I think it means to set asside your true nature as a male or female or can be self denial if you want to serve the creator more deeply solely devoted to him, cuz if that nature stays with you it’s like serving two masters, serving your flesh and serving your creator, it should be only One, Only the Creator.
What Goldy isn’t telling everyone, is this is a passage from the book of Moses, before the time of Jesus. This passage is about his people. These are Jews, not Christians. These are Goldy’s ancestors. Seems to me, Goldy’s got some ‘spainin’ to do about his relatives.
“1-4 “To enter into the congregation of the Lord” means either admission to public honors and offices in the Church and State of Israel, or, in the case of foreigners, incorporation with that nation by marriage. The rule was that strangers and foreigners, for fear of friendship or marriage connections with them leading the people into idolatry, were not admissible till their conversion to the Jewish faith. But this passage describes certain limitations of the general rule. The following parties were excluded from the full rights and privileges of citizenship: (1) Eunuchs � It was a very ancient practice for parents in the East by various arts to mutilate their children, with a view to training them for service in the houses of the great. (2) Bastards � Such an indelible stigma in both these instances was designed as a discouragement to practices that were disgraceful, but too common from intercourse with foreigners. (3) Ammonites and Moabites � Without provocation they had combined to engage a soothsayer to curse the Israelites; and had further endeavored, by ensnaring them into the guilt and licentious abominations of idolatry, to seduce them from their allegiance to God.” (JFB Commentary)”
Having the Torah is the price of our ebing literate for the last 3000 years. What do you suppose your ancestors were doing when these passages were written?
For that matter, since your man-god never said that he came to end the law, si this one of the laws he forgot to tell you was now repealed?
BTW, are you a eunuch?
Goldy's Ball Sackspews:
Well, if you have ever listened to Goldy talk he clearly has a loss of testosterone!
it means, if your pastor is as boring and out of touch as some, you can crush your balls and cut your dick off, and you don’t have to go to church. I have one church in mind where the trade off would almost be worth it.
Hello, ?? so that little internet ditty from “biblebetrue” is the real and actual meaning, like for sure?……………get real!!
Sounds like our congressional Democrats aren’t going to get through the pearly gates.
Troll @3
What Goldy isn’t telling everyone, is this is a passage from the book of Moses
Deuteronomy 23:1
headless lucyspews:
What about if you’re only circumcised?
Does that mean they let you in, but you only get a seat near the kitchen?
This is sort of like Dante’s treatment of raped nuns. Not sure what to do with them in the big scheme of things (since they broke the vow of chastity, but didn’t do it voluntarily), he basically puts them just outside the pearly gates. Able to live in the heavens, but not among the blessed. Nice guy.
Of course, alleged rape victims in modern Dubai get arrested for illegal sex.
This will serve as a warning to any potential future underpants bombers.
I guess rodeo bull riders are out then, eh?
Sounds sort of like Heaven is supposed to be purely a “sausage festival”, doesn’t it? Keep in mind that at the time this was written, women were regarded as property, somwhere in importance between sheep and donkeys.
SJ, Troll Patrol
What do you suppose your ancestors were doing when these passages were written?
Let’s see. Learning how to live and survive in the brutal northern climates of Europe. Building things
The surrounding circular earth bank and ditch, which constitute the earliest phase of the monument, have been dated to about 3100 BC.
Emily notes Troll’s stupidity in her comment @9, though she ignores Troll’s further stupidity in calling Deuteronomy “the book” of Moses. It is, as anyone with even the slightest of knowledge of the monotheistic religions would know, one of the Five Books of Moses. Troll, it appears, doesn’t meet that educational criterion.
Damn,my severed vas deferens and I may be on our own???
Does anyone have contact info for a “hands on” faith healer?
black by popular demandspews:
The Bible’s bobbittry is over my head or further down, but in Sunday School this morning I learned about Lott and Lotts wife who were turned into pillars of snot after being expelled from the Senate leadership.
It seems that Lott was intemperate in cheering up Strom, the old birthday boy. Cheering up isn’t the same as cheering on, but Lott should have known that when you don’t spit on an old man about his racist Democrat politics of 1948, it makes you look like a cheerleader. No apologies are possible or permitted, although Lott tried dozens of times to beg the PC police for forgiveness. Some sins are just too venial or venal or cardinal to be forgiven.
Unless you’re Democrat racist Harry Reid. Perhaps Reid was trying to say that Barack Obama is clean, articulate, and a credit to his race. Although when Reid said it, it sort of came out like a word we can’t say anymore.
