Ephesians 5:22-24
Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
Odd. Who is speaking here?
Am I supposed to be its its author?
Odd, a letter written anonymously 2000 years ago, a letter not even claiming to be My word, is taken as My own?
Is someone here keeping My posts in a small book to later use as yet another book of their bible?
I am that I am
The misuse of old books as if they were My word is really pretty goofy.
Is the story of Jesus mere revenge for the threat of the Levfites to sodomize Paul’s ancestor?
According to the book “Judges,” today is the anniversary of a battle that began when a concubine belonging to a Levite was raped to death by a rowdy mob from the tribe of Benjamin. The Levite was threatened by the mob because he .. with his concubine .. has chosen to sleep the night in a Bejaminite village.
To save himself from sodomy, the Levite offered the concubine to the mob. In the morning the Levite found his dead concubine at the door. He cut her body into twelve pieces, and sent the pieces throughout all the tribes Israel.
There was outrage at the lack of hospitality by the Benjaminites . The other tribes then sought vengeance, and in the subsequent war, the members of Tribe of Benjamin were systematically killed, including women and children.
Few Bejaminites survived. One, the descendants was Paul, the same fellow who i supposed to have written Ephesians.
This too is in a book, “judges” that fervent believers claim is My word. If so, my message escapes My own Understanding.
I am that I am.
This very passage is something you hear at Catholic weddings. I always thought it was creepy
Maybe God did write this. It’s obviously written by someone who has never been married.
The trolls “submit” to Breitbart and other right wing billionaire stooges..
I know this is going to attract a lot of hatred, and this is not what I intend but here goes. Whether you take the bible seriously or not, the reality is when a successful marriage and family stays together you will usually see one partner in it that tends to be more dominant and one that is more submissive in the relationship. Note please that I said usually, and that means NOT IN EVERY CASE so please don’t try to chime in with “in my relationship”. Furthermore in rearing children it works best with a hetro couple that are the children’s parents living in the same house so the child can get the strength and guidance that the father usually brings to the family as well as the love and support that the mother usually brings. If the mother is the sole parent in many cases the child tends to have problems with the law as well as school and society. If the father is sole parent the kids still miss out on the mothers love and comfort when needed. Guys just don’t do that well as a rule. So like it or not as a rule the verse has a lot of significance even today.
I am anything but a Catholic but as an outsider the image raised by this passage is all too typical of the way I see the Roman Church.
Have you been in the Sistine Chapel?
I was there with some friends who are Catholic. A lot of the ceiling was scaffolded for the restoration but at the ends we could see Jesus, painted in a very homoerotic fashion, surrounded by his women. The women were (and are) in gauzy robes highlighting luscious bodies.
I wondered aloud … How and why did Michelangelo a sensual gay man paint this for a room of celibate priests and cardinals. How did these mostly old men pray beneath such Eros? Were they hypocrites? Were they really sexual hermits who had been abstaining from any sex for most of their lives?
I told my friends that I saw an irony here, a lesson by Michelangelo to the Church .. a message of lust and love.
My friends thought my idea was weird.
Lost me at
One more strike against gay marriage — you can’t have a husband submit to a husband or a wife submit to a wife. Inequality between spouses is necessary to preserve the natural order.
But what about poly marriages? A wife would need to submit to all the husbands. That sounds like a lot of work.
Is smartpants @9 for real? I can’t tell; what “natural order” are we talking about? There’s plenty of well documented homosexuality among the various mammalian species, so the “natural order” would seem to argue that it’s, well, natural.
But if your idea of “natural order” is based on a musty collection of myths written by ignorant nomadic Bronze Age goatherders, well, there ain’t much “natural” about that.
@ 3
It is extremely creepy. Somehow, religion always seems to delve most deeply in rationalizing against all the things humans would normally consider “good”. Love, sex, having good friendships or acumens founded in something other than the faith itself.
This is why the religious leadership always discourages any and all relationships with people with differing belief systems and backgrounds. Religion is the very definition of “divide and conquer”. That is really its most basic purpose. The above passage defines that between husband and wife, where an equal partnership would be the actual way to success in a familial relationship such as a marriage.
