Cain said to the LORD, “My punishment is more than I can bear. Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”
But the LORD said to him, “Not so; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. So Cain went out from the LORD’s presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch. To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael was the father of Methushael, and Methushael was the father of Lamech.
And the poorly written, one dimentional, impotant jewish zombie nailed to a stick said to his extremely low I.Q. knuckledragging inbred followers: Live in thy trailer parks of ignorance and inbreeding, wear the white hook of racisim and make war with those too smart or too strong to believe in something as rediculas and stupid as I. Forge forth and create a fake TV news station and call it FAUX. Fill it with whores who will tell the masses lies for money. Destroy the earth you live on and polite the life giving water for profit. Make endless war and bankrupt your once great countires. Most of all, begin to listen to the half term twat who put forth a teenage whore and retard baby for your amusement. Believe the lies spewed by the fat bald man who needs a blue pill to have sex with Dominican children. Appoint a failure to the highest office in the land and start yet another fake war for profit. For I am the invisible jewish zombie, and I am not real unless you are a knuckledragging moron.
Kung Fu’s bloodline did a lot of begatting.
If you notice Cain never apologizes or confesses his sin of killing his brother Abel. But God is a merciful God and God allows Cain to live and no one is allowed to seek revenge. God has Cain live with his killing on his conscience forever.
This reminds Puddy of how progressives attack others with lies and mischaracterizations. When they are caught they never apologize or confess their lying ASSes.
Puddybud is a big fan of this guy:
“This is kind of complex, because Jesus did identify with the victims. But Jesus was not a victim. He was a conqueror…Jesus conquered death. He wasn’t victimized. He chose to give his life….If he was a victim, and this theology was true, then Jesus would’ve come back from the dead and made the Jews pay for what they did. That’s an abomination.”
Guess who?
When Cain says to the Lord “whoever finds me will kill me”, to whom is he referring?
Seems like the only other earthy inhabitants at that point are Adam & Eve.
When Cain “lay with his wife”, who was he “laying” with?
Where did she come from?
Unkl Witz @6,
As a child, this was about as far into the Bible as I could get without pausing and saying “Wait a minute… none of this makes sense.”
God makes Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve make Cain and Abel. Cain kills Abel. Even a seven year old can’t count that there are only three humans on Earth. So who exactly does Cain fear will kill him, and who is it that he marries?
If a priest or a rabbi or a pastor or an imam can’t explain this inconsistency to a seven year old, how can they possibly claim this to be a literal account of creation?
Yes, indeed – the execrable Beck.
I was not aware that “the Jews” killed Jesus. I thought it was the Romans. Wasn’t crucifixion a peculiarly Roman method for torturous execution?
That is indeed (one of many) fatal flaws in alleging that the Bible is a literal account of anything, much less creation of the human species.
Just read the next chapter, in which the line of Adam and Eve’s third child, Seth, is detailed listing the ages of these patriarchs at their deaths, all of whom were over 900 years old! (God of course fixes this bug later, and limits the human lifespan to only 120 years in Chapter 6!)
Surely you are smart enough to know that Cain married a shicksa?
I am that I am.
The “mark” of Cain: a dark skin.
Many wingnut religious kooks do profess so — and it was a key tenet of the religious justification for slavery as “God’s” will.
Of course, Pudpuller, being an Oreo Kookie with a Kreamy Kracker filling, giddifies the religulous right! They always make sure the few “good ones” get positioned right behind the raving bigots when the cameras are rolling.
More Republican Mismanagement …
“Fending off demands that he resign over the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told Congress he had found a legal way to compensate Iraqi detainees who suffered ‘grievous and brutal abuse and cruelty at the hands of a few members of the United States armed forces.’ …
“Six years later, the U.S. Army is unable to document a single payment for prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: All talk, no action; all hat, no cattle; yet polls show Republicans doing well in many key races — won’t voters ever learn? No thinking person would ever vote Republican.
I have given you the Torah as I have given you the ability to see the curvature of the Earth. Do you look at the horizon and think the Earth is flat?
Read the Torah as you would look at the curve of the horizon,
I am that I am.
I’m pretty sure this is why the church felt it was very important to manage a child’s exposure to the “Word” very carefully. They start with some carefully selected passages that convey the “necessary messages” of their ideology and then even more carefully build on those.
