the complete extent of your portfolio.
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
Btw, wingnut idiots, this manufacturer’s proselytizing endangers is not only illegal, a violation of our soldiers’ constitutional rights, and a breach of his contract with the Pentagon, it also endangers American soldiers by inflaming the religious extremists they’re fighting.
@19 The next verses refer directly to Genesis, so I doubt this is a direct attack on Christianity
I think we can all agree that there are crazy people in all religions. In all religions there are people that take things to the extremes. And we can all agree that to take the “The Bible” (or “The Koran”) as 100% literal is insane.
We can all agree that both the 9-11 terrorists and Tim McVeigh were fanatical religious extremists.
Roger Rabbitspews:
City Bans Parking Near Light Rail
In 2008, when we were debating the light rail tax, I pointed out in these comment threads how idiotic it is to spend billions on a mass transit system with no parking at its stations.
For example, Sound Transit expects 220,000 riders a day to ride the North Seattle segment, but plans to provide only 7,000 parking spaces at the Northgate station, all of which will be on the other side of the freeway.
Well, that’s idiotic enough, but now the City of Seattle has carried the idiocy a step further by banning light rail parking on private property.
“When light rail opened in Seattle last summer, it put a Safeway grocery store in a bit of a bind. On the plus side, the Othello train station brought new energy to the block — enough so that Safeway reversed plans to close its store, instead starting a $3 million remodel. But Safeway had to hire parking monitors to keep train commuters from leaving their cars all day in the store’s free parking lot.
“So someone came up with a resourceful solution: Why not sell $30 monthly parking passes to light-rail users? The store has extra space in its lot on weekdays. It could use the money to help pay those parking attendants. And it would be a low-cost community service for folks who want to get out of their cars but live too far to walk to the station. Winner all the way around, right? Best of all, no taxpayer green required.
“The parking passes quickly sold out. Then the city of Seattle called. ‘They told us to shut it down,’ says Rick Smith, a manager at Diamond Parking, which was running the service for Safeway. ‘We canceled the passes, and now nobody can use that lot to take light rail.’
“This is happening up and down the rail line, the perverse result of well-meaning Seattle zoning laws to prevent the train stations from being surrounded by acres of hideous parking lots.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: WTF? Is the city trying to force commuters off light rail? It sure looks like it.
This kind of bureaucratic stupidity, among other things, gives ammunition to rightwing trolls who pounce on things like this for propaganda in their anti-government campaigns. It is, they will say, an example of “nanny-state liberalism.”
Why the hell make it so easy for them?
And why go out of your way to make it difficult or impossible for people to get out of their cars and ride light rail? Honest to God, I can’t help but believe the people running the city and Sound Transit have rocks in their heads. And we entrusted these fools with $30 billion of our money? Good grief.
I’m paying taxes for a light rail system I will never ride, and frankly, I don’t like it. I won’t ride it for several reasons. One, I’m retired and don’t commute. Two, parts of it won’t be built in my lifetime. Three, I’m old and lame, and for medical reasons, I can’t walk very far or peddle on a bicycle or risk pneumonia by walking or riding a bike in Seattle’s cold rainy winter weather, so if I can’t park a car at a light rail station, the light rail system is inaccessible to me. Unless you want to pay taxes for having a cab pick me up at my burrow and drop me off at the station, which seems to me to be a reasonable use of the taxes I’m paying for this system, under the circumstances.
The city bureaucrats are jackasses. They should let Safeway and other businesses and property owners along the route make parking spaces available to riders, and charge a reasonable parking fee for doing it. For crying out loud, Safeway wasn’t profiteering; the 30 bucks is a tenth of what you pay for downtown parking and only defrayed the cost of hiring parking attendants to keep commuters from poaching their parking lot. How fucking stupid can the city be? And why do they need to go this far out of their way to prove they are, in fact, this fucking stupid?
Mayor McGinn had better step in and do something about this. The bureaucrats he’s responsible for supervising are out of control, and he’s going to look bad if he allows this piece of bureaucratic stupitidy to stand.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I suppose now some asswipe is going to whine there’s too goddam much profanity in these fucking comment threads.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Why do you think Islamists use condoms? Where do you think all those Islamists came from? And learn how to spell “cartoon,” moron. Are you too lazy to use spell check?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Ae you the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit’s dad?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “After all, no scripture goes it that is returned void.”
You aren’t the author of Revelations, are you? You and he are about equally incomprehensible.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Well okay, maybe that’s how people talked 1,500 years ago, which is roughly the same time period your ideology harks from, so I guess that’s consistent.
Piper Scottspews:
“Endangers American soldiers by inflaming the religious extremists they’re fighting?”
Give it a rest!
Those “religious extremists” start from the proposition that we all should be beheaded or slaughtered. No Geneva Convention niceties for them.
How can you enflame the alteady incinerated?
Total garbage…
I like what Senator-elect Scott Brown said: “I believe that our Constitution and laws exist to protect this nation – they do not grant rights and privileges to enemies in wartime,” Brown said. “In dealing with terrorists, our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop them, not lawyers to defend them.”
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “gimme a break, we know it does it to trash Christianity….”
You make a lot of stupid assumptions, so another one won’t hurt you much.
In Afghanistan, the Al Jazeera news service reported that sights with the Christian references had been distributed to some Afghan soldiers and that this would provide the Taliban with a propaganda coup.
How many more American military men and women will have to DIE before these religious wingnuts finally understand the wisdom of the separation of church and state?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “Unless I know the complete identity of the informant, I’m suspect about what he says.”
You would know where I get my information if you clicked on the links I provide. You got through law school, so you know how to do research and find sources. I’m not responsible for your laziness.
“How do we know you have a sous to your name?”
By taking my word for it, until you have reason to believe otherwise. Cripes, pooper, I’m not trying to sell you an investment scheme. I don’t make anything off posting investment opinions here.
Not that I’d have any trouble selling investment schemes to wingnuts. All I’d have to do is go to their churches in a business suit. They’ll sign up for anything. Churches are the most fertile hunting ground for con artists there is. See, e.g., http://www.ecommerce-journal.c.....ch_members
“You brag incessently about your investing prowess, but for all we know you’re a homeless vagrant”
I don’t give a shit what you believe. It makes no difference to me. But hey, you’re in the human resources business … have you seen me apply for a job lately? Had any long-eared rabbits show up at your office to fill out employment applications? I don’t need you, pooper, and I don’t need your employer clients or their jobs, either. But if you want to believe I’m a rabbit living in a hole under a tree in a public park and grazing on grass, go right ahead.
slick-talking commentary here; and if you don’t like my investing insights, then ignore them I mean, it not like this would be a problem if I were, given that your churchgoing, bible-thumping, fellow wingnuts fall for slick-talking con artists every day. Local churches are among the most fertile fraud bazaars there are.
You brag incessently about your investing prowess, but for all we know you’re a homeless vagrant who prattles on from a computer at the library.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “Unless I know the complete identity of the informant, I’m suspect about what he says.”
You would know where I get my information if you clicked on the links I provide. You got through law school, so you know how to do research and find sources. I’m not responsible for your laziness.
“How do we know you have a sous to your name?”
By taking my word for it, until you have reason to believe otherwise. Cripes, pooper, I’m not trying to sell you an investment scheme. I don’t make anything off posting investment opinions here.
Not that I’d have any trouble selling investment schemes to wingnuts. All I’d have to do is go to their churches in a business suit. They’ll sign up for anything. Churches are the most fertile hunting ground for con artists there is. See, e.g., http://www.ecommerce-journal.c.....ch_members
“You brag incessently about your investing prowess, but for all we know you’re a homeless vagrant”
I don’t give a shit what you believe. It makes no difference to me. But hey, you’re in the human resources business … have you seen me apply for a job lately? Had any long-eared rabbits show up at your office to fill out employment applications? I don’t need you, pooper, and I don’t need your employer clients or their jobs, either. But if you want to believe I’m a rabbit living in a hole under a tree in a public park and grazing on grass, go right ahead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hmmm, we have a bit of computer dysfunction today, and the edit function isn’t working either.
Oh…I’m sorry…did you say something – the same thing- twice? If you did, it put me to sleep.
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of sous, in World War I a French infantryman’s monthly pay wasn’t enough to buy two cooked eggs in a local village cafe. One of the forgotten facts about that war is the French “frogs” and British “limeys” resented the comparatively high pay that American soldiers received, and in particular, the French resented the Americans’ ability to buy French wine and French women. The French women, after all, in most cases were the wives, girlfriends, daughters, or sisters of some Frenchman who was either fighting in the trenches or already dead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If the generals hadn’t kept the French, British, and American armies separated they probably would have fought each other instead of the Germans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “Give it a rest!”
That wasn’t my idea, pooper. If you had clicked on the link I provided and read the article, you’d know what I’m talking about. Since you’re too lazy to do that, I’ll make it easy for you by quoting the relevant portion here:
“The Muslim Public Affairs Council in Washington said the biblical references … would stoke the fires of extremists who accuse the United States of carrying out a religious crusade in Asia and the Middle East.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “I like what Senator-elect Scott Brown said: ‘I believe that our Constitution and laws exist to protect this nation – they do not grant rights and privileges to enemies in wartime,’ Brown said. ‘In dealing with terrorists, our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop them, not lawyers to defend them.'”
This is interesting coming from you, pooper, given that you used to be a lawyer until you quit paying your Bar dues.
(I assume because you couldn’t make enough money practicing law to justify paying $400 a year to stay licensed, after spending tens of thousands of dollars on your legal education.)
I’m sure one of the reasons wingnuts like you love war so much is because, in war, you can dispense with the trouble and expense of sorting out the guilty and innocent and just kill everyone. That’s basically what we did when we dropped the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which not only took out military installations and war-plant workers, but also noncombatant civilians and even American POWs. This is the beauty of war; you get to kill everyone without worrying about whether they deserve it, and best of all, it’s perfectly legal and you won’t be punished for it. That approach no doubt appeals greatly to people of your morals and mentality.
But hey, pooper, given that you don’t have to worry about any character or fitness standards to maintain your license, it’s easy to be a warmonger and torturer now, isn’t it?
Piper Scottspews:
Like I care what the Muslim Public Affairs Council says.
What I know is what happens in war zones and to innocent civilians.
Ask Daniel Pearl’s widow.
Radical Islam cannot envision a world where anything other than their view is tolerated.
Taking your thinking to its logical extreme, Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth because it’s offensive to radical Islam.
Do you support that?
Instead of being an apologist for every hate-America group or utterance, why don’t you show a little support for our national effort to eradicate blood-thirsty terrorists?
Or do you support the Jockey-shorts Jihadist and Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan, neither of whom came from disadvantaged backgrounds?
The Piper
proud leftistspews:
None of the righties who have posted here have tried to explain or defend the quoted Scripture, or to put it “in context.” Rather, they just attack Goldy. That really doesn’t advance Christian theory, boys. That doesn’t make Christianity look better.
As a Christian, I have to acknowledge having come across many Scriptural passages that are quite bothersome. I try to put them in context; more often than not, putting bothersome passages within the cultural context of the times helps. That said, Paul has a number of passages that make him look like a bit of a sexist. Christ, on the other hand, comes off as a feminist, particularly for His era. When he chides Martha for criticizing Mary for engaging with Christ on a theological level rather than doing domestic chores, or “women’s work,” we see how He pushed gender equality.
Hey, Piper, how have you been? Haven’t seen you around much lately.
Chris Stefanspews:
Roger, it might help if you get your facts straight.
First Mayor McGinn has already announced he will review current city policy regarding long-term parking at private lots near Link stations and not enforce the ban while the policy is under review.
Second the North segment projects about half the number of riders you claim by 2030. Not all of those riders will need to drive to a station either. So there is no need to build a parking space for each expected rider.
Third, Link will be serving the existing P&R and transit center at Northgate. The new garage ST is building will be right next to the station. I don’t know where you get the idea that these spaces will be “across the freeway”.
Fourth, there is something called “Access” intended for old rabbits like yourself who can’t hop very far. You should check it out if you’d really rather take transit than drive everywhere.
Fifth, a majority of transit systems don’t build parking at every bus stop, or even every rail transit station. It’s expensive to do so and in denser areas generally means you have to tear something down to build the lot or garage. Look at the DC Metro they didn’t build parking at the stations in DC or the parts just across the river. They did put parking in at the more suburban stations. Sound Transit is planning on doing the same thing.
roger at 30; agree
goldy at 42; you are being disengenous. If you want to join my Bible study, sure. This forum is not a honest debate.
Still looking for the fun stuff from the Koran…or are you chicken?
The ultimate Democrat, FDR, waged war to destroy the enemy, not give him access to civilian courts. Read Ex parte Quirin, 317 US 1, (194) where he had German saboteurs, one of whom was an American citizen, who landed on Long Island off of a U-boat, tried by a military commission, the process reviewed the federal courts (who refused to intervene since it was a war-time matter) and executed all withing a few weeks.
I’m sure you are in accord with what FDR did.
The civilian trials for Kalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al, won’t take place. New Yorkers and the nation won’t tolerate it. Eric Holder will be the next Obama Administration massive failure because of this.
The Piper
@17 Piper Scott
1. Intersting that you do not say. That makes me assume you ARE working at your job.
The EFF is private but it is also supposedly non profit. The EFF is also a far right advocacy group and you are paid by very wealthy people, to push their agenda.
2. My employment is well known. If you reallyt think working for the State deprives me of free speech, you ought to bring suit.
3. Are you really unable to understand my question or just playing a spin game?
Piper Scottspews:
Did I attack Goldy? In fact, I defended his right to put up whatever he wants without insisting upon any sort of “equal time.”
It’s the libertarian in me…
I’ve been good and very busy. Spent most of this past week in Springfield, Mass. covering the Brown/Coakley Senate race. Perhaps you’ve seen the YouTube video of union thugs tossing a reporter out of a union hall? The reporter was yours truly.
All we wanted to do was take some B-roll of a Coakley phone band, interview campaign workers and report the story. Coakley political operatives were actually cooperative, and we could have worked something out with them. But the UFCW toughs blew up and got a shade rough.
The woman’s voice you hear is my videographer.
The Piper
Roger ..
Could you help Piper by explaining that the uSA Constitution describes rights of everyone living in the US, not just citizens?
Jefferson might understand.
Seems as if you would also like American soldiers to wear the red cross of the crusades on tope their camouflage outfits?
Piper Scottspews:
(1) You speak of things about which you are 100 percent ignorant.
(2) I never said you didn’t have free speech rights. What I said is that as a public employee you have a legal obligation to the public, and any member of the public can access public records about your employment and projects simply by sending a note to the public records officer at the UW requesting them.
(3) What question? An incomprehensible list and other foggy miasmic utterances mean what exactly?
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
Again, you speak of things about which you know next to nothing.
If you don’t believe me, ask the poor schnook who was a U.S. citizen and captured in the U.S. who FDR captured during WW II.
