Including the verse prior is telling in this parable:
‘I tell you, to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
Now as for those enemies of mine who did not want me as their king, bring them here and slay them before me.'”
(This from the USCCB website – I suppose they’re useful for something)
It really seems like the core values underlying the Republican theory of government.
Liberal Scientistspews:
I remember learning this parable – about the nobleman who entrusted servants with a small amount of gold and expected them make profit with it.
Clearly the allegory uses terms of commerce – but to what end? I don’t really think that the teaching is to literally go out and make profit, though I suppose this could be the basis for the prosperity gospel movement and that whole pack of Italian-suited charlatans that preach it.
I suppose this is where the teaching I received in my family came from – you were given much, and much will be expected. My interpretation was that we were to do good in the world – to use our talents to best live the Golden Rule, which seems to be Jesus’ core teaching – love god and love your neighbor.
I DON’T recall the part about killing one’s enemies however. Perhaps Jesus had a good story there – and then got a little grandiose what with all the adulation that was happening in the rest of this chapter. ;)
‘I tell you, to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
Seems to me that this is the more relevant quote. It seems to be the basis for the entire Randroid/Republican mindset these days. Tax cuts for the wealthiest 5%, tax increases for everyone not making at least $200,000 a year. Shift the burdens and responsibilities of the Republic to the States while providing the greatest level of access to wealth and liberty to the merchant and banking class. Actively suppressing the labor class, and defining those classes in law.
We don’t tax: Luxury yachts, commercial aircraft, wholesale fuels (when purchased by private individuals for private stock and not for resale), imported luxury foods, finished metals or other manufactured goods.
The wealthiest income earners make 470 times what the average working Joe makes, and they don’t work at all. They are almost entirely parasitic on the system.
No wonder Republicans want to be seen as “christian”, and spend vast sums of money on presenting that face to the general public.
Liberal Scientistspews:
@3 Indeed. The verse does seem to encapsulate the worldview of the dominant corporatist/plutocratic forces in our society. And while I agree that this seems fundamental to the modern Republican party, there are plenty of Democrats willing to do corporate bidding as well – Lincoln, Landrieu, Nelson, Baucus, LIEberman (yeah, I know, he got kicked out of the party), etc.
What I think is essential to understand is how religion, and religious authority, is used to get people to vote against their own interests. Like getting the working poor who are religious to vote for Republicans based on essentially tribal appeals.
That’s from the Bible? I thought it was from a rap song.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Once again Liberal Scientist finger farts gets it very wrong. Butt, being a libtardo idiot… he’s playing with the inherited small deck his parents gave him.
Goldy could have tied this verse to the Disclose Act which Pelosi just pulled from being discussed.
“Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), one of the architects of HR 5175 said the “Disclose Act” as it is named “will promote transparency and disclosure, and ensure those powerful special interests spending millions of dollars are not able to hide behind third party groups, sham organizations, and dummy corporations.” However, groups like the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and ACORN do not appear to be covered by these requirements.
Those in Congress touting the Bill are also counting on the fact that the Supreme Court will not have an opportunity to hear any lawsuits challenging the radical law until after the election. Some Democrats feel that enforcing these unconstitutional limitations on free speech will give them the edge they need to win many close elections for Senate and House seats. This type of tactic violates everyone’s rights.”
PuddyCommentary… We know Pelosi will do anything to stifle free speech during an election year and this Schumer/Van Hollen bill does just that. The more the average American knows means they’ll figure out the existing Congressional crop of DUMMOCRATS blows! We know that Queen Pelosi will do anything to consolidate and keep her Congressional power including tabling or killing bills which make her position look stupid and insipid. She’s been trying to shut down anti-DUMMOCRAPT speech ever since the January SCOTUS decision.
Good try Liberal Scientist but the facts prove otherwise.
Do you care so little for My word that you ignore it?
I am that I Am?
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
The wealthiest income earners make 470 times what the average working Joe makes, and they don’t work at all. They are almost entirely parasitic on the system.
Again Deathfroggy has the wrong political party. He forgets most of the billionaires are libtardos. Puddy placed their names and their voting associations on HA long ago. If DeathFroggy had a set of cojones, he’s ask the clueless goober arschloch goatsee to replay those links from his HA home version of the blog. Butt alas, DeathFroggy isn’t packing anything below the belt, like others on this blog when challenged to “Ask the Arschloch”!
Another EPIC FAIL by DeathFroggy. Facts and the Froggy are diametrically opposites!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
The burden of proof is on a liar to prove he doesn’t lie.
But of course he’s doomed to failure every time.
So why bother?
Keep on lying fiend and posting your specious bullshit. It’s good for a laugh once in a while when it doesn’t
Put us to sleep..
Now watch…
Liberal Scientistspews:
@6,8,9 And Pud, your inane syntax is very tiring, too.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Ahhh Liberal Scientist…
On this blog Puddy writes a specific way ON PURPOSE. And since the facts are facts, your puny attempt at commentary fails again!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Pavlov sez, the known arschloch@10 plagiarizing liar has nothing to say so it’s ad hominem attack time. That’s okay cuz Puddy is a big guy and the arschloch is a repetitive fool!
arschloch@10, have you read you Daily Kook-Aid yet? Are you working on rewording some Christian Science blog entry again?
Are you working on rewording some Christian Science blog entry again?
zZZZZZZzzzzZZZZzz.. Can anyone decipher this drivel?
Don’t bother..
Liberal Scientistspews:
@12 You may be doing it “on purpose”, but regardless, it’s juvenile and betrays your disinterest in discussion.
At least ‘lost’ among the righties seems willing to engage in discussion.
You? You’re just a putz.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
LiberalScientist… Prove the PuddyFacts wrong and stop with your standard libtardo deflection act!
You can’t so you rant!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Pavlov Sez…
The arschloch purposely forgets how he went to Daily Kook-Aid, then went to the Christian Scientist web site and replayed a Daily Kook-aid rant. Butt Puddy caught him so he was
very embarrassed
over Puddy catching his plagiarism so he went on his ad hominem attack. Sad thing is he’s still in that mode. He can easily reply the whole thread cuz he has it in his home version of the HA blog!
You are #2, product of the ass end of the right wing bullshit machine.
27,000 posts and more you’ve indulged in name-calling and cutting/pasting right wing bullshit.
Your second post here as Puddybud you quoted some crazy shit from Free Republic.
Liberal Scientistspews:
OK Dipshit (Pud)
The Roberts court, with the usual suspects – Roberts, Scalia-Thomas, Alito and Kennedy – rewrote federal election law to allow corporations to further control our civic discourse and decision-making – Citizens United v. FEC. These are the activists put in place by the right wing that is hell-bent on destroying American democracy.
An effort to remedy this and enforce some (in my opinion) weak tea requirements for corporations to be closely associated with their electioneering was the origin for the Disclose Act. For some reason, provisions allowed a loophole – most prominently for the uber-right wing gun nuts at the NRA – led to pushback, primarily by other advocacy groups – that led to a delay in the bill.
So, Pelosi ‘panders’ to the NRA and compromises a bill to get it passed, and this does not work, and YOU cry foul that the Democrats are trying to muzzle free speech.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Pavlov sez,
Right on cue… When the arschloch@18 is shown his arschloch ways he changes the subject. We who think right call it deflection… similar tactic from the LiberalScientist above. Must be part of the DNC playbook
Being reminded of plagiarism… does it every time to the arschloch@18.
Puddy finds the facts and posts them arschloch. Puddy has to repeat those facts because libtardos like you have 24 hour memory-itis. That’s why you, the HA arschloch, created your personal home HA database. You had issues remembering facts.
Well, I’m sure this approach does not apply if the enemy’s nation has mineral wealth in excess of a trillion dollars. In that case we’ll just throw the enemy in to the mine to toil.
What? No refutation of the fact that you started your “career” here quoting calling Goldy a coward and quoting Free Republic? No refutation of the fact that you’ve posted at least 27,000 comments since April 2005?
Puddy finds the facts and posts them
You lie. You find right wing propaganda and call it fact, even worse you call it truth.
You say sj is tiring.. You never tire of ordering people to use the database to backup your bullshit. You never tire of doing the same old shit expecting different results. It’s hilarious because it’s so stupid crazy.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Okay LiberalScientist…
The Roberts court, with the usual suspects – Roberts, Scalia-Thomas, Alito and Kennedy – rewrote federal election law
No they didn’t. There was no law created and passed and you can’t create one out of thin air like this “argument” you tried to put forth above.
Pelosi knows the NRA is planned to spend mucho buckos to attack the insane positions of libtardo congressional DUMMOCRAPTS in 2010. So to stifle them Pelosi’s Pukes made a deal with the NRA. Since the “big tent” coalition only wanted their political friends getting a pass they attacked Pelosi. Funny thing is certain libtardo orgs seem to always get a pass in their legislation. Those are the facts.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Oh my Pavlov is right.