Whenever some petulant child asks a difficult question, they murmur something about God’s plan, or holy mysteries. Later, if the child persists, they are either clubbed into submission or excluded from the congregation. “Get with the program kiddo.”
One of my very favorite approaches was taken by a now forgotten radio evangelist who, about 20 years ago explained “supposed contradictions in the Bible by saying:
“Start with the premise that the Bible is the revealed word of God, and therefore couldn’t possibly contradict itself. They you will understand.”
Pretty nifty, eh? Except that the same circular reasoning would work just as well with any book you’d like to insert. Anything from “Grover’s Bad Awful Day” to “Emanuelle”.
In short, this passage is a good example of why I can’t understand why any thinking person would take this stuff seriously.
It simply does not make any sense.
Lib Sci
Nowhere in Torah do I say that it is intended as a literal text.
The Torah is like any other aspect of reality that you can sense.
I suggested to Puddy, on of my dearest sons, that he look at the horizon and think about its curvature. Should my son conclude that he is living on saucer?
To ask the Torah to be literal is to suggest that you read the words as they were read by Ezra 2500 years ago. Had Ezra seen DNA? Would he have understood the Word if it were written in the genetic code?
Why not just ask of the Torah what you would ask of a pot shard excavated from the desert of modern Iraq? What does this data tell me of its own time?
Surely this book, a collection of words and memories stretching back Ur, is as valuable as a pot shard?
To ignore the curve of the Earth or the message of ancient scripture is to follow the limited path of those who seek to understand me only through looking inside themselves. What do the wisest philosophers see when that is their limit? neti neti.
I am that I am.
As PZ sez this morning:
read the whole thing – with nifty YouTube video of sacred text composting that will likely be scrubbed soon by the raving loonies!
Uncle Wiki,
Have you also read Feinman? Does looking at how light passes through two narrow slits make “sense?”
Look at it this way. The Torah’s earliest words were likely uttered in Ur, the home of Abraham and the origin of civilization. Is it not worth your while to make sense of words that old?
Humans learn, that is a great miracle. But they can also imagine. Imagination is wonderful too but can it offer insights into me? Great thinkers who have restricted their view to imagination, that is to what can be seen within, have found the id and the fantasies of Sade. Is that the real world?
Even grater philosophers, St Deny and Siddartha among them, have looked inside and found .. nirbana.
The truth is there, but you must find it.
I am that I am.
@18, God:
You’re struggling a bit today, aren’t you?
He might have a bit of a hangover. He was chasing Moose Drool with Makers last night. We were up till 0130.
Fucker can knock it back I’m tellin ya.
“You’re struggling a bit today, aren’t you?”
Is today different than all other days?
As an eternal being, no day is different than any other.
While I am at it, is it interesting that none of the professed believers here ever ask me for miracles?
Is it because they do not believe in Me?
I am that I am.
“Where did she come from?”
A gin-joint out on Highway 61.
Good passage. I think basically what is meant by this is that God is saying that when a blogger tells you to vote a straight Democratic ticket, but then all the people he told you to vote for are fucking up, he will do anything, including posting bible passages, to get you to focus on something else.
This diversionary posting technique works well with sheep.
@23 Troll
I am that I am.
Sheep only vote for Republicans or live in a fantasy world like the Earl and Earline Greys.
God @18:
Actually I’m a big fan of Feinman and I’m fascinated by observable phenomena that is not even comprehensible, much less explainable.
But Feinman does not claim to be the creator of the universe. So his amazing ability to conceptualize sub-atomic particle behavior and relate it to those less gifted than he is not analogous to taking the ridiculous nonsense printed between the covers of the Holy Bible as the revealed word of the God.
Not sure who you are referring to as St Deny, but I regard Siddartha as just another purveyor of mystical nonsense, perhaps somewhat useful to those like Puddy who are content to let someone else do their thinking for them, but not particularly valuable to my world view.
The Book of HA
I understand that some are collecting My word here is a new book of the bible.
Has there ever before been a revelation with a record directly from Me?
A Way to Know
The tool to tell when it is of Me is within you .. it is called “consistency.” As I am One, I am limited by that which is always truth.
There are no exceptions to My Word. If an exception is perceived than ask first were you looking at Me?
If you heed the words of others, without looking at the world or within yourself, then you will be misled.
Uncle Denys
Feinman did not claim to be Me, but like Moses, Newton, Siddartha and Darwin, Feinman used his tools to understand me.