All religions are cults. All religions seek only to replace personal intelligence and a basic sense of decency with dogmatic and arbitrary sets of “rules” that often conflict with each other, thereby creating conflicts within the cults themselves. It is all about perception at the individual level. If those perceptions coincide, things work well, if there are perceived conflicts, there is fragmentation, and violence is inevitably the result.
With this, the rulers can always manipulate the greater part of the population into believing they are inadequate, and weak, and incapable of making their own decisions without influence from the the religion, and guidance carefully filtered through the prejudices and misapprehensions of the individuals in the leadership positions of that religion.
Religious faith applied over a lifetime, is merely a psychological tool to prepare the faithful to accept and comply with the chiselers and hoaxers and flimflam artists that they would inevitably encounter in life. When those chiselers are put into positions of leadership of the religious institutions, they will always have at least some individuals who remain faithful to them, even when they commit the greatest evils.
As long as there are people continuing to “believe”, there will always be people making the effort to use that belief to extract their wealth and love and loyalties for their own use. Whether for the purposes of enriching themselves, or for starting wars, or for the sheer pleasure of controlling other people out of their own maliciousness and sadism. We call such people sociopaths. It is psychopathy, and should be taken more seriously as such. Human societies have yet to really address this issue.
Sociopaths will always exclusively think only of themselves and their desires, and they are strongly attracted to positions of influence and command over others.
Intelligent sociopaths end up being CEOs of corporations, leaders of crime cartels or religions, and politicians. Stupid ones don’t live very long.
To borrow a line from Yoda, and this is why you fail…
@ 13
No, I fail because of my own weaknesses and inadequacies. Not because I lack “faith”. As a liberal, I credit only myself for my own success or failure.
No drinkin’, no debauchery, no pork products or coffee for a bunch of them. So what’s point!
@12 Deatrh frogg “religion always seems to delve most deeply in rationalizing against all the things humans would normally consider “good”. Love, sex, having good friendships or acumens founded in something other than the faith itself.
“As a liberal, I credit only myself for my own success or failure.”
It would surely be great if everyone had that attitude.
But to the current point, does anyone out there think that Christianity represents the final triumph of the Roman Empire? After all, had not Constantine adopted Christianity as the official “Roman” religion in a successful attempt to increase his power, Christianity would most likely have died-out and Paganism would have prevailed. Constantine never gave up his Pagan beliefs, but he sure as hell used the Christian movement as a way of bettering his own position in the world!
@ 15
They call it “self discipline”, but what it really is, is deprivation.
Deprive a person of sex, you can influence and direct their anger. Deprive a person of good food, and you can influence how intelligent they are. Deprive a person of safety, and you can maintain and direct their fears. Deprive a person of education, and you can control how much knowledge they possess about the world, and how they perceive and react to events.
With those controls in place, you can conquer the world and have people submit to your will, no matter what your purpose or desire.
That is what religion is all about.
Tried that line on my last two wives. . .
This is a presicent thought from someone who’s baby picture has pink hair and the pasty smile.
Now to the topic at hand. Since you’re using Paul and the New Testament you need to remember 1 Cor 11:7-9
And you’ll need to include 1 Tim 2:14
What happened in Genesis and why did God tell Eve in Genesis 3:16
So is the Torah (The Law) wrong Goldy?
Why did God create Adam first, and not Eve?
Why did Adam call her one name before she sinned and ate and then gave to Adam the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil and later call her Eve as the mother of all living humans on Earth?
Why did God have Adam name the animals and not Eve?
Hmmm…? Watch the moronic class jump up and down now!
puddy puddy puddy,
I guess I need to repeat what I said last week:
“The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31
“But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.” Luke 6:35
Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” Romans 13:10
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4
why do you hate yourself puddy?
He wasn’t always like this, but you can see how come I got that sick SOB a goat ASAP.
He ain’t gettin’ any leg from me with that attitude!
Oh my DeadToad wrote something Puddy has espoused on this blog for years. Ask the arschloch (pink hair funny smile baby picture) how many times Puddy has said this is how DUMMOCRAPTS keep tabs on the inna city black folk. Keep them in dilapidated skuuls, with useless out-of-date textbooks, antiquated science technology, 386 class computers, etc. and your event reaction is complete. It’s when blacks get educated do they see the DUMMOPCRAPTS for the charlatans and pied pipers they really are.