But Reid apologized, Obama accepted the apology, and NPR this morning gave Reidgate ten seconds of attention before going back to piling on Michael Steele. (Here’s some good news for Barack’s post-racial America: a google on the string michael steele uncle tom returns 47,600 results.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hunh. Looks like Christianity is nothing more than a sex club. That’s what rightwing religious zealots make it look like, too, judging from the prevalence of adultery among Republican politicians.
16 uptown …. aha!!
So, Frederick, you say your ancestors were “building things!”
But much more important, did they yet know the one true god or were they worshiping the devil?
Of course to PUddy and his folk this is evidence beyond doubt that their Bible (the abridged versioin authorized in Rome) prophecized that a self mutilating crotch bomber would one day threaten to profane Detroit by committing arial castration on the day of God’s very birth!
They’re just talking about Hebrew priests. The guys who tended the inner parts of the Temple. The guys who don’t exist anymore. Don’t worry about it; I’m sure you Christians won’t be kept out of heaven or hell or purgatory or wherever you’re headed because of this. Goldy’s just stirring the soup.
Brenda Helversonspews:
Why do you keep talking about Dave Reichert this way?
hey right wingersspews:
an earthen mound is “building something”?
guess he’s proud of all those slaves the vikings took, too. they wre sure a paragon of civilization and human rights and freedom at every turn.
That’s a ball buster!
I love Troll. Who else could put up such a ridiculous statement as this?
What Goldy isn’t telling everyone, is this is a passage from the book of Moses, before the time of Jesus. This passage is about his people. These are Jews, not Christians.
So much ignorance packed in such a short statement. As already noted – the old testament is referred to as the “five books of Moses”. As already noted Goldy explicitely stated the origin of this quote (Deuteronomy).
And then troll claims that these people (old testament) are “Jews, not Christians”.
True – this quote was from the old testament and was from before Christianity. But almost all the early Christians and disciples (including Jesus) that are quoted in the New Testament were…..Jews.
Next, of course, they’ll say something like –
28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.
discuss????? what are we your fucking students and you give us home work?
here’s your homework…discuss how quickly the media would want a white republican to resign if he said what harry reid said.
as nita totenberg said about clarence thomas…i hope you gets aids.
and, as joseph p kennedy said about the jews “they ruin everything they touch”
About thirty years ago (my, how the time flies!) there were a couple of “politically active” fundie pastors making a big public fuss about wanting to amend our Constitution to require strict enforcement of every detain of the Book of Leviticus. At the time I had recently become Catholic, and worked alongside a fellow who was raised Jewish but become an evangelical. This news led us to spend a lunch hour reading through Leviticus and picturing what applying it literally to a modern society might lead to. After a great deal of hilarity, we concluded that nobody would get anything done because we’d all be occupied with being “unclean until evening”.
@4 As a matter of fact, he came to explain what lay behind the law:
Matthew 22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
In other words, instead of living by a cookbook of highly detailed regulations, living by the how, Jesus indicated that we might be trusted to actually understand the why.
That was taking a heckuva risk. I’m not sure many of us really got it.
boyz to negroesspews:
re 19: Strom Thurmond ran for president as a segregationist. Harry Reid stated that Obama was a negro who spoke well.
I fail to see the similarity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Boss, I’d like an audience with You to talk about that. With all due respect, Sir, some of the humans around here have misused the blessings You’ve already bestowed on them, and any further blessings, at a minimum, should be put in escrow.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 “discuss????? what are we your fucking students and you give us home work?”
Yeah. You need all the learning you can get so shut up, sit down, clean the wax out of your ears, and listen up.
Pavlov’s Dog sez “Impeccable timing with your rerun links”.
King James version is so much more poetic here:
“He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.”
Daddy Lovespews:
We’re talking about Dickless Cheney, right?
Richard Popespews:
This means that the crotch bomber cannot enter a synagogue.
boyz to negroesspews:
What about leprosy? That was a disease created by the Father that he looked upon on the 7th day and found that it was good (not great).
It would be adding insult to injury to lose not only your wiener to leprosy, but the ability to be in the presence of the Creator of the disease.
Politically Incorrectspews:
headless lucy said:
What about if you’re only circumcised?
Does that mean they let you in, but you only get a seat near the kitchen?
01/10/2010 at 10:32 am
I never did get that thing about the Jews and cutting-off the ends of wee-wees. To me, it’s in the same league as slicing and dicing some little girl’s private parts.