Oops…you can’t…FDR had him electrocuted quicker than you can say, “War is hell…”
Ol’ Franklin knew that to win a war you had to kill the enemy.
The Piper
Really Piper? Have you read the US Constitution? Where does it limit rights to citizens?
You are also, I assume, aware that Roosevelt conducted an illegal war BEFORE Congress authorized war vs China?
It is true that the Constitution has not always been followed, esp. in times of war. Lincoln did a lot of real harm … you troglydytes might wanna blame him for the draft and the income tax.
Or perhaps you want to being back the Alien and Sedition acts?
Of course, even if you do not give a patriotic farthing for the Constitution, there is the question of whether we are now at war and if so with who?
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@45….LOL – your knowledge of WW1, as with most other things, is really lacking.
Before making idiotic statements like that, you should really do some studying.
Goebbels/Himmler Rabbit gets caught again…
@19 – it is the extreme Right that have Hijacked Christianity and exploit it, only including those that they feel are worthy and condemning everyone else. As a Gay Christian, take your bible and stick it up your lily white ass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 “Ask Daniel Pearl’s widow.”
I asked the widows and orphans of the 17 Iraqis murdered by Bush’s Blackwater mercenaries, and they said Republicans suck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 How long will it take Hizzoner to review the private parking policy? It would take me about 10 seconds.
The kid with the Lightbulb Headspews:
re 8: The Master advised us to get the logs out of our own eyes first.
What are you — some kind of Polish hillbilly?
@ 48
“Radical Islam cannot envision a world where anything other than their view is tolerated.”
Yeah, kind of like Radical Christians, whom can’t tolerate gay people. Piper, you found your own ancestors amongst radical Islam.
proud leftistspews:
Piper @ 54
C’mon, thrown out? Not much drama there. Bush people did far worse always. Plus, I think a reference to “union thugs” is a little too easy, too cliche.
There is a lot of tension out there right now, most of it caused by a level of unrestrained–and, frankly, unpatriotic–partisanship from your side that I have not seen in my lifetime. This nation is too close to the precipice of financial ruin to play the political games you guys seem to insist on playing. You won Massachusetts. Kudos for that. But, whatever. I would like to see one damned Republican Senator show some independent thought, and act in the nation’s interest, rather than that of the GOP (of course, in the long term, the GOP is killing itself by its shortsightedness, but that’s a different story). Your people are making this nation ungovernable. No respect for law, the Constitution, reason. Hell, if you guys take over again, we’ll be the next Somalia.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@65…I could take your entire post, and replace “republican” with “democrat” and it would still be just as accurate.
Piper Scottspews:
Again, you are incomprehensible.
What you don’t know about implied powers of the commander in chief would fill many volumes.
You should read Tried by War by James MacPherson about Lincoln as a war president.
Lincoln knew, and he went through generals until he found them in Grant, Sherman and George Thomas, who knew that their job was to utterly destroy the eneme and the enemies capability and will to wage war. If that meant something like Sherman’s march to the sea, which was a two-hundred mile wide total destruction of Georgia from Atlantah to Savannah, then so be it.
The Constitution isn’t a suicide pact, yet you want to put the gun of terrorism at our collective temple and help radical Islam pull the trigger.
No wonder so few take you seriously.
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
Yes – thrown out. I was there, and I was the one thrown out. Did you watch the video?
We went into a public building as a team of journalists to cover a story. It would have been an objective story on phone banking efforts for Coakley.
We were close to getting permission from the Coakley political people in the building when the two toughs bulled their way in and forced us out. Trust me…as the one threatened and called a Nazi, I regarded them as thugs.
These days I take non-partisan status seriously. But it’s interesting that even with a veto-proof majority in the Senate and a large majority in the House, Democrats still had to do the Louisiana Purchase and the Ben Nelson bribe to get anything through.
Polling data suggests growing opposition to Obamacare and other deficit-growing, budget-busting programs like cap and trade and the very failed stimulus plan.
This isn’t the change people wanted 14 months ago, so they’re voting for another kind of change.
The Piper
China .. that was typo .. I meant the illegal war IN China that Roosevelt ran without Congressional approval.
Lincoln? not sure what your point is. I thought we were talking about his decisions ot over ride the constitution and such stuff as the draft and taxes? What does this have to do with his terrible management of the first years of the war?
As for
“The Constitution isn’t a suicide pact, yet you want to put the gun of terrorism at our collective temple and help radical Islam pull the trigger.”
That is an inane statement since I have supported the efforts of two Presidents now to fight this mess. Have you even read my discussions of the problems with Islam? For that matter do you even know any Islamic history?
The irony of folks likke you is that in the name of sacred words like “liberty” and “freedom” you take the man’s buck in an effort to undermine the very democracy we depend on.
Tell us about the EFF and its support for Herr Beck?
Piper Scottspews:
Sorry…cheap attempts to bait me won’t get you a thing.
In my increasingly libertarian leanings, I simply see that most of what government does is ineffective, illegitimate, inane, wasteful and best left to the private sector if done at all.
From a military standpoint, know-nothings like Eric Holder and yourself with your abstract and fantasyland-based ideas about “Constitutional rights” for enemy combatants are ludicrous. Name one war in U.S. history where that thinking has been prevelent, and name how that thinking enhances tactical or strategic interests of the U.S.
The point has nothing to do with the history of Islam. It’s not our job to understand the enemy’s grievances – it’s our job to defeat the enemy and make him understand ours.
Your thinking makes the sniper an assassin. I know a young man who spent three tours in Iraq doing that work. Is what he did illegal? After all, he didn’t Mirandize those he shot, nor did he accord them a civilian trial with due-process niceties before he put a bullet in them. Yet I regard him as supremely moral.
Trying terrorists and combatants in civilian courts is foolish sophistry. And it threatens our national security as well as the lives and property of the people in the communities where these trials will be held.
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 “Could you help Piper by explaining that the uSA Constitution describes rights of everyone living in the US, not just citizens?”
Nope. If he didn’t learn that in law school, he’s way beyond any help I could offer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Death Panels
I’m watching NBC Dateline, which is doing a show about private death panels.
One story is about a large insurance company that stalled approving treatment for a 12-year-old girl suffering from leukemia until it was too late to save here.
Another story is about a young man in a coma from a neurological disease. A surgical team flew to the hospital, not to treat him, but to wait for him to die so they could harvest his organs. His mother was pressured to sign donation forms — but refused. They harvested her son’s heart anyway — while he was still alive.
And then you have wingnuts like Sarah Palin, Piper Scott, and that idiot brandishig the handgun ( telling us we should be afraid of the government.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Anyone who thinks their life is safe in the hands of insurance companies and hospitals should watch that show.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 What they’re saying on Dateline right now is that the young man was not only alive on the operating table, but in pain and struggling, so the surgeons — concerned that his organs would become unusable — kept pumping morphine into him until he died.
Several months later, one of the operating room nurses went to the police.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
It’s interesting that EXACTLY 3 years ago to this date, your Bible (The Daily Kos) had this article on precisely the same subject
Frankly, Atheists like Goldy who dismiss the Bible as “ghosts” and fairy tales are exercising the free choice God has given us.
There are plenty of Bible scholars who have a variety of interpretations of many Scriptures.
So what??
It’s all about “SEEKING” the Truth and knowing God better. At least that’s my belief.
Good luck in your Atheist Journey Goldy et al.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If a liver transplant costs $500,000 who gets all that money? Not the family of the transplant donor. So who gets it?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
SJ spews–
Tell us about the EFF and its support for Herr Beck?
Herr Beck?? Glen Beck is merely a TV personality.
However David “The Devil” Axelrod has the ear of the most powerful man in the free world.
We should be talking about Herr Axelrod who has real power.
SJ–You seem to love the sideshows…when we should really be in the business of holding those IN POWER accountable.
How can you support David “The Devil” Axelrod who is pushing our President to push forward against the will of the people??
All “The Devil” is doing is trying to create anger and weakien America.
“The Devil” Axelrod has been elected to Nothing!
Yet he seems to be out front making horrible policy.
Who is in power SJ???
Your commentary shows why the Atheist Progressive Movement has failed. Yeah, you know how to convince the masses about “Hope & Change” and bullshit about lots of free stuff.
But you failed because you don’t know how to lead. Obtain power…yup. But you have it and have blown it…and now you blame folks like Glen Beck and Piper????
You are way too negative.
Look at Obam-Mao…he ridiculed Middle America about their religion, their guns and even Senator Brown’s truck???
You Progressives blew it.
You had a fabulous opportunity…but in 1 year, you blew it with the Axelrod BadAss approach.
Worse luck next time@!
Think about what has really happened SJ.
Obam-Mao and you Progs blew it!
You are just way too arrogant to admit it…and instead blame others.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
76. Roger Rabbit spews:
If a liver transplant costs $500,000 who gets all that money? Not the family of the transplant donor. So who gets it
Lawyer assholes.
proud leftistspews:
When talk is of the military, Piper gets a woodie (at least so long as he’s popped his Cialis, he does). He believes that so long as we’re “at war,” the Constitution doesn’t count. He will, on the other hand, scream to the high heavens about international law and the like if he perceives that a foreign government is mistreating an American citizen. Piper favors a Mad Max society in which there is no central government, no central authority at all. Rather, those who are armed and capable of defending themselves are granted deference. Widows and orphans, on the other hand, sorry. Piper, the “libertarian,” has rejected the social compact that led to the American Revolution. He thinks John Locke is a socialist. That is what we have come to with this so-called Tea Party nonsense. It is an anti-intellectual, let the loudest prevail, ideology, that, if triumphant, will lead us to Third World status within our lifetimes. Piper is not a stupid guy. I’ve met him. Kind of like him, even. He is, however, becoming more and more deluded.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And I thought they only steal organs from people in South American hellholes. Apparently that goes on in U.S. hospitals, too.
proud leftistspews:
78: “Lawyer assholes.”
Damn, you’re an idiot. You are a capitalist, except when it comes to lawyers earning a dime. Lawyers, I guess, are supposed to work for free. Except your party doesn’t even like lawyers working for free given your efforts to get in the way of pro bono efforts to offer legal help to the poor. Regardless, lawyers aren’t making money off liver transplants. Do you think hospitals might be though, you wad of toilet goo? You are truly hateful, Cynical. I would request that you quit proclaiming yourself to be Christian. You give Christians a bad name.
Surgery Center of Oklahoma keeps prices down by eliminating overhead (almost no administrative staff), being transparent on prices, offering first rate and state-of-the-art surgical services, and dealing directly with patients on the issue of price.
Most hospitals and medical personnel have no incentive to control costs. Likewise patients who, because they have no responsibility for its control, pay no attention to what a procedure could or should cost.
Bureaucracy in the medical system, insurance companies and government (functionally, one in the same) hike costs. Time to bust that oligarchy apart.
If care was a matter discussed between the provider and the patient with the matter of price on the agenda, then you’d see real and radical reform.
Check the prices for Surgery Center of Oklahoma against any hospital in the country, and you’ll find them 50 to 60 percent cheaper…or better.
Before you throw your lot in with government, try thinking out of the box.
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
@77 “Glen Beck is merely a TV personality.”
Perhaps in the same sense that Barack Obama is merely a TV personality. All Beck does is make daily political speeches in an effort to influence tens of millions of people and change political outcomes in our country.
I can, however, identify two important differences between Beck and Obama. First, Obama is president, whereas Beck is only thinking of running for president. Second, Beck’s salary is about 100 times Obama’s salary.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 “Lawyer assholes.”
Sometimes you’re downright funny.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@79 Well, at least pooper is smart enough to make money off his deluded stupidity by being a paid flack for Effin Fucked Foundation. Gotta give him credit for that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 Ah, I see. Your idea is that because there’s no price competition, there should be no governmen regulation either.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 So, to prepare for your next car accident, do you carry a note in your wallet instructing the Medics that if they find you unconscious in a pool of blood inside the tangled wreck of your car, you want them to call around and compare prices before hauling you off to Harborview?
Piper Scottspews:
You’re stuck in the 60’s, laddie.
I’m hard pressed to understand how the Constitution applies to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed such that he rates a civilian criminal trial in NYC. What’s wrong with a military tribunal with assigned counsel followed by a summary execution? Isn’t that how the U.S. dealth with Jodl, Keitel and Tojo after WW II?
The Constitution counts. But it doesn’t apply to combat in Afghanistan. The Constitution counts, but it doesn’t apply to an act of terror commited by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallub. It didn’t qualify the German saboteurs in Ex parte Quirin to civilian trials, so why should we bend over backward to push things way out of the limits the Founders intended?
As far as the “social compact” is concerned, I’d be content going back to the level of government services in place at the time of the founding of the republic if that were the only option available.
I’m not opposed to a strong central government. I share the concerns John Adams had about that, and I share Lincoln’s belief that the union is indissolvable.
I do, however, believe that the federal government long ago breached the social compact to erode powers specifically reserved to the states by the Constitution. The use of the Commerce Clause is more in the nature of abuse.
Both the House and Senate health care bills have serious Constitutional issues, and a lot of attorneys general are waiting in the wings to file suit should (unlikely now since the Brown victory) either bill pass.
I believe in individual rights without regard to the wealth of the individual. Just because someone has more is no reason to take more from him.
The Tea Party Movement and the outrage expressed at this past summer’s Congressional town hall meetings is increasingly reflected in election returns.
Virginia, New Jersey and now Massachusetts are telling the tale. Fascinating how so many in Congress are distancing themselves from health care and other big-ticket bills since Massachusetts.
Ignore these facts all you want as you continue to spin a web of self-delusional fantasy, but it’s happening. Ask Martha Coakley – she knows.
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
No…For scheduled surgery, call around and negotiate price. You do that when you buy a house or a car, so why not when you buy a hip replacement.
As for ER care, give patients the ability to negotiation after the fact. And demand that providers compete with each other on cost. How about a couple more ERs in the area to compete with Harborview? Competition forces prices down.
But when an institution like Harborview has a monopoly on the business, then it can charge whatever the traffic will bear.
But then again since you’ve never worked in a business that had to control costs or turn a profit you wouldn’t know that, would you?
The Piper
proud leftistspews:
Piper @ 89: “As for ER care, give patients the ability to negotiation after the fact. And demand that providers compete with each other on cost. How about a couple more ERs in the area to compete with Harborview? Competition forces prices down.”
You have lost it, m’lad. Negotiate after the fact? Have you ever been in the business world? You want more ERs in the area to compete with Harborview? Do you have any idea how many ERs there are in the area already? Do you? Piper, you are letting your ideology prevent you from seeing what is already happening.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@88 I’m hard pressed to understand how the Constitution doesn’t apply to Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen arrested on U.S. soil for plotting a terrorist attack in a U.S. city.
