Ezekiel 23:19-20
Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
More slut-shaming.
Was she getting some of the good stuff? Did she want more? Was she happy about that? Was she in control of her own sexuality?
Fine, good for her. Mind your own fucking business.
This is a rerun.
Once you’ve seen one donkey kong, you’ve seen them all.
I note with this passage, as always, that the slut-shaming scolds are very interested in the details of the smut. VERY interested.
Donkey cock? Horse spooge? Of course that’s in the Bible.
Ezekiel’s message is about corporate whores,
Donkey balls? Horse jiz?
Kinda creepy, dontcha think?
@5 No creepier than a troll using my name in his screen name.
The Ninth Circuit has ruled that bloggers have the same First Amendment protections as professional journalists. This means your blog posts can be as smutty as you like. Presumably this
applies to bible authors, too.
@6 Let me rephrase slightly: No creepier than a troll stalking me in his screen name. There, fixed.
It totally figures a damn jew would know all about lusting after donkey diks and horse cum…
In addition to slut-shaming, this may also be the original myth-making concerning the “big black cock.” So, racism, too. Throw in lust for money and power and you’d have a pretty good summation of the entirety of Christian history.
It sounds to me like this jew is admitting egyptians have bigger diks than jews…
From 8,
Let’s go further: Roger Rabbit is a pompous ass and deserves to be called a troll for that very reason.
I have it on good authority, that in almost every city of this nation, small children are gathered together every Sunday and coerced into reading this filth.
@12 Oh my. Did I prick a nerve?
Frankly, I have more important things to do than annoy thin-skinned little trolls.
To wit, I want to call your attention to H.B. 2272, a bill introduced by 5 Republicans and 2 Democrats that would make it illegal to supply water and electricity to NSA’s facilities at Yakima Training Center.
This bill is a clone of the so-called “Fourth Amendment Protection Act,” which was drafted by a coalition of citizen’s groups and is being introduced in the legislatures of several states that host NSA facilities. In Washington’s case, it may be superfluous, as NSA announced last year it plans to close the Yakima Research Station, as it’s officially called, although it didn’t say when and as far as anyone knows it’s still in operation for now. This doesn’t imply NSA has suddenly decided to obey the laws of this country, now that they’ve been decisively outed; it only means they’ve moving Yakima’s functions to Colorado. Maybe because the water is colder there? It takes cold water to cool their computers.
And, anyway, 99% of communications travel by fiber optic cable now, so they no longer need those antennas built to intercept satellite signals. They do it now by getting in cahoots with telecom companies and setting up “black rooms” in phone company exchanges, where all the phone company’s fiber optic cables go in through a hole in one wall and come out through a hole in another wall, and nobody is supposed to know what goes on between the walls.
This coming week, a team of lawyers will ask a South Carolina judge to reopen the case of George Stinney, a 14-year-old black boy who was convicted in a kangaroo trial and executed in 1944 for the murder of two young white girls in a racially segregated mill town.
The only evidence against Stinney was testimony of three white cops who claimed Stinney confessed to the murders. There was no written confession, Stinney denied confessing on the witness stand, and told a cellmate (who’s still alive) that he was innocent.
Stinney’s appointed defense counsel was a local politician running for office who put on no defense whatsoever. He didn’t even question the cops.
The trial, including jury selection, lasted only three hours. An all-white jury convicted Stinney in 10 minutes. From the time of his arrest until his execution in South Carolina’s electric chair, only 81 days passed.
The lawyers hope to obtain a complete exoneration. This is made more difficult by the fact none of the original case evidence was preserved. But they say they’ve located a non-relative alibi witness whose testimony will establish that Stinney couldn’t have committed the crime. According to Wikipedia, there is a plausible suspect — a now-deceased member of a prominent local white family.
In interviews with NBC News, members of the murdered girls’ families say they believe Stinney was guilty, they oppose reopening the case, and they argue everyone should “let the matter rest.” They expressed no concerns about the lack of due process in Stinney’s trial or the weakness of the case against it. Frankly, to me, they come across in the video as Jim Crow southerners. You can watch the video for yourself here:
Stinney’s case is not as well known as some of the most prominent civil rights-era lynchings, although it has been taken up by book authors and filmmakers. Regardless of his actual guilt or innocence, his trial was a travesty of “southern justice” amounting to a judicial lynching. No state would get away with a procedure like that today; and, in any event, the Supreme Court has outlawed imposing the death penalty on juveniles. But old attitudes die slowly, if at all, and apparently some southerners still see nothing wrong with the way a black boy was railroaded into the electric chair 70 years ago.
The world’s 85 richest people have as much wealth as half the world’s population (3.5 billion people), according to CNBC.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The rich haven’t made many friends by dodging taxes and buy political favors, including exclusive access to valuable resources controlled by nation-states. But any socioeconomic system is bound to concentrate wealth in fewer and fewer hands; taken to its ultimate logic, this would result in one person owning all of the world’s wealth and property.
Estate taxes were invented partly to prevent this kind of outcome by redistributing large fortunes after every generation. Historically, we’ve seen that the children and grandchildren of those who succeeded in amassing enormous private fortunes often efficiently dissipated those fortunes in just one or two generations. So, to some extent, the problem takes care of itself. But why wait for robber barons to drop dead before getting their rapacious material appetites under control? Why not impose income tax rates that effectively cap how large the rewards for greed can grow? Maybe if CEOs weren’t allowed to collect $50 million salaries, there’d be more money available to pay workers $9 an hour.
Well, that’s that. I had high hopes for this political blog. But I guess Bible-porn gets more clicks!
You can’t beat Bible-porn, it appeals to everybody, believers and agnostics alike.