Aren’t you one of those atheists? So why are you quoting from the Good Book as an attack?
What do those verses you copied for the nth time have to do with the topic at hand? Paul tells men to love their wives. Puddy loves his wife. What do you love except yourself?
We already know about the headless lucy@22 issues being a stoner and drunk while at Arizona State, the US Party University, but now we see you’ve entered re-runville like the arschloch? BTW Roger Rabbit met Mrs Puddy! He saw her beauty!
Roger obviously don’t know yo mama like I know yo mama. If he did, he’d be writing about that thing she does with two cantelope, a watermelon, and a cube of butter, which, by the way, I would have thought physically impossible unless I’d seen her do it with my own eyes.
Ah yes, the moronic leftists arrived just as Puddy predicted.
gee puddy, I thought it would be obvious what those verses have to do with the issue at hand. Your holy book tells you to love your neighbor and to love your enemies, not just your wife. I’m just pointing out that you’re not following the teachings of your own holy book, how is that an attack? Because it makes you feel guilty? Then stop ignoring your holy book, puddy, and start living it.
goldstein, everyone of your bible study exerpts relates to the subjigation of women. of course women and men are equal. so, when are you going to start appearing on msnbc and o’reilly to support women having to register for selective service?
An atheist telling Puddy how he’s not following the rules of the Good Book from God and His Son Jesus!
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa oh my!
“An atheist telling Puddy how he’s not following the rules of the Good Book from God and His Son Jesus!”
How do you know that Rob’s an atheist? And why shouldn’t an atheist comment on your bullshit? After all, it should obvious to anybody that you, a shallow and insipid braggart of faith, only pay lip service to the teachings of Jesus while cherry picking the rest of the Bible to justify your deep-seated hatred of everything that’s good and decent, including this week that fine woman, Shirley Sherrod.
“haaaaaaaaaaaaa HAR HO HEE haaaaaa”
And WTF is up with the psycho-laugh? Is that related to that meds thing of yours?
those words are plain and simple, it doesn’t require being a Christian to understand them. Why do you have such a hard time following the teachings of your bible, puddy? Why do you hate, when Jesus told you to love?
Why do you hate, when Jesus told you to love?
rob, is stopping the beating heart of unborn babies love or hate?
unborn babies is an oxymoron. Try again.
ok, is abortion an act of hate or love?
Typical muddying of the waters by a forced-birth toad.
OK, though, let’s enter your weird, bipolar, black and white universe. Is everything classifiable as either “hate or love”?
What is supporting a system that perpetuates and increases divisions between rich and poor, to the point that many of the poor may never have gainful employment or realistic hope for changing their circumstance, hate or love?
What is supporting and repeating lies, and voting for individuals and parties, that caused untold violence and deaths of innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan, hate or love?
What is the thick-headed denial of negative human effects on the environment, and actively blocking efforts to mitigate those effects, hate or love?
BTW, where do you stand on making effective birth control and public-school based sex education universally available? Because if you’re against this, then you’re not doing everything you can to reduce abortion, and further, you reveal yourself as just another anti-sex, anti-woman religionist thug.
Poor memory Steve Steve Steve? Oh look he helped you out…
It’s becoming more evident by the day you are a monumental memory deficient idiot Steve Steve Steve.
Puddy cherry picks the Bible? Now you are delusional Steve Steve Steve! It you who rejects the words of Jesus “I and my Father are One”!
Being the moron you are you repeat statements you gleaned from Google. Puddy whipped out a short study on why Paul wrote what he wrote. How could Puddy do that? Knowing the Bible that’s how. Keep talking about the love of Jesus with the attitude you display on this blog everyday. That’s how Puddy can ridicule you everyday in every way!
Liberal Scientist,
If you DUMMOCRAPTS loved my inna city brothas and sistas, the skull system would be equitable between the rich city skuuls and the poor city skuuls.
Plain and simple. Start your discussion there and see how many HA Libtardo freakshows will NOT ANSWER you!