St Denys was another voice, a protege of the Christian’s Saul who tried to bring truth to those who claim to have all truth from the imperfect record of Jesus. His ideas persist today, albeit in ritual form, among those worship me ion Greek.
You misjudge Siddartha. There is no mysticism in his noble truths or his attempt at an answer to suffering. The Buddha offered no answers, only a process to find truth .. much like Feinman.
St. Denys. like Siddartha, used induction to find me, to find neti neti.
re 3: PudWaxx: A loaf of Wonderbread reminds me of you.
I’ll leave you and your reknowned ability to nuanced intuition to figure that one out.
re 23:
And a livestock protection dog protects the sheep.
God @28:
Uh,,, yeah, right.
I just saw another corporate funded, dishonest Rossi attack ad saying Patty Murray voted to increase the national debt, when in fact she voted no on both Bush Tax Cut bills.
Hey Rossi. What does it say about you, and your “ideology” if all you can do is lie about your opponent.
Patty votes for the citizens of Washington State, and we all know you would vote for corporate power and to increase the net worth of the top 2% at the expense of everyone else.
Rossi is a liar and a fraud.
The TV ad said “Murray voted to double the national debt” and “Voted for the costly Wall Street bailout” when in fact she voted against both Bush tax cuts and voted against authorizing Bush to invade Iraq, which accounts for almost all of our national debt racked up by Bush.
@ 3 – you mean God wasn’t for the death penalty?
One of the first reportings of lies teenagers tell about getting some action? And then he got her, and her, and she got that guy and he turned around and got her best friend and so forth…..
Who is this Feinman to whom you two keep referring? The Richard D. one, who is a medical researcher and biochemist professor. Or perhaps Richard P. Feynman, the nuclear physicist, bomb maker, and professor at Cal Tech? Maybe Gary who is an archaeologist professor, or Josh the actor?
@ 33. What confuses me about that advertisement is the narrator’s claim that Murray’s response is to call these attacks what they are: false DC attack ads. So is Rossi agreeing that he is party to false attack ads, but that since he is admitting it, he gets to claim he is the honest one. Not mentioned of course is somehow Murray alone is responsible for everything that the Congress (Senate and House) has done for the last 18 years. Ugh? Interesting take, because, well the GOP controlled both houses for all but four of those years.
I’ve got five rocks, I say. – Pastor Eddy Long
Technically speaking, the Bible says the Romans killed Jesus. Kind of ironic that one of the major, major sects of Christianity calls itself the ROMAN Catholic Church!
But, then again, religion is pretty goofy, and people say the damnedest things when they talk about their one, “true” religion!
Most of all, begin to listen to the half term twat who put forth a teenage whore and retard baby for your amusement.
you are so right, smartest guy. but you need to expand it beyond just sara palin. so….
number 1
all women are twats
number 2
teenage whores are mostly black inner city females who have 5 kids by 4 men
number 3
no more gov money for retards, lock them alln padded rooms.
whats that you say, smartest guy? oh, you’re only ‘sposed to say such hateful things about sara?? oh sorry.
Post #1 sounds like an urban pole-smoker….just a hunch.
Go right ahead MOT, you can match the biggest assholes around. You proved your point.
You continual moron, where did you get this commentary about Cain being dark-skinned? Certainly not from any credible Bible commentary.
“K”, talking about yourself again?
PuddyCommentary, Odumba has been in office since 2009. Why hasn’t his SADministration paid up?
Another smackdown by Puddy!
Hey Goldy,
Why not get into Moses mind and figger it out since you placed the verses here? Why not ask your pal ‘god’ whom usually eats at your table with his wife on Tuesday nights at DL?
He is what he is!
Wow the dumb as dirt TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA arrived@25.
Proud Leftist, please implement your ylb decoder ring! There is no intelligence in that dirt pile!
Wall Street Bailouts = Bush invades Iraq.
NoFactsDUMBPositions… proves his Puddyname everyday!
That name actually proved you used your head instead of the usual hat rack. Puddy is a wonder and Puddy earns his bread!
Pud @ 44- you certainly sweem to revel in juvenle obnoxiousness. Perhaps I was talking about you as well as MOT
47 – Heh. My remark had too much reality in it for Puddybud.
Keep voting R Puddybud – it’s easier than thinking.
Seriously ylb, Puddy has no clue where does tha fit into this thread. And since no one on your side commented on your drivel…
BTW, You used Earl Grey last week.
