If you are looking for a Biblical prohibition of gay marriage, look no further.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Huh? Not quite.
Rather, abandon the dominant paradigm if it crushes your soul.
In fact, perhaps an endorsement of non-traditional states of being, including homosexuality.
And perhaps non-traditional is not the right term. As with David and Jonathan, and Jesus and John, being gay seems to be a core part of the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Good point.
Have you ever read Psalm 1?
It reminds me of you.
1 Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.
4 Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Of course I prefer the KJV interpretration on Psalm 1 where they use the term “ungodly” instead of “wicked”.
By your own admission, you are “ungodly” ie you don’t believe in God, have no interest in exploring faith and have total misplaced confidence in your own very limited intellect.
Hard for Atheist’s to argue they are somehow not “ungodly”…try as they might.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Goldy aka “Mocker”
How about Proverbs 21:24…sounds precisely what you love to do!
24 The proud and arrogant man-“Mocker” is his name;
he behaves with overweening pride.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Cynical @3,4
This is exactly the post you posted last time. Nothing new to say? I suppose that was expected.
Your comment at 4 is particularly telling, BTW. Of course you prefer a term that refers to whether someone is on your team, rather than the term that describes someone’s bad behavior. It is a typical failing of religion – tribal fidelity counts more than real actions.
Moreover, you’re basing your point on a fine distinction between terms (I believe the word for that is jesuitical) that differ in translations of texts that occurred thousands of years after the fact. I would assert that ‘godly’ was used precisely for the reason that I criticize.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Pot, meet kettle.
Hey, I’m having deja vu! I believe I called cynical the ‘mocker’ in that Psalm passage last week.
Get your own analysis, you twit.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Besides, better to be Goldy than godly!
Who better than a Republican “to stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.”
“For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.” Says nothing of the self-righteous Republican (like Puddy, Cynical and the rest). I thank the LORD for watching over me, knowing that I am not one of the wicked.
Clynical, you need a better Psalm if you want to be the Bigot.
“Hard for Atheist’s to argue they are somehow not “ungodly”…try as they might.”
Huh? I think atheists will be the first to tell you that they are ungodly. Maybe you don’t know what the word “atheist” means.
Thus the origination of the axiom ‘what happens in Los Vegas stays in Los Vegas.’
Bring back the old days, when women were property and you could own a bunch of them. Then the only thing you had to worry about was being poisoned by their cooking.
Madame Chintoaspews:
Same shit since the beginning of time, poor me for no apparent reason my wife is a nag.
…but don’t worry the idiot will be home the minute he’s hungry.
The Good Book FTW!
…and the Lord told man “You need to invent the game of Golf and get out of the house early on Saturday morning and not get back until the sun has set. Go to the driving range for 2 hours each weekday evening on your way home, and your lot shall improve.”
@ #5
Main Entry: mock
Pronunciation: \ˈmäk, ˈmok\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from moker
Date: 15th century
transitive verb
1: to treat with contempt or ridicule : deride
2: to disappoint the hopes of
3: defy, challenge
4a: to imitate (as a mannerism) closely : mimic
b: to mimic in sport or derision
intransitive verb: jeer, scoff
synonyms see ridicule, copy
noun: mock·er
Perhaps cynical, you should take the mote from your own eye, rather than complain about the log in someone elses.
Is now a good time to mention that I am looking for my next ex-wife?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Hey Goldy,
In a future Bible Study, could you find the passage(s) that instruct us to i) shit on the poor ii) despoil the environment and iii) elevate avarice, greed and corruption to sacramental status?
Not that this passage isn’t fascinating and fodder for ongoing discussion – not at all. I’d just really enjoy discussing how god approves of Republican “values”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Why do you even give a shit what two guys you don’t know do in private? Are you jealous because you’ve got nothing but goats to keep you company?
Liberal Scientistspews:
@19 Oh the poor goats. Can we call the ASPCA?
Liberal Scientistspews:
@19 Doubt you’ll get a response. Cynical seems to have dropped the same POS as last week, then cribbed my criticism of him and aimed it at Goldy, and then slinked off into silence.
