Genesis 6:6-7
The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. So the LORD said, “I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them.”
God fucked up.
Being God and omniscient and all, God already knew he was a fuck up.
Ok, so God had pain in his heart (there’s a head scratcher) about creating man.
So all the other lifeforms have to suffer too?
God, being omnipotent and all, couldn’t just off the humans?
So, god creates the universe (though the bible is very Earth-centric; had Genesis contained descriptions of god’s creation of things that this particular bronze-age tribe couldn’t otherwise know, then we’d have something) and puts man in a small corner of it.
God decides that man is a failure. Why is that? God, this infinite being with a human personality, created something that he did not anticipate? He made an error and didn’t know it until the scenario played out? This certainly casts god in a less than perfect and infinite light.
Accepting that the cosmic watchmaker didn’t like a particular facet of his diorama (us), he decides to correct it by taking out all the terrestrial and avian species. He had no more precise tool than that?! Wouldn’t smallpox or ebola be better? How did the chipmunks and the cedar waxwings displease god? And why did the fish get off?
Apologies to Zotz above. I was writing similar thoughts – he was faster.
@4: Yours was more erudite.
It’s a blessing and a curse (irony intended): I’m driven to be succinct (which is more often than not a good thing) cuz I suck at typing.
I do not think you read this carefully. The text says that God killed all things that move. Why did God care more about man than about trees?
grammar 101″
“man” is the antecedent of “heart” So, this is a gesture of mercy killing.
God here also shows kindness. His creation is one, his creation suffers. As the Buddha taught, there ls samsara, reincarnation, so having created animals who suffer (above) God now decides to wipe out the whole animal kingdom. BUT, humans are noo plants, so the plants live on.
Another lesson here is for the fundies who think human life begins in the blastula. God chooses to destroy not just man, but all animal life … including even single cell organisms.
It seems to me that this passage is advocating abortion!
Creator’s remorse?
@7: I know you’re being facetious and intentionally specious in your heart (which is the same thing as far as God is concerned, SJ), but if anything, this verse proves beyond all doubt that God is a psychotic killer.
Even more significantly though: the culture(s) that advanced this myth thought being a psychotic killer was just peachy for their deity.
@6 “Why did God care more about man than about trees?”
I read into it that God did not care more for man. It’s more likely to me that trees and other plants didn’t give God nearly the grief as man. And while God isn’t above wiping out the innocent, it appears that in this instance he drew the line at creatures that move on the ground and birds of the air. What should be of more concern to today’s creatures that move on the ground and the birds of the air is the terrible grief God must feel about what he has created as he reads troll comments on HA.
You assume that I speak in the third person.
I do not.
When you read that “God said this …” or “God did that …” you are not reading My words.
My actions are inscrutable, but humans do try to understand. Those who wrote these words of Genesis were no more or less psychotic than the moderns who believe I condemn those who do not call unto Me in the name of Jesus.
Buddha had Me partly right, I want man to learn to avoid suffering. Belief in me as a vengeful God or a jealous God creates suffering. Only if I wanted to suffer myself would I demand that man worship Me.
I am that I am.
Zots said
“Even more significantly though: the culture(s) that advanced this myth thought being a psychotic killer was just peachy for their deity.”
And?? How little has man changed?
In My name ..
The Pope defends the love of Me above the love of man for woman.
Puddy, Cynic and others here preach that I am vengeful.
Osama justifies sales of heroin.
So .. is it any wonder that Genesis says I grew weary of Man’s hatred?
Yet, there are teachers .. the people Buddha called bhodisittava. Buddha, Hillel, St. Francis, Confucius, Gandhi, King, Mandella … so many without even not even reminding you of the wonderful people you know that others never well.
Do unto others is you would have them do unto you .. this is My LAw, the Truth. Anything else is .. blather.
Do not take My Truth in vain.
I am that I am.
I said “so many without even not even reminding you of the wonderful people you know that others never well.”
For those who have a need to parse My words, this is your challenge.
I am that I am.
@13, God: LOL!
@12: God: But it seems your adherents are the ones who have not changed. Under just about every violent rock, someone invoking your name slithers out.
@12:, God:
So God, it seems that all that killing so long ago was, well, pointless. Didn’t you just admit that you fucked up — again?
@12:, God:
Not really. Karma is common sense when in proximity to other human beings, no divinity required.
BTW: I’m assuming you meant “as” vice “is”. And you’re evidently having trouble with your shift key and/or your fingers are fat…;-)
Why do you assume that the worst of those who claim to follow my Law are the ones who are correct? Have I not commanded them NOT to take my name in vain?
Why do these who claim to know me insist that I am a mere person, a person with a name? Is it odd to you that hateful ones rely on a claim that I will punish all who do not use that name? Does that claim make sense for a God whose prime truth is not to inflict suffering on others?
If these people are correct, then I do not exist.
But I do exist. Think of Me as all of reality .. the physical laws, the planets, the underlying order of the Universe are all partial view of Me, views that might be called “realities .”
One reality is that there is suffering. Another is that the great teachers have seen the Law, the Way of avoiding suffering. Others, even closer to the Truth, have come to understand love and the awe of Me.
Zotz ..
odd that you have the courage to talk with God and the bleievers do not.
As for is vs as … the statement is as meant. Think about it.
Maybe he was just talking about the gay ones? Or. maybe just the Heterosexual ones.
Check it out, God’s kid has been running around in the buff causing car wrecks in Connecticut. No wonder God’s depressed.
Creators remorse – if God had a credit card she would have returned the purchase
Humanity, on this little backwater corner of the universe must have been a prototype.