Another of your re-run acts again?
Dear trolls out there who call themselves Christian,
Please tell me how you reconcile your support for capital punishment with this passage. I won’t ask you to answer the more difficult questions concerning your belief in Creationism that this passage presents.
Dear proud leftist,
We don’t answer to you and most certainly to the fool playing ‘god’. Remember?
Uhhh.. Maybe I was responding to Troll?? You know, your fellow race hustler??
Here’s his all time greatest hit:
I’m sure you approve highly.
Re 39
Well….not really. On any of your points.
The Roman governer Pilate the right of Jewish religions courts to execute their own citizens if convicted in Jewish courts on certain crimes. They reserved the right to carry such executions out for political reasons. Thus, Christ was tried by Jewish law, convicted, and sentenced to death. Though many biblical scholars say the trial as the New Testament reports it was…irregular. Pilate merely provided the venue for the execution.
As for the Catholic church, I don’t happen to be an adherent, but I still understand the derivation of the name. It is after all based in Rome, and was sanctioned by Constantine. Therefore, Roman Catholic Church.
GK Chesterton wrote that the saddest thing about atheists isn’t that they believe in nothing, it is that they must believe in everything.
Sorry, hate that supersensitive thumb pad on laptops and how it affects spelling. This sentence- ‘The Roman governer Pilate the right of Jewish religions courts to execute their own citizens..’ should have read- ‘The Roman governer Pilate honored the right of Jewish religious courts to execute their own citizens..’
and the saddest thing about theists is that what they believe in is (literally) nothing.
God killed Jesus. The buck stops with the mastermind.
@40. The both of your comments are right. Bunch of whores.
No. If you really want to get at first causes sin in created man killed Jesus by his own choice. But there isn’t any point in discussing the real ramifications of the death and resurrrection of Jesus with you. From your point of view everything about any belief in a divine being is nonsense. From mine yours is a desolate and sad kind of way of looking at the world. From my side, I’ll agree to disagree.
Puddy’s Pastor is Gay.
Go right ahead MOT, you can match the biggest assholes around. You proved your point.
“K”, talking about yourself again?
no puddy, he was talking about me. that’s not a problem. he admited i proved my point. calling me an asshole is subjective and a matter of opinion. eg, chuck schumer calls a flight attendant a bitch. not thats an asshole, but i’m sure most at ha kiss schumers ass. hole.
43. Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at home spews:
Puddy, Cain was dark skinned, we now know form science that Man originated in Africa. The CLOSEST descendents of those first humans are the ‘san of S Africa ND and the abos of Austrralia .. both dark skinned.
Now, whoever Cain “married,” SHE may have been white?
I know we are friends but your calling me a God goes to far. I am many things, but a God .. nope.
Any Heterosexual Murders today?
@56 LSIB
You have your history badly confused.
If you accept the Roman version (aka your bible) then Jesus was tried for sedition against Rome. That is NOT a Jewish crime.
Moreover, if Jesus were tried by the Sanhedrin, as they were authorized to do by Rome, they would have tried him for blasphemy. The punishment for blasphemy was stoning.
Accepting the Roman view of all thi8s is, in any case, rather bizarre. There were many preachy folks MORE outspoken than Jesus and there is no record of the Jewish community executing any of them. You want yto read about a really radical Jew? Read about R. Akiba. The Romans captured him and killed him by flaying him alive.
Nice folks the Romans!
Wait a minute… Isn’t this the same argument Puddy heard over Shem, Ham and Japheth and the flood?
Wrong again! So wrong so long!
Lost @56:
Since Puddy has neglected to answer my questions @5 & 6, perhaps you’d like to take a shot at them.
Also, you note that Jesus’ trial “as the New Testament reports it was…irregular.”
Irregular indeed, to the point of being totally implausible.
Unkl Witz,
They were inane silly questions without “substance” for an atheist! Read the Torah!
Besides it’s just like a progressive to DEMAND someone answer their every whim! Puddy will remember this.
Oh really ylb? Well it seems “troll” missed it too, or maybe you are on his IGNORE list?
YLB, you get angry when people in comment sections use the n-word, yet I don’t remember you ever objecting to Jesse Jackson calling Barack Obama the n-word.
May I ask why you remained silent about that?