Liberal Scientistspews:
For any fellow atheists who might not have come across PZ, here is some more Sunday discourse that you might find enlightening.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
It is interesting the rootless Atheist Progressives claim to have no God…when despite their protests, it is apparent they have chosen the central conviction of Hell.
George McDonald, who inspired CS Lewis, understands we all basically hate the idea of someone having rights over our lives. Me too. In fact, deep down, virtually all Christians have a certain hostility toward the God of the Bible. The general idea of a relatively undefined “God” is appealing.
The difference is Christians ultimately understand they need God…whereas the Atheists lovely to proudly proclaim
liberal scientist seems weary of Psalm 1 as it has convicting power. How about you political types meditate on PSALM 2 for awhile–
Psalm 2
1 Why do the nations conspire [a]
and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth take their stand
and the rulers gather together
against the LORD
and against his Anointed One. [b]
3 “Let us break their chains,” they say,
“and throw off their fetters.”
4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord scoffs at them.
5 Then he rebukes them in his anger
and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
6 “I have installed my King [c]
on Zion, my holy hill.”
7 I will proclaim the decree of the LORD :
He said to me, “You are my Son [d] ;
today I have become your Father. [e]
8 Ask of me,
and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.
9 You will rule them with an iron scepter [f] ;
you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”
10 Therefore, you kings, be wise;
be warned, you rulers of the earth.
11 Serve the LORD with fear
and rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry
and you be destroyed in your way,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him
I don’t care who is in power…R’s or D’s.
Their ego’s cause them to view themselves as earthly Kings.
But no earthly God could possibly justify the fury & glory of Psalm 2.
“I don’t care who is in power…R’s or D’s.”
Lying dumbfuck KLOWN.
56. Mr. Cynical spews:
Dudes…lighten up!
And remember this:
04/12/2006 at 7:24 pm
You can take your hate-filled politics and bullshit religion and stuff it up your ass, KLOWN.
Liberal Scientistspews:
OK Cynical, just what the fuck is “convicting power” in conjunction with Psalm 1?
I thought convicting power was what the godless state brings to bear against pedophile Catholic priests, tax-evading prosperity gospel preachers and corrupt Republican politicians (I know, the latter term contains a redundancy).
I thought the point of this Sunday exercise was to discuss a particular and specific passage, as chosen by Goldy. You seem to prefer choosing your own, with as many capitalized “LORD”s as possible, in order to fashion what I imagine you construe as as an argument against atheism and Progressivism.
With regard to Psalm 1, I really have no trouble discussing it with you. Clearly the “counsel of the wicked”, “way of sinners” and “mockers” refers to Republicans. The author is clearly speaking out against greed, rapaciousness, violence, exploitation of the weak, despoiling of the LORD’S beautiful green earth, slavery and indentured servitude (including wage slavery), usury, theft and dishonesty. You know, Republican values, the ones most often draped in self-righteous Christianist condescension.
yeah, this is one time i agree with goldberg. a complaining wife deserves what i give my wife, a good beating. a few slaps and the bitch stops complaining. all bitches need a good slap to keep them in line.
Ahh Klynical – the known lier and supporter of Bush pretends to be religious.
Truly religious people don’t copy and disseminate lies. That is called malicious gossip and in the old days, Klynical, you could be stoned to death for that.
You can take your false religious beliefs, Klynical, and stuff them. We know that you hate the poor (WWJD), we know that you love the rich and the moneyed interests, that you supported the unnecessary war in Iraq and that you support the racist republican policies.
Sorry Klynical, but your false religion does not ring true. You should be repenting for all your many and various sins.
The mere fact that you continuously call people names says you are not a true Christian.
Grow up and learn to be humble and listen and use your god-given mind Klynical. It may be the first time that your frontal lobe has been used in a long, long time.
Well if I remember correctly, Solomon had hundreds of wives and consorts so it’s understandable he’d crave a little “me time.”
Do you think so little of Me that you think I can be “had?”
If you were God would You want your worship?
