Mark 11:20
The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciples heard him say it.
So, “Jesus” was feeling peckish, and after realizing that his desires for food could not immediately be met, cursed a plant for not satisfying his demand in that instant.
Sounds like the guy was a spoiled, self-entitled brat with huge assumptions about his own importance to the world. I know quite a few people like this. They’re all assholes.
Seems like the real fruit he was looking for was a muscle man with 6 pack abs, but instead he knew he could only attract the 305 lb biggest loser, so he then thought he’d blast all gays, out of jealousy.
Followers of Jesus as Christ should ask themselves what would Mr. Rogers do?
Of course something better is coming for the Christians. Resurrection of the dead is soon to be a reality. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is coming back soon, to a movie theater near you.
Paul’s vision, the resurrected spirit body of Jesus as the Christ, will be soon to follow.
As the deity, I can not be resurrected but Mr. Rogers might be a VERY good idea!
It’s Better To Receive Than Give Dep’t
The Seattle Times reports this morning that Boeing received a $199 million tax refund on $5.9 billio of profit last year, and since 2002 has received a total of $1.6 billion of tax refunds on profits of $43 billion.
The company claims it’s simply deferring taxes, not avoiding them. That’s not exactly true. Boeing, along with other non-taxpaying corporations, is lobbying Congress to abolish or drastically cut corporate taxes. The idea is to defer these taxes long enough so they don’t have to be paid at all. Ever.
Here’s the GOP’s long-range tax plan: No taxes on capital gains, dividends, interest, rents, or corporate income. What does that leave? Wages.
Of course, Republicans don’t expect the middle class to carry the present federal spending load all by themselves. They would cut spending, too.
In a world run by Republicans, only wage earners would pay taxes, but only the Pentagon’s budget would be funded. Although corporation and the rich would pay no taxes, your taxes wouldn’t be more than they are now, because there would be no entitlements, no national parks, no EPA, nothing but military spending.
And if the isolationist wing of the GOP ran things, even military spending would be restrained. Until after Putin had taken over Canada, and then decided to annex the Great Lakes, that is.
“Sounds like the guy was a spoiled, self-entitled brat with huge assumptions about his own importance to the world. I know quite a few people like this. They’re all assholes.”
Got to agree. Jesus was certainly an asshole.
“And if the isolationist wing of the GOP ran things, even military spending would be restrained. Until after Putin had taken over Canada, and then decided to annex the Great Lakes, that is.”
Putin can have Canada…
“Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs.”
Didn’t know it wouldn’t have figs? He was not just an asshole; he was a stupid asshole.
God hates figs.
Maybe the wisdom of WC Fields and Jesus intersect in a way with this little ‘figstory’ lesson. It seems that WC was showing a guest his ‘rose garden’, which consisted of a few withered bushes, with not a rose between them. When his guest remarked upon this, WC began beating the bushes with his cane shouting, “Bloom, damn you! Bloom!”
For he who has ears….
“By their fruits you shall know them.”