Man Steve Steve Steve can’t get off of Shirley Sherrod. It’s been proven Sherrod was FIRED before any Fox News cast happened. It was proven the GA NAACP owned the March 2010 tape lock stock and barrel. It’s been proven the GA NAACP was visited that day by NAACP preznit Ben Jealous, as she remarked his presence at 45 seconds into her speech. It was proven Breitbart received two snippets which he played unedited. It was proven the whitey house had a hand in her firing. And it was proven she actually said what she said and more about sending him to his own kind!
Yet Steve Steve Steve can’t process these facts or the steel door is closed to that granite encased Neanderthal shaped cranial orifice!
“It was proven Breitbart received two snippets which he played unedited.”
You’d tell any lie to defend your masters, even when they stoop so low as lying to destroy an innocent black woman.
Steve Steve Steve,
Who destroyed her? Puddy realizes reasoning isn’t your strong suit. Did you read the FireDogLake link Steve Steve Steve? They did your reasoning for you. Too bad you can’t read. FDL sez Odumba destroyed her!
See ya!
You’d tell any lie to defend your masters
steve, are you jewish? the reason i ask, you seem to think puddy, or any black mean, is serving a white master if he chooses conservatism. so i wonder, if you’re not jewish, yet you serve jewish liberal, socialist thought. like here on ha, am i racist for pointing that out? if so, you must be racist for taking puddys race into account.
BTW Steve Steve Steve
Sherrod said Breitbart wants to place blacks back into slavery. No proof just mud slinging. Alinsky playbook 101. It’s a Psych Thing! She’s a great story for the fall erections!
Excellent blog entry on Sherrod. Too bad Steve Steve Steve is a mental midget!
Shirley Sherrod. Now who are the “elites” with da money.
This type of speech is what makes headless lucy all giddy inside.
MOT, while Puddy is disgusted with your almost all of your commentary, you are the first whitey to identify Steve Steve Steve’s innate racist commentary. Puddy was hoping the more erudite would step up and be counted but it took MOT of all peeps to figger it out!
If Puddy mentioned it Steve Steve Steve would have made some snide retort!
puddy, i am sorry that most of my commentary offends you. i also realize that to keep from having ha ostracize you, you need to keep me at arms length. understand however, that the trick of the left is to make everything racial, so for example, if you oppse illegal immigration, you are a racist. nevermind that you may not be, and just want people to follow our rule of law. also, if you think that goldstein would not prefer all christians to be dumb and poor, so to prevent another holocost, i am sorry to say you would be mistaken. do i wish for another holocost?. of course not. but to purposely keep the schools in such a dumbed down state, keep our inner cities dirt poor, crime infested and dependant on welfare, becuase of a religious suspiscion
is sinful.
“steve, are you jewish?”
No. Depending on my mood and the position of the planets, I’m either Mormon or Lutheran. heh- Although sometimes I’ve been known to indulge in a little Toltec Shamanism.
“so i wonder, if you’re not jewish, yet you serve jewish liberal, socialist thought.”
Hmm, I’m not terribly familiar with what you call “Jewish liberal, socialist thought”.
Would you care to speak for these Jewish, liberal socialists and tell me what they think?
“like here on ha, am i racist for pointing that out?”
I hadn’t thought of you as racist, mot, just someone who hates Jews.
You’re more than welcome, mot.
“Steve Steve Steve’s innate racist commentary”
So which black person or organization are you and Brietbart going to try to bring down with lies this week, my self-loathing friend?
by the way puddy. do you think the so called conversations on race, and the constant drumbeat of racism by the left is meant to heal race relations? thats their way of always keeping evrything racial. my god, we have a president who decided that he could put the countries huge problems on hold to insert himself into a local police matter. and do you think his involment brought the two sides togther? do you think what people thought , oh yeah, crowley repsonded racially, so now we need a talking to by the president?
as a country, we spend billions of dollars on, botox, plastic surgery, fucking eye lash growth drugs. why? cause people care, and look at other people. so, if a person is white, dont you think the first thing they might notice is that someone is black? and the only reason the reverse might not be true for someone who is black is because a black person sees white people all day. dont let them make you hate whites puddy. there will always be some racism, but not everyone is racist. despite the lefts best attempts to convince everyone otherwise. they are the evil ones, puddy, because they purposely forment racism.