I do not need to be worshiped because I am that I am.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@28: That’s why he was at the driving range all the time, but he never did cure that hitch in his backswing.
god, do you also realize that liberals believe that this country should be governed without you as a voice. they have this big lie called seperation of church and state. the only problem is, it never says that in the constitutuion. the constitution says, congress shall make no law establishing a religion. the liberals have used that to not allow a group of citizens to put a cross in city hall. so they are liars, (or stupid). dear lord, please cut the tongues out of these liars.
So I do have to ask, what is “Christian” about the psalms? They are not aimed at Christians, but are aimed at Jews.
headless lucyspews:
“…overweening pride.” Overweening: I hate it when I do that!
proud leftistspews:
Why not just take the Proverbs verse Goldy quotes us straight up for what it is–good advice? That’s what the Book of Proverbs is all about, after all. I don’t think we need to read more into it than what it says on its face. Ah, some things are timeless, aren’t they?
Why not just take the Proverbs verse Goldy quotes us straight up for what it is–good advice?
@34 good advice? That’s what the Book of Proverbs is all about, after all.
yup. for instance a man shall not lay with a man. good advice
proud leftistspews:
If you were ever to meet Jesus Christ, you would hate him. You are first and foremost a hater, after that I’m not sure what you are. Please, however, quit lying about being a Christian.
i love it proudlefty…
you say the proverbs are good advice. then , when i give you a part you dont like, you cant take it, so you attack me. love it, cause i knoiw you cant rationalize what you said about it being good advice, and part of that advice is to admonish homosexuality.
by the way, is hater the only thing that matters to you? how about al gore being a sexual predator? barack obama an admitted cocaine user? joe biden plagerizing?
diane feinsteins husband embezeling? etc ad nauseum
actually, something like the following would be hateful. the boston herald reported 1100 doctors in ny no longer accept medicare patients because of the reduced paymebts as part of obamacare. so hateful would ber, i hope your parents retire soon and cant get healthcare because they cant get a doctor to accept them. then, after they worked all their lives they can watch illegals, welfare people and immigrants get healthcare for free. now thats hateful. sounds like fun to watch , too.
manoftruth, I assume you also refrain from labor on the Sabbath, shellfish, pork, masturbation, wearing cloths of different fibers, etc. All were equally important commandments to the rule against men having sex with men. In fact you’d have executed for most of those crimes.
@41 manoftruth, I assume you also refrain from labor on the Sabbath, shellfish, pork, masturbation, wearing cloths of different fibers, etc. All were equally important commandments to the rule against men having sex with men. In fact you’d have executed for most of those crimes.
good point, but it begs the question, do we pick and choose what laws of god, the bible being all we have, to follow. do we let certain people dictate which ones seem appropriate? thats the problem.
1100 doctors in ny no longer accept medicare patient
I had heard that was because Republicans, who apparently value money more than poor people, got an amendment to cut medicare payments to doctors. Can Republicans do that and still call themselves Christian? Or is it the value of the more money you have, the closer you are to God?
Hmm, even though “God” is not a name, isn’t it traditional to capitalize It?
it never says that in the constitutuion. the constitution says, congress shall make no law establishing a religion.
The Bible you use, like the Constitution, was written by your forbears. Why would you ask God to interpret it for you?
What part of “establishing a religion” do you not understand?
dear lord, please cut the tongues out of these liars.
Sorry, but you seem to be asking something more appropriate for an evil being than for a good God
I am that I am. may not wnat to answer so ill intended a prayer!
@42. But you didn’t answer the question.
Do you you personally follow all those rules?
or do you pick and choose which rules you follow and demand that others follow?
It's the Economy, Stupid.spews:
Seems that for many Christians here, poverty is a punishment for being not faithful enough.
@42 MOT
:the bible being all we have”
That is a very odd statement.
Which “Bible?” In Judaism the ONLY revealed truth is the Torah .. the first five books.
1.If you are a Christian, tell me where your Jesus says … “Oh, and all the works from Sinai till now are ALSO My Word?” Since Jesus never says this, I would assume you too would reject Proverbs, Kings, Prophets, etc as apocrypha?