Look at the goatsee arschloch on the attack now.
You never tire of ordering people to use the database to backup your bullshit.
Awww poor poor arschloch. Puddy caught you in a lie about the database. Remember the “I use Google” then the “it’s only 150 megabytes” comment! Gotcha moron! Puddy refers peeps to your database so they can have memory refreshers to the original time and date Puddy placed the FACTS which you can’t refute fool! See ya turkey!
Puddy going out now to enjoy a great Father’s Day breakfast. See ya later arschloch!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 It’s no accident that so many Republicans are Christianist* fanatics. Robbing the poor, installing totalitarian governments, and murdering their opponents fits their worldview perfectly.
* Not to be confused with Christianity or Christians.
Liberal Scientistspews:
OK, I tried. I knew there was no chance of having any sort of discussion with Pud, not really.
But to avoid his accusation of running away from his irrefutable and tightly-constructed arguments I engaged.
But that’s it – what an ass (apologies to donkeys and gluts everywhere). Perhaps better to say, what a Republican.
You lie again. I use Google, I use bing, yahoo, whatever AND I use the database.. Whatever’s at hand. That’s a fact. I didn’t lie about that.
Now you’re making shit up because you can’t handle the TRUTH that you’re a feckless fool with legacy of name-calling and lying.
Have a great breakfast. Being a liar must aid the digestion!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “The wealthiest income earners make 470 times what the average working Joe makes, and they don’t work at all. They are almost entirely parasitic on the system.”
Given the amount of wealth their antics destroyed over the last 3 years, we should charge them hefty fees for the privilege of being rich and out-of-control.
Oh, I know the righties love to blame the poor for the meltdown of the housing, credit, derivative swaps, and stock markets. Yeah right — the poor tell mortgage brokers and Wall Street barons and bankers what to do, sure, sure ….
Puddy refers peeps to your database so they can have memory refreshers
Another lie.. I feel sorry for the kids to have such a miserable liar for a dad..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 I thought it was from the Goldman Sachs New Employee Manual.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “most of the billionaires are libtardos”
Sheer unmitigated BULLSHIT. But do you expect anything else from pudnutz?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 You wouldn’t know a fact if it fucked you in the ass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “The Roberts court, with the usual suspects – Roberts, Scalia-Thomas, Alito and Kennedy – rewrote federal election law”
“No they didn’t. There was no law created and passed and you can’t create one out of thin air like this “argument” you tried to put forth above.”
Good grief. Is anyone in the universe more reality-challenged that putz? I doubt it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “I knew there was no chance of having any sort of discussion with Pud, not really.”
That’s because you’re arguing with a tape recorder.
liberal scientistspews:
A tape recorder?
I’m not sure what Pud is, though have wasted too much ATP thinking about it. My thought about him/her/it is, personality disorder, or thought disorder, or both.
liberal scientistspews:
When people disagree, if they approach an argument earnestly, with facts and an intellectual framework, and a shared desire to understand and to achieve some shared good, synthesis can occur. And even if not, mutual respect or other positive.
With Pud, however, there is malice. I’m reminded of various sociopathic weasels I’ve run into over the years, exploiting earnestness and honesty of others to manipulate and obfuscate, throwing bombs into conversation, snickering and sniveling all the while.
In almost every case I’ve run into, it would have helped matters immensely if these little twits could get laid once in awhile. And, no, nocturnal emissions to thoughts of Glenn Beck or the Wassilla hillbillies do not count.
@35: I’m sorry but Pudpuller is more aptly (I think he may be the model for) Golem: a sick, stunted troll-like (not even a real troll) character.
Of course in Bozo world it is conceivable that Dr. Memory is also apt and more relevant to the “tape recorder” analogy.
Let’s ask him!
Pudpuller, Clem speaking: How does the porridge bird lay his eggs in the air?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Enough of Pud – he’s derailed discussion long enough.
I know I’ve learned this before:
@38: OTOH, every click feeds Goldy.
I don’t respond to every one of PudPuller’s inanities because as Skinner established, intermittent reinforcement increases the frequency of desired behavior — clicking the “lever” at Goldy’s blog in this case.
This weeks quote sounds like it came from the trailer for an HBO series.
@ 10 – Puddy doesn’t lie, nor does he sin. He in fact is Jesus Christ himself.
@24 – please no need to tell us how big an ugly your ass is.
@32 – feeeew. I had to check to make sure that comment wasn’t a reply to one of mine.
Politically Incorrectspews:
What you guys need to get behind is a wealth tax, not an income tax. After all, the wealthiest people don’t have to earn a dime of income to be rich, and they do nothing for the money they already have. Why not set a 10% tax on wealth in excess of, say, $1 million, determined by value as of 12/31 and due NLT 04/15?
That’s a much more efficient way of re-distributing wealth than having an income tax. Heck eventually you would have it that everyone has exactly the same amount of money whether they work of not. Sounds more an more like the “paradise” the progressives have been looking for for decades and decades. Shit, don’t tax income, tax wealth. It’s a helluva lot faster at wealth re-distribution than screwing around with income taxes.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Puddy refers peeps to your database so they can have memory refreshers
The fool AKA clueless goober arschloch goatsee farted
Such a dickhead. That’s EXACTLY why Puddy sends peeps to your feckless copy of Goldy’s HA blog. To show them Puddy previously put positive perfection on the blog.
You are a useless turd.
Hear that sound? It’s the water covering you the useless turd as you are being flushed…
Bye bye! Got another appointment!
Behold: Pudpuller flailing about @47. Totally pointless bullshit.
Watch out goaty, Pudpuller’s cummin’! (aka “appointment“)
@45: That is actually a pretty good idea (a wealth tax) – but the wealthy DO make money.
Even if they have 100 million invested at 5% a year, they are still earning 5 million per year and that is taxable. What should happen is that interest income above a certain amount (say 100K) should be taxable at an even higher rate.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Fool AKA Zotz…
Hahaha… Only morons like you think bestiality. Proves how moronic you really are!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Puddy still waiting for LiberalScientist to display for all the “new” law created by SCOTUS.
Notice his argument was a bunch of flatulence. Puddy turned on the fan and the flatulence was gone, just like his feckless argument.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Roger Rabbit claims
tape recorder
This is from some sick retired lawyer person who brags he has sex with animals.
NUFF Said Sucka!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Never claimed anything you wrote above. You tried this argument before. Puddy challenged you to produce a link weeks ago. You ran away like the Massachusetts coward you are.
Still waiting…
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Anyone out there care to interpret the Puddy spewings above, or is it best to just move on? He seems to really want to express himself today, but I’m incapable of following.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Did some fool above discuss some useless theory of government? Well this is not a theory. This is how Sadministration DUMMOCRAPTS react when one of their own is caught in shady dealings.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Oh my let’s see how Roger Rabbit explains this union thug away.
The obese former president of a Port Authority union — who admitted yesterday in court to embezzling nearly $300,000 in member dues to pay for a host of personal expenses — used the cash for tawdry hookers and casino trips, sources told The Post.
Daniel Hughes, 49, the former head of the Field Supervisor Association, Local 111-S, stole the cash to feed his carnal and gastronomic appetites during from January 2005 to December 2009, sources said.”
PuddyCommentary – Of course, it’s just union dues! As preznit, it was his “personal piggy bank” for prostitutes and food! What do you expect from a DUMMOCRAPT supporting union thug. Another story on the best of DUMMOCRAPTS!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Finally we could learn the identity of clueless goober arschloch goatsee.
“”The First Amendment protects radical opinions, but we need the legal tools to do things like monitor the recruitment of terrorists via the Internet,” Napolitano told a gathering of the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy.”
More than half the shit the arschloch posts could be considered at that threshold!
To show them Puddy previously put stinky right wing bullshit on the blog.
Liberal Scientistspews:
It would be fun and enlightening perhaps to discuss religion, its role in society, the implications and relevance of the daily bible quote, politics, policy and all that, with both the lefties and the thoughtful righties on the thread (I know the latter group is thin to non-existant, but Lost will on occasion come through with something).
But the insufferable Pud is just spewing meaningless drivel.
I say this not in any response to him personally, or to any of the bizarre things he’s written here – I really see no point in engaging at this point – but Goldy, when is this shit so destructive to the intent of the post that you make him go away? Where is that line, exactly?
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Your idiot correction does not have the requisite 5 “P”s, and as always makes no sense.
Butt you are still a moron!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
It’s amazinghow HA libtardos when confronted with facts claim they have comprehension issues.
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Luke 19:27
“Now bring me the enemies who didn’t want me to be their king. Kill them while I watch!”
Biblical snuff films? That’s some kind of sick shit.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Let’s see if LiberalScientist and Proud Leftist can comprehend this fact…
“Retiring Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., helped a casino that earned $1.3 billion last year hit a $54 million jackpot in federal money.”