The succinct answer to that is the Bush administrative caved and agreed to transfer Padilla to civilian custody for criminal trial in U.S. courts under U.S. laws rather than risk a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on whether Padilla’s detention as an “enemy combatant” was lawful.
Padilla’s trial raised a number of issues, including his mental competence to stand trial, violation of his right to speedy trial, and the conditions of his detention including alleged torture. He was convicted by a federal jury, but that conviction is under appeal, so there’s no final determination yet of whether or to what extent the government’s ability to prosecute Padilla was compromised by constitutional violations.
Padilla has filed a civil suit against former Bush lawyer John Yoo seeking torture damages, on the grounds that Yoo’s legal memorandum arguing that torture was legal resulted in Padilla being tortured. In July 2009, the court refused to dismiss the suit and ruled that Padilla’s claims against Yoo could proceed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@89 “But then again since you’ve never worked in a business that had to control costs or turn a profit you wouldn’t know that, would you?”
C’mon now, pooper, you know what happens to people who assume things. Remember your ASS U ME training? I’ve not only worked in for-profit businesses, I’ve owned two of them, one of which is currently making money for me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@88 “The Tea Party Movement and the outrage expressed at this past summer’s Congressional town hall meetings is increasingly reflected in election returns.”
The short answer to that is intelligent people have no obligation to listen to stupid people who disrupt meetings, shout down speakers, brandish guns, and assert that we can solve our health care problems by taking away the rights of injured patients to sue negligent doctors and hospitals.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@88 (continued) If stupid people want to elect the Bushes, Palins, and McGavicks of the world to run this country, I can live with it. They create opportunities for me to buy stocks dirt cheap, then they buy those stocks back from me at substantial markups after Democrats have cleaned up their messes and restored confidence. I can keep doing that as long as you can, maybe longer.
Piper Scottspews:
Harborview is a unique trauma center. But if another like it were to open, then competition could force prices down.
Problem we have in this state are barriers to entry called certificates of need, which are anti-competitive. Dump that requirement, then let anyone who wants to invest in a hospital, clinic or ER do so.
Apply solid business principles to the business of medicine. After all, don’t many attorneys compete on price? If the price for wills starts falling because enterprising lawyers charge less, won’t the profession have to respond to stay in business?
Free enterprise…everyone has a shot.
The Piper
Mr. Cynicalspews:
proud leftist spews–
I would request that you quit proclaiming yourself to be Christian
Request denied.
I have observed you getting angrier and angrier as Obam-Mao sinks lower and lower.
Your rhetoric is hotter…and your comments like this are off the wall.
Why is your attitude so linked to Obam-Mao??
You seem somewhat intelligent at times…yet your zealous Progressive Ideology has blinded you to reality…the reality that Obam-Mao would eventually fail.
He was elected based on rhetoric..with no leadership experience. He was not vetted by the MSM…as they fell in love with the novelty of Obam-Mao.
Now Obam-Mao has a record…and most of America disagrees.
He lied, he tried and now his movement died.
What is so hard for you to understand about that??
Think about it pl.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
How come you maintain your cool and common sense…while Racist Roger Rabbit goes banana’s and starts attacking you and blaming Bush?
Sadly, I can picture the old fart with drool coming out of the corner of his mouth screaming “I Hate Bush” with his ddying breath!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
One other thing that is very clear to me..The Tea Party Movement is mainly Unaffiliated Voters. The Progressives are so paranoid and out of touch that they truly believe it is a GOP Conspiracy. The fact is most of the folks I have met at these Tea Party events (and it’s hundreds) hare the Republican Party as much as the Democrats! Conservative Candidates have recognized this. The Tea Party will drive the Republican Party…because the Democrats have blown it by mocking and ridiculing!
The HA crowd will never get it.
I suspect Obam-Mao now understands…but it’s too late for him. His arrogance & ego allowed him to participate in the attacks on Middle America. Hard to comeback. The only way is for Obam-Mao to disassociate from people like we see at HA. Clinton did. I don;t think Obam-Mao can pull it off. Do you??
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let me make something clear. I’m a speculator, not an investor. I prey on fools, and business is usually good when Republicans are running things.
The stock market went nowhere in the last decade. If you had invested in an index fund that tracked the market averages 10 years ago, you would have made nothing. I tripled my money over that period.
You wanna elect Republicans, pooper? Go right ahead! I’ll take the money. I wanna live like a Republican, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@95 “Harborview is a unique trauma center. But if another like it were to open, then competition could force prices down.”
Or maybe create unnecessary duplication of super-expensive facilities and drive both of them into bankruptcy.
It’s one thing for airlines to go broke because the fare structure can’t support the costs of doing business. It’s another thing for destructive competition to put hospitals under, so no one can get trauma care.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Yet another Democrat “retires”
That makes 6…with many more to come.
This one a 6-termer from Arkansas!
They can see they are going to be held accountable and are running away!!
Market forces clearly would help. Had an ill relative last week. on Medicare. PLace he lives sent him for xray; called him the $500 medical ambulance. No concern on price. Though we would not pay, i drove him home. I can guarantee you most would always take the free deal, and if it was your own pocket, you’d never (save for dire emergency) pay $1,000 for a trip to the xray machine.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh yeah, Cynical, I’m really foaming at the mouth tonight! You’re almost as funny as your goats!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@102 There is no competition in health care, and never will be. There’s no way of knowing when you get in what tests will be ordered, or what treatment will be prescribed. Even the doctors don’t know until they conduct the tests and make a diagnosis; and, even then, they don’t necessarily know what the course of treatment will involve. How can anyone estimate the costs in advance? This isn’t like buying a sack of potatoes or getting a car repaired. Medicine is an art, not a science. Realistically, just assume that whatever the bill is for a major illness or injury, no mortal can afford it.
Piper Scottspews:
@99 & 100…RR…
Thank you for acknowledging that people live better and opportunities for investment are better when conservative market forces are the order of the day.
And you don’t know that a second trauma center would bankrupt both – you’re only assuming that. Because there will always be a demand for one, at least one will always be around. But what if the market can easily sustain two? Wouldn’t that be a good thing for everyone?
More access, lower costs and competition forcing better services.
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wingnuts buy car insurance and fire insurance every day. Yet they think spreading the risk of a major injury or illness over a large pool of insureds is “socialism.” Go figure.
Hell, if you’re gonna be an ideological capitalist, why not go all the way? If you really believe this “socialism” crap, then you should drop your health coverage and gamble on staying healthy.
But if you’re gonna do that, we can’t let you dump your medical bills on the rest of us by declaring bankruptcy if you lose the gamble. We’ll need to reinstate debtors’ prisons and hang bankrupts as thieves.
proud leftistspews:
Cynical @ 96: “Now Obam-Mao has a record…and most of America disagrees.
He lied, he tried and now his movement died.”
I was blessed with being hit with true irony today. I was listening to the Ron Reagan Show while driving around. The subject was Haiti. Ron Reagan, the son of your exalted saint, has, of course, recognized the error of his father’s ways, though he apparently always loved his father. These things happen. Ron played a clip from the Rush Limbaugh show this week in which Rush politicized Haiti. He criticized Obama for having links on his official website that permitted people to give money to those in need in Haiti. Rush inquired of someone who called in: “How could you trust that the money would get to Haiti? Don’t you think the purpose of those links is to get a bigger list of potential Obama donors?” The caller, naturally, agreed enthusiastically. Then, Rush said, “we already given to Haiti. It’s called the federal income tax.” That’s the head of your party, Cyn.
BTW, calling our president “Obam-Mao” makes you look childish. I admit to calling our last president “GW,” but even some who loved him called him that. Don’t get too excited about your prospects, Cyn. The fall always hurts.
How much were you paid to help Herr Beck speead his bile in Seattle?
By the way, does the EFF pay taxes? Why not? Oh .. unlike Faux, it EFF is not profitable, needs to be protected by big brother from the bad old real world.
By the way, you still have not told us how much money you make by being here? Since the Piper would not exist w/o HA, why not buy an ad? Ooops .. that would be too honest?
proud leftistspews:
You recognized your error in referring to a lack of local “ERs” competing with Harborview. Now, you reference a “unique trauma center.” It is, in fact, the most highly regarded trauma center in a 5 state region (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana). There isn’t the slightest chance that any for-profit health care organization will try to compete with Harborview. Government does some things right with regard to healthcare, and Harborview is one of them.
@109 pl
You will learn if you keep trying to “talk” with Piper that there is not much there beyond prepackaged Fauxisms and conservative kant.
I suspect he has no idea, for example, of why no for profit would WANT to run an ER like the one at Hview. There is a lot more net in the OR and interventionist cardiology than there is in an ER.
The wierd thing is that the EFF considers him some sort of investigator. His only qualification for that seems to be his experience writing here and in a failed HR operation he ran. Interestingly he does wrfite pretty well .. if you neglect the lack of knowledge or judgment. Actually, I suspect he is more than a bit like Herr Beck but at a lot less salary because he lacks Becks on the air histrionics.
I also suggest that you take his presence here seriously. I am amazed that the rad right has the money to hire folks like this but they ARE effective. Just listen to the tea baggers recite Beckish revelations about Acorn or how the healthcare bill will bankrupt them.
Propaganda DOES work!
Mathew "RennDawg" Rennerspews:
Well, you know what? This verse is true. Once again though Goldy is taking a verse of the Bible to make it look bad. You see this in no way shape or form means that women are lower, lesser or inferior. God ordaned things to have order. The husband is the head of the house hold. That is ordaned by God. Why? Because there must be a leader. God choose man. In every house where this is followed in the Biblical way the wifes are not oppressed. They are in a happy loving family. No husband should EVER treat his wife as property or a possession. Jesus himself said that the two become one flesh when married. In I Corinthians 7:3-4 says: Let the Husband render unto the wife due benevolence.: and like wise also the wife unto the husband.
The wife hath not power over her own boby, but the husband: and like wise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
What does this have to do with preaching in the Church. Everything. The Church is a family. A Church, if it followes the pattern of the first century church example of the Bible, is also a Republic. The Pastor is the earthly leader. He is head of the family of the Church. The same as the husband is the head of the famliy in the home. Someone has to be in charge to make final decisions. God choose men fo this role. Why? I cannot answer why. I just know one thing for sure. God is eternal, he is from everlasting. He knows an infinate more than we could ever know. I also know that he is always right. Even though I don’t always understand or in my flesh agree I still submit to his will. Because I know that my life will be more joyful if I do.
To all the women out there. God does not see you as lesser. God made man and woman different and unique. He gave us all role to fulfill. If we live for Him as he wishes we will all have fulfillment and joy. You also have free will. I cannot force you to live as God wants, nor do I want to. I am not God, I cannot force you against your will. That is against everything God stands for. God loves you. Jesus the Son of God loves you. Remember when Jesus rose from the grave the first person he showed him self to was Mary Magdalene. Please do not let pride or personal disagreement prevent you from recieving the truth. Jesus Christ will save you. It is a free gift for everyone. All you have to do is take it. Below is a web site that has the plan of salvation. Go to it, women and men. Learn the truth. Accept Jesus as your Saviour. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
@89 “How about a couple more ERs in the area to compete with Harborview? Competition forces prices down.
But when an institution like Harborview has a monopoly on the business, then it can charge whatever the traffic will bear.”
Must you preen as broadcast your ignorance, Piper? Here’s today’s assignment. Report back to us how many ER’s there are in each county in Western Washington. Followup question, how many other ER’s are there within a one mile radius of Harborview?
Oh, and why do you hate our state’s Department of Health? The usual reason? Just because, huh, Piper?
@112 “Blah, blah, blah”
Good grief.
@113 Oops, I meant the sermon delivered @111. Darn this disappearing, doesn’t-work-when-it’s-here edit function!
56. Piper Scott spews:
(1) You speak of things about which you are 100 percent ignorant.
Piper would never speak of things of which he is 100% ignorant.
Now, about Harborview’s ER monopoly, just how many ER’s are there, Piper?
Run along, you ignorant wingnut fool.
You could have Googled it, Piper, before you opened your mouth, but you’re a stupid fuck who thinks he knows everything. Here’s a clue. You don’t.
yawn. leftists don’t get market forces.
I have no idea what my doctor charges. Then he recommended a semi elective surgery. that surgeon is not part of my fancy health plan, so for the first time ever, i had to inquire on prices. the price was too high. I skipped the surgery.
I think that’s how you drive prices down.
And roger, nobody forces me to buy homeowner insurance, plus no homeowner policies are pooling hundreds of billions of slush fund “cornhusker”, lousiana purchase giveaways.
think market man…what if costco ran an HMO…not as good as my fancy dr. at Swedish, but darn better than the UK NHS.
Say, Piper, what’s the name of that department on the gound floor on the west side of Swedish Hospital’s South Building where the ambulances pull in? Help me out here.
The Constitution counts. But it doesn’t apply to combat in Afghanistan.
Yeah the Constitution seemed to apply just fine to the guys put away for the first WTC bombing in the early nineties.
Why does pooper hate the Constitution? Why is he so frightened of the Constitution?
@117 “nobody forces me to buy homeowner insurance”
Try telling your mortgage company that you dropped the hazard insurance.
@119 “Why does pooper hate the Constitution?”
Beats me. I see that he hates DOH too. Something about a lack of emergency departments. Of course, there’s numerous emergency departments but that doesn’t stop Piper from pulling a turd from his ass, calling it fact, and using that “fact” to excuse the vicious hate he then spews.
“Can you imagine an America without a strong middle class? If you can, would it still be America as we know it?
Today, one in five Americans is unemployed, underemployed or just plain out of work. One in nine families can’t make the minimum payment on their credit cards. One in eight mortgages is in default or foreclosure. One in eight Americans is on food stamps. More than 120,000 families are filing for bankruptcy every month. The economic crisis has wiped more than $5 trillion from pensions and savings, has left family balance sheets upside down, and threatens to put ten million homeowners out on the street.
Families have survived the ups and downs of economic booms and busts for a long time, but the fall-behind during the busts has gotten worse while the surge-ahead during the booms has stalled out. In the boom of the 1960s, for example, median family income jumped by 33% (adjusted for inflation). But the boom of the 2000s resulted in an almost-imperceptible 1.6% increase for the typical family. While Wall Street executives and others who owned lots of stock celebrated how good the recovery was for them, middle class families were left empty-handed.”
Piper discovers: “Surgery Center of Oklahoma keeps prices down by eliminating overhead”
Yeah, Piper, we don’t have them stinkin’ surg centers in our state.
Or do we?
Tell, me, Piper, how many surg centers are there in, say, Tacoma? Auburn? Have you any idea? Have you any clue at all?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
JUst look at the huge pre-State of Union bumb Obam-Mao has gotten in the Democrat-leaning Rasmussen Poll–
Monday, January 25, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -16.
The Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance issues draws mixed reviews from voters. Sixty-five percent (65%) say corporations and unions should be allowed to buy ads to let people know how politicians voted on issues. Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters nationwide are worried the government will try to do too much to help the economy. Thirty-nine percent (39%) have the opposite view and worry it won’t do enough.