@43 “Excellent blog entry on Sherrod.”
Having been slapped repeatedly in your face with the wingnut lies about Shirley Sherrod you now try to find refuge in a site that boasts the writings of Dick Morris? Dick Morris?? That’s your proof that Shirley is a racist? You’re out of your self-loathing mind.
“i also realize that to keep from having ha ostracize you, you need to keep me at arms length.”
If you start hating on blacks while promising him a tax cut, ol’ Puddy will surely take you into his loving arms, mot.
i thought you didnt read my rants, steve?
@51 Touché!
Butt it’s Steve Steve Steve not just Steve.
Oh and Steve Steve Steve, you’ve been slapped silly with Sherrod facts all last week Steve Steve Steve, so how is that jaw feeling about now? While you are caterwauling about nothing FDL figgered it out. Odumba is to blame.
Butt keep your silly meme alive Steve Steve Steve!
And Steve Steve Steve, you hate blacks who left the DUMMOCRAPTIC reservation. You like us dumb and thanking you massa for the insignificant crumbs you throw their way. Jesse and Al thank you too Steve Steve Steve!
mot @34,
that’s kind of like asking if open heart surgery is love or hate, I guess. So given that the technique of open heart surgery was developed in apartheid South Africa by a white surgeon practicing on black patients without informed consent, I’d guess that would make it hate. But then in the meantime a lot of lives have been saved, so maybe that makes it love. So given the choice between a) love or b) hate, I’ll pick c) abortion is a safe and legal medical proceedure, at least so long as you Taliban wannabees aren’t in power.
puddy @37,
where’s this study of Paul you whipped out? And what makes you think that just because I’m not a Christian now, I don’t know about the bible? Maybe I was a Christian in the past, puddy, ever consider that? Or maybe I just spend time studying the bible because quoting it gets Christian’s knickers all in a twist. Poor puddsy, don’t even understand your own religion.
Taliban wannabees…
Pfffft….. oh you mean like you Nazi and Fascist and Marxist jockstrap progressives in the early 1900s?
Yeah… That’s the ticket.
Well rob if you were a Christian as you claimed you would have caught it above. Since you are questioning where it was (right in front of your beady leetle eyes) it demonstrates the lack of Christian knowledge on your part!
Ohhhhh but Puddy does. That’s your problem. Recall of the Bible comes to those who study it!
See ya. Glad not to be ya!
ok rob, let me put this another way. do you think that a life is the creation of god? i dont think you can believe in god and not believe that. so abortion is the killing of gods creation.
by the way, your previous answer was worthy of a clinton. mostly bill.
Uhhhh.. There were no nazis and fascists in the early 1900’s fool.
What kind of idiot conflates Nazis and Fascists with the leanings of Teddy Roosevelt and others in America..
A very stupid and insane idiot.
@51 “i thought you didnt read my rants, steve?”
You must have missed where I wrote that I was just kidding you about that.
Uhhhh.. There were no nazis and fascists in the early 1900’s fool.
1923, hitler’s beer hall putsch?
my god, you dont even need to be an historian nowadays, you got google!
For my part, I’m glad that mot and Puddy have finally found each other.
“you Nazi and Fascist and Marxist jockstrap progressives”
Whatever it is you’re taking, Puddy, consider doubling the dosage.
@55 “whipped out?”
When I whip something out I’m usually with Puddy’s mama.
“Steve, you hate blacks”
heh- This after Puddy spewed hate all week towards Shirley Sherrod and the NAACP, all while making excuse after excuse for the racist Andrew Brietbart. I have no doubt that Puddy would have thrown both Honest Abe Lincoln and MLK Jr. under a bus if it meant gaining the slightest favor of some wingnut racist loon.
@58 “so abortion is the killing of gods creation”
And yet God murders millions of blastocysts every year. If we are to be like God, shouldn’t we kill blastocysts too?
Pffftt.. Teddy Roosevelt’s Presidency was from 1901 to 1909.
Some of his “progressive” reforms was the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 and the Pure Food and Drug Act of that same year.