PuddyCommentary… A wonderful use of Porkulus Funds!
Liberal Scientistspews:
“Money” quote:
“What it will do is it will put back to work the people who lost their jobs when we stopped the project,” he told the newspaper.
Bunnell said more than 100 construction workers, mostly union carpenters, plumbers, sheet metal workers and others, were laid off when the tribe stopped constructions in early 2009, after nearly two years.
Bunnell said the loans must be repaid and the interest rate is expected to be around 3 percent.
(Emphasis mine)
I love it. The Federal government – our government – loaned a Native American tribe buckets of Pud’s tax dollars to build community centers, in the process putting workers back to work – union workers – you know, the ones that created the weekend and the middle class.
So, native cultural centers – fostering community and heritage and self-respect of the people from whom we stole the continent. Built by UNION construction workers. Fostered by the feds lending at what looks like favorable but not sweetheart rates. Who could ask for anything more?
That must really piss you off, Pud.
Liberal Scientistspews:
and the quote in my post above is from the article that Pud linked – a Fox website (I’m pouring bleach on my computer as we speak)
@61 – The only mental disorder is you trying to understand liberalism.
Liberal Scientistspews:
See Ezra Klein for (oft-repeated) graphic of relative stimulus POWER of various federal actions.
Tax cuts for the rich, of course, suck. Spending money employing construction workers gets that money back into the economy quickly, and we get to use the stuff they build – like cultural centers!
@64 – just a footnote. It will create more than 100 construction jobs during its peak, plus it doesn’t account for jobs created/kept/or saved by factories that produce the materials, such as masonry block, brick, stone, drywall, metal stud framing, acoustical ceilings, flooring, carpet, vct, millwork……and how do those materials get to the jobsite? With trucks driven by people with arms and feet. And some people are complaining about it. People with their heads up their ass.
I think Puddy adds links to articles, such as FOX News, just to help with the amount of hits the websites get
Puddy, forget about the past….Answer the following, do you sin or do you not sin? If you sin, why do you choose to sin?
If you can answer the above it will put to rest whether you do or not.
@68, one or two of the subcontractors working on the project, could even need to buy a new truck to transport those materials to the site. The economic activity spurred is endless. Let’s not forget the lunch wagon that shows up to serve breakfast and lunch to the tradesmen and women. Or some may even decide to go off site to have a meal, so local eateries even could receive benefits.
Now the only stupider thing one could suggest is to take the $54,000,000 and spread it amongst the community or state as a tax credit or return, and all those people will go out and buy something with the $50.00 that they received….kind of like what GWB tried to do.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Progressivism is a “rootless” religion where you are free to write your own moral code.
The whole “Freedom from Religion” schtick the “progressives” are pushing leads to rootlessness.
Fortunately, God anticipated the inevitable “rootless” Society and gave us the remedy in Psalm 1!
1 Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.
4 Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.
Interestingly, “wicked” is in the NIV but “ungodly” is in KJV. I prefer the interpretration “ungodly”.
You folks freely admit to being “ungodly” so certainly should not be offended when someone refers to you as such.
Congrats. Enjoy your short stay here!
Are you working on rewording some Christian Science blog entry again?
WTF?? This was weird so I looked in the database. He’s attacked me 8 or 9 times on this since 3/10/2009.
I was going to do a blog post but I thought better of it. Beside junk-shot’s friend who he’s stabbed in the back here has this to say about the article I linked to:
YLB @ 2:
THANK YOU for posting that article. It spells out exactly why the politically powerful Evangelical Christians have just fallen from their perch.
They bet on the wrong horse!!
With all the lies American Taliban Conservatives were spewing about Liberals being godless, anti-American, anti-military, anti-life, without morals, or convictions the truth has endured. As it always does. Looking back over the last several decades Evangelicals have come to realize that the presidents who coveted greed and lied about nearly everything, senators who cruised public bathroom at airports in search of gay sex and visited DC madams, congressman who preyed on Paige boys over the internet, senators and congressmen who are now convicted felons for stealing public money, Spokane mayors who promised city jobs in exchange for sex on gay web sites, lobbyists connected to bribes, gambling and murder, and reverends who snort crystal meth with gay male prostitutes are, in fact, overwhelming self-identified, Reagan Republican, Moral Majority, Conservative Christians.
They are the sinners. Not the Liberals they’ve so broadly painted with their brush of false accusations.
Thank you GBS. Gee I thought according to this tool and fool I get no support or respect from my fellow lefties.
Gee an evangelical predicting that evangelicals will be at half their strength within a generation. Who’d a thunk it? And this particular evangelical has the gall at one point to criticize the “Prosperity Gospel” as a “parasite” on the evangelical movement.
Heh. What a laugh. All junk-shot talks about is money. I did another search:
Every third or fourth post this idiot is talking about money. No wonder that editorial pissed him off.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The theme song of the ungodly, rootless progressives ought to be the Mama’s & Papa’s..
“Go where you wanna go, do what you wanna do”.
Having roots in Christ is a commitment.
Progressives hate commitments because it results in limits on actions & thoughts.
It is rootless.
CS Lewis once said sonething to the effect–
“Chase Heaven & get Earth thrown in.
Chase Earth…and get neither”
When you are ungodly, the roots of your soul are in something besides God.
The only true “happiness” I have ever known is when my roots are in God’s righteousness.
Think about it.
Pray about it.
And remember this–
Happiness is where your roots are…not your circumstances.
Freedom FROM Religion is free from commitment and seems delightful at times because of a lack of limits or moral certainty…
but it is an empty vessel.
You can try to deny it…but deep down, without God, you are just biding time until a meaningless death.
Before the moron attacks me again. Let me be crystal clear:
“this tool and fool” is junk-shot aka Puddybud..
Just being pro-active.
@72 – Funny of your interpretation. Many of the so called conservatives here, including yourself, seem to stand in the way of sinners, and you sit in mockery of others.
And as far as “For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.” – says nothing of claiming to be self righteous, so maybe you will perish. One doesn’t have to be by the book to be righteous.
I believe I treat people right ,aside from tossing in an insult or two on this Blog, so I appreciate god saying that he is watching over me.
Having roots in Christ is a commitment.
Progressives hate commitments because it results in limits on actions & thoughts.
It is rootless.
Try selling that to the quakers, unitarians, or any of the liberation theology folks. Sorry Cyn, but there are all sorts of deeply religious folks on the left.
$ du -h .ha
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I thought you knew everything junk-shot. Refute this fact moron.
And thanks for referring people to me for information about your worthless right wing bullshit. They never ask me about it maybe because it’s pretty worthless.
As for me, it’s just entertainment. I like laughing at how seriously you take such meaningless drivel.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Nice to see you, Cynical. This goes out to Pud as well, I suppose.
How can you quote Psalm 1 with a straight face? How can you claim that you are not a mocker?
And the Psalm talks of love of the law of the Lord. And while it was certainly written and exits in an OT context, certainly you are a Christian and quote it as such. And is not the supreme law as given by Jesus Christ to love god and love your neighbor?
If so, how can a cynical, hateful, condescending, dismissive fuck like yourself claim to be loving your neighbor. How can a racist, war loving, corporatist Republican prick claim to be acting out of a love of god? I do suppose that it does depend on your god, and you may well be acting accord with what you worship.
I do indeed reject the existence of god – but I would assert that morality needs no god. It seems to me better and more mature to strive to do good for goodness sake, rather than to curry favor or avoid wrath from some temperamental sky-daddy. Particularly when the latter is accompanied by unseemly gloating about what you assume to be my eternal demise.
proud leftistspews:
As a Christian, you embarrass me to claim the same religion. You are a very judgmental person, with little tolerance for the mass of humanity. You perform a few acts of charity and somehow believe that makes you a good person. Most of your political views tend toward stomping on others, rather than lifting them up. Don’t quote Scripture to us, when you don’t understand it.
If you do not know of Me from Puddy’s bible, and do not believe HA God is God, how do you know who your God is?
I am that I am.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Just saw this sig line at DKos:
Ridicule may lawfully be employed where reason has no hope of success.
proud leftistspews:
Man, I like that.
Puddy and the KLOWN have become so fucking boring and tiresome.
Eh, goes to figure that a couple of twits who believe that evolution is a hoax and that the earth is 6,000 years old would have such a limited repertoire. Sigh! So boring.
Dude, the verse is the point of this age. Mankind is in rebellion against God, He asks than men repent and believe the “good news”… that Christ was delivered to death for our offences and raised from the dead for our justification (a legal term meaning not guilty). If we do not accept the Lordship of Christ in our lives we are called enemies of God in the here and now and we can only expect to face His punishment in the life after. We deserve that death but the provision to avoid it comes only through Christ.
Here is my question: Who was the first rebel, and why did he pick on us?