The early Christian church had to come up for a substitute to circumcision to get the Romans and barbarian tribes to join. After all, can you see telling some Roman citizen that, in order to be a Christian, he has to have the end of his dick cut off? So, the early church leaders invented baptism as a suitable substitute.
Let’s face it folks, religion is a collection of tales that grows with the tellings, over and over, generation after generation. Judaism is no more valid than Christianity, which is no more valid than Islam, which is no more valid than any other religion out there. Coexist for Pete’s sake!
the lord and his congregation like to get down. and they won’t let you join in all the fun if you don’t bring proper equipment!
@42 Politically Incorrect
I never did get that thing about the Jews and cutting-off the ends of wee-wees. To me, it’s in the same league as slicing and dicing some little girl’s private parts.
I have never asked man to mutilate the vagina and labia. That was your idea.
As for the foreskin, I never asked the non Jews to do this either. Jews get my special, and not always kind attention.
The early Christian church had to come up for a substitute to circumcision to get the Romans and barbarian tribes to join. After all, can you see telling some Roman citizen that, in order to be a Christian, he has to have the end of his dick cut off? So, the early church leaders invented baptism as a suitable substitute.
No, the Roman Church adopted many things that I had no interest in. Baptism, bishops, head bridge builders, ritual deiphagy, … these are fine things, but not of my will.
Judaism is no more valid than Christianity, which is no more valid than Islam, which is no more valid than any other religion out there. Coexist for Pete’s sake!
The Jews, like any other people, are merely my creation. If I want to give them special attention that does not mean I care less about you or that I do not pay attention in special ways to others as well. Lately, I am intrigued by my Mormons and the Dalia Lam is a real fave.
BTW, I am so pleased with your current President that I gave him the name Baruch. He is blessed.
@34 Roger
@29 Boss, I’d like an audience with You to talk about that. With all due respect, Sir, some of the humans around here have misused the blessings You’ve already bestowed on them, and any further blessings, at a minimum, should be put in escrow.
I am not your boss or theirs. I really can not do much even about being your God. I am just God like you are just a pookah. Omnipotence is another myth.
I do, however appreciate, your help. It is easy to contact me, but I am sure you know that already.
Your deity,
The Antipudspews:
Place never changes. No surprise. Where is the execrable what’s-his-name loon from Montana with Rasmussen fixation? Did you finally roto-root him?
Here’s a good one:
Matthew 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
My King James Version says:”He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter…”
I think the message is pretty clear here.
It’s the NEXT passage that gets MY attention:
2 “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation…”
What will all those bastards and sons of bastards in politics do NOW??? I don’t think guys like Pat Robertson need worry much. He’s just a son-of-a-bitch.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 Nah, he’s snowed in. He keeps busy by counting his Kruggerands and keeping the goats warm.
I think it means to set asside your true nature as a male or female or can be self denial if you want to serve the creator more deeply solely devoted to him, cuz if that nature stays with you it’s like serving two masters, serving your flesh and serving your creator, it should be only One, Only the Creator.
Self tanning products
I guess Goldy’s out then….
What Goldy isn’t telling everyone, is this is a passage from the book of Moses, before the time of Jesus. This passage is about his people. These are Jews, not Christians. These are Goldy’s ancestors. Seems to me, Goldy’s got some ‘spainin’ to do about his relatives.
But for an explanation about this, and future passages, you’ll find them in http://www.bibleexplained.com
“1-4 “To enter into the congregation of the Lord” means either admission to public honors and offices in the Church and State of Israel, or, in the case of foreigners, incorporation with that nation by marriage. The rule was that strangers and foreigners, for fear of friendship or marriage connections with them leading the people into idolatry, were not admissible till their conversion to the Jewish faith. But this passage describes certain limitations of the general rule. The following parties were excluded from the full rights and privileges of citizenship: (1) Eunuchs � It was a very ancient practice for parents in the East by various arts to mutilate their children, with a view to training them for service in the houses of the great. (2) Bastards � Such an indelible stigma in both these instances was designed as a discouragement to practices that were disgraceful, but too common from intercourse with foreigners. (3) Ammonites and Moabites � Without provocation they had combined to engage a soothsayer to curse the Israelites; and had further endeavored, by ensnaring them into the guilt and licentious abominations of idolatry, to seduce them from their allegiance to God.” (JFB Commentary)”
Having the Torah is the price of our ebing literate for the last 3000 years. What do you suppose your ancestors were doing when these passages were written?