How “progressive” indeed. The right wing mantra to that point and still mumbled today is “let the buyer beware”.
So I guess according to insane right wing idiots that RINO Teddy was a Nazi.
Is Puddy insane?
Puddy always knows how to get the arschloch started.
Hey arschloch, Fascism started in Italy around WWI 1914 or 1915, early 1900s. German Naziism started in the 1919. Early 1900s. Remember gold bullion was confiscated by FDR.
History lesson completed.
Such a moronic twit when it comes to history.
Post #59, prime candidate for stupid post of the week eh Lee?
No discussion necessary.
None indeed. In this case idiot suffices.
Insane is a gimme.
Once again the wondermoronic arschloch places Teddy Roosevelt up here when everyone knows Oliver Wendell Holmes, the avowed Social Darwinist (just like most HA Libtardos) George Bernard Shaw and Margaret Sanger (exterminate the minority babies), all DUMMOCRAPTS were part of the progressive
Prove it Steve Steve Steve.
Where did Puddy say he hated Shirley Sherrod last week? Prove it where Puddy said he hated the NAACP last week.You can ask the arschloch for help big time liar you are!
Time and Date Stamp
Moronic idiot. Puddy proved everything you wrote was wrong with FDL.
See ya!
Oh ahhh the dumb cinderblock arschloch appeared. Then he left. And nobody really noticed. Like a turd being deposited in the forest. It smells but no one cares or notices.
mot @58,
Meaning that like the Clintons I can see that the world isn’t the either/or dungeon that you’d like it to be? Thank you.
“Where did Puddy say he hated Shirley Sherrod last week? Prove it where Puddy said he hated the NAACP last week.”
I’d rather have fun with this while exposing you as a hate-filled self-loather. To that end, please offer up all the words of condemnation you wrote this week about Andrew Brietbart’s role in this matter. Then share with us all the words you wrote in defense of Mrs. Sherrod. Oh hell, to move the conversation along, I’ll do it for you,
A quick read, huh, Puddy? Your every comment this week was in defense of the indefensible – Brietbart and the rest of the rancid right-wing smear machine that has so obviously put black America in its crosshairs even as the foul stench of Glenn Beck appropriates MLK Jr. Here’s a clue. Your ideological forebears called MLK Jr. a commie nigger. And if he was alive today, your friends would be calling him a “Nazi and Fascist and Marxist” nigger. My, how you right-wing extremists have grown through the years.
You, Puddy, are perversely consumed with hatred. I thought you should know.
you’re calling a one liner about Paul a study? What a joke.
@75 heh- You should see his proof of a 6,000 year-old earth.
Is Puddy getting his freak on?
Hey Rob try again. Try reading this time.
Ummm Steve Steve Steve, you made the accusation. Time to fess up fool. Or is it another opportunity for that confessional like you had to do with mark Foley?
How does that tongue feel? You step on it a lot lately. Well drink some Stupid Solution. It’s your Balm in Gilead!
Ummm Steve Steve Steve, just like the arschloch, when cornered on your fecklessness… change the subject.
puddly, you’re pathetic.
steve, AIG? Yeah, that would figure.
J Edgar Hoover was a DUMMOCRAPT.
George Wallace was a DUMMOCRAPT.
Al Gore Sr was a DUMMOCRAPT.
Robert 3 Sheets Byrd was a DUMMOCRAPT.
Sam Ervin was a DUMMOCRAPT.
Estes Kefauver was a DUMMOCRAPT.
Jeff Davis was a DUMMOCRAPT.
Orval Faubus was a DUMMOCRAPT.
Ross R. Barnett was a DUMMOCRAPT.
Paul B. Johnson, Jr. was a DUMMOCRAPT.
How long a list do you need to see Steve Steve Steve? Puddy has many more DUMMOCRAPTS who as you call Puddy’s forebears.
Thanks Puddy wears that as a BADGE of HONOR. Puddy tied in two otehr verses from Paul and then Genesis and rb goes nuts. Probably the most Bible rob has read in 45 years or more!
Hey Steve Steve Steve…
History lesson for ya… Jimmy the Greek got fired for ____________________________?