I’m sure God thought up of something better and has forgotten about us.
Why end the world? The sun will blow up in a billion or so years anyway.
Mankind, the way it’s going, will kill itself off just fine, thank you very much.
Anyone see The Road? That’s where we’re going if we don’t wise up fast.
@18, God:
You think pretty highly of yourself, don’t you? I’m sure you’re more than competent in the sack, being God, but the love and awe part? It’s the oxytocin, God.
@19, God:
Actually, I have no illusions: I am conversing with a sockpuppet who is usually more artful at this than you are being today, God. But nevertheless enjoyable, my friend.
@19, God:
I think the believers (note the spelling ;-P) can’t handle your wisdom and profundity since all they’ve got is dogma — leaving aside that talking to a sockpuppet playing God is basically blasphemy, of course.
Even God gets buyer’s remorse.
The next verse is, “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”
Noah was sitting in front of his RV, cooking up some burgers, waiting for the Alabama football game to start. He was dressed in Crimson, and had a foam finger that proclaimed that “We’re #1”.
The parking lot was filling up and Noah was waiting for his friends Bubba, JimBob, RayBob, and JoeBob.
God approached Noah to talk to him about the horrible state of mankind. Noah told him to get his homeless on down the line, and if he saw him around here again, JimBob, RayBob and JoeBob would go medieval on his ass.
Noah was a doomer!
” Others, even closer to the Truth, have come to understand love and the awe of Me.
You think pretty highly of yourself, don’t you? I’m sure you’re more than competent in the sack, being God, but the love and awe part? It’s the oxytocin, God.”
Again, you do not read carefully .. understanding love and awe need not mean having love or awe.
As for what God thinks of Herself or Himself, the image of the All having an opinion of the All begs the question of the All itself.
Sex .. some is good some not. Isn’t all sex of Me? Do you really believe that I would need to physically impregnate a woman to create yet another human?
Sock puppet? What does that mean? If you mean that I do not use my own name,
“I am that I am.”
From the gospel of Eddie Izzard:
@30, God:
My tongue was thrust firmly into my left buccal membrane. Thanks for not smiting me!
hmmm …
I hope it tasted good!
BTW ..
Did you hear the one about the Pope?
He died. When he opened his eyes, all was as expected … pearly gates, St Peter with his iPAD keeping track of the new inmates and on high .. the trinity glowed casting soft, triune shadows.
St. Peter appeared with warm greetings for his latest successor.
But first, St. Peter insisted that the Pope shake hands, using the long secret hand shake. Having read the manual, the Pope did fine.
The Pope did fine as well with the spelling of Jesus in all 235 languages of the bible.
Peter was very happy. Then he asked one last question .. “Tell me now il papa, what is the true name of God?’
The Pope failed.
I am that I am.
I am that I am.
Perhaps, just perhaps, the tale of Noah referred not to man but to dinosaurus sapiens?
And some say I am without humor!
I am that I am.
are you really Prof. Jonathan Jones?
This was a beautiful fucking world, full of pelicans and dolphins and rabbits, until man came along with his defective blowout preventers.
“And some say I am without humor!”
Not you. Your acolytes. No fart jokes, please.
Why Do Republicans Despise Our Troops?
“First Lady’s Trip to Camp Pendleton Sparks GOP Criticism”
“CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. (June 13) — After meeting with wounded Marines, first lady Michelle Obama told thousands of troops and their families Sunday that she is launching a national challenge to Americans to find ways to support them.
“Since her husband took office, Obama has been visiting bases across the country as part of her mission to improve the quality of life for military families. She called Camp Pendleton and the surrounding Southern California cities a model for community support of troops.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is what Republicans are criticizing Michelle Obama for! You know … Republicans … the folks who wanted to eliminate combat pay for our soldiers serving in Iraq and put our wounded troops in moldy barracks and made them wait weeks and even months to get medical care.
As a Vietnam veteran, I have a simple message for the Republicans:
or get out of my country.
I was gone hiking in the Olympics all day today – I missed most of this discussion.
Where are all out righteous righty friends?
Puddy, Cyn, Lost?
Was Sarah Palin in town? Star Trek convention? Militia training?
Our boys didn’t have any talking points to rely upon with regard to this passage. So, they went absent. I miss them, too. You got to fill your day with the glorious Olympics, while I got to fill mine with lawn mowing, weed whacking, lopping, etc. I’m not complaining. We had a lovely PNW day. I do, however, so miss our trolls.
I love how the article says Boxer’s gotten a bunch of funding for new services for the troops and the R’s are saying she’s ignored the troops. Fucking liars.
Since when is it bad for the first lady to talk to the troops? That’s what first ladies do!
Republicans want to send the troops to an unnecessary war like Iraq – but don’t care if they die at home from lack of medical care.
I yam what I yam.
Dick Cheney after his secret energy policy meetings in which they decided that $500K for a remote-control acoustic shutoff switch was too great a burden on BP:
“I don’t sit around talking to industry lobbyists because this is a college seminar. We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kiss.”
Re 39
On the first couple of nice days we’ve seen in 3 weeks you expect I’ll be sitting at my computer in my study?
Sorry, I’ll try to hold the line for truth and decent politics next week. Unless the weather is nice.
As dangerous as it is to pigeonhole libs as Casper Milquetoast wheat germ eating advocates for cradle to grave government, it is as dangerous to pigeonhole conservatives this way.
” Was Sarah Palin in town? Star Trek convention? Militia training?”
Militia training is on Wednesdays. Duh.