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Pavlov sez look at the clueless goober arschloch goatsee@73.
This fool does Puddy’s bidding all the time. It has nothing to do with the article you idiot. It has everything to do with this response clueless goober arschloch goatsee and how you were caught plagiarizing it from Daily Kooks that day and trying to make commentary from the Kookmeister.
Glad you finally delivered the thread. You do Puddy’s bidding all the time when you refer to your database! Pavlov knew you were up to it and you delivered it just an hour later than originally timed. And you don’t even know when you are being played. Not bad arschloch! For a real fool!
Yeah someone throws you a bone now and then, but at a recent HA weren’t held in high esteem goatsee arschloch.
And @79 is another classic. Pretty soon Pavlov sez Puddy will have you posting your whole HA database copy on this blog. You are a moron of the first degree.
Beside junk-shot’s friend who he’s stabbed in the back here
Notice this moron is so deficient. He can’t figger out who is attacking whom. In this case he claims Puddy is stabbing GBS in the back when in reality…
177. GBS spews: Puddy Seattle Rose Turd Blossom @ 168:
It’s from the hand of GBS.
Ever notice why Puddy doesn’t write the name of the arschloch with a first letter capital. It’s a full sign of dizzzrespect. This fool forgets his North Pasadena commentary Marvin Stamn took him to the cleaners over. Puddy doesn’t forget.
Pavlov sez “Now what can Puddy have you do next?”
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
To the person playing god, he/she/it forgets Puddy did comment on the verse in #6.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. The person playing god is deficient. The word is Bible, God’s Holy Word. A Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
You figger it out. You already had me pegged earlier so you already know the correct answer!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
If so, how can a cynical, hateful, condescending, dismissive fuck like yourself claim to be loving your neighbor. How can a racist, war loving, corporatist Republican prick claim to be acting out of a love of god?
Pavlov sez, Notice how LiberalScientist went progressive in that 2 sentence paragraph? Very telling the mind of a libtardo. It is a mental disease.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
As a Christian, you embarrass me to claim the same religion. You are a very judgmental person, with little tolerance for the mass of humanity.
And this from the Goatmaster AKA Proud Leftist who assigns a “goat award”, shaped in his own image, demonstrating hatred for peeps arguing points against his position getting all righteous now.
Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO
Bueller, Bueller, we’ve spotted another of them liberal idiots here!
To the person playing god, he/she/it forgets Puddy did comment on the verse in #6.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. The person playing god is deficient. The word is Bible, God’s Holy Word. A Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path!
But the truth is not in the Puddy post:
6. Puddybud sez,…..
Goldy could have tied this verse to the Disclose Act which Pelosi just pulled from being discussed.
“Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), one of the architects of HR 5175 said the “Disclose Act” as it is named “will promote transparency and disclosure, and ensure those powerful special interests spending millions of dollars are not able to hide behind third party groups, sham organizations, and dummy corporations.” However, groups like the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and ACORN do not appear to be covered by these requirements.
Those in Congress touting the Bill are also counting on the fact that the Supreme Court will not have an opportunity to hear any lawsuits challenging the radical law until after the election. Some Democrats feel that enforcing these unconstitutional limitations on free speech will give them the edge they need to win many close elections for Senate and House seats. This type of tactic violates everyone’s rights.”
PuddyCommentary… We know Pelosi will do anything to stifle free speech during an election year and this Schumer/Van Hollen bill does just that. The more the average American knows means they’ll figure out the existing Congressional crop of DUMMOCRATS blows! We know that Queen Pelosi will do anything to consolidate and keep her Congressional power including tabling or killing bills which make her position look stupid and insipid. She’s been trying to shut down anti-DUMMOCRAPT speech ever since the January SCOTUS decision.
Dear Puddy, ….
I am sad that you seem to have given up any pretense of being driven by your Bible. Vanity may be a cat virtue, but your posts are in vain. This is sad. If you can not explain words in your bible, then your only defense is to claim to be too stupid to understand My intent. Vanity of that sort is, at best, false.
So are you just acting as a Christian?
Or maybe, you are Me giving a bad lesson to others?
BTW, before you decide that I am SJ, you might consider the last time you met a pooka.
I am that I am.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
No one else mentions pooka pookah etc in such high regularity other than you. Hence you are playing god here.
Identifying Queen Pelosi is vain? Hmmm…? Well vanity of vanities… the truth shall set you free.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Oh arschloch here is the rest of the thread…
168. Puddybud has fun skewering Libtardos spews:
Once again GBS drops off the deep end… These are GBS’ words clueless arschloch
This is what happens to military morale and unit discipline when PEOPLE like YOU intentionally promulgate LIES.
These are Puddy’s words. Where did Puddy intentionally promulgate LIES? Are you saying Mrs Odumba never said what she said? Are you saying the Kenyan MP words in Kenyan parliament session are lies? Are you saying the two newspaper articles are lies? Just WTF are you saying GBS?
As you can see arschloch GBS claims Puddy stabbed him in the back by producing facts. Not Puddy’s words but Mrs Odumba’s words. GBS called Puddy a liar for producing other people’s words on HA. If that’s so GBS needs meds. Butt as always, the arschloch is as confused as ever. That’s why Puddy named you arschloch. You’re all arschloch 24x7x365.25. You try and attack Puddy at every turn but with your sub-human intellect it’s an EPIC FAIL!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
And no comment on 79
HA Liberals… this is why the arschloch will live in infamy with his “database”. His MWS attacks are so imbecile. You’d think being home all day his style would improve. EPIC FAIL there too!
Your arschloch didn’t read #89.
And @79 is another classic. Pretty soon Pavlov sez Puddy will have you posting your whole HA database copy on this blog. You are a moron of the first degree.
Pavlov sez watch and learn more about the arschloch. He’ll try and respond with more stupidity this morning.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Notice while most are taking care of their spouses, the arschloch is still posting. Sad life arschloch, sad life!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
As always, the most vile & outspoken “rootless Atheist Progressives” are convicted by God’s word. Conviction leads to humility. Humility to acceptance. Your attempts at imposing Freedom From Religion is merely a childish attempt to rebel & escape the stability prior generations tried hard to instill in us. Never in human history have human’s sought to eliminate God.
Read this again. God knew y’all were coming and you would try to eliminiate Him. He thought of everything!
1 Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked (ungodly)
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.
4 Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish
Puddy will have you posting your whole HA database copy on this blog.
LMAO!!! What a fool.. No moron, just the funny parts and because of the overwhelming, indisputable FACT, REALITY (you know something you’re not too good with) that you are
GBS claims Puddy stabbed him in the back by producing facts.
Yawwwnnn.. Not even a nice try.. Just a smarmy lie.
Torturing human beings IS not a lawful American tradition. Torture of humans is, at least was, associated with the world’s worst dictators. Now, the Bush/Cheney administration brought us into that disgraceful realm.
Any Democrat, who authorized its use should also face justice.
I’ll be taking your knife out of my back now.
GBS claimed you stabbed him in the back by using HIS WORDS to support your FALSE claim of HA lefties playing to your degenerate right wing Bushitler fantasies.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Goodness what an ASSHOLE you are arschloch… AND A PRIME TIME FOOL!
You are so dumb so dumb. The difference between Bush vs all those other sadistic friends of yours is Bush went to the Justice Department and asked was waterboarding torture. Get it moron? Do you understand? That’s why the ACLU went after those three Justice Department lawyers idiot. You can’t put 2+2 together at all.
None of your other historical heroes asked their justice departments if it was good or bad. This is what Puddy was attacking GBS on when Puddy took that comment out YOU DUMB FOOL!
Your honor the prosecution rests. There is no more we can do for the patient. He is a blooming idiot of the moronic order!
Stay stupid. You are doing an excellent job arschloch.
Touched by stupidity, that’s what you are arschloch!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Awww Poor Steve Steve Steve,
Not getting any action today?
Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. uddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin.
Damn it. Which one is it?
“Awww Poor Steve Steve Steve”
Let me guess. You’re pissed because I told you the earth is 4.5 billion years old and that it’s impossible for yo mama to have ridden dinosaurs.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Steve, Steve Steve,
Puddy has no issues attacking Puddy. Leave momma out of it dude unless of course you want some real Steve, Steve Steve momma commentary?
What will you say at judgment if God says the Earth is only 6,000 years old? How will you deal with your “stories”?
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Notice how the arschloch moved on when Puddy demonstrated he is a real reading tool with his missing of post #89?
The difference between Bush vs all those other sadistic friends of yours is Bush went to the Justice Department and asked was waterboarding torture.
Hilarious.. Deflect, deflect, deflect..
You accused HA lefties of your Bushitler fantasies and YOU USED GBS’ words to back it up.
You’re a fiend. You’ll betray ANYONE for YOUR DEGENERATE RIGHT WING AGENDA.