I am one of many who won’t be watching.
How can you tell when Obam-Mao lies???
Answer: His lips move!
I watched every SOU as far back as I can remember…including all of Clinton’s.
Clinton was a great speaker.
Teleprompter Man Obam-Mao has totally lost his luster & credibility.
He goes out od his way to offend Middle America…now he will try to magically bring them back with some Stupid Solution.
Less than 3 years now and Obam-Mao is a failure & a fraud.
I see that Republicans now express a belief that feeding the poor only causes them to breed. The solution, they say? heh- Don’t feed them.
I thought that tidbit would fit nicely in this thread about the Bible.
I tell you, if it wasn’t for Puddy and the KLOWN reminding me of how stupid the stupid can get, I’d conclude that Piper is the dumbest fucktard on the planet.
It was late at night. The celebration of the election of three creationists to the Seattle School Board had been, well ecstatic.
Piper had gone so far as to bring his bottle of Glendronach, a bottle given to him 30 years ago as victor of the piping competition n Aberdeen. This was a great treasure for a great moment!.
One glass followed another and by the time the Discovery Institute called it a day, Pipe had some trouble getting into his Chevy Silverado to drive. The it happened, as entered the I 5, the steering wheel on the pickup seemed to have a mind of its own, some truck with tortillas bound north from Mexico, hit the Chevy full on. Damn Mexican drivers anyway!
Oh well, the harm was not all that bad. A few cervical fractures and a burst spleen… but just a few minutes from Harborview ER, the ambulance told him.
But wait! Pipe wanted to go to Tacoma for the 10% discount for bagpipers. The gay EMT at first refused, but .. well Pipe was insistent. The free market was as important to him as his kilt.
Sadly, on the way Piper’s middle cerebral artery gave way.
Services will be held next Sunday at St. Francis’ Chapel at Woodenville. The bagpiper band from Glory Bible College will lead us all to this great man’s burial.
Contributions may be sent to the Evergreen Freedom Foundation.
Burns’ night boost for famous Scottish dish that fell victim to BSE fears
@127…kinda like how you’re a pretend contributor to society….
RIP ,,, the Piper
SJ news just talked with the ambulance driver. Apparently Mr. Scott was actually at the Harborview ER when he determined that their prices were not competitive with those of Tacoma General. Sad.
On other hand, I understand that Scott may have left his collection of old single brews to the EFF. Lets hope that they hold a public auction* where we can all sip Glennfiddich and swig Glenlivet while the pipers pipe! What a fitting end for a man of God!
Of course all purchases of scotch at the auction will be tax free.
@132 That’s a shame, SJ. He could have shopped around nearby and perhaps found an emergency medical services sale going on at the Swedish or Virginia Mason ER’s and perhaps would have lived to toot that pipe another day.
The ambulance driver told me that Piper did that. Have you priced Swedish and Mason???
No, as a loyal follower of Ayn Rand, the Piper followed his high moral principles. Do you think death was too big a price for morality?
With apologies ..
I do know that Piper hasted Ms. Rand for being a devout atheist and certainly di not mean that choosing the least expensive ER was not the Christian thing to do.
“Have you priced Swedish and Mason???”
No, I admit that I haven’t. I also forgot for a moment that those ER’s don’t exist in the Piperverse.
Jesus saying “I and the Father are One.”:
Before we start on John 10:30 Verse, let us examine some of the exaggerating expressions that were said by Jesus himself in the New Testament:
An exaggerating expression in the Bible: The Bible contains many verses in it that contain irrational statements. For instance we read in Matthew 21:21 ” Jesus replied, ‘I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.'” I challenge any “faithful” believing Christian to move one brick, not a mountain with his sight or words. Have any Christian from the time of Jesus till now been able to do it?
Another exaggerating expression is in Mark 16:17-18 “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” Again, I challenge any Christian to allow himself to get bit by a poisonous rattle snake or cobra and survive its venom.
Does this mean no “Christian” is a real Christian? Did Jesus say that no one will ever be a believer, since they can’t lift mountains with their eye sights nor survive deadly poisons?
Does the Bible contain exaggerating expressions in it? and if so, then how can you take the “Trinitarian” verses so literal then? They too are nothing but exaggerations (as I proved below in this article) that do not prove that Jesus is the Creator of this Universe.
From Sheikh Ahmed Deedat’s work; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him:
Let us look at John 10:30 “I (Jesus) and the Father are One.” This verse is severely misunderstood and is taken out of context, because beginning at verse John 10:23 we read (in the context of 10:30) about Jesus talking to the Jews. In verse John 10:28-30, talking about his followers as his sheep, he states: “…Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father who gave them me, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are One.”
These verses prove only that Jesus and the Father are one in that no man can pluck the sheep out of either’s hand. It does not at all state that Jesus is God’s equal in everything. In fact the words of Jesus, ” My Father, who gave them me is Greater than ALL…,” in John 10:29 completely negates this claim, otherwise we are left with a contradiction just a sentence apart. All includes everyone even Jesus.
Also let us look at verse John 17:20-22 “That the ALL may be made ONE. Like thou Father art in me, I in thee, that they may be ONE in us. I in
them, they in me, that they may be perfect in ONE”. In this verse, the same word ONE used, the Greek, HEN is used, not only to describe Jesus and the Father but to describe Jesus, the Father and eleven of the twelve disciples of Jesus. So here if that implies equality, we have a unique case of 13 Gods.
Of the verse in question, “I and the Father are One” in (John 10:30), we also need to take note of the verses following the 30th verse in the text. In those verses, the Jews accuse Jesus falsely of claiming to be God by these words. He however replies, proving their accusation wrong by their own text: “The Jews answered him saying,’For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy, and because that thou being a man, makest thyself a God ‘” (John 10:33).
Jesus replies to this accusation saying: “Jesus answered them, ‘Is it not written in your Law, “I said ye are gods. If He can call them gods, unto whom the word of God came, say ye of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world, “Thou blasphemeth,” because I said I am the son of God?'” (John 10:34-36).
Let us look at Acts 2:22 “O you men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a MAN approved of God among you…” Peter in the Book of Acts testifies about Jesus. Jesus thus even to his disciples, as to early Christians, not poisoned by Pauline doctrine, was a man, not a God.
Question: In John 10:30 Jesus says, “I and the Father are one [hen].” Doesn’t this show that they are one in essence?
This statement does not suggest either a dual or triune deity. What John’s Jesus meant by the word hen (“one”) becomes clear from his prayer concerning the apostles: “That they may be one [hen], just as we are one [hen]” (John 17:22), which means that they should be united in agreement with one another as he (Jesus) is always united in agreement with God, as stated: “I [Jesus] always do the things that are pleasing to Him [God]” (John 8:29).
There is thus no implication that Jesus and God, or the twelve apostles are to be considered as of one essence.
Further from Muslim-SA: John 10:30
The third verse which Christians claim validates the doctrine of the trinity is the verse of John 10:30
“I and my father are one.”
This verse, however is quoted out of context. The complete passage, starting with John 10:23, reads as follows:
“And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch. Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me. But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. I and my Father are one.”
John 10:23-30
In divinity? In a holy “Trinity”? No! They are one in PURPOSE. Just as no one shall pluck them out of Jesus’ hand, so too shall no one pluck them out of God’s hand.
Need more proof? Then read:
“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one.”
John 17:20-22
Is all of mankind also part of the “Trinity”?
Such terminology can be found in many other places, read for example:
“Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit,”
1 Corinthians 6:15-17
And also
“One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”
Ephesians 4:6
“For as the (human) body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many.”
1 Corinthians 12:12-14
Once we read the above verses and understand what the message was that Paul was trying to get across, then we can begin to understand his words in such places as
“There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”
Ephesians 4:4
“St. Paul” was speaking about Christian unity, not about a plurality of gods merged into one body. As we shall soon see, he was completely ignorant of where his teachings would later lead, and how decades later, they would be the foundations which would spawn the “Trinity” doctrin
With apologies ..
I do know that Piper hated Ms. Rand for being a devout atheist and certainly did not mean that choosing the least expensive ER was not the Christian thing to do.
kinda like how you’re a pretend contributor to society….
See my post at 122 for all the folks you’ve just put in that mean-spirited little box of yours.
The candidates you vote for are going to win a lot of elections hurling that insult..
Heckuva job..
I dont begrudge anyone looking for a job..heck, I might be one of them the way this economy is going.
however, in your case, I would not say “get a job”…I would say “GO LOOK FOR A JOB”.
@137 Akhtar
I assume you are muslim?
May I rem oind you that where the Torah and Quran are said to be revealed by the Deity, the best one can say about the Christian bible is that it claims to be a compilation of memories .. more like the hadith than the Quran.
Worse yet the version the Christians use was edited and authorized by the pagan emperor of Rome.
Of course, I am NOT saying I believe in the literal value of the claims in either the Quran or the Torah, BUT for those who do claim to believe it seems to me that any part of the C. Bible should be taken skeptically.
For example, Sound Transit expects 220,000 riders a day to ride the North Seattle segment, but plans to provide only 7,000 parking spaces at the Northgate station, all of which will be on the other side of the freeway.
I dont begrudge anyone looking for a job..heck, I might be one of them the way this economy is going.
You just call them names.. and slink away like a coward when confronted about your bullshit.
You’re a small-minded creep..
Puddybud Remembers ylb arschloch is an arschlochspews:
11. GMan spews: What? Are you feeling a little abused and insulted, try being a homosexual.
Your comments over the years damned yourself fool! Even some of your political kind damned you and your comments.
Puddybud Remembers ylb arschloch is an arschlochspews:
In 2008, when we were debating the light rail tax, I pointed out in these comment threads how idiotic it is to spend billions on a mass transit system with no parking at its stations.
Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny, Cynical and Puddy mentioned this years ago on HA fool. Ask HA’s arschloch, ylb arschloch for the original Missives. Cynical and Puddy asked how could they build a rail system and not provide parking spaces or only allow you to park there for 24 hours if you are heading to the airport? Where have you been Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny? Looks like Piper is right again about Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny!
Why was this mentioned in the HA Bible Study thread? Oh yeah Lee told us he gives you a pass. He must feel sorry for Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny and his brain full of mush!
Puddybud Remembers ylb arschloch is an arschlochspews:
You would know where I get my information if you clicked on the links I provide.
You mean that mysterious link in National Review you never produced Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny?
Puddybud Remembers ylb arschloch is an arschlochspews:
The civilian trials for Kalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al, won’t take place. New Yorkers and the nation won’t tolerate it.
Piper, did you see the interview with NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly January 19th on this subject? He told it as it is about decision making in the WA DC leftist vacuum without understanding the consequences.
P R I C E L E S S.
Puddybud Remembers ylb arschloch is an arschlochspews:
Hey Piper,
When those who wear the “union label” ejected you, did they later “apologize” like the thug on the street working for Coakley did to the other reporter?
Puddybud Remembers ylb arschloch is an arschlochspews:
Puddybud Remembers ylb arschloch is an arschlochspews:
Back to the topic at hand before the thread was hijacked by Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny… Wasn’t it the Hebrew of old who that thought women were second class citizens? Weren’t the old synagogues in the Old Testament separated by sexual orientation? Wasn’t Paul keeping those “traditions” alive?
Verse 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
Verse 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Just checking…
@150 Puddy
Seems as if your message woudl be especially WRONG for YOUR religion.
I though you folks believed that the Torah through Revs was all the WOG? (word of God).
FWIW, synagogues DID not exist at the time of the Torah. They probably did not exist until Roman times and in their modern form only after you folks (you are a Roman aren’t you?)destroyed the Temle and left us unable to worship according to the Torah.
@144 “Your comments over the years damned yourself fool! Even some of your political kind damned you and your comments.”
Yeah, all while you were chumming up with wingnuts who call blacks niggers and jigaboos, and tell racist jokes about lazy black men afraid to work like a white man. You have no moral standing here. You’re in no position to lecture gman. So you can just STFU.
Puddy ,,, Piper
You buds now???
Puddy you shooda seen the show black at the affair Piper et al. put on for Beck! He was so .. touching!
If you really do like hanging around with paid members of the SchutzStaffel I may still have some ties in the mafia! They tolerate friendly Black folks too .. as long as the Blacks remember theor place.
Seems to me that you can do better, a lot better.,
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@143…no retard, I only call you names – because instead of looking for work, you fuck off all day long on HA…the word lazy comes to mind.
Explains why so few women comment on HA.
The Piper
Good question. It may have something to do with the rude and crude comments spewed by commenters. It doesn’t take more than a handful of comments before somebody starts in with them. I often just read the blog entries and skip the comments because they are so juvenile. There is a lot of information out there, and I can’t waste my time with the middle school stuff that passes as comments on this blog.
The most interesting thing about that passage is that almost all scholars believe it was a later forgery written in Paul’s name.
Is this stamped on one of them thar “Jesus Guns”?
Here is the Mohammed carton printed on a condom:
#3 LOL Sorry, you can’t discount the bat shit crazy stuff in the bible (and there’s TONS of it). The entire book is true, magic and the word of god. Or not. If you want to start debating that parts of it is just crazy stupid shit made up by men for political/personal/cultural reasons, then the entire thing is tossed because we’ll never agree on which parts are from “god” and which are just silly shit made up by power hungry men wanting to control everyone around them (especially the women). If the entire thing isn’t 100% magically true (which Baptists and many other lunatics belief) then it’s just a silly book of cultural traditions of people of the middle east from 2,500 years ago.
Goldy, if you have become a Christian, congrats.
If not, and you are just abusing a religion, how about spewing some lines from the Koran?
(or since they don’t preach turn the other cheek, i’m guessing you are afraid of the consequences)
Still waiting for the Torah Study and Koran Study…
1. Goldy has cited the Torah, the Prophets, and the Christian Bible.
2. If you want MY Word, just ask.
8 – I don’t think Goldy takes requests from right wing cowards.
@7 – What? Are you feeling a little abused and insulted, try being a homosexual.
“bitch, get in the kitchen and bake me a pie.”
“..the New Testament is the world’s first feminist work. The Gospels often show how, in the context of a patriarchal society, women played a very important role in the early Church. It is Mary who initiates Jesus’ miracle, and when she brings it up he dismisses her, calling her “woman”. Throughout the Gospels, whenever the men dismiss the women, it is later found out that the women were, in fact, right. After Jesus is resurrected, it is women who first find the empty tomb and, when they report this to the Apostles, they are first dismissed. In a matter of days, the Apostles, the leaders of the Church, have forgotten Jesus’ words about rebuilding the Temple, but the women remember, and accept the revelation. And it is the women, of course, who are right.”
righton @7,
I have not become a Christian, because I don’t believe in ghosts, and I don’t believe in Holy Ghosts.
But I find it amusing that Christians would find it abusive of me to quote scripture without comment.