If you are a Christian, thne what parts of the Roman Bible do YOU consider the word of God? Jesus was killed by the Romans about 2000 years ago, About 300 years later, the same Romans made worship of Jesus their state religion and the state council authorized a set of texts. Do you accept the Roman version? Has Jesus said which books He wants you to accept?
3. If you are an American, do you accept the writings of Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and Madison what they intended the Constitution to mean? I assume, BTW, that you know the framers rejected the idea of Jesus as a divine being?
4. If you are an American, do you believe ALL religions should have equal weight? Actually on this issue I side WITH the conservatives and believe religion is free speech. Of course, this means I believe children here should be taught worship of Raven, including Hamatsa (the cannibal bird) on equal footing with Christianity. Ok by you?
The silence is deafening.
Notice how if we ask them if they live the rules they want to impose on others, they vanish?
Notice how if we ask them to clarify their rules, to be consistent, they vanish?
If you are looking for a Biblical prohibition of gay marriage, look no further.
Huh? Not quite.
Rather, abandon the dominant paradigm if it crushes your soul.
In fact, perhaps an endorsement of non-traditional states of being, including homosexuality.
And perhaps non-traditional is not the right term. As with David and Jonathan, and Jesus and John, being gay seems to be a core part of the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Good point.
Have you ever read Psalm 1?
It reminds me of you.
Of course I prefer the KJV interpretration on Psalm 1 where they use the term “ungodly” instead of “wicked”.
By your own admission, you are “ungodly” ie you don’t believe in God, have no interest in exploring faith and have total misplaced confidence in your own very limited intellect.
Hard for Atheist’s to argue they are somehow not “ungodly”…try as they might.
Goldy aka “Mocker”
How about Proverbs 21:24…sounds precisely what you love to do!
Cynical @3,4
This is exactly the post you posted last time. Nothing new to say? I suppose that was expected.
Your comment at 4 is particularly telling, BTW. Of course you prefer a term that refers to whether someone is on your team, rather than the term that describes someone’s bad behavior. It is a typical failing of religion – tribal fidelity counts more than real actions.
Moreover, you’re basing your point on a fine distinction between terms (I believe the word for that is jesuitical) that differ in translations of texts that occurred thousands of years after the fact. I would assert that ‘godly’ was used precisely for the reason that I criticize.
Pot, meet kettle.
Hey, I’m having deja vu! I believe I called cynical the ‘mocker’ in that Psalm passage last week.
Get your own analysis, you twit.
Besides, better to be Goldy than godly!
Who better than a Republican “to stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.”
“For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.” Says nothing of the self-righteous Republican (like Puddy, Cynical and the rest). I thank the LORD for watching over me, knowing that I am not one of the wicked.
Clynical, you need a better Psalm if you want to be the Bigot.
“Hard for Atheist’s to argue they are somehow not “ungodly”…try as they might.”
Huh? I think atheists will be the first to tell you that they are ungodly. Maybe you don’t know what the word “atheist” means.
Thus the origination of the axiom ‘what happens in Los Vegas stays in Los Vegas.’
Bring back the old days, when women were property and you could own a bunch of them. Then the only thing you had to worry about was being poisoned by their cooking.
Same shit since the beginning of time, poor me for no apparent reason my wife is a nag.
…but don’t worry the idiot will be home the minute he’s hungry.
The Good Book FTW!
…and the Lord told man “You need to invent the game of Golf and get out of the house early on Saturday morning and not get back until the sun has set. Go to the driving range for 2 hours each weekday evening on your way home, and your lot shall improve.”
@ #5
Perhaps cynical, you should take the mote from your own eye, rather than complain about the log in someone elses.
Is now a good time to mention that I am looking for my next ex-wife?
Hey Goldy,
In a future Bible Study, could you find the passage(s) that instruct us to i) shit on the poor ii) despoil the environment and iii) elevate avarice, greed and corruption to sacramental status?
Not that this passage isn’t fascinating and fodder for ongoing discussion – not at all. I’d just really enjoy discussing how god approves of Republican “values”.
@3 Why do you even give a shit what two guys you don’t know do in private? Are you jealous because you’ve got nothing but goats to keep you company?