Hilarious that that miserable idiot you voted for twice would ORDER DOJ tools to cover his stupid ass and soil this nation’s name just like GBS said.
You disgust me you miserable tool.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
There goes the arschloch again. Facts are facts fool. It’s a fact you are a fool. Facts are facts fool!
Puddy didn’t stab anyone in the back. Puddy placed words from Mrs Odumba. You can’t comprehend anything and that puny comment above is right up your “alley”.
You keep living vicariously upon other peeps posts fool!
Nuff of your disgusting rants. You have nothing and you keep rerunning useless crapola.
Remember Puddy didn’t forget about your North Pasadena commentary. Worthless in 2005 and still worthless in 2010!
You’re not hiding your bullshit in these old threads anymore.
So ,,,
there is the story of some very pious worshipers of the Christina Deity. They cam once a week together to receive the word of their God, excepted by a skeptic.
At first the pious ones fought back, defending their God .. claiming the skeptic took words out of context or that the skeptic lacked the grace to understand the Word.
Then, the pious ones began ignoring the Word of God, instead making catcalls and blowing foul air from their lower orfices. The pious ones had turned from the Word to soeaking in tongues and invective.
Neglected by the Pious, the Word was left to the skeptic’s discretion. Soon the Word was reduced to four letters, along with FUCK, SHIT, PUNK, and BUSH. Then, the Word was no more.
I saw your message to God. Your faith must be awfully shalowm if you do not beleve a Deity know as much a you do!
U also noted that you did not answer God .. or whoever I am that I am may be. What happens if you guess wrong and get to heaven?
“Leave momma out of it dude unless of course you want some real Steve, Steve Steve momma commentary?”
Speaking of yo mama and dinos, I was gonna pay yo mama a visit last night but the T-Rex at the end of the line was looking a little bit surely. I’ll try again tonight.
Including the verse prior is telling in this parable:
(This from the USCCB website – I suppose they’re useful for something)
It really seems like the core values underlying the Republican theory of government.
I remember learning this parable – about the nobleman who entrusted servants with a small amount of gold and expected them make profit with it.
Clearly the allegory uses terms of commerce – but to what end? I don’t really think that the teaching is to literally go out and make profit, though I suppose this could be the basis for the prosperity gospel movement and that whole pack of Italian-suited charlatans that preach it.
I suppose this is where the teaching I received in my family came from – you were given much, and much will be expected. My interpretation was that we were to do good in the world – to use our talents to best live the Golden Rule, which seems to be Jesus’ core teaching – love god and love your neighbor.
I DON’T recall the part about killing one’s enemies however. Perhaps Jesus had a good story there – and then got a little grandiose what with all the adulation that was happening in the rest of this chapter. ;)
Seems to me that this is the more relevant quote. It seems to be the basis for the entire Randroid/Republican mindset these days. Tax cuts for the wealthiest 5%, tax increases for everyone not making at least $200,000 a year. Shift the burdens and responsibilities of the Republic to the States while providing the greatest level of access to wealth and liberty to the merchant and banking class. Actively suppressing the labor class, and defining those classes in law.
We don’t tax: Luxury yachts, commercial aircraft, wholesale fuels (when purchased by private individuals for private stock and not for resale), imported luxury foods, finished metals or other manufactured goods.
The wealthiest income earners make 470 times what the average working Joe makes, and they don’t work at all. They are almost entirely parasitic on the system.
No wonder Republicans want to be seen as “christian”, and spend vast sums of money on presenting that face to the general public.
@3 Indeed. The verse does seem to encapsulate the worldview of the dominant corporatist/plutocratic forces in our society. And while I agree that this seems fundamental to the modern Republican party, there are plenty of Democrats willing to do corporate bidding as well – Lincoln, Landrieu, Nelson, Baucus, LIEberman (yeah, I know, he got kicked out of the party), etc.
What I think is essential to understand is how religion, and religious authority, is used to get people to vote against their own interests. Like getting the working poor who are religious to vote for Republicans based on essentially tribal appeals.
That’s from the Bible? I thought it was from a rap song.
Once again Liberal Scientist finger farts gets it very wrong. Butt, being a libtardo idiot… he’s playing with the inherited small deck his parents gave him.
Goldy could have tied this verse to the Disclose Act which Pelosi just pulled from being discussed.
“Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), one of the architects of HR 5175 said the “Disclose Act” as it is named “will promote transparency and disclosure, and ensure those powerful special interests spending millions of dollars are not able to hide behind third party groups, sham organizations, and dummy corporations.” However, groups like the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and ACORN do not appear to be covered by these requirements.
Those in Congress touting the Bill are also counting on the fact that the Supreme Court will not have an opportunity to hear any lawsuits challenging the radical law until after the election. Some Democrats feel that enforcing these unconstitutional limitations on free speech will give them the edge they need to win many close elections for Senate and House seats. This type of tactic violates everyone’s rights.”
PuddyCommentary… We know Pelosi will do anything to stifle free speech during an election year and this Schumer/Van Hollen bill does just that. The more the average American knows means they’ll figure out the existing Congressional crop of DUMMOCRATS blows! We know that Queen Pelosi will do anything to consolidate and keep her Congressional power including tabling or killing bills which make her position look stupid and insipid. She’s been trying to shut down anti-DUMMOCRAPT speech ever since the January SCOTUS decision.
Good try Liberal Scientist but the facts prove otherwise.
Do you care so little for My word that you ignore it?
I am that I Am?
Again Deathfroggy has the wrong political party. He forgets most of the billionaires are libtardos. Puddy placed their names and their voting associations on HA long ago. If DeathFroggy had a set of cojones, he’s ask the clueless goober arschloch goatsee to replay those links from his HA home version of the blog. Butt alas, DeathFroggy isn’t packing anything below the belt, like others on this blog when challenged to “Ask the Arschloch”!
Another EPIC FAIL by DeathFroggy. Facts and the Froggy are diametrically opposites!
SeattleJew… You “god” act is very tiring…
The burden of proof is on a liar to prove he doesn’t lie.
But of course he’s doomed to failure every time.
So why bother?
Keep on lying fiend and posting your specious bullshit. It’s good for a laugh once in a while when it doesn’t
Put us to sleep..
Now watch…
@6,8,9 And Pud, your inane syntax is very tiring, too.
Ahhh Liberal Scientist…
On this blog Puddy writes a specific way ON PURPOSE. And since the facts are facts, your puny attempt at commentary fails again!
Pavlov sez, the known arschloch@10 plagiarizing liar has nothing to say so it’s ad hominem attack time. That’s okay cuz Puddy is a big guy and the arschloch is a repetitive fool!
arschloch@10, have you read you Daily Kook-Aid yet? Are you working on rewording some Christian Science blog entry again?
Right on cue..
Thanks for playing.
zZZZZZZzzzzZZZZzz.. Can anyone decipher this drivel?
Don’t bother..
@12 You may be doing it “on purpose”, but regardless, it’s juvenile and betrays your disinterest in discussion.
At least ‘lost’ among the righties seems willing to engage in discussion.
You? You’re just a putz.
LiberalScientist… Prove the PuddyFacts wrong and stop with your standard libtardo deflection act!
You can’t so you rant!
Pavlov Sez…
The arschloch purposely forgets how he went to Daily Kook-Aid, then went to the Christian Scientist web site and replayed a Daily Kook-aid rant. Butt Puddy caught him so he was
very embarrassed
over Puddy catching his plagiarism so he went on his ad hominem attack. Sad thing is he’s still in that mode. He can easily reply the whole thread cuz he has it in his home version of the HA blog!
17 – Fiend, here’s a fact from the database:
You are #2, product of the ass end of the right wing bullshit machine.
27,000 posts and more you’ve indulged in name-calling and cutting/pasting right wing bullshit.
Your second post here as Puddybud you quoted some crazy shit from Free Republic.
OK Dipshit (Pud)
The Roberts court, with the usual suspects – Roberts, Scalia-Thomas, Alito and Kennedy – rewrote federal election law to allow corporations to further control our civic discourse and decision-making – Citizens United v. FEC. These are the activists put in place by the right wing that is hell-bent on destroying American democracy.
An effort to remedy this and enforce some (in my opinion) weak tea requirements for corporations to be closely associated with their electioneering was the origin for the Disclose Act. For some reason, provisions allowed a loophole – most prominently for the uber-right wing gun nuts at the NRA – led to pushback, primarily by other advocacy groups – that led to a delay in the bill.
So, Pelosi ‘panders’ to the NRA and compromises a bill to get it passed, and this does not work, and YOU cry foul that the Democrats are trying to muzzle free speech.
Pavlov sez,
Right on cue… When the arschloch@18 is shown his arschloch ways he changes the subject. We who think right call it deflection… similar tactic from the LiberalScientist above. Must be part of the DNC playbook
Being reminded of plagiarism… does it every time to the arschloch@18.