I don’t find it abusive, just ironic.
After all, no scripture goes it that is returned void.
It is interesting, however, that you cherry pick the Bible looking for passages that, taken out of context, sound inflammatory.
I’ll wait for you to post some of the good stuff.
As an honest broker of ideas, I’m sure you’ll be doing that straight away.
The Piper
Piper ..
is this exchange in your EFF time?
If so, the bosses may want you to get a copy reader
After that, if it is OK with the EFF, tell me why you think the Christian Bible has been such a source of good that your society has outshone the morality of all others?
In doing this you may want to tell us who you regard as historic figures whose actions have spoken best for the good side of Christianity?
FWIW, here are SJ’s list of great moral teacher .. some of them are even devout Christians ..
MK Gandhi
Siddartha Gautama
Saul Alinsky
Thom Jefferson
Chief Seattle
Bertrans Russel
Judea Pearl
Richard Feinman
Sam Adams
Cesar Chavez
Jimmy Carter
Yoitzhak Rabi
my wife
my mother
Tom Paine
my son
Secretary Seward
the Dalai Lama
Medecin sans Fronteirs
my daughter ……………
in no particular order and not complete.
That sentence should read: ““After all, no scripture goes out that is returned void.”
I have no obligation to account for my time to you or anyone. I work for a private organization.
You, on the other hand, as a public employee are subject to the Public Records Act, which means anyone who’s of a mind can get an accounting of just about everything you do.
And when you can articulate a coherent thought I’ll consider responding. But when you run off on a bizarre and incomprehensible tangent, then it’s pointless trying to communicate with you.
The Piper
If you’re offended by Goldy posting “Bible” quotes why do you come here. You know he’s going to do it every Sunday.
gimme a break, we know it does it to trash Christianity….
points to another reason our country is so divided….if the political left goes out of its way to adopt atheism or its cousin anti-Christian, you then preclude Christians who might favor some of the anti poverty platforms…from ever turning left wing political..
by trashing christians, you deeepen the divide.
Even if Goldy does it to get your goat, he has a Constitutional right to do it. Whatever consequences might come from his motives are in higher hands – don’t bite on his bait.
The Piper
Old Tim (no, not you, Eyman) had it figured out. A quiet female rabbit is the best kind of female rabbit! If the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit had wanted female rabbits to talk, She would have taught them English! A female’s place is in the laundry roo
[scuffling noises]
WHACK! Oww!! WHACK! Oww!! WHACK! Owww!!
[running noises]
@2 What question? Did Goldy ask a question? I don’t see a question.
@2 Btw, if you don’t read the comments, you’re missing a lot of good information including discussions about economics, investment tips, etc. Sure, there’s a lot of crap in the comments, but it’s not all crap.
@19: No, just xtrians who believe stupid magical shit that doesn’t withstand the merest scrutiny.
There’s no fixing stupid, or living with it for that matter. That’s what the FEMA camps are for!
@4 You mean the manufacturer who was stamping references to Bible verses on telescopic sights he sold to the military for use on sniper rifles used to kill people, in violation of Pentagon contracting rules and Constitutional separation of church and state?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Wingnut Bible-thumpers think they’re above the law and can do anything they want. To hell with the Constitution. To hell with federal laws! To hell with the procurement contract! To hell with the rights of the soldiers using the equipment to not have someone else’s religion shoved down their throats! How, exactly, is this contractor an improvement over the Taliban? I don’t see any difference. The Taliban kills people; he makes equipment that kills people. The Taliban think their religion is the only true religion; he thinks his religion is the only true religion. The Taliban try to convert everybody; he tries to convert everybody. The more these people hate the Taliban, the more they look like the Taliban.
What good information? Unless I know the complete identity of the informant, I’m suspect about what he says.
How do we know you have a sous to your name?
You brag incessently about your investing prowess, but for all we know you’re a homeless vagrant who prattles on from a computer at the library.
Not a lot of crap in the comments? You are the king of crap, and you will remain so until you fully reveal who you are and the complete extent of your portfolio.
The Piper
Btw, wingnut idiots, this manufacturer’s proselytizing endangers is not only illegal, a violation of our soldiers’ constitutional rights, and a breach of his contract with the Pentagon, it also endangers American soldiers by inflaming the religious extremists they’re fighting.
@19 The next verses refer directly to Genesis, so I doubt this is a direct attack on Christianity
I think we can all agree that there are crazy people in all religions. In all religions there are people that take things to the extremes. And we can all agree that to take the “The Bible” (or “The Koran”) as 100% literal is insane.
We can all agree that both the 9-11 terrorists and Tim McVeigh were fanatical religious extremists.
City Bans Parking Near Light Rail
In 2008, when we were debating the light rail tax, I pointed out in these comment threads how idiotic it is to spend billions on a mass transit system with no parking at its stations.
For example, Sound Transit expects 220,000 riders a day to ride the North Seattle segment, but plans to provide only 7,000 parking spaces at the Northgate station, all of which will be on the other side of the freeway.
Well, that’s idiotic enough, but now the City of Seattle has carried the idiocy a step further by banning light rail parking on private property.
“When light rail opened in Seattle last summer, it put a Safeway grocery store in a bit of a bind. On the plus side, the Othello train station brought new energy to the block — enough so that Safeway reversed plans to close its store, instead starting a $3 million remodel. But Safeway had to hire parking monitors to keep train commuters from leaving their cars all day in the store’s free parking lot.
“So someone came up with a resourceful solution: Why not sell $30 monthly parking passes to light-rail users? The store has extra space in its lot on weekdays. It could use the money to help pay those parking attendants. And it would be a low-cost community service for folks who want to get out of their cars but live too far to walk to the station. Winner all the way around, right? Best of all, no taxpayer green required.
“The parking passes quickly sold out. Then the city of Seattle called. ‘They told us to shut it down,’ says Rick Smith, a manager at Diamond Parking, which was running the service for Safeway. ‘We canceled the passes, and now nobody can use that lot to take light rail.’
“This is happening up and down the rail line, the perverse result of well-meaning Seattle zoning laws to prevent the train stations from being surrounded by acres of hideous parking lots.”
(Quoted under fair use; for complete article, see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....=obnetwork)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: WTF? Is the city trying to force commuters off light rail? It sure looks like it.
This kind of bureaucratic stupidity, among other things, gives ammunition to rightwing trolls who pounce on things like this for propaganda in their anti-government campaigns. It is, they will say, an example of “nanny-state liberalism.”
Why the hell make it so easy for them?
And why go out of your way to make it difficult or impossible for people to get out of their cars and ride light rail? Honest to God, I can’t help but believe the people running the city and Sound Transit have rocks in their heads. And we entrusted these fools with $30 billion of our money? Good grief.
I’m paying taxes for a light rail system I will never ride, and frankly, I don’t like it. I won’t ride it for several reasons. One, I’m retired and don’t commute. Two, parts of it won’t be built in my lifetime. Three, I’m old and lame, and for medical reasons, I can’t walk very far or peddle on a bicycle or risk pneumonia by walking or riding a bike in Seattle’s cold rainy winter weather, so if I can’t park a car at a light rail station, the light rail system is inaccessible to me. Unless you want to pay taxes for having a cab pick me up at my burrow and drop me off at the station, which seems to me to be a reasonable use of the taxes I’m paying for this system, under the circumstances.
The city bureaucrats are jackasses. They should let Safeway and other businesses and property owners along the route make parking spaces available to riders, and charge a reasonable parking fee for doing it. For crying out loud, Safeway wasn’t profiteering; the 30 bucks is a tenth of what you pay for downtown parking and only defrayed the cost of hiring parking attendants to keep commuters from poaching their parking lot. How fucking stupid can the city be? And why do they need to go this far out of their way to prove they are, in fact, this fucking stupid?
Mayor McGinn had better step in and do something about this. The bureaucrats he’s responsible for supervising are out of control, and he’s going to look bad if he allows this piece of bureaucratic stupitidy to stand.
I suppose now some asswipe is going to whine there’s too goddam much profanity in these fucking comment threads.
@5 Why do you think Islamists use condoms? Where do you think all those Islamists came from? And learn how to spell “cartoon,” moron. Are you too lazy to use spell check?
@9 Ae you the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit’s dad?
@15 “After all, no scripture goes it that is returned void.”
You aren’t the author of Revelations, are you? You and he are about equally incomprehensible.
@17 Well okay, maybe that’s how people talked 1,500 years ago, which is roughly the same time period your ideology harks from, so I guess that’s consistent.
“Endangers American soldiers by inflaming the religious extremists they’re fighting?”
Give it a rest!
Those “religious extremists” start from the proposition that we all should be beheaded or slaughtered. No Geneva Convention niceties for them.
How can you enflame the alteady incinerated?
Total garbage…
I like what Senator-elect Scott Brown said: “I believe that our Constitution and laws exist to protect this nation – they do not grant rights and privileges to enemies in wartime,” Brown said. “In dealing with terrorists, our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop them, not lawyers to defend them.”
The Piper
@19 “gimme a break, we know it does it to trash Christianity….”
You make a lot of stupid assumptions, so another one won’t hurt you much.
25 – From that article:
How many more American military men and women will have to DIE before these religious wingnuts finally understand the wisdom of the separation of church and state?
@26 “Unless I know the complete identity of the informant, I’m suspect about what he says.”
You would know where I get my information if you clicked on the links I provide. You got through law school, so you know how to do research and find sources. I’m not responsible for your laziness.
“How do we know you have a sous to your name?”
By taking my word for it, until you have reason to believe otherwise. Cripes, pooper, I’m not trying to sell you an investment scheme. I don’t make anything off posting investment opinions here.
Not that I’d have any trouble selling investment schemes to wingnuts. All I’d have to do is go to their churches in a business suit. They’ll sign up for anything. Churches are the most fertile hunting ground for con artists there is. See, e.g., http://www.ecommerce-journal.c.....ch_members
“You brag incessently about your investing prowess, but for all we know you’re a homeless vagrant”
I don’t give a shit what you believe. It makes no difference to me. But hey, you’re in the human resources business … have you seen me apply for a job lately? Had any long-eared rabbits show up at your office to fill out employment applications? I don’t need you, pooper, and I don’t need your employer clients or their jobs, either. But if you want to believe I’m a rabbit living in a hole under a tree in a public park and grazing on grass, go right ahead.
slick-talking commentary here; and if you don’t like my investing insights, then ignore them I mean, it not like this would be a problem if I were, given that your churchgoing, bible-thumping, fellow wingnuts fall for slick-talking con artists every day. Local churches are among the most fertile fraud bazaars there are.
You brag incessently about your investing prowess, but for all we know you’re a homeless vagrant who prattles on from a computer at the library.
@26 “Unless I know the complete identity of the informant, I’m suspect about what he says.”
You would know where I get my information if you clicked on the links I provide. You got through law school, so you know how to do research and find sources. I’m not responsible for your laziness.
“How do we know you have a sous to your name?”
By taking my word for it, until you have reason to believe otherwise. Cripes, pooper, I’m not trying to sell you an investment scheme. I don’t make anything off posting investment opinions here.
Not that I’d have any trouble selling investment schemes to wingnuts. All I’d have to do is go to their churches in a business suit. They’ll sign up for anything. Churches are the most fertile hunting ground for con artists there is. See, e.g., http://www.ecommerce-journal.c.....ch_members
“You brag incessently about your investing prowess, but for all we know you’re a homeless vagrant”
I don’t give a shit what you believe. It makes no difference to me. But hey, you’re in the human resources business … have you seen me apply for a job lately? Had any long-eared rabbits show up at your office to fill out employment applications? I don’t need you, pooper, and I don’t need your employer clients or their jobs, either. But if you want to believe I’m a rabbit living in a hole under a tree in a public park and grazing on grass, go right ahead.
Hmmm, we have a bit of computer dysfunction today, and the edit function isn’t working either.
righton @19,
What does that say about Christianity when one of its adherents believes that merely quoting its Bible is a blatant attempt to trash it?
Obviously, you are unprepared to discuss this piece of scripture, I’m guessing because you are unfamiliar with it.
@39 & 40…RR…
Oh…I’m sorry…did you say something – the same thing- twice? If you did, it put me to sleep.
The Piper
Speaking of sous, in World War I a French infantryman’s monthly pay wasn’t enough to buy two cooked eggs in a local village cafe. One of the forgotten facts about that war is the French “frogs” and British “limeys” resented the comparatively high pay that American soldiers received, and in particular, the French resented the Americans’ ability to buy French wine and French women. The French women, after all, in most cases were the wives, girlfriends, daughters, or sisters of some Frenchman who was either fighting in the trenches or already dead.
If the generals hadn’t kept the French, British, and American armies separated they probably would have fought each other instead of the Germans.
@36 “Give it a rest!”
That wasn’t my idea, pooper. If you had clicked on the link I provided and read the article, you’d know what I’m talking about. Since you’re too lazy to do that, I’ll make it easy for you by quoting the relevant portion here:
“The Muslim Public Affairs Council in Washington said the biblical references … would stoke the fires of extremists who accuse the United States of carrying out a religious crusade in Asia and the Middle East.”
@36 “I like what Senator-elect Scott Brown said: ‘I believe that our Constitution and laws exist to protect this nation – they do not grant rights and privileges to enemies in wartime,’ Brown said. ‘In dealing with terrorists, our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop them, not lawyers to defend them.'”
This is interesting coming from you, pooper, given that you used to be a lawyer until you quit paying your Bar dues.
(I assume because you couldn’t make enough money practicing law to justify paying $400 a year to stay licensed, after spending tens of thousands of dollars on your legal education.)
I’m sure one of the reasons wingnuts like you love war so much is because, in war, you can dispense with the trouble and expense of sorting out the guilty and innocent and just kill everyone. That’s basically what we did when we dropped the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which not only took out military installations and war-plant workers, but also noncombatant civilians and even American POWs. This is the beauty of war; you get to kill everyone without worrying about whether they deserve it, and best of all, it’s perfectly legal and you won’t be punished for it. That approach no doubt appeals greatly to people of your morals and mentality.
But hey, pooper, given that you don’t have to worry about any character or fitness standards to maintain your license, it’s easy to be a warmonger and torturer now, isn’t it?
Like I care what the Muslim Public Affairs Council says.
What I know is what happens in war zones and to innocent civilians.
Ask Daniel Pearl’s widow.
Radical Islam cannot envision a world where anything other than their view is tolerated.
Taking your thinking to its logical extreme, Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth because it’s offensive to radical Islam.
Do you support that?
Instead of being an apologist for every hate-America group or utterance, why don’t you show a little support for our national effort to eradicate blood-thirsty terrorists?
Or do you support the Jockey-shorts Jihadist and Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan, neither of whom came from disadvantaged backgrounds?
The Piper
None of the righties who have posted here have tried to explain or defend the quoted Scripture, or to put it “in context.” Rather, they just attack Goldy. That really doesn’t advance Christian theory, boys. That doesn’t make Christianity look better.