@19 Oh the poor goats. Can we call the ASPCA?
@19 Doubt you’ll get a response. Cynical seems to have dropped the same POS as last week, then cribbed my criticism of him and aimed it at Goldy, and then slinked off into silence.
For any fellow atheists who might not have come across PZ, here is some more Sunday discourse that you might find enlightening.
It is interesting the rootless Atheist Progressives claim to have no God…when despite their protests, it is apparent they have chosen the central conviction of Hell.
George McDonald, who inspired CS Lewis, understands we all basically hate the idea of someone having rights over our lives. Me too. In fact, deep down, virtually all Christians have a certain hostility toward the God of the Bible. The general idea of a relatively undefined “God” is appealing.
The difference is Christians ultimately understand they need God…whereas the Atheists lovely to proudly proclaim
liberal scientist seems weary of Psalm 1 as it has convicting power. How about you political types meditate on PSALM 2 for awhile–
Psalm 2
I don’t care who is in power…R’s or D’s.
Their ego’s cause them to view themselves as earthly Kings.
But no earthly God could possibly justify the fury & glory of Psalm 2.
“I don’t care who is in power…R’s or D’s.”
Lying dumbfuck KLOWN.
You can take your hate-filled politics and bullshit religion and stuff it up your ass, KLOWN.
OK Cynical, just what the fuck is “convicting power” in conjunction with Psalm 1?
I thought convicting power was what the godless state brings to bear against pedophile Catholic priests, tax-evading prosperity gospel preachers and corrupt Republican politicians (I know, the latter term contains a redundancy).
I thought the point of this Sunday exercise was to discuss a particular and specific passage, as chosen by Goldy. You seem to prefer choosing your own, with as many capitalized “LORD”s as possible, in order to fashion what I imagine you construe as as an argument against atheism and Progressivism.
With regard to Psalm 1, I really have no trouble discussing it with you. Clearly the “counsel of the wicked”, “way of sinners” and “mockers” refers to Republicans. The author is clearly speaking out against greed, rapaciousness, violence, exploitation of the weak, despoiling of the LORD’S beautiful green earth, slavery and indentured servitude (including wage slavery), usury, theft and dishonesty. You know, Republican values, the ones most often draped in self-righteous Christianist condescension.
yeah, this is one time i agree with goldberg. a complaining wife deserves what i give my wife, a good beating. a few slaps and the bitch stops complaining. all bitches need a good slap to keep them in line.
Ahh Klynical – the known lier and supporter of Bush pretends to be religious.
Truly religious people don’t copy and disseminate lies. That is called malicious gossip and in the old days, Klynical, you could be stoned to death for that.
You can take your false religious beliefs, Klynical, and stuff them. We know that you hate the poor (WWJD), we know that you love the rich and the moneyed interests, that you supported the unnecessary war in Iraq and that you support the racist republican policies.
Sorry Klynical, but your false religion does not ring true. You should be repenting for all your many and various sins.
The mere fact that you continuously call people names says you are not a true Christian.
Grow up and learn to be humble and listen and use your god-given mind Klynical. It may be the first time that your frontal lobe has been used in a long, long time.
Well if I remember correctly, Solomon had hundreds of wives and consorts so it’s understandable he’d crave a little “me time.”
Do you think so little of Me that you think I can be “had?”
If you were God would You want your worship?
I do not need to be worshiped because I am that I am.
@28: That’s why he was at the driving range all the time, but he never did cure that hitch in his backswing.
god, do you also realize that liberals believe that this country should be governed without you as a voice. they have this big lie called seperation of church and state. the only problem is, it never says that in the constitutuion. the constitution says, congress shall make no law establishing a religion. the liberals have used that to not allow a group of citizens to put a cross in city hall. so they are liars, (or stupid). dear lord, please cut the tongues out of these liars.
So I do have to ask, what is “Christian” about the psalms? They are not aimed at Christians, but are aimed at Jews.
“…overweening pride.” Overweening: I hate it when I do that!