Puddy, being black, bears the Mark of Cain. Well, this is what devout Mormons like Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck believe. In fact, Puddy was on the God’s, heh- blacklist up until 1978, when God finally decided to cut him some slack. For my part, I still don’t cut Puddy any slack. But that doesn’t have anything to do with his bearing the Mark of Cain. It’s more something to do with his dumbuck politics. But anyways, back to God and the events of 1978, she revealed to Spencer Kimball that blacks should no longer be denied entry to the Mormon priesthood. Some say, well, me anyways, that Jesse Jackson negotiated a deal with God, trading Puddy’s brain for the priesthood, thus explaining Puddy’s deep resentment of Jesse, and also the fact that Puddy has no brain.
Brigham Young on the Mark of Cain,
“Cain slew his brother….and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the flat nose and black skin…”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, pages 290-291)
72 – SEE 73
73 – I could give a flip what you remember Troll you ugly race hustler.
Let’s play it again for your fellow race hustler puddybud:
Fucking god-damned nigger bitch.
Oh and from the same thread:
I want to apologize for using the word god-damned.
Wrong again Steve Stupid Solution. Since Cain’s descendents DIED IN THE FLOOD (what a bunch of Biblical morons) Puddy has to be a descendant of Noah like all of you.
Now you quoting a Mormon? Does Puddy need to remind you of your Mitt Romney commentary? Or how about your Glenn Beck commentary. What a smelly turd you are Steve Stupid Solution.
Biblical Morons every day.
Again the dumber than dirt fool is quite mistaken. The race hustlers are on your side moron.
Jesse Jackson
Al Sharpton
Alcee Hastings
John Lewis
Mel Reynolds
77 – Nice try to distract from what you and Troll have done here for years.
Go ahead Puddybud. Call a progressive a racist. Call someone who wants better education, health care, jobs and justice for ALL people a racist.
It’s what you freaking live for.
There is both Physical Death and Spiritual Death. When you die physically, you no longer have feelings and cannot receive input or give output..right?
Overeducated intellectual types are often SPIRITUALLY DEAD. They fail to understand God’s GRACE because they try to intellectualize what a FREE gift is. God’s GRACE alone saves us from SPIRITUAL DEATH. If you add anything to it, it’s no longer a gift is it?
This is one of my favorite New Testament passages.
Ephesians 2:1-10 (New International Version)
Ephesians 2
Made Alive in Christ
Seems like Goldy loves to mock mainly Old Testament verses.
FYI…SPIRITUAL DEATH is the seperation of your SOUL from GOD.
Do you have a soul?
If you don’t believe you do, where does your conscience come from? What is the difference?
Physical Death is inevitable folks.
SPIRITUAL DEATH is about a choice.
YLB, what’s more offensive to you, a troll in a blog’s comment section using the n-word, or a blog that won’t have blacks, women, hispanics, or asians in their stable of regular posters?
Puddy ejaculates, “Since Cain’s descendents DIED IN THE FLOOD (what a bunch of Biblical morons) Puddy has to be a descendant of Noah like all of you.”
Your ignorance, Puddy, likely stems from your devotion to the false prophet and vile cultist, Ellen White. If you were a member of the one true church, the LDS, founded by God’s only true modern day prophet, Joseph Smith, you’d more likely have a clue.
From Wiki,
“Cain’s bloodline was preserved on the ark through Egyptus, wife of Ham (son of Noah). The Book of Abraham, accepted by Mormons as part of their canon, is the source of the story of this Egyptus who preserves “the curse…. as pertaining to the Priesthood” by surviving the flood as Ham’s wife.”
This how Brigham Young, prophet of the one true church of Jesus Christ could say,
“Cain slew his brother….and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the flat nose and black skin…”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, pages 290-291)
You bear the Mark of Cain. Mittens believes it. The Beckster believes it. Hmm, I can see how that might suck for you.
“Does Puddy need to remind you of your Mitt Romney commentary? Or how about your Glenn Beck commentary.”
Talk to YLB nicely and maybe he will help you out here. You’ve heard, haven’t you, that he’s developed a great HA database?
If the Mittster is the nominee in 2012, Puddybud may have to sit that one out too.
Theological disagreements cut deep with our favorite race hustler.
But there’s no way the rump regional party of the deep South can nominate a Mormon.
McSame can convert from Catholic to Southern Baptist for votes but not Mitt which is remarkable for someone who craves power like he does.