As a Christian, I have to acknowledge having come across many Scriptural passages that are quite bothersome. I try to put them in context; more often than not, putting bothersome passages within the cultural context of the times helps. That said, Paul has a number of passages that make him look like a bit of a sexist. Christ, on the other hand, comes off as a feminist, particularly for His era. When he chides Martha for criticizing Mary for engaging with Christ on a theological level rather than doing domestic chores, or “women’s work,” we see how He pushed gender equality.
Hey, Piper, how have you been? Haven’t seen you around much lately.
Roger, it might help if you get your facts straight.
First Mayor McGinn has already announced he will review current city policy regarding long-term parking at private lots near Link stations and not enforce the ban while the policy is under review.
Second the North segment projects about half the number of riders you claim by 2030. Not all of those riders will need to drive to a station either. So there is no need to build a parking space for each expected rider.
Third, Link will be serving the existing P&R and transit center at Northgate. The new garage ST is building will be right next to the station. I don’t know where you get the idea that these spaces will be “across the freeway”.
Fourth, there is something called “Access” intended for old rabbits like yourself who can’t hop very far. You should check it out if you’d really rather take transit than drive everywhere.
Fifth, a majority of transit systems don’t build parking at every bus stop, or even every rail transit station. It’s expensive to do so and in denser areas generally means you have to tear something down to build the lot or garage. Look at the DC Metro they didn’t build parking at the stations in DC or the parts just across the river. They did put parking in at the more suburban stations. Sound Transit is planning on doing the same thing.
roger at 30; agree
goldy at 42; you are being disengenous. If you want to join my Bible study, sure. This forum is not a honest debate.
Still looking for the fun stuff from the Koran…or are you chicken?
You’re better than melatonin!
As a strategist, you make a good loser.
The ultimate Democrat, FDR, waged war to destroy the enemy, not give him access to civilian courts. Read Ex parte Quirin, 317 US 1, (194) where he had German saboteurs, one of whom was an American citizen, who landed on Long Island off of a U-boat, tried by a military commission, the process reviewed the federal courts (who refused to intervene since it was a war-time matter) and executed all withing a few weeks.
I’m sure you are in accord with what FDR did.
The civilian trials for Kalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al, won’t take place. New Yorkers and the nation won’t tolerate it. Eric Holder will be the next Obama Administration massive failure because of this.
The Piper
@17 Piper Scott
1. Intersting that you do not say. That makes me assume you ARE working at your job.
The EFF is private but it is also supposedly non profit. The EFF is also a far right advocacy group and you are paid by very wealthy people, to push their agenda.
2. My employment is well known. If you reallyt think working for the State deprives me of free speech, you ought to bring suit.
3. Are you really unable to understand my question or just playing a spin game?
Did I attack Goldy? In fact, I defended his right to put up whatever he wants without insisting upon any sort of “equal time.”
It’s the libertarian in me…
I’ve been good and very busy. Spent most of this past week in Springfield, Mass. covering the Brown/Coakley Senate race. Perhaps you’ve seen the YouTube video of union thugs tossing a reporter out of a union hall? The reporter was yours truly.
Got called a Nazi for my efforts…See the video here: http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....orter.html
All we wanted to do was take some B-roll of a Coakley phone band, interview campaign workers and report the story. Coakley political operatives were actually cooperative, and we could have worked something out with them. But the UFCW toughs blew up and got a shade rough.
The woman’s voice you hear is my videographer.
The Piper
Roger ..
Could you help Piper by explaining that the uSA Constitution describes rights of everyone living in the US, not just citizens?
Jefferson might understand.
Seems as if you would also like American soldiers to wear the red cross of the crusades on tope their camouflage outfits?
(1) You speak of things about which you are 100 percent ignorant.
(2) I never said you didn’t have free speech rights. What I said is that as a public employee you have a legal obligation to the public, and any member of the public can access public records about your employment and projects simply by sending a note to the public records officer at the UW requesting them.
(3) What question? An incomprehensible list and other foggy miasmic utterances mean what exactly?
The Piper
Again, you speak of things about which you know next to nothing.
If you don’t believe me, ask the poor schnook who was a U.S. citizen and captured in the U.S. who FDR captured during WW II.
Oops…you can’t…FDR had him electrocuted quicker than you can say, “War is hell…”
Ol’ Franklin knew that to win a war you had to kill the enemy.
The Piper
Really Piper? Have you read the US Constitution? Where does it limit rights to citizens?
You are also, I assume, aware that Roosevelt conducted an illegal war BEFORE Congress authorized war vs China?
It is true that the Constitution has not always been followed, esp. in times of war. Lincoln did a lot of real harm … you troglydytes might wanna blame him for the draft and the income tax.
Or perhaps you want to being back the Alien and Sedition acts?
Of course, even if you do not give a patriotic farthing for the Constitution, there is the question of whether we are now at war and if so with who?
@45….LOL – your knowledge of WW1, as with most other things, is really lacking.
Before making idiotic statements like that, you should really do some studying.
Goebbels/Himmler Rabbit gets caught again…
@19 – it is the extreme Right that have Hijacked Christianity and exploit it, only including those that they feel are worthy and condemning everyone else. As a Gay Christian, take your bible and stick it up your lily white ass.
@48 “Ask Daniel Pearl’s widow.”
I asked the widows and orphans of the 17 Iraqis murdered by Bush’s Blackwater mercenaries, and they said Republicans suck.
@50 How long will it take Hizzoner to review the private parking policy? It would take me about 10 seconds.
re 8: The Master advised us to get the logs out of our own eyes first.
What are you — some kind of Polish hillbilly?
@ 48
“Radical Islam cannot envision a world where anything other than their view is tolerated.”
Yeah, kind of like Radical Christians, whom can’t tolerate gay people. Piper, you found your own ancestors amongst radical Islam.
Piper @ 54
C’mon, thrown out? Not much drama there. Bush people did far worse always. Plus, I think a reference to “union thugs” is a little too easy, too cliche.
There is a lot of tension out there right now, most of it caused by a level of unrestrained–and, frankly, unpatriotic–partisanship from your side that I have not seen in my lifetime. This nation is too close to the precipice of financial ruin to play the political games you guys seem to insist on playing. You won Massachusetts. Kudos for that. But, whatever. I would like to see one damned Republican Senator show some independent thought, and act in the nation’s interest, rather than that of the GOP (of course, in the long term, the GOP is killing itself by its shortsightedness, but that’s a different story). Your people are making this nation ungovernable. No respect for law, the Constitution, reason. Hell, if you guys take over again, we’ll be the next Somalia.
@65…I could take your entire post, and replace “republican” with “democrat” and it would still be just as accurate.
Again, you are incomprehensible.
What you don’t know about implied powers of the commander in chief would fill many volumes.
You should read Tried by War by James MacPherson about Lincoln as a war president.
Lincoln knew, and he went through generals until he found them in Grant, Sherman and George Thomas, who knew that their job was to utterly destroy the eneme and the enemies capability and will to wage war. If that meant something like Sherman’s march to the sea, which was a two-hundred mile wide total destruction of Georgia from Atlantah to Savannah, then so be it.
The Constitution isn’t a suicide pact, yet you want to put the gun of terrorism at our collective temple and help radical Islam pull the trigger.
No wonder so few take you seriously.
The Piper
Yes – thrown out. I was there, and I was the one thrown out. Did you watch the video?
We went into a public building as a team of journalists to cover a story. It would have been an objective story on phone banking efforts for Coakley.
We were close to getting permission from the Coakley political people in the building when the two toughs bulled their way in and forced us out. Trust me…as the one threatened and called a Nazi, I regarded them as thugs.
These days I take non-partisan status seriously. But it’s interesting that even with a veto-proof majority in the Senate and a large majority in the House, Democrats still had to do the Louisiana Purchase and the Ben Nelson bribe to get anything through.
Polling data suggests growing opposition to Obamacare and other deficit-growing, budget-busting programs like cap and trade and the very failed stimulus plan.
This isn’t the change people wanted 14 months ago, so they’re voting for another kind of change.
The Piper
China .. that was typo .. I meant the illegal war IN China that Roosevelt ran without Congressional approval.
Lincoln? not sure what your point is. I thought we were talking about his decisions ot over ride the constitution and such stuff as the draft and taxes? What does this have to do with his terrible management of the first years of the war?
As for
That is an inane statement since I have supported the efforts of two Presidents now to fight this mess. Have you even read my discussions of the problems with Islam? For that matter do you even know any Islamic history?
The irony of folks likke you is that in the name of sacred words like “liberty” and “freedom” you take the man’s buck in an effort to undermine the very democracy we depend on.
Tell us about the EFF and its support for Herr Beck?
Sorry…cheap attempts to bait me won’t get you a thing.
In my increasingly libertarian leanings, I simply see that most of what government does is ineffective, illegitimate, inane, wasteful and best left to the private sector if done at all.
From a military standpoint, know-nothings like Eric Holder and yourself with your abstract and fantasyland-based ideas about “Constitutional rights” for enemy combatants are ludicrous. Name one war in U.S. history where that thinking has been prevelent, and name how that thinking enhances tactical or strategic interests of the U.S.
The point has nothing to do with the history of Islam. It’s not our job to understand the enemy’s grievances – it’s our job to defeat the enemy and make him understand ours.
Your thinking makes the sniper an assassin. I know a young man who spent three tours in Iraq doing that work. Is what he did illegal? After all, he didn’t Mirandize those he shot, nor did he accord them a civilian trial with due-process niceties before he put a bullet in them. Yet I regard him as supremely moral.
Trying terrorists and combatants in civilian courts is foolish sophistry. And it threatens our national security as well as the lives and property of the people in the communities where these trials will be held.
The Piper
@55 “Could you help Piper by explaining that the uSA Constitution describes rights of everyone living in the US, not just citizens?”
Nope. If he didn’t learn that in law school, he’s way beyond any help I could offer.
Death Panels
I’m watching NBC Dateline, which is doing a show about private death panels.
One story is about a large insurance company that stalled approving treatment for a 12-year-old girl suffering from leukemia until it was too late to save here.
Another story is about a young man in a coma from a neurological disease. A surgical team flew to the hospital, not to treat him, but to wait for him to die so they could harvest his organs. His mother was pressured to sign donation forms — but refused. They harvested her son’s heart anyway — while he was still alive.
And then you have wingnuts like Sarah Palin, Piper Scott, and that idiot brandishig the handgun ( telling us we should be afraid of the government.
Anyone who thinks their life is safe in the hands of insurance companies and hospitals should watch that show.
@72 What they’re saying on Dateline right now is that the young man was not only alive on the operating table, but in pain and struggling, so the surgeons — concerned that his organs would become unusable — kept pumping morphine into him until he died.
Several months later, one of the operating room nurses went to the police.
It’s interesting that EXACTLY 3 years ago to this date, your Bible (The Daily Kos) had this article on precisely the same subject
Imagine the irony.
There is plenty of Scripture that we simply cannot explain….nor do we need to.
This is one of them…although highly debated and misused.
Over the years, there have been many, many, many attempts to explain & understand this particle verse. Here is an interesting one.
Frankly, Atheists like Goldy who dismiss the Bible as “ghosts” and fairy tales are exercising the free choice God has given us.
There are plenty of Bible scholars who have a variety of interpretations of many Scriptures.
So what??
It’s all about “SEEKING” the Truth and knowing God better. At least that’s my belief.
Good luck in your Atheist Journey Goldy et al.
If a liver transplant costs $500,000 who gets all that money? Not the family of the transplant donor. So who gets it?
SJ spews–
Herr Beck?? Glen Beck is merely a TV personality.
However David “The Devil” Axelrod has the ear of the most powerful man in the free world.
We should be talking about Herr Axelrod who has real power.
SJ–You seem to love the sideshows…when we should really be in the business of holding those IN POWER accountable.
How can you support David “The Devil” Axelrod who is pushing our President to push forward against the will of the people??
All “The Devil” is doing is trying to create anger and weakien America.
“The Devil” Axelrod has been elected to Nothing!
Yet he seems to be out front making horrible policy.
Who is in power SJ???
Your commentary shows why the Atheist Progressive Movement has failed. Yeah, you know how to convince the masses about “Hope & Change” and bullshit about lots of free stuff.
But you failed because you don’t know how to lead. Obtain power…yup. But you have it and have blown it…and now you blame folks like Glen Beck and Piper????
You are way too negative.
Look at Obam-Mao…he ridiculed Middle America about their religion, their guns and even Senator Brown’s truck???
You Progressives blew it.
You had a fabulous opportunity…but in 1 year, you blew it with the Axelrod BadAss approach.
Worse luck next time@!
Think about what has really happened SJ.
Obam-Mao and you Progs blew it!
You are just way too arrogant to admit it…and instead blame others.
76. Roger Rabbit spews:
Lawyer assholes.
When talk is of the military, Piper gets a woodie (at least so long as he’s popped his Cialis, he does). He believes that so long as we’re “at war,” the Constitution doesn’t count. He will, on the other hand, scream to the high heavens about international law and the like if he perceives that a foreign government is mistreating an American citizen. Piper favors a Mad Max society in which there is no central government, no central authority at all. Rather, those who are armed and capable of defending themselves are granted deference. Widows and orphans, on the other hand, sorry. Piper, the “libertarian,” has rejected the social compact that led to the American Revolution. He thinks John Locke is a socialist. That is what we have come to with this so-called Tea Party nonsense. It is an anti-intellectual, let the loudest prevail, ideology, that, if triumphant, will lead us to Third World status within our lifetimes. Piper is not a stupid guy. I’ve met him. Kind of like him, even. He is, however, becoming more and more deluded.
And I thought they only steal organs from people in South American hellholes. Apparently that goes on in U.S. hospitals, too.
78: “Lawyer assholes.”
Damn, you’re an idiot. You are a capitalist, except when it comes to lawyers earning a dime. Lawyers, I guess, are supposed to work for free. Except your party doesn’t even like lawyers working for free given your efforts to get in the way of pro bono efforts to offer legal help to the poor. Regardless, lawyers aren’t making money off liver transplants. Do you think hospitals might be though, you wad of toilet goo? You are truly hateful, Cynical. I would request that you quit proclaiming yourself to be Christian. You give Christians a bad name.
Look at this site:
Surgery Center of Oklahoma keeps prices down by eliminating overhead (almost no administrative staff), being transparent on prices, offering first rate and state-of-the-art surgical services, and dealing directly with patients on the issue of price.
Most hospitals and medical personnel have no incentive to control costs. Likewise patients who, because they have no responsibility for its control, pay no attention to what a procedure could or should cost.
Bureaucracy in the medical system, insurance companies and government (functionally, one in the same) hike costs. Time to bust that oligarchy apart.
If care was a matter discussed between the provider and the patient with the matter of price on the agenda, then you’d see real and radical reform.