Butt, who got a pass for “they got the Buckwheats“? Hint… His pal is Bill Burkett. Yet Don Imus got run out of town on Nappy Headed Ho?
See why Puddy sez libtardos get a pass when racial comments are made?
Are these Bible Studies posted to incite flame wars?
There is a lot of contextual reading behind this verse, and the womenly subjugation you are trying to make evident is not the slave-master bond that you are implying.
The women of Ephesus were considered heretical in those times because of the huge debacle in the Ephesian ascetic community where the women were forsaking doctrine and creating their own theologies. Going back to Middle East and the history of religion, the subjugation suggested here is merely one of rebuke, not one of unconditional submission.
the most intelligent comment on this thread. unfortunately it will be lost on goldstein who purposely posts those passages to inflame gender issues, just like he inflames racial issues, so we have never ending comment on race, religion, gender. and why is that goldstein? oh yeah, i posted that reason above.
The best you can come up with is a bunch of dead people? Dead people?? From the last century??? You know why that is, Puddy? I’ve got two words for you – “Southern Strategy”. You Republicans wanted them, you courted them, and now they’ve been yours for decades. Please do try to keep up with current events, Puddy. heh- Is it any wonder that one third of today’s Republicans want their states to secede from the Union? Apparently yo mama didn’t tell you to be careful about who you sleep with. Or more likely, you didn’t listen any better then than you do now.
I’ll tell you what, any black guy with a confederate flag bumper sticker on his car has got to have some serious issues. Puddy just might have crossed into Psych 201 territory with that one. Hmm, I believe it’s time for an informal HA poll.
Puddy having a confederate flag bumper sticker on his car is
[ ] perverse in the extreme
[ ] no surprise at all
[ ] further evidence that he’s batshit krazy
[ ] all of the above
“Are these Bible Studies posted to incite flame wars?”
Steve Steve Steve,
Why you running away from #63? Puddy ain’t going anywhere until you provide evidence. All other silliness like a confederate flag sticker (it’s on your back fender) above. Apparently you can’t find anything cuz this is the third set of tracks you’ve laid down since then. Puddy called you a liar and apparently it’s sticking like stink on Roger Rabbit’s pellets.
Are you upset someone called you on your Bush04 sticker on your Pink Cadillac window?
BTW Steve Steve Steve… of all the places to find this… DUMMRAPTIC Racism On Slate…
Remember Steve Steve Steve Cynthia McKinney, your heroine has a whack job father.
Looks like MOT has a bud in the father of your heroine!
Once again, Goldy rips something out of context to try & show God wants men to treat women…like Goldy does!
Read the WHOLE Chapter folks–
Ephesians 5
Especially read the preceding verse 21–
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ
and the Subsequent verses where it tells us how to treat our wives.
Nothing is deeper than Christ’s love for us and the sacrifice he made. There is no deeper love.
Rootless Atheist Progressives are by definition selfish people who could never begin to comprehend this. It’s worked for Mrs. C & I for many years, kids & grandkids.
I’ll bet Puddy could tell you the same thing.
Do yourselves a favor if you are married…or if like Goldy, you have a failed marriage.
This is the key.
“And WTF is up with the psycho-laugh?”
Not to mention the apparent anal fixation…
so i’m not lying when i said goldstein is purposely fanning the flames of gender issues, am i?
shame on you goldstein, however, keep it up, cause now we know everything you do is to inflame issues. btw, didnt you accuse breitbart of same?
Fanning the fires? … as in Willie Horton, Swift Boating, and Breitbarting?????
Are you telling us that Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, Rove, Atwater, Murdoch do not fan the flames?
Goldstein, if he is “fanning the flames” he is doing so by reflecting the heat of your own fires.
All that David does is hold up a mirror to those who claim to have the truth. In the mirror, that “truth” is ugly but it is the truth.
Slavery, missionary, forced conversion, concubinage, crusades, were not merely human things done under a veil of Christian piety, they were act of piety. Millions have been enslaved, cultures have been devastated, good people impoverished .. all the name of a God so cruel he gave up His only son as a sacrifice to
the God’s own glory.
No thanks…I’ve had my fill of that bullshit, and yours too.
Well I guess YOU noticed…dumbass motherfucker.