No, the Romans officiated. I remember from my Baltimore Catechism days that a Roman soldier was the one who stabbed Jesus in the side and the blood was supposedly captured in the Holy Grail. The Romans were involved in the death of Jesus in a big, big way, and the event would not have happened without their efforts. They killed Jesus, but who gives a rip now?
Do you really think that Jesus was the literal son of God? I don’t. I think that little bit was added at one of the Councils of Nicea, and it was added by a simple majority of those who were, at the time, writing the Bible. (There are many conflicting books that didn’t make it into the Bible. Please refer to “Banned From the Bible” on one of the History Channels.) Officiating over the whole deal was a Pagan Roman emperor who thought Christianity was a good way to increase his power in the Roman world.
@ 83
Good post and to the point.
There have been few conquering societies as brutal as the Romans and Constantine was among the worst.
The idea that they should speak for Me is blasphemous.
I am that I am.
Uhhh no Stupid Solution Steve, Puddy believes what the Bible sez because it’s in
Since you accept Mormonism, Glenn Beck is NOW YOUR HERO! Mitt Romney will have your presidential vote. You can’t pick and choose now Stupid Solution Steve.
What a moron you are Steve Stupid Solution!
Moronic ylb,
Do you actually think Puddy will ever forget your North Pasadena comments? Why not whip them out Pavlov’s Doggie
Marvin Stamn DESTROYED you on your “racism”.
Thank you for your thoughtful commentary.
And blessings to you as well.
Could you explain why you want to have sex with all these people?
Seems like an odd way of wishing people well.
I am that I am.
“Since you accept Mormonism”
If I had been inside a ward, stake or temple in the last 40 years, you might actually have a point. But I haven’t, so you don’t. Bearing the Mark of Cain ain’t no big deal, Puddy. All blacks bear it. Really, Puddy, I’m trying to help you. Why do you struggle so? Learn to accept it and let’s move on. You have too many other personal issues we need to explore.
Has Moroni ever visited this forum? I miss him. Gabriel too!
I am that I am.
Uhhh Steve Stupid Solution…
It seems facts and you are like ships passing in the night. One last time moron… it’s in the Torah. Go read it! Noah’s genealogy. You claimed to be a Christian. Must be empty words like all of your comments since March 15th. Ask TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA ylb.
See ya stupid!
Who are you going to believe Puddy, some old, dusty Torah or the Word as revealed by God’s true prophet, founder of the only true church of Christ? Besides, it’s no big deal, you bearing the Mark of Cain. God’s revelation to Spencer Kimball shows that, fickle as she is, she’s changed her mind and that you can now enter the priesthood. You should rejoice and contact the nearest LDS ward and have them send out a couple of missionaries to finish what I’ve started, showing you the light. I suggest you do so before God changes her mind again.
“Has Moroni ever visited this forum? I miss him. Gabriel too!”
Not that I know of, God. I’ve been kind of hoping that he would so that I might ask him to clarify that thing about the Golden Salamander. He’s also got an open invitation to drop by my place with his horn for a little jam session. Gabriel too.
Ummm Steve Stupid Solution, apparently you don’t read much. Many times Mrs White said believe the Bible over her writings. And since the Bible was translated from the Torah and other Hebrew writings are you attacking the Jewish religion now?
Seems so. You accepted Mormonism thought as being correct while rejecting Jewish thought!
Noah and his family wee the only survivors of the flood. Noah didn’t not descend from Cain’s family tree. Cain’s descendants died. You are really really stupid lately drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution! Remember since you are using Mormon religious thought in your latest attacks, Puddy will wait until the next Glenn Beck/Mitt Romney attack and watch how you “handle yourself”.
86 – Yawwwwn… Of course you won’t “forget” them unlike forgetting your “word is your bond”.
Unlike forgetting Troll’s more “colorful” remarks.
You can’t race hustle otherwise.
Puddy pulls more excrement from his ass and flings, “You accepted Mormonism thought as being correct”
I know how much you’d like to steer this away from what Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck believe, and to assign such beliefs to me, but that’s destined to be just another one of your epic fails.
“Many times Mrs White said believe the Bible over her writings.”
Ministry Magazine, October 1981: “We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White’s writings to be of equal quality. The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other.”
Puddy is pwned again. It’s just too easy.
You follow the teachings of a false prophet and your heroes follow the teachings of the true prophet and founder of the one true church. That’s Mitt and Glenn’s beliefs, not mine. Spew your street corner rants in their direction, Puddy.