Check the prices for Surgery Center of Oklahoma against any hospital in the country, and you’ll find them 50 to 60 percent cheaper…or better.
Before you throw your lot in with government, try thinking out of the box.
The Piper
@77 “Glen Beck is merely a TV personality.”
Perhaps in the same sense that Barack Obama is merely a TV personality. All Beck does is make daily political speeches in an effort to influence tens of millions of people and change political outcomes in our country.
I can, however, identify two important differences between Beck and Obama. First, Obama is president, whereas Beck is only thinking of running for president. Second, Beck’s salary is about 100 times Obama’s salary.
@78 “Lawyer assholes.”
Sometimes you’re downright funny.
@79 Well, at least pooper is smart enough to make money off his deluded stupidity by being a paid flack for Effin Fucked Foundation. Gotta give him credit for that.
@82 Ah, I see. Your idea is that because there’s no price competition, there should be no governmen regulation either.
@82 So, to prepare for your next car accident, do you carry a note in your wallet instructing the Medics that if they find you unconscious in a pool of blood inside the tangled wreck of your car, you want them to call around and compare prices before hauling you off to Harborview?
You’re stuck in the 60’s, laddie.
I’m hard pressed to understand how the Constitution applies to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed such that he rates a civilian criminal trial in NYC. What’s wrong with a military tribunal with assigned counsel followed by a summary execution? Isn’t that how the U.S. dealth with Jodl, Keitel and Tojo after WW II?
The Constitution counts. But it doesn’t apply to combat in Afghanistan. The Constitution counts, but it doesn’t apply to an act of terror commited by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallub. It didn’t qualify the German saboteurs in Ex parte Quirin to civilian trials, so why should we bend over backward to push things way out of the limits the Founders intended?
As far as the “social compact” is concerned, I’d be content going back to the level of government services in place at the time of the founding of the republic if that were the only option available.
I’m not opposed to a strong central government. I share the concerns John Adams had about that, and I share Lincoln’s belief that the union is indissolvable.
I do, however, believe that the federal government long ago breached the social compact to erode powers specifically reserved to the states by the Constitution. The use of the Commerce Clause is more in the nature of abuse.
Both the House and Senate health care bills have serious Constitutional issues, and a lot of attorneys general are waiting in the wings to file suit should (unlikely now since the Brown victory) either bill pass.
I believe in individual rights without regard to the wealth of the individual. Just because someone has more is no reason to take more from him.
The Tea Party Movement and the outrage expressed at this past summer’s Congressional town hall meetings is increasingly reflected in election returns.
Virginia, New Jersey and now Massachusetts are telling the tale. Fascinating how so many in Congress are distancing themselves from health care and other big-ticket bills since Massachusetts.
Ignore these facts all you want as you continue to spin a web of self-delusional fantasy, but it’s happening. Ask Martha Coakley – she knows.
The Piper
No…For scheduled surgery, call around and negotiate price. You do that when you buy a house or a car, so why not when you buy a hip replacement.
As for ER care, give patients the ability to negotiation after the fact. And demand that providers compete with each other on cost. How about a couple more ERs in the area to compete with Harborview? Competition forces prices down.
But when an institution like Harborview has a monopoly on the business, then it can charge whatever the traffic will bear.
But then again since you’ve never worked in a business that had to control costs or turn a profit you wouldn’t know that, would you?
The Piper
Piper @ 89: “As for ER care, give patients the ability to negotiation after the fact. And demand that providers compete with each other on cost. How about a couple more ERs in the area to compete with Harborview? Competition forces prices down.”
You have lost it, m’lad. Negotiate after the fact? Have you ever been in the business world? You want more ERs in the area to compete with Harborview? Do you have any idea how many ERs there are in the area already? Do you? Piper, you are letting your ideology prevent you from seeing what is already happening.
@88 I’m hard pressed to understand how the Constitution doesn’t apply to Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen arrested on U.S. soil for plotting a terrorist attack in a U.S. city.
The succinct answer to that is the Bush administrative caved and agreed to transfer Padilla to civilian custody for criminal trial in U.S. courts under U.S. laws rather than risk a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on whether Padilla’s detention as an “enemy combatant” was lawful.
Padilla’s trial raised a number of issues, including his mental competence to stand trial, violation of his right to speedy trial, and the conditions of his detention including alleged torture. He was convicted by a federal jury, but that conviction is under appeal, so there’s no final determination yet of whether or to what extent the government’s ability to prosecute Padilla was compromised by constitutional violations.
Padilla has filed a civil suit against former Bush lawyer John Yoo seeking torture damages, on the grounds that Yoo’s legal memorandum arguing that torture was legal resulted in Padilla being tortured. In July 2009, the court refused to dismiss the suit and ruled that Padilla’s claims against Yoo could proceed.
@89 “But then again since you’ve never worked in a business that had to control costs or turn a profit you wouldn’t know that, would you?”
C’mon now, pooper, you know what happens to people who assume things. Remember your ASS U ME training? I’ve not only worked in for-profit businesses, I’ve owned two of them, one of which is currently making money for me.
@88 “The Tea Party Movement and the outrage expressed at this past summer’s Congressional town hall meetings is increasingly reflected in election returns.”
The short answer to that is intelligent people have no obligation to listen to stupid people who disrupt meetings, shout down speakers, brandish guns, and assert that we can solve our health care problems by taking away the rights of injured patients to sue negligent doctors and hospitals.
@88 (continued) If stupid people want to elect the Bushes, Palins, and McGavicks of the world to run this country, I can live with it. They create opportunities for me to buy stocks dirt cheap, then they buy those stocks back from me at substantial markups after Democrats have cleaned up their messes and restored confidence. I can keep doing that as long as you can, maybe longer.
Harborview is a unique trauma center. But if another like it were to open, then competition could force prices down.
Problem we have in this state are barriers to entry called certificates of need, which are anti-competitive. Dump that requirement, then let anyone who wants to invest in a hospital, clinic or ER do so.
Apply solid business principles to the business of medicine. After all, don’t many attorneys compete on price? If the price for wills starts falling because enterprising lawyers charge less, won’t the profession have to respond to stay in business?
Free enterprise…everyone has a shot.
The Piper
proud leftist spews–
Request denied.
I have observed you getting angrier and angrier as Obam-Mao sinks lower and lower.
Your rhetoric is hotter…and your comments like this are off the wall.
Why is your attitude so linked to Obam-Mao??
You seem somewhat intelligent at times…yet your zealous Progressive Ideology has blinded you to reality…the reality that Obam-Mao would eventually fail.
He was elected based on rhetoric..with no leadership experience. He was not vetted by the MSM…as they fell in love with the novelty of Obam-Mao.
Now Obam-Mao has a record…and most of America disagrees.
He lied, he tried and now his movement died.
What is so hard for you to understand about that??
Think about it pl.
How come you maintain your cool and common sense…while Racist Roger Rabbit goes banana’s and starts attacking you and blaming Bush?
Sadly, I can picture the old fart with drool coming out of the corner of his mouth screaming “I Hate Bush” with his ddying breath!
One other thing that is very clear to me..The Tea Party Movement is mainly Unaffiliated Voters. The Progressives are so paranoid and out of touch that they truly believe it is a GOP Conspiracy. The fact is most of the folks I have met at these Tea Party events (and it’s hundreds) hare the Republican Party as much as the Democrats! Conservative Candidates have recognized this. The Tea Party will drive the Republican Party…because the Democrats have blown it by mocking and ridiculing!
The HA crowd will never get it.
I suspect Obam-Mao now understands…but it’s too late for him. His arrogance & ego allowed him to participate in the attacks on Middle America. Hard to comeback. The only way is for Obam-Mao to disassociate from people like we see at HA. Clinton did. I don;t think Obam-Mao can pull it off. Do you??
Let me make something clear. I’m a speculator, not an investor. I prey on fools, and business is usually good when Republicans are running things.
The stock market went nowhere in the last decade. If you had invested in an index fund that tracked the market averages 10 years ago, you would have made nothing. I tripled my money over that period.
You wanna elect Republicans, pooper? Go right ahead! I’ll take the money. I wanna live like a Republican, too.
@95 “Harborview is a unique trauma center. But if another like it were to open, then competition could force prices down.”
Or maybe create unnecessary duplication of super-expensive facilities and drive both of them into bankruptcy.
It’s one thing for airlines to go broke because the fare structure can’t support the costs of doing business. It’s another thing for destructive competition to put hospitals under, so no one can get trauma care.
Yet another Democrat “retires”
That makes 6…with many more to come.
This one a 6-termer from Arkansas!
They can see they are going to be held accountable and are running away!!
Market forces clearly would help. Had an ill relative last week. on Medicare. PLace he lives sent him for xray; called him the $500 medical ambulance. No concern on price. Though we would not pay, i drove him home. I can guarantee you most would always take the free deal, and if it was your own pocket, you’d never (save for dire emergency) pay $1,000 for a trip to the xray machine.
Oh yeah, Cynical, I’m really foaming at the mouth tonight! You’re almost as funny as your goats!
@102 There is no competition in health care, and never will be. There’s no way of knowing when you get in what tests will be ordered, or what treatment will be prescribed. Even the doctors don’t know until they conduct the tests and make a diagnosis; and, even then, they don’t necessarily know what the course of treatment will involve. How can anyone estimate the costs in advance? This isn’t like buying a sack of potatoes or getting a car repaired. Medicine is an art, not a science. Realistically, just assume that whatever the bill is for a major illness or injury, no mortal can afford it.
@99 & 100…RR…
Thank you for acknowledging that people live better and opportunities for investment are better when conservative market forces are the order of the day.
And you don’t know that a second trauma center would bankrupt both – you’re only assuming that. Because there will always be a demand for one, at least one will always be around. But what if the market can easily sustain two? Wouldn’t that be a good thing for everyone?
More access, lower costs and competition forcing better services.
The Piper
Wingnuts buy car insurance and fire insurance every day. Yet they think spreading the risk of a major injury or illness over a large pool of insureds is “socialism.” Go figure.
Hell, if you’re gonna be an ideological capitalist, why not go all the way? If you really believe this “socialism” crap, then you should drop your health coverage and gamble on staying healthy.
But if you’re gonna do that, we can’t let you dump your medical bills on the rest of us by declaring bankruptcy if you lose the gamble. We’ll need to reinstate debtors’ prisons and hang bankrupts as thieves.
Cynical @ 96: “Now Obam-Mao has a record…and most of America disagrees.
He lied, he tried and now his movement died.”
I was blessed with being hit with true irony today. I was listening to the Ron Reagan Show while driving around. The subject was Haiti. Ron Reagan, the son of your exalted saint, has, of course, recognized the error of his father’s ways, though he apparently always loved his father. These things happen. Ron played a clip from the Rush Limbaugh show this week in which Rush politicized Haiti. He criticized Obama for having links on his official website that permitted people to give money to those in need in Haiti. Rush inquired of someone who called in: “How could you trust that the money would get to Haiti? Don’t you think the purpose of those links is to get a bigger list of potential Obama donors?” The caller, naturally, agreed enthusiastically. Then, Rush said, “we already given to Haiti. It’s called the federal income tax.” That’s the head of your party, Cyn.
BTW, calling our president “Obam-Mao” makes you look childish. I admit to calling our last president “GW,” but even some who loved him called him that. Don’t get too excited about your prospects, Cyn. The fall always hurts.
How much were you paid to help Herr Beck speead his bile in Seattle?
By the way, does the EFF pay taxes? Why not? Oh .. unlike Faux, it EFF is not profitable, needs to be protected by big brother from the bad old real world.
By the way, you still have not told us how much money you make by being here? Since the Piper would not exist w/o HA, why not buy an ad? Ooops .. that would be too honest?
You recognized your error in referring to a lack of local “ERs” competing with Harborview. Now, you reference a “unique trauma center.” It is, in fact, the most highly regarded trauma center in a 5 state region (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana). There isn’t the slightest chance that any for-profit health care organization will try to compete with Harborview. Government does some things right with regard to healthcare, and Harborview is one of them.
@109 pl
You will learn if you keep trying to “talk” with Piper that there is not much there beyond prepackaged Fauxisms and conservative kant.
I suspect he has no idea, for example, of why no for profit would WANT to run an ER like the one at Hview. There is a lot more net in the OR and interventionist cardiology than there is in an ER.
The wierd thing is that the EFF considers him some sort of investigator. His only qualification for that seems to be his experience writing here and in a failed HR operation he ran. Interestingly he does wrfite pretty well .. if you neglect the lack of knowledge or judgment. Actually, I suspect he is more than a bit like Herr Beck but at a lot less salary because he lacks Becks on the air histrionics.
I also suggest that you take his presence here seriously. I am amazed that the rad right has the money to hire folks like this but they ARE effective. Just listen to the tea baggers recite Beckish revelations about Acorn or how the healthcare bill will bankrupt them.
Propaganda DOES work!
Well, you know what? This verse is true. Once again though Goldy is taking a verse of the Bible to make it look bad. You see this in no way shape or form means that women are lower, lesser or inferior. God ordaned things to have order. The husband is the head of the house hold. That is ordaned by God. Why? Because there must be a leader. God choose man. In every house where this is followed in the Biblical way the wifes are not oppressed. They are in a happy loving family. No husband should EVER treat his wife as property or a possession. Jesus himself said that the two become one flesh when married. In I Corinthians 7:3-4 says: Let the Husband render unto the wife due benevolence.: and like wise also the wife unto the husband.
The wife hath not power over her own boby, but the husband: and like wise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
What does this have to do with preaching in the Church. Everything. The Church is a family. A Church, if it followes the pattern of the first century church example of the Bible, is also a Republic. The Pastor is the earthly leader. He is head of the family of the Church. The same as the husband is the head of the famliy in the home. Someone has to be in charge to make final decisions. God choose men fo this role. Why? I cannot answer why. I just know one thing for sure. God is eternal, he is from everlasting. He knows an infinate more than we could ever know. I also know that he is always right. Even though I don’t always understand or in my flesh agree I still submit to his will. Because I know that my life will be more joyful if I do.
To all the women out there. God does not see you as lesser. God made man and woman different and unique. He gave us all role to fulfill. If we live for Him as he wishes we will all have fulfillment and joy. You also have free will. I cannot force you to live as God wants, nor do I want to. I am not God, I cannot force you against your will. That is against everything God stands for. God loves you. Jesus the Son of God loves you. Remember when Jesus rose from the grave the first person he showed him self to was Mary Magdalene. Please do not let pride or personal disagreement prevent you from recieving the truth. Jesus Christ will save you. It is a free gift for everyone. All you have to do is take it. Below is a web site that has the plan of salvation. Go to it, women and men. Learn the truth. Accept Jesus as your Saviour. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
@89 “How about a couple more ERs in the area to compete with Harborview? Competition forces prices down.