Why not just take the Proverbs verse Goldy quotes us straight up for what it is–good advice? That’s what the Book of Proverbs is all about, after all. I don’t think we need to read more into it than what it says on its face. Ah, some things are timeless, aren’t they?
good advice? That’s what the Book of Proverbs is all about, after all.
yup. for instance a man shall not lay with a man. good advice
If you were ever to meet Jesus Christ, you would hate him. You are first and foremost a hater, after that I’m not sure what you are. Please, however, quit lying about being a Christian.
i love it proudlefty…
you say the proverbs are good advice. then , when i give you a part you dont like, you cant take it, so you attack me. love it, cause i knoiw you cant rationalize what you said about it being good advice, and part of that advice is to admonish homosexuality.
by the way, is hater the only thing that matters to you? how about al gore being a sexual predator? barack obama an admitted cocaine user? joe biden plagerizing?
diane feinsteins husband embezeling? etc ad nauseum
actually, something like the following would be hateful. the boston herald reported 1100 doctors in ny no longer accept medicare patients because of the reduced paymebts as part of obamacare. so hateful would ber, i hope your parents retire soon and cant get healthcare because they cant get a doctor to accept them. then, after they worked all their lives they can watch illegals, welfare people and immigrants get healthcare for free. now thats hateful. sounds like fun to watch , too.
manoftruth, I assume you also refrain from labor on the Sabbath, shellfish, pork, masturbation, wearing cloths of different fibers, etc. All were equally important commandments to the rule against men having sex with men. In fact you’d have executed for most of those crimes.
manoftruth, I assume you also refrain from labor on the Sabbath, shellfish, pork, masturbation, wearing cloths of different fibers, etc. All were equally important commandments to the rule against men having sex with men. In fact you’d have executed for most of those crimes.
good point, but it begs the question, do we pick and choose what laws of god, the bible being all we have, to follow. do we let certain people dictate which ones seem appropriate? thats the problem.
1100 doctors in ny no longer accept medicare patient
I had heard that was because Republicans, who apparently value money more than poor people, got an amendment to cut medicare payments to doctors. Can Republicans do that and still call themselves Christian? Or is it the value of the more money you have, the closer you are to God?
@ 31. manoftruth spews:
Seems as if you have an odd idea of who “God” is.
God, first off is not a name.
Hmm, even though “God” is not a name, isn’t it traditional to capitalize It?
The Bible you use, like the Constitution, was written by your forbears. Why would you ask God to interpret it for you?
What part of “establishing a religion” do you not understand?
dear lord, please cut the tongues out of these liars.
Sorry, but you seem to be asking something more appropriate for an evil being than for a good God
I am that I am. may not wnat to answer so ill intended a prayer!
@42. But you didn’t answer the question.
Do you you personally follow all those rules?
or do you pick and choose which rules you follow and demand that others follow?
Seems that for many Christians here, poverty is a punishment for being not faithful enough.
@42 MOT
:the bible being all we have”
That is a very odd statement.
Which “Bible?” In Judaism the ONLY revealed truth is the Torah .. the first five books.
1.If you are a Christian, tell me where your Jesus says … “Oh, and all the works from Sinai till now are ALSO My Word?” Since Jesus never says this, I would assume you too would reject Proverbs, Kings, Prophets, etc as apocrypha?
If you are a Christian, thne what parts of the Roman Bible do YOU consider the word of God? Jesus was killed by the Romans about 2000 years ago, About 300 years later, the same Romans made worship of Jesus their state religion and the state council authorized a set of texts. Do you accept the Roman version? Has Jesus said which books He wants you to accept?
3. If you are an American, do you accept the writings of Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and Madison what they intended the Constitution to mean? I assume, BTW, that you know the framers rejected the idea of Jesus as a divine being?
4. If you are an American, do you believe ALL religions should have equal weight? Actually on this issue I side WITH the conservatives and believe religion is free speech. Of course, this means I believe children here should be taught worship of Raven, including Hamatsa (the cannibal bird) on equal footing with Christianity. Ok by you?
The silence is deafening.
Notice how if we ask them if they live the rules they want to impose on others, they vanish?
Notice how if we ask them to clarify their rules, to be consistent, they vanish?