For that matter, since your man-god never said that he came to end the law, si this one of the laws he forgot to tell you was now repealed?
BTW, are you a eunuch?
Well, if you have ever listened to Goldy talk he clearly has a loss of testosterone!
it means, if your pastor is as boring and out of touch as some, you can crush your balls and cut your dick off, and you don’t have to go to church. I have one church in mind where the trade off would almost be worth it.
Hello, ?? so that little internet ditty from “biblebetrue” is the real and actual meaning, like for sure?……………get real!!
Sounds like our congressional Democrats aren’t going to get through the pearly gates.
Troll @3
What about if you’re only circumcised?
Does that mean they let you in, but you only get a seat near the kitchen?
This is sort of like Dante’s treatment of raped nuns. Not sure what to do with them in the big scheme of things (since they broke the vow of chastity, but didn’t do it voluntarily), he basically puts them just outside the pearly gates. Able to live in the heavens, but not among the blessed. Nice guy.
Of course, alleged rape victims in modern Dubai get arrested for illegal sex.
8 – and Republicans will…
yeah.. right.
This will serve as a warning to any potential future underpants bombers.
I guess rodeo bull riders are out then, eh?
Sounds sort of like Heaven is supposed to be purely a “sausage festival”, doesn’t it? Keep in mind that at the time this was written, women were regarded as property, somwhere in importance between sheep and donkeys.
SJ, Troll Patrol
What do you suppose your ancestors were doing when these passages were written?
Let’s see. Learning how to live and survive in the brutal northern climates of Europe. Building things
Some which still survive.
So much for John Wayne Bobbitt.
Emily notes Troll’s stupidity in her comment @9, though she ignores Troll’s further stupidity in calling Deuteronomy “the book” of Moses. It is, as anyone with even the slightest of knowledge of the monotheistic religions would know, one of the Five Books of Moses. Troll, it appears, doesn’t meet that educational criterion.
Damn,my severed vas deferens and I may be on our own???
Does anyone have contact info for a “hands on” faith healer?
The Bible’s bobbittry is over my head or further down, but in Sunday School this morning I learned about Lott and Lotts wife who were turned into pillars of snot after being expelled from the Senate leadership.
It seems that Lott was intemperate in cheering up Strom, the old birthday boy. Cheering up isn’t the same as cheering on, but Lott should have known that when you don’t spit on an old man about his racist Democrat politics of 1948, it makes you look like a cheerleader. No apologies are possible or permitted, although Lott tried dozens of times to beg the PC police for forgiveness. Some sins are just too venial or venal or cardinal to be forgiven.
Unless you’re Democrat racist Harry Reid. Perhaps Reid was trying to say that Barack Obama is clean, articulate, and a credit to his race. Although when Reid said it, it sort of came out like a word we can’t say anymore.
But Reid apologized, Obama accepted the apology, and NPR this morning gave Reidgate ten seconds of attention before going back to piling on Michael Steele. (Here’s some good news for Barack’s post-racial America: a google on the string michael steele uncle tom returns 47,600 results.)
Hunh. Looks like Christianity is nothing more than a sex club. That’s what rightwing religious zealots make it look like, too, judging from the prevalence of adultery among Republican politicians.
16 uptown …. aha!!
So, Frederick, you say your ancestors were “building things!”
But much more important, did they yet know the one true god or were they worshiping the devil?
Of course to PUddy and his folk this is evidence beyond doubt that their Bible (the abridged versioin authorized in Rome) prophecized that a self mutilating crotch bomber would one day threaten to profane Detroit by committing arial castration on the day of God’s very birth!
They’re just talking about Hebrew priests. The guys who tended the inner parts of the Temple. The guys who don’t exist anymore. Don’t worry about it; I’m sure you Christians won’t be kept out of heaven or hell or purgatory or wherever you’re headed because of this. Goldy’s just stirring the soup.
Why do you keep talking about Dave Reichert this way?
an earthen mound is “building something”?
guess he’s proud of all those slaves the vikings took, too. they wre sure a paragon of civilization and human rights and freedom at every turn.
That’s a ball buster!
I love Troll. Who else could put up such a ridiculous statement as this?
So much ignorance packed in such a short statement. As already noted – the old testament is referred to as the “five books of Moses”. As already noted Goldy explicitely stated the origin of this quote (Deuteronomy).
And then troll claims that these people (old testament) are “Jews, not Christians”.
True – this quote was from the old testament and was from before Christianity. But almost all the early Christians and disciples (including Jesus) that are quoted in the New Testament were…..Jews.