But when an institution like Harborview has a monopoly on the business, then it can charge whatever the traffic will bear.”
Must you preen as broadcast your ignorance, Piper? Here’s today’s assignment. Report back to us how many ER’s there are in each county in Western Washington. Followup question, how many other ER’s are there within a one mile radius of Harborview?
Oh, and why do you hate our state’s Department of Health? The usual reason? Just because, huh, Piper?
@112 “Blah, blah, blah”
Good grief.
@113 Oops, I meant the sermon delivered @111. Darn this disappearing, doesn’t-work-when-it’s-here edit function!
Piper would never speak of things of which he is 100% ignorant.
Now, about Harborview’s ER monopoly, just how many ER’s are there, Piper?
Run along, you ignorant wingnut fool.
You could have Googled it, Piper, before you opened your mouth, but you’re a stupid fuck who thinks he knows everything. Here’s a clue. You don’t.
yawn. leftists don’t get market forces.
I have no idea what my doctor charges. Then he recommended a semi elective surgery. that surgeon is not part of my fancy health plan, so for the first time ever, i had to inquire on prices. the price was too high. I skipped the surgery.
I think that’s how you drive prices down.
And roger, nobody forces me to buy homeowner insurance, plus no homeowner policies are pooling hundreds of billions of slush fund “cornhusker”, lousiana purchase giveaways.
think market man…what if costco ran an HMO…not as good as my fancy dr. at Swedish, but darn better than the UK NHS.
Say, Piper, what’s the name of that department on the gound floor on the west side of Swedish Hospital’s South Building where the ambulances pull in? Help me out here.
Yeah the Constitution seemed to apply just fine to the guys put away for the first WTC bombing in the early nineties.
Why does pooper hate the Constitution? Why is he so frightened of the Constitution?
@117 “nobody forces me to buy homeowner insurance”
Try telling your mortgage company that you dropped the hazard insurance.
@119 “Why does pooper hate the Constitution?”
Beats me. I see that he hates DOH too. Something about a lack of emergency departments. Of course, there’s numerous emergency departments but that doesn’t stop Piper from pulling a turd from his ass, calling it fact, and using that “fact” to excuse the vicious hate he then spews.
What’s the right wing response?
“Get a job!”
Piper discovers: “Surgery Center of Oklahoma keeps prices down by eliminating overhead”
Yeah, Piper, we don’t have them stinkin’ surg centers in our state.
Or do we?
Tell, me, Piper, how many surg centers are there in, say, Tacoma? Auburn? Have you any idea? Have you any clue at all?
JUst look at the huge pre-State of Union bumb Obam-Mao has gotten in the Democrat-leaning Rasmussen Poll–
Monday, January 25, 2010
I am one of many who won’t be watching.
How can you tell when Obam-Mao lies???
Answer: His lips move!
I watched every SOU as far back as I can remember…including all of Clinton’s.
Clinton was a great speaker.
Teleprompter Man Obam-Mao has totally lost his luster & credibility.
He goes out od his way to offend Middle America…now he will try to magically bring them back with some Stupid Solution.
Less than 3 years now and Obam-Mao is a failure & a fraud.
I see that Republicans now express a belief that feeding the poor only causes them to breed. The solution, they say? heh- Don’t feed them.
I thought that tidbit would fit nicely in this thread about the Bible.
I tell you, if it wasn’t for Puddy and the KLOWN reminding me of how stupid the stupid can get, I’d conclude that Piper is the dumbest fucktard on the planet.
126 – The pooper seems almost genetically bred for the pseudo-intellectual goon squad that is the EFF.
He once was a head-hunter. Now he’s now a pretend journalist!
@127 If his posts here are any indication, then I’d reckon he’s a failure at anything and everything he’s ever attempted to do in his life.
Piper Gets a Booboo
It was late at night. The celebration of the election of three creationists to the Seattle School Board had been, well ecstatic.
Piper had gone so far as to bring his bottle of Glendronach, a bottle given to him 30 years ago as victor of the piping competition n Aberdeen. This was a great treasure for a great moment!.
One glass followed another and by the time the Discovery Institute called it a day, Pipe had some trouble getting into his Chevy Silverado to drive. The it happened, as entered the I 5, the steering wheel on the pickup seemed to have a mind of its own, some truck with tortillas bound north from Mexico, hit the Chevy full on. Damn Mexican drivers anyway!
Oh well, the harm was not all that bad. A few cervical fractures and a burst spleen… but just a few minutes from Harborview ER, the ambulance told him.
But wait! Pipe wanted to go to Tacoma for the 10% discount for bagpipers. The gay EMT at first refused, but .. well Pipe was insistent. The free market was as important to him as his kilt.
Sadly, on the way Piper’s middle cerebral artery gave way.
Services will be held next Sunday at St. Francis’ Chapel at Woodenville. The bagpiper band from Glory Bible College will lead us all to this great man’s burial.
Contributions may be sent to the Evergreen Freedom Foundation.
In the meantime
US to lift 21-year ban on haggis
Burns’ night boost for famous Scottish dish that fell victim to BSE fears
@127…kinda like how you’re a pretend contributor to society….
RIP ,,, the Piper
SJ news just talked with the ambulance driver. Apparently Mr. Scott was actually at the Harborview ER when he determined that their prices were not competitive with those of Tacoma General. Sad.
On other hand, I understand that Scott may have left his collection of old single brews to the EFF. Lets hope that they hold a public auction* where we can all sip Glennfiddich and swig Glenlivet while the pipers pipe! What a fitting end for a man of God!
Of course all purchases of scotch at the auction will be tax free.
@132 That’s a shame, SJ. He could have shopped around nearby and perhaps found an emergency medical services sale going on at the Swedish or Virginia Mason ER’s and perhaps would have lived to toot that pipe another day.
The ambulance driver told me that Piper did that. Have you priced Swedish and Mason???
No, as a loyal follower of Ayn Rand, the Piper followed his high moral principles. Do you think death was too big a price for morality?
With apologies ..
I do know that Piper hasted Ms. Rand for being a devout atheist and certainly di not mean that choosing the least expensive ER was not the Christian thing to do.
“Have you priced Swedish and Mason???”
No, I admit that I haven’t. I also forgot for a moment that those ER’s don’t exist in the Piperverse.
Jesus saying “I and the Father are One.”:
Before we start on John 10:30 Verse, let us examine some of the exaggerating expressions that were said by Jesus himself in the New Testament:
An exaggerating expression in the Bible: The Bible contains many verses in it that contain irrational statements. For instance we read in Matthew 21:21 ” Jesus replied, ‘I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.'” I challenge any “faithful” believing Christian to move one brick, not a mountain with his sight or words. Have any Christian from the time of Jesus till now been able to do it?
Another exaggerating expression is in Mark 16:17-18 “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” Again, I challenge any Christian to allow himself to get bit by a poisonous rattle snake or cobra and survive its venom.
Does this mean no “Christian” is a real Christian? Did Jesus say that no one will ever be a believer, since they can’t lift mountains with their eye sights nor survive deadly poisons?
Does the Bible contain exaggerating expressions in it? and if so, then how can you take the “Trinitarian” verses so literal then? They too are nothing but exaggerations (as I proved below in this article) that do not prove that Jesus is the Creator of this Universe.
From Sheikh Ahmed Deedat’s work; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him:
Let us look at John 10:30 “I (Jesus) and the Father are One.” This verse is severely misunderstood and is taken out of context, because beginning at verse John 10:23 we read (in the context of 10:30) about Jesus talking to the Jews. In verse John 10:28-30, talking about his followers as his sheep, he states: “…Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father who gave them me, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are One.”
These verses prove only that Jesus and the Father are one in that no man can pluck the sheep out of either’s hand. It does not at all state that Jesus is God’s equal in everything. In fact the words of Jesus, ” My Father, who gave them me is Greater than ALL…,” in John 10:29 completely negates this claim, otherwise we are left with a contradiction just a sentence apart. All includes everyone even Jesus.
Also let us look at verse John 17:20-22 “That the ALL may be made ONE. Like thou Father art in me, I in thee, that they may be ONE in us. I in
them, they in me, that they may be perfect in ONE”. In this verse, the same word ONE used, the Greek, HEN is used, not only to describe Jesus and the Father but to describe Jesus, the Father and eleven of the twelve disciples of Jesus. So here if that implies equality, we have a unique case of 13 Gods.
Of the verse in question, “I and the Father are One” in (John 10:30), we also need to take note of the verses following the 30th verse in the text. In those verses, the Jews accuse Jesus falsely of claiming to be God by these words. He however replies, proving their accusation wrong by their own text: “The Jews answered him saying,’For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy, and because that thou being a man, makest thyself a God ‘” (John 10:33).
Jesus replies to this accusation saying: “Jesus answered them, ‘Is it not written in your Law, “I said ye are gods. If He can call them gods, unto whom the word of God came, say ye of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world, “Thou blasphemeth,” because I said I am the son of God?'” (John 10:34-36).
Let us look at Acts 2:22 “O you men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a MAN approved of God among you…” Peter in the Book of Acts testifies about Jesus. Jesus thus even to his disciples, as to early Christians, not poisoned by Pauline doctrine, was a man, not a God.
Question: In John 10:30 Jesus says, “I and the Father are one [hen].” Doesn’t this show that they are one in essence?
This statement does not suggest either a dual or triune deity. What John’s Jesus meant by the word hen (“one”) becomes clear from his prayer concerning the apostles: “That they may be one [hen], just as we are one [hen]” (John 17:22), which means that they should be united in agreement with one another as he (Jesus) is always united in agreement with God, as stated: “I [Jesus] always do the things that are pleasing to Him [God]” (John 8:29).
There is thus no implication that Jesus and God, or the twelve apostles are to be considered as of one essence.
Further from Muslim-SA: John 10:30
The third verse which Christians claim validates the doctrine of the trinity is the verse of John 10:30
“I and my father are one.”
This verse, however is quoted out of context. The complete passage, starting with John 10:23, reads as follows:
“And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch. Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me. But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. I and my Father are one.”
John 10:23-30
In divinity? In a holy “Trinity”? No! They are one in PURPOSE. Just as no one shall pluck them out of Jesus’ hand, so too shall no one pluck them out of God’s hand.
Need more proof? Then read:
“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one.”
John 17:20-22
Is all of mankind also part of the “Trinity”?
Such terminology can be found in many other places, read for example:
“Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit,”
1 Corinthians 6:15-17
And also
“One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”
Ephesians 4:6
“For as the (human) body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many.”
1 Corinthians 12:12-14
Once we read the above verses and understand what the message was that Paul was trying to get across, then we can begin to understand his words in such places as
“There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”
Ephesians 4:4
“St. Paul” was speaking about Christian unity, not about a plurality of gods merged into one body. As we shall soon see, he was completely ignorant of where his teachings would later lead, and how decades later, they would be the foundations which would spawn the “Trinity” doctrin
With apologies ..
I do know that Piper hated Ms. Rand for being a devout atheist and certainly did not mean that choosing the least expensive ER was not the Christian thing to do.
See my post at 122 for all the folks you’ve just put in that mean-spirited little box of yours.
The candidates you vote for are going to win a lot of elections hurling that insult..
Heckuva job..
I dont begrudge anyone looking for a job..heck, I might be one of them the way this economy is going.
however, in your case, I would not say “get a job”…I would say “GO LOOK FOR A JOB”.
@137 Akhtar
I assume you are muslim?
May I rem oind you that where the Torah and Quran are said to be revealed by the Deity, the best one can say about the Christian bible is that it claims to be a compilation of memories .. more like the hadith than the Quran.
Worse yet the version the Christians use was edited and authorized by the pagan emperor of Rome.
Of course, I am NOT saying I believe in the literal value of the claims in either the Quran or the Torah, BUT for those who do claim to believe it seems to me that any part of the C. Bible should be taken skeptically.
For example, Sound Transit expects 220,000 riders a day to ride the North Seattle segment, but plans to provide only 7,000 parking spaces at the Northgate station, all of which will be on the other side of the freeway.
Jesus, you are stupid, Rabbit.
You just call them names.. and slink away like a coward when confronted about your bullshit.
You’re a small-minded creep..
Your comments over the years damned yourself fool! Even some of your political kind damned you and your comments.
Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny, Cynical and Puddy mentioned this years ago on HA fool. Ask HA’s arschloch, ylb arschloch for the original Missives. Cynical and Puddy asked how could they build a rail system and not provide parking spaces or only allow you to park there for 24 hours if you are heading to the airport? Where have you been Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny? Looks like Piper is right again about Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny!
Why was this mentioned in the HA Bible Study thread? Oh yeah Lee told us he gives you a pass. He must feel sorry for Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny and his brain full of mush!
You mean that mysterious link in National Review you never produced Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny?
Piper, did you see the interview with NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly January 19th on this subject? He told it as it is about decision making in the WA DC leftist vacuum without understanding the consequences.
P R I C E L E S S.
Hey Piper,
When those who wear the “union label” ejected you, did they later “apologize” like the thug on the street working for Coakley did to the other reporter?
Great Post Cynical@75. Great detective work!
Back to the topic at hand before the thread was hijacked by Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny… Wasn’t it the Hebrew of old who that thought women were second class citizens? Weren’t the old synagogues in the Old Testament separated by sexual orientation? Wasn’t Paul keeping those “traditions” alive?
Verse 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
Verse 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Just checking…
@150 Puddy
Seems as if your message woudl be especially WRONG for YOUR religion.
I though you folks believed that the Torah through Revs was all the WOG? (word of God).
FWIW, synagogues DID not exist at the time of the Torah. They probably did not exist until Roman times and in their modern form only after you folks (you are a Roman aren’t you?)destroyed the Temle and left us unable to worship according to the Torah.
@144 “Your comments over the years damned yourself fool! Even some of your political kind damned you and your comments.”
Yeah, all while you were chumming up with wingnuts who call blacks niggers and jigaboos, and tell racist jokes about lazy black men afraid to work like a white man. You have no moral standing here. You’re in no position to lecture gman. So you can just STFU.
Puddy ,,, Piper
You buds now???
Puddy you shooda seen the show black at the affair Piper et al. put on for Beck! He was so .. touching!
If you really do like hanging around with paid members of the SchutzStaffel I may still have some ties in the mafia! They tolerate friendly Black folks too .. as long as the Blacks remember theor place.
Seems to me that you can do better, a lot better.,
@143…no retard, I only call you names – because instead of looking for work, you fuck off all day long on HA…the word lazy comes to mind.
154 – No you call folks names because it makes you FEEL GOOD…
about buying into worthless right wing bullshit or being an asshole, whatever…
@155…projecting much ylb? ya, I think so.
156 – Nope. I don’t give anyone a hard time who doesn’t have it coming..
Let’s see the proof of my racism coward..
Even Stupes and little Ricky Dumbass gave their worthless proof.. Where’s yours?
It doesn’t exist, cuz’ you’re nothing more than a tag-along..