Puddy finds the facts and posts them arschloch. Puddy has to repeat those facts because libtardos like you have 24 hour memory-itis. That’s why you, the HA arschloch, created your personal home HA database. You had issues remembering facts.
Well, I’m sure this approach does not apply if the enemy’s nation has mineral wealth in excess of a trillion dollars. In that case we’ll just throw the enemy in to the mine to toil.
20 – zzzzZZZZZZzzzzz
What? No refutation of the fact that you started your “career” here quoting calling Goldy a coward and quoting Free Republic? No refutation of the fact that you’ve posted at least 27,000 comments since April 2005?
You lie. You find right wing propaganda and call it fact, even worse you call it truth.
You say sj is tiring.. You never tire of ordering people to use the database to backup your bullshit. You never tire of doing the same old shit expecting different results. It’s hilarious because it’s so stupid crazy.
Okay LiberalScientist…
No they didn’t. There was no law created and passed and you can’t create one out of thin air like this “argument” you tried to put forth above.
Pelosi knows the NRA is planned to spend mucho buckos to attack the insane positions of libtardo congressional DUMMOCRAPTS in 2010. So to stifle them Pelosi’s Pukes made a deal with the NRA. Since the “big tent” coalition only wanted their political friends getting a pass they attacked Pelosi. Funny thing is certain libtardo orgs seem to always get a pass in their legislation. Those are the facts.
Oh my Pavlov is right.
Look at the goatsee arschloch on the attack now.
Awww poor poor arschloch. Puddy caught you in a lie about the database. Remember the “I use Google” then the “it’s only 150 megabytes” comment! Gotcha moron! Puddy refers peeps to your database so they can have memory refreshers to the original time and date Puddy placed the FACTS which you can’t refute fool! See ya turkey!
Puddy going out now to enjoy a great Father’s Day breakfast. See ya later arschloch!
@1 It’s no accident that so many Republicans are Christianist* fanatics. Robbing the poor, installing totalitarian governments, and murdering their opponents fits their worldview perfectly.
* Not to be confused with Christianity or Christians.
OK, I tried. I knew there was no chance of having any sort of discussion with Pud, not really.
But to avoid his accusation of running away from his irrefutable and tightly-constructed arguments I engaged.
But that’s it – what an ass (apologies to donkeys and gluts everywhere). Perhaps better to say, what a Republican.
You lie again. I use Google, I use bing, yahoo, whatever AND I use the database.. Whatever’s at hand. That’s a fact. I didn’t lie about that.
Now you’re making shit up because you can’t handle the TRUTH that you’re a feckless fool with legacy of name-calling and lying.
Have a great breakfast. Being a liar must aid the digestion!
@4 “The wealthiest income earners make 470 times what the average working Joe makes, and they don’t work at all. They are almost entirely parasitic on the system.”
Given the amount of wealth their antics destroyed over the last 3 years, we should charge them hefty fees for the privilege of being rich and out-of-control.
Oh, I know the righties love to blame the poor for the meltdown of the housing, credit, derivative swaps, and stock markets. Yeah right — the poor tell mortgage brokers and Wall Street barons and bankers what to do, sure, sure ….
Another lie.. I feel sorry for the kids to have such a miserable liar for a dad..
@5 I thought it was from the Goldman Sachs New Employee Manual.
@8 “most of the billionaires are libtardos”
Sheer unmitigated BULLSHIT. But do you expect anything else from pudnutz?
@12 You wouldn’t know a fact if it fucked you in the ass.
@23 “The Roberts court, with the usual suspects – Roberts, Scalia-Thomas, Alito and Kennedy – rewrote federal election law”
“No they didn’t. There was no law created and passed and you can’t create one out of thin air like this “argument” you tried to put forth above.”
Good grief. Is anyone in the universe more reality-challenged that putz? I doubt it.
@26 “I knew there was no chance of having any sort of discussion with Pud, not really.”
That’s because you’re arguing with a tape recorder.
A tape recorder?
I’m not sure what Pud is, though have wasted too much ATP thinking about it. My thought about him/her/it is, personality disorder, or thought disorder, or both.
When people disagree, if they approach an argument earnestly, with facts and an intellectual framework, and a shared desire to understand and to achieve some shared good, synthesis can occur. And even if not, mutual respect or other positive.
With Pud, however, there is malice. I’m reminded of various sociopathic weasels I’ve run into over the years, exploiting earnestness and honesty of others to manipulate and obfuscate, throwing bombs into conversation, snickering and sniveling all the while.
In almost every case I’ve run into, it would have helped matters immensely if these little twits could get laid once in awhile. And, no, nocturnal emissions to thoughts of Glenn Beck or the Wassilla hillbillies do not count.
@35: I’m sorry but Pudpuller is more aptly (I think he may be the model for) Golem: a sick, stunted troll-like (not even a real troll) character.
Of course in Bozo world it is conceivable that Dr. Memory is also apt and more relevant to the “tape recorder” analogy.
Let’s ask him!
Enough of Pud – he’s derailed discussion long enough.
I know I’ve learned this before:
@38: OTOH, every click feeds Goldy.
I don’t respond to every one of PudPuller’s inanities because as Skinner established, intermittent reinforcement increases the frequency of desired behavior — clicking the “lever” at Goldy’s blog in this case.
The occasional taunt suffices and it’s sooo easy!
It’s good to be the King?
This weeks quote sounds like it came from the trailer for an HBO series.
@ 10 – Puddy doesn’t lie, nor does he sin. He in fact is Jesus Christ himself.
@24 – please no need to tell us how big an ugly your ass is.
@32 – feeeew. I had to check to make sure that comment wasn’t a reply to one of mine.
What you guys need to get behind is a wealth tax, not an income tax. After all, the wealthiest people don’t have to earn a dime of income to be rich, and they do nothing for the money they already have. Why not set a 10% tax on wealth in excess of, say, $1 million, determined by value as of 12/31 and due NLT 04/15?
That’s a much more efficient way of re-distributing wealth than having an income tax. Heck eventually you would have it that everyone has exactly the same amount of money whether they work of not. Sounds more an more like the “paradise” the progressives have been looking for for decades and decades. Shit, don’t tax income, tax wealth. It’s a helluva lot faster at wealth re-distribution than screwing around with income taxes.
The fool AKA clueless goober arschloch goatsee farted
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Such a dickhead. That’s EXACTLY why Puddy sends peeps to your feckless copy of Goldy’s HA blog. To show them Puddy previously put positive perfection on the blog.
You are a useless turd.
Hear that sound? It’s the water covering you the useless turd as you are being flushed…
Bye bye! Got another appointment!
Behold: Pudpuller flailing about @47. Totally pointless bullshit.
Watch out goaty, Pudpuller’s cummin’! (aka “appointment“)
@45: That is actually a pretty good idea (a wealth tax) – but the wealthy DO make money.
Even if they have 100 million invested at 5% a year, they are still earning 5 million per year and that is taxable. What should happen is that interest income above a certain amount (say 100K) should be taxable at an even higher rate.
Fool AKA Zotz…
Hahaha… Only morons like you think bestiality. Proves how moronic you really are!
Puddy still waiting for LiberalScientist to display for all the “new” law created by SCOTUS.
Notice his argument was a bunch of flatulence. Puddy turned on the fan and the flatulence was gone, just like his feckless argument.
Roger Rabbit claims
This is from some sick retired lawyer person who brags he has sex with animals.
NUFF Said Sucka!
Never claimed anything you wrote above. You tried this argument before. Puddy challenged you to produce a link weeks ago. You ran away like the Massachusetts coward you are.
Still waiting…
Looks like some of your friends of the religion of peace…
Anyone out there care to interpret the Puddy spewings above, or is it best to just move on? He seems to really want to express himself today, but I’m incapable of following.
Did some fool above discuss some useless theory of government? Well this is not a theory. This is how Sadministration DUMMOCRAPTS react when one of their own is caught in shady dealings.
Oh my let’s see how Roger Rabbit explains this union thug away.
The obese former president of a Port Authority union — who admitted yesterday in court to embezzling nearly $300,000 in member dues to pay for a host of personal expenses — used the cash for tawdry hookers and casino trips, sources told The Post.
Daniel Hughes, 49, the former head of the Field Supervisor Association, Local 111-S, stole the cash to feed his carnal and gastronomic appetites during from January 2005 to December 2009, sources said.”
PuddyCommentary – Of course, it’s just union dues! As preznit, it was his “personal piggy bank” for prostitutes and food! What do you expect from a DUMMOCRAPT supporting union thug. Another story on the best of DUMMOCRAPTS!
Finally we could learn the identity of clueless goober arschloch goatsee.
“”The First Amendment protects radical opinions, but we need the legal tools to do things like monitor the recruitment of terrorists via the Internet,” Napolitano told a gathering of the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy.”
More than half the shit the arschloch posts could be considered at that threshold!