Next, of course, they’ll say something like –
28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.
Bless you all.
discuss????? what are we your fucking students and you give us home work?
here’s your homework…discuss how quickly the media would want a white republican to resign if he said what harry reid said.
as nita totenberg said about clarence thomas…i hope you gets aids.
and, as joseph p kennedy said about the jews “they ruin everything they touch”
About thirty years ago (my, how the time flies!) there were a couple of “politically active” fundie pastors making a big public fuss about wanting to amend our Constitution to require strict enforcement of every detain of the Book of Leviticus. At the time I had recently become Catholic, and worked alongside a fellow who was raised Jewish but become an evangelical. This news led us to spend a lunch hour reading through Leviticus and picturing what applying it literally to a modern society might lead to. After a great deal of hilarity, we concluded that nobody would get anything done because we’d all be occupied with being “unclean until evening”.
@4 As a matter of fact, he came to explain what lay behind the law:
Matthew 22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
In other words, instead of living by a cookbook of highly detailed regulations, living by the how, Jesus indicated that we might be trusted to actually understand the why.
That was taking a heckuva risk. I’m not sure many of us really got it.
re 19: Strom Thurmond ran for president as a segregationist. Harry Reid stated that Obama was a negro who spoke well.
I fail to see the similarity.
@29 Boss, I’d like an audience with You to talk about that. With all due respect, Sir, some of the humans around here have misused the blessings You’ve already bestowed on them, and any further blessings, at a minimum, should be put in escrow.
@30 “discuss????? what are we your fucking students and you give us home work?”
Yeah. You need all the learning you can get so shut up, sit down, clean the wax out of your ears, and listen up.
Sounds like the Lord is in violation of EEOC.
Foolish tool@12:
Pavlov’s Dog sez “Impeccable timing with your rerun links”.
King James version is so much more poetic here:
“He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.”
We’re talking about Dickless Cheney, right?
This means that the crotch bomber cannot enter a synagogue.
What about leprosy? That was a disease created by the Father that he looked upon on the 7th day and found that it was good (not great).
It would be adding insult to injury to lose not only your wiener to leprosy, but the ability to be in the presence of the Creator of the disease.
headless lucy said:
What about if you’re only circumcised?
Does that mean they let you in, but you only get a seat near the kitchen?
01/10/2010 at 10:32 am
I never did get that thing about the Jews and cutting-off the ends of wee-wees. To me, it’s in the same league as slicing and dicing some little girl’s private parts.
The early Christian church had to come up for a substitute to circumcision to get the Romans and barbarian tribes to join. After all, can you see telling some Roman citizen that, in order to be a Christian, he has to have the end of his dick cut off? So, the early church leaders invented baptism as a suitable substitute.
Let’s face it folks, religion is a collection of tales that grows with the tellings, over and over, generation after generation. Judaism is no more valid than Christianity, which is no more valid than Islam, which is no more valid than any other religion out there. Coexist for Pete’s sake!
the lord and his congregation like to get down. and they won’t let you join in all the fun if you don’t bring proper equipment!
I have never asked man to mutilate the vagina and labia. That was your idea.
As for the foreskin, I never asked the non Jews to do this either. Jews get my special, and not always kind attention.
No, the Roman Church adopted many things that I had no interest in. Baptism, bishops, head bridge builders, ritual deiphagy, … these are fine things, but not of my will.
The Jews, like any other people, are merely my creation. If I want to give them special attention that does not mean I care less about you or that I do not pay attention in special ways to others as well. Lately, I am intrigued by my Mormons and the Dalia Lam is a real fave.
BTW, I am so pleased with your current President that I gave him the name Baruch. He is blessed.
@34 Roger
I am not your boss or theirs. I really can not do much even about being your God. I am just God like you are just a pookah. Omnipotence is another myth.
I do, however appreciate, your help. It is easy to contact me, but I am sure you know that already.
Your deity,
Place never changes. No surprise. Where is the execrable what’s-his-name loon from Montana with Rasmussen fixation? Did you finally roto-root him?
Here’s a good one:
Matthew 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
My King James Version says:”He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter…”
I think the message is pretty clear here.
It’s the NEXT passage that gets MY attention:
2 “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation…”
What will all those bastards and sons of bastards in politics do NOW??? I don’t think guys like Pat Robertson need worry much. He’s just a son-of-a-bitch.
@46 Nah, he’s snowed in. He keeps busy by counting his Kruggerands and keeping the goats warm.