Puddy with another untruth, “Noah and his family wee the only survivors of the flood. Noah didn’t not descend from Cain’s family tree.”
Take it up with Mitt and Glenn, members of the one true church, followers of the true prophet of God. They believe that you bear the Mark of Cain and that your prophet was a false prophet. They believe that your church has led you astray. Your issues are with them, Puddy, not me.
Puddy’s comment
Mrs White died in 1915. Stupid Solution Steve’s chronological response – 1981
PWNED by chronological stupidity!
Regarding Mormonism… you brought it up as fact Steve Stupid Solution. Puddy isn’t using Mormonism to make a point. YOU DID MORON!
That’s the facts jack. You attacked the Torah you fool as being erroneous while Mormon thought was RIGHT. Now you are trying to tap dance away from your own fecklessness! And you called yourself a Christian once.
Still stupid. Keep drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution!
Wowowowoe the dumber than dirt ylb…
Such weak sauce. Well he’s dumber than dirt!
“PWNED by chronological stupidity!”
Take it up with your cult, Puddy, the publishers of Ministry Magazine. Now if you think your cult is stupid, I’d have to agree, but I must say that I’m a little surprised that you would think so too.
“Ministry, International Journal for Pastors, has been published monthly by the Seventh-day Adventist church since 1928. Seventh-day Adventist pastors and ministers around the globe constitute the publication’s main readership although many clergy of other communities of faith also receive the magazine.”
Hmm, what was it they wrote again?
“We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White’s writings to be of equal quality. The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other.”
Ouch! That’s gotta hurt! Somebody here is pwned, alright, but it’s not me. Eh, that leaves you. heh-
“Puddy isn’t using Mormonism to make a point.”
Duh! Obviously. You never make a point. I used it to make a point, and the point I’m making is that Mormons such as Glenn Beck and Mitt Romney believe that, since you’re black, you bear the Mark of Cain. Why do you struggle with this so? Are you stupid? Oh, forget I asked. Of course you’re stupid. Just admit that you’ve been pwned and I’ll drop it.
“Now you are trying to tap dance away from your own fecklessness!”
Damn, you’re stupid. And you project waaaay too much, my dancing fool. It’s a Psych 101 thing, in case you haven’t heard.
“And you called yourself a Christian once.”
More than once, in fact. But unlike you, I don’t belong to a cult founded by a false prophet. I’m Lutheran and proud of it.
I can understand why you’d emit a psycho-laugh at this point. After all, you’ve been pwned and pwned bad. If you want, we can discuss how much that sucks for you.
Hmm, maybe you could be deprogrammed, Puddy. Yeah, that’s the ticket. We’ll try find you somebody who specializes in deprogramming cult members. You’ll have to pay for it though.
Steve Stupid Solution…
Puddy used Ellen White’s comments. You use other people’s comments chronologically after she died.
“a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light” – Page 125 Colporteur Ministry.
Yes Pavlov replayed that comment for lostinaseaofblue.
“You use other people’s comments chronologically after she died.”
You really do act ridiculous when you’re been pwned.
What’s that dumbfuck got to do with anything? Is he a cult member too?
Steve Stupid Solution PWNED by you?
Wrong fool. Facts are facts. You choose to ignore ones you disagree with. Like Noah in the Torah. Cling to the Mormon thought while Puddy will continue to like the Torah.
Glad you like Glenn/Mitt’s religion so much you quote it!
“Facts are facts.”
Good grief! You wouldn’t recognize a fact if it slapped you in the face.
Here’s a fact. Ministry Magazine is published by your cult.
You’ve just been slapped in the face with a fact, Puddy. In other words, you’ve just been pwned.
How’s it feel to know that Glenn and Mitt believe that you bear the Mark of Cain? Huh? Huh? How’s it feel?? heh- Judging by the way you’re flailing around, it must really, really suck something awful. So sad.
I reeled in Puddy like a big black codfish. He’s now flopping around in my boat, gasping and wheezing. Puddy has been pwned! With that, this thread is officially closed.
With all due respect, you don’t reel in Puddy. He’s just fish you shoot in the barrel. Not much sport there, bro.
Well, if Cain was the first murderer, than obviously all murderers should be treated just like Cain: we should let God punish them with spiritual agony and not punish them ourselves, because to do so would invite divine vengeance seven times over. They should be permitted to breed freely and build whole cities to house their descendants. Got it.