It would be fun and enlightening perhaps to discuss religion, its role in society, the implications and relevance of the daily bible quote, politics, policy and all that, with both the lefties and the thoughtful righties on the thread (I know the latter group is thin to non-existant, but Lost will on occasion come through with something).
But the insufferable Pud is just spewing meaningless drivel.
I say this not in any response to him personally, or to any of the bizarre things he’s written here – I really see no point in engaging at this point – but Goldy, when is this shit so destructive to the intent of the post that you make him go away? Where is that line, exactly?
Foolish arschloch@58,
Your idiot correction does not have the requisite 5 “P”s, and as always makes no sense.
Butt you are still a moron!
It’s amazinghow HA libtardos when confronted with facts claim they have comprehension issues.
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Luke 19:27
“Now bring me the enemies who didn’t want me to be their king. Kill them while I watch!”
Biblical snuff films? That’s some kind of sick shit.
Let’s see if LiberalScientist and Proud Leftist can comprehend this fact…
“Retiring Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., helped a casino that earned $1.3 billion last year hit a $54 million jackpot in federal money.”
PuddyCommentary… A wonderful use of Porkulus Funds!
“Money” quote:
(Emphasis mine)
I love it. The Federal government – our government – loaned a Native American tribe buckets of Pud’s tax dollars to build community centers, in the process putting workers back to work – union workers – you know, the ones that created the weekend and the middle class.
So, native cultural centers – fostering community and heritage and self-respect of the people from whom we stole the continent. Built by UNION construction workers. Fostered by the feds lending at what looks like favorable but not sweetheart rates. Who could ask for anything more?
That must really piss you off, Pud.
and the quote in my post above is from the article that Pud linked – a Fox website (I’m pouring bleach on my computer as we speak)
@61 – The only mental disorder is you trying to understand liberalism.
See Ezra Klein for (oft-repeated) graphic of relative stimulus POWER of various federal actions.
Tax cuts for the rich, of course, suck. Spending money employing construction workers gets that money back into the economy quickly, and we get to use the stuff they build – like cultural centers!
@64 – just a footnote. It will create more than 100 construction jobs during its peak, plus it doesn’t account for jobs created/kept/or saved by factories that produce the materials, such as masonry block, brick, stone, drywall, metal stud framing, acoustical ceilings, flooring, carpet, vct, millwork……and how do those materials get to the jobsite? With trucks driven by people with arms and feet. And some people are complaining about it. People with their heads up their ass.
I think Puddy adds links to articles, such as FOX News, just to help with the amount of hits the websites get
Puddy, forget about the past….Answer the following, do you sin or do you not sin? If you sin, why do you choose to sin?
If you can answer the above it will put to rest whether you do or not.
@68, one or two of the subcontractors working on the project, could even need to buy a new truck to transport those materials to the site. The economic activity spurred is endless. Let’s not forget the lunch wagon that shows up to serve breakfast and lunch to the tradesmen and women. Or some may even decide to go off site to have a meal, so local eateries even could receive benefits.
Now the only stupider thing one could suggest is to take the $54,000,000 and spread it amongst the community or state as a tax credit or return, and all those people will go out and buy something with the $50.00 that they received….kind of like what GWB tried to do.
Progressivism is a “rootless” religion where you are free to write your own moral code.
The whole “Freedom from Religion” schtick the “progressives” are pushing leads to rootlessness.
Fortunately, God anticipated the inevitable “rootless” Society and gave us the remedy in Psalm 1!
Interestingly, “wicked” is in the NIV but “ungodly” is in KJV. I prefer the interpretration “ungodly”.
You folks freely admit to being “ungodly” so certainly should not be offended when someone refers to you as such.
Congrats. Enjoy your short stay here!
WTF?? This was weird so I looked in the database. He’s attacked me 8 or 9 times on this since 3/10/2009.
I was going to do a blog post but I thought better of it. Beside junk-shot’s friend who he’s stabbed in the back here has this to say about the article I linked to:
Thank you GBS. Gee I thought according to this tool and fool I get no support or respect from my fellow lefties.
Gee an evangelical predicting that evangelicals will be at half their strength within a generation. Who’d a thunk it? And this particular evangelical has the gall at one point to criticize the “Prosperity Gospel” as a “parasite” on the evangelical movement.
Heh. What a laugh. All junk-shot talks about is money. I did another search:
$ b cols “–sort=datetime -f=c –columns=handle:matches~’*puddybud’,body:matches~’*money’ -C”
| count |
| 855 |
Every third or fourth post this idiot is talking about money. No wonder that editorial pissed him off.
The theme song of the ungodly, rootless progressives ought to be the Mama’s & Papa’s..
“Go where you wanna go, do what you wanna do”.
Having roots in Christ is a commitment.
Progressives hate commitments because it results in limits on actions & thoughts.
It is rootless.
CS Lewis once said sonething to the effect–
“Chase Heaven & get Earth thrown in.
Chase Earth…and get neither”
When you are ungodly, the roots of your soul are in something besides God.
The only true “happiness” I have ever known is when my roots are in God’s righteousness.
Think about it.
Pray about it.
And remember this–
Happiness is where your roots are…not your circumstances.
Freedom FROM Religion is free from commitment and seems delightful at times because of a lack of limits or moral certainty…
but it is an empty vessel.
You can try to deny it…but deep down, without God, you are just biding time until a meaningless death.
Before the moron attacks me again. Let me be crystal clear:
“this tool and fool” is junk-shot aka Puddybud..
Just being pro-active.
@72 – Funny of your interpretation. Many of the so called conservatives here, including yourself, seem to stand in the way of sinners, and you sit in mockery of others.
And as far as “For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.” – says nothing of claiming to be self righteous, so maybe you will perish. One doesn’t have to be by the book to be righteous.
I believe I treat people right ,aside from tossing in an insult or two on this Blog, so I appreciate god saying that he is watching over me.
Try selling that to the quakers, unitarians, or any of the liberation theology folks. Sorry Cyn, but there are all sorts of deeply religious folks on the left.
Is “retired” another word for “dismissed”?
It’s certainly not gigabytes like you said here.
I thought you knew everything junk-shot. Refute this fact moron.
And thanks for referring people to me for information about your worthless right wing bullshit. They never ask me about it maybe because it’s pretty worthless.
As for me, it’s just entertainment. I like laughing at how seriously you take such meaningless drivel.
Nice to see you, Cynical. This goes out to Pud as well, I suppose.
How can you quote Psalm 1 with a straight face? How can you claim that you are not a mocker?
And the Psalm talks of love of the law of the Lord. And while it was certainly written and exits in an OT context, certainly you are a Christian and quote it as such. And is not the supreme law as given by Jesus Christ to love god and love your neighbor?
If so, how can a cynical, hateful, condescending, dismissive fuck like yourself claim to be loving your neighbor. How can a racist, war loving, corporatist Republican prick claim to be acting out of a love of god? I do suppose that it does depend on your god, and you may well be acting accord with what you worship.
I do indeed reject the existence of god – but I would assert that morality needs no god. It seems to me better and more mature to strive to do good for goodness sake, rather than to curry favor or avoid wrath from some temperamental sky-daddy. Particularly when the latter is accompanied by unseemly gloating about what you assume to be my eternal demise.
As a Christian, you embarrass me to claim the same religion. You are a very judgmental person, with little tolerance for the mass of humanity. You perform a few acts of charity and somehow believe that makes you a good person. Most of your political views tend toward stomping on others, rather than lifting them up. Don’t quote Scripture to us, when you don’t understand it.
All of this and Puddy never commented on the text.
His excuse?
He said that I am actually SJ, so he is bored by My posts.
That is his choice, but how can he ignore the words posted from the book Puddy says is My word? SJ .. may be boring, but is My word boring?
What does Puddy believe?
I am that I am.
@74 Cynical
YOu too seem to be put off by the word.
If you do not know of Me from Puddy’s bible, and do not believe HA God is God, how do you know who your God is?
I am that I am.
Just saw this sig line at DKos:
Ridicule may lawfully be employed where reason has no hope of success.
Man, I like that.
Puddy and the KLOWN have become so fucking boring and tiresome.
Eh, goes to figure that a couple of twits who believe that evolution is a hoax and that the earth is 6,000 years old would have such a limited repertoire. Sigh! So boring.
Dude, the verse is the point of this age. Mankind is in rebellion against God, He asks than men repent and believe the “good news”… that Christ was delivered to death for our offences and raised from the dead for our justification (a legal term meaning not guilty). If we do not accept the Lordship of Christ in our lives we are called enemies of God in the here and now and we can only expect to face His punishment in the life after. We deserve that death but the provision to avoid it comes only through Christ.
Here is my question: Who was the first rebel, and why did he pick on us?
Pavlov sez look at the clueless goober arschloch goatsee@73.
