Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.
Never tell falsehoods to your buddies like you do to your wife.
Bryan Fischer depends on this one phrase for his entire shtick. The whole Conservative “Christian” neoFascist ideology bases it’s entire philosophy on it.
Thou shalt not murder, unless one is murdering someone who does not conform to one’s perception of godliness.
If you don’t like the laws of one people, join another people or lead your own tribe.
Funny – this is probably the only belief that the conservative right wants to abide by. All the other shit is perfectly disregardful. Fanatics stuck on one thing fueled by hatred. The effects of a two males lying with each other has no impact on their lives. What about “Don’t Tread on Me”? Have they forgotten? Are they just a bunch of hypocritical sinners themselves? Have some heteros fucked up this world so bad that their guilt pushes blame to the Gays? Someone is surely to blame but themselves.
The Brian Fischers of the world will try to use the New Testament verses by St. Paul to support their argument, mainly Romans verse 1:26-7 http://www.biblegateway.com/pa.....ns+1:26-27
What many Conservative Christians will argue is that much of Leviticus has been superseded by New Testament verses and Jesus teachings about dietary and clothing, (ie blended garments, Leviticus is pretty anal about separating animal products from plant products, ie wool from cotton)
So it is okay to eat fried pork rinds on the Sabbath, while watching football, even though the literal interpretation of Leviticus, this something that is pretty much punishable by death..
The problem is that sexual mores in the Bible, and especially the New Testament can be interpreted in so many ways, mainly because how the New Testament was written in Greek, and it could be literally translated in so many ways with the original text.l
@5 bottom lines – sounds like it’s all a fucked up comic book….Garbageeeee.
Jesus … unless you refer to the fantasies of Paul taking with a ghost … never said that Jews should abandon any Law.
For some reason this seems like something we’ve studied previously. Someone had a really interesting explanation about how “lies with a man as with a woman” had more to do with status than anything else, as in, men had the rights in ancient Hebrew society and women were subordinate to them, so it’s an abomination to set up a household where a man is subordinate.
@5 If you read the whole first chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans, this is but a small part of a longer rant in which Paul, in his typical snarky fashion, lambastes humanity in general for turning its collective back on God’s law and Christ’s teachings. Overall, he seems to condemn sexual license no less than a whole litany of vices including greed, dishonesty and general “I-know-everything” smart-assery.
Never tell falsehoods to your buddies like you do to your wife.
Bryan Fischer depends on this one phrase for his entire shtick. The whole Conservative “Christian” neoFascist ideology bases it’s entire philosophy on it.
Thou shalt not murder, unless one is murdering someone who does not conform to one’s perception of godliness.
If you don’t like the laws of one people, join another people or lead your own tribe.
Funny – this is probably the only belief that the conservative right wants to abide by. All the other shit is perfectly disregardful. Fanatics stuck on one thing fueled by hatred. The effects of a two males lying with each other has no impact on their lives. What about “Don’t Tread on Me”? Have they forgotten? Are they just a bunch of hypocritical sinners themselves? Have some heteros fucked up this world so bad that their guilt pushes blame to the Gays? Someone is surely to blame but themselves.
The Brian Fischers of the world will try to use the New Testament verses by St. Paul to support their argument, mainly Romans verse 1:26-7
What many Conservative Christians will argue is that much of Leviticus has been superseded by New Testament verses and Jesus teachings about dietary and clothing, (ie blended garments, Leviticus is pretty anal about separating animal products from plant products, ie wool from cotton)
So it is okay to eat fried pork rinds on the Sabbath, while watching football, even though the literal interpretation of Leviticus, this something that is pretty much punishable by death..
The problem is that sexual mores in the Bible, and especially the New Testament can be interpreted in so many ways, mainly because how the New Testament was written in Greek, and it could be literally translated in so many ways with the original text.l
@5 bottom lines – sounds like it’s all a fucked up comic book….Garbageeeee.
Jesus … unless you refer to the fantasies of Paul taking with a ghost … never said that Jews should abandon any Law.
For some reason this seems like something we’ve studied previously. Someone had a really interesting explanation about how “lies with a man as with a woman” had more to do with status than anything else, as in, men had the rights in ancient Hebrew society and women were subordinate to them, so it’s an abomination to set up a household where a man is subordinate.
@5 If you read the whole first chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans, this is but a small part of a longer rant in which Paul, in his typical snarky fashion, lambastes humanity in general for turning its collective back on God’s law and Christ’s teachings. Overall, he seems to condemn sexual license no less than a whole litany of vices including greed, dishonesty and general “I-know-everything” smart-assery.