This fool does Puddy’s bidding all the time. It has nothing to do with the article you idiot. It has everything to do with this response clueless goober arschloch goatsee and how you were caught plagiarizing it from Daily Kooks that day and trying to make commentary from the Kookmeister.
Glad you finally delivered the thread. You do Puddy’s bidding all the time when you refer to your database! Pavlov knew you were up to it and you delivered it just an hour later than originally timed. And you don’t even know when you are being played. Not bad arschloch! For a real fool!
Yeah someone throws you a bone now and then, but at a recent HA weren’t held in high esteem goatsee arschloch.
And @79 is another classic. Pretty soon Pavlov sez Puddy will have you posting your whole HA database copy on this blog. You are a moron of the first degree.
Notice this moron is so deficient. He can’t figger out who is attacking whom. In this case he claims Puddy is stabbing GBS in the back when in reality…
It’s from the hand of GBS.
Ever notice why Puddy doesn’t write the name of the arschloch with a first letter capital. It’s a full sign of dizzzrespect. This fool forgets his North Pasadena commentary Marvin Stamn took him to the cleaners over. Puddy doesn’t forget.
Pavlov sez “Now what can Puddy have you do next?”
To the person playing god, he/she/it forgets Puddy did comment on the verse in #6.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. The person playing god is deficient. The word is Bible, God’s Holy Word. A Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path!
You figger it out. You already had me pegged earlier so you already know the correct answer!
Pavlov sez, Notice how LiberalScientist went progressive in that 2 sentence paragraph? Very telling the mind of a libtardo. It is a mental disease.
And this from the Goatmaster AKA Proud Leftist who assigns a “goat award”, shaped in his own image, demonstrating hatred for peeps arguing points against his position getting all righteous now.
Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO
Bueller, Bueller, we’ve spotted another of them liberal idiots here!
89 – Oh so it has to do with your bullshit?
8 or 9 feckless attacks and it all has to do with something YOU WROTE?
So it’s all mirror, mirror on the wall who has junk-shot circled jerked with most of all?
M W S…
What else. Oh GBS.. Yeah look at the rest of thread YA MORON! GBS condemns you up and down for stabbing him in the back. Some “friend” you are.
He’s too good for you…
Thanks for the laugh fool… Now I’ll throw you a little “bone” or parting shot whatever…
He’s a good soul. Forgiving and generous. Way too good for your mean-spirited ass.
And no comment on 79 where the moron in chief of these threads (junk-shot) inflates megabytes into gigabytes.
Well as MWS can testify, the fool is a bit of a “size queen”..
to the person playing Puddy at 90.
But the truth is not in the Puddy post:
Dear Puddy, ….
I am sad that you seem to have given up any pretense of being driven by your Bible. Vanity may be a cat virtue, but your posts are in vain. This is sad. If you can not explain words in your bible, then your only defense is to claim to be too stupid to understand My intent. Vanity of that sort is, at best, false.
So are you just acting as a Christian?
Or maybe, you are Me giving a bad lesson to others?
BTW, before you decide that I am SJ, you might consider the last time you met a pooka.
I am that I am.
No one else mentions pooka pookah etc in such high regularity other than you. Hence you are playing god here.
Identifying Queen Pelosi is vain? Hmmm…? Well vanity of vanities… the truth shall set you free.
Oh arschloch here is the rest of the thread…
As you can see arschloch GBS claims Puddy stabbed him in the back by producing facts. Not Puddy’s words but Mrs Odumba’s words. GBS called Puddy a liar for producing other people’s words on HA. If that’s so GBS needs meds. Butt as always, the arschloch is as confused as ever. That’s why Puddy named you arschloch. You’re all arschloch 24x7x365.25. You try and attack Puddy at every turn but with your sub-human intellect it’s an EPIC FAIL!
HA Liberals… this is why the arschloch will live in infamy with his “database”. His MWS attacks are so imbecile. You’d think being home all day his style would improve. EPIC FAIL there too!
Your arschloch didn’t read #89.
Pavlov sez watch and learn more about the arschloch. He’ll try and respond with more stupidity this morning.
Notice while most are taking care of their spouses, the arschloch is still posting. Sad life arschloch, sad life!
As always, the most vile & outspoken “rootless Atheist Progressives” are convicted by God’s word. Conviction leads to humility. Humility to acceptance. Your attempts at imposing Freedom From Religion is merely a childish attempt to rebel & escape the stability prior generations tried hard to instill in us. Never in human history have human’s sought to eliminate God.
Read this again. God knew y’all were coming and you would try to eliminiate Him. He thought of everything!
No one else mentions pooka pookah etc in such high regularity other than you. Hence you are playing god here.
Identifying Queen Pelosi is vain? Hmmm…? Well vanity of vanities… the truth shall set you free.
LMAO!!! What a fool.. No moron, just the funny parts and because of the overwhelming, indisputable FACT, REALITY (you know something you’re not too good with) that you are
most of the laughs will be at your expense. They are that way as it is fiend.
@99 “His MWS attacks are so imbecile.”
As imbecilic as you conversing with your sockpuppet about your dick?
@100 “Conviction leads to humility.”
Speaking of imbecility.
Yawwwnnn.. Not even a nice try.. Just a smarmy lie.
GBS claimed you stabbed him in the back by using HIS WORDS to support your FALSE claim of HA lefties playing to your degenerate right wing Bushitler fantasies.
What a lying fiend.
Goodness what an ASSHOLE you are arschloch… AND A PRIME TIME FOOL!
You are so dumb so dumb. The difference between Bush vs all those other sadistic friends of yours is Bush went to the Justice Department and asked was waterboarding torture. Get it moron? Do you understand? That’s why the ACLU went after those three Justice Department lawyers idiot. You can’t put 2+2 together at all.
None of your other historical heroes asked their justice departments if it was good or bad. This is what Puddy was attacking GBS on when Puddy took that comment out YOU DUMB FOOL!
Your honor the prosecution rests. There is no more we can do for the patient. He is a blooming idiot of the moronic order!
Stay stupid. You are doing an excellent job arschloch.
Touched by stupidity, that’s what you are arschloch!
Awww Poor Steve Steve Steve,
Not getting any action today?
Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. uddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin. Puddy sins. No, Puddy doesn’t sin.
Damn it. Which one is it?
“Awww Poor Steve Steve Steve”
Let me guess. You’re pissed because I told you the earth is 4.5 billion years old and that it’s impossible for yo mama to have ridden dinosaurs.
Steve, Steve Steve,
Puddy has no issues attacking Puddy. Leave momma out of it dude unless of course you want some real Steve, Steve Steve momma commentary?
What will you say at judgment if God says the Earth is only 6,000 years old? How will you deal with your “stories”?
Notice how the arschloch moved on when Puddy demonstrated he is a real reading tool with his missing of post #89?
Hilarious.. Deflect, deflect, deflect..
You accused HA lefties of your Bushitler fantasies and YOU USED GBS’ words to back it up.
You’re a fiend. You’ll betray ANYONE for YOUR DEGENERATE RIGHT WING AGENDA.
Hilarious that that miserable idiot you voted for twice would ORDER DOJ tools to cover his stupid ass and soil this nation’s name just like GBS said.
You disgust me you miserable tool.
There goes the arschloch again. Facts are facts fool. It’s a fact you are a fool. Facts are facts fool!
Puddy didn’t stab anyone in the back. Puddy placed words from Mrs Odumba. You can’t comprehend anything and that puny comment above is right up your “alley”.
You keep living vicariously upon other peeps posts fool!
Nuff of your disgusting rants. You have nothing and you keep rerunning useless crapola.
Remember Puddy didn’t forget about your North Pasadena commentary. Worthless in 2005 and still worthless in 2010!
Continuing on the new open thread moron.
You’re not hiding your bullshit in these old threads anymore.
So ,,,
there is the story of some very pious worshipers of the Christina Deity. They cam once a week together to receive the word of their God, excepted by a skeptic.
At first the pious ones fought back, defending their God .. claiming the skeptic took words out of context or that the skeptic lacked the grace to understand the Word.
Then, the pious ones began ignoring the Word of God, instead making catcalls and blowing foul air from their lower orfices. The pious ones had turned from the Word to soeaking in tongues and invective.
Neglected by the Pious, the Word was left to the skeptic’s discretion. Soon the Word was reduced to four letters, along with FUCK, SHIT, PUNK, and BUSH. Then, the Word was no more.
I saw your message to God. Your faith must be awfully shalowm if you do not beleve a Deity know as much a you do!
U also noted that you did not answer God .. or whoever I am that I am may be. What happens if you guess wrong and get to heaven?
“Leave momma out of it dude unless of course you want some real Steve, Steve Steve momma commentary?”
Speaking of yo mama and dinos, I was gonna pay yo mama a visit last night but the T-Rex at the end of the line was looking a little bit surely. I’ll try again tonight.